1 /* |
2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
3 * All rights reserved. |
4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
8 * |
9 * Initial Contributors: |
10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
11 * |
12 * Contributors: |
13 * |
14 * Description: Pairing result receiver in Bluetooth engine subsystem |
15 * |
16 */ |
17 |
18 #include "btengpairman.h" |
19 #include "btengserver.h" |
20 #include "btengsrvsession.h" |
21 #include "btengotgpair.h" |
22 #include "btengincpair.h" |
23 #include "btengclientserver.h" |
24 #include "debug.h" |
25 #include <e32property.h> |
26 |
27 /** Identification for active object */ |
28 enum TPairManActiveRequestId |
29 { |
30 ESimplePairingResult, |
31 EAuthenticationResult, |
32 ERegistryInitiatePairedDevicesView, |
33 ERegistryPairedDevicesNewView, |
34 ERegistryInitiatePairedDevicesList, |
35 ERegistryGetPairedDevices, |
36 }; |
37 |
38 /** The message argument which holds the Bluetooth address. */ |
39 const TInt KBTEngAddrSlot = 0; |
40 |
41 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
42 // Tells if two TBTNamelessDevice instances are for the same remote device |
43 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
44 // |
45 TBool CompareDeviceByAddress( const TBTNamelessDevice& aDevA, const TBTNamelessDevice& aDevB ) |
46 { |
47 return aDevA.Address() == aDevB.Address(); |
48 } |
49 |
50 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ======== |
51 |
52 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
53 // C++ default constructor |
54 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
55 // |
56 CBTEngPairMan::CBTEngPairMan( CBTEngServer& aServer ) |
57 : iServer( aServer ) |
58 { |
59 } |
60 |
61 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
62 // Symbian 2nd-phase constructor |
63 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
64 // |
65 void CBTEngPairMan::ConstructL() |
66 { |
68 // Connect to pairing server for authentication & simple pairing |
69 // results directly from the BT stack. |
70 // Pairing server doesn't exist if we run BT 2.0 stack: |
71 iPairingServ = new (ELeave) RBluetoothPairingServer; |
72 TInt err = iPairingServ->Connect(); |
73 if ( err) |
74 { |
75 delete iPairingServ; |
76 iPairingServ = NULL; |
77 } |
78 else |
79 { |
80 User::LeaveIfError( iPairingResult.Open( *iPairingServ ) ); |
81 User::LeaveIfError( iAuthenResult.Open( *iPairingServ ) ); |
82 iSSPResultActive = CBTEngActive::NewL( *this, ESimplePairingResult, CActive::EPriorityStandard ); |
83 iAuthenResultActive = CBTEngActive::NewL( *this, EAuthenticationResult, CActive::EPriorityStandard ); |
84 SubscribeSspPairingResult(); |
85 SubscribeAuthenticateResult(); |
86 } |
87 |
88 // connect to registry |
89 User::LeaveIfError( iBTRegistry.Open( BTRegServ() ) ); |
90 iRegistryActive = CBTEngActive::NewL( *this, ERegistryInitiatePairedDevicesView, CActive::EPriorityStandard ); |
91 // Start to get the list of all paired devices. |
92 CreatePairedDevicesView( ERegistryInitiatePairedDevicesView ); |
93 iPairedDevices = new (ELeave) RArray<TBTNamelessDevice>; |
95 } |
96 |
97 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
98 // NewL |
99 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
100 // |
101 CBTEngPairMan* CBTEngPairMan::NewL( CBTEngServer& aServer ) |
102 { |
103 CBTEngPairMan* self = NULL; |
104 self = new CBTEngPairMan( aServer ); |
105 CleanupStack::PushL( self ); |
106 self->ConstructL(); |
107 CleanupStack::Pop( self ); |
108 return self; |
109 } |
110 |
111 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
112 // Destructor |
113 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
114 // |
115 CBTEngPairMan::~CBTEngPairMan() |
116 { |
118 CancelSubscribe(); |
119 delete iSSPResultActive; |
120 delete iAuthenResultActive; |
121 delete iRegistryActive; |
122 delete iPairedDevicesResp; |
123 delete iPairer; |
124 if ( iPairedDevices ) |
125 { |
126 iPairedDevices->Close(); |
127 delete iPairedDevices; |
