changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
child 6 9f56a4e1b8ab
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2f259fa3e83a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Popup toolbar component
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include <akntoolbar.h>
    21 #include <akntoolbarobserver.h> 
    22 #include <aknbutton.h>  // CAknButton
    23 #include <akntouchpane.h> // CAknTouchPane
    24 #include "akntoolbaritem.h" 
    25 #include <akntoolbarextension.h>
    27 #include <barsread.h>   // TResourceReader
    28 #include <eikfctry.h>   // SEikControlInfo
    29 #include <eikappui.h>   // CEikAppUi
    30 #include <eikpanic.h>
    31 #include <avkon.hrh>
    32 #include <eikon.hrh>    // toolbar flags
    33 #include <aknappui.h>  
    34 #include <systemwarninglevels.hrh> // KRAMGOODTHRESHOLD
    35 #include <eikbtgpc.h>   // CEikButtonGroupContainer
    36 #include <avkon.rsg>
    38 #include <aknViewAppUi.h>
    39 #include <aknview.h>
    40 #include <AknsDrawUtils.h>
    41 #include <AknsControlContext.h>
    42 #include <aknlayout.cdl.h>
    43 #include <skinlayout.cdl.h>
    44 #include <aknlayoutscalable_avkon.cdl.h>
    45 #include <AknUtils.h>
    46 #include <AknsFrameBackgroundControlContext.h>
    47 #include <layoutmetadata.cdl.h>
    48 #include <AknPriv.hrh>
    49 #include <hal.h>
    50 #include <AknsMaskedLayerBackgroundControlContext.h>
    51 #include <AknSgcc.h>
    52 #include <AknStatuspaneUtils.h>
    53 #include <AknsConstants.h>
    54 #include <centralrepository.h>
    55 #include <AknSkinsInternalCRKeys.h>
    56 #include <eikdialg.h>
    57 #include <eikapp.h>
    58 #include <AknDef.h>
    60 #include <AknTasHook.h> // for testability hooks
    61 #include <touchfeedback.h>
    62 #include <eikcolib.h>
    64 #include <gfxtranseffect/gfxtranseffect.h> 
    65 #include <akntranseffect.h>
    66 #include <akntransitionutils.h>
    67 #include "touchtoolbardata.h"
    69 // CONSTANTS
    70 const TInt KLineArrayGranularity = 5;
    72 const TInt KFocusedNone = -1;
    73 const TInt KSelectedNone = -2;
    75 const TInt KToolbarButtonBeforeTimeout = 300; 
    76 const TInt KToolbarButtonInViewTimeout = 5000; 
    78 const TInt KFixedtoolbarButtons = 3; // Number of buttons fixed toolbar has to have
    79 //const TUint32 KToolbarColorKey = 0x00000000; // ARGB
    81 const TUint32 KToolbarBgColor = 0x00000000;
    82 const TInt KToolBarBgAlpha = 0x7F;
    84 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
    85 const TInt KDisableToolbar = 0xfff1; 
    86 const TInt KEnableToolbar = 0xfff2; 
    87 #endif
    89 // toolbar's internal flags
    90 enum TInternalFlags
    91     {
    92     EInIdle,                // toolbar is shown in idle view
    93     ESlidingSupported,      // whether toolbar can be show up with sliding effect if it is needed
    94     EWithSliding,           // defines whether toolbar should be shown with sliding effect
    95     ENoItemsVisible,        // used to check if no items are visible, this is needed to know if CBA needs to be created again
    96     EShown,                 // whether toolbar is shown right now( IsVisible() is not safe enough because can be changed from outside with MakeVisible()
    97     EShowingAgain,          // used to check if toolbar is shown again when allready shown, this is needed for not sliding when toolbar is allready shown
    98     ESliding,               // set if toolbar is currently sliding
    99     EFixedShown,            // tells to fixed toolbar if it needs to be shown when the layout is good
   100     ECalledFromFW,          // indicates to SetToolbarVisibility that it was called by the framework
   101     EAppOverrideVisibility, // indicates whether fixed toolbar visibility has been overriden by the application
   102     EDisabled,              // whether toolbar is disabled or not
   103     EDrawBackground,        // whether only toolbar background should be drawn
   104     EItemsHidden,            // whether application has called HideItemsAndDrawOnlyBackground
   105     EItemsHiddenWithPriority,    // whether application has called HideItemsAndDrawOnlyBackground with priority
   106     ESwitchForItemsHidden,   // switch for clearing EItemsHidden when the toolbar is to be shown
   107     EDefaultToolbar          //used for hideitemsanddrawonlybackground
   108     };
   110 // Control stack priority for toolbar to enable view deactivation
   111 const TInt KCoeStackToolbarPriority = ECoeStackPriorityCba; 
   114 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
   116 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   117 // CAknToolbar::NewL
   118 // Two-phased constructor.
   119 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   120 //
   121 EXPORT_C CAknToolbar* CAknToolbar::NewL( const TInt aResourceId )
   122     {
   123     CAknToolbar* self = NewLC( aResourceId );
   124     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   125     return self;
   126     }
   128 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   129 // CAknToolbar::NewLC
   130 // Two-phased constructor.
   131 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   132 //
   133 EXPORT_C CAknToolbar* CAknToolbar::NewLC( const TInt aResourceId )
   134     {
   135     CAknToolbar* self = new ( ELeave ) CAknToolbar();
   136     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   137     self->ConstructL();
   138     self->ConstructFromResourceL( aResourceId );
   139     AKNTASHOOK_ADDL( self, "CAknToolbar" );
   140     return self;
   141     }
   143 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   144 // CAknToolbar::CAknToolbar
   145 // C++ default constructor.
   146 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   147 //
   148 CAknToolbar::CAknToolbar()
   149     : iItems( KLineArrayGranularity ),
   150       iVisibleItems( KLineArrayGranularity ),
   151       iFocusedItem( KFocusedNone ),
   152       iSelectedItem( KSelectedNone ),
   153       iInitialFocusedItem ( KFocusedNone ),
   154       iLastFocusedItem(  KFocusedNone ),
   155       iOrientation( EAknOrientationHorizontal ), 
   156       iSoftkeyResource( R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_SELECT_CLOSE__SELECT ),
   157       iPreviousItem( KSelectedNone ),
   158       iDrawingPriority( ECoeWinPriorityLow )
   159     {
   160     CEikApplication* application = iAvkonAppUi->Application();
   162     if ( application )
   163         {
   164         TVwsViewId idleView;
   165         TInt err = AknDef::GetPhoneIdleViewId( idleView );
   167         if ( application->AppDllUid() == idleView.iAppUid )
   168             {
   169             iInternalFlags.Set( EInIdle );
   170             }
   171         }
   172     }
   174 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   175 // Destructor
   176 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   177 //
   178 EXPORT_C CAknToolbar::~CAknToolbar()
   179     {
   181     SetFocus( EFalse );
   182     CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi()->RemoveFromStack( this );
   184     iVisibleItems.Reset();
   185     iItems.ResetAndDestroy();
   187     delete iToolbarCba;    
   188     delete iFrameContext;
   189     delete iBgContext; 
   190     if ( iIdle && iIdle->IsActive() )
   191         {
   192         iIdle->Cancel(); 
   193         }
   194     delete iIdle; 
   196     iToolbarObserver = NULL; // not owned
   198     GfxTransEffect::Deregister( this );
   200     CTouchToolbarData* d = CTouchToolbarData::GetData( this );
   201     if ( d )
   202         {
   203         CAknTransitionUtils::RemoveObserver( d, 
   204             CAknTransitionUtils::EEventControlTransitionFinished );
   205         CAknTransitionUtils::RemoveData( reinterpret_cast<TInt>( this ) );
   206         delete d;
   207         }
   208     }
   210 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   211 // CAknToolbar::ConstructL
   212 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
   213 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   214 //
   215 void CAknToolbar::ConstructL()
   216     {            
   217     // create control's window
   218     CreateWindowL();
   219     SetFocusing( EFalse ); 
   221     DrawableWindow()->SetPointerGrab( ETrue );
   222     DrawableWindow()->SetShadowDisabled( ETrue );
   223     DrawableWindow()->SetOrdinalPosition( 0, ECoeWinPriorityNeverAtFront );
   225     CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi()->AddToStackL( this, KCoeStackToolbarPriority,
   226         ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus | ECoeStackFlagRefusesAllKeys );
   228     SetComponentsToInheritVisibility( ETrue );
   229     SetShown( EFalse );
   230     iBgIID = KAknsIIDNone;
   231     }
   233 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   234 // CAknToolbar::CountComponentControls
   235 // Gets the number of controls contained in a compound control.
   236 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   237 //
   238 EXPORT_C TInt CAknToolbar::CountComponentControls() const
   239     {
   240     return iVisibleItems.Count();
   241     }
   243 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   244 // CAknToolbar::ConstructFromResourceL
   245 // Constructs controls from a resource file.
   246 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   247 //
   248 void CAknToolbar::ConstructFromResourceL( TResourceReader& aReader )
   249     {
   250     aReader.ReadInt8(); //version, not used currently
   251     aReader.ReadInt8();  //lines, not used currently
   252     iFlags = aReader.ReadInt32();
   254     TBool enableTransparency = CAknEnv::Static()->TransparencyEnabled() && 
   255         ( ( !( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed ) && 
   256                 !( iFlags & KAknToolbarFloatingUnTransparent ) ) || 
   257         ( iFlags & KAknToolbarTransparent && iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed ) ); 
   260     if( enableTransparency ) 
   261         {
   262         Window().SetRequiredDisplayMode( EColor16MA ); // Without this, ACT does not work in all cases in HW
   263         TInt err = Window().SetTransparencyAlphaChannel();
   265         if ( err == KErrNone ) // it should all ways be true in NGA
   266             {
   267             // Set the window initially completely transparent. This needs to be called only once.
   268             Window().SetBackgroundColor(~0);
   269             }
   270         }
   274     iFrameContext = CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::NewL( KAknsIIDQsnFrPopupSub, 
   275             TRect(), TRect(), ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed )? ETrue : EFalse );  
   277     iBgContext = CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext::NewL(
   278         KAknsIIDQsnBgScreen, TRect(), ETrue );
   280     SetWithSliding( ETrue ); 
   282     TInt softkeyResource = aReader.ReadUint32(); //softkeys
   284     if ( softkeyResource > 0 )
   285         {
   286         iSoftkeyResource = softkeyResource; 
   287         }
   289     const TInt controlCount = aReader.ReadInt16();
   291     for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < controlCount; ii++ )
   292         {
   293         CAknToolbarItem* item = ConstructControlLC( aReader ); 
   294         if ( item )
   295             {
   296             if ( IsSupportedItemType( item->ControlType() ) )
   297                 {
   298                 iItems.AppendL( item );
   299                 CleanupStack::Pop( item ); 
   300                 }
   301             else
   302                 {
   303                 // we don't support this type
   304                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( item ); 
   305                 }
   306             }
   307         }
   308     aReader.ReadInt32(); // extension link, not used currently
   311     SetOrientation( iOrientation ); 
   313     // If toolbar is fixed need to set size for toolbar so that it can reduce 
   314     // the rects correctly. 
   315     if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed )
   316         {
   317         if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarDefault )
   318             {
   319             SetDimmed( ETrue ); 
   320             }
   321         SetFocusing( EFalse ); 
   322         SetRect( CalculateSizeAndPosition() ); 
   323         }
   325     AdjustAllButtons();
   326     }
   328 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   329 // CAknToolbar::ConstructFromResourceL
   330 // Constructs controls from a resource file.
   331 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   332 //
   333 void CAknToolbar::ConstructFromResourceL( const TInt aResourceId ) 
   334     {    
   335     TResourceReader reader;
   336     iCoeEnv->CreateResourceReaderLC( reader, aResourceId );
   337     ConstructFromResourceL( reader );
   338     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   339     iToolbarResourceId = aResourceId;
   340     }
   342 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   343 // CAknToolbar::ControlOrNull
   344 // Gets a pointer to the specified control.
   345 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   346 //
   347 EXPORT_C CCoeControl* CAknToolbar::ControlOrNull( const TInt aControlId ) const
   348     {
   349     for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < iItems.Count(); ii++ )
   350         {
   351         CAknToolbarItem* item = iItems[ii];
   352         if ( item->CommandId() == aControlId )
   353             {
   354             return item->Control();
   355             }
   356         }
   357     return NULL;
   358     }
   360 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   361 // CAknToolbar::SetToolbarVisibility
   362 // Shows or hides toolbar.
   363 // The position of the top left corner should be set in advance.
   364 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   365 //
   366 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::SetToolbarVisibility( const TBool aVisible )
   367     {
   368     SetToolbarVisibility( aVisible, ETrue );
   369     }
   371 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   372 // CAknToolbar::SetToolbarVisibility
   373 // If flag RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2 is not defined, toolbar is always focusing. 
   374 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   375 //
   376 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::SetToolbarVisibility( const TBool aVisible,
   377                                                  const TBool aFocusing )
   378     {
   379     if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EDisabled ) )
   380         {
   381         return; 
   382         }
   384     TBool visible = aVisible;
   386     if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( ECalledFromFW ) )
   387         {
   388         if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EAppOverrideVisibility ) )
   389             {
   390             visible = EFalse;
   391             }
   392         }
   393     else
   394         {
   395         if ( aVisible )
   396             {
   397             iInternalFlags.Clear( EAppOverrideVisibility );
   398             }
   399         else
   400             {
   401             iInternalFlags.Set( EAppOverrideVisibility );
   402             }
   403         }        
   405     if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed )
   406         {
   407         if ( visible )
   408             {
   409             iInternalFlags.Set( EFixedShown );
   410             }
   411         else
   412             {
   413             iInternalFlags.Clear( EFixedShown );
   414             }
   416         if ( visible && ( !AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() || 
   417             ( !Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() && iFlags & KAknToolbarDefault ) ) )
   418             {
   419             return; 
   420             }
   422         }
   423     if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarAlwaysFocusing )
   424         {
   425         SetFocusing( ETrue );
   426         }
   427     else
   428         {
   429 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
   430         if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed )
   431             {
   432             SetFocusing( EFalse );             
   433             }
   434         else
   435             {
   436             SetFocusing( aFocusing );
   437             }
   438 #else
   439         SetFocusing( ETrue ); 
   440 #endif
   441         }
   443     if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShown ) && visible )
   444         {
   445         if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed )
   446             {
   447             return; 
   448             }
   449         if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShown ) )
   450             {
   451             //using IsVisible() to avoide setting flag when toolbar is invisible.  
   452             if ( IsVisible() )
   453                 {
   454                 iInternalFlags.Set( EShowingAgain );
   455                 }            
   456             ShowViaIdle(); 
   457             }
   459         return;
   460         }
   462     if ( visible )
   463         {
   464         if ( !(iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed ) )
   465             {
   466             ShowViaIdle(); 
   467             }
   468         else
   469             {
   470             TRAPD( err, ShowToolbarL() );
   471             if ( err != KErrNone )
   472                 {
   473                 // if we failed then softkeys should be deleted just in case if they 
   474                 // were created before leave
   475                 delete iToolbarCba;
   476                 iToolbarCba = NULL;
   478                 SetFocus( EFalse );
   479                 CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi()->UpdateStackedControlFlags( this, 
   480                     ~0, ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus | ECoeStackFlagRefusesAllKeys );
   482                 }
   484             }
   486         }
   487     else
   488         {
   489         TRAP_IGNORE( HideToolbarL() );
   490         }
   491     }
   493 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   494 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   495 //
   496 static CTouchToolbarData* CheckRegistration( CCoeControl* aControl )
   497     {
   498     TInt key = reinterpret_cast<TInt>( aControl );
   499     TBool selectPressed = EFalse;
   501     CTouchToolbarData* data = reinterpret_cast<CTouchToolbarData*>( 
   502                                         CAknTransitionUtils::GetData( key ) );
   504     if ( data && data->SelectPressed() )
   505         {
   506         selectPressed = ETrue;
   507         }
   509     // If we're not already registered from the touchpane, register here for
   510     // a toolbar transition without the touchpane.
   511     if ( !data || !data->BetweenRegisterAndBegin() )
   512         {
   513         // We need to reset the data here, to make sure that
   514         // DemarcationRectSet() is false below.
   515         TRect rect;
   516         if ( CTouchToolbarData::SetData( aControl, rect, EFalse ) != 
   517              KErrNone )
   518             {
   519             return NULL;
   520             }
   522         // if already registered, then the toolbar client may have chosen a different
   523         // effect for the toolbar
   524         if( !GfxTransEffect::IsRegistered( aControl ) )
   525             {
   526             GfxTransEffect::Register( aControl, KGfxToolbarControlUid, EFalse );
   527             }
   528         GfxTransEffect::Enable();
   530         data = reinterpret_cast<CTouchToolbarData*>( 
   531                                         CAknTransitionUtils::GetData( key ) );
   533         if ( selectPressed )
   534             {
   535             data->SetSelectPressed( selectPressed );
   536             }    
   537         }
   539     return data;
   540     }
   542 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   543 // CAknToolbar::ShowToolbarL
   544 // Makes toolbar visible and activates it
   545 // The position of the top left corner should be set in advance.
