changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2f259fa3e83a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *     This set of classes implememts setting pages for time, date, and duration
    16 *       and IP address
    17 *
    18 *
    19 */
    22 #include "aknmfnesettingpage.h"
    24 #include <aknlayoutscalable_avkon.cdl.h>
    25 #include <avkon.mbg>
    26 #include <aknconsts.h>
    28 #include <AknTasHook.h>
    29 #if defined( RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2)
    30 #include "aknbutton.h"
    31 // For MAknMfneCommandObserver
    32 #include <aknmfnecommandobserver.h>
    33 #endif //if defined( RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2)
    36 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    37 //
    38 //  MFNE SETTING PAGE - virtual class
    39 //
    40 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    44 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    45 // CAknMfneSettingPage::~CAknMfneSettingPage
    46 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    47 //
    48 EXPORT_C CAknMfneSettingPage::~CAknMfneSettingPage()
    49     {
    51     }
    54 /**
    55  * Simple pass-through constructor for this interim class
    56  *
    57  */
    58 EXPORT_C CAknMfneSettingPage::CAknMfneSettingPage( TInt aResourceId ) : CAknSettingPage( aResourceId )
    59     {
    60     AKNTASHOOK_ADD( this, "CAknMfneSettingPage" );
    61     }
    63 /**
    64  * Constructor that allows separate setting page and editor resources
    65  * 
    66  */
    67 EXPORT_C CAknMfneSettingPage::CAknMfneSettingPage(  
    68                                 const TDesC* aSettingText, 
    69                                 TInt aSettingNumber, 
    70                                 TInt aControlType,
    71                                 TInt aEditorResourceId, 
    72                                 TInt aSettingPageResourceId )
    73                                 :   CAknSettingPage( 
    74                                     aSettingText, 
    75                                     aSettingNumber, 
    76                                     aControlType, 
    77                                     aEditorResourceId, 
    78                                     aSettingPageResourceId) 
    79     {
    80     AKNTASHOOK_ADD( this, "CAknMfneSettingPage" );
    81     }
    83 EXPORT_C void CAknMfneSettingPage::SizeChanged()
    84     {
    85     StandardSettingPageLayout();  // Must be part of any re-implementation
    87     TRect rect( SettingItemContentRect( EFalse ) );
    89     iMfneLayoutRect.LayoutRect(
    90         rect,
    91         AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::setting_code_pane_copy1() );
    92     TRect editorRect( iMfneLayoutRect.Rect() );
    94     TAknLayoutRect layoutRect;
    95     layoutRect.LayoutRect(
    96         editorRect,
    97         AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::indicator_popup_pane_cp6() );
    98     TRect indicatorRect( layoutRect.Rect() );
   100     layoutRect.LayoutRect(
   101         editorRect,
   102         AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::input_focus_pane_cp2_copy1() );
   103     TRect editorFrameRect( layoutRect.Rect() );
   105     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMfne(
   106         Mfne(),
   107         editorRect,
   108         AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::setting_code_pane_t1_copy1() );
   110     layoutRect.LayoutRect(
   111         editorFrameRect,
   112         AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::set_opt_bg_pane_g1_copy1() );
   113     SetEditedItemFrameRects( editorFrameRect, layoutRect.Rect() );
   115     SetEditorIndicatorRect( indicatorRect );
   116     }
   118 EXPORT_C void CAknMfneSettingPage::Draw(const TRect& aRect) const
   119     {
   120     BaseDraw( aRect );
   122     if ( !IsSkinsHandlingEditorFrameDrawing() )
   123         {
   124         // Legacy frame drawing
   125         CWindowGc& gc=SystemGc(); 
   126         iMfneLayoutRect.DrawRect( gc );
   127         iHorizontalShadow.DrawRect( gc );
   128         iVerticalShadow.DrawRect( gc );
   129         iOutlineFrame.DrawOutLineRect( gc );
   130         }
   131     }
   133 /** 
   134  *
   135  * Type-specific access to the MFNE
   136  *
   137  */
   138 EXPORT_C CEikMfne* CAknMfneSettingPage::Mfne() const
   139     {
   140     return STATIC_CAST( CEikMfne*, EditorControl());
   141     }
   143 EXPORT_C void CAknMfneSettingPage::HandleControlEventL(CCoeControl* /*aControl*/,
   144                  MCoeControlObserver::TCoeEvent aEventType)
   145     {
   146     // Ordering is important here.  Need first to do the check on validity because
   147     // UpdateSettingL may leave if the data is invalid !
