changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
child 3 8ca85d2f0db7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2f259fa3e83a
     1 // Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    19 #include <e32svr.h>
    20 #include <tuladdressstringtokenizer.h>
    21 #include <tulpanics.h>
    22 #include "languagespecificnumberconverter.h"
    24 // DEFINE
    26 const TInt KFindItemMaxNumbers  = 20;
    27 const TInt KFindItemMinNumbers  = 3;
    28 const TInt KDotsInIpAddress     = 3;
    29 const TInt KNumbersInIpAddress  = 3;
    31 const TInt KCharLinefeed = 0x000A;
    32 const TInt KCharFormfeed = 0x000C;
    33 const TInt KCharCarriageReturn = 0x000D;
    34 const TInt KCharLineSeparator = 0x2028;
    35 const TInt KCharParagraphSeparator = 0x2029;
    37 // Valid characters for different search cases
    38 _LIT( KPhoneNumberChars, "1234567890*#-./");
    39 _LIT( KEmailChars, "!#$?%&*+-/");
    40 _LIT( KEmailHostChars, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890._-");
    41 _LIT( KUrlChars, "%/-~?=:&,#+|");
    43 // generic URI scheme checking 
    44 _LIT( KURISchemeStartCharacters, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" );
    45 _LIT( KURISchemeBodyCharacters, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890+-.");
    46 _LIT( KURISchemeTerminator, ":");
    47 _LIT( KURICharacters, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890?/;:@&=+$,%-_.!~*'()#|");
    49 // Url Address beginnings (to support deprecated search cases)
    50 _LIT( KHttpUrlAddress, "http://");
    51 _LIT( KRtspUrlAddress, "rtsp://");
    52 _LIT( KHttpsUrlAddress, "https://");
    54 // Non-schematic URL address beginnings
    55 _LIT( KWwwUrlAddress, "www.");
    56 _LIT( KWapUrlAddress, "wap.");
    58 // IP address pattern to match
    59 _LIT( KIPAddress, "*.*.*.*");
    61 // Panic
    62 _LIT( KFindItemPanic, "ETUL-Panic");
    64 GLDEF_C void Panic(TTulPanic aPanic)
    65 	{
    66     User::Panic(KFindItemPanic, aPanic);
    67 	}
    70 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    72 /**
    73 C++ default constructor.
    74 */
    75 CTulAddressStringTokenizer::CTulAddressStringTokenizer()
    76     {
    77 	// C++ default constructor must NOT contain any code, that might leave.
    78     }
    80 /**
    81 Symbian OS constructor
    82 @param aText  Text that will be parsed
    83 @param aSearchCases   Identifies what items are we looking for:
    84                           EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin
    85                           EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin
    86                           EFindItemSearchURLBin
    87                           EFindItemSearchScheme
    88                       Any combination of these flags can be given
    89                       as a bit mask.
    90 @param aMinNumbers    Minimum count of numbers in a string when 
    91                       the string is considered as a phone number.
    92 */
    93 void CTulAddressStringTokenizer::ConstructL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aSearchCases, TInt aMinNumbers)
    94     {
    95     iMinNumbers = aMinNumbers;
    96     HBufC* buf = NULL;
    97 	TLanguage language = User::Language();
    99     if (language == ELangArabic || language == ELangHebrew || language == ELangUrdu || 
   100     	language == ELangFarsi || language == ELangHindi)
   101 		{
   102 		buf = aText.AllocLC();
   103         TPtr ptr = buf->Des();
   104         LanguageSpecificNumberConverter::ConvertToWesternNumbers( ptr );
   105 		PerformSearchL( *buf, aSearchCases );
   106 		}
   107 	else
   108 		PerformSearchL( aText, aSearchCases );
   110 	if(buf)
   111 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf);
   112 	}
   114 /**
   115 Performs the search. Uses search algorithms SearchGenericUriL(), SearchMailAddressL(), 
   116 SearchUrlL() and SearchPhoneNumberL().
   117 */
   118 void CTulAddressStringTokenizer::PerformSearchL(const TDesC& aText , TInt aSearchCases)
   119 	{
   120 	ASSERT(!iFoundItems);
   121 	iFoundItems = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<SFoundItem>(2);
   123     TBool somethingSearched = EFalse;
   125     // first detect binary mask cases
   126     if ( (aSearchCases & EFindItemSearchScheme) == EFindItemSearchScheme)
   127         {
   128         SearchGenericUriL( aText );
   129         somethingSearched = ETrue;
   130         }
   132     // Prioritize mail address found before URL search. Address name@ 
   133     // would otherwise be detected as IP number.
   134     if ( (aSearchCases & EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin) == EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin)
   135         {
   136         SearchMailAddressL( aText );
   137         somethingSearched = ETrue;
   138         }
   140     if ( (aSearchCases & EFindItemSearchURLBin) == EFindItemSearchURLBin)
   141         {
   142         SearchUrlL( aText, ETrue );
   143         somethingSearched = ETrue;
   144         }
   146     // Search phone numbers last as all others can contain number sequences
   147     if ( (aSearchCases & EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin) == EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin)
   148         {
   149         SearchPhoneNumberL( aText );
   150         somethingSearched = ETrue;
   151         }
   153     // if no binary cases found
   154 	if ( !somethingSearched )
   155         {
   156 		__ASSERT_DEBUG( 1, Panic(ETulPanicInvalidTokenizerSearchCase) );
   157 		}
   158 	}
   160 /**
   161 Two-phase constructor method that is used to create a new instance 
   162 of the CTulAddressStringTokenizer class. This instance can then be queried for
   163 the items defined by the second parameter. The actual search is 
   164 executed during construction.
   166 @param aText will be parsed.