   546 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   547 //
   548 void CAknToolbar::ShowToolbarL()
   549     {
   550     if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed &&
   551          ( !AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() ||
   552            iFlags & KAknToolbarDefault ) )
   553         {
   554         if ( IsVisible() )
   555             {
   556             MakeVisible( EFalse );
   557             }
   558         return;
   559         }
   560     iInternalFlags.Clear( EDrawBackground ); 
   561     // get specific settings from observer
   562     if ( iToolbarObserver )
   563         {
   564         iToolbarObserver->DynInitToolbarL( iToolbarResourceId, this );
   565         }
   567     // Check buttons if fixed toolbar
   568     if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed && ! ( iFlags & KAknToolbarDefault ) )
   569         {
   570         CheckFixedToolbarButtonsL();
   571         }
   573     TRect rect( CalculateSizeAndPosition() );
   575     if ( iVisibleItems.Count() > 0  || ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed ) ) 
   576         {
   577         TBool tmpDisplayed = CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi()->IsDisplayingMenuOrDialog();
   578         TBool tmpCondition = IsNonFocusing() ||( !IsNonFocusing() && tmpDisplayed ) ;
   579         CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi()->UpdateStackedControlFlags( this, 
   580                 tmpCondition ? ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus : ECoeStackFlagStandard, 
   581             ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus | ECoeStackFlagRefusesAllKeys );
   583         // This is called so toolbar can get focus if needed
   584         CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi()->HandleStackChanged(); 
   586         TPoint startPos = rect.iTl;
   587         if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( ESlidingSupported ) && iInternalFlags.IsSet( EWithSliding ) && 
   588             iOrientation == EAknOrientationHorizontal )
   589             {
   590             startPos.iX = -rect.Size().iWidth;
   591             }
   592         SetExtent( startPos, rect.Size() );
   593         UpdateControlPositions(); 
   595         TBool redrawStoreEnabled(EFalse);
   596         if( !CAknEnv::Static()->TransparencyEnabled() )
   597             {
   598             redrawStoreEnabled = Window().IsRedrawStoreEnabled();
   599             }
   601         CTouchToolbarData* data = CheckRegistration( this );      
   602         if ( data && !(iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed) && iAvkonAppUi->IsForeground() )
   603             {
   604             data->SetBetweenRegisterAndBegin( EFalse );
   606             CAknTransitionUtils::SetAllParents( this );
   608             Window().ClearRedrawStore( );
   610             GfxTransEffect::NotifyExternalState( ENotifyGlobalAbort );
   611             GfxTransEffect::Begin( this, KGfxControlAppearAction );
   612             }
   614         SetShown( ETrue );
   616         if ( data )
   617             {
   618             if ( data->DemarcationRectSet() )
   619                 {
   620                 GfxTransEffect::SetBeginDemarcation( this, data->DemarcationRect() );
   621                 }
   622             else
   623                 {        
   624                 GfxTransEffect::SetBeginDemarcation( this, rect );
   625                 }
   627             if ( CAknTransitionUtils::AddObserver( data, 
   628                          CAknTransitionUtils::EEventControlTransitionFinished,
   629                          reinterpret_cast<TDesC8*>( this ) ) == KErrNone )
   630                 {
   631                 GfxTransEffect::End( this );
   632                 }
   633             else
   634                 {
   635                 CAknTransitionUtils::RemoveData( reinterpret_cast<TInt>( this ) );
   636                 delete data;
   637                 GfxTransEffect::Deregister( this );
   638                 }
   640             if ( !CAknEnv::Static()->TransparencyEnabled() && redrawStoreEnabled )
   641                 {
   642                 Window().EnableRedrawStore( ETrue );
   643                 }
   644             }
   646         // notify observer, for example touch pane, that toolbar was shown
   647         if ( Observer() )
   648             {
   649             Observer()->HandleControlEventL( this, 
   650                 MCoeControlObserver::EEventStateChanged );
   651             }
   654         // Default toolbar window priority to low to prevent toolbar
   655         // to be drawn on top of a full-screen application
   656         if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarDefault && !iInternalFlags.IsSet( EItemsHidden ) )
   657             {
   658             DrawableWindow()->SetOrdinalPosition( 0, ECoeWinPriorityLow );
   659             }
   660         else
   661             {
   662             DrawableWindow()->SetOrdinalPosition( 0, ECoeWinPriorityNormal );    
   663             }
   665         if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed )
   666             {
   667             SetOrdinalPositions();
   668             }
   670         ActivateL();
   672         //Also activating the items that are currently not in iVisibleItems
   673         for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < iItems.Count(); ++ii )
   674             {
   675             iItems[ii]->Control()->ActivateL(); 
   676             }
   679         // softkeys for focused toolbar only
   680         if ( !IsNonFocusing() && IsFocused() )
   681             {
   682             TBool withoutCba( iFlags & KAknToolbarWithoutCba );                    
   684             if ( !withoutCba )
   685                 {                    
   686                 if ( !iToolbarCba )
   687                     {
   688                     iToolbarCba = 
   689                         CEikButtonGroupContainer::NewL( CEikButtonGroupContainer::ECba, 
   690                                                         CEikButtonGroupContainer::EHorizontal,
   691                                                         this, iSoftkeyResource );
   692                     }
   694                 if ( iToolbarCba->ButtonGroup() )
   695                     {
   696                     static_cast<CEikCba*>( iToolbarCba->ButtonGroup() )->
   697                         SetSkinBackgroundId( KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaControlPopup );
   698                     }
   699                 }
   700             }
   701         else if ( iToolbarCba )
   702             {
   703             delete iToolbarCba;
   704             iToolbarCba = NULL;
   705             }
   708         if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( ESlidingSupported ) && iInternalFlags.IsSet( EWithSliding ) )
   709             {
   710             SlideToolbar( rect.iTl );
   711             }
   712         else 
   713             {
   714             if ( !( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed ) ) 
   715                 {
   716                 InitFocusedItemL( ETrue );
   717                 }
   718             DrawNow();
   719             }
   720         }
   721     else
   722         {
   723         SetShown( EFalse );
   725         // notify observer, for example touch pane, that toolbar was closed
   726         if ( Observer() )
   727             {
   728             Observer()->HandleControlEventL( this, 
   729                 MCoeControlObserver::EEventStateChanged );
   730             }
   731         }
   733     if ( !IsNonFocusing() )
   734         {
   735         SetFocus( ETrue );
   736         }
   737     }
   739 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   740 // CAknToolbar::HideToolbar
   741 // Disactivate toolbar and hides it.
   742 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   743 //
   744 void CAknToolbar::HideToolbarL()
   745     {
   746     if ( !iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShown ) ) // nothing to hide
   747         {
   748         if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarDefault && !AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled()
   749               && IsVisible() )
   750             {
   751             MakeVisible( EFalse );
   752             }
   753         return;
   754         }
   756    if ( iIdle && iIdle->IsActive() ) 
   757         {
   758         iIdle->Cancel();  
   759         }       
   761     if ( !IsNonFocusing() & IsFocused() )
   762         {
   763         SetFocus( EFalse );
   764         }
   766     iLastFocusedItem = iFocusedItem;
   768     SelectItemL( iSelectedItem, EFalse );
   769     if ( !IsNonFocusing() && iFocusedItem < iVisibleItems.Count() &&
   770         iFocusedItem >= 0 )
   771         {
   772         // Take focus away from control so that it shows tooltip next time
   773         iVisibleItems[iFocusedItem]->SetFocusL( EFalse, ETrue, ENoDrawNow, this );
   774         }
   776     if ( iToolbarCba )
   777         {
   778         // we don't want toolbar to be focused again after softkeys are deleted
   779         // so it shouldn't get focus as the top item
   780         CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi()->UpdateStackedControlFlags( this, 
   781             ~0, ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus | ECoeStackFlagRefusesAllKeys );
   783         delete iToolbarCba;
   784         iToolbarCba = NULL;
   786         CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi()->UpdateStackedControlFlags( this, 
   787             0, ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus | ECoeStackFlagRefusesAllKeys);
   789         }
   792     // Drawing toolbar background, when application hides toolbar
   793     if ( ( !iInternalFlags.IsSet( ECalledFromFW ) && !iInternalFlags.IsSet( EItemsHidden ) || 
   794         iInternalFlags.IsSet( EDrawBackground ) ) && iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed && 
   795         !( iFlags & KAknToolbarDsaMode ) && !( iFlags & KAknToolbarNoBackground ) ||
   796         iInternalFlags.IsSet( EItemsHidden ) && iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed &&
   797         !( iFlags & KAknToolbarDsaMode) && !( iFlags & KAknToolbarNoBackground ) ) 
   798         {
   800         if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EItemsHiddenWithPriority ) )
   801             {
   802             DrawableWindow()->SetOrdinalPosition( 0, iDrawingPriority );
   803             iInternalFlags.Clear( EItemsHiddenWithPriority );
   804             }
   805         else
   806             {
   807             DrawableWindow()->SetOrdinalPosition( 0, ECoeWinPriorityLow );            
   808             }
   810         iInternalFlags.Set( EDrawBackground );
   812         for ( TInt i = 0; i < iVisibleItems.Count(); i++ )
   813             {
   814             iVisibleItems[i]->Control()->MakeVisible( EFalse ); 
   815             }
   817         TRect rect = Rect(); 
   818         Window().Invalidate( rect );
   819         ActivateGc(); 
   820         Window().BeginRedraw( rect );
   822         CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
   823         MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
   825         AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, iBgContext, this, gc, rect, 
   826             KAknsDrawParamNoClearUnderImage );
   829         Window().EndRedraw();
   830         DeactivateGc();
   831         iInternalFlags.Clear( EShown ); 
   832         }
   833     CTouchToolbarData* data = CheckRegistration( this );
   835     TBool foreground = iAvkonAppUi->IsForeground();
   836     // The window is created asynchronously (in CreateDelayedWindow(), so if 
   837     // you click the toolbar button quickly enough, you can get here before
   838     // the window has actually been created, and in that case the app would
   839     // crash, hence the check.
   840     if ( &Window() && data && !data->SelectPressed() && !(iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed)
   841         && foreground )
   842         {
   843         data->SetBetweenRegisterAndBegin( EFalse );
   845         GfxTransEffect::NotifyExternalState( ENotifyGlobalAbort );
   846         GfxTransEffect::Begin( this, KGfxControlDisappearAction );
   847         }
   849     if ( !iInternalFlags.IsSet( EDrawBackground ) )
   850         {
   851         SetShown( EFalse );
   852         }
   854     if ( &Window() && data && !data->SelectPressed() && !(iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed)
   855          && foreground )        
   856         {
   857         if ( data->DemarcationRectSet() )
   858             {
   859             GfxTransEffect::SetEndDemarcation( this, data->DemarcationRect() );
   860             }
   861         else
   862             {        
   863             GfxTransEffect::SetEndDemarcation( this, Rect() );
   864             }
   866         if ( CAknTransitionUtils::AddObserver( data, 
   867                 CAknTransitionUtils::EEventControlTransitionFinished,
   868                 reinterpret_cast<const TDesC8*>( this ) ) == KErrNone )
   869             {
   870             GfxTransEffect::End( this );
   871             }
   872         else
   873             {
   874             CAknTransitionUtils::RemoveData( reinterpret_cast<TInt>( this ) );
   875             delete data;
   876             GfxTransEffect::Deregister( this );
   877             }
   878         }
   879     else if ( data )
   880         {
   881         CAknTransitionUtils::RemoveData( reinterpret_cast<TInt>( this ) );
   882         delete data;
   883         }
   884     if ( !iInternalFlags.IsSet( EDrawBackground ) ) 
   885         {
   886         DrawableWindow()->SetOrdinalPosition( 0, ECoeWinPriorityNeverAtFront );
   887         }
   889     CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi()->UpdateStackedControlFlags( this, 
   890         ~0, ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus | ECoeStackFlagRefusesAllKeys );
   892     // notify observer, for example touch pane, that toolbar was closed
   893     if ( Observer() )
   894         {
   895         Observer()->HandleControlEventL( this, 
   896             MCoeControlObserver::EEventStateChanged );
   897         }
   898     }
   900 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   901 // CAknToolbar::SetItemDimmed
   902 // Dims (greys out) or undims a toolbar item.
   903 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   904 //    
   905 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::SetItemDimmed( const TInt aCommandId, 
   906                                           const TBool aDimmed, 
   907                                           const TBool aDrawNow ) 
   908     {
   909     if( IsDimmed() )
   910     	return;
   911     CAknToolbarItem* item = ToolbarItemById( aCommandId );
   912     if ( item && item->Control() ) 
   913         {
   914         item->Control()->SetDimmed( aDimmed );
   915         if ( aDimmed && IsFocused() && item->Control()->IsFocused() )
   916             {
   917             // move selection to the next non-dimmed item
   918             if ( iFocusedItem == iVisibleItems.Count() - 1 )
   919                 {
   920                 TRAP_IGNORE( MoveHighlightL( 0, aDrawNow ) );
   921                 }
   922             else 
   923                 {
   924                 TRAP_IGNORE( MoveHighlightL( ToolbarVisibleIndexById( aCommandId ) + 1, 
   925                     aDrawNow ) );
   926                 }
   927             if ( iFocusedItem == KFocusedNone && item->Control()->IsFocused()  )
   928                 {
   929                 item->Control()->SetFocus( EFalse );
   930                 }
   931             }
   932         if ( aDrawNow )
   933             {
   934             item->Control()->DrawDeferred();
   935             }
   936         }
   937     }
   941 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   942 // CAknToolbar::HideItem
   943 // Hides or unhides a toolbar item.
   944 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   945 //    
   946 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::HideItem( const TInt aCommandId,
   947                                      const TBool aHide, 
   948                                      const TBool aDrawNow )
   949     {
   950     CAknToolbarItem* item = ToolbarItemById( aCommandId );
   952     if ( !aHide && item && item->ControlType() == EAknCtButton && item->Control() )
   953         {
   954         CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( item->Control() ); 
   955         button->ResetState();           
   956         }
   958     if ( item && item->Control() && item->IsHidden() != aHide ) 
   959         {
   960         item->SetHidden( aHide ); 
   962         TInt itemIndex; 
   963         TRect rect; 
   964         if ( aHide )
   965             {
   966             itemIndex = ToolbarVisibleIndexByControl( item->Control() ); 
   967             TRAP_IGNORE( SelectItemL ( itemIndex, EFalse ) ); 
   968             rect = CalculateSizeAndPosition();
   969             }
   970         else
   971             {
   972             rect = CalculateSizeAndPosition();
   973             itemIndex = ToolbarVisibleIndexByControl( item->Control() ); 
   974             }
   975         UpdateControlVisibility(); 
   976         UpdateControlPositions();
   978         if ( itemIndex >=0 && itemIndex <= iFocusedItem && !IsNonFocusing() )
   979             {
   980             if ( aHide )
   981                 {
   982                 // Check if the hidden item was the last
   983                 if ( iFocusedItem >= iVisibleItems.Count() )
   984                     {
   985                     iFocusedItem = iVisibleItems.Count() - 1; 
   986                     }
   987                 else if ( iVisibleItems.Count() > 0 && 
   988                           !( itemIndex == 0 && iFocusedItem == 0 ) && 
   989                           ( itemIndex != iFocusedItem ) )
   990                     {
   991                     TRAP_IGNORE( MoveHighlightL( iFocusedItem - 1, EFalse ) );    
   992                     }
   993                 }
   994             else 
   995                 {
   996                 TRAP_IGNORE( MoveHighlightL( iFocusedItem + 1, EFalse ) );    
   997                 }
   998             }
   999         if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShown ) && aDrawNow )
  1000             {
  1001             if ( !( iFlags & KAknToolbarFlexiblePosition ) )
  1002                 {
  1003                 SetPosition( rect.iTl );
  1004                 }
  1005             SetSize( rect.Size() );
  1006             DrawDeferred();
  1007             }
  1008         }
  1009     else 
  1010         {
  1011         if ( aDrawNow )
  1012             {
  1013             DrawDeferred();
  1014             }
  1015         }
  1016     }
  1019 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1020 // CAknToolbar::SetToolbarObserver
  1021 // Sets the observer for the toolbar
  1022 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1023 //
  1024 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::SetToolbarObserver( MAknToolbarObserver* aObserver ) 
  1025     {
  1026     iToolbarObserver = aObserver;
  1027     }
  1029 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1030 // CAknToolbar::ToolbarObserver
  1031 // Returns a pointer to the toolbar observer.
