changeset 23 9386f31cc85b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetoothengine/btui/Ecom/inc/BTUIPairedDevicesView.h	Wed Sep 01 12:20:04 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  The view that handles paired devices.
+#include <aknview.h>
+#include <eikmenup.h>       // Menu pane definitions
+#include <AknWaitDialog.h>
+#include <AknQueryDialog.h>
+#include <btengconstants.h>
+#include <btengdiscovery.h>
+#include "BtuiPluginInterface.h"
+#include "btdevmodel.h"
+#include "BTUIListedDevicesView.h"
+#include "btuipluginman.h"
+#include "BTUIActive.h"
+#include <SecondaryDisplay/BtuiSecondaryDisplayAPI.h>
+#include <gstabbedview.h>
+class CAknNavigationControlContainer;
+class CBTUiDeviceContainer;        
+class CGSTabHelper;
+class CBTEngSettings;
+class CBTUIMainView;
+// if there are more connection that this, it is disallowed to
+// connect to any device
+const TInt KBtUiMaxConnections = 6; 
+* Paired devicew view of the pluetooth application.
+* This view handles lists of paired device and pairing new devices, unpairing devices
+* and setting previously paired devices as blocked. Also connecting and disconnecting 
+* are done by using this view.
+*@lib BTUIPlugin.dll
+*@since S60 v3.0
+class CBTUIPairedDevicesView : public CBTUIListedDevicesView,
+							  public MBTEngSettingsObserver,
+		                      public MProgressDialogCallback,
+		                      public MBTEngSdpResultReceiver, // for bt discovery. SDP is not used
+		                      public MGSTabbedView,
+		                      public MBTUIActiveObserver
+    public:
+		/**
+        * ECOM implementation instantiation function of 
+        * interface "CBtuiPluginInterface", to be used by BTUI Application.
+        */        
+        static CBTUIPairedDevicesView* NewL(MBtuiPluginViewActivationObserver* aObserver = NULL);
+		static CBTUIPairedDevicesView* NewLC(CBTUIMainView* aBaseView, CArrayPtrFlat<MGSTabbedView>* aTabViewArray);
+		/**
+        * Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
+        */
+        void ConstructL();
+		void ConstructL( CBTUIMainView* aBaseView, CArrayPtrFlat<MGSTabbedView>* aTabViewArray );
+		/**
+        * Destructor.
+        */
+        virtual ~CBTUIPairedDevicesView();
+        /**
+        * From MGSTabbedView:
+        * Creates new icon for tab. Ownership is transferred to client.
+        * @since 3.1
+        */       
+        CGulIcon* CreateTabIconL();        
+    public: // Functions from base classes
+        /**
+        * From CAknView Returns view id.
+        * @param None.
+        * @return View id.
+        */
+        TUid Id() const;
+        /**
+        * From CAknView Handles user commands.
+        * @param aCommand A command id.        
+        * @return None.
+        */
+        void HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand);
+	protected:		
+        /**
+        * C++ default constructor.
+        */
+        CBTUIPairedDevicesView (MBtuiPluginViewActivationObserver* aObserver= NULL);
+    private: // Functions from base classes
+        /**
+        * From CAknView Activates view.
+        * @param aPrevViewId Id of previous view.
+        * @param aCustomMessageId Custom message id.
+        * @param aCustomMessage Custom message.
+        * @return None.
+        */
+        void DoActivateL( const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId,
+                                TUid aCustomMessageId,
+                          const TDesC8& aCustomMessage );
+        /**
+        * From CAknView Deactivates view.        
+        * @param None.
+        * @return None.
+        */
+        void DoDeactivate();       
+        /**
+        * From CAknView Dynamically initialises options menu.
+        * @param aResourceId Id identifying the menu pane to initialise.
+        * @param aMenuPane The in-memory representation of the menu pane.
+        * @return None.
+        */
+        void DynInitMenuPaneL(TInt aResourceId,CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane);
+		// implemented from MProgressDialogCallback
+        /** This is used to cancel connecting and pairing, if user presses the Cancel-button.
+        * From MProgressDialogCallback Get's called when a dialog is dismissed.        
+        * @param aButtonId Id of the pressed button.
+        * @return None.
+        */
+        void DialogDismissedL( TInt aButtonId );
+	public: // from MBTDeviceObserver
+    	/**
+        * Informs the observer that an error happened in changing device status or a new device added.
+        * @param aErr Symbian error code
+        * @param aDevice the device which is changed.
+        * @param aDevNameArray hold conflicting devices' short names if "AlreadyExist" error happened during "connect"
+        * @return None.
