--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetoothengine/bthid/layouts/src/su8russian.cpp Mon Jan 18 20:28:57 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: This is the implementation of application class
+#include "su8russian.h"
+#include "hiddebug.h"
+#include "hidlayoutids.h"
+// Look-up tables to translate HID keyboard usage codes (usage page 7)
+// to the corresponding Symbian "TKeyCode" (Unicode) values:
+const TInt CSu8RussianLayout::KColumnMap[] =
+ {
+ THidModifier::EUnmodified, // ----
+ THidModifier::EShift // ---S
+ };
+const TUint16 CSu8RussianLayout::KKeyCodes[] =
+ {
+ //---- ---S // Hex Dec Usage name (UK)
+ 0, 0, // 0x00 0 Reserved (no event)
+ 0, 0, // 0x01 1 Rollover error
+ 0, 0, // 0x02 2 POST Fail
+ 0, 0, // 0x03 3 Undefined error
+ 0x444, 0x424, // 0x04 4 a
+ 0x438, 0x418, // 0x05 5 b
+ 'c', 'C', // 0x06 6 c
+ 0x432, 0x412, // 0x07 7 d
+ 0x443, 0x423, // 0x08 8 e
+ 0x430, 0x410, // 0x09 9 f
+ 0x43f, 0x41f, // 0x0a 10 g
+ 0x440, 0x420, // 0x0b 11 h
+ 0x448, 0x428, // 0x0c 12 i
+ 0x43e, 0x41e, // 0x0d 13 j
+ 0x43b, 0x41b, // 0x0e 14 k
+ 0x434, 0x414, // 0x0f 15 l
+ 0x44c, 0x42c, // 0x10 16 m
+ 0x442, 0x422, // 0x11 17 n
+ 0x449, 0x429, // 0x12 18 o
+ 0x437, 0x417, // 0x13 19 p
+ 0x439, 0x419, // 0x14 20 q
+ 0x43a, 0x41a, // 0x15 21 r
+ 0x44b, 0x42b, // 0x16 22 s
+ 0x435, 0x415, // 0x17 23 t
+ 0x433, 0x413, // 0x18 24 u
+ 0x43c, 0x41c, // 0x19 25 v
+ 0x446, 0x426, // 0x1a 26 w
+ 0x447, 0x427, // 0x1b 27 x
+ 0x43d, 0x41d, // 0x1c 28 y
+ 0x44f, 0x42f, // 0x1d 29 z
+ '1', '!', // 0x1e 30 1
+ '2', '@', // 0x1f 31 2
+ '3', '#', // 0x20 32 3
+ '4', '$', // 0x21 33 4
+ '5', '%', // 0x22 34 5
+ '6', '^', // 0x23 35 6
+ '7', '&', // 0x24 36 7
+ '8', '*', // 0x25 37 8
+ '9', '(', // 0x26 38 9
+ '0', ')', // 0x27 39 0
+ 0x000d, 0xf845, // 0x28 40 Enter
+ 0x001b, 0x001b, // 0x29 41 Escape
+ 0x0008, 0x0008, // 0x2a 42 Backspace
+ 0x0009, 0x0009, // 0x2b 43 Tab
+ ' ', ' ', // 0x2c 44 Space
+ '-', '_', // 0x2d 45
+ '=', '+', // 0x2e 46
+ 0x445, 0x425, // 0x2f 47
+ 0x44a, 0x42a, // 0x30 48
+ '\\', '|', // 0x31 49
+ 0, 0, // 0x32 50
+ 0x436, 0x416, // 0x33 51
+ 0x44d, 0x42d, // 0x34 52
+ 0x451, 0x401, // 0x35 53
+ 0x431, 0x411, // 0x36 54
+ 0x44e, 0x42e, // 0x37 55
+ '/', '?' // 0x38 56
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+const CStandardKeyboardLayout::TSpecialKey
+ CSu8RussianLayout::KSpecialCases[] =
+ {
+ // HID usage, modifiers, Unicode
+ { 0x28, THidModifier::ECtrl, 0xf845 }, // Ctrl-enter (Return)
+ { 0x2c, THidModifier::ECtrl, 0x0020 }, // Ctrl-spacebar
