changeset 0 f63038272f30
child 9 a42ed326b458
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetoothengine/bthid/bthidserver/inc/bthidserver.h	Mon Jan 18 20:28:57 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Declares main application class.
+ *
+#ifndef __BTHIDSERVER_H__
+#define __BTHIDSERVER_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <es_sock.h>
+#include <btmanclient.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <ecom/ecom.h>
+#include <btdevice.h>
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <bttypes.h> //linkkey
+#include <btnotif.h>
+#include "hidinterfaces.h"
+#include "bthidclient.h"
+#include "btconnectionobserver.h"
+#include "listenerobserver.h"
+#include "genericserver.h"
+#include "hidlayoutids.h"
+#include "genericactive.h"
+class CBTConnection;
+class CSocketListener;
+class CBTHidConnection;
+class CBTHidDevice;
+class CGenericHid;
+class CBTHidNotifierHelper;
+ *  An instance of class CBTHidServer is the main server class.
+ *
+ *  @since Series 60 2.6
+ */
+class CBTHidServer : public CGenericServer,
+        public MBTConnectionObserver,
+        public MListenerObserver,
+        public MTransportLayer
+    {
+    /*!
+     Create a CBTHidServer object using two phase construction,
+     and return a pointer to the created object
+     @result Pointer to created CBTHidServer object
+     */
+    static CBTHidServer* NewL();
+    /*!
+     Create a CBTHidServer object using two phase construction,
+     and return a pointer to the created object, leaving a pointer to the
+     object on the cleanup stack.
+     @result Pointer to created CBTHidServer object.
+     */
+    static CBTHidServer* NewLC();
+    /*!
+     Destroy the object and release all memory objects.
+     */
+    ~CBTHidServer();
+    /*!
+     Panic the client.
+     @param aMessage the message channel to the client
+     @param aReason the reason code for the panic.
+     */
+    static void PanicClient(const RMessage2& aMessage, TInt aReason);
+    void StartShutdownTimerIfNoSession();
+    void CancelShutdownTimer();
+    /*!
+     Increments the count of the active sessions for this server.
+     */
+    void IncrementSessions();
+    /*!
+     Decrements the count of the active sessions for this server. .
+     If no more sessions are in use the server terminates.
+     */
+    void DecrementSessions();
+    /*!
+     Returns a count of the BT HID connections the server is managing.
+     @result Number of connections
+     */
+    TUint ConnectionCount();
+    /*!
+     Gives access to the device details for a numbered connection.
+     @param aConnID connection ID.
+     @result Reference to a device details object
+     */
+    CBTHidDevice& ConnectionDetailsL(TInt aConnID);
+    void CleanOldConnection(TInt aConnID);
+    /*!
+     Asks the server to create a new connection object.
+     @result ID for the connection
+     */
+    TInt NewConnectionL();
+    /*!
+     Asks the server to do a first-time connection to a device.
+     @param aConnID ID of the connection returned from NewConnectionL
+     */
+    void DoFirstConnectionL(TInt aConnID);
+    /*!
+     Asks the server to delete a new connection object
+     @param aConnID ID of the connection returned from NewConnectionL
+     */
+    void DeleteNewConnection(TInt aConnID);
+    /*
+     * Keep the connection alive, initial reconnect from HID device available... 
+     */
+    void DisconnectDeviceL(const TBTDevAddr& aAddress);
+    void DisconnectAllDeviceL();
+    /**
+     * Asks the server to disconnect (virtual cable unplug) a device totally, 
+     * remove the connection entry from the connection container. 
+     @param aAddress bluetooth address of the device to disconnect.
+     */
+    void CloseBluetoothConnection(const TBTDevAddr& aAddress);
+    void CloseAllBluetoothConnection();
+    /*!
+     Finds out the connection status for a given Bluetooth address connected with HID profile
+     @param aBDAddr reference to TBTAddr that is checked from Bluetooth registry
+     @result TBTEngConnectionStatus
+     */
+    TBTEngConnectionStatus ConnectStatus(const TBTDevAddr& aAddress);
+    /*!
+     Panic the server.
+     @param aPanic panic code
+     */
+    static void PanicServer(TInt aPanic);
+    TBool GetConnectionAddress(TDes8& aAddressBuf);
+    TBool IsAllowToConnectFromServerSide(TUint aDeviceSubClass);
+    TBool IsAllowToConnectFromClientSide(TBTDevAddr devAddr);
+    TUint GetDeviceSubClass(TBTDevAddr aDevAddr);
+    TBool IsKeyboard(TUint aDeviceSubClass);
+    TBool IsPointer(TUint aDeviceSubClass);
+    TBTDevAddr ConflictAddress();
+    // from MBTConnectionObserver
+    void HandleControlData(TInt aConnID, const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+    void HandleCommandAck(TInt aConnID, TInt aStatus);
+    void HandleInterruptData(TInt aConnID, const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+    void FirstTimeConnectionComplete(TInt aConnID, TInt aStatus);
+    void LinkLost(TInt aConnID);
+    void LinkRestored(TInt aConnID);
+    void Disconnected(TInt aConnID);
+    void Unplugged(TInt aConnID);
+    //from MListenerObserver
+    void SocketAccepted(TUint aPort, TInt aErrorCode);
+    //from MTransportLayer
+    TUint CountryCodeL(TInt aConnID);
+    TUint VendorIdL(TInt aConnID);
+    TUint ProductIdL(TInt aConnID);
+    void GetProtocolL(TInt aConnID, TUint16 aInterface);
+    void SetProtocolL(TInt aConnID, TUint16 aValue, TUint16 aInterface);
+    void GetReportL(TInt aConnID, TUint8 aReportType, TUint8 aReportID,
+            TUint16 aInterface, TUint16 aLength);
+    void SetReportL(TInt aConnID, TUint8 aReportType, TUint8 aReportID,
+            TUint16 aInterface, const TDesC8& aReport);
+    void DataOutL(TInt aConnID, TUint8 aReportID, TUint16 aInterface,
+            const TDesC8& aReport);
+    void GetIdleL(TInt aConnID, TUint8 aReportID, TUint16 aInterface);
+    void SetIdleL(TInt aConnID, TUint8 aDuration, TUint8 aReportID,
+            TUint16 aInterface);
+    void NotifierRequestCompleted();
+    // From CActive
+    /*!
