--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetoothappprofiles/avrcp/remconbeareravrcp/src/avrcpoutgoingcommandhandler.cpp Mon Jan 18 20:28:57 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+ @released
+#include <remconcoreapi.h>
+#include "avcpanel.h"
+#include "controlcommand.h"
+#include "avrcpoutgoingcommandhandler.h"
+#include "avrcplog.h"
+#include "avrcprouter.h"
+#include "avrcptimer.h"
+#include "avrcputils.h"
+#include "controlbearer.h"
+// Construction/Destruction
+/** Factory function.
+@param aBearer The CRemConBearerAvrcp this is to handle commands for.
+@param aObserver The observer of the bearer. Used to aquire converters.
+@param aRouter A CRcpRouter to use for communication with remote devices.
+@param aTimer CDeltaTimer to use for queuing timed events.
+@return A fully constructed CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler.
+@leave System wide error codes.
+CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler* CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::NewL(CRemConBearerAvrcp& aBearer,
+ MRemConBearerObserver& aObserver,
+ CRcpRouter& aRouter,
+ CDeltaTimer& aTimer)
+ {
+ CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler* handler = new(ELeave)CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler(aBearer, aObserver, aRouter, aTimer);
+ return handler;
+ }
+/** Constructor.
+@param aBearer The CRemConBearerAvrcp this is to handle commands for.
+@param aObserver The observer of the bearer. Used to aquire converters.
+@param aRouter A CRcpRouter to use for communication with remote devices.
+@param aTimer CDeltaTimer to use for queuing timed events.
+@return A partially constructed CRcpIncomingCommandHandler.
+@leave System wide error codes.
+CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler(CRemConBearerAvrcp& aBearer,
+ MRemConBearerObserver& aObserver,
+ CRcpRouter& aRouter,
+ CDeltaTimer& aTimer) : iCommandQueue(_FOFF(CControlCommand, iHandlingLink)),
+ iNotifyCommandQueue(_FOFF(CControlCommand, iHandlingLink)),
+ iBearer(aBearer), iObserver(aObserver), iRouter(aRouter), iTimer(aTimer)
+ {
+ }
+/** Destructor.
+ {
+ ClearQueue(iCommandQueue);
+ ClearQueue(iNotifyCommandQueue);
+ }
+void CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::ClearQueue(TDblQue<CControlCommand>& aQue)
+ {
+ while(!aQue.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ CControlCommand* command = aQue.First();
+ command->CancelTimer(iTimer);
+ command->iHandlingLink.Deque();
+ command->DecrementUsers();
+ }
+ }
+// Called from the bearer
+/** Tell the handler to gracefully shutdown.
+@param aClearQueue Whether to clear the queue without handling the things
+ on it. If this is true the commands will be deleted.
+ If this is false then pending commands will have responses
+ generated to RemCon.
+void CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::Disconnect(TBool aClearQueue)
+ {
+ ProcessDisconnect(iCommandQueue, aClearQueue);
+ ProcessDisconnect(iNotifyCommandQueue, aClearQueue);
+ }
+void CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::ProcessDisconnect(TDblQue<CControlCommand>& aQue, TBool aClearQueue)
+ {
+ while(!aQue.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ CControlCommand* command = aQue.First();
+ iRouter.RemoveFromSendQueue(*command);
+ command->CancelTimer(iTimer);
+ if(aClearQueue)
+ {
+ GenerateFailureResult(*command, KErrDisconnected);
+ }
+ command->iHandlingLink.Deque();
+ command->DecrementUsers();
+ }
+ }
+/** Sends a new command.
+@param aInterfaceUid The RemCon client interface this command is from.
+@param aCommand The operation id within aInterfaceUid.
+@param aId A unique identifier provided by RemCon.
+@param aCommandData Data associated with this command.
+@param aAddr Bluetooth address of device to send this command to.
+@leave KErrNoMemory or system wide error code.
+@leave Command parsing error.
+void CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::SendCommandL(TUid aInterfaceUid,
+ TUint aCommand,
+ TUint aId,
+ RBuf8& aCommandData,
+ const TBTDevAddr& aAddr)
+ {
+ if(aInterfaceUid.iUid == KRemConCoreApiUid)
+ {
+ // Passthrough commands are stateful, so we need to examine the
+ // history - we can't just blindly wham it on the queue.