   167 @param aSearchCases identifies what items we are looking for: 
   168 						EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin
   169 						EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin
   170 						EFindItemSearchURLBin
   171 						EFindItemSearchScheme
   172 Any combination of these flags can be given as a bit mask.
   173 @return a pointer to a new instance of CTulAddressStringTokenizer class.
   175 @panic ETulPanicInvalidTokenizerSearchCase in debug build if there is no valid search case.
   176 @panic ETulPanicDescriptorLength in debug build if item's position 
   177 and/or length is out of the document's range.
   178 @leave KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
   179 */
   180 EXPORT_C CTulAddressStringTokenizer* CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aSearchCases)
   181     {
   182     CTulAddressStringTokenizer* self = new (ELeave) CTulAddressStringTokenizer; 
   183     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   184     self->ConstructL(aText, aSearchCases, KFindItemMinNumbers);
   185     CleanupStack::Pop();
   186     return self;
   187     }
   189 /**
   190 Two-phase constructor method that is used to create a new instance
   191 of the CTulAddressStringTokenizer class. This instance can then be queried for
   192 the items defined by the second parameter. The actual search is 
   193 executed during construction.
   195 @param aText will be parsed.
   196 @param aSearchCases identifies what items we are looking for: 
   197 						EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin
   198 						EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin
   199 						EFindItemSearchURLBin
   200 						EFindItemSearchScheme
   201 Any combination of these flags can be given as a bit mask.
   202 @param aMinNumbers defines a minimum count of numbers in a phone 
   203 number string, during a phone number  
   204 search.
   205 @return a pointer to an new instance of CTulAddressStringTokenizer class.
   207 @panic ETulPanicInvalidTokenizerSearchCase in debug build if there is no valid search case.
   208 @panic ETulPanicDescriptorLength in debug build if item's position 
   209 and/or length is out of the document's range.
   210 @leave KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
   211 */
   212 EXPORT_C CTulAddressStringTokenizer* CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NewL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aSearchCases,
   213     TInt aMinNumbers )
   214     {
   215     CTulAddressStringTokenizer* self = new (ELeave) CTulAddressStringTokenizer;   
   216     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   217     self->ConstructL( aText, aSearchCases, aMinNumbers );
   218     CleanupStack::Pop( );
   219     return self;
   220     }
   223 /**
   224 Destructor.
   225 */
   226 EXPORT_C CTulAddressStringTokenizer::~CTulAddressStringTokenizer()
   227     {
   228     delete iFoundItems;
   229 	}
   231 // API methods for using engine separately from FindItemUI
   233 /**
   234 Executes a new search with the already created CTulAddressStringTokenizer 
   235 instance. The position in the found items array is reset to the 
   236 beginning of the array.
   238 @param aText will be parsed.
   239 @param aSearchCases identifies what items are we looking for: 
   240 						EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin
   241 						EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin
   242 						EFindItemSearchURLBin
   243 						EFindItemSearchScheme
   244 Any combination of these flags can be given as a bit mask.
   245 @return number of found items.
   247 @panic ETulPanicInvalidTokenizerSearchCase in debug build if there is no valid search case.
   248 @panic ETulPanicDescriptorLength in debug build if item's position 
   249 and/or length is out of the document's range.
   250 @leave one of the Symbian error codes.
   251 */
   252 EXPORT_C TInt CTulAddressStringTokenizer::DoNewSearchL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aSearchCases)
   253     {
   254     return DoNewSearchL( aText, aSearchCases, KFindItemMinNumbers );
   255     }
   257 // API methods for using engine separately from FindItemUI
   259 /**
   260 Executes a new search with the already created CTulAddressStringTokenizer 
   261 instance. The position in the found items array is reset to the 
   262 beginning of the array.
   264 @param aText will be parsed.
   265 @param aSearchCases identifies what items are we looking for: 
   266 						EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin
   267 						EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin
   268 						EFindItemSearchURLBin
   269 						EFindItemSearchScheme
   270 Any combination of these flags can be given as a bit mask.
   271 @param aMinNumbers defines a minimum count of numbers in a phone 
   272 number string, during a phone number  
   273 search.
   274 @return number of found items.
   276 @panic ETulPanicInvalidTokenizerSearchCase in debug build if there is no valid search case.
   277 @panic ETulPanicDescriptorLength in debug build if item's position 
   278 and/or length is out of the document's range.