+ { 0x2b, THidModifier::EAlt, 0xf852 }, // Alt-tab
+ { 0x4c, THidModifier::EUnmodified, 0x007f }, // Delete
+ { 0x4c, THidModifier::EShift, 0x007f }, // Shift-Delete
+ { 0x4c, THidModifier::EAltCtrl, 0xf844 }, // Alt-ctrl-delete
+ { 0x4f, THidModifier::EUnmodified, 0xf808 }, // Right arrow
+ { 0x4f, THidModifier::EShift, 0xf808 }, // Shift-right arrow
+ { 0x50, THidModifier::EUnmodified, 0xf807 }, // Left arrow
+ { 0x50, THidModifier::EShift, 0xf807 }, // Shift-left arrow
+ { 0x51, THidModifier::EUnmodified, 0xf80a }, // Down arrow
+ { 0x51, THidModifier::EShift, 0xf80a }, // Shift-down arrow
+ { 0x52, THidModifier::EUnmodified, 0xf809 }, // Up arrow
+ { 0x52, THidModifier::EShift, 0xf809 }, // Shift-up arrow
+ { 0xe3, THidModifier::EFunc, 0xf842 }, // Left GUI key
+ { 0xe7, THidModifier::EFunc, 0xf843 }, // Right GUI key
+ { 0xe3, THidModifier::EFuncShift, 0xf862 }, // Shift-left GUI key
+ { 0xe7, THidModifier::EFuncShift, 0xf863 }, // Shift-right GUI key
+ { 0x76, THidModifier::EUnmodified, 0xf852 }, // App switch
+ { 0x76, THidModifier::EShift, 0xf852 }, // Shift-app switch
+ { 0x77, THidModifier::EUnmodified, 0xf845 }, // MSK to OK
+ { 0x77, THidModifier::EShift, 0xf845 }, // Shift-MSK to OK
+ //
+ { 0x00 } // end of table
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ : CStandardKeyboardLayout(KColumnMap, sizeof (KColumnMap),
+ KKeyCodes, sizeof (KKeyCodes), KSpecialCases)
+ {
+ // nothing else to do
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSu8RussianLayout::RawScanCode(TInt aHidKey,
+ TInt aUsagePage, THidModifier aModifiers) const
+ {
+ TInt result = EStdKeyNull;
+ const TInt KKeyboardUsagePage = 0x07;
+ if (aUsagePage == KKeyboardUsagePage)
+ {
+ // Application switch key is HID "Keyboard Menu" usage:
+ //
+ const TInt KHidKeyboardMenu = 0x76;
+ if (aHidKey == KHidKeyboardMenu)
+ {
+ result = EStdKeyApplication0;
+ }
+ // Middle soft key is HID "Keyboard Select" usage:
+ //
+ const TInt KHidKeyboardSelect = 0x77;
+ if (aHidKey == KHidKeyboardSelect)
+ {
+ result = EStdKeyDevice3;
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == EStdKeyNull)
+ {
+ result = CStandardKeyboardLayout::RawScanCode(aHidKey,
+ aUsagePage, aModifiers);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+TInt CSu8RussianLayout::LayoutId() const
+ {
+ DBG(RDebug::Print(_L("[HID]\tCSu8RussianLayout::LayoutId()")));
+ return ESu8Russian;
+ }
+CKeyboardLayout* CSu8RussianLayout::NewL()
+ {
+ DBG(RDebug::Print(_L("[HID]\tCSu8RussianLayout::NewL()")));
+ CKeyboardLayout* layout = new (ELeave) CSu8RussianLayout;
+ return layout;
+ }
+// End of file