--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetoothengine/bthid/layouts/inc/layout.h Mon Jan 18 20:28:57 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Declares main application class.
+ *
+#ifndef __LAYOUT_H
+#define __LAYOUT_H
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include "hidlayoutplugininterface.h"
+class TLockKeys;
+class THidModifier;
+ CKeyboardLayout is the abstract base class for all keyboard layouts.
+ */
+class CKeyboardLayout : public CHidLayoutPluginInterface
+ {
+ /*!
+ Translate a HID usage into a Symbian raw scan code value,
+ taking into account both the current modifier state, and the
+ lock key (Num Lock, Caps Lock) state.
+ This function is called by the default implementation of
+ TranslateKey().
+ @param aHidKey The HID usage ID of the key
+ @param aUsagePage The HID usage page of the key
+ @param aModifiers The current modifier state
+ @param aLockKeys The current lock key state
+ @result A Symbian Unicode key value, cf TKeyCode. EKeyNull (0)
+ if the key code could not be translated.
+ */
+ virtual TUint16 TranslateKey(TInt aHidKey, TInt aUsagePage,
+ THidModifier aModifiers, TLockKeys aLockKeys) const;
+ /*!
+ Translate a HID usage ID (keyboard usage page, 0x07) into a
+ Symbian Unicode key value, taking into account the current
+ modifier state. This is normally just an interface to one or
+ more static look up tables.
+ Unicode() is pure virtual.
+ @param aHidKey The HID usage ID of the key
+ @param aModifiers The current modifier state
+ @result A Symbian Unicode key value, cf TKeyCode. EKeyNull (0)
+ if the key code could not be translated.
+ */
+ virtual TUint16 Unicode(TInt aHidKey, THidModifier aModifiers) const = 0;
+ /*!
+ Translate a HID usage into a Symbian raw scan code value,
+ taking into account the current modifier state.
+ This function is called by the default implementation of
+ TranslateKey().
+ @param aHidKey The HID usage ID of the key
+ @param aUsagePage The HID usage page of the key
+ @param aModifiers The current modifier state
+ @result A Symbian raw scan code value, cf TStdScanCode.
+ EStdKeyNull (0) if the key code could not be translated.
+ */
+ virtual TInt RawScanCode(TInt aHidKey, TInt aUsagePage,
+ THidModifier aModifiers) const;
+ /*!
+ Determine if a given Unicode key value corresponds to an
+ auto-repeating key.
+ @param aUnicodeKey Symbian Unicode key value
+ @result ETrue if the key should be allowed to repeat.
+ */
+ virtual TBool IsRepeatingKey(TInt aUnicodeKey) const;
+ /*!
+ Determine if the given Unicode key value corresponds to a
+ dead key.
+ @param aUnicodeKey Symbian Unicode key value
+ @result ETrue if the key is a dead key.
+ */
+ virtual TBool IsDeadKey(TInt aUnicodeKey) const;
+ /*!
+ Find the Unicode character, if any, which results from a
+ combination of the dead key, aDeadKeyUnicode, followed by the
+ second key press, aUnicodeKey.
+ @result Symbian Unicode key value for the combination
+ character. EKeyNull (0) if the combination wasn't found.
+ */
+ virtual TUint16 FindCombiningChar(TUint16 aDeadKeyUnicode,
+ TUint16 aUnicodeKey) const;
+ /*!
+ Determine if the given HID key code behaves as if the shift
+ modifier is inverted when Num Lock is active. This function is
+ called by the default implementation of TranslateKey().
+ @param aHidKey The HID usage ID of the key (keyboard usage page, 0x07)
+ @result ETrue if the key changes with Num Lock
+ */
+ virtual TBool ChangesWithNumLock(TInt aHidKey) const;
+ /*!
+ Determine if the given HID key code behaves as if the shift
+ modifier is inverted when Caps Lock is active, taking into
+ account the current modifier state. This function is
+ called by the default implementation of TranslateKey().
+ @param aHidKey The HID usage ID of the key (keyboard usage page, 0x07)
+ @param aModifiers The current modifier state
+ @result ETrue if the key changes with Caps Lock
+ */
+ virtual TBool
+ ChangesWithCapsLock(TInt aHidKey, THidModifier aModifiers) const;
+ /*!
+ Determine if the right Alt key (Alt Gr) should produce the same
+ effect as pressing Control-Alt.
+ @result ETrue if Alt Gr is equivalent to Control-Alt
+ */
+ virtual TBool AltGrIsControlAlt() const;
+ /*!
+ Return the keyboard layout ID for a given layout.
+ */
+ virtual TInt LayoutId() const = 0;
+ TUint16 TranslateKeyboardKey(TInt aHidKey, THidModifier aModifiers,
+ TLockKeys aLockKeys) const;
+ TUint16 TranslateOtherKey(TInt aHidKey, TInt aUsagePage,
+ THidModifier aModifiers, TLockKeys aLockKeys) const;
+ static TInt CheckChangingKeys(TInt aHidKey, THidModifier aModifiers);
+ static TInt CheckModifierKeys(TInt aHidKey);
+ static TInt CheckSpecialRawCode(TInt aHidKey, TInt aUsagePage);
+ // Scan code look-up tables:
+ static const TInt KRawCodes[]; // standard keys from HID usage page 7
+ struct TUsagePageKey
+ {
+ TInt iHidPage;
+ TInt iHidId;
+ TInt iScanCode;
+ TUint16 iCode;
+ };
+ static const TUsagePageKey KEnhancedKeyCodes[]; // Usage page != 0x07
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Base class for all standard keyboard layouts. Assumes a specific
+ configuration of look-up tables:
+ - A main look-up table, indexed by HID code. This contains one or
+ more columns of data, where each column corresponds to a particular
+ modifier state. The size of the table is specified in the constructor.