+ HandleCoreApiCommandL(aCommand, aId, aCommandData, aAddr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SendCommandL(aInterfaceUid, aCommand, aId, aCommandData, EFalse, aAddr, ETrue, EFalse);
+ }
+ }
+/** Sends a new notify command.
+@param aInterfaceUid The RemCon client interface this command is from.
+@param aCommand The operation id within aInterfaceUid.
+@param aId A unique identifier provided by RemCon, the transaction ID.
+@param aCommandData Data associated with this command.
+@param aAddr Bluetooth address of device to send this command to.
+@leave KErrNoMemory or system wide error code.
+@leave Command parsing error.
+void CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::SendNotifyCommandL(TUid aInterfaceUid,
+ TUint aCommand,
+ TUint aId,
+ RBuf8& aCommandData,
+ const TBTDevAddr& aAddr)
+ {
+ SendCommandL(aInterfaceUid, aCommand, aId, aCommandData, EFalse, aAddr, ETrue, ETrue);
+ }
+// Data notifications from the router
+/** Called by the router to provide a new response.
+@param aFrame The AV/C frame for this response. Ownership is taken.
+@param aTransLabel The AVCTP transaction id of this response. This is used
+ to match it with its command.
+@param aAddr The remote from which this response originated
+void CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::ReceiveResponse(const TDesC8& aMessageInformation,
+ SymbianAvctp::TTransactionLabel aTransLabel,
+ TBool aIpidBitSet)
+ {
+ CAVCFrame* frame = NULL;
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ if(!aIpidBitSet)
+ {
+ TRAP(err, frame = CAVCFrame::NewL(aMessageInformation, AVC::EResponse));
+ }
+ if(!err)
+ {
+ CControlCommand* command = NULL;
+ command = FindInQueue(iCommandQueue, aTransLabel);
+ if ( command != NULL )
+ {
+ //Found, so it is a normal command response.
+ ProcessReceiveResponse(frame, aIpidBitSet, command, EFalse);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Try to find in the notify command queue.
+ command = FindInQueue(iNotifyCommandQueue, aTransLabel);
+ if( command != NULL )
+ {
+ //Found, so it is a notify command response.
+ ProcessReceiveResponse(frame, aIpidBitSet, command, ETrue);
+ }
+ }
+ delete frame;
+ }
+ }
+CControlCommand* CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::FindInQueue(TDblQue<CControlCommand>& aQue,
+ SymbianAvctp::TTransactionLabel aTransLabel)
+ {
+ CControlCommand* command = NULL;
+ TDblQueIter<CControlCommand> iter(aQue);
+ while (iter)
+ {
+ command = iter++;
+ if(command->TransactionLabel() == aTransLabel)
+ {
+ return command;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+void CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::ProcessReceiveResponse(CAVCFrame* aFrame,
+ TBool aIpidBitSet,
+ CControlCommand* aCommand,
+ TBool aNotify)
+ {
+ aCommand->CancelTimer(iTimer);
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ // Inform the bearer if this is something it knows about
+ // ie not a click release
+ if(aCommand->KnownToBearer())
+ {
+ if(!aIpidBitSet)
+ {
+ if(aFrame->Data().Length() < KAVCFrameHeaderLength)
+ {
+ // Drop corrupt frames
+ return;
+ }
+ err = aCommand->ParseIncomingResponse(iObserver, *aFrame);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If aIpidBitSet is true that means AVRCP is not supported
+ // by the remote end. We handle this in the same way as not
+ // supported commands, passing them up to RemCon as not
+ // supported, so just map the ctype here, rather than setting
+ // up another path for ipid handling, but we need pass as the
+ // frame the original because we don't get one from AVCTP if
+ // ipid is set.