128 } |
129 iBTRegistry.Close(); |
130 iPairingResult.Close(); |
131 iAuthenResult.Close(); |
132 if ( iPairingServ ) |
133 { |
134 iPairingServ->Close(); |
135 delete iPairingServ; |
136 } |
138 } |
139 |
140 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
141 // Handles pairing related commands from BTEng clients. |
142 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
143 // |
144 void CBTEngPairMan::ProcessCommandL( const RMessage2& aMessage ) |
145 { |
147 TInt opcode = aMessage.Function(); |
148 TBTDevAddrPckgBuf addrPkg; |
149 switch( opcode ) |
150 { |
151 case EBTEngSetPairingObserver: |
152 { |
153 aMessage.ReadL( KBTEngAddrSlot, addrPkg ); |
154 SetPairObserver( addrPkg(), aMessage.Int1() ); |
155 break; |
156 } |
157 case EBTEngPairDevice: |
158 { |
159 TBTDevAddrPckgBuf addrPkg; |
160 aMessage.ReadL( KBTEngAddrSlot, addrPkg ); |
161 PairDeviceL( addrPkg(), aMessage.Int1() ); |
162 break; |
163 } |
164 case EBTEngCancelPairDevice: |
165 { |
166 CancelCommand( opcode ); |
167 break; |
168 } |
169 default: |
170 { |
171 TRACE_INFO( ( _L( "CBTEngPairMan ProcessCommandL: bad request (%d)" ), |
172 aMessage.Function() ) ) |
173 User::Leave( KErrArgument ); |
174 } |
175 } |
177 } |
178 |
179 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
180 // Cancels outgoing pairing requests |
181 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
182 // |
183 void CBTEngPairMan::CancelCommand( TInt aOpCode ) |
184 { |
185 switch( aOpCode ) |
186 { |
187 case EBTEngPairDevice: |
188 { |
190 if ( iPairer ) |
191 { |
192 iPairer->CancelOutgoingPair(); |
193 } |
195 break; |
196 } |
197 } |
198 } |
199 |
200 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
201 // Handle a change in BTRegistry remote devices table. |
202 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
203 // |
204 void CBTEngPairMan::RemoteRegistryChangeDetected() |
205 { |
206 if ( !iRegistryActive->IsActive() ) |
207 { |
208 CreatePairedDevicesView( ERegistryPairedDevicesNewView ); |
209 } |
210 else |
211 { |
212 iNotHandledRegEventCounter++; |
213 } |
214 } |
215 |
216 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
217 // Returns the RBluetoothPairingServer instance. |
218 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
219 // |
220 RBluetoothPairingServer* CBTEngPairMan::PairingServer() |
221 { |
222 return iPairingServ; |
223 } |
224 |
225 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
226 // Access the reference of RSockServ |
227 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
228 // |
229 RSocketServ& CBTEngPairMan::SocketServ() |
230 { |
231 return iServer.SocketServ(); |
232 } |
233 |
234 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
235 // Access the reference of RBTRegSrv |
236 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
237 // |
238 RBTRegServ& CBTEngPairMan::BTRegServ() |
239 { |
240 return iServer.BTRegServ(); |
241 } |
242 |
243 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
244 // Deletes the current pairing handler and transfer the responsibility |
245 // to the specified. |
246 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
247 // |
248 void CBTEngPairMan::RenewPairer( CBTEngPairBase* aPairer ) |
249 { |
250 delete iPairer; |
251 iPairer = aPairer; |
252 } |
253 |
254 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
255 // Find the session who requested this and completes its request. |
256 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
257 // |
258 void CBTEngPairMan::OutgoingPairCompleted( TInt aErr ) |
259 { |
261 // the meaning of KHCIErrorBase equals KErrNone. Hide this specific BT stack |
262 // detail from clients: |
263 if ( aErr == KHCIErrorBase ) |
264 { |
265 aErr = KErrNone; |
266 } |
267 // we must complete client's pairing request: |
268 iServer.iSessionIter.SetToLast(); |
269 CBTEngSrvSession* session = (CBTEngSrvSession*) iServer.iSessionIter--; |
270 TInt ret( KErrNotFound ); |
271 while( session && ret ) |
272 { |
