* Copyright (c) 2007-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: CFContextOperationUtils class implementation.
#include <gmxmlelement.h>
#include <gmxmltext.h>
#include <f32file.h> // For delimiter definitions.
#include "cfcontextoperationutils.h"
#include "cfbasicoptrace.h"
_LIT( KScriptContextRefName, "contextRef" );
_LIT( KScriptCepInt, "cep:int" );
_LIT( KScriptInt, "int" );
_LIT( KScriptCepString, "cep:string" );
_LIT( KScriptString, "string" );
_LIT( KScriptCepFloat, "cep:double" );
_LIT( KScriptFloat, "double" );
_LIT( KScriptCepPosition, "cep:position" );
_LIT( KScriptCepDate, "cep:date" );
_LIT( KScriptDate, "date" );
_LIT( KScriptSourceAttribute, "source" );
_LIT( KScriptTypeAttribute, "type" );
_LIT( KScriptValueAttribute, "value" );
_LIT( KScriptEvaluationDelayAttribute, "evaluationDelay" );
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFContextOperationUtils::ParseTwoComparisonArgs
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CFContextOperationUtils::ParseTwoComparisonArgs( CMDXMLNode& aNode,
TPtrC& aContextSource,
TPtrC& aContextType,
CCFContextOperation::TCmpType& aCompareType,
TPtrC& aCompareValue,
TInt& aContextLevelDelay )
TPtrC contextValue;
TBool contextRefOK( EFalse );
TBool comparisonTypeValueOK( EFalse );
TBool argsOK( ETrue ); // Will be set to false if unknown nodes detected.
CMDXMLNode* child = aNode.FirstChild();
while ( child )
if ( child->NodeType() == CMDXMLNode::EElementNode )
if ( child->NodeName().CompareF( KScriptContextRefName ) == 0 )
if ( !contextRefOK )
contextRefOK = CFContextOperationUtils::ParseContextRef(
aContextLevelDelay );
if ( !contextRefOK )
argsOK = EFalse;
INFO( "CFContextOperationUtils::ParseTwoComparisonArgs - Redefinition not allowed, context ref already defined" );
argsOK = EFalse;
if ( !comparisonTypeValueOK )
= CFContextOperationUtils::ParseComparisonTypeValue(
aCompareValue );
if ( !comparisonTypeValueOK )
argsOK = EFalse;
INFO( "CFContextOperationUtils::ParseTwoComparisonArgs - Redefinition not allowed, comparison type value already defined" );
argsOK = EFalse;
else if ( child->NodeType() != CMDXMLNode::ECommentNode )
TPtrC nodeName( child->NodeName() );
INFO_1( "CFContextOperationUtils::ParseTwoComparisonArgs - Unsupported node [%S]",
&nodeName );
argsOK = EFalse;
child = child->NextSibling();
TBool parsed( EFalse );
if ( argsOK && contextRefOK )
if ( ( comparisonTypeValueOK && !contextValue.Length() )
|| ( !comparisonTypeValueOK && contextValue.Length() ) )
if ( !comparisonTypeValueOK )
aCompareType = CCFContextOperation::EStringCmp;
aCompareValue.Set( contextValue );
parsed = ETrue;
if ( !comparisonTypeValueOK )
INFO( "CFContextOperationUtils::ParseTwoComparisonArgs - Value to compare the context with not defined" );
INFO( "CFContextOperationUtils::ParseTwoComparisonArgs - Ambiguous, value to compare the context with defined twice" );
return parsed;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFContextOperationUtils::ParseContextRef
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CFContextOperationUtils::ParseContextRef( CMDXMLNode& aNode,
TPtrC& aContextSource,
TPtrC& aContextType,
TPtrC& aContextValue,
TInt& aContextLevelDelay )
if ( aNode.NodeName().CompareF( KScriptContextRefName ) != 0
|| aNode.NodeType() != CMDXMLNode::EElementNode )
return EFalse; // Cannot parse context ref from the given node.
TBool contextRefOK( EFalse );
CMDXMLElement& element = static_cast< CMDXMLElement& >( aNode );
TPtrC evaluationDelay;
if ( KErrNone == element.GetAttribute( KScriptSourceAttribute,
aContextSource ) )
if ( KErrNone == element.GetAttribute( KScriptTypeAttribute,
aContextType ) )
if ( aContextSource.Length() && aContextType.Length()
&& !element.HasChildNodes() )
contextRefOK = ETrue;
TInt numAttributes( 2 ); // Two attributes read so far.
TPtrC evaluationDelay;
// Extract context level evaluation delay if defined.
if ( KErrNone == element.GetAttribute(
evaluationDelay ) )
if ( evaluationDelay.Length() )
// Convert delay to integer.
TLex parseInt( evaluationDelay );
TInt contextLevelDelay( 0 );
TInt err = parseInt.Val( contextLevelDelay );
if ( err != KErrNone || contextLevelDelay < 0 )
// Evaluation delay defined but invalid.
contextRefOK = EFalse;
else if ( contextLevelDelay > 0 )
aContextLevelDelay = contextLevelDelay;
// Extract context value if defined.
if ( KErrNone != element.GetAttribute( KScriptValueAttribute,
aContextValue ) )
// Ensure empty value when it is not defined.
aContextValue.Set( 0, 0 );
if ( numAttributes != element.NumAttributes() )
INFO( "CFContextOperationUtils::ParseContextRef - Unsupported amount of attributes" );
contextRefOK = EFalse; // Unsupported contextRef.