   279 @leave KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
   280 */
   281 EXPORT_C TInt CTulAddressStringTokenizer::DoNewSearchL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aSearchCases, TInt aMinNumbers)
   282     {
   283     delete iFoundItems;
   284     iFoundItems = NULL;
   285 	iPosition = 0;
   286     ConstructL(aText, aSearchCases, aMinNumbers);
   287     return ItemCount();
   288     }
   290 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   291 // Search Algorithms and helpers
   292 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   293 /**
   294 Character information methods
   296 @param charac a Character to be investigated
   297 @return ETrue if the parameter for phone number was valid, else returns EFalse
   298 */
   299 TBool CTulAddressStringTokenizer::IsValidPhoneNumberChar(const TChar& aCharac)
   300     { 
   301     // Returns ETrue if the parameter is a valid character in a phonenumber
   302     const TDesC& array = KPhoneNumberChars;
   303     return (array.Locate(aCharac) != KErrNotFound);
   304     }
   306 /**
   307 Character information methods
   309 @param charac a Character to be investigated
   310 @return ETrue if the parameter for login part of the e-mail address is valid, else returns EFalse
   311 */
   312 TBool CTulAddressStringTokenizer::IsValidEmailChar(const TChar& aCharac)
   313     { 
   314     // Returns ETrue if the parameter is a valid character for username part of e-mail address
   315     // ASCII 33 - 47 (without '"', ',', ''', '(' and ')' because they can be used to separate address
   316     // from rest of the text )
   317     const TDesC& array = KEmailChars;
   318     return (array.Locate(aCharac) != KErrNotFound || IsValidEmailHostChar(aCharac));
   319     }
   321 /**
   322 Character information methods
   324 @param charac a Character to be investigated
   325 @return ETrue if the parameter for host part of the e-mail address is valid, else returns EFalse
   326 */
   327 TBool CTulAddressStringTokenizer::IsValidEmailHostChar(const TChar& aCharac)
   328     { 
   329     // Returns ETrue if the parameter is a valid character for a host part of e-mail address
   330     const TDesC& array = KEmailHostChars;
   331     return (array.Locate( aCharac.GetLowerCase() ) != KErrNotFound);
   332     }
   334 /**
   335 Character information methods
   337 @param charac a Character to be investigated
   338 @return ETrue if the parameter for URL is valid, else returns EFalse
   339 */
   340 TBool CTulAddressStringTokenizer::IsValidUrlChar(const TChar& aCharac)
   341     { 
   342     // Returns ETrue if the parameter is a valid character for url
   343     if (IsValidEmailHostChar(aCharac))
   344 		return ETrue;
   346     const TDesC& array = KUrlChars;
   347     return (array.Locate(aCharac) != KErrNotFound);
   348     }
   350 /**
   351 Search algorithm for searching e-mail addresses
   353 @param aText Text that will be parsed
   354 @return ETrue if any EMail items were found else returns EFalse
   355 @leave KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
   356 @panic ETulPanicDescriptorLength in debug build if item's position 
   357 and/or length is out of the document's range.
   358 */
   359 TBool CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SearchMailAddressL( const TDesC& aText )
   360     {
   361     TInt searchStart = 0;
   362     TInt searchResult = 0;
   363     const TInt end = aText.Length(); // end of document
   365     do
   366         {
   367         TPtrC segment = aText.Right( end - searchStart );
   368         searchResult = segment.LocateF('@');
   370         if (searchResult != KErrNotFound)
   371             { // @ found
   372             // There should be valid characters (not a period) before and after the @ character
   373             if ( searchResult == 0 // first char
   374                 || (searchResult >= segment.Length() - 1) // last char 
   375                 || !(IsValidEmailChar(segment[searchResult - 1])) 
   376                 || !(IsValidEmailHostChar(segment[searchResult + 1]))
   377                 || segment[searchResult - 1] == '.' 
   378                 || segment[searchResult + 1] == '.'
   379                )
   380                 {
   381                 searchStart += searchResult + 1;
   382                 continue;
   383                 }
   385             TBool wasPeriod = EFalse; // To prevent sequential periods
   386             // Get TLex from the pointer to get a better API for parsing
   387             TLexMark startPos;
   388             TLexMark endPos;
   389             TLex token = segment;
   391             // Go to searchResult and un-get until the beginning of e-mail address is reached
   392             token.Inc( searchResult );
   393             token.Mark();
   394             do
   395                 {
   396                 token.UnGet();
   397                 if ( token.Peek() == '.' )
   398                     { // If it was a period
   399                     if (wasPeriod)	// and if the former was also -> break
   400                         break;
   401                     else	// else mark that this one was a period
   402                         wasPeriod = ETrue;
   403                     }
   404                 else
   405                     wasPeriod = EFalse;
   406                 }
   407             while (token.Offset() > 0 && IsValidEmailChar(token.Peek()));
   409             if (token.Offset() != 0 || !IsValidEmailChar(token.Peek()))
   410                 token.Inc();
   412             // Get rid of periods from the start of address
   413             // Does it have to start with a number or char(abc...).
   414             // If it does, the loop should check that it gets rid of all special chars also.
   415             while (token.Peek() == '.')
   416                 token.Inc();
   418             token.Mark( startPos ); // Mark the beginning of address
   419             token.UnGetToMark();
   420             wasPeriod = EFalse;
   422             do	// Go forward until a nonvalid character
   423                 {
   424                 token.Inc();
   425                 if ( token.Peek() == '.' )
   426                     { // If it was a period
   427                     if ( wasPeriod )	// and if the former was also -> break
   428                         break;
   429                     else	// else mark that this one was a period
   430                         wasPeriod = ETrue;
   431                     }
   432                 else
   433                     wasPeriod = EFalse;
   434                 }
   435             while ( !token.Eos() && IsValidEmailHostChar( token.Peek() ) );
   437             // If address ends with a period take it away
   438             token.UnGet();
   439             if (token.Peek() != '.')
   440                 token.Inc();
   442             token.Mark( endPos ); // Mark the beginning of address
   444             // Append the found string to the array
   445             __ASSERT_DEBUG( searchStart + token.MarkedOffset( startPos ) 
   446                             + token.MarkedOffset( endPos ) 
   447                             - token.MarkedOffset( startPos ) <= aText.Length(), 
   448                             Panic(ETulPanicDescriptorLength) );
   449             AddItemL( searchStart + token.MarkedOffset( startPos ), 
   450                       token.MarkedOffset( endPos ) - token.MarkedOffset( startPos ), 
   451                       EFindItemSearchMailAddressBin);
   452             searchStart += token.MarkedOffset( endPos ) + 1;
   453             }
   454         }
   455     while ( searchResult != KErrNotFound && searchStart < end );
   457     return (iFoundItems->Count() > 0);
   458     }
   460 /**
   461 Search algorithm for searching phone numbers
   463 @param aText Text that will be parsed
   464 @return ETrue if any Phone Number items were found else returns EFalse
   465 @leave KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
   466 @panic ETulPanicDescriptorLength in debug build if item's position 
   467 and/or length is out of the document's range.