+        */
+		void NotifyChangeDeviceComplete(const TInt aErr, const TBTDevice& aDevice,
+			const RBTDevNameArray* /*aDevNameArray*/ )	;
+    	/**
+        * Leaving version of NotifyChangeDeviceComplete
+        * @param aErr Symbian error code
+        * @param aDevice the device which is changed.
+        * @param aDevNameArray hold conflicting devices' short names if "AlreadyExist" error happened during "connect"
+        * @return None.
+        */
+		void NotifyChangeDeviceCompleteL(const TInt aErr, const TBTDevice& aDevice,
+			const RBTDevNameArray* /*aDevNameArray*/ )	;
+		/** Updates the shown device list. This module will send this list forward
+		 * to container that takes care of the actual display of those devices
+		 *
+		 *@param aDevices all the devices to be shown
+		 *@param aSelectedItemIndex currently selected item after refresh.
+		 */
+		void RefreshDeviceList(const RDeviceArray* aDevices,TInt aSelectedItemIndex);	
+	private: // From MBTUIActiveObserver
+	    /**
+	     * Callback to notify that an outstanding request has completed.
+	     * @param aActive Pointer to the active object that completed.
+	     * @param aId The ID that identifies the outstanding request.
+	     * @param aStatus The status of the completed request.
+	     */
+	    void RequestCompletedL( CBTUIActive* aActive, TInt aId, 
+	                            TInt aStatus );
+	    /**
+	     * Callback to notify that an error has occurred in RunL.
+	     *
+	     * @param aActive Pointer to the active object that completed.
+	     * @param aId The ID that identifies the outstanding request.
+	     * @param aStatus The status of the completed request.
+	     */
+	    void HandleError( CBTUIActive* aActive, TInt aId, 
+	                      TInt aError );
+	public: // Operations to devices not containing confirmation queries
+        /**
+        * Sets the current security setting of the device.
+        * Does not ask user about it.
+        *
+        * @param aTrusted  ETrue when trusted, EFalse if untrusted.
+        * @return None.
+        */
+        void ChangeDeviceSecurityL( TBool aTrusted );
+        /**
+        * Issues prompts to connects to specified accessory.
+        * Connects to it if user andswers yes.
+        *
+        * @param TBTDevice  connect to this device
+        * @return None.
+        */
+		void ConnectL( const TBTDevice& aDevice, TBool aNewWaitNote );        
+        /**
+        * Disconnects from the selected BT Accessory.
+        *
+        * @param None.
+        * @return None.
+        */
+        void DisconnectL();
+		/**
+        * Removes iDisconnectQueryDlg created in DisconnectL
+        *
+        * @param None.
+        * @return None.
+        */        
+        void CancelDisconnectQueryDlg();
+        /**
+        * Disconnects from the selected BT Accessory without query.
+        *
+        * @param None.
+        * @return None.
+        */        
+        void DisconnectWithoutQuery();
+    	/** Checks if there is an active phonecall.
+    	*@return ETrue if there is, EFalse otherwise
+    	*/
+    	TBool CallOnGoing();
+		/** This is used to create TCallBack to help. This is static, since TCallBack does not
+		 * allow instance methods. This is used by BlockDeviceDlgL to add help callback to the query.
+		 *
+		 * @param aTCoeHelpContext. Must be instance TCoeHelpContext, or NULL.
+		 * If this is not specified this will open help about blocked devices.
+		 * This is not an instance of TCoeHelpContext, since TCallback does not allow
+		 * parameters of other type that TAny*.
+		 * @return allways KErrNone. TCallBack does not allow void functions
+		 */
+		static TInt LaunchHelp(TAny *aTCoeHelpContext=NULL);
+	private: //These handle command given by user	
+        /**
+        * Asks new nick name for the BT Device from user and
+        * attempt to rename the device. Failures are handled by NotifyChangeDeviceComplete.
+        *
+        * @param None.
+        * @return None.
+        */
+        void RenameDeviceDlgL();
+        /**
+        * Asks confirmation for deleting a BT Device from user.
+        * Delete the current device if yes replied yes.
+        *
+        * @param None.
+        * @return None.
+        */
+        void DeleteDeviceDlgL();
+        /**
+        * Asks confirmation for deleting all BT devices from user.
+        * Delete the devices if yes replied yes.
+        *
+        * @param None.
+        * @return None.
+        */
+        void DeleteAllDevicesDlgL();
+        /**
+        * Initiates the pairing procedure to get a new paired device.
+        * DeviceSearchComplete is called after the dialog is done.
+        *
+        * @param None.
