* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include "bttestlogger.h"
#include <StifTestModule.h>
#include <StifLogger.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <sysutil.h>
// RDebug
#include <e32debug.h>
const TInt CBtTestLogger::KPrefixLength = 8;
// Timestamp string length
const TInt KTimeStampStrLen = 21;
// Extended Timestamp string length
const TInt KExtTimeStampStrLen = 80;
// Extended time stamp
typedef TBuf<KExtTimeStampStrLen> TExtTimeStamp;
// Logging path
_LIT( KBtAudioTestSystemLogPath, "e:\\logs\\atextpluginapitest\\" );
// Log file
_LIT( KBtAudioTestSystemLogFile, "ATExtPluginApiTestLog.html" );
// Log file
_LIT( KBtAudioTestSystemLogFullName, "\\logs\\atextpluginapitest\\ATExtPluginApiTestLog_%x.html" );
// Time stamp format string
_LIT( KFormatTimeStamp, "<br/>[%H:%T:%S.%*C4] " );
// Date format string
_LIT( KFormatDate, "%F%D %N %Y" );
// HTML header section
_LIT( KHtmlHeadSection, "<html>\n<head>\n<title>BT Audio Test System results</title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\n.res, .case { display: inline; }\n</style>\n</head>\n\n<body onLoad=\"FormatResults();\">\n\n" );
// HTML code which will display the statistics
_LIT( KHtmlStatSection, "<p>Logfile created on %S at %S<br />\nS60 version %S</p>\n\n<div id=\"stats\"></div>\n<br />\n\n" );
// HTML identifier for test case start
_LIT( KHtmlTestCaseStart, "<div class=\"case\">" );
// Test case result logging
_LIT( KTestCaseResult, "Test completed; function %S, parameter %S, result <div class=\"res\">%d</div></div>" );
// JavaScript function for calculating test result
#define KJSSECTION _L( "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\nfunction FormatResults() { \
\n\tvar tl = document.getElementsByTagName( \"div\" );\n\tvar passed = 0, failed = 0, testcases = 0; \
\n\tfor( var i = 0; i < tl.length; i++ ) {\n\t\tif( tl[i].className == \"case\" ) {\n\t\t\ttestcases++;\n\t\t\t} \
\n\t\tif( tl[i].className == \"res\" ) {\n\t\t\tif( tl[i].innerHTML == 0 ) {\n\t\t\t\tpassed++;\n\t\t\t\t} \
\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\tfailed++;\n\t\t\t\ttl[i].parentNode.style.color = \"red\";\n\t\t\t\t} } } \
\n\tvar stat = document.getElementById( \"stats\" );\n\tvar passrate = Math.round( ( passed / testcases ) * 10000 ) / 100; \
\n\tstat.innerHTML = \"Test cases run: \" + testcases + \"<br />Passed: \" + passed \
+\"<br />Failed: \" + failed + \"<br /><b>Passrate: \" + passrate + \"%%</b>\";\n\t}\n</script>" )
// Construction and destruction.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBtTestLogger::NewL
// Static constructor to constructor builder objects.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CBtTestLogger* CBtTestLogger::NewL(const CTestModuleIf* aTestModuleIf)
CBtTestLogger* self = new (ELeave) CBtTestLogger(aTestModuleIf);
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBtTestLogger::CBtTestLogger
// Constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CBtTestLogger::CBtTestLogger(const CTestModuleIf* aTestModuleIf)
: CBase(),
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTestLogger::ConstructL
// 2nd phase constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBtTestLogger::ConstructL()
TInt err = CheckLogFile();
iLog = CStifLogger::NewL( KBtAudioTestSystemLogPath, KBtAudioTestSystemLogFile,
CStifLogger::ETxt, CStifLogger::EFile, EFalse, EFalse );
if( err == KErrNotFound )
{ // Add info & HTML markup to the beginning of the log file.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBtTestLogger::~CBtTestLogger
// Destructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete iLog;
// Member functions.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBtTestLogger::GetLogger
// Returns a pointer to current STIF logger.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CStifLogger* CBtTestLogger::GetLogger() const
return iLog;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBtTestLogger::GetTestModuleIf
// Returns a pointer to current STIF test module interface.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const CTestModuleIf* CBtTestLogger::GetTestModuleIf() const
return iTestModuleIf;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBtTestLogger::Log
// Logs 8 bit data to screen and file.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CBtTestLogger::Log(TLogLevel aLevel, TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aLogText, ...) const
if (!iEnabled)
return KErrNone;
const TDesC8& actualData = aLogText;
// Check that user does not try to output too much data.