   148     if ( aEventType == EEventStateChanged )
   149         {
   150         // This updates the CBA depending on validity of data as reported by mfne
   151         CheckAndSetDataValidity();
   152         UpdateCbaL();
   154 		if ( iUpdateMode == EUpdateWhenChanged )
   155 			UpdateSettingL();
   157 		}
   158 	}
   160 EXPORT_C void CAknMfneSettingPage::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent) 
   161     { 
   162     if(!AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled())
   163         {
   164         CAknSettingPage::HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent); 
   165         }
   166     else
   167         {
   168         CEikMfne* pMfne = Mfne();
   169         if ( pMfne && iMfneLayoutRect.Rect().Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ) )
   170             {
   171             pMfne->HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent);
   172             }
   173         else
   174             {
   175             CAknSettingPage::HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent);
   176             }
   177         }
   178     }	
   180 EXPORT_C void* CAknMfneSettingPage::ExtensionInterface( TUid /*aInterface*/ ) 
   181     { 
   182     return NULL;
   183     }
   185 EXPORT_C void CAknMfneSettingPage::CheckAndSetDataValidity()
   186 	{
   187 	SetDataValidity( Mfne()->Field(Mfne()->CurrentField())->IsValid() );
   188 	}
   190 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   191 // CAknMfneSettingPage::ConstructL
   192 // This second phase constructor should be called by the derived classes
   193 // to create touch enabled edit buttons in touch enabled devices
   194 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   195 //
   196 EXPORT_C void CAknMfneSettingPage::ConstructL()
   197 	{
   198     BaseConstructL();
   199 #if defined( RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2)
   200     if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
   201         {
   202         Mfne()->SetFeature( CEikMfne::EFingerSupport, CEikMfne::EnableWithAllHighlight );
   203         }
   204     SizeChanged();
   205 #endif //if defined( RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2)
   206 	}
   208 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   209 // CAknMfneSettingPage::ComponentControl
   210 // Calls parent class' implementation and then checks if touch buttons are
   211 // available to be accessed
   212 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   213 //
   214 EXPORT_C CCoeControl* CAknMfneSettingPage::ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const
   215 	{	    
   216     return CAknSettingPage::ComponentControl(aIndex);
   217     }
   220 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   221 // CAknMfneSettingPage::CountComponentControls
   222 // Calls parent class' implementation and then adds touch buttons to the count
   223 // if they have been initialzed
   224 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   225 //
   226 EXPORT_C TInt CAknMfneSettingPage::CountComponentControls() const
   227 	{
   228 	return CAknSettingPage::CountComponentControls();
   229 	}
   231 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   232 //
   234 //
   235 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   237 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   238 // Construction/Destruction
   239 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   241 /**
   242  * Destructor
   243  *
   244  */
   245 EXPORT_C CAknDateSettingPage::~CAknDateSettingPage()
   246 	{
   248 	}
   252 /**
   253  * Constructor using Setting page resource
   254  *
   255  *
   256  * @param	aResourceId		Setting page resource Id
   257  * @param	aDateValue		Reference to a Time value set to the initial date
   258  */
   259 EXPORT_C CAknDateSettingPage::CAknDateSettingPage( TInt aResourceId, TTime& aDateValue ):
   260 	 CAknMfneSettingPage(aResourceId),iDateValue(aDateValue)
   261 	{
   262 	iBackupDateValue = iDateValue;
   263 	AKNTASHOOK_ADD( this, "CAknDateSettingPage" );
   264 	}
   266 /**
   267  * Constructor that allows separate setting page and editor resources
   268  * 
   269  */
   270 EXPORT_C CAknDateSettingPage::CAknDateSettingPage(	
   271                                 const TDesC* aSettingText, 
   272                                 TInt aSettingNumber, 
   273                                 TInt aControlType,
   274                                 TInt aEditorResourceId, 
   275                                 TInt aSettingPageResourceId, 
   276                                 TTime& aDateValue )
   277                                 :   CAknMfneSettingPage( 
   278                                     aSettingText, 
   279                                     aSettingNumber, 
   280                                     aControlType, 
   281                                     aEditorResourceId, 
   282                                     aSettingPageResourceId), 
   283                                     iDateValue(aDateValue)
   284 	{
   285 	iBackupDateValue = iDateValue;
   286 	AKNTASHOOK_ADD( this, "CAknDateSettingPage" );
   287 	}
   289 /**
   290  *
   291  * 2nd stage construction.  This uses stored values from the conststuctor to allocate the 
   292  * required aggregate objects, and then set the Date value. 
   293  *
   294  */
   295 EXPORT_C void CAknDateSettingPage::ConstructL()
   296 	{
   297     CAknMfneSettingPage::ConstructL();
   299     DateEditor()->SetUpAndDownKeysConsumed(ETrue);
   300 	DateEditor()->SetDate( iDateValue );
   302 	DateEditor()->SetSkinTextColorL(EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG26);
   304 	// Construct an appropriate control context for the contained editor areas.
   305 	// Context produced is owned by CAknSettingPage.
   306 	SetEditedItemFrameIID( KAknsIIDQsnFrInput, KAknsIIDQsnFrInputCenter );
   307 	}
   308 /**
   309  * This framework method is called when the editor changes its value and the mode of 
   310  * execution of the setting page is a continuous update mode.
   311  *
   312  */
   313 EXPORT_C void CAknDateSettingPage::UpdateSettingL()
   314 	{
   315 	// The following actually leaves if a field is empty or is out of range: 
   316 	iDateValue = DateEditor()->Date();
   317 	if( iSettingPageObserver )
   318 		iSettingPageObserver->HandleSettingPageEventL(this, MAknSettingPageObserver::EEventSettingChanged);	
   320 	}
   321 /**
   322  * We reload the value once again, in case we were not in
   323  * continuous update mode. A special event is generated for the observer to say that the
   324  * value is accepted.
