changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2f259fa3e83a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "aknshortcuts.h"
    21 #include <AknPanic.h>
    22 #include <avkon.rsg>
    23 #include <eikbtgpc.h>
    24 #include <eikenv.h>
    25 #include <aknappui.h>
    26 #include <avkon.hrh>
    28 // The following are needed for template instantiations. aknlists.h
    29 // tells the compiler which shortcuttemplates to instantiate.
    30 #include <AknGrid.h>
    31 #include <aknlists.h>
    34 //
    35 // Shortcut behavior.
    36 //
    38 EXPORT_C void AknListBoxShortCuts::RunL() 
    39     {
    40     TShortcutEvent event = EIdle;
    41     EndTimer();
    42     ChangeStateL(event);
    43     DoProcedureL();
    44     }
    46 EXPORT_C void AknListBoxShortCuts::ConstructL()
    47     {
    48     CTimer::ConstructL();
    49     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    50     DoProcedureL();
    51     }
    53 EXPORT_C AknListBoxShortCuts::AknListBoxShortCuts() 
    54     : CTimer(EActivePriorityClockTimer),
    55       iCurrentTimerType(ENoTimeout),
    56       iState(EState1),
    57       iIdleNextState(EStateNone),
    58       iNaviKeyNextState(EStateNone),
    59       iNumKeyNextState(EStateNone),
    60       iLocked(EFalse)
    61     { }
    63 EXPORT_C TBool AknListBoxShortCuts::RecursionLock()
    64     {
    65     if (iLocked) return EFalse;
    66     iLocked = ETrue;
    67     return ETrue;
    68     }
    70 EXPORT_C void AknListBoxShortCuts::RecursionUnlock()
    71     {
    72     iLocked = EFalse;
    73     }
    75 // EndTimer() call must be in most derived class too -- we do not want timer events after destruction
    76 // of most derived class.
    77 EXPORT_C AknListBoxShortCuts::~AknListBoxShortCuts() { EndTimer(); }
    79 EXPORT_C TKeyResponse AknListBoxShortCuts::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode /*aType*/)
    80     {
    81     TShortcutEvent event=ENone;
    82     switch (aKeyEvent.iCode) 
    83 	{
    84 	case EKeyDownArrow:
    85 	case EKeyUpArrow:
    86 	    event = ENavi;
    87 	    break;
    88 	case '0':
    89 	case '1':
    90 	case '2':
    91 	case '3':
    92 	case '4':
    93 	case '5':
    94 	case '6':
    95 	case '7':
    96 	case '8':
    97 	case '9':
    98 	case '*':
    99 	case '#':
   100 	    event = ENumber;
   101 	    break;
   102 	};
   104     if (event == ENone) return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   105     ChangeStateL(event);
   106     DoProcedureL();
   107     return EKeyWasConsumed;
   108     }
   112 EXPORT_C void AknListBoxShortCuts::ChangeStateL(TShortcutEvent aEvent) 
   113     {
   114     switch(aEvent)
   115 		{
   116     	case EIdle:
   117 			iState = iIdleNextState;
   118 			break;
   119 	    case ENavi:
   120 			iState = iNaviKeyNextState;
   121 			break;
   122 		case ENumber:
   123 			iState = iNumKeyNextState;
   124 			break;
   125 		case EStateToOne:
   126 			EndTimer();
   127 			iState=EState1;
   128 			iIdleNextState=EStateNone;
   129 			iNaviKeyNextState=EStateNone;
   130 			iNumKeyNextState=EStateNone;
   131 			DoProcedureL();
   132 			break;
   133 		case EStateToFive:
   134 			iState = EState5;
   135 			break;
   136 		default:
   137 			break;
   138 		};
   139     }
   141 EXPORT_C void AknListBoxShortCuts::EndTimer()
   142     {
   143     if (iCurrentTimerType == ENoTimeout) return;
   145     switch(iCurrentTimerType)
   146 		{
   147 		case EShortcutActiveTimeout:
   148 		    TRAP_IGNORE(
   149 		    DoActionL(EEnableSoftkeys)
   150 		    );
   151 		    break;
   152 		default:
   153 		    break;
   154 		};
   155     Cancel();
   156     iCurrentTimerType = ENoTimeout;
   157     }
   158 EXPORT_C void AknListBoxShortCuts::StartTimerL(TShortcutTimerType aTimer) 
   159     {
   160     TInt timeout = 0;
   161     EndTimer();
   162     iCurrentTimerType = aTimer;
   164     switch(iCurrentTimerType)
   165 		{
   166 		case ENoUserActionTimeout:
   167 		    timeout = 20;
   168 			break;
   169 			case EIndexDisplayTimeout:
   170 			    timeout = 30;
   171 			break;
   172 		case EShortcutActiveTimeout:
   173 			// Softkeys are disabled during shortcutactivetimeout.