  1032 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1033 //
  1034 EXPORT_C MAknToolbarObserver* CAknToolbar::ToolbarObserver() 
  1035     {
  1036     return iToolbarObserver;
  1037     }
  1038 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1039 // CAknToolbar::HandlePointerEventL
  1040 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1041 //
  1042 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::HandlePointerEventL( 
  1043         const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent )
  1044     {
  1045     if ( !DrawableWindow()->IsNonFading() && ( DrawableWindow()->IsFaded() 
  1046          || iInternalFlags.IsSet( EDrawBackground ) ) )
  1047         { 
  1048         return; 
  1049         } 
  1051     TPointerEvent event( aPointerEvent );
  1052     TBool override ( EFalse );
  1054     if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Up )            
  1055         {
  1056         iPreviousItem = KSelectedNone;
  1057         }
  1059     // Cancel previous button
  1060     if ( iPreviousItem >=0 && ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EDrag ||
  1061         aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButtonRepeat ) )
  1062         {
  1063         CAknToolbarItem* prevItem = iVisibleItems[iPreviousItem];
  1065         if ( prevItem->Control() 
  1066             && ( prevItem->ControlType() == EAknCtButton
  1067             || prevItem->ControlType() == EAknCtToolbarExtension ) )
  1068             {
  1069             CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( prevItem->Control() );
  1070             if ( !button->TouchArea().Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ) )
  1071                 {
  1072                 event.iType = TPointerEvent::EButton1Up;
  1073                 button->HandlePointerEventL ( event );
  1074                 override = ETrue;
  1075                 iPreviousItem = KSelectedNone;
  1076                 }
  1077             }
  1078         }
  1080     CAknToolbarItem* item = NULL;
  1081     for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < iVisibleItems.Count(); ++ii )
  1082         {
  1083         item = iVisibleItems[ii];
  1084         if ( item->Control() && 
  1085              item->Control()->Rect().Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ) )
  1086             {
  1087             if ( item->ControlType() == EAknCtButton || 
  1088                  item->ControlType() == EAknCtToolbarExtension )
  1089                 {
  1090                 CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( item->Control() ); 
  1092                 if ( button->TouchArea().Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ) )
  1093                     {
  1094                     if ( ii != iPreviousItem )
  1095                         {
  1096                         if ( !button->IsDimmed() )
  1097                             {
  1098                             MoveHighlightL( ii, ETrue ); 
  1099                             // focus has moved from one button to another due to dragging, 
  1100                             // give sensitive feedback
  1101                             if ( iPreviousItem != iFocusedItem && 
  1102                                 ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EDrag ||
  1103                                 aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButtonRepeat ) )
  1104                                 {
  1105                                 MTouchFeedback* feedback = MTouchFeedback::Instance();
  1106                                 if ( feedback )
  1107                                     {
  1108                                     feedback->InstantFeedback( ETouchFeedbackSensitiveButton );
  1109                                     }
  1110                                 }
  1111                             }
  1113                         if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EDrag ||
  1114                             aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButtonRepeat ) 
  1115                             {
  1116                             button->SetHelpNoteTimeouts( KToolbarButtonBeforeTimeout, 0 );
  1117                             event.iType = TPointerEvent::EButton1Down;
  1118                             button->HandlePointerEventL( event );
  1119                             override = ETrue;
  1120                             }
  1121                         iPreviousItem = ii;
  1122                         }
  1124                     if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down )                    
  1125                         {
  1126                         iDownItem = ii;
  1127                         button->SetHelpNoteTimeouts( KToolbarButtonBeforeTimeout, 0 );
  1128                         }
  1130                     if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Up )
  1131                         {
  1132                         // Up and down events are in different items, give basic
  1133                         // feedback to the released item.
  1134                         if ( ii != iDownItem && !button->IsDimmed() )
  1135                             {
  1136                             MTouchFeedback* feedback = MTouchFeedback::Instance();
  1137                             if ( feedback )
  1138                                 {
  1139                                 feedback->InstantFeedback( ETouchFeedbackBasicButton );
  1140                                 }
  1141                             }
  1143                         button->HandlePointerEventL( aPointerEvent );
  1144                         override = ETrue;
  1145                         }
  1146                     }
  1147                 else
  1148                     {
  1149                     // Button touchArea did not contain pointerevent
  1150                     break;
  1151                     }
  1153                 }
  1154             SelectItemL( ii, ETrue );
  1155             }
  1156         }
  1158     if ( !override )        
  1159         {
  1160         CAknControl::HandlePointerEventL( aPointerEvent );        
  1161         }
  1162     }
  1164 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1165 // CAknToolbar::HandleResourceChange
  1166 // Handles a change to the control's resources.
  1167 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1168 //
  1169 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::HandleResourceChange( TInt aType ) 
  1170     {
  1171     // Base class method is not called because only visible components are
  1172     // returned by ComponentControl -> all icons wouldn't be updated.
  1174     if ( aType == KAknToolbarSetHiddenAndDrawBackground )
  1175         {
  1176         if ( Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() )
  1177             {
  1178             aType = KAknToolbarSetHidden;
  1179             }
  1180         else
  1181             {
  1182             if ( IsShown() )
  1183                 {
  1184                 iInternalFlags.Set( ECalledFromFW );
  1185                 if ( !( iFlags & KAknToolbarNoBackground ) )
  1186                     {
  1187                     iInternalFlags.Set( EDrawBackground );                  
  1188                     }
  1190                 SetToolbarVisibility(EFalse, EFalse);
  1191                 iInternalFlags.Clear( ECalledFromFW );
  1192                 }
  1193             else if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarDefault )
  1194                 {
  1195                 iInternalFlags.Clear( EFixedShown );
  1196                 }
  1197             return;
  1198             }
  1199         }
  1201     if ( aType == KAknToolbarSetVisible && iFlags & KAknToolbarDefault 
  1202             && !AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
  1203         {
  1204         return; 
  1205         }
  1206     else if ( aType == KAknToolbarSetVisible && !IsShown() )
  1207         {
  1208         iInternalFlags.Set( ECalledFromFW );
  1209         iInternalFlags.Clear( EDrawBackground ); 
  1210         SetToolbarVisibility(ETrue, EFalse);
  1211         iInternalFlags.Clear( ECalledFromFW );
  1212         }
  1213     else if ( aType == KAknToolbarSetHidden && IsShown() )
  1214         {
  1215         iInternalFlags.Set( ECalledFromFW );
  1216         iInternalFlags.Clear( EDrawBackground ); 
  1217         SetToolbarVisibility(EFalse, EFalse);
  1218         iInternalFlags.Clear( ECalledFromFW );
  1219         }
  1220     else if ( aType == KAknToolbarSetHidden && 
  1221               iInternalFlags.IsSet( EFixedShown ) )
  1222         {
  1223         iInternalFlags.Clear( EFixedShown );
  1224         }
  1226     if ( aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch )
  1227         {
  1228         iPreviousItem = KSelectedNone;
  1229         for(TInt i = 0; i < iVisibleItems.Count(); i++)
  1230             {
  1231             CAknToolbarItem* item = iVisibleItems[ i ];
  1232             CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( item->Control() ); 
  1233             button->ResetState();
  1234             }
  1235         if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarDefault && !AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() && IsVisible() )
  1236             {
  1237             TRAP_IGNORE( HideToolbarL() ); 
  1238             return; 
  1239             }
  1240         else if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed )
  1241             {
  1242             if ( Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() && AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
  1243                 {
  1244                 iOrientation = EAknOrientationVertical; 
  1245                 if ( ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EFixedShown ) 
  1246                     || ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EItemsHidden )
  1247                     && iInternalFlags.IsSet( EAppOverrideVisibility ) ) )
  1248                     && !iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShown ) )
  1249                     {
  1250                     // When the window is faded (e.g. while showing
  1251                     // some note, ShowViaIdle is too slow
  1252                     if ( DrawableWindow()->IsFaded() )
  1253                         {
  1254                         TRAP_IGNORE( ShowToolbarL() );
  1255                         }
  1256                     else
  1257                         {
  1258                         ShowViaIdle();                          
  1259                         }
  1260                     }
  1261                 }
  1262             else if ( !( iFlags & KAknToolbarDefault ) && AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
  1263                 {
  1264                 iOrientation = EAknOrientationHorizontal; 
  1265                 if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EFixedShown ) && !iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShown ) )
  1266                     {
  1267                     // If showing toolbar because HideItemsAndDrawOnlyBackground( EFalse )
  1268                     // called, show toolbar immediately (ShowViaIdle is too slow)
  1269                     if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EItemsHidden ) )
  1270                         {
  1271                         iInternalFlags.Clear( EItemsHidden );
  1272                         TRAP_IGNORE( ShowToolbarL() ); 
  1273                         }
  1274                     else
  1275                         {
  1276                         ShowViaIdle();
  1277                         }
  1278                     }
  1279                 }
  1280             else if ( ( !AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() || iFlags & KAknToolbarDefault ) && iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShown ) )
  1281                 {
  1282                 TRAP_IGNORE( HideToolbarL() ); 
  1283                 return; 
  1284                 }
  1285             else
  1286                 {
  1287                 iOrientation = EAknOrientationHorizontal; 
  1288                 }
  1290             // Ordinal positions must be set in both landscape & portrait. In
  1291             // portrait that is needed in order to bring dialogs on top of the
  1292             // fixed toolbar whereas in landscape that is needed to disable
  1293             // toolbar's buttons when there is a dialog on the screen.
  1294             if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShown ) )
  1295                 {
  1296                 SetOrdinalPositions();
  1297                 }
  1298             }
  1300         //Recalculate size no matter whether toolbar is visible.
  1301         {
  1302         TRect rect( CalculateSizeAndPosition() );
  1304         if ( !( iFlags & KAknToolbarFlexiblePosition ) )
  1305             {
  1306             SetPosition( rect.iTl );
  1307             }
  1308         else 
  1309             {
  1310             UpdateControlPositions(); 
  1311             }
  1313         SetSize( rect.Size() );
  1314         }
  1316         if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShown ) )
  1317         	{
  1318             if ( IsFocused() )
  1319                 {
  1320                 TRAP_IGNORE( MoveHighlightL( iFocusedItem, EFalse ) );
  1321                 }
  1323             }
  1324         }
  1326     for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < iItems.Count(); ++ii )
  1327         {
  1328         iItems[ii]->Control()->HandleResourceChange( aType );
  1329         }
  1331     if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShown ) && ( aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange || 
  1332         aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch ) )
  1333         {
  1334         if ( aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange )
  1335             {
  1336             DrawDeferred();    
  1337             }
  1338         }
  1340     if ( aType == KEikMessageFadeAllWindows )
  1341         {
  1342         // non-fixed toolbar should not be focusable when its window is faded
  1343         if ( !( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed ) && IsVisible() && !IsNonFocusing() )
  1344             {
  1345             // Cope with a situation where a focusing toolbar was visible when
  1346             // the application lost foreground when e.g. a task swapper was shown.
  1347             // In that case TopFocusedControl == NULL since it has not been set
  1348             // yet in CCoeAppUi. KEikMessageFadeAllWindows is sent via AknPopupFader
  1349             // which is a window server message observer i.e. it gets all ws
  1350             // events before any other processing is done.
  1351             CAknAppUi* appUi = iAvkonAppUi;
  1353             CCoeControl* topControl = appUi->TopFocusedControl();
  1355             if ( topControl )
  1356                 {
  1357                 appUi->UpdateStackedControlFlags( this, ~0, 
  1358                     ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus | ECoeStackFlagRefusesAllKeys );
  1360                 appUi->HandleStackChanged();                
  1361                 }
  1362             }
  1363         }
  1364     else if ( aType == KEikMessageUnfadeWindows )    
  1365         {
  1366         if ( !( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed ) && IsVisible() && !IsNonFocusing() )
  1367             {
  1368             // window is unfaded, toolbar can be focused again
  1369             CAknAppUi* appUi = iAvkonAppUi;
  1371             appUi->UpdateStackedControlFlags( this, ECoeStackFlagStandard, 
  1372                 ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus | ECoeStackFlagRefusesAllKeys );
  1374             appUi->HandleStackChanged();
  1375             }
  1376         }
  1377     }
  1380 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1381 // CAknToolbar::HandleControlEventL
  1382 // Handles an event from an observed toolbar item.
  1383 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1384 //
  1385 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::HandleControlEventL( CCoeControl* aControl,
  1386                                                 TCoeEvent aEventType )
  1387     {
  1388     switch ( aEventType )
  1389         {
  1391         case MCoeControlObserver::EEventRequestCancel:
  1392             {
  1393             CAknToolbarItem* item = ToolbarItemByControl( aControl );
  1394             if ( item )
  1395                 {
  1396                 if ( item->ControlType() == EAknCtButton ||
  1397                      item->ControlType() == EAknCtToolbarExtension )
  1398                     {
  1399                     CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( aControl );
  1400                     button->SetHelpNoteTimeouts( KToolbarButtonBeforeTimeout,
  1401                         KToolbarButtonInViewTimeout );
  1402                     }
  1403                 }
  1404             break;
  1405             }
  1406         case MCoeControlObserver::EEventRequestExit:
  1407             {
  1408             HideToolbarL();
  1409             break;
  1410             }
  1411         case MCoeControlObserver::EEventStateChanged:
  1412             {
  1413             iEventModifiers &= ~(ELongPress | ELongPressEnded); 
  1415             if ( ( iFlags & KAknToolbarLastUsedItemFocused ) && 
  1416                 !IsNonFocusing() && IsFocused() )
  1417                 {                
  1418                 iInitialFocusedItem = iFocusedItem;
  1419                 }
  1420             CAknToolbarItem* item = ToolbarItemByControl( aControl );
  1421             if ( item )
  1422                 {
  1423                 if ( item->ControlType() == EAknCtButton || 
  1424                      item->ControlType() == EAknCtToolbarExtension)
  1425                     {
  1426                     CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( aControl ); 
  1427                     button->SetHelpNoteTimeouts( KToolbarButtonBeforeTimeout, 
  1428                         KToolbarButtonInViewTimeout ); 
  1429                     }
  1431                 if ( iToolbarObserver )
  1432                     {
  1433                     // We don't want to start a transition if the toolbar
  1434                     // is closed because select/ok was pressed.
  1435                     CTouchToolbarData* d = CTouchToolbarData::GetData( this );
  1436                     if ( !d )
  1437                         {
  1438                         TRect rect;
  1439                         if ( CTouchToolbarData::SetData( this, rect, EFalse ) != 
  1440                                 KErrNone )
  1441                             {
  1442                             return;
  1443                             }
  1445                         d = CTouchToolbarData::GetData( this );    
  1446                         }
  1448                     if (NULL != d)
  1449                         {
  1450                         d->SetSelectPressed( ETrue );
  1451                         }
  1453                     if ( iAvkonAppUi && iAvkonAppUi->IsForeground() )
  1454                         {
  1455                         iToolbarObserver->OfferToolbarEventL( item->CommandId() );
  1456                         }
  1457                     d = CTouchToolbarData::GetData( this );
  1458                     if ( d )
  1459                         {
  1460                         d->SetSelectPressed( EFalse );
  1461                         }
  1462                     }
  1463                 }
  1464             break;
  1465             }
  1466         case MCoeControlObserver::EEventRequestFocus:
  1467             {
  1468             if ( !IsNonFocusing() && !aControl->IsDimmed() )
  1469                 {
  1470                 CAknToolbarItem* item = ToolbarItemByControl( aControl ); 
  1471                 if ( item->ControlType() == EAknCtButton || 
  1472                      item->ControlType() == EAknCtToolbarExtension )
  1473                     {
  1474                     CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>(aControl); 
  1475                     if ( button->IsDimmed() )
  1476                         {
  1477                         break; 
  1478                         }
  1479                     }
  1480                 // focus should be moved to this control
  1481                 TInt index = ToolbarVisibleIndexByControl( aControl );
  1482                 if ( index == KErrNotFound )
  1483                     {
  1484                     return;
  1485                     }
  1486                 if ( !IsFocused() )
  1487                     {
  1488                     iLastFocusedItem = index;
  1489                     SetFocus( ETrue, EDrawNow );
  1490                     }
  1491                 else
  1492                     {
  1493                     MoveHighlightL( index, ETrue );
  1494                     }
  1495                 }
  1496             break;
  1497             }
  1498         case CAknButton::ELongPressEvent: 
  1499         case CAknButton::ELongPressEndedEvent: 
  1500             {
  1501             iEventModifiers &= ~( ELongPressEnded | ELongPress); 
  1502             iEventModifiers |= ( aEventType == CAknButton::ELongPressEvent ) ? 
  1503                 ELongPress : ELongPressEnded;  
  1504             CAknToolbarItem* item = ToolbarItemByControl( aControl );
  1506             if ( item && iToolbarObserver && iAvkonAppUi && iAvkonAppUi->IsForeground() )
  1507                 {
  1508                 iToolbarObserver->OfferToolbarEventL( item->CommandId() );
  1509                 }
  1510             break; 
  1511             }
  1512         default:
  1513             {
  1514             break;
  1515             }
  1516         }
  1517     }
  1519 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1520 // CAknToolbar::PositionChanged
  1521 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1522 //
  1523 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::PositionChanged()
  1524     {
  1525     if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFlexiblePosition && !iInternalFlags.IsSet( ESliding ) )
  1526         {
  1527         SetSize( CalculateSizeAndPosition().Size() );
  1529         if ( IsFocused() )
  1530             {
  1531             TRAP_IGNORE( MoveHighlightL( iFocusedItem, EFalse ) ); 
  1532             }
  1533         }
  1535     UpdateControlPositions(); 
  1536     }
  1538 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1539 // CAknToolbar::ProcessCommandL
  1540 // From MEikCommandObserver.