273 ret = session->CompletePairRequest( aErr ); |
274 session = (CBTEngSrvSession*) iServer.iSessionIter--; |
275 } |
277 } |
278 |
279 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
280 // Unpair the device from registry |
281 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
282 // |
283 void CBTEngPairMan::UnpairDevice( const TBTDevAddr& aAddr ) |
284 { |
286 TIdentityRelation<TBTNamelessDevice> addrComp( CompareDeviceByAddress ); |
287 TBTNamelessDevice dev; |
288 dev.SetAddress( aAddr ); |
289 // only do unpairing if the we have a link key with it. |
290 TInt index = iPairedDevices->Find( dev, addrComp ); |
291 if ( index > KErrNotFound ) |
292 { |
293 dev = (*iPairedDevices)[index]; |
294 TBTDeviceSecurity security = dev.GlobalSecurity(); |
295 // Clear trust setting so that correct icon will be shown in ui applications. |
296 security.SetNoAuthenticate(EFalse ); |
297 security.SetNoAuthorise(EFalse ); |
298 dev.SetGlobalSecurity(security); |
299 dev.DeleteLinkKey(); |
300 if ( dev.IsValidUiCookie() && |
301 ( dev.UiCookie() & EBTUiCookieJustWorksPaired ) ) |
302 { |
303 // Remove the UI cookie bit for Just Works pairing. |
304 TInt32 cookie = dev.UiCookie() & ~EBTUiCookieJustWorksPaired; |
305 dev.SetUiCookie( cookie ); |
306 TRACE_INFO( ( _L( "UI cookie %x cleared"), EBTUiCookieJustWorksPaired ) ); |
307 } |
308 // modify the device in registry synchronously |
309 // status.Int() could be -1 if the device is not in registry |
310 // which is totally fine for us. |
311 (void) UpdateRegDevice( dev ); |
312 } |
314 } |
315 |
316 TInt CBTEngPairMan::AddUiCookieJustWorksPaired( const TBTNamelessDevice& aDev ) |
317 { |
318 TInt err( KErrNone ); |
319 // There might be UI cookies used by other applications, |
320 // we should not overwrite them. |
321 TInt32 cookie = aDev.IsValidUiCookie() ? aDev.UiCookie() : EBTUiCookieUndefined; |
322 if ( !( cookie & EBTUiCookieJustWorksPaired ) ) |
323 { |
324 // Only update the cookie if the wanted one is not in registry yet |
325 // to keep minimal operations with registry. |
326 TBTNamelessDevice dev = aDev; |
327 cookie |= EBTUiCookieJustWorksPaired; |
328 dev.SetUiCookie( cookie ); |
329 err = UpdateRegDevice( dev ); |
330 TRACE_INFO( ( _L( "[BTENG] CBTEngOtgPair write Ui cookie ret %d"), err ) ); |
331 } |
332 return err; |
333 } |
334 |
335 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
336 // update a nameless device in registry |
337 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
338 // |
339 TInt CBTEngPairMan::UpdateRegDevice( const TBTNamelessDevice& aDev ) |
340 { |
341 TRequestStatus status( KRequestPending ); |
342 // update the device in registry synchronously |
343 iBTRegistry.ModifyDevice( aDev, status ); |
344 User::WaitForRequest( status ); |
345 TRACE_INFO( ( _L( "UpdateRegDevice, ret %d"), status.Int() ) ) |
346 return status.Int(); |
347 } |
348 |
349 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
350 // Ask server class the connection status of the specified device |
351 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
352 // |
353 TBTEngConnectionStatus CBTEngPairMan::IsDeviceConnected( const TBTDevAddr& aAddr ) |
354 { |
355 return iServer.IsDeviceConnected( aAddr ); |
356 } |
357 |
358 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
359 // From class MBTEngActiveObserver. |
360 // Checks if there is an authentication result. |
361 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
362 // |
363 void CBTEngPairMan::RequestCompletedL( CBTEngActive* /*aActive*/, TInt aId, TInt aStatus ) |
364 { |
365 TRACE_FUNC_ARG( ( _L( "aId: %d, aStatus: %d"), aId, aStatus ) ) |
366 // Check which request completed. |
367 switch( aId ) |
368 { |
369 case ESimplePairingResult: |
370 { |
371 TBTDevAddr tmpAddr = iSimplePairingRemote; |
372 if (aStatus != KErrServerTerminated) |
373 { |
374 SubscribeSspPairingResult(); |
375 } |
376 HandlePairingResultL( tmpAddr, aStatus ); |
377 break; |
378 } |
379 case EAuthenticationResult: |
380 { |
