--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetoothengine/bthid/bthidserver/inc/bthidconnection.h Mon Jan 18 20:28:57 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Declares main application class.
+ *
+#ifndef __BTCONNECTION_H__
+#define __BTCONNECTION_H__
+#include <es_sock.h>
+#include <bt_sock.h>
+#include "socketobserver.h"
+#include "sockinitnotifier.h"
+#include "timeoutnotifier.h"
+const TUint KCommandBufferSize = 2;
+ {
+ EControlSocketID, EInterruptSocketID
+ };
+const TUint KL2CAPDefaultMTU = 672;
+/*! 5 Minute -10 sec Inactivity Timeout (-10 sec due to Nokia Su8W*/
+const TUint KInactivityTimeout = (5 * 60 * 1000000) - 10000000;
+class CSocketReader;
+class CSocketWriter;
+class CSocketInitiator;
+class CDataSegmenter;
+class CTimeOutTimer;
+class CBTHidDevice;
+class MBTConnectionObserver;
+ Tracks the current state of the connection
+ */
+enum TBTConnectionState
+ {
+ ENotConnected, /*!< No connection has been established. */
+ EFirstConnection, /*!< A first-time connection is in progress. */
+ ELinkLost, /*!< The connection is in link loss. */
+ EConnected, /*!< The connection is active */
+ EHostReconnecting, /*!< Host is reconnecting to the device */
+ EHIDReconnecting, /*!< The device is reconnection to the host */
+ EDisconnecting, /*!< The connection is being closed */
+ EConnecting
+ };
+ This class represents a single connection to a bluetooth HID device.
+ It creates instances of separate active objects to perform reading from,
+ and writing to, the sockets.
+ */
+class CBTHidConnection : public CObject,
+ public MSocketObserver,
+ public MSockInitNotifier,
+ public MTimeOutNotifier
+ {
+ /*!
+ Create a CBTHidConnection object.
+ @param aSocketServ The socket server session.
+ @param aObserver An observer of this object.
+ @result A pointer to the created instance of CBTHidConnection.
+ */
+ static CBTHidConnection* NewL(RSocketServ& aSocketServ,
+ MBTConnectionObserver& aObserver,
+ TBTConnectionState aConnectionState);
+ /*!
+ Create a CBTHidConnection object.
+ @param aSocketServ The socket server session.
+ @param aObserver An observer of this object.
+ @result A pointer to the created instance of CBTHidConnection.
+ */
+ static CBTHidConnection* NewLC(RSocketServ& aSocketServ,
+ MBTConnectionObserver& aObserver,
+ TBTConnectionState aConnectionState);
+ /*!
+ Destroy the object and release all memory objects.
+ */
+ ~CBTHidConnection();
+ /*!
+ Gets the id for this connection.
+ @return A connection ID.
+ */
+ TInt ConnID();
+ /*!
+ Sets the id for this connection.
+ @param aConnID The new id for this connection.
+ */
+ void SetConnID(TInt aConnID);
+ /*!
+ Starts a first time connection to the HID device.
+ */
+ void ConnectL();
+ /*!
+ The connection should restart. either by connecting to the device or waiting
+ for a connection.
+ */
+ void ReconnectL();
+ /*!
+ Perform a deliberate disconnection from the device.
+ Includes sending the Virtual-Cable-Unplug message if needed.
+ */
+ void Disconnect();
+ /*!
+ Drops the Bluetooth connection to a device
+ */
+ void DropConnection();
+ /*!
+ Starts the reading process on the sockets.
+ */
+ void StartMonitoringChannelsL();
+ /*!
+ Get access to the connections device details object.
+ @result A reference to a device details object.
+ */
+ CBTHidDevice& DeviceDetails();
+ /*!
+ Current status of a connection after initial connection has been performed.
+ @result ETrue device is connected.
+ @result EFalse device is in link loss.
+ */
+ TBool IsConnected() const;
+ TBTConnectionState ConnectStatus() const;
+ /*!
+ Asks to accept an incoming connection on the control channel.
+ @param aAddress address of the connecting device.
+ @param aSocket the socket for the connection. This will be set to NULL
+ if the connection accepts the socket.
