changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2f259fa3e83a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Compatibility mode utility functions
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <e32base.h>
    20 #include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
    21 #include <barsread.h>
    22 #include <bautils.h>
    23 #include <aknappui.h>
    24 #include <coemop.h>
    25 #include <AknScreenMode.h>
    26 #include <AknSgcc.h>
    27 #include <AknCapServerDefs.h>
    28 #include <AknNotifierWrapperDefs.h>
    29 #include <centralrepository.h>
    30 #include <AvkonInternalCRKeys.h>
    31 #include <pslninternalcrkeys.h>
    33 #include <akncompamode.rsg>
    35 #include "akncompautils.h"
    36 #include "akncompakb.h"
    37 #include "akncompabutton.h"
    38 #include "akncompaclearer.h"
    39 #include "akncompaflags.h"
    41 // Class to detect a console application via MopGetObject
    42 class MConsoleApp
    43     {
    44 public:
    45     DECLARE_TYPE_ID(0x2001b26a)
    46     };
    48 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    49 // Determine if app requires compa-mode and set to compa screen
    50 // mode if so
    51 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    52 TInt AknCompaUtils::SetCompaAppScreenModeL(TBool& aScrModeChanged,
    53     TBool& aIsConsoleApp, CAknCompaClearer*& aClearer, TInt aAppUiFlags,
    54     CAknAppUiBase& aAppUi, const CCoeEnv& aCoeEnv, CRepository& aRepository)
    55     {
    56     // Change application screen mode before a call to BaseConstructL().
    57     // This prevents HandleResourceChangeL() to be called before application
    58     // views have been constructed.
    60     aScrModeChanged = EFalse;
    61     aIsConsoleApp = IsConsoleApp(aAppUi);
    62     aClearer = NULL;
    63     TInt screenMode = KErrNotFound;
    65     TInt configFlags = 0;
    66     aRepository.Get(KAknCompaModeSettings, configFlags);
    68     // Before CAknAppUi::BaseConstructL(), current screen mode is the
    69     // same as the application that starts the current application.
    70     TCompaAppCheckResult result =
    71         IsCompaModeAppL(aIsConsoleApp, configFlags, aAppUiFlags,
    72         aCoeEnv);
    73     if (result == ECompaCheckResultYes)
    74         {
    75         screenMode = FindCompaScreenMode();
    76         if (screenMode != KErrNotFound)
    77             {
    78             // Clear whole screen with a skin backround before
    79             // screen mode changes
    80             CAknCompaClearer* clearer = CAknCompaClearer::NewLC();
    82             SetAppScreenModeL(aAppUi, screenMode);
    83             aScrModeChanged = ETrue;
    84             CleanupStack::Pop(); // clearer
    85             aClearer = clearer; // transfer ownership
    86             }
    87         }
    88     else if (InGlobalUiSrv(aAppUiFlags))
    89         {
    90         // Current process is a server that may display global
    91         // notes/notifications. Return compa screen mode but don't
    92         // set it as current mode.
    93         screenMode = FindCompaScreenMode();
    94         }
    95     return screenMode;
    96     }
    98 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    99 // Find compatibility screen mode
   100 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   101 TInt AknCompaUtils::FindCompaScreenMode()
   102     {
   103     // Look for screen mode style name QVGACOMPA
   104     const TInt KNameHash = 0xA786E9F3;
   105     CAknLayoutConfig::TScreenModeArray scrModeArray =
   106         CAknSgcClient::LayoutConfig().ScreenModes();
   107     TInt nModes = scrModeArray.Count();
   108     TInt mode = KErrNotFound;
   109     for(TInt i = 0; i < nModes && mode == KErrNotFound; i++)
   110         {
   111         if (scrModeArray.At(i).ScreenStyleHash() == KNameHash)
   112             {
   113             mode = i;
   114             }
   115         }
   116     return mode;
   117     }
   119 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   120 // Check if process is a server that displays global
   121 // notes/notifications (Eikon server, Avkon notify and cap servers)
   122 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   123 TBool AknCompaUtils::IsGlobalUiSrv(TSecureId aSecureId)
   124     {
   125     return IsAknCapSrv(aSecureId) ||
   126         aSecureId.iId == KCommonNotifierAppSrvUid.iUid ||
   127         IsEikSrv(aSecureId);
   128     }
   130 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   131 // Check if process is eikon server
   132 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   133 TBool AknCompaUtils::IsEikSrv(TSecureId aSecureId)
   134     {
   135     const TUid KEikSrvUid = {0x10003a4a};
   136     return aSecureId.iId == KEikSrvUid.iUid;
   137     }