381 TBTDevAddr tmpAddr = iAuthenticateRemote; |
382 if (aStatus != KErrServerTerminated) |
383 { |
384 SubscribeAuthenticateResult(); |
385 } |
386 HandlePairingResultL( tmpAddr, aStatus ); |
387 break; |
388 } |
389 case ERegistryInitiatePairedDevicesView: |
390 case ERegistryPairedDevicesNewView: |
391 { |
392 HandleCreatePairedDevicesViewCompletedL( aStatus, aId ); |
393 break; |
394 } |
395 case ERegistryInitiatePairedDevicesList: |
396 case ERegistryGetPairedDevices: |
397 { |
398 HandleGetPairedDevicesCompletedL( aStatus, aId ); |
399 break; |
400 } |
401 default: |
402 // Should not be possible, but no need for handling. |
403 TRACE_INFO( (_L("[BTEng]: CBTEngPairMan::RequestCompletedL unhandled event!!") ) ) |
404 break; |
405 } |
407 } |
408 |
409 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
410 // From class MBTEngActiveObserver. |
411 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
412 // |
413 void CBTEngPairMan::HandleError( CBTEngActive* aActive, TInt aId, TInt aError ) |
414 { |
415 TRACE_FUNC_ARG( ( _L( "request id: %d, error: %d" ), aId, aError ) ) |
416 (void) aActive; |
417 (void) aError; |
418 if ( aId == ERegistryInitiatePairedDevicesList || |
419 aId == ERegistryGetPairedDevices ) |
420 {// leave happened in registry operation, delete registry response: |
421 delete iPairedDevicesResp; |
422 iPairedDevicesResp = NULL; |
423 } |
424 } |
425 |
426 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
427 // Activate or deactivate a pairing handler |
428 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
429 // |
430 TInt CBTEngPairMan::SetPairObserver(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TBool aActivate) |
431 { |
432 TRACE_FUNC_ARG( ( _L( "%d" ), aActivate ) ) |
433 TRACE_BDADDR( aAddr ) |
434 TInt err( KErrNone ); |
435 if ( !aActivate ) |
436 { |
437 if ( iPairer ) |
438 { |
439 iPairer->StopPairHandling( aAddr ); |
440 } |
441 return err; |
442 } |
443 |
444 if ( !iPairer) |
445 { |
446 // This is an incoming pair, unpair it from registry and |
447 // create the handler: |
448 UnpairDevice( aAddr ); |
449 TRAP( err, iPairer = CBTEngIncPair::NewL( *this, aAddr )); |
450 } |
451 if ( iPairer) |
452 { |
453 // let the handler decide what to do: |
454 err = iPairer->ObserveIncomingPair( aAddr ); |
455 } |
457 return err; |
458 } |
459 |
460 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
461 // Delegates the request to current pair handler |
462 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
463 // |
464 void CBTEngPairMan::PairDeviceL( const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TUint32 aCod ) |
465 { |
466 if ( !iPairer) |
467 { |
468 // no existing pair handling, create one: |
469 iPairer = CBTEngOtgPair::NewL( *this, aAddr ); |
470 } |
471 // let pair handler decide what to do: |
472 iPairer->HandleOutgoingPairL( aAddr, aCod ); |
473 } |
474 |
475 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
476 // cancel Subscribings to simple pairing result and authentication result from |
477 // Pairing Server |
478 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
479 // |
480 void CBTEngPairMan::CancelSubscribe() |
481 { |
483 if( iSSPResultActive && iSSPResultActive->IsActive() ) |
484 { |
485 // Cancel listening Simple pairing result |
486 iPairingResult.CancelSimplePairingResult(); |
487 iSSPResultActive->Cancel(); |
488 } |
489 if( iAuthenResultActive && iAuthenResultActive->IsActive() ) |
490 { |
491 // Cancel listening authentication result |
492 iAuthenResult.CancelAuthenticationResult(); |
493 iAuthenResultActive->Cancel(); |
494 } |
496 } |
497 |
498 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
499 // Subscribes to simple pairing result from Pairing Server |
500 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
501 // |
502 void CBTEngPairMan::SubscribeSspPairingResult() |
503 { |
505 iPairingResult.SimplePairingResult( iSimplePairingRemote, iSSPResultActive->RequestStatus() ); |
506 iSSPResultActive->GoActive(); |