  1541 // Processes user commands.
  1542 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1543 //     
  1544 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId )
  1545     {
  1546     switch ( aCommandId )
  1547         {            
  1548         case EAknSoftkeySelect:
  1549             {
  1550             // shouldn't be KFocusedNone either
  1551             __ASSERT_ALWAYS( ( iFocusedItem >= 0 && iFocusedItem < iVisibleItems.Count() ), 
  1552                 Panic( EEikPanicInvalidIndex )); 
  1554             if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarLastUsedItemFocused )
  1555                 {                
  1556                 iInitialFocusedItem = iFocusedItem;            
  1557                 }
  1559             CAknToolbarItem* item = iVisibleItems[iFocusedItem];
  1560             if ( item && item->Control() )
  1561                 {
  1562                 if ( !( item->ControlType() == EAknCtButton || 
  1563                         item->ControlType() == EAknCtToolbarExtension ) )
  1564                     {
  1565                     SelectItemL( iFocusedItem, EFalse );
  1566                     if ( iToolbarObserver )
  1567                         {
  1568                         iToolbarObserver->OfferToolbarEventL( item->CommandId() );
  1569                         }
  1570                     }
  1571                 }
  1572             break;
  1573             }
  1575         case EAknSoftkeyClose:
  1576         case EAknSoftkeyDone:
  1577             {
  1578             HideToolbarL();
  1579             break;
  1580             }
  1582         default:
  1583             {
  1584             break;
  1585             }
  1586         }
  1587     }
  1589 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1590 // CAknToolbar::SetDimmed
  1591 // Sets toolbar dimmed. Doesn't redraw.
  1592 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1593 //    
  1594 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::SetDimmed( TBool aDimmed ) 
  1595     {
  1596     for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < iItems.Count(); ii++ )
  1597         {
  1598         CAknToolbarItem* item = iItems[ii];
  1599         if ( item && item->Control() )
  1600             {
  1601             item->Control()->SetDimmed( aDimmed );
  1602             }
  1603         }
  1604     if ( aDimmed && !IsNonFocusing() )
  1605         {
  1606         iFocusedItem = KFocusedNone;
  1607         if ( !iToolbarCba )
  1608             {
  1609             return; 
  1610             }
  1611         iToolbarCba->MakeCommandVisibleByPosition( 
  1612             CEikButtonGroupContainer::ELeftSoftkeyPosition, EFalse ); 
  1613         iToolbarCba->MakeCommandVisibleByPosition( 
  1614             CEikButtonGroupContainer::EMiddleSoftkeyPosition, EFalse ); 
  1615         iToolbarCba->DrawDeferred(); 
  1616         }
  1617     CCoeControl::SetDimmed( aDimmed );
  1618     }
  1620 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1621 // CAknToolbar::OfferKeyEventL
  1622 // Handles key events.
  1623 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1624 //    
  1625 EXPORT_C TKeyResponse CAknToolbar::OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, 
  1626                                                    TEventCode aType )
  1627     {
  1628     if ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyEscape )
  1629         {
  1630         return EKeyWasNotConsumed; 
  1631         }
  1633     if ( IsNonFocusing() || !IsFocused() )
  1634         {
  1635         if ( iSelectedItem != KSelectedNone )
  1636             {
  1637             CAknToolbarItem* item = iVisibleItems[iSelectedItem];
  1638             if ( item->Control() && !item->RefusesKeys() )
  1639                 {
  1640                 return item->Control()->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
  1641                 }
  1642             }
  1643         return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
  1644         }
  1646     if ( ( iFlags & KAknToolbarWithoutCba ) && 
  1647         !IsNonFocusing() && IsFocused() )
  1648         {
  1649         if ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyCBA1 || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyCBA2 || 
  1650              aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDevice0 )
  1651             {
  1652             return EKeyWasNotConsumed;                 
  1653             }
  1655         CEikMenuPane* menuPane = NULL;
  1656         TBool useFactoryMenu = ETrue;
  1658         // if this is a view app then ask menu from the currently active view
  1659         TVwsViewId uid;
  1661         if ( iAvkonAppUi->GetActiveViewId( uid ) == KErrNone )
  1662             {
  1663             if ( uid.iAppUid != uid.iViewUid )
  1664                 {
  1665                 CEikMenuBar* menuBar = iAvkonViewAppUi->View( uid.iViewUid )->MenuBar();
  1667                 if ( menuBar )
  1668                     {
  1669                     menuPane = menuBar->MenuPane();
  1670                     useFactoryMenu = EFalse;
  1671                     }
  1672                 }
  1673             }
  1675         // use factory menu if available
  1676         if ( useFactoryMenu )
  1677             {
  1678             CEikMenuBar* menuBar = iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory( *iAvkonAppUi )->MenuBar();
  1680             if ( menuBar )
  1681                 {
  1682                 menuPane = menuBar->MenuPane();
  1683                 }
  1684             }
  1685         // if menu is displayed then toolbar should not use key events.
  1686         if ( menuPane )
  1687             {
  1688             if ( menuPane->IsVisible() )
  1689                 {
  1690                 return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
  1691                 }
  1692             }
  1693         }
  1695     TInt count = iItems.Count();
  1696     if ( count == 0 || iFocusedItem == KFocusedNone )
  1697         {
  1698         return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
  1699         }
  1701     CAknToolbarItem* item = iVisibleItems[iFocusedItem];
  1703     if ( ( !item || !item->IsSelected() ) && aType == EEventKey )
  1704         {
  1705         switch ( aKeyEvent.iCode )
  1706             {
  1707             case EKeyRightArrow:
  1708             case EKeyDownArrow:
  1709             case EKeyTab:
  1710                 if ( ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDownArrow  &&
  1711                     iOrientation != EAknOrientationVertical ) || 
  1712                     ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyRightArrow  && 
  1713                     iOrientation != EAknOrientationHorizontal ) )
  1714                     {
  1715                     return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
  1716                     }
  1718                 if ( count == 1 )
  1719                     {
  1720                     return EKeyWasConsumed;
  1721                     }
  1723                 if ( iFocusedItem + 1 < iVisibleItems.Count() )
  1724                     {
  1725                     MoveHighlightL( iFocusedItem + 1, ETrue );
  1726                     }
  1727                 else
  1728                     {
  1729                     MoveHighlightL( 0, ETrue );
  1730                     }
  1731                 return EKeyWasConsumed;
  1733             case EKeyLeftArrow:
  1734             case EKeyUpArrow:
  1735                 if ( ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyUpArrow &&
  1736                     iOrientation != EAknOrientationVertical ) || 
  1737                     ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyLeftArrow && 
  1738                     iOrientation != EAknOrientationHorizontal ) )
  1739                     {
  1740                     return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
  1741                     }
  1743                 if ( count == 1 )
  1744                     {
  1745                     return EKeyWasConsumed;
  1746                     }
  1748                 if ( iFocusedItem - 1 >= 0 )
  1749                     {
  1750                     MoveHighlightL( iFocusedItem - 1, ETrue, EFalse, ETrue );
  1751                     }
  1752                 else
  1753                     {
  1754                     MoveHighlightL( iVisibleItems.Count() - 1, ETrue, EFalse, 
  1755                                      ETrue );
  1756                     }
  1757                 return EKeyWasConsumed;
  1759             default:
  1760                 break;
  1761             }
  1762         }
  1764     // All key events can be given to buttons, other toolbar items must 
  1765     // be seleceted to get events
  1766     if ( item && item->Control() )
  1767         {
  1768         if ( ( item->ControlType() == EAknCtButton ) || 
  1769            ( item->ControlType() == EAknCtToolbarExtension )  || item->IsSelected() )
  1770             {
  1771             if ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDevice0 )
  1772                 {
  1773                 TKeyEvent keyEvent = aKeyEvent; 
  1774                 // Button does not accept key events if the code is EStdKeyDevice0
  1775                 // so changing the key event to EStdKeyDevice3    
  1776                 keyEvent.iScanCode = EStdKeyDevice3; 
  1777                 item->Control()->OfferKeyEventL( keyEvent, aType );
  1778                 }
  1779             else
  1780                 {
  1781                 item->Control()->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
  1782                 }
  1783             }
  1784         }
  1786     return EKeyWasConsumed; // To avoid loss of focus
  1787     }
  1789 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1790 // CAknToolbar::InputCapabilities
  1791 // Gets the control's input capabilities.
  1792 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1793 //    
  1794 EXPORT_C TCoeInputCapabilities CAknToolbar::InputCapabilities() const 
  1795     {
  1796     return TCoeInputCapabilities::EAllText;
  1797     }
  1799 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1800 // CAknToolbar::MopSupplyObject
  1801 // Retrieves an object of the same type as that encapsulated in aId.
  1802 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1803 //    
  1804 EXPORT_C TTypeUid::Ptr CAknToolbar::MopSupplyObject( TTypeUid aId )
  1805     {
  1806     if ( aId.iUid == CEikCba::ETypeId )
  1807         {
  1808         if ( iToolbarCba && iToolbarCba->ButtonGroupType() == 
  1809             CEikButtonGroupContainer::ECba )
  1810             {
  1811             return aId.MakePtr( static_cast<CEikCba*>( iToolbarCba->ButtonGroup() ) );
  1812             }    
  1813         else
  1814             {
  1815             return TTypeUid::Null();
  1816             }
  1817         }
  1818     else if ( iToolbarCba && aId.iUid == CEikButtonGroupContainer::ETypeId )
  1819         {
  1820         return aId.MakePtr( iToolbarCba );
  1821         }
  1822     return CCoeControl::MopSupplyObject(aId);
  1823     }
  1825 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1826 // CAknToolbar::Draw
  1827 // From MCoeControlBackground
  1828 // Draw the background for a given control.
  1829 // The text drawer that shall be used to draw text on the specific background 
  1830 // can be fetched through the GetTextDrawer() method. 
  1831 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1832 //    
  1833 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::Draw( CWindowGc& aGc, const CCoeControl& aControl, 
  1834                                  const TRect& aRect ) const 
  1835     {
  1836     if ( !( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed ) )
  1837         {
  1838         SetOrdinalPositions();
  1839         }
  1841     if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarNoBackground )
  1842         {
  1843         return;
  1844         }
  1846     MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
  1848     aGc.SetClippingRect( aRect );
  1850     CAknToolbarItem* item = ToolbarItemByControl( &aControl ); 
  1852     if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed )
  1853         {
  1854         TRAP_IGNORE( DrawFixedBackgroundL( aGc, aControl, aRect) );
  1855         return;
  1856         }
  1858     if ( item && ( item->ControlType() == EAknCtButton || 
  1859         item->ControlType() == EAknCtToolbarExtension ) ) 
  1860         {
  1861         CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( item->Control() ); 
  1862         if ( !( button && ( button->ButtonFlags() & KAknButtonNoFrame ) ) )
  1863             {
  1864             AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, iFrameContext, aGc, aRect );
  1865             }
  1866         }
  1867     else
  1868         {
  1869         AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, iFrameContext, aGc, aRect );
  1870         }
  1872     if ( iFocusedItem == KFocusedNone )
  1873         {
  1874         return; 
  1875         }
  1876     if ( !IsNonFocusing() && ( iFlags & KAknToolbarSmall ) && 
  1877         &aControl == iVisibleItems[iFocusedItem]->Control() )
  1878             {
  1879             CAknToolbarItem* item = iVisibleItems[iFocusedItem];
  1880             if ( item && item->HighlightRect().Intersects( aRect ) )
  1881                 {
  1882                 TAknLayoutRect topLeft;
  1883                 topLeft.LayoutRect( item->HighlightRect(),
  1884                     SkinLayout::Highlight_skin_placing__grid__Line_2() );
  1886                 TAknLayoutRect bottomRight;
  1887                 bottomRight.LayoutRect( item->HighlightRect(),
  1888                     SkinLayout::Highlight_skin_placing__grid__Line_5() );
  1890                 TRect outerRect( topLeft.Rect().iTl, bottomRight.Rect().iBr );
  1891                 TRect innerRect( topLeft.Rect().iBr, bottomRight.Rect().iTl );
  1893                 if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarTransparent )
  1894                     {
  1895                     outerRect.Move(TPoint(-(topLeft.Rect().iTl.iX),-(topLeft.Rect().iTl.iY))); 
  1896                     AknsDrawUtils::DrawFrame( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
  1897                                               aGc, outerRect, innerRect,
  1898                                               KAknsIIDQsnFrGrid, KAknsIIDDefault );  // to another skin id ( Alpha )
  1899                     }
  1900                 else
  1901                     {
  1902                     if ( !AknsDrawUtils::DrawFrame( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), 
  1903                                                 aGc, outerRect, innerRect,
  1904                                                 KAknsIIDQsnFrGrid, KAknsIIDDefault ) )
  1905                         {
  1906                         aGc.SetBrushColor( KRgbRed );
  1907                         aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
  1908                         aGc.DrawRect( item->HighlightRect() );
  1909                         }                
  1910                     }
  1911                 }
  1912             }
  1914     }
  1916 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1917 // CAknToolbar::ComponentControl
  1918 // Gets the specified component of a compound control.
  1919 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1920 //    
  1921 EXPORT_C CCoeControl* CAknToolbar::ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const
  1922     {
  1923     if ( aIndex < iVisibleItems.Count() && aIndex >= 0 )
  1924         {
  1925         return iVisibleItems[aIndex]->Control();
  1926         }
  1927     return NULL;
  1928     }
  1930 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1931 // CAknToolbar::SizeChanged
  1932 // Responds to size changes to sets the size and position of the contents 
  1933 // of this control.
  1934 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1935 //    
  1936 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::SizeChanged()
  1937     {
  1938     // Setup skin
  1939     const TRect popupRect( Rect() );
  1940     if(  popupRect.IsEmpty() || !iFrameContext )
  1941     {
  1942         return ;
  1943     }
  1944     TAknLayoutRect topLeft;
  1945     topLeft.LayoutRect( popupRect, SkinLayout::Submenu_skin_placing_Line_2() );
  1946     TAknLayoutRect bottomRight;
  1947     bottomRight.LayoutRect( popupRect, SkinLayout::Submenu_skin_placing_Line_5() );
  1948     TRect outerRect = TRect( topLeft.Rect().iTl, bottomRight.Rect().iBr );
  1949     TRect innerRect = TRect( topLeft.Rect().iBr, bottomRight.Rect().iTl );
  1951     if ( ( !( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed ) && 
  1952          !( iFlags & KAknToolbarFloatingUnTransparent ) ) )
  1953         {
  1954         TRegionFix<4> transparentRegion;
  1955         // left side
  1956         transparentRegion.AddRect( TRect( outerRect.iTl, TPoint( innerRect.iTl.iX, outerRect.iBr.iY ) ) );
  1957         // right side
  1958         transparentRegion.AddRect( TRect( TPoint( innerRect.iBr.iX, outerRect.iTl.iY ), outerRect.iBr ) );
  1959         // top center
  1960         transparentRegion.AddRect( TRect( innerRect.iTl.iX, outerRect.iTl.iY, innerRect.iBr.iX, innerRect.iTl.iY ) );
  1961         // bottom center
  1962         transparentRegion.AddRect( TRect( innerRect.iTl.iX, innerRect.iBr.iY, innerRect.iBr.iX, outerRect.iBr.iY ) );
  1964         Window().SetTransparentRegion( transparentRegion );
  1965         }
  1967     iFrameContext->SetFrameRects( outerRect, innerRect );
  1969     iFrameContext->SetParentPos( Position() ); 
  1971     iBgContext->SetParentPos( iAvkonAppUi->ApplicationRect().iTl );
  1972     iBgContext->SetRect( iAvkonAppUi->ApplicationRect() ); 
  1974     //reset button tooltip position
  1975     UpdateItemTooltipPosition();
  1976     }
  1978 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1979 // CAknToolbar::FocusChanged
  1980 // This function is called whenever a control gains or loses focus.
  1981 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1982 // 
  1983 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::FocusChanged( TDrawNow aDrawNow )
  1984     {
  1985     if ( !iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShown ) || IsNonFocusing() )
  1986         {
  1987         return; // nothing should be done in this case 
  1988         }
  1990     TBool withoutCba( iFlags & KAknToolbarWithoutCba );    
  1991     if ( IsFocused() )
  1992         {
  1993         if ( !withoutCba )
  1994             {            
  1995             if ( !iToolbarCba )
  1996                 {
  1997                 TRAP_IGNORE( iToolbarCba = 
  1998                     CEikButtonGroupContainer::NewL( CEikButtonGroupContainer::ECba, 
  1999                                                     CEikButtonGroupContainer::EHorizontal,
  2000                                                     this, iSoftkeyResource ) ); //lint !e665
  2001                 }
  2002             }
  2003         if ( iToolbarCba && iToolbarCba->ButtonGroup() )
  2004             {
  2005             static_cast<CEikCba*>( iToolbarCba->ButtonGroup() )->SetSkinBackgroundId( 
  2006                 KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaControlPopup );
  2007             }
  2009         if ( iLastFocusedItem == KFocusedNone ) 
  2010             {
  2011             TRAP_IGNORE( InitFocusedItemL( aDrawNow ) );
  2012             }
  2013         else
  2014             {
  2015             TRAP_IGNORE( MoveHighlightL( iLastFocusedItem, aDrawNow ) );
  2016             }
  2017         }
  2018     else
  2019         {
  2020         iLastFocusedItem = iFocusedItem;
  2021         }
  2022     }
  2024 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2025 // CAknToolbar::ExtensionInterface
  2026 // For future extensions
  2027 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2028 //
  2029 EXPORT_C void* CAknToolbar::ExtensionInterface( TUid /*aInterface*/ )
  2030     {
  2031     return NULL;
  2032     }
  2033 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2034 // CAknToolbar::Draw
  2035 // Draw a control called by window server.
