1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> |
2 <test> |
3 <id>1</id> |
4 <name> Local Connectivity API test</name> |
5 <target> |
6 <device rank="none" alias="DEFAULT"> |
7 <property name="HOST" value="4FID03666.NOE.Nokia.com" /> |
8 <property name="HARNESS" value="STIF" /> |
9 </device> |
10 </target> |
11 <plan id="1.1" name="LC API Test Plan" harness="STIF" enabled="true" passrate="100"> |
12 <session id="1.1.1" name="session" harness="STIF" enabled="true" passrate="100"> |
13 <set id="" name="set" harness="STIF" enabled="true" passrate="100"> |
14 <target> |
15 <device rank="master" alias="DEFAULT"/> |
16 </target> |
17 <case id="" name="LC API test" harness="STIF" enabled="true" passrate="100"> |
18 <flash target-alias="DEFAULT" images="LCDo_APITestDrop/images/LCDo_test_API_rnd.fpsx" /> |
19 <flash target-alias="DEFAULT" images="LCDo_APITestDrop/images/LCDo_test_API_rnd_erase.fpsx" /> |
20 <step id="" name="Install bteng test module" harness="STIF" significant="false"> |
21 <command>install</command> |
22 <params> |
23 <param type="binary"/> |
24 <param src="btengapitest.dll"/> |
25 <param dst="c:\sys\bin\btengapitest.dll"/> |
26 <param component-path="LCDo_APITestDrop/components"/> |
27 </params> |
28 </step> |
29 <step id="" name="Install bteng test script" harness="STIF" enabled="true" passrate="100" significant="false"> |
30 <command>install</command> |
31 <params> |
32 <param src="btengapi_scripter.cfg"/> |
33 <param dst="e:\testing\btengapi_scripter.cfg"/> |
34 <param component-path="LCDo_APITestDrop/general"/> |
35 </params> |
36 </step> |
37 <step id="" name="Install obex service test module" harness="STIF" significant="false"> |
38 <command>install</command> |
39 <params> |
40 <param type="binary"/> |
41 <param src="obexservapitest.dll"/> |
42 <param dst="c:\sys\bin\obexservapitest.dll"/> |
43 <param component-path="LCDo_APITestDrop/components"/> |
44 </params> |
45 </step> |
46 <step id="" name="Install obex service test script" harness="STIF" enabled="true" passrate="100" significant="false"> |
47 <command>install</command> |
48 <params> |
49 <param src="obexservapitest.cfg"/> |
50 <param dst="e:\testing\obexservapitest.cfg"/> |
51 <param component-path="LCDo_APITestDrop/general"/> |
52 </params> |
53 </step> |
54 <step id="" name="Install AT EXT plugin API test module" harness="STIF" significant="false"> |
55 <command>install</command> |
56 <params> |
57 <param type="binary"/> |
58 <param src="atextpluginapitest.dll"/> |
59 <param dst="c:\sys\bin\atextpluginapitest.dll"/> |
60 <param component-path="LCDo_APITestDrop/components"/> |
61 </params> |
62 </step> |
63 |
64 <step id="" name="Install AT EXT plugin API test script" harness="STIF" enabled="true" passrate="100" significant="false"> |
65 <command>install</command> |
66 <params> |
67 <param src="atextpluginapi_scripter.cfg"/> |
68 <param dst="e:\testing\atextpluginapi_scripter.cfg"/> |
69 <param component-path="LCDo_APITestDrop/general"/> |
70 </params> |
71 </step> |
72 |
73 <step id="" name="Install AT EXT plugin STUB" harness="STIF" significant="false"> |
74 <command>install</command> |
75 <params> |
76 <param type="binary"/> |
77 <param src="atextpluginstub.dll"/> |
78 <param dst="c:\sys\bin\atextpluginstub.dll"/> |
79 <param component-path="LCDo_APITestDrop/components"/> |
80 </params> |
81 </step> |
82 <step id="" name="Install AT EXT plugin STUB rsc" harness="STIF" significant="false"> |
83 <command>install</command> |
84 <params> |
85 <param src="atextpluginstub.rsc"/> |
86 <param dst="c:\resource\plugins\atextpluginstub.rsc"/> |
87 <param component-path="LCDo_APITestDrop/general"/> |
88 </params> |
89 </step> |
90 |
91 |
92 <step id="" name="Create CTC log dir" harness="STIF" enabled="true" passrate="100" significant="false"> |
93 <command>makedir</command> |
94 <params> |
95 <param dir="c:\data\ctc\"/> |
96 </params> |
97 </step> |
98 <step id="" name="Make logging dir" harness="STIF" enabled="true" passrate="100" significant="false"> |
99 <command>makedir</command> |
100 <params> |
101 <param dir="e:\logs\btengapitest"/> |
102 </params> |
103 </step> |
104 <step id="" name="Make logging dir" harness="STIF" enabled="true" passrate="100" significant="false"> |
105 <command>makedir</command> |
106 <params> |
107 <param dir="e:\logs\ObexServAPItest"/> |
108 </params> |
109 </step> |