   468 */
   469 TBool CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SearchPhoneNumberL( const TDesC& aText )
   470     {
   471     TLexMark startMark; // Points to the start of the found phone number
   472     TLexMark endMark; // Points to the end of the found phone number
   473     TLexMark mark;
   474     const TInt end = aText.Length();
   476     TLex number = aText;
   478     while ( !(number.Eos()) )
   479         {
   480         TInt numberCount = 0; // How many real numbers (1234567890)
   481         TInt bracketsOpen = 0; // How many brackets are currently open
   482         TInt brackets = 0; // How many brackets overall
   484         TChar charac = number.Peek();
   486         while( (!(IsValidPhoneNumberChar( charac ) || charac == '+'
   487                || charac == '(' ) || charac == '-' || charac == '.' || charac == '/') 
   488 			   && !(number.Eos()) && number.Offset() < end )
   489             {
   490             number.Inc();
   491             charac = number.Peek();
   492             }
   494         if ( number.Offset() >= end )
   495             break;
   497         if ( number.Peek() == '#' )
   498 			{
   499 			number.Inc();
   500 			if (number.Peek() == '.' )
   501 				continue;
   503 			number.UnGet();
   504 			}
   506         if ( number.Peek() == '+' )
   507             { // '+' has to be followed by a number (not # or * ...)
   508             number.Inc();
   509             if ( !(number.Peek().IsDigit()) )
   510                 continue;
   512             number.UnGet();
   513             }
   515         if ( number.Peek() == '(' )
   516             { // '(' has to be followed by valid phone number 
   517               // character (whitespaces are allowed before) or '+' is a next character
   518             number.Inc();
   519             if ( !(number.Peek() == '+') )
   520                 {
   521                 number.Mark(mark);
   522                 number.SkipSpace();
   523                 charac = number.Peek();
   524                 if ( !( IsValidPhoneNumberChar(charac) || charac == '+' 
   525                     || charac == '(' ) || charac == '-' || charac == '.' || charac == '/')
   526                     {
   527                     number.Inc();
   528                     continue;
   529                     }
   530                 else
   531                     {
   532                     number.UnGetToMark(mark);
   533                     number.UnGet();
   534                     number.Mark(startMark);
   535                     }
   536                 } 
   537             else
   538                 {
   539                 number.UnGet();
   540                 number.Mark(startMark);
   541                 number.Inc();
   542                 }
   544             bracketsOpen++;
   545             brackets++;
   546             }
   547         else
   548             number.Mark(startMark);
   550         if ( number.Peek().IsDigit() )	// If the character was a number
   551             numberCount++;
   552         else if ( bracketsOpen > 0 ) 
   553             { 
   554             number.Inc();
   555             TChar next  = number.Peek();
   556             TInt bracketsOpen2 = bracketsOpen;
   557             while( (IsValidPhoneNumberChar( next ) || next.IsSpace()
   558                 || next == '(' || next == ')' || next == 'p' || next == '+'
   559                 || next == 'w' ) && !(number.Eos()) && number.Offset() < end)
   560                 {
   561                 if ( next == '(' )
   562                     bracketsOpen2++;
   563                 else if ( next == ')' )
   564                     bracketsOpen2--;
   566                 if ( bracketsOpen2 == 0 )
   567                     break;
   569                 number.Inc();
   570                 next = number.Peek();
   571                 }
   573             number.UnGetToMark(startMark);
   574             if ( bracketsOpen2 != 0 )
   575                 {
   576                 number.Inc();
   577                 continue;
   578                 }
   579             }
   581         number.Inc();
   582         while ( number.Peek() == '(' && !(number.Eos()) && bracketsOpen > 0 )
   583             {
   584             number.Inc();
   585             bracketsOpen++;
   586             }
   588         if ( number.Peek() == '+' && bracketsOpen > 0 )
   589             number.Inc();
   591         // a Valid first character has been found. Let's go forward as long as valid characters are found.
   592         charac = number.Peek();
   594         while( (IsValidPhoneNumberChar( charac ) || charac.IsSpace()
   595             || charac == '(' || charac == ')' || charac == 'p'
   596             || charac == 'w' ) && !(number.Eos()) && number.Offset() < end
   597             && charac != KCharLinefeed && charac != KCharFormfeed 
   598             && charac != KCharCarriageReturn
   599             && charac != KCharLineSeparator
   600             && charac != KCharParagraphSeparator )
   601             {
   602             if ( number.Peek() == '(' )
   603                 { // '(' can't be the last character in phone number
   604                 number.Mark(mark);
   605                 number.Inc();
   607                 TChar spaceJump = number.Peek();
   608                 while ( !number.Eos() && spaceJump.IsSpace() && spaceJump != KCharLinefeed 
   609                         && spaceJump != KCharFormfeed && spaceJump != KCharCarriageReturn 
   610                         && charac != KCharLineSeparator && spaceJump != KCharParagraphSeparator)
   611                     {
   612                     number.Inc();
   613                     spaceJump = number.Peek();
   614                     }
   616                 if ( !(IsValidPhoneNumberChar(number.Peek())) && number.Peek() != ')'
   617                      && number.Peek() != '(' )
   618                     {
   619                     number.UnGetToMark(mark);
   620                     break;
   621                     }
   623                 TChar next  = number.Peek();
   624                 TInt bracketsOpen2 = bracketsOpen + 1;
   625                 while( (IsValidPhoneNumberChar( next ) || next.IsSpace()
   626                     || next == '(' || next == ')' || next == 'p'
   627                     || next == 'w' ) && !(number.Eos()) && number.Offset() < end)
   628                     {
   629                     if ( next == '(' )
   630                         bracketsOpen2++;
   631                     else if ( next == ')' )
   632                         bracketsOpen2--;
   634                     if ( bracketsOpen2 == 0 )