  2036 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2037 //    
  2038 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::Draw( const TRect& aRect ) const
  2039     {
  2040     if ( !( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed ) )
  2041         {
  2042         SetOrdinalPositions();
  2043         }
  2045     CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
  2046     MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
  2047     // Draw background         
  2048     if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed && 
  2049          iBgRect.Height() > 0 &&
  2050          iBgRect.Width() > 0 )
  2051         {
  2052         if ( aRect.Intersects( iBgRect ) )
  2053             {
  2054             TBool idleLayout( AknStatuspaneUtils::IdleLayoutActive() );
  2055             TBool wallpaperInUse( EFalse );    
  2057             if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EInIdle ) || idleLayout )
  2058                 {
  2059                 CRepository* repository = 0;
  2060                 TRAP_IGNORE( repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidPersonalisation) );
  2061 				if( repository )	
  2062 					{
  2063 					repository->Get( KPslnWallpaperType, wallpaperInUse );
  2064 					delete repository;
  2065 					}
  2066                 }
  2068             if ( wallpaperInUse != 0 && Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() && iInternalFlags.IsSet( EItemsHidden ) )
  2069                 {                
  2070                 iBgContext->SetBitmap( KAknsIIDWallpaper );
  2071                 }
  2072             AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, iBgContext, this, gc, iBgRect, 
  2073             KAknsDrawParamNoClearUnderImage );
  2074             }
  2075         }
  2077     if ( ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed ) ||
  2078          ( iFlags & KAknToolbarNoBackground ) )
  2079         {
  2080         // fixed toolbar doesn't draw anything itself - all drawing is done
  2081         // through background drawer implementation
  2082         return;
  2083         }
  2085     gc.SetClippingRect( aRect );
  2087     if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed )
  2088         {
  2089         AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, iFrameContext, this, gc, aRect, KAknsDrawParamNoClearUnderImage );
  2090         }
  2091     else
  2092         {
  2093         AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, iFrameContext, gc, aRect );
  2094         }         
  2096     // draw toolbar item highlight if toolbar is not small
  2097     if ( !IsNonFocusing() && iFocusedItem != KFocusedNone && !( iFlags & KAknToolbarSmall ) )
  2098         {
  2099         CAknToolbarItem* item = iVisibleItems[iFocusedItem];
  2100         if ( item && item->HighlightRect().Intersects( aRect ) )
  2101             {
  2102             TAknLayoutRect topLeft;
  2103             topLeft.LayoutRect( item->HighlightRect(),
  2104                 SkinLayout::Highlight_skin_placing__grid__Line_2() );
  2106             TAknLayoutRect bottomRight;
  2107             bottomRight.LayoutRect( item->HighlightRect(),
  2108                 SkinLayout::Highlight_skin_placing__grid__Line_5() );
  2110             TRect outerRect( topLeft.Rect().iTl, bottomRight.Rect().iBr );
  2111             TRect innerRect( topLeft.Rect().iBr, bottomRight.Rect().iTl );
  2113             if ( !AknsDrawUtils::DrawFrame( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), 
  2114                                             gc, outerRect, innerRect,
  2115                                             KAknsIIDQsnFrGrid, KAknsIIDDefault ) )
  2116                 {
  2117                 gc.SetBrushColor( KRgbRed );
  2118                 gc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
  2119                 gc.DrawRect( item->HighlightRect() );
  2120                 }                
  2121             }
  2122         }
  2123     }
  2125 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2126 // CAknToolbar::AddItemL
  2127 // Adds one new item to the toolbar.
  2128 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2129 //
  2130 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::AddItemL( CCoeControl* aItem, 
  2131                                      const TInt aType, 
  2132                                      const TInt aCommandId, 
  2133                                      const TInt aFlags ) 
  2134     {
  2135     AddItemL( aItem, aType, aCommandId, aFlags, iItems.Count() );
  2136     }
  2138 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2139 // CAknToolbar::AddItemL
  2140 // Adds one new item to the toolbar.
  2141 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2142 //
  2143 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::AddItemL( CCoeControl* aItem, 
  2144                                      const TInt aType, 
  2145                                      const TInt aCommandId, 
  2146                                      const TInt aFlags, 
  2147                                      const TInt aIndex ) 
  2148     {
  2149     if ( aItem && IsSupportedItemType( aType ) )
  2150         {
  2151         aItem->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
  2152         aItem->SetBackground( this );
  2154         if ( aType != EAknCtToolbarExtension )
  2155             {
  2156             aItem->SetObserver( this );
  2157             }
  2159         CAknToolbarItem* tbItem = new ( ELeave ) CAknToolbarItem( aItem, aType, 
  2160             aCommandId, aFlags );
  2161         CleanupStack::PushL( tbItem );
  2162         iItems.InsertL( tbItem, aIndex );
  2163         CleanupStack::Pop( tbItem );
  2165         TRect rect = CalculateSizeAndPosition();
  2166         UpdateControlVisibility();
  2167         TInt itemIndex = ToolbarVisibleIndexById( aCommandId ); 
  2169         if ( itemIndex <= iFocusedItem && IsFocused() && itemIndex >= 0 )
  2170             {
  2171             MoveHighlightL( iFocusedItem + 1, EFalse );   
  2172             }
  2173         if ( aType == EAknCtButton || aType == EAknCtToolbarExtension  )
  2174             {
  2175             AdjustButton( *static_cast<CAknButton*>( aItem ) );
  2176             }
  2178         if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShown ) )
  2179             {
  2180             aItem->ActivateL(); 
  2182             if ( !( iFlags & KAknToolbarFlexiblePosition ) )
  2183                 {
  2184                 SetPosition( rect.iTl );
  2185                 }
  2186             else 
  2187                 {
  2188                 UpdateControlPositions(); 
  2189                 }
  2190             SetSize( rect.Size() );
  2191             DrawDeferred();
  2192             }
  2193         }
  2194     else
  2195         {
  2196         User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
  2197         }
  2198     }
  2200 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2201 // CAknToolbar::RemoveItem
  2202 // Removes the item according to the specified ID
  2203 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2204 //
  2205 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::RemoveItem( const TInt aCommandId ) 
  2206     {
  2207     TInt itemIndex = ToolbarItemIndexById( aCommandId );
  2208     if ( itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < iItems.Count() )
  2209         {
  2210         TInt visibleIndex = ToolbarVisibleIndexById( aCommandId ); 
  2212         delete iItems[itemIndex];
  2213         iItems.Remove( itemIndex );
  2215         TRect rect = CalculateSizeAndPosition();
  2216         UpdateControlVisibility();
  2218         if ( visibleIndex >= 0 && visibleIndex < iFocusedItem && IsFocused() )
  2219             {
  2220             TRAP_IGNORE( MoveHighlightL( iFocusedItem - 1, EFalse ) ); 
  2221             }
  2222         if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShown ) )
  2223             {
  2224             if ( !( iFlags & KAknToolbarFlexiblePosition ) )
  2225                 {
  2226                 SetPosition( rect.iTl );
  2227                 }
  2228             else 
  2229                 {
  2230                 UpdateControlPositions(); 
  2231                 }
  2232             SetSize( rect.Size() );
  2233             DrawDeferred();
  2234             }
  2235         }
  2236     }
  2238 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2239 // CAknToolbar::IsSupportedItemType
  2240 // Returns ETrue if item is supported. 
  2241 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2242 //
  2243 EXPORT_C TBool CAknToolbar::IsSupportedItemType( const TInt aType ) const 
  2244     {
  2245     switch ( aType )
  2246         {
  2247         case EAknCtButton:
  2248         case EAknCtToolbarExtension :
  2249             {
  2250             return ETrue;
  2251             }
  2252         default:
  2253             {
  2254 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
  2255             if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarSmall || iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed  )
  2256                 {
  2257                 return EFalse; 
  2258                 }
  2259             else 
  2260                 {
  2261                 return ETrue;
  2262                 }
  2263 #else   
  2264             return EFalse; 
  2265 #endif
  2267             }
  2268         }
  2269     }
  2271 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2272 // CAknToolbar::SetInitialFocusedItem
  2273 // Changes the command ID for the initially focused item when toolbar
  2274 //  is shown or gain focus.
  2275 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2276 //
  2277 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::SetInitialFocusedItem( const TInt aCommandId )
  2278     {
  2279     iInitialFocusedItem = ToolbarVisibleIndexById( aCommandId );
  2280     }
  2282 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2283 // CAknToolbar::SetEmphasis
  2284 // Called by the framework to handle the emphasising or 
  2285 // de-emphasising of a toolbar window when it is needed. 
  2286 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2287 //   
  2288 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::SetEmphasis( const TBool aEmphasis )
  2289     {
  2290     if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShown ) )
  2291         {
  2292         CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi()->UpdateStackedControlFlags( this, 
  2293             aEmphasis ? 0 : ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus, ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus );
  2294         }
  2295     }
  2297 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2298 // CAknToolbar::IsShown
  2299 // Returns toolbar visibility at this moment 
  2300 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2301 //
  2302 EXPORT_C TBool CAknToolbar::IsShown() const
  2303     {
  2304     return ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShown ) || ( iIdle && iIdle->IsActive() ) );
  2305     }
  2307 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2308 // CAknToolbar::SetWithSliding
  2309 // Specifies whether toolbar should be shown with sliding effect or not.
  2310 // By default toolbar is shown with sliding.
  2311 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2312 //
  2313 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::SetWithSliding( const TBool /* aSlide */ )
  2314     {
  2315     }
  2317 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2318 // CAknToolbar::SetCloseOnCommand
  2319 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2320 //    
  2321 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::SetCloseOnCommand( const TInt aCommandId,
  2322                                               const TBool aClose )
  2323     {
  2324     CAknToolbarItem* item = ToolbarItemById( aCommandId );
  2325     if ( item )
  2326         {
  2327         item->SetCloseOnCommand( aClose );
  2328         }
  2329     } //lint !e1762 function cannot be made const
  2331 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2332 // CAknToolbar::SetCloseOnAllCommands
  2333 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2334 //    
  2335 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::SetCloseOnAllCommands( const TBool aClose )
  2336     {
  2337     for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < iItems.Count(); ++ii )
  2338         {
  2339         iItems[ii]->SetCloseOnCommand( aClose );
  2340         }
  2341     }
  2343 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2344 // CAknToolbar::SetOrientation
  2345 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2346 //    
  2347 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::SetOrientation( const TAknOrientation aOrientation )
  2348     {
  2349     iOrientation = aOrientation;
  2350     if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed )
  2351         {
  2352         if ( Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() )
  2353             {
  2354             iOrientation = EAknOrientationVertical; 
  2355             }
  2356         else
  2357             {
  2358             iOrientation = EAknOrientationHorizontal; 
  2359             }
  2360         }
  2361     if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarTransparent )
  2362         {        
  2363         TAknsItemID bgContextId; 
  2364         if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarSmall )
  2365             {
  2366             bgContextId = KAknsIIDQgnGrafPopupTrans;
  2367             }
  2368         else 
  2369             {
  2370             bgContextId = ( iOrientation == EAknOrientationHorizontal ? 
  2371                 KAknsIIDQgnGrafBgTouchHorizontal : KAknsIIDQgnGrafBgTouchVertical );
  2372             }
  2373         iFrameContext->SetFrame( bgContextId );
  2374         if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarSmall )
  2375             {
  2376             iFrameContext->SetCenter( KAknsIIDQgnGrafPopupTransCenter ); 
  2377             }
  2378         } 
  2380     TRect rect = CalculateSizeAndPosition();
  2381     // Set focused item again to avoid panic in a case when toolbar has more 
  2382     // items in previous orientation and some of the items that do not 
  2383     // fit to toolbar in this orientation was focused. 
  2384     if ( IsFocused() )
  2385         {
  2386         TRAP_IGNORE( MoveHighlightL( iFocusedItem, EFalse ) ); 
  2387         }
  2389     if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShown ) )
  2390         {
  2391         if ( !( iFlags & KAknToolbarFlexiblePosition ) )
  2392             {
  2393             SetPosition( rect.iTl );
  2394             }
  2395         else 
  2396             {
  2397             UpdateControlPositions(); 
  2398             }
  2399         SetSize( rect.Size() );
  2400         DrawDeferred();
  2401         }
  2402     }
  2404 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2405 // CAknToolbar::NotifyBackgroundChange
  2406 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2407 //
  2408 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::UpdateBackground() 
  2409     {
  2410     return ;
  2411     }
  2414 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2415 // CAknToolbar::ShowToolbarForBackgroundUpdate
  2416 // Shows toolbar after it has been hidden with HideToolbarForBackgroundUpdate
  2417 // this function is deserted for NGA's removing BitmapDevice
  2418 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2419 //
  2420 void CAknToolbar::ShowToolbarForBackgroundUpdate()
  2421     {
  2422 	  return;
  2423     }
  2425 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2426 // CAknToolbar::DisableToolbarL
  2427 // This disables toolbar so that it cannot be enabled. This is needed especially
  2428 // if a dialog is shown on the screen and toolbar should not be enabled by the 
  2429 // user from touch pane. 
  2430 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2431 //
  2432 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::DisableToolbarL( TBool aDisable )
  2433     {
  2434     if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShown ) )
  2435         {
  2436         User::Leave( KErrToolbarShown ); 
  2437         }
  2439     // notify observer (touch pane) that toolbar is disabled 
  2440     if ( aDisable )
  2441         {
  2442         iInternalFlags.Set( EDisabled );
  2444         if ( Observer() )
  2445             {
  2446             Observer()->HandleControlEventL( this, 
  2447                 static_cast<MCoeControlObserver::TCoeEvent>( KDisableToolbar ) );
  2448             }
  2449         }
  2450     else 
  2451         {
  2452         iInternalFlags.Clear( EDisabled );
  2454         if ( Observer() )
  2455             {
  2456             Observer()->HandleControlEventL( this, 
  2457                 static_cast<MCoeControlObserver::TCoeEvent>( KEnableToolbar ) );
  2458             }
  2459         }
  2460     }
  2462 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2463 // CAknToolbar::IsToolbarDisabled
  2464 // Returns ETrue if toolbar is disabled
  2465 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2466 //    
  2467 EXPORT_C TBool CAknToolbar::IsToolbarDisabled() const
  2468     {
  2469     return iInternalFlags.IsSet( EDisabled ); 
  2470     }
  2472 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2473 // CAknToolbar::SetFocusedItemL
  2474 // Sets toolbar item focused if found. 