   139 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   140 // Check if process is AknCap server
   141 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   142 TBool AknCompaUtils::IsAknCapSrv(TSecureId aSecureId)
   143     {
   144     return aSecureId.iId == KAknCapServerUid.iUid;
   145     }
   147 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   148 // Read and create buttons from a resource file
   149 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   150 void AknCompaUtils::ReadButtonsL(RPointerArray<CAknCompaButton>& aButtons,
   151     TInt& aPenButton, CCoeEnv& aCoeEnv)
   152     {
   153     RResourceFile resFile;
   154     AknCompaUtils::OpenResourceFileLC(resFile, aCoeEnv.FsSession());
   156     // Add localized text resource to CoeEnv
   157     TInt textResFileOffs = AddTextResourceFileL(aCoeEnv);
   159     // Read button resources
   160     HBufC8* buff = resFile.AllocReadLC(R_COMPAMODE_BUTTONS);
   161     TResourceReader reader;
   162     reader.SetBuffer(buff);   
   164     TInt buttonFlags(reader.ReadInt16());
   165     TInt numButtons(reader.ReadInt16());
   167     aPenButton = KErrNotFound;
   168     for(TInt i = 0; i < numButtons; i++)
   169         {
   170         // Create button
   171         CAknCompaButton* button = CAknCompaButton::NewLC(reader);
   173         if (button->ScanCode() != EStdKeyRightShift)
   174             {
   175             // Set flags for button
   176             button->SetButtonFlags(buttonFlags);
   177             }
   178         else
   179             {
   180             // Enable long press event for "pen" button
   181             button->SetButtonFlags(buttonFlags + KAknButtonReportOnLongPress);
   182             aPenButton = i;
   183             }
   185         aButtons.AppendL(button);
   187         CleanupStack::Pop(); // button
   188         }  
   190     aCoeEnv.DeleteResourceFile(textResFileOffs);
   192     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // buff, resFile
   193     }
   195 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   196 // Open compamode resource file
   197 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   198 void AknCompaUtils::OpenResourceFileLC(RResourceFile& aResourceFile,
   199     RFs& aFsSession)
   200     {
   201     _LIT(KResourceFileName, "z:akncompamode.rsc");
   203     TParse parse;
   204     parse.Set(KResourceFileName, &KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR, NULL);
   205     TFileName fileName(parse.FullName());
   206     aResourceFile.OpenL(aFsSession, fileName);
   208     CleanupClosePushL(aResourceFile);
   209     aResourceFile.ConfirmSignatureL();
   210     }
   212 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   213 // Add compamode localized text resource file into CoeEnv
   214 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   215 TInt AknCompaUtils::AddTextResourceFileL(CCoeEnv& aCoeEnv)
   216     {
   217     _LIT(KResourceFileName, "z:akncomparesources.rsc");
   219     TParse parse;
   220     parse.Set(KResourceFileName, &KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR, NULL);
   221     TFileName fileName(parse.FullName());
   223     BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile(aCoeEnv.FsSession(), fileName);
   224     return aCoeEnv.AddResourceFileL(fileName);
   225     }
   227 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   228 // Wait for effects to go into disabled state
   229 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   230 void AknCompaUtils::WaitTransEffectsOff(CRepository& aThemesCenRep)
   231     {
   232     const TInt KTick = 10000; // 10 ms
   233     const TInt KMaxWait = 100;
   235     // There could be a timing issue between CenRep variable change and
   236     // when tfx server actually disables the effects. Tested following loop
   237     // with a busy wait and there were no problems. So timing doesn't seem
   238     // to matter. It would be better of course if tfx server
   239     // would provide a feedback when effects actually are disabled.
   240     TInt effects;
   241     for(TInt i = 0; i < KMaxWait; i++)
   242         {
   243         aThemesCenRep.Get(KThemesTransitionEffects, effects);
   244         if (effects == KAknCompaModeEffectsDisabled)
   245             {
   246             return;
   247             }
   248         User::After(KTick);
   249         }
   250     }
   252 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   253 // Panic application
   254 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   255 void AknCompaUtils::Panic(TInt aCode)
   256     {
   257     _LIT(KCategory, "Compamode");
   258     User::Panic(KCategory, aCode);
   259     }
   261 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   262 // Scale rectangle to correct size and move it if necessary.