   325  *
   326  */
   327 EXPORT_C void CAknDateSettingPage::AcceptSettingL()
   328 	{
   329 	DateEditor()->PrepareForFocusLossL();
   330 	iDateValue = DateEditor()->Date();
   331 	}
   332 /**
   333  * The backup value, stored at construction time, is re-loaded into the referenced Date.
   334  * An event is sent to the observer saying that the event was dismissed.
   335  */
   336 EXPORT_C void CAknDateSettingPage::RestoreOriginalSettingL()
   337 	{
   338 	iDateValue = iBackupDateValue;
   339 	}
   341 /**
   342  *
   343  * Type-specific access to the editor 
   344  *
   345  */
   346 EXPORT_C CEikDateEditor* CAknDateSettingPage::DateEditor()
   347 	{
   348 	return STATIC_CAST( CEikDateEditor*, EditorControl());
   349 	}
   351 /**
   352  * Writes the internal state of the control and its components to aStream.
   353  * Does nothing in release mode.
   354  * Designed to be overidden and base called by subclasses.
   355  */
   356 #ifndef _DEBUG
   357 EXPORT_C void CAknDateSettingPage::WriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream& /*aWriteStream*/) const
   358 	{}
   359 #else
   360 EXPORT_C void CAknDateSettingPage::WriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream) const
   361 	{
   362 	CAknSettingPage::WriteInternalStateL(aWriteStream);
   363 	}
   364 #endif
   366 EXPORT_C void CAknDateSettingPage::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent) 
   367     { 
   368     CAknMfneSettingPage::HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent); 
   369     }
   371 EXPORT_C void* CAknDateSettingPage::ExtensionInterface( TUid /*aInterface*/ ) 
   372     { 
   373     return NULL;
   374     }
   376 /**
   377  *	Reserved method derived from CCoeControl
   378  */
   379 EXPORT_C void CAknDateSettingPage::Reserved_2()
   380 	{
   381 	}
   383 /**
   384 * Setting Page reserved methods 
   385 */ 
   386 EXPORT_C void CAknDateSettingPage::CAknSettingPage_Reserved_1()
   387 	{
   388 	}
   389 EXPORT_C void CAknDateSettingPage::CAknSettingPage_Reserved_2()
   390 	{
   391 	}
   392 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   393 //
   395 //
   396 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   399 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   400 // Construction/Destruction
   401 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   403 /**
   404  * Destructor
   405  *
   406  */
   407 EXPORT_C CAknTimeSettingPage::~CAknTimeSettingPage()
   408 	{
   410 	}
   412 /**
   413  * Constructor using Setting page resource
   414  *
   415  *
   416  * @param	aResourceId		Setting page resource Id
   417  * @param	aTimeValue		Reference to a Time value set to the initial date
   418  */
   419 EXPORT_C CAknTimeSettingPage::CAknTimeSettingPage( TInt aResourceId, TTime& aTimeValue ):
   420 	 CAknMfneSettingPage(aResourceId),iTimeValue(aTimeValue)
   421 	{
   422 	iBackupTimeValue = iTimeValue;
   423 	AKNTASHOOK_ADD( this, "CAknTimeSettingPage" );
   424 	}
   425 /**
   426  * Constructor that allows separate setting page and editor resources
   427  * 
   428  */
   429 EXPORT_C CAknTimeSettingPage::CAknTimeSettingPage(	
   430 								const TDesC* aSettingText, 
   431 								TInt aSettingNumber, 
   432 								TInt aControlType,
   433 								TInt aEditorResourceId, 
   434 								TInt aSettingPageResourceId, 
   435 								TTime& aTimeValue )
   436 								:	CAknMfneSettingPage( 
   437 									aSettingText, 
   438 									aSettingNumber, 
   439 									aControlType, 
   440 									aEditorResourceId, 
   441 									aSettingPageResourceId), 
   442 									iTimeValue(aTimeValue)
   443 	{
   444 	iBackupTimeValue = iTimeValue;
   445 	AKNTASHOOK_ADD( this, "CAknTimeSettingPage" );
   446 	}
   447 /**
   448  *
   449  * 2nd stage construction.  This uses stored values from the conststuctor to allocate the 
   450  * required aggregate objects, and then set the Time value. 
   451  *
   452  */
   453 EXPORT_C void CAknTimeSettingPage::ConstructL()
   454 	{
   455     CAknMfneSettingPage::ConstructL();
   457     TimeEditor()->SetUpAndDownKeysConsumed(ETrue);
   458 	TimeEditor()->SetTime( iTimeValue );
   460 	TimeEditor()->SetSkinTextColorL(EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG26);
   462 	// Construct an appropriate control context for the contained editor areas.
   463 	// Context produced is owned by CAknSettingPage. 
   464     SetEditedItemFrameIID( KAknsIIDQsnFrInput, KAknsIIDQsnFrInputCenter );
   465 	}
   466 /**
   467  * This framework method is called when the editor changes its value and the mode of 
   468  * execution of the setting page is a continuous update mode.