  2475 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2476 //    
  2477 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::SetFocusedItemL( const TInt aCommandId )
  2478     {
  2479     TInt visibleIndex = ToolbarVisibleIndexById( aCommandId ); 
  2480     if ( visibleIndex == KErrNotFound || IsNonFocusing() )
  2481         {
  2482         User::Leave( KErrNotFound ); 
  2483         }
  2485     if ( visibleIndex == iFocusedItem )
  2486         {
  2487         return;
  2488         }
  2490     // There are only buttons in a focusable toolbar
  2491     CAknToolbarItem* item = iVisibleItems[visibleIndex];
  2492     CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( item->Control() ); 
  2494     if ( button && button->IsDimmed() )
  2495         {
  2496         return; 
  2497         }
  2499     TInt oldFocused = iFocusedItem; 
  2501     iFocusedItem = visibleIndex; 
  2503     // set this item focused
  2504     item->SetFocusL( ETrue, EFalse, ENoDrawNow, this );
  2505     DrawNow( item->HighlightRect() );
  2507     if ( oldFocused != KFocusedNone )
  2508         {
  2509         item = iVisibleItems[oldFocused];
  2510         if ( item && item->Control() )
  2511             {
  2512             SelectItemL( oldFocused, EFalse );
  2514             // take the focus away
  2515             item->SetFocusL( EFalse, EFalse, ENoDrawNow, this );
  2516             DrawNow( item->HighlightRect() );
  2517             }
  2518         }
  2519     }
  2521 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2522 // CAknToolbar::FocusedItem
  2523 // Returns focused toolbar item command id  
  2524 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2525 //    
  2526 EXPORT_C TInt CAknToolbar::FocusedItem() const
  2527     {
  2528     if ( iFocusedItem < 0 || iFocusedItem >= iVisibleItems.Count() )
  2529         {
  2530         return KErrNotFound; 
  2531         }
  2532     CAknToolbarItem* item = iVisibleItems[iFocusedItem]; 
  2533     return item->CommandId(); 
  2534     }
  2536 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2537 // CAknToolbar::PrepareForFocusLossL
  2538 // Takes focus away from editor/other controls if needed
  2539 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2540 //    
  2541 void CAknToolbar::PrepareForFocusLossL()
  2542     {
  2543     if ( iSelectedItem != KSelectedNone )
  2544         {
  2545         SelectItemL( iSelectedItem, EFalse ); 
  2546         }
  2547     }
  2550 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2551 // CAknToolbar::EventModifiers
  2552 // Returns event modifiers
  2553 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2554 //    
  2555 EXPORT_C TInt CAknToolbar::EventModifiers() const
  2556     {
  2557     return iEventModifiers; 
  2558     }
  2561 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2562 // CAknToolbar::ToolbarFlags
  2563 // Returns toolbar flags
  2564 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2565 //    
  2566 EXPORT_C TInt CAknToolbar::ToolbarFlags() const
  2567     {
  2568     return iFlags; 
  2569     }
  2572 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2573 // CAknToolbar::FadeBehindPopup
  2574 // Fades behind popup
  2575 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2576 //    
  2577 void CAknToolbar::FadeBehindPopup( TBool aFade )
  2578     {
  2579     iFader.FadeBehindPopup( this, this, aFade );
  2580     }
  2583 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2584 // CAknToolbar::CountFadedComponents
  2585 // Counts faded components
  2586 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2587 //    
  2588 TInt CAknToolbar::CountFadedComponents()
  2589     {
  2590     TInt count = 1; //this
  2591     if ( iToolbarCba )
  2592         {
  2593         count++; 
  2594         }
  2595     if ( ToolbarExtension() && ToolbarExtension()->ExtensionView() )
  2596         {
  2597         count++; 
  2598         }
  2599     return count; 
  2600     }
  2602 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2603 // CAknToolbar::FadedComponent
  2604 // Returns faded components
  2605 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2606 //    
  2607 CCoeControl* CAknToolbar::FadedComponent(TInt aIndex)
  2608     {
  2609     switch ( aIndex )
  2610         {
  2611         case 0: 
  2612             return this; 
  2613         case 1: 
  2614             if ( iToolbarCba )
  2615                 {
  2616                 return iToolbarCba; 
  2617                 }
  2618             return ToolbarExtension()->ExtensionView();         
  2619         case 2: 
  2620             return ToolbarExtension()->ExtensionView(); 
  2621         default: 
  2622             return NULL; 
  2623         }
  2624     }
  2627 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2628 // CAknToolbar::ReduceRect
  2629 // Reduces main pane rect
  2630 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2631 //    
  2632 void CAknToolbar::ReduceRect( TRect& aBoundingRect ) const
  2633     {
  2634     TBool toolbarNotVisible( !IsShown() && !( iFlags & KAknToolbarDefault ) );
  2635     TBool fixedToolbar( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed );
  2636     TBool landscapeOrientation( Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() );
  2637     TBool touchEnabled( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() );
  2638     TBool defaultContent( iFlags & KAknToolbarDefault );
  2640     if ( toolbarNotVisible || 
  2641          !fixedToolbar ||
  2642          ( defaultContent && !landscapeOrientation ) ||
  2643          !touchEnabled ||
  2644          ( fixedToolbar && defaultContent ) )
  2645         {
  2646         return;
  2647         }
  2648     TRect appRect, toolbarRect; 
  2649     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EApplicationWindow, 
  2650                                        appRect); 
  2651     if ( !Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() )
  2652         {
  2653         toolbarRect = RectFromLayout( appRect,
  2654             AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::area_side_right_pane( 6 ) );
  2655         }
  2656     else
  2657         {
  2658         toolbarRect = RectFromLayout( appRect,
  2659             AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::area_side_right_pane( 0 ) );
  2660         }
  2663     if ( toolbarRect.Intersects( aBoundingRect ) )
  2664         {
  2665         toolbarRect.Intersection( aBoundingRect );
  2667         if ( Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() )
  2668             {
  2669             aBoundingRect.iBr.iX = toolbarRect.iTl.iX; 
  2670             }
  2671         else 
  2672             {
  2673             aBoundingRect.iBr.iY = toolbarRect.iTl.iY; 
  2674             }
  2675         }
  2676     }
  2679 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2680 // CAknToolbar::SetSoftkeyResourceIdL
  2681 // Sets softkey resource id for toolbar
  2682 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2683 //    
  2684 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::SetSoftkeyResourceIdL( TInt aSoftkeyResourceId )
  2685     {
  2686     iSoftkeyResource = aSoftkeyResourceId; 
  2687     if ( iToolbarCba )
  2688         {
  2689         iToolbarCba->SetCommandSetL( iSoftkeyResource ); 
  2690         iToolbarCba->DrawDeferred(); 
  2691         }
  2692     }
  2695 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2696 // CAknToolbar::ExtensionEventL
  2697 // Extension notifies of its events using this method
  2698 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2699 //
  2700 void CAknToolbar::ExtensionEventL( TInt aCommandId )
  2701     {
  2702     if ( iToolbarObserver )
  2703         {
  2704         iToolbarObserver->OfferToolbarEventL( aCommandId ); 
  2705         }
  2706     }
  2708 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2709 // CAknToolbar::ConstructControlLC
  2710 // Constructs one of the toolbar items
  2711 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2712 //    
  2713 CAknToolbarItem* CAknToolbar::ConstructControlLC( TResourceReader& aReader )
  2714     {
  2715     CAknToolbarItem* item = new(ELeave) CAknToolbarItem;
  2716     CleanupStack::PushL( item );
  2718     item->ConstructFromResourceL( aReader );
  2719     if ( item->Control() )
  2720         {
  2721         item->Control()->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
  2722         item->Control()->SetBackground( this );
  2724         if ( item->ControlType() != EAknCtToolbarExtension )
  2725             {
  2726             item->Control()->SetObserver( this );
  2727             }
  2728         }
  2729     else
  2730         {
  2731         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( item );
  2732         item = NULL;
  2733         }
  2735     return item;
  2736     }
  2738 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2739 // CAknToolbar::CalculateSizeAndPosition
  2740 // Calculates size and position of the toolbar.
  2741 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2742 //
  2743 TRect CAknToolbar::CalculateSizeAndPosition()
  2744     {
  2745     iVisibleItems.Reset();
  2746     iPreviousItem = KSelectedNone;
  2747     if ( iItems.Count() <= 0 )
  2748         {
  2749         return TRect();
  2750         }
  2752     TRect mainPaneRect;
  2753     if ( !( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed ) )
  2754         {
  2755         AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane,
  2756                                        mainPaneRect );
  2757         if ( iAvkonAppUi->TouchPane() )
  2758             {
  2759             iAvkonAppUi->TouchPane()->ReduceRect( mainPaneRect );
  2760             }
  2761         }
  2762     else
  2763         {
  2764         TRect appRect; 
  2765         AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EApplicationWindow, 
  2766                                            appRect); 
  2767         if ( !Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() )
  2768             {
  2769             iOrientation = EAknOrientationHorizontal; 
  2770             mainPaneRect = RectFromLayout( appRect,
  2771                 AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::area_side_right_pane( 6 ) );
  2772             }
  2773         else
  2774             {
  2775             iOrientation = EAknOrientationVertical; 
  2776             mainPaneRect = RectFromLayout( appRect,
  2777                 AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::area_side_right_pane( 0 ) );
  2778             }
  2779         }
  2781     TRect toolbarRect;
  2782     TRect gridPaneRect;
  2783     TRect cellPaneRect;
  2785     TBool smallToolbar = iFlags & KAknToolbarSmall; 
  2787     CalculateRects( mainPaneRect, toolbarRect, gridPaneRect, cellPaneRect ); 
  2789     // The position of the toolbar is by default fixed, but it can be changed
  2790     TPoint position;
  2791     TBool flexiblePosition = iFlags & KAknToolbarFlexiblePosition;
  2792     if ( flexiblePosition )
  2793         {
  2794         position = Position();
  2795         }
  2796     else
  2797         {
  2798         position = toolbarRect.iTl;
  2799         }
  2801     TInt minToolbarWidthOrHeight;
  2802     // Maximum possible width of the toolbar with the specified position
  2803     TInt maxToolbarWidthOrHeight;
  2805     if ( iOrientation == EAknOrientationHorizontal )
  2806         {        
  2807         // Width of empty toolbar
  2808         minToolbarWidthOrHeight = toolbarRect.Width() - gridPaneRect.Width();
  2809         // Maximum width for toolbar
  2810         maxToolbarWidthOrHeight = mainPaneRect.Width() - 
  2811                           ( position.iX - mainPaneRect.iTl.iX );
  2812         }
  2813     else
  2814         {
  2815         if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed )
  2816             {
  2817             minToolbarWidthOrHeight = 0; 
  2818             maxToolbarWidthOrHeight = gridPaneRect.Height(); 
  2819             }
  2820         else    
  2821             {
  2822              // Height of empty toolbar
  2823             minToolbarWidthOrHeight = toolbarRect.Height() - gridPaneRect.Height();        
  2824             // Maximum height for toolbar
  2825             maxToolbarWidthOrHeight = mainPaneRect.Height() - 
  2826                           ( position.iY - mainPaneRect.iTl.iY );        
  2827             }
  2828         }
  2831     TInt gridPaneWidth= 0;
  2832     TInt gridPaneHeight = 0;
  2834     TInt maxGridPaneWidthOrHeight = maxToolbarWidthOrHeight - minToolbarWidthOrHeight;
  2837     // Layout the component controls in grid pane. Note: Code does not use the
  2838     // actual cells from the layout, because toolbar must be able to contain any
  2839     // kind of control. It assumes that the cells are side by side in grid pane
  2840     // and that grid pane is filled from left to right. Code takes the height of
  2841     // the controls from button pane, but uses the control's own width.
  2842     TRect currentCellPaneRect = cellPaneRect;
  2843     iBgRect = TRect( TPoint( 0,0 ), toolbarRect.Size() );
  2844     if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( ESwitchForItemsHidden ) 
  2845             && iInternalFlags.IsSet( EItemsHidden ))
  2846         {
  2847         iInternalFlags.Clear( EItemsHidden );
  2848         }
  2849     for ( TInt ii = 0;
  2850           ii < iItems.Count() && 
  2851           ( iOrientation == EAknOrientationHorizontal ? 
  2852                 currentCellPaneRect.iBr.iX - gridPaneRect.iTl.iX: 
  2853                 currentCellPaneRect.iBr.iY - gridPaneRect.iTl.iY ) 
  2854                 <= maxGridPaneWidthOrHeight; ++ii )
  2855         {
  2856         CAknToolbarItem* item = iItems[ii];
  2857         if ( item && item->Control() && !item->IsHidden() && !iInternalFlags.IsSet( EItemsHidden ) )
  2858             {
  2859             switch ( item->ControlType() )
  2860                 {
  2861                 case EAknCtButton:
  2862                 case EAknCtToolbarExtension :
  2864                     {                    
  2865                     TRect controlRect;
  2867                     if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarSmall )
  2868                         {
  2869                         controlRect = currentCellPaneRect; 
  2870                         }
  2871                     else if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed )
  2872                         {
  2873                         controlRect = currentCellPaneRect; 
  2874                         TAknLayoutRect centerLayout;
  2875                         centerLayout.LayoutRect( currentCellPaneRect,
  2876                             AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::cell_sctrl_middle_pane_g2( iOrientation == EAknOrientationHorizontal ).LayoutLine() );
  2877                         TRect graphicsRect = centerLayout.Rect();
  2879                         CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( item->Control() ); 
  2880                         button->SetIconSize( graphicsRect.Size() ); 
  2882                         TMargins8 margins;
  2883                         margins.iTop = currentCellPaneRect.iTl.iY - graphicsRect.iTl.iY;
  2884                         margins.iBottom = graphicsRect.iBr.iY - currentCellPaneRect.iBr.iY;
  2885                         margins.iLeft = currentCellPaneRect.iTl.iX - graphicsRect.iTl.iX;
  2886                         margins.iRight = graphicsRect.iBr.iX - currentCellPaneRect.iBr.iX;
  2887                         button->SetMargins( margins ); 
  2888                         }
  2889                     else    
  2890                         {
  2891                         controlRect = CalculateControlRect( currentCellPaneRect ); 
  2892                         }
  2893                     item->Control()->SetRect( controlRect );
  2895                     if ( iOrientation == EAknOrientationHorizontal )
  2896                         {
  2897                         iBgRect.iTl.iX += controlRect.Width();
  2898                         }
  2899                     else
  2900                         {
  2901                         iBgRect.iTl.iY += controlRect.Height();
  2902                         }
  2903                     break;
  2904                     }
  2905                 default:
  2906                     {
  2907                     CCoeControl* control = item->Control();
  2909                     TRect controlRect  = RectFromLayout( currentCellPaneRect,
  2910                        AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::toolbar_button_pane() );
  2912                     if ( iOrientation == EAknOrientationHorizontal )
  2913                         {                       
  2914                         control->SetExtent( controlRect.iTl,
  2915                                             TSize( control->Rect().Width(),
  2916                                                    controlRect.Height() ) );
  2918                         currentCellPaneRect.Resize( control->Rect().Width() -
  2919                                                     controlRect.Width(), 0);
  2920                         }
  2921                     else
  2922                         {
  2923                         control->SetExtent( controlRect.iTl,
  2924                                             TSize( controlRect.Width(),
  2925                                                    control->Rect().Height() ) );
  2927                         currentCellPaneRect.Resize( 0, control->Rect().Height() -
  2928                                                        controlRect.Height() );
  2929                         }
  2930                     break;
  2931                     }
  2932                 }
  2933             TRect highlightRect; 
  2934             if ( smallToolbar )
  2935                 {
  2936                 highlightRect = currentCellPaneRect; 
  2937                 }
  2938             else if ( iOrientation == EAknOrientationHorizontal )
  2939                 {
  2940                 highlightRect = RectFromLayout( currentCellPaneRect,
  2941                     AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::grid_highlight_pane_cp2(0) );
  2942                 }
  2943             else 
  2944                 {
  2945                 highlightRect = RectFromLayout( currentCellPaneRect, 
  2946                     AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::grid_highlight_pane_cp2(3) );
  2947                 }
  2949             item->SetHighlightRect( highlightRect );   
  2952 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
  2953             // Only buttons are shown with focusable toolbar or small toolbar.
  2954             if ( ( IsNonFocusing() && !smallToolbar ) || 
  2955                 item->ControlType() == EAknCtButton || item->ControlType() == EAknCtToolbarExtension  )
  2956 #else
  2957             if ( item->ControlType() == EAknCtButton || item->ControlType() == EAknCtToolbarExtension  )
  2958 #endif
  2959                 {
  2960                 if ( iOrientation == EAknOrientationHorizontal && 
  2961                     gridPaneWidth + currentCellPaneRect.Width() <= 
  2962                     maxGridPaneWidthOrHeight )
  2963                     {
  2964                     iVisibleItems.Append( item );
  2965                     gridPaneWidth += currentCellPaneRect.Width();
  2966                     }
  2968                 else if ( iOrientation == EAknOrientationVertical &&
  2969                     gridPaneHeight + currentCellPaneRect.Height() <= 
  2970                     maxGridPaneWidthOrHeight )
  2971                     {
  2972                     iVisibleItems.Append( item );
  2973                     gridPaneHeight += currentCellPaneRect.Height();
  2974                     gridPaneWidth = item->Control()->Rect().Width();
  2975                     }
  2977                 // Set up next cell pane rect
  2978                 if ( iOrientation == EAknOrientationVertical )
  2979                     {
  2980                     currentCellPaneRect.SetRect( TPoint( currentCellPaneRect.iTl.iX,
  2981                                                   currentCellPaneRect.iBr.iY ),
  2982                                                  cellPaneRect.Size() );
  2983                     }
  2984                 else
  2985                     {
  2986                     currentCellPaneRect.SetRect( TPoint( currentCellPaneRect.iBr.iX,
  2987                                                   currentCellPaneRect.iTl.iY ),
  2988                                                  cellPaneRect.Size() );
  2989                     }
  2990                 }
  2991             else
  2992                 {
  2993                 if ( item->IsSelected() )
  2994                     {
  2995                     TRAP_IGNORE( item->SetIsSelectedL( EFalse ) );
  2996                     }
  2998                 currentCellPaneRect.SetRect( TPoint( currentCellPaneRect.iTl.iX,
  2999                                              currentCellPaneRect.iTl.iY ),
  3000                                              cellPaneRect.Size() );
  3001                 }
  3002             }
  3003         }
  3005     if ( TooFewItemsVisible() ) 
  3006         {
  3007         return TRect( position, TSize(0,0) ); 
  3008         }
  3011     TRect rect;
  3013     if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed )
  3014             {
  3015             rect = toolbarRect; 
  3016             return rect; 
  3017             }
  3019     if ( iOrientation == EAknOrientationHorizontal )
  3020         {
  3021         TInt mid = mainPaneRect.Width() / 2;
  3022         if ( !flexiblePosition ) 
  3023             {
  3024             position.iX = mainPaneRect.iTl.iX + 
  3025                 ( mid - ( minToolbarWidthOrHeight + gridPaneWidth ) / 2 ); 
  3026             if ( position.iX < toolbarRect.iTl.iX )
  3027                 {
  3028                 position.iX = toolbarRect.iTl.iX; 
  3029                 }
  3030             }
  3031         rect = TRect( position, TSize( minToolbarWidthOrHeight + gridPaneWidth,
  3032                                    toolbarRect.Height() ) );
  3033         }    
  3034     else 
  3035         {
  3036         TInt mid = mainPaneRect.Height() / 2;
  3037         if ( !flexiblePosition ) 
  3038             {
  3039             position.iY = mainPaneRect.iTl.iY + 
  3040                 ( mid - ( minToolbarWidthOrHeight + gridPaneHeight ) / 2 ); 
  3041             if ( position.iY < toolbarRect.iTl.iY )
  3042                 {
  3043                 position.iY = toolbarRect.iTl.iY; 
  3044                 }
  3045             }
  3046         rect = TRect( position, TSize( toolbarRect.Width(), 
  3047                         minToolbarWidthOrHeight + gridPaneHeight ) );
  3048         }
  3050     return rect;
  3051     }
  3055 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3056 // CAknToolbar::CalculateRects
  3057 // Calculates rects for toolbar.