+     Process any errors
+     @param aError the leave code reported.
+     */
+    TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+    static TInt TimerFired(TAny* aThis);
+    /*!
+     Perform the first phase of two phase construction 
+     */
+    CBTHidServer();
+    /*!
+     Perform the second phase construction of a CBTHidServer object
+     */
+    void ConstructL();
+     /*!
+     Shuts down socket listeners on error and inform user
+     @param aError The error which caused the shutdown.
+     */
+    void ShutdownListeners(TInt aError);
+    /*!
+     Retrieve the Connection object for a given ID.
+     @param aConnID The connection ID.
+     @return A pointer to a CBTHidConnection object.
+     */
+    CBTHidConnection* IdentifyConnectionL(TInt aConnID) const;
+    /*!
+     Loads virtually-cabled device details from the filestore.
+     @param aStoreName file to load from.
+     */
+    void LoadVirtuallyCabledDevicesL(const TDesC& aStoreName);
+    /*!
+     Stores virtually-cabled device details from the filestore.
+     @param aStoreName file to write to.
+     */
+    void StoreVirtuallyCabledDevicesL(const TDesC& aStoreName);
+    /*!
+     Stores virtually-cabled device details from the filestore.
+     (Non-Leaving Version)
+     @param aStoreName file to write to.
+     */
+    void StoreVirtuallyCabledDevices(const TDesC& aStoreName);
+    /*!
+     Updates all current sessions with the current status of a connection
+     @param aDeviceDetails details of the device whose status has changed 
+     @param aState new state of the connection
+     */
+    void InformClientsOfStatusChange(const CBTHidDevice& aDeviceDetails,
+            TBTHidConnState aState);
+    void GlobalNotify(const TBTDevAddr& aDeviceAddr, TBTHidConnState aState);
+    TInt HandleAsyncRequest(const TBTDevAddr& aDeviceAddr, TInt note);
+    void HandleAsyncRequestL(const TBTDevAddr& aDeviceAddr, TInt aNote);
+    void InformStatusChange(const TBTDevAddr& aAddress,
+            TBTHidConnState aState);
+    /*!
+     Inform the Generic HID of a new connection (and start the driver if required)
+     @param aConnection a CBTHidConnection object for the device connected.
+     @param aStartDriver ETrue to start the driver, EFalse otherwise.
+     */
+    void
+            GenericHIDConnectL(CBTHidConnection* aConnection,
+                    TBool aStartDriver);
+    // From CServer2
+    /*!
+     Create a time server session, and return a pointer to the created object
+     @param aVersion version 
+     @result Pointer to new session
+     */
+    CSession2* NewSessionL(const TVersion &aVersion,
+            const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
+    /* Internal function to override the security settings of Control channel
+     * listener. Used if we are listening for unauthenticated/unauthorised device.
+     * For example: Microsoft keyboard with Nokia 6630 PR#1 needs this.
+     */
+    void CheckAndSetControlListenerSecurityL(TBool aSec);
+    /*! The active session count */
+    TInt iSessionCount;
+    /*! The file server session */
+    RFs iFs;
+    /*! The socket server session */
+    RSocketServ iSocketServ;
+    /*! A temporary socket to accept a connection on the control channel */
+    RSocket* iTempControl;
+    /*! A temporary socket to accept a connection on the interrupt channel */
+    RSocket* iTempInterrupt;
+    /*! Flag indicating the Autorisation setting on incoming connections */
+    TBool iAuthorisationFlag;
+    /*! Socket listener for the control channel */
+    CSocketListener* iControlListener;
+    /*! Socket listener for the interrupt channel */
+    CSocketListener* iInterruptListener;
+    /*! The Generic HID object */
+    CGenericHid* iGenHID;
+    /*! Main container index for the server */
+    CObjectConIx* iMasterContIndex;
+    /*! Container for BT Connection Objects */
+    CObjectCon* iBTConnContainer;
+    /*! Index for the BT Connection container */
+    CObjectIx* iBTConnIndex;
+    /*! BT address of a Bluetooth device currently connected in conflict*/
+    TBTDevAddr iConflictAddr;
+    /*! BT address of a Bluetooth device last used */
+    TBTDevAddr iLastUsedAddr;
+    TBool iActiveState;
+    //Shutdown Timer
+    CPeriodic* iShutDownTimer;
+    RNotifier iNotifier;
+    RPointerArray<CBTHidNotifierHelper> iReqs;
+    };
+ *  This wraps up a UI Notification for the BTHidServer
+ */
+class CBTHidNotifierHelper : public CActive
+    {
+    static CBTHidNotifierHelper* NewL(CBTHidServer& aHidServer, TInt aNote, const TBTDevAddr& aDeviceAddr);
+    ~CBTHidNotifierHelper();
+    void Start();
+    CBTHidNotifierHelper(CBTHidServer& aHidServer, TInt aNote, const TBTDevAddr& aDeviceAddr);
+    void ConstructL();
+    void RunL();
+    void DoCancel();
+    CBTHidServer& iHidServer;
+    RNotifier iNotifier;
+    TPckgBuf<TInt> iNoResult;
+    TBTGenericInfoNotiferParamsPckg iGenericInfoNotifierType;
+    };  