   469  *
   470  */
   471 EXPORT_C void CAknTimeSettingPage::UpdateSettingL()
   472 	{
   473 	iTimeValue = TimeEditor()->Time();
   474 	if( iSettingPageObserver )
   475 		iSettingPageObserver->HandleSettingPageEventL(this, MAknSettingPageObserver::EEventSettingChanged);	
   477 	}
   478 /**
   479  * We reload the event once again, in case we were not in
   480  * continuous update mode. A special event is generated for the observer to say that the
   481  * value is accepted.
   482  *
   483  */
   484 EXPORT_C void CAknTimeSettingPage::AcceptSettingL()
   485 	{
   486 	iTimeValue = TimeEditor()->Time();
   487 	}
   488 /**
   489  * The backup value, stored at construction time, is re-loaded into the referenced Time.
   490  * An event is sent to the observer saying that the event was dismissed.
   491  */
   492 EXPORT_C void CAknTimeSettingPage::RestoreOriginalSettingL()
   493 	{
   494 	iTimeValue = iBackupTimeValue;
   495 	}
   497 /**
   498  *
   499  * Type-specific access to the editor 
   500  *
   501  */
   502 EXPORT_C CEikTimeEditor* CAknTimeSettingPage::TimeEditor()
   503 	{
   504 	return STATIC_CAST( CEikTimeEditor*, EditorControl());
   505 	}
   507 /**
   508  * Writes the internal state of the control and its components to aStream.
   509  * Does nothing in release mode.
   510  * Designed to be overidden and base called by subclasses.
   511  */
   512 #ifndef _DEBUG
   513 EXPORT_C void CAknTimeSettingPage::WriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream& /*aWriteStream*/) const
   514 	{}
   515 #else
   516 EXPORT_C void CAknTimeSettingPage::WriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream) const
   517 	{
   518 	CAknSettingPage::WriteInternalStateL(aWriteStream);
   519 	}
   520 #endif
   522 EXPORT_C void CAknTimeSettingPage::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent) 
   523     { 
   524     CAknMfneSettingPage::HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent); 
   525     }
   527 EXPORT_C void* CAknTimeSettingPage::ExtensionInterface( TUid /*aInterface*/ ) 
   528     { 
   529     return NULL;
   530     }
   532 /**
   533  *	Reserved method derived from CCoeControl
   534  */
   535 EXPORT_C void CAknTimeSettingPage::Reserved_2()
   536 	{
   537 	}
   539 /**
   540 * Setting Page reserved methods 
   541 */ 
   542 EXPORT_C void CAknTimeSettingPage::CAknSettingPage_Reserved_1()
   543 	{
   544 	}
   545 EXPORT_C void CAknTimeSettingPage::CAknSettingPage_Reserved_2()
   546 	{
   547 	}
   548 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   549 //
   551 //
   552 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   555 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   556 // Construction/Destruction
   557 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   559 /**
   560  * Destructor
   561  *
   562  */
   563 EXPORT_C CAknDurationSettingPage::~CAknDurationSettingPage()
   564 	{
   566 	}
   568 /**
   569  * Constructor using Setting page resource
   570  *
   571  *
   572  * @param	aResourceId		Setting page resource Id
   573  * @param	aDurationValue		Reference to a Time value set to the initial date
   574  */
   575 EXPORT_C CAknDurationSettingPage::CAknDurationSettingPage( TInt aResourceId, TTimeIntervalSeconds& aDurationValue ):
   576 	 CAknMfneSettingPage(aResourceId),iDurationValue(aDurationValue)
   577 	{
   578 	iBackupDurationValue = iDurationValue;
   579 	AKNTASHOOK_ADD( this, "CAknDurationSettingPage" );
   580 	}
   581 	/**
   582 	 * Constructor that allows separate setting page and editor resources
   583 	 * 
   584 	 * This constructor allows the use of setting page using only the editor resource.  Other combinations are also possible
   585 	 *
   586 	 * In all cases the number (if supplied i.e. <> 0 ) is used.  
   587 	 *
   588 	 *		Editor Resource		Setting Page Resource
   589 	 *			present				present				Both are used (but text & number overridden)
   590 	 *			 = 0				present				Editor resource is used via SP resource (Effectively like the other constructor)
   591 	 *			present				 = 0				Default Avkon SP resource if used + this editor resource
   592 	 *			 = 0				 = 0				uses default resource for both SP and editor. This is OK if:
   593 	 *	 i) control type is present, 
   594 	 *  ii) a default resource exists ( OK for text, integer, date, time, duration )
   595 	 *
   596 	 *
   597 	 * Rules for text and numbers: The rules are the same for both:  (non-zero length) text or number other 
   598 	 * than EAknSettingPageNoOrdinalDisplayed if given in this constructor will not override resource 
   599 	 * (unless that is zero length or EAknSettingPageNoOrdinalDisplayed).  Note, however, that text or number given via the 
   600 	 * specific API for setting them, WILL override resource.
   601 	 * It is assumed that number from resource is very rare.  Special text is somewhat more likely.
