changeset 0 f63038272f30
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     1 /*
     2  * ==============================================================================
     3  * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     4  * All rights reserved.
     5  * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     6  * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     7  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     8  * at the URL "".
     9  *
    10  * Initial Contributors:
    11  * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    12  *
    13  * Contributors:
    14  * 
    15  * Description:
    16  * 
    17  * ==============================================================================
    18  */
    20 #include <stringresourcereader.h>
    21 #include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh> 
    22 #include <bautils.h>
    24 #include <dcmo.rsg>
    25 #include <btfeaturescfg.h>
    27 #include "btctrldcmoadapter.h"
    29 _LIT(KBluetoothDcmoPanicName, "BT DCMO Adapter");
    31 _LIT( KBluetoothControlProperty, "Bluetooth" );
    32 _LIT( KDisableBluetoothDescription, "Used to enable/disable the Bluetooth connectivity." ); // Description
    33 _LIT( KRuntimeResourceFileName, "z:dcmo.rsc" );
    35 TDCMOStatus CBluetoothCtrlDcmoAdapter::MapFeatureControlError(TInt aErrorCode)
    36     {
    37     TDCMOStatus status = EDcmoFail;
    39     switch (aErrorCode)
    40         {
    41         case KErrNone:
    42             status = EDcmoSuccess;
    43             break;
    44         case KErrPermissionDenied:
    45         case KErrAccessDenied:
    46             status = EDcmoAccessDenied;
    47             break;
    48         case KErrNotFound:
    49             status = EDcmoNotFound;
    50             break;
    51         default:
    52             break;
    53         }
    54     return status;
    55     }
    57 // Construction and destruction functions
    59 CBluetoothCtrlDcmoAdapter* CBluetoothCtrlDcmoAdapter::NewL(TAny* aParams)
    60 	{
    61     CBluetoothCtrlDcmoAdapter* self = new (ELeave ) CBluetoothCtrlDcmoAdapter(aParams);  
    62 	return self;
    63 	}
    65 CBluetoothCtrlDcmoAdapter::~CBluetoothCtrlDcmoAdapter()
    66 	{	
    67 	}
    69 CBluetoothCtrlDcmoAdapter::CBluetoothCtrlDcmoAdapter(TAny* aInitParams)
    70     :  iInitParams(reinterpret_cast<CDCMOInterface::TDCMOInterfaceInitParams*>(aInitParams))
    71 	{
    72 	}
    74 // Implementation of CDCMOInterface
    76 //
    77 // See excerpts from OMA DCMO spec below
    78 //
    79 TDCMOStatus CBluetoothCtrlDcmoAdapter::SetDCMOPluginIntAttributeValueL(TDCMONode aId, TInt aValue)
    80 {
    81 	TDCMOStatus status = EDcmoFail;
    83 	switch(aId)
    84 	{
    85         /*
    86         This node is used with Exec command to enable the Device Capability to transfer the Device Capability 
    87         from Disabled State to Enabled state.
    88         */
    89 		case EEnable:
    90 		    {
    91 			BluetoothFeatures::TEnterpriseEnablementMode mode = BluetoothFeatures::EDisabled;
    92 			switch (aValue)
    93 				{
    94 				case 0:
    95 					mode = BluetoothFeatures::EDisabled;
    96 					break;
    97 				case 1:
    98 					mode = BluetoothFeatures::EEnabled;
    99 					break;
   100 				case 2:
   101 					mode = BluetoothFeatures::EDataProfilesDisabled;
   102 					break;
   103 				default:
   104 					User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   105 				}
   106 		    TRAPD(err,BluetoothFeatures::SetEnterpriseEnablementL(mode));
   107 	        status = MapFeatureControlError(err);
   108 		    }
   109 		    break;
   110 		default:
   111 		    break;
   112 	}
   114 	return status;
   115 }
   117 //
   118 // See excerpts from OMA DCMO spec below
   119 //
   120 TDCMOStatus CBluetoothCtrlDcmoAdapter::GetDCMOPluginIntAttributeValueL(TDCMONode aId, TInt& aValue)
   121 {
   122 	TDCMOStatus status = EDcmoSuccess;
   124 	switch(aId)
   125 	{
   126 	    /*
   127 	    This node specifies the group name, defined in section 6.1 “Grouping of properties” of [DPE-TS],
   128 	    for a collection of Device Capabilities
   129 	    */
   130 		case EGroup: 
   131 		    aValue = EConnectivity;
   132 		    break;
   133 		/*
   134 		This leaf node indicates whether the Device Capability is removable and whether it is currently
   135         attached to the device. 
   136         If the leaf exists then the Device Capability is removable. 
   137         If the value of this node is “True” the Device Capability is currently attached to the device; 
   138         if the value of this node is “False” the Device Capability is currently detached from the device;
   140         NB: Returning EFalse here prevents the node from being inserted into DDF, so Bluetooth is NON-removable media.
   141 		*/  
   142 		case EAttached:
   143 		    aValue = EFalse;
   144 		    break;
   145 		/*
   146         This leaf node indicates whether the Device Capability is enabled regardless whether 
   147         the Device Capability is attached or not. 