+ */
+ void OfferControlSocket(const TBTDevAddr& aAddress, RSocket*& aSocket);
+ /*!
+ Asks to accept an incoming connection on the interrupt channel.
+ @param aAddress address of the connecting device.
+ @param aSocket the socket for the connection. This will be set to NULL
+ if the connection accepts the socket.
+ */
+ void OfferInterruptSocket(const TBTDevAddr& aAddress, RSocket*& aSocket);
+ /*!
+ Issues the Get Protocol Command over the control channel..
+ */
+ void GetProtocolL();
+ /*!
+ Issues the Set Protocol Command over the control channel.
+ @param aValue the protocol setting. 0 = Boot, 1 = Report.
+ */
+ void SetProtocolL(TUint16 aValue);
+ /*!
+ Issues the Get Report Command over the control channel.
+ @param aReportType the type of the report.
+ @param aReportID the report ID.
+ @param aLength the length of the report we are asking for.
+ */
+ void GetReportL(TUint8 aReportType, TUint8 aReportID, TUint16 aLength);
+ /*!
+ Issues the Set Report Command over the control channel.
+ @param aReportType the type of the report.
+ @param aReportID the report ID.
+ @param aReport the report.
+ */
+ void SetReportL(TUint8 aReportType, TUint8 aReportID,
+ const TDesC8& aReport);
+ /*!
+ Issues the DATA Out command over the Interrupt channel. This is similar to
+ SetReport which uses ReportType Output. Therefore you may use SetReport
+ to do data transfers from Host to device as well.
+ @param aReportID
+ @param aReport reference to the report buffer
+ */
+ void DataOutL(TUint8 aReportID, const TDesC8& aReport);
+ /*!
+ Issues the Get Idle Command over the control channel.
+ */
+ void GetIdleL();
+ /*!
+ Issues the Set Idle Command over the control channel.
+ @param aDuration the idle duration.
+ */
+ void SetIdleL(TUint8 aDuration);
+ // from MSocketObserver
+ void HandleSocketError(TUint aSocketID, TBool aConnectionLost,
+ TInt aErrorCode);
+ TBool HandleDataReceived(TUint aSocketID, const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+ void HandleWriteComplete(TUint aSocketID);
+ // from MSockInitNotifier
+ void SocketsConnected();
+ void SocketsConnFailed(TInt aStatus);
+ // from MTimeOutNotifier
+ void TimerExpired();
+ /*!
+ Perform the first phase of two phase construction.
+ @param aSocketServ the socket server session.
+ @param aObserver an observer of this object.
+ */
+ CBTHidConnection(RSocketServ& aSocketServ,
+ MBTConnectionObserver& aObserver,
+ TBTConnectionState aConnectionState);
+ /*!
+ Perform the second phase construction of a CBTHidConnection object.
+ */
+ void ConstructL();
+ /*!
+ The BT HID Transaction Header based upon Bluetooth HID Spec Sec. 7.3
+ */
+ enum TBTTransaction
+ {
+ // Handshake commands
+ EHandshakeSuccess = 0,
+ EHandshakeNotReady = 1,
+ EHandshakeInvalidRepID = 2,
+ EHandshakeUnsupported = 3,
+ EHandshakeInvalidParam = 4,
+ EHandshakeUnknown = 14,
+ EHandshakeFatal = 15,
+ // Control Commands
+ EHIDControlNOP = 16,
+ EHIDControlHardReset = 17,
+ EHIDControlSoftReset = 18,
+ EHIDControlSuspend = 19,
+ EHIDControlExitSuspend = 20,
+ EHIDControlVCUnplug = 21,
+ // Get Report Commands
+ EGetReportFullBufReserved = 64,
+ // Set Report Commands
+ ESetReportReserved = 80,
+ // Get/Set Protocol Commands
+ EGetProtocol = 96,
+ ESetProtocol = 112,
+ // Get/Set Idle Commands
+ EGetIdle = 128,
+ ESetIdle = 144,
+ // DATA Commands
+ EDATAOther = 160,
+ EDATAInput = 161,
+ EDATAOutput = 162,
+ EDATAFeature = 163,
+ // DATC Commands
+ EDATCOther = 176,
+ EDATCInput = 177,
+ EDATCOutput = 178,
+ EDATCFeature = 179
+ };
+ /**
+ * Prepare the newly-connected sockets for reading and writing.