   602 	 * 
   603 	 * @param aSettingTitleText		Text at top of setting pane
   604 	 * @param aSettingNumber		Number at top left (if present)
   605 	 * @param aControlType			Determines the type constructed and how its resource is read
   606 	 * @param aEditorResourceId		Editor resource to use in the setting page (if present)
   607 	 * @param aSettingPageResourceId		Setting Page to use (if present)
   608 	 * @param aDurationValue				reference to a duration
   609 	 */
   611 EXPORT_C CAknDurationSettingPage::CAknDurationSettingPage(	
   612 								const TDesC* aSettingText, 
   613 								TInt aSettingNumber, 
   614 								TInt aControlType,
   615 								TInt aEditorResourceId, 
   616 								TInt aSettingPageResourceId, 
   617 								TTimeIntervalSeconds& aDurationValue )
   618 								:	CAknMfneSettingPage( 
   619 									aSettingText, 
   620 									aSettingNumber, 
   621 									aControlType, 
   622 									aEditorResourceId, 
   623 									aSettingPageResourceId), 
   624 									iDurationValue(aDurationValue)
   625 	{
   626 	iBackupDurationValue = iDurationValue;
   627 	AKNTASHOOK_ADD( this, "CAknDurationSettingPage" );
   628 	}
   629 /**
   630  *
   631  * 2nd stage construction.  This uses stored values from the conststuctor to allocate the 
   632  * required aggregate objects, and then set the Duration value. 
   633  *
   634  */
   635 EXPORT_C void CAknDurationSettingPage::ConstructL()
   636 	{
   637 	CAknMfneSettingPage::ConstructL();
   639     DurationEditor()->SetUpAndDownKeysConsumed(ETrue);
   640 	DurationEditor()->SetDuration( iDurationValue );
   642 	DurationEditor()->SetSkinTextColorL(EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG26);
   644 	// Construct an appropriate control context for the contained editor areas.
   645 	// Context produced is owned by CAknSettingPage. 
   646     SetEditedItemFrameIID( KAknsIIDQsnFrInput, KAknsIIDQsnFrInputCenter );
   647 	}
   648 /**
   649  * This framework method is called when the editor changes its value and the mode of 
   650  * execution of the setting page is a continuous update mode.
   651  *
   652  */
   653 EXPORT_C void CAknDurationSettingPage::UpdateSettingL()
   654 	{
   655 	iDurationValue = DurationEditor()->Duration();
   656 	if( iSettingPageObserver )
   657 		iSettingPageObserver->HandleSettingPageEventL(this, MAknSettingPageObserver::EEventSettingChanged);	
   659 	}
   660 /**
   661  * We reload the event once again, in case we were not in
   662  * continuous update mode. A special event is generated for the observer to say that the
   663  * value is accepted.
   664  *
   665  */
   666 EXPORT_C void CAknDurationSettingPage::AcceptSettingL()
   667 	{
   668 	DurationEditor()->PrepareForFocusLossL();
   669 	iDurationValue = DurationEditor()->Duration();
   670 	}
   671 /**
   672  * The backup value, stored at construction time, is re-loaded into the referenced Duration.
   673  * An event is sent to the observer saying that the event was dismissed.
   674  */
   675 EXPORT_C void CAknDurationSettingPage::RestoreOriginalSettingL()
   676 	{
   677 	iDurationValue = iBackupDurationValue;
   678 	}
   680 /**
   681  *
   682  * Type-specific access to the editor 
   683  *
   684  */
   685 EXPORT_C CEikDurationEditor* CAknDurationSettingPage::DurationEditor()
   686 	{
   687 	return STATIC_CAST( CEikDurationEditor*, EditorControl());
   688 	}
   690 /**
   691  * Writes the internal state of the control and its components to aStream.
   692  * Does nothing in release mode.
   693  * Designed to be overidden and base called by subclasses.
   694  */
   695 #ifndef _DEBUG
   696 EXPORT_C void CAknDurationSettingPage::WriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream& /*aWriteStream*/) const
   697 	{}
   698 #else
   699 EXPORT_C void CAknDurationSettingPage::WriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream) const
   700 	{
   701 	CAknSettingPage::WriteInternalStateL(aWriteStream);
   702 	}
   703 #endif
   705 EXPORT_C void CAknDurationSettingPage::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent) 
   706     { 
   707     CAknMfneSettingPage::HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent); 
   708     }
   710 EXPORT_C void* CAknDurationSettingPage::ExtensionInterface( TUid /*aInterface*/ ) 
   711     { 
   712     return NULL;
   713     }
   715 /**
   716  *	Reserved method derived from CCoeControl
   717  */
   718 EXPORT_C void CAknDurationSettingPage::Reserved_2()
   719 	{
   720 	}
   722 /**
   723 * Setting Page reserved methods 
   724 */ 
   725 EXPORT_C void CAknDurationSettingPage::CAknSettingPage_Reserved_1()
   726 	{
   727 	}
   728 EXPORT_C void CAknDurationSettingPage::CAknSettingPage_Reserved_2()
   729 	{
   730 	}
   731 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   732 //
   734 //
   735 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   738 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   739 // Construction/Destruction
   740 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   742 /**
   743  * Destructor
   744  *
   745  */
   746 EXPORT_C CAknTimeOffsetSettingPage::~CAknTimeOffsetSettingPage()
   747 	{
   749 	}
   751 /**
   752  * Constructor using Setting page resource
   753  *
   754  *
   755  * @param	aResourceId		Setting page resource Id
   756  * @param	aDurationValue		Reference to a Time value set to the initial date
   757  */
   758 EXPORT_C CAknTimeOffsetSettingPage::CAknTimeOffsetSettingPage( TInt aResourceId, TTimeIntervalSeconds& aTimeOffsetValue ):
   759 	 CAknMfneSettingPage(aResourceId),iTimeOffsetValue(aTimeOffsetValue)
   760 	{
   761 	iBackupTimeOffsetValue = iTimeOffsetValue;
   762 	AKNTASHOOK_ADD( this, "CAknTimeOffsetSettingPage" );
   763 	}
   764 	/**
   765 	 * Constructor that allows separate setting page and editor resources
   766 	 * 
   767 	 * This constructor allows the use of setting page using only the editor resource.  Other combinations are also possible
   768 	 *
   769 	 * In all cases the number (if supplied i.e. <> 0 ) is used.  
