changeset 23 9386f31cc85b
child 24 269724087bed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetoothengine/btnotif/src/BTNAuthNotifier.cpp	Wed Sep 01 12:20:04 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Implements authorisation notifier class.
+#include <BTNotif.rsg>       // Own resources
+#include "btnauthnotifier.h" // Own class definition
+#include "btNotifDebug.h"    // Debugging macros
+#include <btextnotifiers.h>
+#include <AknMediatorFacade.h> // Cover UI
+#include <SecondaryDisplay/BTnotifSecondaryDisplayAPI.h>
+#include <btengconstants.h>
+#include <btengsettings.h>
+#include <e32cmn.h>
+#include <btotgpairpub.inl>
+#include <btengprivatecrkeys.h>
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include <e32const.h>
+#include <e32des8.h>
+#include <e32cmn.h>
+#include <utf.h> // Unicode character conversion utilities
+#include <btengutil.h>
+#ifdef __SERIES60_HELP
+#include <hlplch.h>
+#include <csxhelp/bt.hlp.hrh> // The bt hrh info is needed, for help launching
+#include <bluetoothuiutil.h>
+#include "btnotifnameutils.h"
+// SDP UUID Constants - Short form
+// Taken from Bluetooth Profile specification v1.1
+// These are used when registering the service to
+// local SDP database and when searching the service
+// information from remote device.
+const TUint KBTSdpDun                   = 0x1103;
+const TUint KBTSdpGenericTelephony      = 0x1204;
+const TUint KBTSdpFax                   = 0x1111;
+const TUint KBTSdpObjectPush            = 0x1105;
+const TUint KBTSdpFileTransfer          = 0x1106;
+const TUint KBTSdpHeadSet               = 0x1108;
+const TUint KBTSdpGenericNetworking     = 0x1201;
+const TUint KBTSdpBasicImaging          = 0x111b;
+/**  Identification for active object */
+const TInt KBTNotifAuthNotifierLockReq = 10;
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTAuthNotifier::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+CBTAuthNotifier* CBTAuthNotifier::NewL()
+    {
+    CBTAuthNotifier* self = new (ELeave) CBTAuthNotifier();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    return self;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTAuthNotifier::CBTAuthNotifier
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTAuthNotifier::RegisterL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+CBTAuthNotifier::TNotifierInfo CBTAuthNotifier::RegisterL()
+    {
+    iInfo.iUid=KBTManAuthNotifierUid;
+    iInfo.iChannel=KBTAuthorisationChannel;
+    iInfo.iPriority=ENotifierPriorityVHigh;
+    return iInfo;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTAuthNotifier::GetParamsL
+// Initialize parameters and check if device is already
+// in registry. Jump to RunL as soon as possible.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTAuthNotifier::GetParamsL(const TDesC8& aBuffer, TInt aReplySlot, const RMessagePtr2& aMessage)
+    {
+    FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::GetParamsL()"));
+    if( !iMessage.IsNull())
+        {
+        User::Leave(KErrInUse);
+        }
+    iMessage = aMessage;
+    iReplySlot = aReplySlot;
+    if ( AutoLockOnL() )
+        {
+        // The phone is locked, access denied.
+        // Write results back to caller and complete message.	
+	CompleteMessage(EFalse, KErrNone);	
+        return;
+        }
+    TBTAuthorisationParams param;
+    TPckgC<TBTAuthorisationParams> pckg(param);
+    pckg.Set(aBuffer);
+    iServiceUid = pckg().iUid.iUid;  // Pick up service uid from message
+    iBTAddr = pckg().iBDAddr;
+    if ( OtherOutgoPairing( iBTAddr ) )
+        {
+        // We won't allow connection request from another device during outgoing pairing:
+        FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier: outgoing pair in progress, reject request from other device"));
+        CompleteMessage(KErrCancel);
+        return;
+        }	
+    // create iDevice so that the name won't be lost if the device does
+    // not exist in registry.
