changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #ifndef __AKNGLOBALNOTENOTIFY_H__
    19 #define __AKNGLOBALNOTENOTIFY_H__
    21 // INCLUDES
    22 #include <AknNotify.h>
    23 #include <AknNotifyStd.h>
    27 /**
    28 *  This class handles the global notes.
    29 *  
    30 *  @since S60 0.9
    31 */
    32 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknGlobalNote) : public CAknNotifyBase
    33     {
    34 public: 
    35     /**
    36     * Two-phased constructor.
    37     * @return Pointer to new global note object.
    38     */
    39     IMPORT_C static CAknGlobalNote* NewL();
    41     /**
    42     * Two-phased constructor.
    43     * @return Pointer to new global note object.
    44     */
    45     IMPORT_C static CAknGlobalNote* NewLC();
    47     /**
    48     * Destructor.
    49     */
    50     IMPORT_C ~CAknGlobalNote();
    52    /**
    53     * Enable or disable all text processing done by the dialog.
    54     * This includes text wrapping, text truncation
    55     * and reordering of bidirectional text.
    56     *
    57     * By default, it is enabled.
    58     *
    59     * If text processing is disabled, lines are broken only at explicit line 
    60     * end characters and they are not truncated, but drawn as long as they
    61     * fit. Also, the dialog does not handle reordering of bidirectional text.
    62     *
    63     * @since S60 2.0
    64     * @param aEnabled Enable or disable all text processing.
    65     */
    66     IMPORT_C void SetTextProcessing(TBool aEnabled);
    68     /**
    69     * Displays the global note.
    70     * @param aType Note type.
    71     * @param aNoteText Note text.
    72     * @return Note ID.
    73     */
    74     IMPORT_C TInt ShowNoteL(TAknGlobalNoteType aType, const TDesC& aNoteText);
    76     /**
    77     * Displays the global note.
    78     * @param aStatus Reference to request status.
    79     * @param aType Note type.
    80     * @param aNoteText Note text.
    81     * @return Note ID.
    82     */
    83     IMPORT_C TInt ShowNoteL(
    84         TRequestStatus& aStatus, 
    85         TAknGlobalNoteType aType,
    86         const TDesC& aNoteText);
    88     /**
    89     * Cancels the global note.
    90     * @param aNoteId Note ID.
    91     */
    92     IMPORT_C void CancelNoteL(TInt aNoteId);
    94     /**
    95     * Sets the priority.
    96     * @param aPriority An integer specifying the new priority.
    97     */
    98     IMPORT_C void SetPriority(TInt aPriority);
   100     /**
   101     * Sets the softkey ID. (Not used)
   102     * @param aId softkey ID 
   103     */
   104     IMPORT_C void SetSoftkeys(TInt aId);
   106     /**
   107     * Sets the graphic ID and the graphic mask ID.
   108     * @param aId Graphic ID
   109     * @param aMaskId Graphic mask ID.
   110     */
   111     IMPORT_C void SetGraphic(TInt aId, TInt aMaskId=-1);
   113     /**
   114     * Sets the animation.
   115     * @param aResourceId Resource ID of the animation.
   116     */
   117     IMPORT_C void SetAnimation(TInt aResourceId);
   119     /**
   120     * Sets the tone.
   121     * @param aTone New tone.
   122     */
   123     IMPORT_C void SetTone(TInt aTone);  // must be specified in avkon.hrh
   125     /** 
   126     * Internal, please do not use.
   127     * @internal
   128     */
   129     IMPORT_C static void DoGlobaNoteBufferL(
   130         TInt16 aType,
   131         TInt16 aPriority,
   132         TInt aSoftkeys,
   133         TInt16 aGraphic,
   134         TInt16 aGraphicMask,
   135         TInt aAnimation,
   136         TInt16 aTone,
   137         TBool aAdapterUsed,
   138         TBool aTextProcessingEnabled,
   139         const TDesC& aNoteText,
   140         CBufFlat* aBuffer
   141         );
   143     /** 
   144     * @internal
   145     */
   146     static void DoGlobalNoteBufferL(
   147         TInt16 aType,
   148         TInt16 aPriority,
   149         TInt aSoftkeys,
   150         TInt16 aGraphic,
   151         TInt16 aGraphicMask,
   152         TInt aAnimation,
   153         TInt16 aTone,
   154         TBool aAdapterUsed,
   155         TBool aTextProcessingEnabled,
   156         const TDesC& aNoteText,
   157         CBufFlat* aBuffer,
   158         TInt32 aPreallocatedGlobalNoteId
   159         );        
   161 private:
   162     CAknGlobalNote();
   163     void ConstructL();    
   165     void PrepareBufferL(
   166         TAknGlobalNoteType aType,
   167         const TDesC& aNoteText,
   168         TInt aPreallocatedGlobalNoteId = 0);
   170 private:
   171     IMPORT_C void CAknNotifyBase_Reserved();
   173 private:
   174     TInt iPriority;
   175     TInt iSoftkeys;
   176     TInt iGraphic;
   177     TInt iGraphicMask;
   178     TInt iAnimation;
   179     TInt iTone;
   180     TBool iTextProcessing;
   182     CBufFlat *iBuffer;
   183     TPtrC8 iBufferPtr;
   185     CBufFlat *iCancelBuffer;
   186     TPtrC8 iCancelBufferPtr;
   188     // Not really used, but needed to prevent buffer handling errors.
   189     TPckgBuf<SAknGlobalNoteReturnParams> iRetPckg;
   190     };
   192 #endif // __AKNGLOBALNOTENOTIFY_H__