--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetoothengine/btsap/src/BTSapSession.cpp Mon Jan 18 20:28:57 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* SAP Server session definition.
+#include <BTManClient.h>
+#include "BTSapSession.h"
+#include "BTSapServer.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code that
+// might leave.
+// constructor - must pass client to CSession
+ {
+ }
+// destructor
+ {
+ BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_FUNCTIONS, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap] CBTSapSession::~CBTSapSession")));
+ TRAPD(err, Server().SessionClosedL());
+ if(err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap] CBTSapSession::~CBTSapSession: Error when closing the session! %d"), err));
+ }
+ }
+// Two-phased constructor.
+CBTSapSession* CBTSapSession::NewL()
+ {
+ return new (ELeave) CBTSapSession();
+ }
+void CBTSapSession::CreateL()
+ {
+ Server().SessionOpened();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// Server
+// Return a reference to CBTSapServer
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+CBTSapServer& CBTSapSession::Server()
+ {
+ return *STATIC_CAST(CBTSapServer*, CONST_CAST(CServer2*, CSession2::Server()));
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// ServiceL
+// Calls DispatchMessage under trap harness
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTSapSession::ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ TRAPD(err, DispatchMessageL(aMessage));
+ if(err == KErrPermissionDenied)
+ {
+ // Fail if the client doesn't have the required capabilities
+ aMessage.Complete(err);
+ }
+ else if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ // A bad descriptor error implies a badly programmed client, so panic it;
+ PanicClient(aMessage, err);
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// DispatchMessageL
+// service a client request; test the opcode and then do
+// appropriate servicing
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTSapSession::DispatchMessageL(const RMessage2 &aMessage)
+ {
+ TInt retVal = KErrNone;
+ // Leave with KErrPermissionDenied if the client doesn't have Local Services capability
+ aMessage.HasCapabilityL(ECapabilityLocalServices);
+ switch (aMessage.Function())
+ {
+ case EBTSapManageService:
+ {
+ retVal = Server().ManageService(aMessage.Int0());
+ aMessage.Complete(retVal);
+ BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_INFO, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap] CBTSapSession: ManageServiceL: %d"), retVal));
+ break;
+ }
+ case EBTSapAcceptSapConnection:
+ {
+ retVal = Server().AcceptSapConnection();
+ BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_INFO, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap] CBTSapSession: AcceptSapConnection: %d"), retVal));
+ aMessage.Complete(retVal);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EBTSapRejectSapConnection:
+ {
+ TBTSapRejectReason reason = STATIC_CAST(TBTSapRejectReason, aMessage.Int0());
+ retVal = Server().RejectSapConnection(reason);
+ aMessage.Complete(retVal);
+ BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_INFO, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap] CBTSapSession: RejectSapConnection: %d"), retVal));
+ break;
+ }
+ case EBTSapDisconnectSapConnection:
+ {
+ TBTSapDisconnectType type = STATIC_CAST(TBTSapDisconnectType, aMessage.Int0());
+ retVal = Server().DisconnectSapConnection(type);
+ aMessage.Complete(retVal);
+ BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_INFO, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap] CBTSapSession: DisconnectSapConnection: %d"), retVal));
+ break;
+ }
+ case EBTSapIsConnected:
+ {
+ retVal = Server().IsSapConnected();
+ aMessage.Complete(retVal);
+ BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_INFO, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap] CBTSapSession: IsSapConnected: %d"), retVal));
+ break;
+ }
+ case EBTSapGetRemoteBTAddress:
+ {
+ TBTDevAddr addr;
+ retVal = Server().GetRemoteBTAddress(addr);
+ TBTDevAddrPckgBuf pckg(addr);
+ aMessage.WriteL(0, pckg);
+ aMessage.Complete(retVal);
+ TBuf<12> buf;
+ addr.GetReadable(buf);
+ BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_INFO, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap] CBTSapSession: GetRemoteBTAddress: %d, addr: %S"), retVal, &buf));
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_ERROR, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap] CBTSapSession: DispatchMessage: Bad request #")));
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// End of File