508 } |
509 |
510 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
511 // Subscribes to authentication result from Pairing Server |
512 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
513 // |
514 void CBTEngPairMan::SubscribeAuthenticateResult() |
515 { |
517 // Subscribe authentication result (which requires pairing for unpaired devices) |
518 iAuthenResult.AuthenticationResult( iAuthenticateRemote, iAuthenResultActive->RequestStatus() ); |
519 iAuthenResultActive->GoActive(); |
521 } |
522 |
523 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
524 // Handle a pairing result from the pairing server. |
525 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
526 // |
527 void CBTEngPairMan::HandlePairingResultL( const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TInt aResult ) |
528 { |
529 TRACE_FUNC_ARG( (_L("result %d"), aResult ) ) |
530 TRACE_BDADDR( aAddr ); |
531 if ( !iPairer && ( aResult == KErrNone || aResult == KHCIErrorBase ) ) |
532 { |
533 // we only create new handler if incoming pairing succeeds. |
534 // Pairing failure could be caused by user local cancellation, as the |
535 // result, the handler was destroyed by notifier. We shall not |
536 // instantiate the handler again. |
537 // If a pairing failed due to other reasons than user local cancelling, |
538 // it will be catched by the already started handler |
539 // (except Just Works pairing - no handler for it at all until we receive |
540 // registry change event. Thus if incoming JWs pairing failed, no user |
541 // notification will be shown.) |
542 TBTNamelessDevice dev; |
543 dev.SetAddress( aAddr ); |
544 TIdentityRelation<TBTNamelessDevice> addrComp( CompareDeviceByAddress ); |
545 TInt index = iPairedDevices->Find( dev, addrComp ); |
546 |
547 // If the device is not found in the old paired device list, it is a new |
548 // paired device: |
549 if ( index == KErrNotFound) |
550 { |
551 // No handler yet, create incoming pairing handler: |
552 iPairer = CBTEngIncPair::NewL( *this, aAddr ); |
553 } |
554 } |
555 if ( iPairer ) |
556 { |
557 iPairer->HandlePairServerResult( aAddr, aResult ); |
558 } |
559 |
561 } |
562 |
563 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
564 // issue creating a bonded devices view |
565 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
566 // |
567 void CBTEngPairMan::CreatePairedDevicesView( TInt aReqId ) |
568 { |
570 iNotHandledRegEventCounter = 0; |
571 TBTRegistrySearch searchPattern; |
572 searchPattern.FindBonded(); |
573 iRegistryActive->SetRequestId( aReqId ); |
574 iBTRegistry.CreateView( searchPattern, iRegistryActive->iStatus ); |
575 iRegistryActive->GoActive(); |
577 } |
578 |
579 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
580 // gets the paired devices from the view created by CreatePairedDevicesView |
581 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
582 // |
583 void CBTEngPairMan::GetPairedDevices( TInt aReqId ) |
584 { |
586 delete iPairedDevicesResp; |
587 iPairedDevicesResp = NULL; |
588 TRAP_IGNORE( iPairedDevicesResp = CBTRegistryResponse::NewL( iBTRegistry ) ); |
589 if ( iPairedDevicesResp ) |
590 { |
591 iRegistryActive->SetRequestId( aReqId ); |
592 iPairedDevicesResp->Start( iRegistryActive->iStatus ); |
593 iRegistryActive->GoActive(); |
594 } |
596 } |
597 |
598 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
599 // re-create a paired device view if registry was changed during the previous |
600 // operation. otherwise if the view is not empty, get the paired devices. |
601 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
602 // |
603 void CBTEngPairMan::HandleCreatePairedDevicesViewCompletedL( TInt aStatus, TInt aReqId ) |
604 { |
606 |
607 if ( aReqId == ERegistryInitiatePairedDevicesView ) |
608 {// Initialization phase, list paired devices if there are. |
609 if ( aStatus > KErrNone ) |
610 { |
611 GetPairedDevices( ERegistryInitiatePairedDevicesList ); |
612 } |
613 else |
614 {//no paired device, close the view. |