   770 	 *
   771 	 *		Editor Resource		Setting Page Resource
   772 	 *			present				present				Both are used (but text & number overridden)
   773 	 *			 = 0				present				Editor resource is used via SP resource (Effectively like the other constructor)
   774 	 *			present				 = 0				Default Avkon SP resource if used + this editor resource
   775 	 *			 = 0				 = 0				uses default resource for both SP and editor. This is OK if:
   776 	 *	 i) control type is present, 
   777 	 *  ii) a default resource exists ( OK for text, integer, date, time, duration )
   778 	 *
   779 	 *
   780 	 * Rules for text and numbers: The rules are the same for both:  (non-zero length) text or number other 
   781 	 * than EAknSettingPageNoOrdinalDisplayed if given in this constructor will not override resource 
   782 	 * (unless that is zero length or EAknSettingPageNoOrdinalDisplayed).  Note, however, that text or number given via the 
   783 	 * specific API for setting them, WILL override resource.
   784 	 * It is assumed that number from resource is very rare.  Special text is somewhat more likely.
   785 	 * 
   786 	 * @param aSettingTitleText		Text at top of setting pane
   787 	 * @param aSettingNumber		Number at top left (if present)
   788 	 * @param aControlType			Determines the type constructed and how its resource is read
   789 	 * @param aEditorResourceId		Editor resource to use in the setting page (if present)
   790 	 * @param aSettingPageResourceId		Setting Page to use (if present)
   791 	 * @param aDurationValue				reference to a duration
   792 	 */
   794 EXPORT_C CAknTimeOffsetSettingPage::CAknTimeOffsetSettingPage(	
   795 								const TDesC* aSettingText, 
   796 								TInt aSettingNumber, 
   797 								TInt aControlType,
   798 								TInt aEditorResourceId, 
   799 								TInt aSettingPageResourceId, 
   800 								TTimeIntervalSeconds& aTimeOffsetValue )
   801 								:	CAknMfneSettingPage( 
   802 									aSettingText, 
   803 									aSettingNumber, 
   804 									aControlType, 
   805 									aEditorResourceId, 
   806 									aSettingPageResourceId), 
   807 									iTimeOffsetValue(aTimeOffsetValue)
   808 	{
   809 	iBackupTimeOffsetValue = iTimeOffsetValue;
   810 	AKNTASHOOK_ADD( this, "CAknTimeOffsetSettingPage" );
   811 	}
   812 /**
   813  *
   814  * 2nd stage construction.  This uses stored values from the conststuctor to allocate the 
   815  * required aggregate objects, and then set the TimeOffset value. 
   816  *
   817  */
   818 EXPORT_C void CAknTimeOffsetSettingPage::ConstructL()
   819 	{
   820     CAknMfneSettingPage::ConstructL();
   822     TimeOffsetEditor()->SetUpAndDownKeysConsumed(ETrue);
   823 	TimeOffsetEditor()->SetTimeOffset( iTimeOffsetValue );
   825 	TimeOffsetEditor()->SetSkinTextColorL(EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG26);
   827 	// Construct an appropriate control context for the contained editor areas.
   828 	// Context produced is owned by CAknSettingPage. 
   829     SetEditedItemFrameIID( KAknsIIDQsnFrInput, KAknsIIDQsnFrInputCenter );
   830 	}
   831 /**
   832  * This framework method is called when the editor changes its value and the mode of 
   833  * execution of the setting page is a continuous update mode.
   834  *
   835  */
   836 EXPORT_C void CAknTimeOffsetSettingPage::UpdateSettingL()
   837 	{
   838 	iTimeOffsetValue = TimeOffsetEditor()->TimeOffset();
   839 	if( iSettingPageObserver )
   840 		iSettingPageObserver->HandleSettingPageEventL(this, MAknSettingPageObserver::EEventSettingChanged);	
   842 	}
   843 /**
   844  * We reload the event once again, in case we were not in
   845  * continuous update mode. A special event is generated for the observer to say that the
   846  * value is accepted.
