changeset 0 f63038272f30
child 6 6a29d5ad0713
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:f63038272f30
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Bluetooth visibility timeout notifier class.
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #include <StringLoader.h>       // Localisation stringloader
    22 #include <BTNotif.rsg>          // Own resources
    23 #include "BTNGenericInfoNotifier.h"      // Own class definition
    24 #include "btNotifDebug.h"       // Debugging macros
    25 #include <SecondaryDisplay/BTnotifSecondaryDisplayAPI.h>
    26 #include <e32cmn.h>
    27 #include "btnotifnameutils.h"
    29 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    31 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    32 // CBTGenericInfoNotifier::NewL
    33 // Two-phased constructor.
    34 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    35 //
    36 CBTGenericInfoNotifier* CBTGenericInfoNotifier::NewL()
    37     {
    38     CBTGenericInfoNotifier* self=new (ELeave) CBTGenericInfoNotifier();
    39     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    40     self->ConstructL();
    41     CleanupStack::Pop();
    42     return self;
    43     }
    45 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    46 // CBTGenericInfoNotifier::CBTGenericInfoNotifier
    47 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    48 // might leave.
    49 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    50 //
    51 CBTGenericInfoNotifier::CBTGenericInfoNotifier() 
    52     {
    53     }
    55 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    56 // Destructor
    57 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    58 //
    59 CBTGenericInfoNotifier::~CBTGenericInfoNotifier()
    60     {
    61     Cancel();   // Free own resources
    62     delete iQueryMessage; 
    63     }
    65 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    66 // CBTGenericInfoNotifier::RegisterL
    67 // Register notifier.
    68 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    69 //
    70 CBTGenericInfoNotifier::TNotifierInfo CBTGenericInfoNotifier::RegisterL()
    71     {
    72     iInfo.iUid=KBTGenericInfoNotifierUid;
    73     iInfo.iChannel=KBTGenericInfoNotifierUid;
    74     iInfo.iPriority=ENotifierPriorityHigh;
    75     return iInfo;
    76     }
    78 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    79 // CBTGenericInfoNotifier::StartL
    80 // Synchronic notifier launch. Contructs and shows a global
    81 // note when temp visibility expire, no parameters need here.
    82 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    83 //
    84 TPtrC8 CBTGenericInfoNotifier::StartL( const TDesC8& aBuffer )
    85     {
    86     FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericInfoNotifier::StartL()"));
    87  	ProcessParamBufferL(aBuffer);
    89 	FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericInfoNotifier::StartL() completed"));
    91     TPtrC8 ret(KNullDesC8);
    92     return (ret);
    93     }
    95 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    96 // CBTGenericInfoNotifier::GetParamsL
    97 // Mandatory for BT Notifiers when using asynchronous launch. 
    98 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    99 //
   100 void CBTGenericInfoNotifier::GetParamsL(const TDesC8& aBuffer, 
   101                                      TInt /*aReplySlot*/, 
   102                                      const RMessagePtr2& aMessage )
   103     {
   104 	FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericInfoNotifier::GetParamsL"));  
   105 	if (!iMessage.IsNull())
   106 	    {
   107 	    aMessage.Complete(KErrInUse);
   108 	    return;
   109 	    }
   110     iMessage = aMessage;
   111  	ProcessParamBufferL(aBuffer);
   112     }
   114 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   115 // CBTGenericInfoNotifier::ProcessParamBufferL
   116 // Parse the data out of the message that is sent by the
   117 // client of the notifier.
