changeset 0 f63038272f30
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:f63038272f30
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  VoIP call status handling. 
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include "btmcvoipline.h"
    19 #include "btmc_defs.h"
    20 #include "debug.h"
    21 #include "btmccallstatus.h"
    22 #include <ccallinformation.h>
    23 #include <mcall.h>
    24 #include <ccallinfoiter.h>
    25 #include <etelmm.h>
    27 // ==========================================================
    28 // CBtmcVoIPLine::NewL
    29 // 
    30 // ==========================================================
    31 //
    32 CBtmcVoIPLine* CBtmcVoIPLine::NewL(CBtmcCallStatus& aParent, RMobilePhone& aPhone) 
    33     {
    34     CBtmcVoIPLine* self = new (ELeave) CBtmcVoIPLine(aParent, aPhone);
    35     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    36     self->ConstructL();
    37     CleanupStack::Pop();   
    38     return self;
    39     }
    41 // ==========================================================
    42 // CBtmcVoIPLine::ConstructL
    43 // 
    44 // ==========================================================
    45 //
    46 void CBtmcVoIPLine::ConstructL()
    47     {
    48     iInfo = CCallInformation::NewL();
    49     iInfo->NotifyCallInformationChanges(*this);
    50     }
    52 // ==========================================================
    53 // CBtmcVoIPLine::Phone
    54 // 
    55 // ==========================================================
    56 //
    57 RMobilePhone& CBtmcVoIPLine::Phone()
    58     {    
    59     iPhone.Close();
    60     return iPhone;
    61     }
    63 // ==========================================================
    64 // CBtmcVoIPLine::CallInformationL
    65 // 
    66 // ==========================================================
    67 //
    68 const MCall& CBtmcVoIPLine::CallInformationL()
    69     {
    71     CCallInfoIter& iter = iInfo->GetCallsL();
    72     MCall *returnValue = NULL;
    73     for( iter.First(); !iter.IsDone(); iter.Next() )
    74        {       
    75        const MCall& call( iter.Current() );
    76        if(call.CallType() == CCPCall::ECallTypePS)
    77            {           
    78            returnValue = const_cast<MCall*> (&call); 
    79            break;                     
    80            }            
    81        }      
    82     TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
    83     return *returnValue;
    84     }
    86 // ==========================================================
    87 // CBtmcVoIPLine::CallStatus
    88 // 
    89 // ==========================================================
    90 //
    91 TInt CBtmcVoIPLine::CallStatusL() const
    92     {
    94     CCallInfoIter& iter = iInfo->GetCallsL();    
    95     TInt mask = 0;    
    96     for( iter.First(); !iter.IsDone(); iter.Next() )
    97        {
    98        const MCall& call( iter.Current() );       
    99        if(call.CallType() == CCPCall::ECallTypePS)
   100            {                      
   101            TInt tempState =  call.CallState();                     
   102            switch(call.CallState())
   103                {
   104                /** Indicates initial call state after call creation. Basic state. */
   105                case CCPCall::EStateIdle:
   106                    break;
   107                 /** Indicates that the MT call is ringing but not answered yet by the local user. Basic state.*/
   108                case CCPCall::EStateRinging:
   109                    {
   110                    mask |= KCallRingingBit;
   111                    break;
   112                    }       
   113                 /** MO Call: the network notifies to the MS that the remote party is now ringing. Basic state.*/
   114                case CCPCall::EStateConnecting:
   115                    {
   116                    mask |= KCallConnectingBit;
   117                    break;
   118                    }
   119                 /** Indicates that call is connected and active. Basic state.*/
   120                case CCPCall::EStateConnected:
   121                    {
   122                    mask |= KCallConnectedBit;
   123                    break;
   124                    }
   125                 /** Indicates that call is disconnecting. Basic state.*/
   126                case CCPCall::EStateDisconnecting:
   127                    break;
   129                 /** Indicates that the call is connected but on hold. Basic state.*/
   130                case CCPCall::EStateHold:
   131                    {
   132                    mask |= KCallHoldBit;
   133                    break;
   134                    }
   135                 /** Call is transfering. Optional state.*/
   136                case CCPCall::EStateTransferring:
   137                 /** MO call is being forwarded at receiver end. Optional state. */
   138                case CCPCall::EStateForwarding:
   139                 /** Call is queued locally. Optional state. */
   140                case CCPCall::EStateQueued:
   141                    break;
   142                 /** Indicates that the local user has answered the MT call but the network has not
   143                     acknowledged the call connection yet.  Must be sent after MCCPCall::Answer method has been completed. */
   144                case CCPCall::EStateAnswering:
   145                    {
   146                    mask |= KCallAnsweringBit;
   147                    break;          
   148                    }
   150                 /** Indicates that the call is dialing. Must be sent after MCCPCall::Dial method has been completed. */
   151                case CCPCall::EStateDialling:            
   152                    {           
   153                    mask |= KCallDiallingBit;
   154                    break;
   155                    }                      