110 <step id="" name="Make logging dir" harness="STIF" enabled="true" passrate="100" significant="false"> |
111 <command>makedir</command> |
112 <params> |
113 <param dir="e:\logs\atextpluginapitest"/> |
114 </params> |
115 </step> |
116 <step id="" name="Test obex service APIs" harness="STIF" enabled="true" passrate="100" significant="true"> |
117 <command>run-cases</command> |
118 <params> |
119 <param module="TestScripter"/> |
120 <param testcase-file="e:\testing\obexservapitest.cfg"/> |
121 <param timeout="6000"/> |
122 </params> |
123 </step> |
124 <step id="" name="Test bteng APIs" harness="STIF" enabled="true" passrate="100" significant="true"> |
125 <command>run-cases</command> |
126 <params> |
127 <param module="TestScripter"/> |
128 <param testcase-file="e:\testing\btengapi_scripter.cfg"/> |
129 <param timeout="6000"/> |
130 </params> |
131 </step> |
132 <step id="" name="Test AT EXT Plugin APIs" harness="STIF" enabled="true" passrate="100" significant="true"> |
133 <command>run-cases</command> |
134 <params> |
135 <param module="TestScripter"/> |
136 <param testcase-file="e:\testing\atextpluginapi_scripter.cfg"/> |
137 <param timeout="6000"/> |
138 </params> |
139 </step> |
140 <step id="" name="Save CTC data" harness="STIF" enabled="true" passrate="100" significant="false"> |
141 <command>execute</command> |
142 <params> |
143 <param parameters="writefile"/> |
144 <param file="z:\sys\bin\ctcman.exe"/> |
145 </params> |
146 </step> |
147 <step id="" name="Fetch test results" harness="STIF" enabled="true" passrate="100" significant="false"> |
148 <command>fetch-log</command> |
149 <params> |
150 <param type="text"/> |
151 <param delete="true"/> |
152 <param path="C:\logs\TestFramework\*"/> |
153 </params> |
154 </step> |
155 <step id="" name="Fetch test results" harness="STIF" enabled="true" passrate="100" significant="false"> |
156 <command>fetch-log</command> |
157 <params> |
158 <param path="e:\logs\btengapitest\*"/> |
159 <param delete="true"/> |
160 </params> |
161 </step> |
162 <step id="" name="Fetch test results" harness="STIF" enabled="true" passrate="100" significant="false"> |
163 <command>fetch-log</command> |
164 <params> |
165 <param path="e:\logs\ObexServAPItest\*"/> |
166 <param delete="true"/> |
167 </params> |
168 </step> |
169 <step id="" name="Fetch test results" harness="STIF" enabled="true" passrate="100" significant="false"> |
170 <command>fetch-log</command> |
171 <params> |
172 <param path="e:\logs\atextpluginapitest\*"/> |
173 <param delete="true"/> |
174 </params> |
175 </step> |
176 <step id="" name="Fetch test results" harness="STIF" enabled="true" passrate="100" significant="false"> |
177 <command>fetch-log</command> |
178 <params> |
179 <param path="c:\data\ctc\ctcdata.txt"/> |
180 <param delete="false"/> |
181 </params> |
182 </step> |
183 </case> |
184 </set> |
185 </session> |
186 </plan> |
187 <files> |
188 <file>LCDo_APITestDrop/images/LCDo_test_API_rnd.fpsx</file> |
189 <file>LCDo_APITestDrop/images/LCDo_test_API_rnd_erase.fpsx</file> |
190 <file>LCDo_APITestDrop/components/armv5_urel/btengapitest.dll</file> |
191 <file>LCDo_APITestDrop/components/armv5_urel/obexservapitest.dll</file> |
192 <file>LCDo_APITestDrop/components/armv5_urel/atextpluginapitest.dll</file> |
193 <file>LCDo_APITestDrop/components/armv5_urel/atextpluginstub.dll</file> |
194 <file>LCDo_APITestDrop/general/atextpluginstub.rsc</file> |
195 <file>LCDo_APITestDrop/general/btengapi_scripter.cfg</file> |
196 <file>LCDo_APITestDrop/general/obexservapitest.cfg</file> |
197 <file>LCDo_APITestDrop/general/atextpluginapi_scripter.cfg</file> |
198 </files> |
199 |
200 <postAction> |
201 <type>FileStoreAction</type> |
202 <params> |
203 <param name="to-folder" value="\\jamppa\ATS\filestore\test_result_50"/> |
204 </params> |
205 </postAction> |
206 |
207 </test> |
208 <!-- |
209 <report media="email"> |
210 <type>ATS3_REPORT</type> |
211 <to>andreas.bjorklund@nokia.com;ext-aminul.2.islam@nokia.com;yongjiang.yu@nokia.com;jani.tikka@nokia.com;teemu.turkki@nokia.com</to> |
212 </report> |
213 NOTE: Sending email reports requires following things to be defined from ATS3WebUI: |
214 Administration->AUTOMATIC_EMAIL_REPORT: |
215 email.from (must contain domain) |
216 email.subject (subject of the sent email) |
217 Administration->SHARED: |
218 smtp.host |
219 smtp.port |
220 --> |