+ - A list of the modifier states that correspond to each column in
+ the main table.
+ - A table containing special cases. This is intended to reduce the
+ number of columns needed in the main table. This table is searched
+ linearly and is zero terminated.
+ An implementation of CKeyboardLayout::Unicode() is provided that
+ performs a HID key look-up using the main table, and then, if
+ no match was found, searches the special case table.
+ */
+class CStandardKeyboardLayout : public CKeyboardLayout
+ {
+ /*!
+ TSpecialKey items are used to create a standard special case
+ table. If the HID usage ID of the key matches iHidKey, and the
+ current modifier state matches iFoldedModifiers, then the decoded
+ key code will be iUnicode.
+ */
+ struct TSpecialKey
+ {
+ TUint16 iHidKey; //!< HID key usage (keyboard usage page)
+ TUint8 iFoldedModifiers; //!< Modifiers, as from THidModifier::Fold()
+ TUint16 iUnicode; //!< The resulting Unicode value
+ };
+ /*!
+ Constructor
+ @param aColumnMap Mapping from modifier state to main table columns
+ @param aMapSize Size of the columns map, in bytes
+ @param aKeyCodes The main look-up table
+ @param aTableSize Size of the main table, in bytes
+ @param aSpecialCases The special case table
+ */
+ CStandardKeyboardLayout(const TInt* aColumnMap, TInt aMapSize,
+ const TUint16* aKeyCodes, TInt aTableSize,
+ const TSpecialKey* aSpecialCases);
+ /*!
+ Translate a HID usage ID (keyboard usage page, 0x07) into a
+ Symbian Unicode key value, taking into account the current
+ modifier state.
+ @param aHidKey The HID usage ID of the key
+ @param aModifiers The current modifier state
+ @result A Symbian Unicode key value, cf TKeyCode. EKeyNull (0)
+ if the key code could not be translated.
+ */
+ virtual TUint16 Unicode(TInt aHidKey, THidModifier aModifiers) const;
+ /*!
+ Search for a given HID usage ID (keyboard usage page, 0x07)
+ in the special case table.
+ @param aMap The special case table
+ @param aHidKey HID usage ID to search for
+ @param aFoldedModifiers Modifier state to search for
+ @result A Symbian Unicode key value, cf TKeyCode. EKeyNull (0)
+ if the key code could not be translated.
+ */
+ static TUint16 FindSpecialKey(const TSpecialKey* aMap, TInt aHidKey,
+ TUint8 aFoldedModifiers);
+ // Standard look-up table:
+ const TInt* iColumnMap;
+ const TUint16* iKeyCodes;
+ const TInt iNumColumns;
+ const TInt iNumKeys;
+ // Special cases:
+ const TSpecialKey* iSpecialCases;
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Base class for keyboard layouts that use dead keys, derived from
+ CStandardKeyboardLayout. Assumes a specific configuration of look-up
+ tables:
+ - An index table containing one TIndexPair entry for each dead
+ key. The TIndexPair provides the unicode value for the dead key,
+ and a link to a TKeyPair table.
+ - One table of TKeyPair items for each dead key. Each TKeyPair
+ contains the Unicode value for the combination (second) key press
+ together with the Unicode key value that should result.
+ - Other tables as for CStandardKeyboardLayout
+ Implementations of CKeyboardLayout::IsDeadKey() and
+ CKeyboardLayout::FindCombiningChar() are provided that can
+ use these dead keys tables.
+ */
+class CDeadKeyLayout : public CStandardKeyboardLayout
+ {
+ /*!
+ TKeyPair items are used to create dead key tables. The dead key
+ followed by a Unicode key code iBaseChar will produce the decoded
+ Unicode value of iComboChar. The Unicode value for the dead key
+ itself is given in a TIndexPair structure.
+ */
+ struct TKeyPair
+ {
+ TUint16 iBaseChar; //!< Unicode character that follows the dead key
+ TUint16 iComboChar; //!< Resulting Unicode value
+ };
+ /*!
+ TIndexPair items are used to create dead key tables. There is one
+ TIndexPair for each possible dead key. Each TIndexPair links in turn
+ to a table of TKeyPair items.
+ */
+ struct TIndexPair
+ {
+ TUint16 iUnicode; //!< Unicode value for the dead key
+ const TKeyPair *iMap; //!< Corresponding table of TKeyPair items
+ };
+ /*!
+ Constructor
+ @param aColumnMap Mapping from modifier state to main table columns
+ @param aMapSize Size of the columns map, in bytes
+ @param aKeyCodes The main look-up table
+ @param aTableSize Size of the main table, in bytes
+ @param aSpecialCases The special case table
+ @param aDeadKeyIndex The dead key index table
+ */
+ CDeadKeyLayout(const TInt* aColumnMap, TInt aMapSize,
+ const TUint16* aKeyCodes, TInt aTableSize,
+ const TSpecialKey* aSpecialCases,
+ const TIndexPair* aDeadKeyIndex);
+ /*!
+ Determine if the given Unicode key value corresponds to a
+ dead key.
+ @param aUnicodeKey Symbian Unicode key value
+ @result ETrue if the key is a dead key.
+ */
+ virtual TBool IsDeadKey(TInt aUnicodeKey) const;
+ /*!
+ Find the Unicode character, if any, which results from a
+ combination of the dead key, aDeadKeyUnicode, followed by the
+ second key press, aUnicodeKey.
+ @result Symbian Unicode key value for the combination
+ character. EKeyNull (0) if the combination wasn't found.
+ */
+ virtual TUint16 FindCombiningChar(TUint16 aDeadKeyUnicode,
+ TUint16 aKeyCode) const;
+ const TIndexPair* iDeadKeyIndex;
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------