   635                         break;
   637                     number.Inc();
   638                     next = number.Peek();
   639                     }
   641                 number.UnGetToMark(mark);
   643                 if ( bracketsOpen2 != 0 )
   644                     break;
   646                 bracketsOpen++;
   647                 brackets++;
   648                 }
   649             else if ( number.Peek() == ')' )
   650                 {
   651                 if ( bracketsOpen <= 0 )	// there has to be equal number of brackets
   652                     break;
   654                 bracketsOpen--;
   655 				number.Mark(mark);
   656                 number.Inc();
   657 				if ( number.Peek() == '.' )	// '.' is not allowed after ')'
   658                     break;
   660                 number.UnGetToMark(mark);
   661                 }
   662             else if ( number.Peek() == '-' || number.Peek() == 'w' 
   663                         || number.Peek() == 'p' || number.Peek() == '.' || number.Peek() == '/')
   664                 { // Hyphen mark and 'p' & 'w' chars must be followed by a number
   665 				TChar last = number.Peek();
   666                 number.Mark(mark);
   667                 number.Inc();
   669                 TChar spaceJump = number.Peek();
   670                 while ( !number.Eos() && spaceJump.IsSpace() && spaceJump != KCharLinefeed 
   671                         && spaceJump != KCharFormfeed && spaceJump != KCharCarriageReturn 
   672                         && charac != KCharLineSeparator && spaceJump != KCharParagraphSeparator )
   673                     {
   674                     number.Inc();
   675                     spaceJump = number.Peek();
   676                     }
   678                 if ( !(number.Peek().IsDigit()) )
   679                     {
   680 					if (last == '.' && number.Peek() == ')' && bracketsOpen > 0 )
   681 						continue;
   682 					else
   683 						{
   684 						number.UnGetToMark(mark);
   685 						break;
   686 						}
   687                     }
   689                 number.UnGetToMark(mark);
   690                 }
   691             else if ( number.Peek().IsDigit() )
   692                 numberCount++;
   694             number.Inc();
   695             charac = number.Peek();
   696             }
   698         // Get rid of whitespaces from the end
   699         number.UnGet();
   700         while( number.Peek().IsSpace() && !(number.Eos()))
   701             number.UnGet();
   703         number.Inc();
   704         // ------------------------------------
   705         number.Mark(endMark);
   707         // If they exist, remove brackets from the beginning and the end
   708         number.Mark(mark); // Let's mark where to continue the search
   709         TBool endBrackets = ETrue;
   710         do
   711             {
   712             number.UnGet();
   714             if ( number.Peek() == ')' )
   715                 {
   716                 number.UnGetToMark(startMark);
   717                 if ( number.Peek() == '(' )
   718                     {
   719                     // If there's more than one pair of brackets -> don't strip them.
   720                     if ( brackets > 1 )
   721                         break;
   723                     number.Inc();
   724                     number.Mark(startMark);
   725                     number.UnGetToMark(endMark);
   726                     number.UnGet();
   727                     number.Mark(endMark);
   728                     // Get rid of whitespaces and periods from the end and from the beginning
   729 					number.UnGet();
   730                     while ( (number.Peek().IsSpace() || number.Peek() == '.') 
   731                             && number.Offset() > number.MarkedOffset(startMark) )     
   732                         { // from the end
   733                         number.UnGet();
   734                         }
   735 					number.Inc();
   736                     number.Mark(endMark);
   737                     number.UnGetToMark(startMark);
   738                     while ( (number.Peek().IsSpace() || number.Peek() == '.') 
   739                             && number.Offset() < number.MarkedOffset(endMark) )     
   740                         { // from the beginning
   741                         number.Inc();
   742                         }
   743                     number.Mark(startMark);
   744                     number.UnGetToMark(endMark);
   745                     // ----
   746                     }
   747                 else
   748                     endBrackets = EFalse;
   749                 }
   750             else
   751                 endBrackets = EFalse;
   752             }
   753         while ( endBrackets );
   755         number.UnGetToMark(mark);
   756         // ----------------        
   758         if ( numberCount <= KFindItemMaxNumbers && numberCount >= iMinNumbers )
   759             {
   760 			TPtrC tokenPtr = number.MarkedToken(startMark);
   761 			TInt tokensEnd = tokenPtr.Length();
   762 			TInt numbers = 0;
   763 			TInt partialNumber = 0;
   764 			TBool wasValidPhoneNumber = ETrue;
   765 			TInt i = 0;
   767 			for ( ; i < tokensEnd; i++ )
   768 				{
   769 				if ( tokenPtr[i] == '.' )
   770 					partialNumber = 0;
   771 				else if ( ((TChar)tokenPtr[i]).IsDigit() )
   772 					{
   773 					numbers++;
   774 					partialNumber++;
   775 					}
   777 				if ( ( partialNumber == 1 || partialNumber == 2 ) && i + 1 < tokensEnd )
   778 					{
   779 					if ( tokenPtr[i + 1] == '.' )
   780 						wasValidPhoneNumber = EFalse;
   781 					}
   782 				}
   784 			if (!wasValidPhoneNumber && numbers > 6)
   785 				wasValidPhoneNumber = ETrue;
   787 			if (wasValidPhoneNumber)
   788 				{
   789 	            __ASSERT_DEBUG( number.MarkedOffset(startMark) + number.MarkedOffset(endMark) 
   790 	                            - number.MarkedOffset(startMark) <= aText.Length(), 
   791 	                            Panic(ETulPanicDescriptorLength) );
   793 	            AddItemL( number.MarkedOffset(startMark), 
   794 	                      number.MarkedOffset(endMark) - number.MarkedOffset(startMark), 
   795 	                      EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin );
   796 				}
   797 			}
   799         }
   801     return (iFoundItems->Count() > 0);
   802     }
   805 /**
   806 Parses URL from a token. Is used by SearchUrlL method and if a URL
   807 was found it's appended to item array. Note that parsing for generic URIs 
   808 is done with SearchGenericUriL -method.