   847  *
   848  */
   849 EXPORT_C void CAknTimeOffsetSettingPage::AcceptSettingL()
   850 	{
   851 	TimeOffsetEditor()->PrepareForFocusLossL();
   852 	iTimeOffsetValue = TimeOffsetEditor()->TimeOffset();
   853 	if( iSettingPageObserver )
   854 		iSettingPageObserver->HandleSettingPageEventL(this, MAknSettingPageObserver::EEventSettingOked);	
   855 	}
   856 /**
   857  * The backup value, stored at construction time, is re-loaded into the referenced TimeOffset.
   858  * An event is sent to the observer saying that the event was dismissed.
   859  */
   860 EXPORT_C void CAknTimeOffsetSettingPage::RestoreOriginalSettingL()
   861 	{
   862 	iTimeOffsetValue = iBackupTimeOffsetValue;
   863 	if( iSettingPageObserver )
   864 		iSettingPageObserver->HandleSettingPageEventL(this, MAknSettingPageObserver::EEventSettingCancelled);	
   865 	}
   867 /**
   868  *
   869  * Type-specific access to the editor 
   870  *
   871  */
   872 EXPORT_C CEikTimeOffsetEditor* CAknTimeOffsetSettingPage::TimeOffsetEditor()
   873 	{
   874 	return STATIC_CAST( CEikTimeOffsetEditor*, EditorControl());
   875 	}
   877 /**
   878  * Writes the internal state of the control and its components to aStream.
   879  * Does nothing in release mode.
   880  * Designed to be overidden and base called by subclasses.
   881  */
   882 #ifndef _DEBUG
   883 EXPORT_C void CAknTimeOffsetSettingPage::WriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream& /*aWriteStream*/) const
   884 	{}
   885 #else
   886 EXPORT_C void CAknTimeOffsetSettingPage::WriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream) const
   887 	{
   888 	CAknSettingPage::WriteInternalStateL(aWriteStream);
   889 	}
   890 #endif
   892 EXPORT_C void CAknTimeOffsetSettingPage::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent) 
   893     { 
   894     CAknMfneSettingPage::HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent); 
   895     }
   897 EXPORT_C void* CAknTimeOffsetSettingPage::ExtensionInterface( TUid /*aInterface*/ ) 
   898     { 
   899     return NULL;
   900     }
   902 /**
   903  *	Reserved method derived from CCoeControl
   904  */
   905 EXPORT_C void CAknTimeOffsetSettingPage::Reserved_2()
   906 	{
   907 	}
   909 /**
   910 * Setting Page reserved methods 
   911 */ 
   912 EXPORT_C void CAknTimeOffsetSettingPage::CAknSettingPage_Reserved_1()
   913 	{
   914 	}
   915 EXPORT_C void CAknTimeOffsetSettingPage::CAknSettingPage_Reserved_2()
   916 	{
   917 	}
   918 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   919 //
   921 //
   922 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   925 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   926 // Construction/Destruction
   927 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   929 /**
   930  * Destructor
   931  *
   932  */
   933 EXPORT_C CAknIpFieldSettingPage::~CAknIpFieldSettingPage()
   934 	{
   936 	}
   938 /**
   939  * Constructor using Setting page resource
   940  *
   941  *
   942  * @param	aResourceId		Setting page resource Id
   943  * @param	aIpFieldValue		Reference to a Time value set to the initial date
   944  */
   945 EXPORT_C CAknIpFieldSettingPage::CAknIpFieldSettingPage( TInt aResourceId, TInetAddr& aIpAddress ):
   946 	 CAknMfneSettingPage(aResourceId),iIpAddress(aIpAddress)
   947 	{
   948 	iBackupIpAddress = iIpAddress;
   949 	AKNTASHOOK_ADD( this, "CAknIpFieldSettingPage" );
   950 	}
   951 	/**
   952 	 * Constructor that allows separate setting page and editor resources
   953 	 * 
   954 	 * This constructor allows the use of setting page using only the editor resource.  Other combinations are also possible
   955 	 *
   956 	 * In all cases the number (if supplied i.e. <> 0 ) is used.  
   957 	 *
   958 	 *		Editor Resource		Setting Page Resource
   959 	 *			present				present				Both are used (but text & number overridden)
   960 	 *			 = 0				present				Editor resource is used via SP resource (Effectively like the other constructor)
   961 	 *			present				 = 0				Default Avkon SP resource if used + this editor resource
   962 	 *			 = 0				 = 0				uses default resource for both SP and editor. This is OK if:
   963 	 *	 i) control type is present, 
   964 	 *  ii) a default resource exists ( OK for text, integer, date, time, IpField )
   965 	 *
   966 	 *
   967 	 * Rules for text and numbers: The rules are the same for both:  (non-zero length) text or number other 
   968 	 * than EAknSettingPageNoOrdinalDisplayed if given in this constructor will not override resource 
   969 	 * (unless that is zero length or EAknSettingPageNoOrdinalDisplayed).  Note, however, that text or number given via the 
   970 	 * specific API for setting them, WILL override resource.
   971 	 * It is assumed that number from resource is very rare.  Special text is somewhat more likely.