+ aCommand->SetResponseType(KErrNotSupported);
+ err = aCommand->ParseIncomingResponse(iObserver, aCommand->Frame());
+ }
+ if ( aNotify )
+ {//This is a notify command
+ iBearer.MrccciNewNotifyResponse(*aCommand);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iBearer.MrccciNewResponse(*aCommand);
+ }
+ }
+ TBool doDeque = ETrue;
+ if ( (!aIpidBitSet) && (err == KErrNone) && (aNotify) && (aFrame->Type() == AVC::EInterim))
+ {
+ doDeque = EFalse;
+ }
+ // If this a passthrough press that hasn't yet been released, we need
+ // to wait for a release before getting rid of this, otherwise we're done.
+ if(aCommand == iUnreleasedCommand)
+ {
+ iUnreleasedHasResponse = ETrue;
+ StartReleaseTimer(*iUnreleasedCommand);
+ doDeque = EFalse;
+ }
+ if ( doDeque )
+ {
+ aCommand->iHandlingLink.Deque();
+ aCommand->DecrementUsers();
+ }
+ }
+/** Called by the router to complete a send.
+@param aCommand The command which has been sent.
+@param aSendResult The result of the send. KErrNone if successful.
+void CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::MessageSent(CAvrcpCommand& aCommand, TInt aSendResult)
+ {
+ if(aSendResult == KErrNone)
+ {
+ // Set off response timer
+ StartResponseTimer(static_cast<CControlCommand&>(aCommand));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CControlCommand* command = FindInQueue(iNotifyCommandQueue, aCommand.TransactionLabel());
+ if(command)
+ {
+ command->SetNotifyVolumeChangeResult(command->Frame());
+ iBearer.MrccciNewNotifyResponse(*command);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ command = FindInQueue(iCommandQueue, aCommand.TransactionLabel());
+ // Generate error response up to RemCon
+ // if this is a core command we can set the result,
+ // otherwise we just return it as we got it.
+ if(command->Frame().Opcode() == AVC::EPassThrough)
+ {
+ // Need to insert before setting the button action so we have
+ // long enough data
+ if (!command->InsertCoreResult(aSendResult))
+ {
+ if(command->Click())
+ {
+ command->SetCoreButtonAction(ERemConCoreApiButtonClick, ETrue);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ iBearer.MrccciNewResponse(*command);
+ }
+ command->iHandlingLink.Deque();
+ command->DecrementUsers();
+ }
+ }
+// Internal Utility functions
+void CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::CleanupUnreleased()
+ {
+ iUnreleasedCommand->CancelTimer(iTimer);
+ iUnreleasedCommand->iHandlingLink.Deque();
+ iUnreleasedCommand->DecrementUsers();
+ iUnreleasedHasResponse = EFalse;
+ }
+/** Handle a command that is part of the Core API.
+@param aCommand The operation id within aInterfaceUid.
+@param aId A unique identifier provided by RemCon.
+@param aCommandData Data associated with this command.
+@param aAddr Bluetooth address of device to send this command to.
+@leave KErrNoMemory or system wide error code.
+@leave Command parsing error.
+void CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::HandleCoreApiCommandL(TUint aCommand,
+ TUint aId,
+ RBuf8& aCommandData,
+ const TBTDevAddr& aAddr)
+ {
+ if(aCommandData.Length() < KRemConCoreApiButtonDataLength)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+ }
+ TInt buttonData;
+ AvrcpUtils::ReadCommandDataToInt(aCommandData,
+ KRemConCoreApiButtonDataOffset, KRemConCoreApiButtonDataLength, buttonData);
+ // First check if there's anything we need to do before sending this command,
+ // mainly releasing a previous press.
+ if(iUnreleasedCommand)
+ {
+ TUint prevOpId = iUnreleasedCommand->RemConOperationId();
+ if(aCommand == prevOpId)
+ {
+ // Either we've received a release, or we've refreshed the press.
+ // If the unreleased press has already been responded too we can
+ // dispose of it now.
+ // If the unreleased press has not been responded too we can
+ // treat it like a normal command on reception of response, so just
+ // set iUnreleased to NULL.
+ if(iUnreleasedHasResponse)
+ {
+ CleanupUnreleased();
+ }
+ iUnreleasedCommand = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // A new operation!
+ if(buttonData != ERemConCoreApiButtonRelease)
+ {
+ // Try and generate the release for the previous command, if
+ // if fails then the remote will just have to assume it.