   810 @param aType  a Type of URL to seach, i.e.
   811                   www.
   812                   wap.
   813                   IP e.g.
   814 @param        aTokenPtr Pointer to token that will be parsed
   815 @param        aTextOffset Offset of the token (start position in the whole text)
   816 @leave KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
   817 @return ETrue if the parameter for phone number is valid, else returns EFalse
   818 */
   819 TBool CTulAddressStringTokenizer::ParseUrlL(const TDesC& aType, const TPtrC& aTokenPtr, TInt aTextOffset)
   820     {
   821     TBool wasValidUrl = EFalse;
   822     TLex url;
   824     TInt position = aTokenPtr.FindF( aType ); 
   825     if ( position != KErrNotFound )
   826         { // address start found
   827         url = aTokenPtr.Right( aTokenPtr.Length() - position );
   828         url.Inc( aType.Length() );
   830         while( IsValidUrlChar( url.Peek() ) && !(url.Eos()) )
   831             {
   832             if( url.Peek() == ':' )
   833                 {
   834                 url.Inc();
   835                 if ( !url.Peek().IsDigit() )
   836                     {
   837                     url.UnGet();
   838                     break;
   839                     }
   840                 }
   841             else
   842                 url.Inc();
   843             }
   845         // If a period or question mark was followed by a whitespace remove it
   846         if ( url.Eos() ) // Can't be followed by white space if it's
   847             { // the last character at token
   848             url.UnGet();
   849             if ( url.Peek() != '.' && url.Peek() != '?' && url.Peek() != ',' )	// If it wasn't a period or question mark
   850                 url.Inc();
   851             }
   853         url.Mark();
   854         wasValidUrl = ETrue;
   855         }
   857     if ( wasValidUrl && ( url.MarkedOffset() > aType.Length() ) )
   858         {
   859         AddItemL( aTextOffset - aTokenPtr.Length() + position, url.MarkedOffset(), EFindItemSearchURLBin );
   860         return ETrue;
   861         }
   863     return EFalse;
   864     }
   866 /**
   867 Search fixed start URLs, i.e. URLs without schema (www., wap.).
   868 Also finds IPv4 addresses (*.*.*.*).
   869 As a special case, supports deprecated hardcoded schematic addresses finding 
   870 (http://, https://, rtsp://) to make sure deprecated search cases work 
   871 as they did previously.
   873 @param aText Text that will be parsed
   874 @param aFindFixedSchemas If true, will find old fixed schematic URLs also
   875 @return ETrue if any URL are found else returns EFalse
   876 @leave KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
   877 @panic ETulPanicDescriptorLength in debug build if item's position and/or length is out of the document's range.
   878 */
   879 TBool CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SearchUrlL( const TDesC& aText, const TBool aFindFixedSchemas )
   880     {
   881     TLex text = aText;
   882     while ( !text.Eos() )
   883         {
   884         while( !(text.Eos()) && !IsValidUrlChar( text.Peek() ) )
   885             text.Inc();
   887         text.Mark();
   888         while( !(text.Eos()) && IsValidUrlChar( text.Peek() ) )
   889             text.Inc();
   891         TPtrC tokenPtr = text.MarkedToken();
   892         TBool wasValidUrl = EFalse;
   894         if ( aFindFixedSchemas )	// Search for http://
   895             wasValidUrl = ParseUrlL( KHttpUrlAddress, tokenPtr, text.Offset() );
   897         if (aFindFixedSchemas && !wasValidUrl)	// Search for https://
   898             wasValidUrl = ParseUrlL( KHttpsUrlAddress, tokenPtr, text.Offset() );
   900         if (aFindFixedSchemas && !wasValidUrl) // Search for rtsp://
   901             wasValidUrl = ParseUrlL( KRtspUrlAddress, tokenPtr, text.Offset() );
   903         if ( !wasValidUrl )	// Search for www.
   904             wasValidUrl = ParseUrlL( KWwwUrlAddress, tokenPtr, text.Offset() );
   906         if ( !wasValidUrl )	// Search for wap.