   118 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   119 void CBTGenericInfoNotifier::ProcessParamBufferL(const TDesC8& aBuffer)
   120 	{
   121 	TBTGenericInfoNotifierParams bParams;
   122 	TPckgC<TBTGenericInfoNotifierParams> bPckg(bParams);	
   124 	bPckg.Set( aBuffer );
   125 	iSecondaryDisplayCommand = ECmdBTnotifUnavailable;
   126 	switch (bPckg().iMessageType)
   127 		{
   128 		case EBTConnected: 			
   129 			iMessageResourceId= R_BT_CONF_CONNECTED_PROMPT; 
   130 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand=ECmdShowBtConnectedNote;
   131 			break;
   132 		case EBTDisconnected: 		
   133 			iMessageResourceId= R_BT_CONF_DISCONNECTED_PROMPT; 
   134 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand=ECmdShowBtDisconnectedNote;
   135 			break;
   136 		case EBTAudioAccessory: 	
   137 			iMessageResourceId= R_BT_AUDIO_ACCESSORY_PROMPT; 
   138 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand=ECmdShowBtAudioAccessoryNote;
   139 			break;
   140 		case EBTAudioHandset: 		
   141 			iMessageResourceId= R_BT_AUDIO_HANDSET_PROMPT; 
   142 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand=ECmdShowBtAudioHandsetNote;
   143 			break;
   144 		case EBTClosed: 			
   145 			iMessageResourceId= R_BT_CONN_CLOSED_PROMPT; 
   146 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand=ECmdShowBtDisconnectedNote;
   147 			break;
   148 		case EBTDeviceNotAvailable: 
   149 			iMessageResourceId= R_BT_DEVICE_NOT_AVAIL; 
   150 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand=ECmdShowBtDeviceNotAvailableNote;
   151 			break;
   152 		case EBTOfflineDisabled: 	
   153 			iMessageResourceId= R_BT_OFFLINE_DISABLED; 
   154 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand=ECmdShowBtOfflineDisableNote;
   155 			break;	
   156 		case EBTVisibilityTimeout: 	
   157 			iMessageResourceId= R_BT_HIDDEN_FROM_OTHERS_NOTE; 
   158 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand=ECmdShowBtHiddenFromOthersNote;
   159 			break;	
   160 		case EBTEnterSap: 			
   161 			iMessageResourceId= R_BT_ENTER_SAP_NOTE; 
   162 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand=ECmdShowBtSapEnteringNote;
   163 			break;
   164 		case EBTSapOk: 				
   165 			iMessageResourceId= R_BT_ENTER_SAP_SUCCEED_NOTE; 
   166 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand=ECmdShowBtSapEnteringSucceededNote;
   167 			break;
   168 		case EBTSapFailed: 			
   169 			iMessageResourceId= R_BT_ENTER_SAP_FAILED_NOTE; 
   170 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand=ECmdShowBtSapEnteringFailedNote;
   171 			break;
   172 		case EBTSapNoSim: 			
   173 			iMessageResourceId= R_BT_SAP_NO_SIM_NOTE; 
   174 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand=ECmdShowBtSapNoSimNote;
   175 			break;			
   176 		case EBTDeviceBusy: 
   177 			iMessageResourceId=R_BT_BUSY_TEXT;
   178 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand=ECmdShowBtBusyNote;
   179 			break;
   180 		case EIRNotSupported: 
   181 			iMessageResourceId=R_IR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
   182 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand=ECmdShowIrNotSupportedNote;
   183 			break;
   184 		case ECmdShowBtBatteryLow:
   185 			iMessageResourceId= R_BT_ACCESSORY_LOW;
   186 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand= ECmdShowBtBatteryLowNote;
   187 			break;
   188 		case ECmdShowBtBatteryCritical:
   189 			iMessageResourceId= R_BT_ACCESSORY_CRITICAL; 
   190 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand= ECmdShowBtBatteryCriticalNote;
   191 			break;
   192         case EBTStayPowerOn:
   193             iMessageResourceId= R_BT_PERMANENTLY_ON; 
   194             break;
   195     	case EBTSwitchedOn:
   196     		iMessageResourceId= R_BT_SWITCHED_ON; 
   197     		break;
   198     	case EBTSwitchedOff:
   199     		iMessageResourceId= R_BT_SWITCHED_OFF;
   200     		break;
   201 		default:
   202 			FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericInfoNotifier:: Unkown messageType! ")); 
   203 			User::Leave(KErrNotFound);		
   204 		}
   206 	// if the logic string contains substitute indicator "%U", replace it with device name:	
   207 	iQueryMessage = StringLoader::LoadL( iMessageResourceId);
   208 	_LIT(PU,"%U");
   209 	if( iQueryMessage->Find(PU) != KErrNotFound)
   210 		{
   211 		iBTAddr = TBTDevAddr( bPckg().iRemoteAddr );
   212         iDevice = CBTDevice::NewL(iBTAddr);
   213 	    GetDeviceFromRegL( iBTAddr );
   214 		}
   215 	else
   216 	    {
   217 	    ShowNoteAndCompleteL();
   218 	    }
   219 	}
   221 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   222 // CBTGenericInfoNotifier::ShowNoteAndCompleteL
   223 // Shows the notifier in backround 
   224 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   225 //
   226 void CBTGenericInfoNotifier::ShowNoteAndCompleteL()
   227 	{
   228 	iNotifUiUtil->ShowInfoNoteL( *iQueryMessage, iSecondaryDisplayCommand );
   229     CompleteMessage(KErrNone);
   230     FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericInfoNotifier::ShowNoteAndComplete() complete"));
   231 	}
   233 void CBTGenericInfoNotifier::HandleGetDeviceCompletedL(const CBTDevice* /*aDev*/)
   234     {
   235     FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericInfoNotifier::HandleGetDeviceCompleted()"));
   237     delete iQueryMessage;
   238     iQueryMessage=NULL;
   240     TBTDeviceName name;
   241     BtNotifNameUtils::GetDeviceDisplayName(name, iDevice);
   242     iQueryMessage = StringLoader::LoadL( iMessageResourceId, name);            
   244     ShowNoteAndCompleteL();
   246     FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericInfoNotifier::HandleGetDeviceComplete() Complete"));        
   247     }
   249 // End of File