changeset 23 9386f31cc85b
parent 22 613943a21004
child 24 269724087bed
--- a/btobexprofiles/obexreceiveservices/bip/inc/BIPController.h	Tue Aug 31 15:25:10 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Bip controller class declaration.
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <obex.h>
-#include <obexutilsmessagehandler.h>
-#include "obexutilspropertynotifier.h"
-#include "debug.h"
-#include <SrcsInterface.h>
-#include <obexutilspropertynotifier.h>
-#include <btengsettings.h>
-#include "btengdevman.h"
-#include <obexutilsdialog.h>
-#include <hbdevicedialogsymbian.h>
-#include <hbsymbianvariant.h>
-class CBIPCapabilityHandler;
-class CBIPImageHandler;
-* Backup status.
-* The value is controlled by FileManager
-enum TFileManagerBkupStatusType
-    {
-    EFileManagerBkupStatusUnset   = 0x00000000,
-    EFileManagerBkupStatusBackup  = 0x00000001,
-    EFileManagerBkupStatusRestore = 0x00000002
-    };
-const TUid KUidMsgTypeBt                 = {0x10009ED5};
-*  The main controller for Basic Imaging Profile.
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS (CBIPController): public CSrcsInterface, public MObexServerNotify,
-                                    public MObexUtilsPropertyNotifyHandler, 
-                                    public MObexUtilsDialogObserver,
-                                    public MBTEngDevManObserver,
-                                    public MHbDeviceDialogObserver
-    {
-    static CBIPController* NewL();
-    ~CBIPController();
-private: // from CSrcsInterface
-    TBool IsOBEXActive();
-    void SetMediaType(TSrcsMediaType aMediaType);
-    TInt SetObexServer(CObexServer* aServer);
-private: // from MObexServerNotify
-    void ErrorIndication(TInt aError);
-    void TransportUpIndication();
-    void TransportDownIndication();
-    TInt ObexConnectIndication(const TObexConnectInfo& aRemoteInfo, const TDesC8& aInfo);
-    void ObexDisconnectIndication(const TDesC8& aInfo);
-    CObexBufObject* PutRequestIndication();
-    TInt PutPacketIndication();
-    TInt PutCompleteIndication();
-    CObexBufObject* GetRequestIndication(CObexBaseObject* aRequiredObject);
-    TInt GetPacketIndication();
-    TInt GetCompleteIndication();
-    TInt SetPathIndication(const CObex::TSetPathInfo& aPathInfo, const TDesC8& aInfo);
-    void AbortIndication();
-private: // from MObexUtilsPropertyNotifyHandler
-    void HandleNotifyL(TMemoryPropertyCheckType aCheckType);
-private: // from MBTEngDevManObserver
-    void HandleGetDevicesComplete(TInt aErr, CBTDeviceArray* aDeviceArray);
-private: //from MObexUtilsDialogObserver
-    void DialogDismissed(TInt aButtonId);
-    CBIPController();
-    void ConstructL();
-    void CancelTransfer();
-    void HandleError(TBool aAbort);
-    void HandleGetCapabilityRequestL();
-    void HandlePutImageRequestL();
-    TInt HandlePutCompleteIndication();
-    TInt RemoveCapabilityObject();
-    TBool CheckCapacityL();
-    void LaunchReceivingIndicatorL();
-    inline TBool ReceivingIndicatorActive() const { return (iDialogActive); }
-    void UpdateReceivingIndicatorL();
-    void CloseReceivingIndicator(TBool aResetDisplayedState = ETrue);
-    TInt GetDriveWithMaximumFreeSpaceL();
-    TBool IsBackupRunning();
-    TBool ProcessExists( const TSecureId& aSecureId );
-    void DataReceived(CHbSymbianVariantMap& aData);
-    void DeviceDialogClosed(TInt aCompletionCode);
-    enum TBipTransferState
-        {
-        ETransferIdle,
-        ETransferPut,
-        ETransferGet,
-        ETransferPutDiskError,
-        ETransferPutInitError,
-        ETransferPutCancel,
-        };
-private: // Data
-    CBIPCapabilityHandler*      iBIPCapabilityHandler;
-    CObexBufObject*             iBTObject;
-    CObexServer*                iBTObexServer;
-    TBipTransferState           iBTTransferState;
-    TInt                        iDrive;
-    CBIPImageHandler*           iBIPImageHandler;
-    CObexBufObject*             iGetObject;
-    CObexUtilsPropertyNotifier* iLowMemoryActiveCDrive;
-    CObexUtilsPropertyNotifier* iLowMemoryActiveMMC;
-    TMsvId                      iMsvIdParent;
-    TMsvId                      iMsvIdAttach;
-    RFile                       iFile;
-    RFs                         iFs;
-    TFileName                   iFullPathFilename;
-    TFileName                   iCapabilityFileName;
-    TFileName                   iDefaultFolder;
-    TFileName                   iPreviousDefaultFolder;
-    CBufFlat                    *iBuf;
-    TBool                       iLengthHeaderReceived;
-    TInt                        iTotalSizeByte;
-    TBool                       iNoteDisplayed;
-    CBTEngDevMan*               iDevMan;
-    CBTDeviceArray*             iResultArray;
-    TBTDeviceName               iRemoteDeviceName;
-    TFileName                   iReceivingFileName;
-    TFileName                   iCenRepFolder;
-    CObexUtilsDialog*           iDialog;
-    CHbDeviceDialogSymbian*     iProgressDialog;
-    TBool                       iDialogActive;
-    TInt                        iFileCount;
-    TBool                       iReceivingFailed;
-    CHbDeviceDialogSymbian*     iRecvDoneDialog;
-    TBool                       iShowRecvCompleteDialog;
-    };
-_LIT(KBipPanicCategory, "BIP");
-enum TBipPanicCode
-    {
-    EBipPanicNotBluetoothMediaType = 0,
-    };
-#endif      //_BIPCONTROLLER_H
-// End of File