   174 			DoActionL(EDisableSoftkeys);
   175 			timeout = 20;
   176 			break;
   177 		default:
   178 			break;
   179 		};
   180     After(timeout);
   181     }
   183 EXPORT_C void AknListBoxShortCuts::DoProcedureL() 
   184     {
   185     switch (iState)
   186 		{
   187 		case EState1:
   188 			DoActionL(EBeginning);
   189 			StartTimerL(ENoUserActionTimeout);
   190 			iIdleNextState = EState2;
   191 			iNaviKeyNextState = EState3;
   192 			iNumKeyNextState = EState4;
   193 			break;
   194 		case EState2: // No action during ENoUserActionTimeout
   195 			DoActionL(EAssertNotFetched);
   196 			DoActionL(EShowShortcutNumber);
   197 			StartTimerL(EIndexDisplayTimeout);
   198 			iIdleNextState = EState2HideOnly;
   199 			iNaviKeyNextState = EState2HideAndGoState3;
   200 			iNumKeyNextState = EState2HideAndGoState4;
   201 			break;
   202 		case EState2HideOnly:
   203 			DoActionL(EAssertNotFetched);
   204 			DoActionL(EHideShortcutNumber);
   205 			break;
   206 		case EState2HideAndGoState3:
   207 			DoActionL(EHideShortcutNumber);
   208 			// FALL THROUGH
   209 		case EState3: // Navigation keys
   210 			DoActionL(EAssertNotFetched);
   211 			DoActionL(EStoreFocusedItemPos);
   212 			DoActionL(EForwardKeyEventToListBox);
   213 			if (DoTest(ENewItemFocused)) 
   214 				{
   215 				// We're at state 1 again.
   216 				StartTimerL(ENoUserActionTimeout);
   217 				iIdleNextState = EState2;
   218 				iNaviKeyNextState = EState3;
   219 				iNumKeyNextState = EState4;	
   220 				}
   221 			break;
   222 		case EState2HideAndGoState4:
   223 			DoActionL(EHideShortcutNumber);
   224 			// FALL THROUGH
   225 		case EState4: // Numeric keys
   226 			DoActionL(EAssertNotFetched);
   227 			DoActionL(EAddKeyAsShortcutDigitAndMoveFocus);
   228 			if (DoTest(ECheckForValidIndexNumber)) 
   229 				{
   230 				StartTimerL(EShortcutActiveTimeout);
   231 				iIdleNextState = EState5;
   232 				iNumKeyNextState = EState6;
   233 				iNaviKeyNextState = EState3;
   234 				}
   235 			break;
   236 		case EState5: // After EshortcutActiveTimeout, user did nothing
   237 			DoActionL(ESelectListBoxItem);
   238 			ChangeStateL(EStateToOne);
   239 			break;
   240 		case EState6: // pressed 0-9 during shortcutactivetimeout
   241 			DoActionL(EAddKeyAsShortcutDigitAndMoveFocus);
   242 			if (DoTest(ECheckForValidIndexNumber)) 
   243 				{
   244 				StartTimerL(EShortcutActiveTimeout);
   245 				iIdleNextState = EState5;
   246 				iNumKeyNextState = EState6;
   247 				iNaviKeyNextState = EState3;	    
   248 				} else {
   249 				DoActionL(ERemoveKeyDigitFromIndexNumber);
   250 				DoActionL(EPassDigitToNextList);
   251 				DoActionL(ESelectListBoxItem);
   252 				ChangeStateL(EStateToOne);
   254 				}
   255 			break;
   256 		default:
   257 			break;
   258 		};
   259     }
   263 EXPORT_C TInt AknListBoxShortCutsImplementation::ShortcutValueForNextList()
   264     {
   265     if (iStillNeedToFetchShortcutValue == EFalse)
   266 	return 0;
   267     iStillNeedToFetchShortcutValue = EFalse;
   268     return iEvent.iCode;
   269     }
   271 /* valid values for aValue are 0 and '0' <= aValue <= '9'. Application does not need to know
   272    this - they just pass the interger from one list to another. */
   273 EXPORT_C void AknListBoxShortCutsImplementation::SetShortcutValueFromPrevList(TInt /*aValue*/)
   274     {
   275 #if 0
   276     if (aValue == 0) return;
   278     __ASSERT_DEBUG(aValue>=int('0') && aValue<=int('9'), Panic(EAknPanicListboxShortcutInvalidValue));
   279     iEvent.iCode = aValue;
   280     TRAP_IGNORE( ChangeStateL(ENumber) ); // THIS MAY LEAVE
   281     TRAP_IGNORE( DoProcedureL() ); // THIS MAY LEAVE
   282 #endif
   283     }
   286 EXPORT_C TBool AknListBoxShortCutsImplementation::DoTest(TConcreteQuery q)
   287     {
   288     TInt focuspos;
   289     switch(q) 
   290 	{
   291 	case ENewItemFocused:
   292 	    focuspos = iListBox->CurrentItemIndex();
   293 	    if (iFocusItemPos == focuspos) return EFalse;
   294 	    return ETrue;
   296 	case ECheckForValidIndexNumber:
   297 	    return iListBox->LastCharMatched();
   299 	default:
   300 	    break;
   301 	};
   302     return TRUE;
   303     }
   305 EXPORT_C AknListBoxShortCutsImplementation::AknListBoxShortCutsImplementation(CEikListBox* aListBox)
   306 : iListBox(aListBox)
   307     {
   308     iStillNeedToFetchShortcutValue = EFalse;
