* Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Declaration for CBTSAController class. This class is advertised
* to E-com framework (@see proxy.cpp) so that it loads this class when
* this plugin gets loaded. That is why this class implements the interface
* of the module (currently BT Accessory Server) which loads this plugin. Being
* main class, this class constructs other classes and also recieves callbacks,
* hence implementing their interfaces.
// Implement Interface provided by 'BT Accessory Server' component. E-com framework
// uses this interface to load this plugin
#include <es_sock.h>
#include <btaccPlugin.h>
#include "btsacdefs.h"
#include "btsacStreamerController.h" //MBTAudioAdaptationObserver
#include "btsacActiveObserver.h" //MBtsacActiveObserver
class CBtsacState;
class CBTSACGavdp;
class CBTSACSEPManager;
class CBTSACStreamerController;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CBTSAController) : public CBTAccPlugin, public MBTAudioAdaptationObserver, public MBtsacActiveObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
* After construction the instance is ready to serve requests.
* Also starts listening to incoming connections from BT Stereo
* audio accessories.
static CBTSAController* NewL(TPluginParams& aParams);
* Destructor.
* Removes service and security registrations and stops listening to
* incoming connections.
virtual ~CBTSAController();
* State transition
* @since S60 v3.1
* @param aState the next state to be entered.
void ChangeStateL(CBtsacState* aState);
void ResetRemoteCache();
void InitializeSEPManager();
void CleanSockets();
void StoreAccInfo();
void DeleteAccInfo();
TBool IsAccInfoAvailable();
TInt AbortStream();
void NewAccessory(const TBTDevAddr& aBDAddr);
void DisconnectedFromRemote(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TInt aError );
void AccessoryOpenedAudio(const TBTDevAddr& aBDAddr);
void AccessoryClosedAudio(const TBTDevAddr& aBDAddr);
void AccessorySuspendedAudio(const TBTDevAddr& aBDAddr);
void CompletePendingRequests(TUint aCompleteReq, TInt aError);
void SetRemoteAddr(const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr);
TBTDevAddr GetRemoteAddr() const;
TBool IsOpenAudioReqFromAccFWPending() const;
void SetSEPIndex(TInt aIndex);
TInt GetSEPIndex() const;
void SetResetAudioInput(TBool aReset);
TBool GetResetAudioInput() const;
CBtsacActive* GetGavdpErrorActive() const;
void GAVDP_Error(TInt aError) ;
* C++ default constructor.
CBTSAController(TPluginParams& aParams);
* Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
* Starts listening to incoming connections from BT Stereo
* audio accessories.
* Gets ready to accept requests from clients.
void ConstructL(/*TPluginParams& aParams*/);
public: // From MBTAudioAdaptationObserver
virtual void NotifyError(TInt aError);
private: // Functions from CBTAccPlugin
* BT Acc Server learns if plugin supports mono audio or not
* while loading the plugin
@param None.
@return ETrue if plugin supports mono audio, TFalse otherwise.
virtual TProfiles PluginType();
* Called by BT Acc Sever to connect to mono or stereo accessory
* @param aAddr Bluetooth Device address of the remote device
* @return result of operation
virtual void ConnectToAccessory(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
* Called by BT Acc Sever to connect to mono or stereo accessory
* @param aAddr Bluetooth Device address of the remote device
* @return result of operation
virtual void CancelConnectToAccessory(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr);
* Called by BT Acc Sever to connect to mono or stereo accessory
* @param aAddr Bluetooth Device address of the remote device
* @return result of operation
virtual void DisconnectAccessory(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
* Called by BT Acc Sever to open audio link
* @param aAddr Bluetooth Device address of the remote device
* @return result of operation
virtual void OpenAudioLink(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
* Called by BT Acc Sever to cancel opening of audio link
@param aAddr Bluetooth Device address of the remote device
@return result of operation
void CancelOpenAudioLink(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr );
* Called by BT Acc Sever to connect to mono or stereo accessory
@param aAddr Bluetooth Device address of the remote device
@return result of operation
void CloseAudioLink(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
* Called by BT Acc Sever to cancel closing of audio link
@param aAddr Bluetooth Device address of the remote device
void CancelCloseAudioLink(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr );
* BTAccServer informs BTSAC to start streaming after getting permission
* from Acc Fw
virtual void StartRecording();
* Defaults from MBtsacActiveObserver
* Handles the request completion event.
* @since S60 v3.1
* @param aActive the Active Object to which the request is assigned to.
virtual void RequestCompletedL(CBtsacActive& aActive);
* Handles the cancellation of an outstanding request.
* @since S60 v3.1
* @param aActive the Active Object to which the request is assigned to.
virtual void CancelRequest(CBtsacActive& aActive);
* Called by BT Acc Sever to inform plugin that accessory is in use.
@param None.
@return None.
virtual void AccInUse();
public: // Data
CBTSACGavdp* iGavdp;
CBTSACStreamerController* iStreamer;
CBTSACSEPManager* iLocalSEPs;
CBTSACSEPManager* iRemoteSEPs;
RArray<RSocket> iStreamingSockets;
private: // Data
* the current state.
CBtsacState* iState;
* AO for handling gavdp errors.
CBtsacActive* iGavdpErrorActive;
TBTDevAddr iRemoteAddr;
TBool iNotifiedObserverOfNewAccessory;
TInt iSBCSEPIndex; // SBC SEP Index in iRemoteSEPs array
TBool iResetAudioInput;
TRequestStatus* iConnectStatus;
TRequestStatus* iDisconnectStatus;
TRequestStatus* iOpenAudioStatus;
TRequestStatus* iCloseAudioStatus;
RPointerArray<CBTSACSEPManager> iAccDb; // one SEP manager for each accessory
// End of File