  3058 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3059 //
  3060 void CAknToolbar::CalculateRects( TRect& aMainPaneRect, TRect& aToolbarRect, 
  3061     TRect& aGridPaneRect, TRect& aCellPaneRect )
  3062     {
  3063     TBool smallToolbar = iFlags & KAknToolbarSmall; 
  3065     TInt variety;
  3067     if ( smallToolbar )
  3068         {
  3069         if ( iOrientation == EAknOrientationHorizontal )
  3070             {        
  3071             variety = 1;    
  3072             aToolbarRect = RectFromLayout( aMainPaneRect,
  3073                 AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::popup_toolbar_trans_pane( variety ) );
  3075             aGridPaneRect = RectFromLayout( TRect( TPoint(), aToolbarRect.Size() ),
  3076                 AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::grid_tb_trans_pane( variety ) );
  3078             aCellPaneRect = RectFromLayout( aGridPaneRect,     
  3079                 AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::cell_toolbar_trans_pane( 0, variety ) );
  3080             }
  3081         else
  3082             {        
  3083             aToolbarRect = RectFromLayout( aMainPaneRect,
  3084                 AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::popup_toolbar_trans_pane() );
  3086             aGridPaneRect = RectFromLayout( TRect( TPoint(), aToolbarRect.Size() ),
  3087                 AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::grid_tb_trans_pane() );
  3089             aCellPaneRect = RectFromLayout( aGridPaneRect,     
  3090                 AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::cell_toolbar_trans_pane( 0 ) );
  3092             }
  3093         }
  3094     else if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed )
  3095         {
  3096         if ( iOrientation == EAknOrientationHorizontal )
  3097             {        
  3098             variety = 4;    
  3099             aToolbarRect = RectFromLayout( aMainPaneRect,
  3100                 AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::grid_sctrl_middle_pane( 1 ) );
  3102             aGridPaneRect = TRect( TPoint(), aToolbarRect.Size() ); 
  3104             aCellPaneRect = RectFromLayout( aGridPaneRect,     
  3105                 AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::cell_sctrl_middle_pane( 1, 0, 0 ) );
  3106             }
  3107         else
  3108             {
  3109             aToolbarRect = RectFromLayout( aMainPaneRect,
  3110                 AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::grid_sctrl_middle_pane( 0 ) );
  3112             aGridPaneRect = TRect( TPoint(), aToolbarRect.Size() ); 
  3115             aCellPaneRect = RectFromLayout( aGridPaneRect,     
  3116                 AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::cell_sctrl_middle_pane( 0, 0, 0 ) );
  3117             }
  3118         }
  3119     else    
  3120         {
  3121         if ( iOrientation == EAknOrientationHorizontal )
  3122             {        
  3123             variety = 4;    
  3124             aToolbarRect = RectFromLayout( aMainPaneRect,
  3125                 AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::popup_toolbar_window( variety ) );
  3127             aGridPaneRect = RectFromLayout( TRect( TPoint(), aToolbarRect.Size() ),
  3128                 AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::grid_toobar_pane() );
  3130             aCellPaneRect = RectFromLayout( aGridPaneRect,     
  3131                 AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::cell_toolbar_pane( 0 ) );
  3132             }
  3133         else
  3134             {        
  3135             aToolbarRect = RectFromLayout( aMainPaneRect,
  3136                 AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::popup_toolbar_window( 6 ) );
  3138             aGridPaneRect = RectFromLayout( TRect( TPoint(), aToolbarRect.Size() ),
  3139                 AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::grid_toobar_pane( 6 ) );
  3141             aCellPaneRect = RectFromLayout( aGridPaneRect,     
  3142                 AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::cell_toolbar_pane( 0, 1, 0 ) );
  3144             }
  3145         }
  3146    }
  3148 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3149 // CAknToolbar::CalculateControlRect
  3150 // Calculates control rect for toolbar item.
  3151 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3152 //
  3153 TRect CAknToolbar::CalculateControlRect( TRect& aCurrentCellPaneRect )
  3154     {
  3155     TRect controlRect;     
  3156     if ( iOrientation == EAknOrientationHorizontal )
  3157         {
  3158         controlRect = RectFromLayout( aCurrentCellPaneRect,
  3159             AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::toolbar_button_pane() );                        
  3160         }                    
  3161     else
  3162         {
  3163         controlRect = RectFromLayout( aCurrentCellPaneRect,
  3164             AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::toolbar_button_pane( 2 ) );                        
  3165         }
  3166     return controlRect; 
  3167     }
  3169 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3170 // CAknToolbar::CheckNumberOfVisibleItems
  3171 // Checks number of visible items and deletes or created CBA if needed
  3172 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3173 //
  3174 TBool CAknToolbar::TooFewItemsVisible()
  3175     {
  3176     if( !iVisibleItems.Count() )
  3177         {
  3178         if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed )
  3179             {
  3180             return EFalse;
  3181             }
  3182         else
  3183             {
  3184             //if the number of toolbar items is 0 then toolbar CBA is deleted
  3185             if ( iToolbarCba )
  3186                 {
  3187                 delete iToolbarCba;
  3188                 iToolbarCba = NULL;
  3189                 }
  3191             DrawableWindow()->SetOrdinalPosition( 0, ECoeWinPriorityNeverAtFront );
  3193             iInternalFlags.Set( ENoItemsVisible );
  3194             return ETrue;     
  3195             }
  3196         }
  3197     else if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( ENoItemsVisible ) )   
  3198         {
  3199         iInternalFlags.Clear( ENoItemsVisible );
  3201         TBool withoutCba( iFlags & KAknToolbarWithoutCba );                    
  3203         DrawableWindow()->SetOrdinalPosition( 0, ECoeWinPriorityNormal );
  3205         // toolbar CBA is created here because it had been deleted due to 
  3206         // too few items in toolbar
  3207         if ( !withoutCba && !IsNonFocusing() )
  3208             {
  3209             TRAP_IGNORE( iToolbarCba = CEikButtonGroupContainer::NewL( 
  3210                 CEikButtonGroupContainer::ECba, 
  3211                 CEikButtonGroupContainer::EHorizontal,
  3212                 this, iSoftkeyResource ) );
  3214             if ( iToolbarCba->ButtonGroup() )
  3215                 {
  3216                 static_cast<CEikCba*>( iToolbarCba->ButtonGroup() )->
  3217                     SetSkinBackgroundId( KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaControlPopup );
  3218                 }
  3219                 TRAP_IGNORE( InitFocusedItemL( ETrue ) );
  3221             }
  3222         }
  3223     return EFalse; 
  3224     }
  3226 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3227 // CAknToolbar::ToolbarItemByControl
  3228 // Returns toolbar item object for the specified control.
  3229 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3230 //
  3231 CAknToolbarItem* CAknToolbar::ToolbarItemByControl( const CCoeControl* aControl ) const 
  3232     {
  3233     if ( aControl )
  3234         {
  3235         for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < iItems.Count(); ii++ ) 
  3236             {
  3237             CAknToolbarItem* item = iItems[ii];
  3238             if ( item && item->Control() && item->Control() == aControl )
  3239                 {
  3240                 return item;
  3241                 }
  3242             }
  3243         }
  3244     return NULL;
  3245     }
  3247 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3248 // CAknToolbar::ToolbarItemById
  3249 // Returns toolbar item object for the specified command ID
  3250 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3251 //
  3252 CAknToolbarItem* CAknToolbar::ToolbarItemById( const TInt aId ) const 
  3253     {
  3254     for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < iItems.Count(); ii++ )
  3255         {
  3256         CAknToolbarItem* item = iItems[ii];
  3257         if ( item && item->CommandId() == aId )
  3258             {
  3259             return item;
  3260             }
  3261         }
  3262     return NULL;
  3263     }
  3265 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3266 // CAknToolbar::ToolbarItemIndexById
  3267 // Returns the index of the toolbar item inside of the iItems array.
  3268 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3269 //
  3270 TInt CAknToolbar::ToolbarItemIndexById( const TInt aId ) const 
  3271     {
  3272     for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < iItems.Count(); ii++ )
  3273         {
  3274         CAknToolbarItem* item = iItems[ii];
  3275         if ( item && item->CommandId() == aId )
  3276             {
  3277             return ii;
  3278             }
  3279         }
  3280     return KErrNotFound;
  3281     }
  3283 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3284 // CAknToolbar::ToolbarItemIndexByControl
  3285 // Returns toolbar item index for the specified control or KErrNotFound.
  3286 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3287 //
  3288 TInt CAknToolbar::ToolbarItemIndexByControl( const CCoeControl* aControl ) const 
  3289     {
  3290     if ( aControl )
  3291         {
  3292         for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < iItems.Count(); ii++ ) 
  3293             {
  3294             CAknToolbarItem* item = iItems[ii];
  3295             if ( item && item->Control() == aControl )
  3296                 {
  3297                 return ii;
  3298                 }
  3299             }
  3300         }
  3301     return KErrNotFound;
  3302     }
  3304 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3305 // CAknToolbar::ToolbarVisibleIndexById
  3306 // Returns the index of the toolbar item inside of the iVisibleItems array.
  3307 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3308 //
  3309 TInt CAknToolbar::ToolbarVisibleIndexById( const TInt aId ) const 
  3310     {
  3311     for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < iVisibleItems.Count(); ii++ )
  3312         {
  3313         CAknToolbarItem* item = iVisibleItems[ii];
  3314         if ( item && item->CommandId() == aId )
  3315             {
  3316             return ii;
  3317             }
  3318         }
  3319     return KErrNotFound;
  3320     }
  3324 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3325 // CAknToolbar::ToolbarVisibleIndexByControl
  3326 // Returns visible toolbar item index for the specified control or KErrNotFound.
  3327 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3328 //
  3329 TInt CAknToolbar::ToolbarVisibleIndexByControl( const CCoeControl* aControl ) const 
  3330     {
  3331     if ( aControl )
  3332         {
  3333         for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < iVisibleItems.Count(); ii++ ) 
  3334             {
  3335             CAknToolbarItem* item = iVisibleItems[ii];
  3336             if ( item && item->Control() == aControl )
  3337                 {
  3338                 return ii;
  3339                 }
  3340             }
  3341         }
  3342     return KErrNotFound;
  3343     }
  3345 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3346 // CAknToolbar::SlideToolbar
  3347 // Draws the toolbar with sliding effect.
  3348 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3349 //    
  3350 void CAknToolbar::SlideToolbar( const TPoint& aEndPos )
  3351     {          
  3352     // Currently supports sliding only from left to right. 
  3353     // If some other cases are needed implementation should be changed then.   
  3355     if ( iOrientation == EAknOrientationVertical )
  3356         {
  3357         return; 
  3358         }
  3360     TPoint start = Position();
  3361     iStep = (  aEndPos.iX - start.iX ) / 10;
  3363     iEndPos = aEndPos.iX; 
  3365     SlideWithIdle(); 
  3367     }
  3369 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3370 // CAknToolbar::SetRightCbaText
  3371 // Changes CBA if no item is focused.
  3372 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3373 //  
  3374 void CAknToolbar::SetRightCbaTextL()
  3375     {
  3376     if ( !iToolbarCba )
  3377         {
  3378         return;
  3379         }
  3381     if ( IsFocused() && iFocusedItem == KFocusedNone )
  3382         {
  3383         iToolbarCba->MakeCommandVisibleByPosition( 
  3384             CEikButtonGroupContainer::ELeftSoftkeyPosition, EFalse ); 
  3385         iToolbarCba->MakeCommandVisibleByPosition( 
  3386             CEikButtonGroupContainer::EMiddleSoftkeyPosition, EFalse ); 
  3387         iToolbarCba->DrawDeferred();
  3388         }
  3389     }
  3390 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3391 // CAknToolbar::GetNextSelectableItemIndex
  3392 // Returns next not dimmed and not hidden control index.
  3393 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3394 //    
  3395 TInt CAknToolbar::GetNextSelectableItemIndex( TInt aStartIndex, TBool aMoveForward )
  3396     {
  3397     TInt index( aStartIndex );
  3399     if ( IsNonFocusing() )
  3400         {
  3401         return KFocusedNone; 
  3402         }
  3404     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iVisibleItems.Count(), Panic( EEikPanicInvalidLength ) ); 
  3406     CAknButton* button = NULL;  
  3407     // we will do it till we don't get valid non-dimmed item or till we don't
  3408     // make the whole round ( all items are dimmed )
  3409     do 
  3410         {
  3411         button = NULL; 
  3412         if ( aMoveForward && index >= iVisibleItems.Count() - 1 )
  3413             {
  3414             index = 0;
  3415             }
  3416         else if ( !aMoveForward && index == 0 )
  3417             {
  3418             index = iVisibleItems.Count() - 1;
  3419             }
  3420         else
  3421             {
  3422             if ( aMoveForward )
  3423                 {
  3424                 ++index;
  3425                 }
  3426             else 
  3427                 {
  3428                 --index;
  3429                 }
  3430             }
  3431         button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( iVisibleItems[index]->Control() );
  3433         } while ( ( !button || button->IsDimmed() ) && aStartIndex != index );
  3435     // no non-dimmed items
  3436     if ( aStartIndex == index )
  3437         {
  3438         return KFocusedNone;
  3439         }
  3441     return index;
  3442     }
  3444 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3445 // CAknToolbar::MoveHighlightL
  3446 // Moves highlight from one item to another
  3447 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3448 //    
  3449 void CAknToolbar::MoveHighlightL( TInt aItemIndex, 
  3450                                    const TBool aDrawNow,
  3451                                    const TBool aMoveForward,
  3452                                    const TBool aPrepareControl )
  3453     {
  3454     if ( IsNonFocusing() || !iVisibleItems.Count() )
  3455         {
  3456         // Item cannot get focus, when toolbar is non-focusing
  3457         aItemIndex = KFocusedNone;
  3458         }
  3460     if ( aItemIndex >= iVisibleItems.Count() )
  3461         {
  3462         aItemIndex = iVisibleItems.Count() - 1;
  3463         }
  3464     else if ( aItemIndex < 0 && aItemIndex != KFocusedNone )
  3465         {
  3466         aItemIndex = 0;
  3467         }
  3469     if ( aItemIndex == iFocusedItem )
  3470         {
  3471         if ( iFocusedItem >= 0 && iFocusedItem < iVisibleItems.Count() )
  3472             {
  3473             // Set item focused again so that tooltip is shown again. 