   972 	 * 
   973 	 * @param aSettingTitleText	Text at top of setting pane
   974 	 *	@param aSettingNumber		Number at top left (if present)
   975 	 * @param aControlType			Determines the type constructed and how its resource is read
   976 	 * @param aEditorResourceId	Editor resource to use in the setting page (if present)
   977 	 * @param aSettingPageResourceId		Setting Page to use (if present)
   978 	 * @param aIpAddress				reference to a IP address
   979 	 */
   981 EXPORT_C CAknIpFieldSettingPage::CAknIpFieldSettingPage(	
   982 								const TDesC* aSettingText, 
   983 								TInt aSettingNumber, 
   984 								TInt aControlType,
   985 								TInt aEditorResourceId, 
   986 								TInt aSettingPageResourceId, 
   987 								TInetAddr& aIpAddress )
   988 								:	CAknMfneSettingPage( 
   989 									aSettingText, 
   990 									aSettingNumber, 
   991 									aControlType, 
   992 									aEditorResourceId, 
   993 									aSettingPageResourceId), 
   994 									iIpAddress(aIpAddress)
   995 	{
   996 	iBackupIpAddress = iIpAddress;
   997 	AKNTASHOOK_ADD( this, "CAknIpFieldSettingPage" );
   998 	}
   999 /**
  1000  *
  1001  * 2nd stage construction.  This uses stored values from the conststuctor to allocate the 
  1002  * required aggregate objects, and then set the IpField value. 
  1003  *
  1004  */
  1005 EXPORT_C void CAknIpFieldSettingPage::ConstructL()
  1006 	{
  1007     CAknMfneSettingPage::ConstructL();
  1008     IpFieldEditor()->SetUpAndDownKeysConsumed(ETrue);
  1009 	IpFieldEditor()->SetAddress( iIpAddress );
  1011 	IpFieldEditor()->SetSkinTextColorL(EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG26);
  1013 	// Construct an appropriate control context for the contained editor areas.
  1014 	// Context produced is owned by CAknSettingPage. 
  1015     SetEditedItemFrameIID( KAknsIIDQsnFrInput, KAknsIIDQsnFrInputCenter );
  1016 	}
  1017 /**
  1018  * This framework method is called when the editor changes its value and the mode of 
  1019  * execution of the setting page is a continuous update mode.
  1020  *
  1021  */
  1022 EXPORT_C void CAknIpFieldSettingPage::UpdateSettingL()
  1023 	{
  1024 	iIpAddress = IpFieldEditor()->Address();
  1025 	if( iSettingPageObserver )
  1026 		iSettingPageObserver->HandleSettingPageEventL(this, MAknSettingPageObserver::EEventSettingChanged);	
  1028 	}
  1029 /**
  1030  * We reload the event once again, in case we were not in
  1031  * continuous update mode. A special event is generated for the observer to say that the
  1032  * value is accepted.
  1033  *
  1034  */
  1035 EXPORT_C void CAknIpFieldSettingPage::AcceptSettingL()
  1036 	{
  1037 	IpFieldEditor()->PrepareForFocusLossL();
  1038 	iIpAddress = IpFieldEditor()->Address();
  1039 	}
  1040 /**
  1041  * The backup value, stored at construction time, is re-loaded into the referenced IpField.
  1042  * An event is sent to the observer saying that the event was dismissed.
  1043  */
  1044 EXPORT_C void CAknIpFieldSettingPage::RestoreOriginalSettingL()
  1045 	{
  1046 	iIpAddress = iBackupIpAddress;
  1047 	}
  1049 /**
  1050  *
  1051  * Type-specific access to the editor 
  1052  *
  1053  */
  1054 EXPORT_C CAknIpFieldEditor* CAknIpFieldSettingPage::IpFieldEditor()
  1055 	{
  1056 	return STATIC_CAST( CAknIpFieldEditor*, EditorControl());
  1057 	}
  1059 /**
  1060  * Writes the internal state of the control and its components to aStream.
  1061  * Does nothing in release mode.
  1062  * Designed to be overidden and base called by subclasses.
  1063  */
  1064 #ifndef _DEBUG
  1065 EXPORT_C void CAknIpFieldSettingPage::WriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream& /*aWriteStream*/) const
  1066 	{}
  1067 #else
  1068 EXPORT_C void CAknIpFieldSettingPage::WriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream) const
  1069 	{
  1070 	CAknSettingPage::WriteInternalStateL(aWriteStream);
  1071 	}
  1072 #endif
  1074 EXPORT_C void CAknIpFieldSettingPage::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent) 
  1075     { 
  1076     CAknMfneSettingPage::HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent); 
  1077     }
  1079 EXPORT_C void* CAknIpFieldSettingPage::ExtensionInterface( TUid /*aInterface*/ ) 
  1080     { 
  1081     return NULL;
  1082     }
  1084 /**
  1085  *	Reserved method derived from CCoeControl
  1086  */
  1087 EXPORT_C void CAknIpFieldSettingPage::Reserved_2()
  1088 	{
  1089 	}
  1091 /**
  1092 * Setting Page reserved methods 
  1093 */ 
  1094 EXPORT_C void CAknIpFieldSettingPage::CAknSettingPage_Reserved_1()
  1095 	{
  1096 	}
  1097 EXPORT_C void CAknIpFieldSettingPage::CAknSettingPage_Reserved_2()
  1098 	{
  1099 	}
  1100 // End of File