+ // There's no point leaving this to the release timer, because
+ // we want to send another command now, so even if we send the
+ // release later the remote should ignore it.
+ TRAP_IGNORE(GenerateCommandL(*iUnreleasedCommand, ERemConCoreApiButtonRelease));
+ if(iUnreleasedHasResponse)
+ {
+ CleanupUnreleased();
+ }
+ iUnreleasedCommand = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // A release for a command other than iUnreleased. We can't
+ // send this now.
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(buttonData == ERemConCoreApiButtonRelease)
+ {
+ // We don't have an unreleased command. We must have already
+ // released this, either via the timer, or because we've sent
+ // another command in the meantime. We can't send this now.
+ // Leaving synchronously means we don't need to worry about generating
+ // a fake response, which may mislead the application.
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ }
+ if(buttonData == ERemConCoreApiButtonClick)
+ {
+ // aCommandData is still owned by RemCon until we return successfully.
+ // If we try the operations with the new data first we won't end up
+ // in a situation where the new CControlCommand thinks that it owns
+ // aCommandData, then the release operation leaves, so RemCon also
+ // thinks it owns aCommandData.
+ RBuf8 pressBuf;
+ pressBuf.CreateL(aCommandData);
+ CleanupClosePushL(pressBuf);
+ AvrcpUtils::SetCommandDataFromInt(pressBuf,
+ KRemConCoreApiButtonDataOffset, KRemConCoreApiButtonDataLength, ERemConCoreApiButtonPress);
+ SendCommandL(TUid::Uid(KRemConCoreApiUid), aCommand, aId, pressBuf, ETrue, aAddr, ETrue, EFalse);
+ // Data has been taken ownership of by SendCommandL, so can just let
+ // pressbuf go out of scope.
+ CleanupStack::Pop(&pressBuf);
+ AvrcpUtils::SetCommandDataFromInt(aCommandData,
+ KRemConCoreApiButtonDataOffset, KRemConCoreApiButtonDataLength, ERemConCoreApiButtonRelease);
+ SendCommandL(TUid::Uid(KRemConCoreApiUid), aCommand, aId, aCommandData, ETrue, aAddr, EFalse, EFalse);
+ }
+ else if(buttonData == ERemConCoreApiButtonPress)
+ {
+ iUnreleasedCommand = &SendCommandL(TUid::Uid(KRemConCoreApiUid), aCommand, aId, aCommandData, EFalse, aAddr, ETrue, EFalse);
+ iReleaseTimerExpiryCount = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Must be release
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(buttonData == ERemConCoreApiButtonRelease, AvrcpUtils::Panic(EAvrcpUnknownButtonAction));
+ SendCommandL(TUid::Uid(KRemConCoreApiUid), aCommand, aId, aCommandData, EFalse, aAddr, ETrue, EFalse);
+ }
+ }
+/** Creates a command from the RemCon data.
+This is an internal utility function.
+A CControlCommand will be created. Calling ProcessOutgoingCommandL on
+this creates a CAVCFrame from the provided data. If an AV/C frame
+can be created the command will be added to the outgoing queue to
+wait a response from the remote. Otherwise this function will
+@param aInterfaceUid The RemCon client interface this command is from.
+@param aCommand The operation id within aInterfaceUid.
+@param aId A unique identifier provided by RemCon.
+@param aCommandData Data associated with this command.
+@param aIsClick Whether this is a button click.
+@param aAddr Bluetooth address of device to send this command to.
+@return The generated command.
+@leave KErrNoMemory or system wide error code.
+@leave Command parsing error.
+CControlCommand& CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::SendCommandL(TUid aInterfaceUid,
+ TUint aCommand,
+ TUint aId,
+ RBuf8& aCommandData,
+ TBool aIsClick,
+ const TBTDevAddr& aAddr,
+ TBool aKnownToBearer,
+ TBool aNotify)
+ {
+ // Create a command and wham it on our queue, so we can match it up with its response
+ // CControlCommand::NewL takes ownership of the data in aCommandData then NULLs aCommandData
+ // so a leave later in the function won't cause double deletion.