+    iDevice = CBTDevice::NewL( iBTAddr );
+    BtNotifNameUtils::SetDeviceNameL(pckg().iName, *iDevice);
+    if ( !iNotifLockProp.Handle() )
+        {
+        User::LeaveIfError( iNotifLockProp.Attach( 
+                KPSUidBluetoothEnginePrivateCategory, KBTNotifierLocks ) );
+        }
+    if(!iLockActive)
+        {
+        iLockActive = CBTNotifActive::NewL( this, KBTNotifAuthNotifierLockReq, CActive::EPriorityStandard );
+        }
+    CheckAndSubscribeNotifLocks();
+    if ( !iSuspended )
+        {
+        // Check if device is in the registry, function of notifier base  
+        GetDeviceFromRegL( iBTAddr );
+        }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+    FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::GetParamsL() Executing authorisation..."));
+    TBuf<12> deviceAddressString;
+    pckg().iBDAddr.GetReadable(deviceAddressString);
+    FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t  BT Address: %S"), &deviceAddressString));
+    FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::GetParamsL Service Uid: %d = 0x%X"), iServiceUid, iServiceUid ));
+    FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::GetParamsL() completed"));
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTAuthNotifier::UpdateL
+// Notifier update. Stores the received bluetooth
+// device name into registry and show it on screen.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+TPtrC8 CBTAuthNotifier::UpdateL(const TDesC8& aBuffer)
+    {
+    FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::UpdateL()"));
+    TBTNotifierUpdateParams params; // Contains iName and iResult (name request)
+    TPckgC<TBTNotifierUpdateParams> pckg(params);
+    pckg.Set(aBuffer);
+    FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::UpdateL - Name: '%S' length: %d"), &pckg().iName, pckg().iName.Length() ));
+    // If the device name request was successful and if new name is valid, show the new name.
+    if (pckg().iResult == KErrNone)
+        {
+        BtNotifNameUtils::SetDeviceNameL(pckg().iName, *iDevice); // Override possible previous device name
+        // Show new prompt for dialog if it is still on the screen
+        if ( !iDevice->IsValidFriendlyName() && iDevice->IsValidDeviceName())
+            {
+            // Create new prompt string with new device name
+            RBuf stringholder;
+            CleanupClosePushL( stringholder );
+            BluetoothUiUtil::LoadResourceAndSubstringL( 
+                    stringholder, iStrResourceId, 
+                    BTDeviceNameConverter::ToUnicodeL(iDevice->DeviceName()), 0 );
+            iNotifUiUtil->UpdateQueryDlgL( stringholder );
+            iNotifUiUtil->UpdateCoverUiL( iDevice->DeviceName() );
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // stringholder
+            }
+        }
+    FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::UpdateL() completed"));
+    TPtrC8 ret(KNullDesC8);
+    return (ret);
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTAuthNotifier::RequestCompletedL
+// Gets called when P&S key notifies change
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTAuthNotifier::RequestCompletedL( CBTNotifActive* aActive, TInt aId, TInt aStatus )
+    {
+    FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::RequestCompletedL()"));
+    ASSERT( aId == KBTNotifAuthNotifierLockReq );
+    (void) aActive;
+    (void) aId;
+    if ( aStatus == KErrNone )
+        {
+        TBool prevSuspend = iSuspended;
+        // check the latest lock status and subscribe to further lock event:
+        CheckAndSubscribeNotifLocks();
+        if ( prevSuspend && !iSuspended )
+            {
+            // Check if device is in the registry, function of notifier base  
+            GetDeviceFromRegL( iBTAddr ); 
+            }
+        else if ( iSuspended && !(iNotifUiUtil->IsQueryReleased()) )
+            {
+            iNotifUiUtil->DismissDialog();
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        HandleError( aActive, KBTNotifAuthNotifierLockReq, iLockActive->RequestStatus().Int() );
+        }
+    FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::RequestCompletedL() completed"));
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTAuthNotifier::HandleError
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTAuthNotifier::HandleError( CBTNotifActive* aActive, TInt aId, TInt aError )
+    {
+    FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::HandleError() error = %d"), aError ));
+    (void) aActive;
+    (void) aId;
+    (void) aError;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTAuthNotifier::DoCancelRequest
+// Root caller is CBTNotifActive::CancelRequest(), which calls 
+// CActive::Cancel that calls DoCancel() if request is active.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTAuthNotifier::DoCancelRequest( CBTNotifActive* aActive, TInt aId )
+    {
+    FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::DoCancel() >>"));
+    ASSERT( aId == KBTNotifAuthNotifierLockReq );
+    (void) aActive;
+    (void) aId;
+    iNotifLockProp.Cancel();
+    FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::DoCancel() <<"));
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTAuthNotifier::Cancel
+// Not Active Object's cancel, but notifier deactivation
+// Release all own resources (member variables)
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTAuthNotifier::Cancel()
+    {
+    FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::Cancel()"));
+    if (iLockActive)
+        {
+        iLockActive->CancelRequest();
+        delete iLockActive;
+        iLockActive = NULL;
+        }
+    iNotifLockProp.Close();
+	CBTNotifierBase::Cancel(); 
+    FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::Cancel() completed"));
+    }
+void CBTAuthNotifier::HandleGetDeviceCompletedL(const CBTDevice* aDev)
+	{
+	FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::HandleGetDeviceCompleted()"));	
+    (void) aDev;
+    if ( iSuspended)
+        {
+        FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::HandleGetDeviceCompleted, still suspended, wait"));
+        return;
+        }
+    TBool reqAllowed = IsJustWorksPaired( iDevice->AsNamelessDevice() ) ? 