+ */
+ void PrepareSocketsL();
+ /*!
+ Perform a change in the connection status
+ @param aNewStatus new connection status
+ */
+ void ChangeState(TBTConnectionState aNewStatus);
+ /*!
+ Handle the situation when the link to a device is lost.
+ */
+ void ConnectionLost();
+ /*!
+ The HID device has sent the virtual cable unplug command.
+ */
+ void ReceivedVirtualCableUnplug();
+ /*!
+ Checks to see if the connections is in a state able to service a set/get
+ command.
+ */
+ void LeaveIfCommandNotReadyL() const;
+ /*!
+ Closes the L2CAP Control and Interrupt channels
+ */
+ void CloseChannels();
+ /*!
+ Handle data received on the control channel.
+ @param aBuffer the data buffer.
+ @result ETrue to continue reading.
+ @result EFalse to stop reading.
+ */
+ TBool ProcessControlData(const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+ /*!
+ Append as much data to a buffer as can be handled.
+ @param aDest the destination buffer.
+ @param aSource the source buffer.
+ */
+ void AppendData(TDes8& aDest, const TDesC8& aSource);
+ /*!
+ Handle data received on the interrupt channel.
+ @param aBuffer the data buffer.
+ @result ETrue to continue reading.
+ @result EFalse to stop reading.
+ */
+ TBool ProcessInterruptData(const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+ void HandleEDATCFeature(const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+ /*!
+ Begin handling a new multiple interrupt packet transaction
+ @param aBuffer the data buffer
+ */
+ void StartSegmentedInterruptDataL(const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+ /*!
+ Handle a Continuation data packet on the interrupt channel
+ @param aBuffer the data buffer
+ @param aFinalSegment ETrue if this is the final segment, EFalse otherwise
+ */
+ void ContinueSegmentedInterruptData(const TDesC8& aBuffer,
+ TBool aFinalSegment);
+ /*! The socket server */
+ RSocketServ& iSocketServ;
+ /*! An observer for status reporting */
+ MBTConnectionObserver& iObserver;
+ /*! The ID given to this connection */
+ TInt iConnID;
+ /*! The HID device details */
+ CBTHidDevice* iDevice;
+ /*! Current connection status */
+ TBTConnectionState iConnectionState;
+ /*! Control channel socket */
+ RSocket* iControlSocket;
+ /*! Interrupt channel socket */
+ RSocket* iInterruptSocket;
+ /*! Active object to control connecting sockets */
+ CSocketInitiator* iSocketInitiator;
+ /*! Active object to control reads from the socket */
+ CSocketReader* iControlSocketReader;
+ /*! Active object to control writes to the socket */
+ CSocketWriter* iControlSocketWriter;
+ /*! Active object to control reads from the socket */
+ CSocketReader* iInterruptSocketReader;
+ /*! Active object to control writes to the socket */
+ CSocketWriter* iInterruptSocketWriter;
+ /*! Set/Get command is outstanding with the device */
+ TBool iCommandIssued;
+ /*! Fixed buffer used for all Set/Get commands except SetReport*/
+ TBuf8<KCommandBufferSize> iCommandBuffer;
+ /*! Utility object to provide individual packets for large data */
+ CDataSegmenter* iCommandSegmenter;
+ /*! Dynamic buffer used for control data larger than the incoming MTU */
+ HBufC8* iControlDataBuffer;
+ /*! Dynamic buffer used for interrupt data larger than the incoming MTU */
+ HBufC8* iInterruptDataBuffer;
+ /*! Size of data host can send in a packet on the control channel*/
+ TInt iControlOutMTU;
+ /*! Size of data the device sends in a packet on the control channel*/
+ TInt iControlInMTU;
+ /*! Size of data host can send in a packet on the interrupt channel*/
+ TInt iInterruptOutMTU;
+ /*! Size of data the device sends in a packet on the interrupt channel*/
+ TInt iInterruptInMTU;
+ /*! A timer to track inactivity on the Bluetooth Connection */
+ CTimeOutTimer* iInactivityTimer;
+ };
+#endif // __BTCONNECTION_H__