+        * @return None.
+        */
+        void NewPairedDeviceDlgL();
+  		/**
+        * Asks confirmation for Blocking the selected BT Device.
+        * Blocks the current device if yes replied yes.
+        *
+        * @param None.
+        * @return None.
+        */
+		void BlockDeviceDlgL();
+		/**Opens a wait note.
+		 *
+		 *@param dialog. The dialog object to be used for displaying this note.
+		 *@param aNoteResource The resource of the note, not including the text.
+		 *@param aNoteTextResource The text resource. The %U if this note is filled up with aDevName.
+		 *@param aSec SecondaryDisplaycommand
+		 *@param aDevName The dev name filled in aNoteTextResource
+		 */		
+		void OpenWaitNoteL(CAknWaitDialog *&dialog,TUint aNoteResource,TUint aNoteTextResource,
+			TSecondaryDisplayBtuiDialogs aSec,const TDesC& aDevName);
+		/** Open Setting view for peripheral devices
+		 * 
+		 * @param None.
+		 * @return None.
+		 */
+		void LaunchSettingViewL();
+		/** Setup device specific menu options
+		 * 
+		 * @param None.
+		 * @return None.
+		 */
+		void SetupMenuCmd(TInt aIndex, CEikMenuPane* aMenu);
+	public:	// Inherited from MBTEngSdpResultReceiver
+		/** Inherited from MBTEngSdpResultReceiver and implemented as empty, 
+		 * since this class will not do service searches, only device searches.
+		 */
+		void ServiceSearchComplete( const RSdpRecHandleArray& aResult, 
+			TUint aTotalRecordsCount, TInt aErr ) ;
+		/** Inherited from MBTEngSdpResultReceiver and implemented as empty, 
+		 * since this class will not do attributes seaches, only device searches.
+		 */
+    	void AttributeSearchComplete( TSdpServRecordHandle aHandle, 
+    		const RSdpResultArray& aAttr,TInt aErr ) ;		
+		/** Inherited from MBTEngSdpResultReceiver and implemented as empty, 
+		 * since this class will not do service attribute seaches, only device searches.
+		 */
+	    void ServiceAttributeSearchComplete( TSdpServRecordHandle aHandle,
+	    	const RSdpResultArray& aAttr,TInt aErr );
+	  /**
+	    * Provides notification of the result of the discovery of nearby 
+	    * Bluetooth devices. If a device is selected this class will try to pair it.
+		*
+	    * @param aDevice The data structure encapsulates all information 
+	    *                about the selected device. Ownership of the data 
+	    *                structure has not been transfered and is still with
+	    *                the API client.
+	    *				 This is not TBTDevice that is normally used inside the UI.	    
+	    * @param aErr Error code of the device search operation; KErrNone if 
+	    *             sucessful, KErrCancel if the user cancelled the 
+	    *             dialog, KErrAbort if CBTEngDiscovery::CancelSearchRemoteDevice
+	    *             was called; otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
+	    */
+	    void DeviceSearchComplete( CBTDevice* aDevice, TInt aErr );
+	    /**
+	     * Provides notification of the result of the discovery of nearby 
+	     * Bluetooth devices and EIR data. If a device is selected this class will try to pair it.
+	     *
+	     * @since S60 v5.1
+	     * @param aDevice The data structure encapsulates information 
+	     *                about the selected device. 
+	     *                Ownership of the data structure has not been transfered and
+	     *                is still with the API client.
+	     * @param aEirWrapper Contains the EIR data of the remote device.
+	     *                Ownership of the data structure has not been transfered and
+	     *                is still with the API client. 
+	     * @param aErr Error code of the device search operation; KErrNone if 
+	     *             sucessful, KErrCancel if the user cancelled the 
+	     *             dialog, KErrAbort if CBTEngDiscovery::CancelSearchRemoteDevice
+	     *             was called; otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
+	     */	    
+	    void DeviceSearchComplete( CBTDevice* aDevice, 
+	            TNameEntry* aNameEntry, 
+	            TInt aErr );
+	  /** Leaving version of DeviceSearchComplete.
+		*
+	    * @param aDevice The data structure encapsulates all information 
+	    *                about the selected device. Ownership of the data 
+	    *                structure has not been transfered and is still with
+	    *                the API client.
+	    *				 This is not TBTDevice that is normally used inside the UI.
+	    * @param aEirWrapper Contains the EIR data of the remote device.
+        *                Ownership of the data structure has not been transfered and
+        *                is still with the API client.	    