+        IsUserAwarePaired( iDevice->AsNamelessDevice() ) : ETrue ;
+    FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier, reqAllowed %d" ), reqAllowed ) );
+    if ( !reqAllowed )
+        {
+        // Do not grant access to device that is not paired in Just Works mode without
+        // user awareness, e.g. pairing due to an incoming connection request from a 
+        // headset.
+        CompleteMessage(KErrAccessDenied);
+        return;
+        }
+    iStrResourceId = R_BT_AUTHORISATION_NAME;
+    // Select authorisation state for further use (dialogue selection)
+    switch( iServiceUid )
+        {
+        case KBTSdpObjectPush:
+        case KBTSdpBasicImaging: 
+            iAuthState = EBTObexAuthorisation;
+            iStrResourceId = R_BT_RECEIVE_MESSAGE;
+            iCoverUiDlgId = ECmdShowReceiveMessageFromDeviceDlg;
+            if( IsUserAwarePaired( iDevice->AsNamelessDevice() ) )
+                {
+                iAuthState = EBTObexAuthForPairedDevice;
+                iStrResourceId = R_BT_RECEIVE_MESSAGE_PAIRED;
+                iCoverUiDlgId = ECmdShowReceiveMessageFromPairedDeviceDlg; 
+                }
+            break;
+        case KBTSdpFax:
+        case KBTSdpDun:
+        case KBTSdpFileTransfer:
+        case KBTSdpHeadSet:
+        case KBTSdpGenericTelephony:
+        case KBTSdpGenericNetworking:
+            if ( iDevice->GlobalSecurity().NoAuthorise() )
+                {
+                iAuthState = EBTAutoAuthorisation;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                iAuthState = EBTNormalAuthorisation;
+                }
+            iCoverUiDlgId = ECmdShowAcceptConnRequestDlg;
+            break;
+        default:
+            { // check if device is authorized
+            if ( iDevice->GlobalSecurity().NoAuthorise() )
+                {
+                iAuthState = EBTAutoAuthorisation;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                iAuthState = EBTAutoAuthorisationNotAuthorisedOnPhone;                        
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::HandleGetDeviceComplete() Complete. iAuthState = %d"), iAuthState ));    
+    ShowAuthoQueryL();
+	}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTAuthNotifier::GetByPassAudioNotifier
+// is bypassing this audio connection query needed and if it is, will the
+// query be automatically accepted or rejected.