   907             wasValidUrl = ParseUrlL( KWapUrlAddress, tokenPtr, text.Offset() );
   909         if ( !wasValidUrl )	// Search for IP-address (
   910             { 
   911             if ( tokenPtr.Match( KIPAddress ) != KErrNotFound )
   912                 {
   913                 TInt periods = 0;
   914                 wasValidUrl = ETrue;
   915                 TBool endWithPunctuation = EFalse;
   916                 TBool betweenBrackets = EFalse;
   918                 // First see if token ends with ",",".","!","?",";" or ":"
   919                 TChar charac = tokenPtr[tokenPtr.Length() - 1];
   920                 TChar charac0 = tokenPtr[0];
   921                 if ( charac == ',' || charac == '.' ||
   922                      charac == '!' || charac == '?' ||
   923                      charac == ';' || charac == ':' )
   924                     {
   925                     endWithPunctuation = ETrue;
   926                     }
   927                 // Or if it starts and ends with brackets or quotation marks
   928                 else if ( ( charac0 == '(' && charac == ')' )
   929                        || ( charac0 == '"' && charac == '"' )
   930                        || ( charac0 == '[' && charac == ']' )
   931                        || ( charac0 == '<' && charac == '>' ) )
   932                     {
   933                     betweenBrackets = ETrue;
   934                     }
   936                 TInt i = 0;
   937                 TInt tokensEnd = tokenPtr.Length();
   938                 if ( endWithPunctuation )
   939                     tokensEnd--;
   940                 else if ( betweenBrackets )
   941                     {
   942                     i = 1;
   943                     tokensEnd--;
   944                     }
   946                 // Take a closer look to see if a valid IP-address
   947                 TBuf<3> ipPart;
   948                 TInt numbers = 0;
   949                 for ( ; i < tokensEnd; i++ )
   950                     {
   951                     if ( !( ((TChar)tokenPtr[i]).IsDigit() || tokenPtr[i] == '.' ) )
   952                         {
   953                         wasValidUrl = EFalse;
   954                         break;
   955                         }
   957                     if ( tokenPtr[i] == '.' )
   958                         periods++;
   959                     else
   960                         numbers++;
   962                     if ( numbers > KNumbersInIpAddress || periods > KDotsInIpAddress )
   963                         {
   964                         wasValidUrl = EFalse;
   965                         break;
   966                         }
   968                     if ( ((TChar)tokenPtr[i]).IsDigit() )
   969                         {
   970                         ipPart.Append( tokenPtr[i] );
   971                         TBool checkInt = EFalse;
   972                         if ( i + 1 < tokensEnd )
   973                             {
   974                             if ( tokenPtr[i+1] == '.' )
   975                                 checkInt = ETrue;
   976                             }
   978                         if ( i == tokensEnd - 1 || checkInt )
   979                             {
   980                             TLex val = ipPart;
   981                             TInt numberInt;
   982                             TInt error = val.Val( numberInt );
   983                             if ( error != KErrNone || numberInt > 255 )
   984                                 {
   985                                 wasValidUrl = EFalse;
   986                                 break;
   987                                 }
   989                             numbers = 0;
   990                             ipPart.Delete( 0, ipPart.Length() );
   991                             }
   992                         }
   993                     }
   995                 if ( wasValidUrl && periods == KDotsInIpAddress )
   996                     {
   997                     TInt startPos = text.Offset() - tokenPtr.Length();
   998                     TInt length = tokenPtr.Length();
   999                     // If there was a punctuation at the end or brackets, let's take it/them away
  1000                     if ( endWithPunctuation || betweenBrackets)
  1001                         {
  1002                         length--;
  1003                         if ( betweenBrackets )
  1004                             {
  1005                             startPos++;
  1006                             length--;
  1007                             }
  1008                         }
  1010                     __ASSERT_DEBUG( startPos + length <= aText.Length(), Panic(ETulPanicDescriptorLength) );
  1011                     AddItemL( startPos, length, EFindItemSearchURLBin );
  1012                     }
  1013                 }
  1014             }
  1015         }
  1017     return (iFoundItems->Count() > 0);
  1018     }
  1020 /**
  1021 Search algorithm for searching generic URIs
  1023 @param aText Text that will be parsed
  1024 @return ETrue if any generic URI is found else returns EFalse
  1025 @leave KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
  1026 */
  1027 TBool CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SearchGenericUriL( const TDesC& aText )
  1028     {
  1029     // Detect generic URI within the token
  1030     const TDesC& schemeStartArray = KURISchemeStartCharacters;
  1031     const TDesC& schemeBodyArray = KURISchemeBodyCharacters;
  1032     const TDesC& schemeTerminatorArray = KURISchemeTerminator;
  1033     const TDesC& URIArray = KURICharacters;
  1035     TBool wasValidUri = EFalse;
  1036     TLex text = aText;
  1038     while ( !text.Eos() )
  1039         {
  1040         // Discard characters until URI scheme terminator is found
  1041         while( !(text.Eos()) && schemeTerminatorArray.Locate(text.Peek()) == KErrNotFound )
  1042             text.Inc();
  1044         // if at end of the text, no legit URI found
  1045         if ( !text.Eos() )
  1046             {
  1047             // Store the schema end offset (+1 to skip ':')
  1048             TInt schemeEndOffset = text.Offset() + 1;
  1050             // Scheme must be at least 1 character long at the beginning of the text to be valid
  1051             if ( text.Offset() > 0 ) 
  1052                 {
  1053                 // Un-get last scheme character to begin examination
  1054                 text.UnGet();
  1056                 // Rewind until beginning of the URI
  1057                 while ( text.Offset() > 0 && schemeBodyArray.Locate(text.Peek().GetLowerCase()) != KErrNotFound )
  1058                     text.UnGet();
  1060                 // Now text pointer is at first character of the URI
  1061                 // Do go back through the scheme until a legal beginning character for URI 
  1062                 // is found or back to the (schemeEndOffset - 1) i.e. URI scheme terminator
  1063                 while ( schemeStartArray.Locate(text.Peek().GetLowerCase()) == KErrNotFound && (text.Offset() + 1) < schemeEndOffset )
  1064                     text.Inc();
  1066                 // check if terminated because a valid start character was found when
  1067                 // scheme terminator was reached.
  1068                 if ( schemeStartArray.Locate(text.Peek().GetLowerCase()) != KErrNotFound )
  1069                     {
  1070                     // First character is a valid URI char, so the scheme is valid -> 
  1071                     // marks the beginning of the array
  1072                     text.Mark();
  1074                     // fast forward to the end of the scheme
  1075                     while( text.Offset() < schemeEndOffset )    
  1076                         text.Inc();
  1078                     // Get characters until end of schema
  1079                     while( !(text.Eos()) && URIArray.Locate( text.Peek().GetLowerCase() ) != KErrNotFound )
  1080                         text.Inc();
  1082                     // remove certain punctuation from end of the URI, as it is likely 
  1083                     // to be part of the surrounding text.