+ CControlCommand* command = CControlCommand::NewL(aInterfaceUid, aCommand, aId, iCurrentTrans,
+ aCommandData, aIsClick, aAddr, aKnownToBearer);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(command);
+ command->ProcessOutgoingCommandL(iObserver);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(command);
+ command->IncrementUsers();
+ if ( aNotify )
+ {
+ iNotifyCommandQueue.AddLast(*command);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iCommandQueue.AddLast(*command);
+ }
+ // Increment our transaction id
+ iCurrentTrans = (iCurrentTrans + 1) % SymbianAvctp::KMaxTransactionLabel;
+ // Command stays on the queue till we've got the response
+ iRouter.AddToSendQueue(*command);
+ return *command;
+ }
+/** Generate a failure response to RemCon.
+This sets the result for a passthrough command.
+It informs the bearer of the new response.
+@param aCommand The command to finish off.
+@param aResult The result (only valid for passthrough)
+void CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::GenerateFailureResult(CControlCommand& aCommand, TInt aResult)
+ {
+ // Response is only necessary if the bearer knows about this command.
+ if(aCommand.KnownToBearer() && (aCommand.Frame().Opcode() == AVC::EPassThrough))
+ {
+ if (aCommand.InsertCoreResult(aResult) == KErrNone)
+ {
+ if(aCommand.Click())
+ {
+ aCommand.SetCoreButtonAction(ERemConCoreApiButtonClick, ETrue);
+ }
+ else if(aCommand.ButtonAct() == AVCPanel::EButtonPress)
+ {
+ aCommand.SetCoreButtonAction(ERemConCoreApiButtonPress, ETrue);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aCommand.SetCoreButtonAction(ERemConCoreApiButtonRelease, ETrue);
+ }
+ iBearer.MrccciNewResponse(aCommand);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/** Generate a command to the remote.
+This is needed in situations where the application has not met the avrcp
+button refresh requirements so we need to internally generate something
+to stop the remote getting a bad impression of us.
+@param aCommand The command to be issue again.
+void CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::GenerateCommandL(CControlCommand& aCommand, TRemConCoreApiButtonAction aButtonAct)
+ {
+ RBuf8 commandData;
+ commandData.CreateMaxL(KRemConCoreApiButtonDataLength);
+ AvrcpUtils::SetCommandDataFromInt(commandData,
+ KRemConCoreApiButtonDataOffset, KRemConCoreApiButtonDataLength, aButtonAct);
+ // This will not leave before taking ownership of commandData.
+ SendCommandL(aCommand.RemConInterfaceUid(), aCommand.RemConOperationId(), aCommand.RemConCommandId(), commandData, EFalse,
+ aCommand.RemoteAddress(), EFalse, EFalse);
+ }
+// Timer functions
+/** Starts the response timer.
+AVRCP mandates a remote respond within 100ms of receiving a command.
+This is the timer for that, and is started when a command has
+successfully been sent.
+@param aCommand The command to start the timer for.
+void CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::StartResponseTimer(CControlCommand& aCommand)
+ {
+ // These use placement new, so cannot fail
+ TAvrcpTimerExpiryInfo* timerInfo = new(aCommand.TimerExpiryInfo())TAvrcpTimerExpiryInfo(this, aCommand);
+ TCallBack callback(ResponseExpiry, timerInfo);
+ TDeltaTimerEntry* timerEntry = new(aCommand.TimerEntry())TDeltaTimerEntry(callback);
+ iTimer.Queue(KRcpResponseTimeOut, *timerEntry);
+ }
+/** Callback when response timer expires.
+This is a static forwarding function.
+@param aExpiryInfo The information used by the real ResponseExpiry to
+ deal with the timer expiry.
+TInt CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::ResponseExpiry(TAny* aExpiryInfo)
+ {
+ TAvrcpTimerExpiryInfo *timerInfo = reinterpret_cast<TAvrcpTimerExpiryInfo*>(aExpiryInfo);
+ (reinterpret_cast<CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler*>(timerInfo->iHandler))->ResponseExpiry(timerInfo->iCommand);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+/** Deals with response timeout.
+This sends a timeout response to RemCon.
+@param aCommand The CControlCommand that has expired.