if (actualData.Length() > KMaxLogData - KPrefixLength)
return KErrTooBig;
// Buffer to convert 8 bit data to to 16 bit.
TLogInfo8 converter;
// Create variable argument list.
VA_LIST args;
VA_START(args, aLogText);
// Format the argument list to the output buffer.
converter.FormatList( aLogText, args );
// Free the variable argument list
TLogInfo buffer;
buffer.Copy( converter );
// Append log prefix to the output buffer.
buffer.Insert( 0, GetPrefix( aLevel ) );
// Log a timestamp
TTimeStamp8 time;
TRAP_IGNORE( LogTimeStampL( time ) );
buffer.Insert( 0, time );
// Write log.
return WriteLog(aLevel, buffer);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBtTestLogger::Log
// Logs 8 bit data to screen and file.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CBtTestLogger::Log(const TDesC& aCategory, TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aLogText, ...) const
if (!iEnabled)
return KErrNone;
const TDesC8& actualData = aLogText;
// Check that user does not try to output too much data.
if (actualData.Length() > KMaxLogData - KPrefixLength)
return KErrTooBig;
// Buffer to convert 8 bit data to to 16 bit.
TLogInfo8 converter;
// Create variable argument list.
VA_LIST args;
VA_START(args, aLogText);
// Format the argument list to the output buffer.
converter.FormatList(aLogText, args);
// Free the variable argument list
TLogInfo buffer;
buffer.Copy( converter );
// Log a timestamp
TTimeStamp8 time;
TRAP_IGNORE( LogTimeStampL( time ) );
buffer.Insert( 0, time );
// Write log.
return WriteLog(aCategory, buffer);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBtTestLogger::Log
// Logs 16 bit data to screen and file.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CBtTestLogger::Log(TLogLevel aLevel, TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aLogText, ...) const
if (!iEnabled)
return KErrNone;
const TDesC16& actualData = aLogText;
// Check that user does not try to output too much data.
if (actualData.Length() + KPrefixLength > KMaxLogData)
return KErrTooBig;
TLogInfo buffer;
// Log a timestamp
TRAP_IGNORE( LogTimeStampL( buffer ) );
// Create variable argument list.
VA_LIST args;
VA_START(args, aLogText);
// Format the argument list to the output buffer.
buffer.AppendFormatList(aLogText, args);
// Free the variable argument list
// Write log.
return WriteLog(aLevel, buffer);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBtTestLogger::Log
// Logs 16 bit data to screen and file.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CBtTestLogger::Log(const TDesC& aCategory, TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aLogText, ...) const
if (!iEnabled)
return KErrNone;
const TDesC16& actualData = aLogText;
// Check that user does not try to output too much data.
if (actualData.Length() + KPrefixLength > KMaxLogData)
return KErrTooBig;
TLogInfo buffer;
// Log a timestamp
TRAP_IGNORE( LogTimeStampL( buffer ) );
// Create variable argument list.
VA_LIST args;
VA_START(args, aLogText);
// Format the argument list to the output buffer.
buffer.AppendFormatList(aLogText, args);
// Free the variable argument list
// Write log.