  1084                     text.UnGet();
  1086                     //special processing for bracket
  1087                     //only remove the end bracket if there is no open bracket in the uri
  1088                     //not counting bracket pairs for efficiency
  1089                     if (text.Peek()!=')' || text.MarkedToken().Locate(TChar('('))!=-1)
  1090                         text.Inc();
  1092                     text.UnGet();
  1093                     if ( text.Peek() != '.' && text.Peek() != '?' && text.Peek() != ',')
  1094                         text.Inc();
  1096                     // URI cannot contain only scheme, so check that pointer was increased 
  1097                     // by at least one character
  1098                     if ( schemeEndOffset != text.Offset() )
  1099                         {
  1100                         // Append found text to item array (it is now known to be 
  1101                         // syntactically valid URI as it contains characters after the scheme)
  1102                         AddItemL( text.MarkedOffset(), text.Offset() - text.MarkedOffset(), EFindItemSearchScheme );
  1103                         wasValidUri = ETrue;
  1104                         }
  1105                     }
  1106                 else // First character of scheme is not legit, fast forward to end of the 
  1107                      // scheme anyway to continue search
  1108                     {
  1109                     while( text.Offset() < schemeEndOffset )        
  1110                         text.Inc();
  1111                     }
  1112                 }
  1113             else
  1114  				text.Inc();
  1115             }
  1116         }
  1118     return wasValidUri;
  1119     }
  1121 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1122 // Position and count methods
  1123 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1125 /**
  1126 Gets the number of items in the found items array.
  1128 @return the number of items in the found items array. 
  1129 */
  1130 EXPORT_C TInt CTulAddressStringTokenizer::ItemCount() const
  1131     {
  1132     return (iFoundItems ? iFoundItems->Count() : 0);
  1133     }
  1135 /**
  1136 Gets the current position (or the position of the currently selected item) 
  1137 in the found items array.
  1139 @return the current position in the found items array of the 
  1140 CTulAddressStringTokenizer instance. If no items are in the array, zero is returned.
  1141 */
  1142 EXPORT_C TInt CTulAddressStringTokenizer::Position() const
  1143     {
  1144     return iPosition;
  1145     }
  1147 /**
  1148 Resets the position in item array to zero (beginning of the array).
  1149 */
  1150 EXPORT_C void CTulAddressStringTokenizer::ResetPosition()
  1151     {
  1152     iPosition = 0;
  1153     }
  1155 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1156 // GetItem methods
  1157 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1159 /**
  1160 Gets the array of found items. Returns a constant pointer to the 
  1161 found items array of the CTulAddressStringTokenizer instance. The items cannot
  1162 be modified through this pointer, only accessed. The ownership of 
  1163 the array stays with CTulAddressStringTokenizer.
  1165 @return a constant pointer to the array of found items. Ownership 
  1166 stays with CTulAddressStringTokenizer.
  1167 */
  1168 EXPORT_C const CArrayFixFlat<CTulAddressStringTokenizer::SFoundItem>* CTulAddressStringTokenizer::ItemArray() const
  1169     {
  1170     return iFoundItems;
  1171     }
  1173 /**
  1174 Gets the currently 'selected' item in the array of found items. 
  1176 @param aItem contains the currently selected item after returning.
  1177 @return ETrue if the item was found. EFalse if the item wasn't found.
  1178 */
  1179 EXPORT_C TBool CTulAddressStringTokenizer::Item( SFoundItem& aItem ) const
  1180     { // Return EFalse if no items were found
  1181     if ( iFoundItems->Count() <= 0 )
  1182         {
  1183         aItem.iStartPos = 0;
  1184         aItem.iLength = 0;
  1185 		aItem.iItemType = EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin;
  1186 		return EFalse;
  1187         }
  1189     aItem = iFoundItems->At( iPosition );
  1190     return ETrue;
  1191     }
  1193 /**
  1194 Gets the next found item relative to the currently selected item.
  1195 Moves the selection to point to the next item in the array of 
  1196 found items. 
  1198 @param aItem contains the next item after returning.
  1199 @return ETrue if the item was found. EFalse if there's no next item.
  1200 */
  1201 EXPORT_C TBool CTulAddressStringTokenizer::NextItem( SFoundItem& aItem )
  1202     {
  1203     if (iFoundItems->Count() <= (iPosition + 1))
  1204         return EFalse;
  1206     iPosition++;
  1207     aItem = iFoundItems->At( iPosition );
  1208     return ETrue;
  1209     }
  1211 /**
  1212 Gets the previous found item relative to the currently selected 
  1213 item. Moves the selection to point to the previous item in the 
  1214 array of found items.. 
  1216 @param aItem contains the previous item after returning.
  1217 @return ETrue if the item was found. EFalse if there's no previous item.
  1218 */
  1219 EXPORT_C TBool CTulAddressStringTokenizer::PrevItem( SFoundItem& aItem )
  1220     {
  1221     if ( iPosition <= 0 )
  1222         return EFalse;
  1224     iPosition--;
  1225     aItem = iFoundItems->At( iPosition );
  1226     return ETrue;
  1227     }
  1229 /**
  1230 Adds item to search arrays. Adding is done so that arrays are always sorted.
  1231 If added element would overlap a previously found element, it is not added.
  1233 @param aStartPos  Start position of the found item
  1234 @param aLength    Length of found item
  1235 @param aType      Type of the found item
  1236 @leave KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
  1237 */
  1238 void CTulAddressStringTokenizer::AddItemL(TInt aStartPos, TInt aLength, TTokenizerSearchCase aType )
  1239     {
  1240     // Create item element
  1241     SFoundItem foundItem;
  1242     foundItem.iStartPos = aStartPos;
  1243     foundItem.iLength = aLength;
  1244 	foundItem.iItemType = aType;
  1246     // Add item data to arrays
  1247     TKeyArrayFix insertKey(0, ECmpTInt); 
  1248 	iFoundItems->InsertIsqAllowDuplicatesL(foundItem, insertKey);	    
  1249 	}
  1251 //  End of File