* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Class to manage Bluetooth hardware and stack settings.
#include <bluetooth/btpowercontrol.h>
#include <btfeaturescfg.h>
#ifndef __WINS__
#include <bluetooth/dutmode.h>
#endif //__WINS__
#include "btengprivatecrkeys.h"
#include "btengconstants.h"
#include "btengactive.h"
class CBTEngServer;
* ?one_line_short_description
* ?more_complete_description
* @code
* ?good_class_usage_example(s)
* @endcode
* @lib ?library
* @since S60 ?S60_version *** for example, S60 v3.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CBTEngSrvSettingsMgr ) : public CBase,
public MBTEngActiveObserver
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aServer Pointer to server instance.
static CBTEngSrvSettingsMgr* NewL( CBTEngServer* aServer );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CBTEngSrvSettingsMgr();
* Utility to get the Bluetooth hardware power state.
* @since Symbian^3
* @param aState On return, this will contain the current HW power state.
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
TInt GetHwPowerState( TBTPowerState& aState );
* Set the Bluetooth hardware power state.
* @since Symbian^3
* @param aState The new power state.
TInt SetHwPowerState( TBTPowerState aState );
* Set Bluetooth on or off. This function is for internal classes of bteng server
* for power management.
* @since Symbian^3
* @param aState The new power state.
* @param aTemporary Turn BT off after use (ETrue) or not (EFalse).
void SetPowerStateL( TBTPowerState aState, TBool aTemporary );
* Set Bluetooth on or off upon a client power management request.
* This function is only for power management request from clients of bteng server.
* @since Symbian^3
* @param aState The new power state.
* @param aTemporary Turn BT off after use (ETrue) or not (EFalse).
void SetPowerStateL( const RMessage2 aMessage );
* Initialize Bluetooth stack settings.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param ?arg1 ?description
void InitBTStackL();
* Reset settings and disconnect all links.
* @since Symbian^3
void StopBTStackL();
* Update the central repository key for Bluetooth power state.
* @since Symbian^3
* @param aValue The new Bluetooth power state.
void UpdateCenRepPowerKeyL( TBTPowerState aValue );
* ?description
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param ?arg1 ?description
void SetUiIndicatorsL();
* ?description
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param ?arg1 ?description
void SetIndicatorStateL( const TInt aIndicator, const TInt aState );
* Update the Bluetooth visibility mode.
* @since Symbian^3
* @param ?arg1 ?description
void SetVisibilityModeL( TBTVisibilityMode aMode, TInt aTime );
* Update the Bluetooth visibility mode.
* @since Symbian^3
* @param ?arg1 ?description
void UpdateVisibilityModeL( TInt aStackScanMode );
* Set Device Under Test mode.
* @since Symbian^3
* @param aDutMode The mode to be set (DUT mode on or off).
void SetDutMode( TInt aDutMode );
* Timed visible mode has expired.
* @since Symbian^3
void ScanModeTimerCompletedL();
* Check whether BT should be turned off automatically.
* @since Symbian^3
void CheckAutoPowerOffL();
* Queue a timer if secure simple pairing debug mode has been enabled.
* @since Symbian^3
* @param aDebugMode State of Simple Pairing debug mode.
void CheckSspDebugModeL( TBool aDebugMode );
* Be informed that a session will be closed.
* @since Symbian^3
* @param aSession the session to be cloased.
void SessionClosed(CSession2* aSession );
// from base class MBTEngActiveObserver
* From MBTEngActiveObserver.
* Callback to notify that an outstanding request has completed.
* @since Symbian^3
* @param aActive Pointer to the active object that completed.
* @param aId The ID that identifies the outstanding request.
* @param aStatus The status of the completed request.
virtual void RequestCompletedL( CBTEngActive* aActive, TInt aId, TInt aStatus );
* From MBTEngActiveObserver.
* Callback to notify that an error has occurred in RunL.
* @since Symbian^3
* @param aActive Pointer to the active object that completed.
* @param aId The ID that identifies the outstanding request.
* @param aStatus The status of the completed request.
virtual void HandleError( CBTEngActive* aActive, TInt aId, TInt aError );
* C++ default constructor.
CBTEngSrvSettingsMgr( CBTEngServer* aServer );
* Symbian second-phase constructor.
void ConstructL();
* Open a handle to the Bluetooth power manager, and
* initialize the power to off.
* @since Symbian^3
void LoadBTPowerManagerL();
* Checks if a client requests temporary power on/off, and keeps track
* of the number of clients requesting that.
* @since Symbian^3
* @param aCurrentState On return, will contain the current power state.
* @param aNewState The requested power state.
* @param aTemporary Indicates if this is about a tempororary state change.
void CheckTemporaryPowerStateL( TBTPowerState& aCurrentState,
TBTPowerState aNewState, TBool aTemporary );
private: // data
#ifdef __WINS__
* Current BT power state (power manager is not used in emulator).
TBTPowerState iPowerState;
#endif //__WINS__
* Flag indicating if BT is allowed to be turned on.
BluetoothFeatures::TEnterpriseEnablementMode iEnterpriseEnablementMode;
* Flag indicating if BT is going to be switched off automatically.
TBool iAutoSwitchOff;
* Number of clients that are using BT temporarily.
* Note that this is equal or less than the active number of links.
TInt iAutoOffClients;
* Flag indicating hidden mode has been set for temporary power on.
TBool iRestoreVisibility;
* BT power control.
RBTPowerControl iPowerMgr;
* Active object helper.
* Own.
CBTEngActive* iActive;
* The server instance.
* Not own.
CBTEngServer* iServer;
* Client-server message for power change requests.
RMessage2 iMessage;