+// This is used for bypassing the notifiers of the 2nd audio connection, so
+// the the user needs to reply to the incoming audio link only once.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CBTAuthNotifier::GetByPassAudioNotifier(const TBTDevAddr& aDeviceAddress,TBool& aAccept)
+	{
+	FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::GetByPassAudioNotifier()"));	
+		TBuf8<48> buf;
+		RProperty::Define(KPSUidBluetoothEnginePrivateCategory,KBTAuthorInfoPerDevice, RProperty::EByteArray );
+		RProperty::Get(KPSUidBluetoothEnginePrivateCategory,KBTAuthorInfoPerDevice,buf);
+		if(buf.Length()>2)
+			{
+			// accept status of last attempt			
+			aAccept= (buf[0]=='1');
+			// last address						
+			TBuf<12> oldAddrString;
+			oldAddrString.Copy(buf.Mid(2,12));
+			TBTDevAddr lastAddress;
+			lastAddress.SetReadable(oldAddrString);
+			// last time
+			TInt64 num(0);
+			TLex8 lex;			
+			lex=buf.Mid(15);	
+			TBuf<32> tmp_debug;
+			tmp_debug.Copy(buf.Mid(15));
+			lex.Val( num );
+			TTime lastConnectionTime( num );
+			TTime now;			
+			now.UniversalTime();			
+			TBuf16<48> buf2;
+			buf2.Copy(buf);
+			FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::GetByPassAudioNotifier() Complete same_address=%d Time_ok=%d last_reply=%d"),lastAddress==aDeviceAddress,now>=lastConnectionTime && now <lastConnectionTime+ TTimeIntervalSeconds(5),aAccept));	
+			return lastAddress==aDeviceAddress && (now>=lastConnectionTime && now <lastConnectionTime+ TTimeIntervalSeconds(5) );		
+			}
+		FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::GetByPassAudioNotifier() Complete - empty key"));				
+		return EFalse;
+	}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTAuthNotifier::MemorizeCurrentAudioAttempt
+// Store the information about this audio connection attempt 
+// and what user replied to that. This is used by
+// GetBypassAudio Notifier.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTAuthNotifier::MemorizeCurrentAudioAttempt(const TBool aAccept,const TBTDevAddr& aDeviceAddress)    			
+	{
+	FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::MemorizeCurrentAudioAttempt()"));	
+	TBuf8<48> buf;
+	buf.Zero();
+	buf.AppendNum(aAccept!=EFalse);//now 0/1 only.
+	buf.Append(';');
+	TBuf<12> a;
+	aDeviceAddress.GetReadable(a);
+	for(TInt t=0;t<12;t++)
+		buf.Append(a[t]);
+	buf.Append(';');		
+	TTime writeTime;
+	writeTime.UniversalTime();		
+	buf.AppendNum(  writeTime.Int64()  );
+	RProperty::Set(KPSUidBluetoothEnginePrivateCategory,KBTAuthorInfoPerDevice,buf);
+	FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::MemorizeCurrentAudioAttempt() complete"));	
+	}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTAuthNotifier::ShowAuthoQueryL
+// Ask user's response on authorization query
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTAuthNotifier::ShowAuthoQueryL()
+    {
+    FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::ShowAuthoQueryL"));
+    if ( iAuthState == EBTAutoAuthorisation )
+        {
+        // device alreay set trusted now. allow connection automatically       
+        CompleteMessage(ETrue, KErrNone);        
+        FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier, device authorized already, allow connection automatically" ));
+        return;
+        }
+    TBool reply;
+    if ( GetByPassAudioNotifier(iDevice->BDAddr(),reply) )
+        {
+        FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::ShowAuthoQueryL bypassing notifier with reply: %d"),reply));          
+        CompleteMessage(reply, KErrNone);
+        return;
+        }
+    // Not asking user's response if auth request is for: profile HFP/HSP/A2DP/AVRCP, and
+    // there is already existing connection to one of those profiles from the same device.
+    // 
+    TBool connectStatus = IsExistingConnectionToAudioL( iDevice->BDAddr() );  
+    // if iAuthState==EBTAutoAuthorisationNotAuthorised and device is connected it means it tries several connections
+    // so we just approve this. Also if connected & EBTAutoAuthorisation.