INFO( "CFContextOperationUtils::ParseContextRef - Unsupported context ref" );
INFO( "CFContextOperationUtils::ParseContextRef - Getting type failed" );
INFO( "CFContextOperationUtils::ParseContextRef - Getting source failed" );
return contextRefOK;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFContextOperationUtils::ParseComparisonTypeValue
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CFContextOperationUtils::ParseComparisonTypeValue( CMDXMLNode& aNode,
CCFContextOperation::TCmpType& aCompareType,
TPtrC& aCompareValue )
TBool parsed( EFalse );
if ( aNode.NodeType() == CMDXMLNode::EElementNode )
= CFContextOperationUtils::ComparisonType( aNode.NodeName() );
if ( aCompareType != CCFContextOperation::EInvalidCmpType )
// Parse comparison value from first text node child.
CMDXMLNode* child = aNode.FirstChild();
while ( child )
// Allow one text node and multiple comments, nothing else.
if ( child->NodeType() == CMDXMLNode::ETextNode )
if ( parsed )
TPtrC nodeName( child->NodeName() );
INFO_1( "CFContextOperationUtils::ParseComparisonTypeValue - One definition is allowed. [%S] is not supported",
&nodeName );
// Already parsed, flag inability to parse.
parsed = EFalse;
CMDXMLText* text = static_cast< CMDXMLText* >( child );
aCompareValue.Set( text->Data() );
parsed = ETrue;
else if ( child->NodeType() != CMDXMLNode::ECommentNode )
TPtrC nodeName( child->NodeName() );
INFO_1( "CFContextOperationUtils::ParseComparisonTypeValue - Unsupported node [%S]",
&nodeName );
parsed = EFalse;
child = child->NextSibling();
INFO( "CFContextOperationUtils::ParseComparisonTypeValue - Invalid comparison type" );
TPtrC nodeName( aNode.NodeName() );
INFO_1( "CFContextOperationUtils::ParseComparisonTypeValue - Unsupported node [%S]",
&nodeName );
return parsed;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFContextOperationUtils::ComparisonType
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCFContextOperation::TCmpType CFContextOperationUtils::ComparisonType(
const TDesC& aComparisonType )
CCFContextOperation::TCmpType ret( CCFContextOperation::EInvalidCmpType );
if ( aComparisonType.CompareF( KScriptCepInt ) == 0 ||
aComparisonType.CompareF( KScriptInt ) == 0 )
ret = CCFContextOperation::EIntCmp;
else if ( aComparisonType.CompareF( KScriptCepDate ) == 0 ||
aComparisonType.CompareF( KScriptDate ) == 0 )
ret = CCFContextOperation::ETimeCmp;
else if ( aComparisonType.CompareF( KScriptCepPosition ) == 0 )
ret = CCFContextOperation::EPositionCmp;
else if ( aComparisonType.CompareF( KScriptCepString ) == 0 ||
aComparisonType.CompareF( KScriptString ) == 0 )
ret = CCFContextOperation::EStringCmp;
else if ( aComparisonType.CompareF( KScriptCepFloat ) == 0 ||
aComparisonType.CompareF( KScriptFloat ) == 0 )
ret = CCFContextOperation::EFloatCmp;
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFContextOperationUtils::StringToTimeL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TTime CFContextOperationUtils::StringToTimeL( const TDesC& aString )
TTime val;
TInt err = val.Set( aString );
if ( err != KErrNone )
ERROR_1( err, "Cannot interpret string as TTime. Value: %S", &aString );
User::Leave( err );
return val;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFContextOperationUtils::StringToRealL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TReal CFContextOperationUtils::StringToRealL( const TDesC& aString )
TLex lexer( aString );
TInt err( KErrNone );
TReal val( 0 );
TChar decPoint( KExtDelimiter ); // '.'
// Parse float from string; note that decimal point delimiter must be '.'
err = lexer.Val( val, decPoint );
if ( err != KErrNone )
ERROR_1( err, "Cannot interpret string as float. Value: %S", &aString );
User::Leave( err );
return val;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFContextOperationUtils::PositionToRealsL
// Converts a string containing latitude and longitude values into two real
// values passed by reference.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFContextOperationUtils::PositionToRealsL( const TDesC& aString,
TReal& aLatitude,
TReal& aLongitude )
TLex lexer( aString );
TBuf< KMaxName > latDes( KErrNone );
TBuf< KMaxName > lonDes( KErrNone );
TChar posDelimiter( KDriveDelimiter ); // ':'
// Get the latitude to descriptor.
while ( lexer.Peek() != posDelimiter && // Delimiter char not found.
!lexer.Eos() ) // End of string not reached.
latDes.Append( lexer.Get() );
if ( lexer.Eos() || // Eos already.
lexer.Peek() != posDelimiter ) // Delimiter not found.
ERROR_GEN_1( "Cannot interpret position as floats. String: %S", &aString );
User::Leave( KErrBadDescriptor );
// Skip over delimiter.
// Get the longitude to descriptor.
while ( !lexer.Eos() )
latDes.Append( lexer.Get() );
// Parse latitude and longitude into given reals.
aLatitude = StringToRealL( latDes );
aLongitude = StringToRealL( lonDes );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFContextOperationUtils::StringToIntL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CFContextOperationUtils::StringToIntL( const TDesC& aString )
TLex lexer( aString );
TInt val( KErrNone );
TInt err = lexer.Val( val );
if ( err != KErrNone )
ERROR_1( err, "Cannot interpret string as int. Value: %S", &aString );
User::Leave( err );
return val;