return WriteLog(aCategory, buffer);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBtTestLogger::LogNewLine
// Logs an HTML newline and timestamp.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CBtTestLogger::LogResult( const TDesC8& aFunc, const TDesC& aArg, TInt aRes ) const
TExtTimeStamp func;
func.Copy( aFunc ); // Copy 8-bit string to 16-bit buffer
Log( CBtTestLogger::ETLResult, KTestCaseResult, &func, &aArg, aRes );
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBtTestLogger::LogNewLine
// Logs an HTML newline and timestamp.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CBtTestLogger::LogNewLine() const
if (!iEnabled)
return KErrNone;
TExtTimeStamp time;
TRAPD( err, LogTimeStampL( time ) );
if( !err )
time.Insert( 0, KHtmlTestCaseStart );
err = iLog->Log( time );
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBtTestLogger::SetEnabled
// Returns a pointer to current STIF logger.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBtTestLogger::SetEnabled(TBool aEnabled)
iEnabled = aEnabled;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBtTestLogger::SetLogger
// Sets a pointer to current STIF logger.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBtTestLogger::SetLogger(CStifLogger* aLog)
iLog = aLog;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBtTestLogger::SetTestModuleIf
// Sets a pointer to current STIF test module.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBtTestLogger::SetTestModuleIf(const CTestModuleIf* aTestModuleIf)
iTestModuleIf = aTestModuleIf;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBtTestLogger::WriteLog
// Writes log.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CBtTestLogger::WriteLog(TLogLevel aLevel, TDes16& aLog) const
// Write log to file if file logger is available.
if (iLog != 0)
// Remove the timestamp from the logging data.
TPtrC16 log( aLog.Mid( KTimeStampStrLen ) );
// Write log with RDebug.
// Write log to screen if test module interface is available.
if (iTestModuleIf != 0)
CTestModuleIf* nonStaticLogger = const_cast<CTestModuleIf*>(iTestModuleIf);
nonStaticLogger->Printf(aLevel, _L(""), log);
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBtTestLogger::WriteLog
// Writes log.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CBtTestLogger::WriteLog(const TDesC16& aCategory, const TDesC16& aLog) const
// Write log to file if file logger is available.
if (iLog != 0)
// Remove the timestamp from the logging data.
TPtrC16 log( aLog.Mid( KTimeStampStrLen ) );
// Write log with RDebug.
// Write log to screen if test module interface is available.
if (iTestModuleIf != 0)
CTestModuleIf* nonStaticLogger = const_cast<CTestModuleIf*>(iTestModuleIf);
nonStaticLogger->Printf(0, aCategory, log);
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBtTestLogger::GetPrefix
// Returns the prefix for a given logging level.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC CBtTestLogger::GetPrefix(TLogLevel aLevel)
// Select a prefix for a log level and return a pointer to it.
case ETLError:
TPtrC logPrefix = _L("ERROR : ");
return logPrefix;
case ETLInfo:
case ETLResult:
TPtrC logPrefix = _L("INFO : ");
return logPrefix;
case ETLDebug:
TPtrC logPrefix = _L("DEBUG : ");
return logPrefix;
// Return a null pointer.
return TPtrC();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBtTestLogger::CheckLogFile
// Check if a log file is already existing, otherwise HTML formatting
// should be added.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CBtTestLogger::CheckLogFile()
RThread thread;
TInt id = thread.Id();
TBuf<KMaxFileName > file;
file.Format( KBtAudioTestSystemLogFullName, id );
RFs fs;
TInt err = fs.Connect();
TBool open = EFalse;
if( !err )
err = fs.IsFileOpen( file, open );
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBtTestLogger::LogTimeStamp
// Log HTML head section and general information in a newly created logfile.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBtTestLogger::LogHeadSectionL()
iLog->Log( KHtmlHeadSection );
iLog->Log( KJSSECTION );
TBuf<KSysUtilVersionTextLength> version( _L( "Version unknown!" ) );
(void) SysUtil::GetSWVersion( version );
TTimeStamp8 date;
LogTimeStampL( date, EFalse );
TTimeStamp8 time;
LogTimeStampL( time );
TPtrC timePtr( time.Mid( 6, 13 ) );
iLog->Log( KHtmlStatSection, &date, &timePtr, &version );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBtTestLogger::LogTimeStamp
// Format a timestamp for logging.
// If aTime is set to false, the (formatted) date is returned.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBtTestLogger::LogTimeStampL(TDes& aBuf, TBool aTime) const
TTime time;
time.HomeTime(); // Get time and format it
if( aTime )
time.FormatL( aBuf, KFormatTimeStamp );
time.FormatL( aBuf, KFormatDate );