+    //                              
+    if(connectStatus && ( iAuthState==EBTAutoAuthorisationNotAuthorisedOnPhone))                                         
+        {
+        FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::Automatic authorisation ()"));
+        //Antomatic authorisation without asking user           
+        CompleteMessage(ETrue, KErrNone);   
+        FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::ShowAuthoQueryL() completed-"    ));     
+        return;                 
+        }
+    // check if we're showing bt off query
+    TInt queryValue=EBTQueryOff;
+    RProperty::Get(KPSUidBluetoothEnginePrivateCategory,KBTTurnBTOffQueryOn,queryValue);                
+    if( queryValue == EBTQueryOn )
+        {
+        CompleteMessage(KErrCancel);
+        return;
+        }
+    TBTDeviceName tempDeviceName; 
+    BtNotifNameUtils::GetDeviceDisplayName(tempDeviceName, iDevice);
+    RBuf stringholder;
+    CleanupClosePushL( stringholder );
+    BluetoothUiUtil::LoadResourceAndSubstringL( 
+            stringholder, iStrResourceId, tempDeviceName, 0);
+    TInt keypress = iNotifUiUtil->ShowQueryL( stringholder, R_BT_AUTHORISATION_QUERY, 
+            iCoverUiDlgId, tempDeviceName, CAknQueryDialog::EConfirmationTone );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // stringholder
+    // If this notifier is cancelled by the caller, no need to perform the rest operation:
+    if ( iSuspended || iMessage.IsNull() )
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    if( keypress )  // User has accepted the dialog
+        {
+        if( iDevice && !iDevice->IsValidLinkKey() )
+            {               
+            TTime now;
+            now.UniversalTime();
+            TBuf8<32> buf;
+            buf.AppendNum(  now.Int64()  );             
+            RProperty::Set(KPSUidBluetoothEnginePrivateCategory,KBTConnectionTimeStamp,buf);                
+            }
+        MemorizeCurrentAudioAttempt(ETrue,iDevice->BDAddr() );
+        CompleteMessage( ETrue, KErrNone );
+        }
+    else // User has rejected the dialog.
+        {
+        iLockActive->CancelRequest();
+        DoRejectAuthorizationL();
+        }
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTAuthNotifier::DoRejectAuthorizationL
+// Handle query threshold and block after user rejects authorization
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTAuthNotifier::DoRejectAuthorizationL()
+    {
+    FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::DoRejectAuthorizationL()"));
+    CheckAndHandleQueryIntervalL();
+    if( iMessage.IsNull() )
+        {
+        return; // No need to continue.
+        }
+    MemorizeCurrentAudioAttempt(EFalse,iDevice->BDAddr());
+    //Logic: query block only at the second time for the same paired device
+    //       query block everytime after rejection for non-paired device.
+    if( IsPaired( iDevice->AsNamelessDevice() ) )
+        {
+        FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::DoRejectAuthorizationL() rejected a paired device."));            
+        TBuf<2*KBTDevAddrSize> tmp; //2 hex digits per byte
+        RProperty::Get(KPSUidBluetoothEnginePrivateCategory, KBTBlockDevAddr, tmp);
+        TBTDevAddr priorDeviceaddress;
+        priorDeviceaddress.Reset();
+        priorDeviceaddress.SetReadable(tmp);
+        if(priorDeviceaddress != iDevice->BDAddr() )                            
+            {
+            FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::DoRejectAuthorizationL() NOT the prior rejected device, no block query."));           
+            // The last device was not current device,
+            // so the last device is updated to be current device.                  
+            iDevice->BDAddr().GetReadable(tmp);
+            RProperty::Set(KPSUidBluetoothEnginePrivateCategory, KBTBlockDevAddr, tmp );
+            // Complete message and free resources
+            CompleteMessage(EFalse, KErrNone);
+            FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::DoRejectAuthorizationL() completed"));
+            return;
+            }
+        else 
+            {
+            FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier::DoRejectAuthorizationL() IS SAME as the prior rejected device."));           
+            // this was 2nd time in row. Clear the key, so the question will not be made next time.
+            TBuf<2*KBTDevAddrSize> tmp;                 
+            TBTDevAddr emptyAddr;
+            emptyAddr.Reset();
+            emptyAddr.GetReadable(tmp);                 
+            RProperty::Set(KPSUidBluetoothEnginePrivateCategory, KBTBlockDevAddr, tmp );
+            }
+        }
+    // Ask user to Block this device or not.
+    if( !iMessage.IsNull() )
+        {
+        QueryBlockDeviceL();
+        }
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTAuthNotifier::CheckAndSubscribeNotifLocks
+// Subscribe to PS key and check key value.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTAuthNotifier::CheckAndSubscribeNotifLocks()
+    {
+    if ( !iLockActive->IsActive() )
+        {
+        FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier, Subscribe Device Operation Info"));
+        iNotifLockProp.Subscribe( iLockActive->RequestStatus() );
+        iLockActive->GoActive();
+        }
+    TInt ops;
+    TBTNotifLockPublish::GetNotifLocks( iNotifLockProp, 
+            ops, iBTAddr );
+    iSuspended = ops & EBTNotiferLockPairedDeviceSetting;
+    FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTAuthNotifier suspended ? %d"), iSuspended ));    
+    }
+// End of File