   309     }
   311 EXPORT_C AknListBoxShortCutsImplementation::~AknListBoxShortCutsImplementation()
   312     {
   313     EndTimer(); // This must be in most derived class too.
   314     delete iCba;
   315     }
   317 EXPORT_C void AknListBoxShortCutsImplementation::ConstructL()
   318     {
   319     AknListBoxShortCuts::ConstructL();
   320     iListBox->CreateMatchBufferL();
   321     }
   323 EXPORT_C void AknListBoxShortCutsImplementation::DoActionL(TConcreteShortcutActions a)
   324     {
   325     if (iListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems() == 0)
   326         return;
   328     TInt code = iEvent.iCode;
   329     switch(a) 
   330 	{
   331 	case EStoreFocusedItemPos:
   332 	    // this is for use of ENewItemFocused
   333 	    iFocusItemPos = iListBox->CurrentItemIndex();
   334 	    break;
   335 	case EBeginning:
   336 	    iListBox->ClearMatchBuffer();
   337 	    break;
   338 	case EAddKeyAsShortcutDigitAndMoveFocus:
   339 	    iListBox->ClearMatchBuffer();
   340 	    iListBox->MatchTypedCharL(code);
   341 	    break;
   342 	case ERemoveKeyDigitFromIndexNumber:
   343 	    break;
   344 	case EShowShortcutNumber:
   345 	    break;
   346 	case EHideShortcutNumber:
   347 	    break;
   348 	case EForwardKeyEventToListBox:
   349 	    iListBox->OfferKeyEventL(iEvent, iEventCode);
   350 	    break;
   351 	case ESelectListBoxItem:
   352 	    iListBox->ReportListBoxEventL(MEikListBoxObserver::EEventEnterKeyPressed);
   353 	    break;
   354 	case EPassDigitToNextList:
   355 	    break;
   356 	case EDisableSoftkeys:
   357 	    // uses MEikCommandObserver (it should not do anything)
   358 #if 0
   359 	    iCba = iAvkonAppUi->Cba();
   360 	    iCba->AddCommandL(0, EAknSoftkeyDummyUsedWithShortcuts, _L(" "));
   361 	    iCba->AddCommandL(1, EAknSoftkeyDummyUsedWithShortcuts, _L(" ")); 
   362 #endif
   364 	    if (iCba)
   365 	    	{
   366 	    	delete iCba;
   367 	    	iCba = NULL;
   368 	    	}
   369 	    iCba = CEikButtonGroupContainer::NewL(CEikButtonGroupContainer::ECba, CEikButtonGroupContainer::EHorizontal, this, R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_EMPTY, *iListBox);
   370 	    iCba->SetBoundingRect(TRect(TPoint(0,0),CEikonEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice()->SizeInPixels()));
   371 	    iCba->MinimumSize();
   372 	    iCba->MakeVisible(ETrue);
   373 	    iListBox->UpdateScrollBarsL();
   374 #endif
   375 	    break;
   376 	case EEnableSoftkeys:
   377 #if 0
   378 	    iCba = iAvkonAppUi->Cba();
   379 	    iCba->RemoveCommandFromStack(0, EAknSoftkeyDummyUsedWithShortcuts);
   380 	    iCba->RemoveCommandFromStack(1, EAknSoftkeyDummyUsedWithShortcuts);
   381 #endif
   384 	    iCba->MakeVisible(EFalse);
   385 	    delete iCba;
   386 	    iCba = 0;
   387 	    iListBox->UpdateScrollBarsL();
   388 #endif
   389 	    break;
   390 	case EAssertNotFetched:
   391 	    break;
   392 	default:
   393 	    break;
   394 	};
   395     }
   398 EXPORT_C void AknListBoxShortCutsImplementation::ProcessCommandL(TInt)
   399     {
   400     }
   402 EXPORT_C TKeyResponse AknListBoxShortCutsImplementation::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType)
   403     {
   404     iEvent = aKeyEvent;
   405     iEventCode = aType;
   406     return AknListBoxShortCuts::OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent, aType);
   407     }
   409 // End of File