+	    * @param aErr Error code of the device search operation; KErrNone if 
+	    *             sucessful, KErrCancel if the user cancelled the 
+	    *             dialog, KErrAbort if CBTEngDiscovery::CancelSearchRemoteDevice
+	    *             was called; otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
+	    */
+	    void DeviceSearchCompleteL( CBTDevice* aDevice, 
+	            TNameEntry* aNameEntry, TInt aErr );
+	  /** Shows 'Disonnect first' note
+		*
+	    * @param aDevice 
+	    */	    
+        void ShowDisconnecNoteL(TBTDevice *aDevice);	
+        /**
+         * Auto connect to headset after pairing succeeded.
+         * @param aCount the counter of connecting request issuing staring from 0.
+         */
+        void ConnectIfNeededAfterPairL( TInt aCount );
+	public: // internal methods for informing operation completes	    
+        /**
+        * Informs that pairing attempt of a device has been completed.
+        * Dismisses wait note and displays questions about authorizing and
+        * connecting, if the device is connectable.
+        *
+        * This method is called by ModifyDeviceChangeL. This method will not inform
+        * iContainer about the pairing since that is done by ModifyDeviceChangeL.
+        *
+        * @param aError Status code of the operation.
+        * @param aDeviceIndex the new place of the device in UI
+        * @return None.
+        */  
+	    void BondingCompleteL( TInt aError,const TBTDevice& aDevice);
+	    /** Informs that attempt to connect to a device is completed. Closes wait
+	     * note and if there was an error shows the error notice.
+	     *
+         * This method is called by ModifyDeviceChangeL. This method will not inform
+         * iContainer about the pairing since that is done by ModifyDeviceChangeL.	    
+         *
+	     * @param aError KErrNone or system wide error code
+	     * @param aDeviceIndex The index of the new device 
+	     * @param aConflictingDeviceName this is filled only when
+	     */    	
+    	void ConnectCompleteL(TInt aError,const TBTDevice& aDevice,
+    	  const RBTDevNameArray* aConflictingDeviceNames=NULL);
+       /**
+        * From MBTEngSettingsObserver - Called when powerstate is changed
+        * @param TBTPowerStateValue power state
+        * @return None
+        */       
+		void PowerStateChanged( TBTPowerStateValue aState );
+        /**
+        * From MBTEngSettingsObserver - Called when visibility is changed
+        * @param TBTPowerStateValue state of visibility mode
+        * @return None
+        */    		
+		void VisibilityModeChanged( TBTVisibilityMode aState );
+    private: // Data
+        CAknWaitDialog*                 iWaitForPairingDlg; 	// Wait note for pairing
+        CAknWaitDialog*                 iWaitForConnectDlg; 	// Wait note for connecting to BT Accessory        
+		CAknQueryDialog* 				iDisconnectQueryDlg;	// Question dialog for disconnecting BT Accessory
+        TBool                           iHelpEnabled; 				// Flag for the Help feature
+		// these are needed so these are owened by someone
+		// and can be cleaned up, in case the operations are interrupted by the user.
+		CBTDevice*						iPairingDevice;
+		TNameEntry                      iPairingDevNameEntry;
+		TBTDevice* 						iConnectDevice; 	//device we are trying to connect to
+		TBTDevice 						iDisconnectQueryDevice; 	//device we are trying to disconnect
+		CBTEngDiscovery*				iDeviceSearcher;	// used only for searching devices, not for device discovery
+		CBTEngSettings*					iBtEngSettings;		// used only for turning on bluetooth, 
+		CBTUIPluginMan* 				iBTPluginMan;		
+        CGSTabHelper* 					iTabHelper;
+	    CBTUIMainView*					iBaseView; 
+		TBool							iConstructAsGsPlugin;	// Flag that indicate this obj is served as GS plugin not BTUI app's plugin.
+        TInt                            iExpectedCallBack;      // In case of DeleteAll, counter for expected callback NotifyChangeDeviceCompleteL()
+        TBool                           iSearchOngoing;        
+        TBool							iIsConnectDevice;
+		MBtuiPluginViewActivationObserver* iActivationObserver; // view activation observer        
+        TBool 							iIsAlreadyConnected; // used only for showing "Connected to" note once for Stereo device 
+        TBTDevice                       iMenuDevice;
+        CEikMenuPane*                   iActiveMenuPane;
+        CBTUIActive*                    iActive;   // used for subscribing notifier lock status
+        TBTDevAddr                      iPairConnectAddr; // the address of the just paired device
+                                                          // with which a connection establishment is pending
+        TBool                           iIsPairConnect; // if we are doing auto-connecting after pairing or not