   156                }           
   157            }
   158        }
   159     TRACE_INFO((_L("Voip line, CALL STATUS 0x%08x"), mask))    
   160     TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   161     return mask;
   162     }
   164 // ==========================================================
   165 // CBtmcVoIPLine::~CBtmcVoIPLine
   166 // Destructor
   167 // ==========================================================
   168 //
   169 CBtmcVoIPLine::~CBtmcVoIPLine()
   170     {
   171     if (iInfo != NULL)
   172         {
   173         iInfo->CancelNotification();
   174         delete iInfo;
   175         }    
   176     }
   178 // ==========================================================
   179 // CBtmcVoIPLine::ActiveCalls
   180 // Destructor
   181 // ==========================================================
   182 //
   183 const RPointerArray<CBtmcCallActive>& CBtmcVoIPLine::ActiveCalls() const
   184     {
   185     TRACE_FUNC
   186     return iCallActives;
   187     }
   189 // ==========================================================
   190 // CBtmcVoIPLine::CallInformationChanged
   191 // Callback
   192 // ==========================================================
   193 //
   194 void CBtmcVoIPLine::CallInformationChanged()
   195     {
   196     TRACE_FUNC
   197     TRAP_IGNORE( CallInformationChangedL() );
   198     }
   200 // ==========================================================
   201 // CBtmcVoIPLine::CBtmcVoIPLine
   202 // Constructor
   203 // ==========================================================
   204 //
   205 CBtmcVoIPLine::CBtmcVoIPLine(CBtmcCallStatus& aParent, RMobilePhone& aPhone) : iParent(aParent), iPhone(aPhone)
   206     {    
   207     }
   209 // ==========================================================
   210 // CBtmcVoIPLine::IsVoIP
   211 // Returns always ETrue  
   212 // ==========================================================
   213 //
   214 TBool CBtmcVoIPLine::IsVoip()
   215     {
   216     return ETrue; 
   217     }
   219 // ==========================================================
   220 // CBtmcVoIPLine::CallInformationChangedL
   221 // Pass the call status change to the owner of this if necessary
   222 // ==========================================================
   223 //
   224 void CBtmcVoIPLine::CallInformationChangedL()
   225     {
   227     _LIT(KVoip, "VoIP");
   228     _LIT(KVoipCall, "VoIP Call");        
   229     TPtrC voipPtr(KVoip);    
   231     CCallInfoIter& iter = iInfo->GetCallsL();    
   232     for( iter.First(); !iter.IsDone(); iter.Next() )
   233         {
   234         const MCall& call( iter.Current() );
   235         if(call.CallType() == CCPCall::ECallTypePS)
   236             {            
   237             switch(call.CallState())
   238                 {
   239                 /** Indicates initial call state after call creation. Basic state. */
   240                 case CCPCall::EStateIdle:
   241                     iParent.HandleMobileCallEventL( voipPtr , KVoipCall, RMobileCall::EStatusIdle);
   242                     break;
   243                     /** Indicates that the MT call is ringing but not answered yet by the local user. Basic state.*/
   244                 case CCPCall::EStateRinging:
   245                     iParent.HandleMobileCallEventL(voipPtr, KVoipCall, RMobileCall::EStatusRinging);
   246                     break;
   247                     /** MO Call: the network notifies to the MS that the remote party is now ringing. Basic state.*/
   248                 case CCPCall::EStateConnecting:
   249                     iParent.HandleMobileCallEventL(voipPtr, KVoipCall, RMobileCall::EStatusConnecting);
   250                     break;
   251                     /** Indicates that call is connected and active. Basic state.*/
   252                 case CCPCall::EStateConnected:                           
   253                     iParent.HandleMobileCallEventL(voipPtr, KVoipCall, RMobileCall::EStatusConnected);
   254                     break;
   255                     /** Indicates that call is disconnecting. Basic state.*/
   256                 case CCPCall::EStateDisconnecting:
   257                     iParent.HandleMobileCallEventL(voipPtr, KVoipCall, RMobileCall::EStatusDisconnecting);
   258                     break;
   259                     /** Indicates that the call is connected but on hold. Basic state.*/
   260                 case CCPCall::EStateHold:
   261                     iParent.HandleMobileCallEventL(voipPtr, KVoipCall, RMobileCall::EStatusHold);
   262                     break;
   263                     /** Call is transfering. Optional state.*/
   264                 case CCPCall::EStateTransferring:
   265                     /** MO call is being forwarded at receiver end. Optional state. */
   266                 case CCPCall::EStateForwarding:
   267                     /** Call is queued locally. Optional state. */
   268                 case CCPCall::EStateQueued:
   269                     break;
   270                     /** Indicates that the local user has answered the MT call but the network has not
   271             acknowledged the call connection yet.  Must be sent after MCCPCall::Answer method has been completed. */
   272                 case CCPCall::EStateAnswering:
   273                     iParent.HandleMobileCallEventL(voipPtr, KVoipCall, RMobileCall::EStatusAnswering);
   274                     break;
   275                     /** Indicates that the call is dialing. Must be sent after MCCPCall::Dial method has been completed. */
   276                 case CCPCall::EStateDialling:            
   277                     iParent.HandleMobileCallEventL(voipPtr, KVoipCall, RMobileCall::EStatusDialling);
   278                     break;
   279                 }                
   280             }
   281         }
   282     TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   283     }