   263 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   264 void AknCompaUtils::ScaleRect(TRect& aRect, TInt aMoveX, TInt aMoveY)
   265     {    
   266     aRect.iTl.iY = (aRect.iTl.iY * 2);
   267     aRect.iBr.iY = (aRect.iBr.iY * 2);
   269     TInt bX = aRect.iBr.iX;
   270     TInt tmp = bX / 2;
   271     aRect.iBr.iX = ((bX * 2) - tmp);
   273     TInt tX = aRect.iTl.iX;
   274     tmp = tX / 2;
   275     aRect.iTl.iX = ((tX * 2) - tmp);
   277     if(aMoveX != 0 || aMoveY != 0)
   278         {
   279         aRect.Move(aMoveX, aMoveY);
   280         }
   281     }
   283 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   284 // Set application screen mode
   285 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   286 void AknCompaUtils::SetAppScreenModeL(CAknAppUiBase& aAppUi, TInt aMode)
   287     {
   288     TAknScreenModes scrModes = TAknScreenModes::GetModes();
   289     TAknScreenModes::SetAppUiScreenModeL(&aAppUi, scrModes[aMode]);
   290     }
   292 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   293 // Read a vector of integers from a resource file
   294 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   295 void AknCompaUtils::ReadIntegerResourceL(RArray<TInt>& aArray,
   296         const RResourceFile& aResourceFile, TInt aResId)
   297     {
   298     HBufC8* buff = aResourceFile.AllocReadLC(aResId);
   300     TResourceReader resReader;
   301     resReader.SetBuffer(buff);
   303     aArray.Reset();
   304     TInt cnt = resReader.ReadInt16();
   305     while(cnt--)
   306         {
   307         aArray.AppendL(resReader.ReadInt32());
   308         }
   309     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // buff
   310     }
   312 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   313 // Check if application requires a compatibility mode
   314 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   315 AknCompaUtils::TCompaAppCheckResult AknCompaUtils::IsCompaModeAppL(
   316     TBool aIsConsoleApp, TInt aConfigFlags, TInt aAppUiFlags,
   317     const CCoeEnv& aCoeEnv)
   318     {
   319     if ((aAppUiFlags & CAknAppUiBase::EAknTouchCompatible) ||
   320         (aAppUiFlags & CEikAppUi::ENoScreenFurniture && !aIsConsoleApp) ||
   321         (aConfigFlags & KAknCompaSettingEnaApps) == 0)
   322         {
   323         return ECompaCheckResultNo;
   324         }
   326     RResourceFile resFile;
   327     OpenResourceFileLC(resFile, aCoeEnv.FsSession());
   329     RProcess process;
   330     TSecureId secureId = process.SecureId();
   332     TCompaAppCheckResult appCheckResult = ECompaCheckResultUndefinite;
   334     RArray<TInt> array;
   335     CleanupClosePushL(array);
   336     // Application is not put into compa-mode if it is in non compa-mode list
   337     ReadIntegerResourceL(array, resFile, R_COMPAMODE_NON_COMPA_APPS);
   338     if (array.Find(secureId.iId) != KErrNotFound)
   339         {
   340         appCheckResult = ECompaCheckResultNo;
   341         }
   342     if (appCheckResult == ECompaCheckResultUndefinite)
   343         {
   344         // Application is put into compa-mode if it is in compa-mode list
   345         ReadIntegerResourceL(array, resFile, R_COMPAMODE_COMPA_APPS);
   346         if (array.Find(secureId.iId) != KErrNotFound)
   347             {
   348             appCheckResult = ECompaCheckResultYes;
   349             }
   350         }
   352     if (appCheckResult == ECompaCheckResultUndefinite)
   353         {
   354         // By default, all applications included in a rom image are
   355         // not put into compa-mode. Unless overriden by a flag or if
   356         // the app. is a console application.
   357         TFileName fileName = process.FileName();
   358         _LIT(KRomDrive,"z:");
   359         if (fileName.FindF(KRomDrive) == 0)
   360             {
   361             appCheckResult =
   362                 aConfigFlags & KAknCompaSettingEnaRomApps || aIsConsoleApp ?
   363                 ECompaCheckResultYes:ECompaCheckResultNo;
   364             }
   365         }
   367     if (appCheckResult == ECompaCheckResultUndefinite)
   368         {
   369         // Application is not executing from rom drive. Go to compa-mode.
   370         appCheckResult = ECompaCheckResultYes;
   371         }
   373     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // resFile, array
   374     return appCheckResult;
   375     }
   377 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   378 // Check if current process is a server that displays global
   379 // notes/notifications (Eikon server, Avkon notify and cap servers)
   380 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   381 TBool AknCompaUtils::InGlobalUiSrv(TInt aAppUiFlags)
   382     {
   383     // Optimization: don't check secure id if ENoScreenFurniture
   384     // flag not set.
   385     TBool inGlobalUiSrv = EFalse;
   386     if (aAppUiFlags & CEikAppUi::ENoScreenFurniture)
   387         {
   388         RProcess process;
   389         inGlobalUiSrv = IsGlobalUiSrv(process.SecureId());
   390         }
   391     return inGlobalUiSrv;
   392     }
   394 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   395 // Check if application is console application
   396 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   397 TBool AknCompaUtils::IsConsoleApp(CAknAppUiBase& aAppUi)
   398     {
   399     MConsoleApp* consoleApp;
   400     aAppUi.MopGetObjectNoChaining(consoleApp);
   401     return consoleApp != NULL;
   402     }