// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include <s32mem.h>
#include <remconcoreapi.h>
#include <remcon/avrcpspec.h>
#include <remcon/remconinterfacebase.h>
#include <remcon/remconinterfaceif.h>
class MRemConGroupNavigationTargetObserver;
class CRemConInterfaceSelector;
Client-instantiable type supporting sending Battery Status responses.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CRemConGroupNavigationApiTarget) : public CRemConInterfaceBase,
public MRemConInterfaceIf
Factory function.
@see CRemConInterfaceSelector
@param aInterfaceSelector The interface selector. The client must have
created one of these first.
@param aObserver The observer of this interface.
@return A new CRemConGroupNavigationApiTarget, owned by the interface selector.
IMPORT_C static CRemConGroupNavigationApiTarget* NewL(CRemConInterfaceSelector& aInterfaceSelector,
MRemConGroupNavigationTargetObserver& aObserver);
Factory function.
@see CRemConInterfaceSelector
@param aInterfaceSelector The interface selector. The client must have
created one of these first.
@param aObserver The observer of this interface.
@param aNextGroupSupported Whether the Client support the next Group functionality.
@param aPreviousGroupSupported Whether the Client support the previous Group functionality.
@return A new CRemConGroupNavigationApiTarget, owned by the interface selector.
IMPORT_C static CRemConGroupNavigationApiTarget* NewL(CRemConInterfaceSelector& aInterfaceSelector,
MRemConGroupNavigationTargetObserver& aObserver, TBool aNextGroupSupported, TBool aPreviousGroupSupported);
/** Destructor */
IMPORT_C ~CRemConGroupNavigationApiTarget();
/** Send a 'next group' response.
Called by the client after receiving a MRemConGroupNavigationTargetObserver::MrcgntoNextGroup().
@param aStatus Used by RemCon to indicate completion of the send request.
aStatus may be NULL if no completion indication required.
@param aError The response error.
IMPORT_C void NextGroupResponse(TRequestStatus*& aStatus, TInt aError);
/** Send a 'previous group' response.
Called by the client after receiving a MRemConGroupNavigationTargetObserver::MrcgntoPreviousGroup().
@param aStatus Used by RemCon to indicate completion of the send request.
aStatus may be NULL if no completion indication required.
@param aError The response error.
IMPORT_C void PreviousGroupResponse(TRequestStatus*& aStatus, TInt aError);
@param aInterfaceSelector The interface selector.
@param aObserver The observer of this interface.
CRemConGroupNavigationApiTarget(CRemConInterfaceSelector& aInterfaceSelector,
MRemConGroupNavigationTargetObserver& aObserver);
void SendGroupResponse(TGroupNavigationPassthroughOperationIds aId, TRequestStatus*& aStatus, TInt aError);
void ConstructL();
void ConstructL(TBool aNextGroupSupported, TBool aPreviousGroupSupported);
private: // from CRemConInterfaceBase
TAny* GetInterfaceIf(TUid aUid);
private: // from MRemConInterfaceIf
void MrcibNewMessage(TUint aOperationId, const TDesC8& aData);
private: // unowned
MRemConGroupNavigationTargetObserver& iObserver;
private: // owned
CBufFlat* iOutData;
TPtr8 iPtr;
RBufWriteStream iStream;
TUint iNumRemotes;