+void CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::ResponseExpiry(CControlCommand& aCommand)
+ {
+ GenerateFailureResult(aCommand, KErrTimedOut);
+ // Failed to get a response to this, don't bother about trying
+ // to release it.
+ if(iUnreleasedCommand == &aCommand)
+ {
+ iUnreleasedCommand = NULL;
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(!iUnreleasedHasResponse, AvrcpUtils::Panic(EAvrcpPressHasPhantomResponse));
+ }
+ aCommand.iHandlingLink.Deque();
+ aCommand.DecrementUsers();
+ }
+/** Starts the release timer.
+AVRCP requires a press to be refreshed less than 2s after the first
+press, if it is not to be assumed to have been released. We pass
+this requirement on to RemCon clients as we don't know when they might
+go away and we don't want to keep buttons pressed forever. If the
+release timer expires we will assume a release, and generate it to
+the remote.
+@param aCommand The command to start the timer for.
+void CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::StartReleaseTimer(CControlCommand& aCommand)
+ {
+ // These cannot fail as we use placement new
+ TAvrcpTimerExpiryInfo* timerInfo = new(aCommand.TimerExpiryInfo())TAvrcpTimerExpiryInfo(this, aCommand);
+ TCallBack callback(ReleaseExpiry, timerInfo);
+ TDeltaTimerEntry* timerEntry = new(aCommand.TimerEntry())TDeltaTimerEntry(callback);
+ iTimer.Queue(KRcpOutgoingButtonReleaseTimeout, *timerEntry);
+ }
+/** Callback when release timer expires.
+This is a static forwarding function.
+@param aExpiryInfo The information used by the real ReleaseExpiry to
+ deal with the timer expiry.
+TInt CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::ReleaseExpiry(TAny* aExpiryInfo)
+ {
+ TAvrcpTimerExpiryInfo *timerInfo = reinterpret_cast<TAvrcpTimerExpiryInfo*>(aExpiryInfo);
+ (reinterpret_cast<CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler*>(timerInfo->iHandler))->ReleaseExpiry(timerInfo->iCommand);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+/** Deals with expiry of release timer.
+1) Generate release for this command.
+2) Send release to remote.
+@param aCommand The CControlCommand that has expired.
+void CRcpOutgoingCommandHandler::ReleaseExpiry(CControlCommand& aCommand)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((aCommand.ButtonAct() == AVCPanel::EButtonPress), AvrcpUtils::Panic(EAvrcpReleaseExpiryForRelease));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(&aCommand == iUnreleasedCommand, AvrcpUtils::Panic(EAvrcpReleaseExpiryForOldCommand));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iUnreleasedHasResponse, AvrcpUtils::Panic(EAvrcpReleaseTimerStartedWithoutResponse));
+ iReleaseTimerExpiryCount++;
+ TBool commandCompleted = ETrue;
+ // If the client is not yet obliged to refresh this, then send another press. Otherwise generate
+ // the release for them.
+ if((iReleaseTimerExpiryCount * KRcpOutgoingButtonReleaseTimeout) < KRemConCoreApiPressRefreshInterval)
+ {
+ // This will try and generate a press that is identical to the original
+ // aCommand, but with a new AVCTP transaction id.
+ TRAPD(err, GenerateCommandL(aCommand, ERemConCoreApiButtonPress));
+ if(!err)
+ {
+ // Start the timer again on the original command
+ StartReleaseTimer(aCommand);
+ commandCompleted = EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Try an generate a release, but if it fails we just have to let the
+ // remote assume it.
+ TRAP_IGNORE(GenerateCommandL(aCommand, ERemConCoreApiButtonRelease));
+ }
+ // This condition may be true because
+ // - we have failed to generate a press, in which case the remote is entitled
+ // to assume this is released, so we just give up on it.
+ // or
+ // - the client has not met its press refresh obligation (whether we've
+ // successfully generated a release or not.
+ // In either case we won't do anything more with this command.
+ if(commandCompleted)
+ {
+ aCommand.iHandlingLink.Deque();
+ aCommand.DecrementUsers();
+ iUnreleasedCommand = NULL;
+ iUnreleasedHasResponse = EFalse;
+ iReleaseTimerExpiryCount = 0;
+ }
+ }