   148         If the value of this node is “True” the Device Capability is in Enabled State. 
   149         If the value of is “False” the Device Capability is in Disabled State;
   150         The ‘Attached’ property is independent of ‘Enabled’ property. A Device Capability MAY have ‘True’ 
   151         as value for ‘Enabled’ node while having ‘False’ as value for the ‘Attached’ node. That means 
   152         the Device Capability is still not available and can’t be used until it is attached to the Device, 
   153         but will be useable once the Device Capability is attached.
   154 		*/
   155 		case EEnabled:
   156 			{
   157 			BluetoothFeatures::TEnterpriseEnablementMode mode = BluetoothFeatures::EnterpriseEnablementL();
   158 			switch (mode)
   159 				{
   160 				case BluetoothFeatures::EDisabled:
   161 					aValue = 0;
   162 					break;
   163 				case BluetoothFeatures::EEnabled:
   164 					aValue = 1;
   165 					break;
   166 				case BluetoothFeatures::EDataProfilesDisabled:
   167 					aValue = 2;
   168 					break;
   169 				default:
   170 					User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   171 				}
   172 			}
   173 		    break; 
   174 		/*
   175         This leaf node specifies whether the user is able to enable a Device Capability. 
   176         If the node is not present or the value is False, the user is allowed to enable the Device Capability.
   177         If the node is present and the value is True, the user is not allowed to enable the Device Capability.
   178 		*/
   179 		case EDenyUserEnable:
   180 		    aValue = ETrue;
   181 		    break;
   182 		/*
   183         This leaf node specifies whether the user is notified with the DCMO Operation result when 
   184         enable/disable Primitive is executed. 
   185         If the node is not present or the value is ‘False’, the user will not be notified about the result of 
   186         the operation. 
   187         If the node is present and the value is ‘True’, the user will be notified about the result of 
   188         the operation.		
   189 		*/
   190 		case ENotifyUser:
   191 		    aValue = ETrue;
   192 		    break;
   193 		default:
   194 		    break;
   195 	}
   197 	return status;
   198 }
   200 TDCMOStatus CBluetoothCtrlDcmoAdapter::SetDCMOPluginStrAttributeValueL(TDCMONode   /* aId */, 
   201                                                                        const TDes& /* aStrValue */)
   202 {
   203 	// Nothing to do
   204 	return EDcmoFail;	
   205 }
   207 TDCMOStatus CBluetoothCtrlDcmoAdapter::GetDCMOPluginStrAttributeValueL(TDCMONode aId, TDes& aStrValue) 
   208 {
   209 	TDCMOStatus status = EDcmoSuccess;
   210 	switch(aId)
   211 	{
   212 	    /*
   213 	    This leaf node specifies the property name, which is defined in section 6.2 “DPE vocabulary List” 
   214 	    of [DPE-TS], for a Device Capability.
   215 	    */
   216 		case EProperty: 
   217 		    __ASSERT_DEBUG(aStrValue.MaxLength() >= KBluetoothControlProperty().Length(),Panic(CBluetoothCtrlDcmoAdapter::EPropertyBufferTooSmall));
   218 		    aStrValue = KBluetoothControlProperty().Left(aStrValue.MaxLength());
   219 		    break;
   220 		/*
   221 		This leaf node specifies the description for this Device Capability.
   222 		*/
   223 		case EDescription:
   224             __ASSERT_DEBUG(aStrValue.MaxLength() >= KDisableBluetoothDescription().Length(),Panic(CBluetoothCtrlDcmoAdapter::EDescriptionBufferTooSmall));
   225 		    aStrValue = KDisableBluetoothDescription().Left(aStrValue.MaxLength());
   226 		    break;
   227 		default:			
   228 		    status = EDcmoNotFound;
   229 		    break;
   230 	}
   232 	return status;
   233 }
   235 void CBluetoothCtrlDcmoAdapter::GetLocalizedNameL(HBufC*& aLocName)
   236     {
   237     TFileName* fileName = new(ELeave) TFileName;
   238     CleanupStack::PushL(fileName);
   239     TParse* parseObj = new(ELeave) TParse();
   240     CleanupStack::PushL(parseObj);
   241     User::LeaveIfError(parseObj->Set(KRuntimeResourceFileName(), &KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR, NULL));
   242     *fileName = parseObj->FullName();
   243     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(parseObj);
   245     CStringResourceReader* resReader = CStringResourceReader::NewL(*fileName);
   246     CleanupStack::PushL(resReader);
   248     TPtrC buf;
   249     buf.Set(resReader->ReadResourceString(R_DM_RUN_TIME_VAR_BLUETOOTH)); 
   250     aLocName = buf.AllocL() ; 
   252     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2,fileName); //resReader,fileName
   253     }
   255 void CBluetoothCtrlDcmoAdapter::Panic(TBluetoothDcmoPanic aPanic)
   256     {
   257     User::Panic(KBluetoothDcmoPanicName, aPanic);
   258     }