615 (void) iBTRegistry.CloseView(); |
616 } |
617 } |
618 else |
619 { |
620 if (iNotHandledRegEventCounter) |
621 { // more registry change detected, create paired device view again: |
622 (void) iBTRegistry.CloseView(); |
623 CreatePairedDevicesView( ERegistryPairedDevicesNewView ); |
624 } |
625 else if ( aStatus > KErrNone ) |
626 { // paired device available, get them: |
627 GetPairedDevices( ERegistryGetPairedDevices ); |
628 } |
629 else |
630 { |
631 // No paired devices in registry, empty local db: |
632 (void) iBTRegistry.CloseView(); |
633 iPairedDevices->Reset(); |
634 } |
635 } |
637 } |
638 |
639 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
640 // update paired device list. if registry was changed, create a new view. |
641 // otherwise check for new pairing event. |
642 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
643 // |
644 void CBTEngPairMan::HandleGetPairedDevicesCompletedL( TInt /*aStatus*/, TInt aReqId ) |
645 { |
647 (void) iBTRegistry.CloseView(); |
648 if ( aReqId == ERegistryInitiatePairedDevicesList ) |
649 { |
650 // We completed the initialization of paired device list, |
651 // move all paired devices to the array: |
652 UpdatePairedDeviceListL(); |
653 } |
654 |
655 if (iNotHandledRegEventCounter) |
656 { // more registry change detected, create paired device view again: |
657 CreatePairedDevicesView( ERegistryPairedDevicesNewView ); |
658 } |
659 else if ( aReqId == ERegistryGetPairedDevices) |
660 { |
661 // no more registry change detected, find new pairings: |
662 CheckPairEventL(); |
663 } |
664 |
666 } |
667 |
668 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
669 // copy the nameless devices to local array |
670 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
671 // |
672 void CBTEngPairMan::UpdatePairedDeviceListL() |
673 { |
675 iPairedDevices->Reset(); |
676 for ( TInt i = 0; i < iPairedDevicesResp->Results().Count(); i++ ) |
677 { |
678 TRACE_BDADDR( iPairedDevicesResp->Results()[i]->BDAddr() ); |
679 TRACE_INFO((_L("[BTENG]\t linkkeytype %d"), |
680 iPairedDevicesResp->Results()[i]->LinkKeyType())) |
681 iPairedDevices->AppendL( iPairedDevicesResp->Results()[i]->AsNamelessDevice() ); |
682 } |
683 delete iPairedDevicesResp; |
684 iPairedDevicesResp = NULL; |
686 } |
687 |
688 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
689 // find new paired devices. for each, delegate the information to |
690 // current pair handler. |
691 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
692 // |
693 void CBTEngPairMan::CheckPairEventL() |
694 { |
696 RArray<TBTNamelessDevice>* pairedDevicesOld; |
697 pairedDevicesOld = iPairedDevices; |
698 CleanupStack::PushL( pairedDevicesOld ); |
699 CleanupClosePushL( *pairedDevicesOld ); |
700 iPairedDevices = NULL; |
701 iPairedDevices = new (ELeave) RArray<TBTNamelessDevice>; |
702 UpdatePairedDeviceListL(); |
703 |
704 TIdentityRelation<TBTNamelessDevice> addrComp( CompareDeviceByAddress ); |
705 for ( TInt i = 0; i < iPairedDevices->Count(); i++ ) |
706 { |
707 TBTNamelessDevice& dev = (*iPairedDevices)[i]; |
708 TInt index = pairedDevicesOld->Find( dev, addrComp ); |
709 |
710 // If the device is not found in the old paired device list or |
711 // the link key type has been changed from |
712 // ELinkKeyUnauthenticatedUpgradable, the device is a new |
713 // paired device: |
714 TBool newPaired = dev.LinkKeyType() != ELinkKeyUnauthenticatedUpgradable && |
715 ( index == KErrNotFound || |
716 ( index > KErrNotFound && |
717 dev.LinkKeyType() != (*pairedDevicesOld)[index].LinkKeyType() ) ); |
718 TRACE_BDADDR( dev.Address() ); |
719 if ( newPaired && !iPairer) |
720 { |
721 iPairer = CBTEngIncPair::NewL( *this, dev.Address() ); |
722 } |
723 if ( iPairer ) |
724 { |
725 // Ask pair handler to decide what to do: |
726 iPairer->HandleRegistryNewPairedEvent( dev ); |
727 } |
728 } |
729 // Free old paired device list resource: |
730 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); |
732 } |
733 |