  3474             iVisibleItems[iFocusedItem]->SetFocusL( ETrue, aPrepareControl,
  3475                 aDrawNow ? EDrawNow : ENoDrawNow, this );
  3476             }
  3477         return;
  3478         }
  3480     TInt oldFocused = iFocusedItem;
  3481     if ( oldFocused < 0 || oldFocused >= iVisibleItems.Count() )
  3482         {
  3483         oldFocused = KFocusedNone;
  3484         }
  3485     iFocusedItem = aItemIndex;
  3486     CAknToolbarItem* item = NULL;
  3487     CAknButton* button = NULL; 
  3489     if ( iFocusedItem != KFocusedNone )  
  3490         {
  3491         // There are only buttons in a focusable toolbar
  3492         item = iVisibleItems[iFocusedItem];
  3493         button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( item->Control() ); 
  3495         if ( button && button->IsDimmed() )
  3496             {
  3497             // we should skip dimmed controls
  3498             TInt index = GetNextSelectableItemIndex( iFocusedItem, 
  3499                 aMoveForward );
  3500             if ( index == KFocusedNone )
  3501                 {
  3502                 // all items are dimmed
  3503                 iFocusedItem = KFocusedNone;
  3504                 SetRightCbaTextL();
  3505                 // Draw last hightlighted item again to remove highlight
  3506                 if ( oldFocused >= 0 && oldFocused < iVisibleItems.Count() )
  3507                     {
  3508                     CAknToolbarItem* oldItem = iVisibleItems[oldFocused]; 
  3509                     DrawNow( oldItem->HighlightRect() );     
  3510                     }
  3511                 return;
  3512                 }
  3513             // there is only one non dimmed item
  3514             else if ( index == oldFocused )
  3515                 {
  3516                 iFocusedItem = oldFocused; 
  3517                 return;
  3518                 }
  3519             else
  3520                 {
  3521                 iFocusedItem = index;
  3522                 }
  3524             __ASSERT_DEBUG( ( index >= 0 && index < iVisibleItems.Count() ), 
  3525                 Panic( EEikPanicInvalidIndex ) );
  3526             item = iVisibleItems[index];
  3527             }
  3529         // set this item focused
  3530         item->SetFocusL( ETrue, aPrepareControl,
  3531                          aDrawNow ? EDrawNow : ENoDrawNow, this );
  3532         item->Control()->DrawNow( item->HighlightRect() ); 
  3533         }
  3535     if ( oldFocused != KFocusedNone )
  3536         {
  3537         item = iVisibleItems[oldFocused];
  3538         if ( item && item->Control() )
  3539             {
  3540             SelectItemL( oldFocused, EFalse );
  3542             // take the focus away
  3543             item->SetFocusL( EFalse, aPrepareControl,
  3544                              aDrawNow ? EDrawNow : ENoDrawNow, this );
  3545             item->Control()->DrawNow( item->HighlightRect() ); 
  3546             }
  3547         }
  3548     }
  3550 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3551 // CAknToolbar::InitFocusedItemL
  3552 // Set the focus to the middle or first item. Size and position should be
  3553 // calculated already, to avoid iVisibleItems.Count() to be 0.
  3554 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3555 //
  3556 void CAknToolbar::InitFocusedItemL( const TBool aDrawNow )
  3557     {
  3558     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iVisibleItems.Count(), Panic( EEikPanicInvalidLength ) );
  3560     if ( iInitialFocusedItem >= 0 && 
  3561          iInitialFocusedItem < iVisibleItems.Count() )
  3562         {
  3563         MoveHighlightL( iInitialFocusedItem, aDrawNow );
  3564         return;
  3565         }
  3567     if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarMiddleItemFocused && iVisibleItems.Count() != 1 )
  3568         {
  3569         // focus is in the middle
  3570         if ( iVisibleItems.Count() % 2 )
  3571             {
  3572             // if the number of visible items is odd number
  3573             MoveHighlightL( iVisibleItems.Count() / 2, aDrawNow );
  3574             }
  3575         else
  3576             {
  3577             // if the number of visible items is even number
  3578             MoveHighlightL( iVisibleItems.Count() / 2 - 1, aDrawNow );
  3579             }
  3580         }
  3581     else // default behaviour
  3582         {
  3583         MoveHighlightL( 0, aDrawNow );
  3584         }
  3585     }
  3587 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3588 // CAknToolbar::SetShown
  3589 // Sets the flag on or off.
  3590 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3591 //
  3592 void CAknToolbar::SetShown( const TBool aShown )
  3593     {
  3594     if ( aShown )
  3595         {
  3596         iInternalFlags.Set( EShown );
  3597         }
  3598     else
  3599         {
  3600         iInternalFlags.Clear( EShown );
  3601         }
  3603     if ( !( iFlags & KAknToolbarWithoutCba ) && !IsNonFocusing() &&
  3604         !( iFlags & KAknToolbarSmall ) )
  3605         {
  3606         FadeBehindPopup( aShown ); 
  3607         }
  3608     CCoeControl::MakeVisible( aShown );
  3609     // Need to call here, because ComponentControl only returns
  3610     // visible items
  3611     UpdateControlVisibility();
  3612     }
  3614 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3615 // CAknToolbar::SelectItemL
  3616 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3617 //
  3618 void CAknToolbar::SelectItemL( const TInt aIndex, const TBool aSelect )
  3619     {
  3620     if ( aSelect )
  3621         {
  3622         if ( aIndex != iSelectedItem )
  3623             {
  3624             if ( iSelectedItem != KSelectedNone &&
  3625                  iSelectedItem < iVisibleItems.Count() )
  3626                 {
  3627                 iVisibleItems[iSelectedItem]->SetIsSelectedL( EFalse );
  3628                 }
  3630             if ( aIndex != KSelectedNone && aIndex < iVisibleItems.Count() )
  3631                 {
  3632                 if ( iVisibleItems[aIndex]->SetIsSelectedL( ETrue ) )
  3633                     {
  3634                     iSelectedItem = aIndex;
  3635                     }
  3636                 else
  3637                     {
  3638                     iSelectedItem = KSelectedNone;
  3639                     }
  3640                 }
  3641             else
  3642                 {
  3643                 iSelectedItem = KSelectedNone;
  3644                 }
  3645             }
  3646         }
  3647     else
  3648         {
  3649         if ( aIndex == iSelectedItem )
  3650             {
  3651             if ( aIndex != KSelectedNone && aIndex < iVisibleItems.Count() )
  3652                 {
  3653                 iVisibleItems[aIndex]->SetIsSelectedL( EFalse );
  3654                 }
  3655             iSelectedItem = KSelectedNone;
  3656             }
  3657         }
  3658     }
  3660 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3661 // CAknToolbar::RectFromLayout
  3662 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3663 //
  3664 TRect CAknToolbar::RectFromLayout( const TRect& aParent,
  3665         const TAknWindowComponentLayout& aComponentLayout ) const
  3666     {
  3667     TAknWindowLineLayout lineLayout = aComponentLayout.LayoutLine();
  3668     TAknLayoutRect layoutRect;
  3669     layoutRect.LayoutRect( aParent, lineLayout );
  3670     return layoutRect.Rect();
  3671     }
  3673 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3674 // CAknToolbar::WaitForScreenSwitch. This is called by CIdle when it returns. 
  3675 // Toolbar is shown again with new screen capture. 
  3676 // this function is deserted for NGA's removing BitmapDevice
  3677 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3678 //
  3679 TInt CAknToolbar::WaitForScreenSwitch(TAny* /*aThis*/)
  3680     {
  3681     return KErrNone; 
  3682     }
  3684 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3685 // CAknToolbar::HideToolbarForBackgroundUpdate
  3686 // This hides toolbar so that it is possible to get a screen capture. 
  3687 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3688 //
  3689 void CAknToolbar::HideToolbarForBackgroundUpdate()
  3690     {
  3691 	  return;
  3692     }
  3694 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3695 // CAknToolbar::UpdateTooltipPositions
  3696 // Updates tooltips positions
  3697 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3698 //
  3699 void CAknToolbar::UpdateControlPositions()
  3700     {
  3701     for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < iVisibleItems.Count(); ++ii )
  3702         {
  3703         iVisibleItems[ii]->RegisterPosition( Position() );
  3704         }
  3705     }
  3707 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3708 // CAknToolbar::ShowViaIdle
  3709 // Shows toolbar via CIdle.
  3710 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3711 //
  3712 void CAknToolbar::ShowViaIdle()
  3713     {
  3714     if ( !iIdle )
  3715         {
  3716         TRAPD( err, iIdle = CIdle::NewL( CActive::EPriorityStandard ) );
  3718         if ( err != KErrNone)
  3719             {
  3720             return; 
  3721             }
  3722         }
  3724     if ( iIdle->IsActive() )
  3725         {
  3726         iIdle->Cancel();
  3727         }
  3729     if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed )   
  3730         {
  3731         iIdle->SetPriority ( CActive::EPriorityStandard );
  3732         }
  3733     else
  3734         {
  3735         iIdle->SetPriority( CActive::EPriorityIdle );
  3736         }
  3738     iInternalFlags.Set( EShown );
  3739     iIdle->Start( TCallBack ( ShowDelayedToolbar, this ) );
  3740     }
  3742 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3743 // CAknToolbar::ShowDelayedToolbar
  3744 // Callback for delayed window creation.
  3745 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3746 //
  3747 TInt CAknToolbar::ShowDelayedToolbar( TAny* aThis )
  3748     {
  3749     CAknToolbar* toolbar = static_cast<CAknToolbar*>(aThis);
  3750     if ( !toolbar->iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShowingAgain ) && 
  3751          toolbar->iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShown ) )
  3752         {
  3753         TRAPD(err,toolbar->ShowToolbarL()); 
  3754         if ( err != KErrNone )
  3755             {
  3756             // if we failed then softkeys should be deleted just in case if they 
  3757             // were created before leave
  3758             delete toolbar->iToolbarCba;
  3759             toolbar->iToolbarCba = NULL;
  3761             toolbar->SetFocus( EFalse );
  3762             CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi()->UpdateStackedControlFlags( toolbar, 
  3763                 ~0, ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus | ECoeStackFlagRefusesAllKeys );
  3765             }
  3766         }
  3767     else
  3768         {
  3769         toolbar->DrawableWindow()->SetOrdinalPosition( 0, ECoeWinPriorityNormal );
  3770         toolbar->iInternalFlags.Clear( EShowingAgain );
  3771         }
  3772     return KErrNone; 
  3773     }
  3776 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3777 // CAknToolbar::CheckHitAreas
  3778 // Registers buttons to check hit areas in the case of fixed toolbar
  3779 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3780 //
  3781 void CAknToolbar::CheckHitAreas()
  3782     {
  3783     CAknButton* button = NULL; 
  3785     for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < iItems.Count(); ++ii )
  3786         {
  3787         if ( iItems[ii]->ControlType() == EAknCtButton || 
  3788              iItems[ii]->ControlType() == EAknCtToolbarExtension  )
  3789             {
  3790             button = static_cast<CAknButton*>(iItems[ii]->Control());             
  3791             button->CheckHitArea(); 
  3792             }
  3793        }
  3795     }
  3797 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3798 // CAknToolbar::Toolbar Extension
  3799 // Return pointer to toolbar extension if available
  3800 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3801 //
  3802 EXPORT_C CAknToolbarExtension* CAknToolbar::ToolbarExtension() const 
  3803     {
  3804     for ( TInt i = 0; i < iItems.Count(); ++i )
  3805         {
  3806         if ( iItems[i]->ControlType() == EAknCtToolbarExtension )
  3807             {
  3808             return static_cast<CAknToolbarExtension*>( iItems[i]->Control() ); 
  3809             }
  3810         }
  3811     return NULL;     
  3812     }
  3814 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3815 // Calls dyninittoolbarL about extension opening. 
  3816 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3817 //
  3818 void CAknToolbar::DynInitExtensionL( CCoeControl* aControl )  
  3819     {
  3820     TInt commandId = ToolbarItemByControl( aControl )->CommandId(); 
  3821     if ( iToolbarObserver )
  3822         {
  3823         iToolbarObserver->DynInitToolbarL( commandId, this );
  3824         }
  3825     }
  3828 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3829 // CAknToolbar::CheckFixedToolbarButtonsL
  3830 // Counts button components of fixed toolbar and adds button(s) if needed
  3831 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3832 //    
  3833 void CAknToolbar::CheckFixedToolbarButtonsL()
  3834     {
  3835     if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed )
  3836         {
  3837         // Count button components
  3838         TInt count ( 0 );
  3839         for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < iItems.Count(); ++ii )
  3840             {
  3841             if ( iItems[ii]->ControlType() == EAknCtButton || 
  3842                 iItems[ii]->ControlType() == EAknCtToolbarExtension )
  3843                 {
  3844                 ++count;
  3845                 }
  3846            }
  3848         // Add missing button components
  3849         for ( TInt kk = count; kk < KFixedtoolbarButtons; ++kk )
  3850             {
  3851             CAknButton* button = CAknButton::NewLC( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
  3852                 KNullDesC, KNullDesC, 0, 0 );
  3853             button->SetDimmed( ETrue );
  3854             AddItemL( button, EAknCtButton, -1, 0 );
  3855             CleanupStack::Pop( button );
  3856             AdjustButton( *button );
  3857             }
  3858         }
  3859     }
  3861 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3862 // CAknToolbar::DrawFixedBackgroundL
  3863 // Draws background of fixed toolbar
  3864 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3865 //    
  3866 void CAknToolbar::DrawFixedBackgroundL( CWindowGc& aGc, 
  3867                                         const CCoeControl& aControl, 
  3868                                         const TRect& aRect ) const
  3869     {
  3870     // What happens here is:
  3871     // 1. Check if we are in the idle state and a wallpaper is in use.
  3872     // 2. If wallpaper is not used then just blit a correct piece of the skin
  3873     //    background to the screen and return.
  3874     // 3. If we're in idle and wallpaper is used then draw wallpaper to a
  3875     //    temporary bitmap.
  3876     // 4. Skin background with additional mask (either qgn_graf_bg_lsc_bottom_mask_icon 
  3877     //    or qgn_graf_bg_prt_bottom_mask_icon) is blitted on top of the wallpaper. 
  3878     //    Skin background's original mask is ignored. Note that these additional
  3879     //    masks are larger than the actual fixed toolbar so only a portion of them
  3880     //    should be used.
  3881     //    Blit the generated background bitmap to the screen.
  3882     TBool wallpaperInUse = EFalse;
  3883     TInt itemsInCleanupStack = 0;
  3885     if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EInIdle ) )
  3886         {
  3887         CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidPersonalisation );
  3888         repository->Get( KPslnWallpaperType, wallpaperInUse );
  3889         delete repository;
  3890         }
  3892     MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
  3894     // background context shared by both wallpaper and skin background
  3895     TAknsItemID itemID = iInternalFlags.IsSet( EInIdle ) ? KAknsIIDQsnBgScreenIdle : KAknsIIDQsnBgScreen;
  3896     if ( iBgIID !=  KAknsIIDNone )
  3897     	{
  3898     	itemID = iBgIID;
  3899     	}
  3900     CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext* context =
  3901         CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext::NewL(
  3902         itemID,
  3903         iAvkonAppUi->ApplicationRect(),
  3904         EFalse );
  3906     CleanupStack::PushL( context );
  3907     ++itemsInCleanupStack;
  3909     const TDisplayMode displayMode(
  3910         CCoeEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice()->DisplayMode() );
  3912     TBool useDithering = EFalse;
  3913     TPoint skinOrigin( aRect.iTl );
  3915     // check if dithering is to be used
  3916     if ( ( displayMode == EColor16MA || displayMode == EColor16MU ) && 
  3917          ( iFlags & KAknToolbarDsaMode ) /*&&
  3918          !bgBmp->IsCompressedInRAM() */)
  3919         {
  3920         useDithering = ETrue;
  3921         }
  3923     // draw skin background to whatever context was chosen (window or bitmap)
  3924     AknsDrawUtils::DrawBackground( skin, 
  3925                                    context, 
  3926                                    this, 
  3927                                    aGc,
  3928                                    skinOrigin, 
  3929                                    TRect( iPosition + aRect.iTl, aControl.Size() ),
  3930                                    KAknsDrawParamDefault );
  3932     if ( wallpaperInUse )
  3933         {
  3934         // Blit wallpaper to the background bitmap.
  3935         context->SetBitmap( KAknsIIDWallpaper );
  3936         AknsDrawUtils::DrawBackground( skin,
  3937                                        context, 
  3938                                        this, 
  3939                                        aGc,
  3940                                        TPoint( 0, 0 ), 
  3941                                        TRect( iPosition + aRect.iTl, aControl.Size() ),
  3942                                        KAknsDrawParamDefault );
  3943             }
  3944     if ( useDithering )
  3945         {
  3946         aGc.SetDrawMode( CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeWriteAlpha );
  3947         aGc.SetBrushColor( TRgb( KToolbarBgColor, KToolBarBgAlpha ) );
  3948         aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
  3949         aGc.DrawRect( Rect() );
  3950         }
  3952     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( itemsInCleanupStack );
  3953     }
  3955 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3956 // CAknToolbar::SlideWithIdle. This is called by CIdle when it returns. 
  3957 // Toolbar is drawn again with different coordinates.  
  3958 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3959 //
  3960 void CAknToolbar::SlideWithIdle()
  3961     {
  3962     TPoint start(iPosition); 
  3964     if ( start.iX < iEndPos )
  3965         {
  3966         start.iX += iStep;
  3967         if ( start.iX >= iEndPos )
  3968             {
  3969             start.iX = iEndPos; // needed if start.iX is greater than iEndPos
  3970             TRAP_IGNORE( InitFocusedItemL( ETrue ) );
  3971             }
  3972         SetPosition( start );
  3973         DrawNow(); 
  3975         if ( !iIdle )
  3976             {
  3977             TRAPD( err, iIdle = CIdle::NewL( CActive::EPriorityIdle ) );
  3978             if ( err != KErrNone)
  3979                 {
  3980                 return; 
  3981                 }
  3982             }
  3984         if ( iIdle->IsActive() )
  3985             {
  3986             iIdle->Cancel();
  3987             }
  3989         iIdle->Start( TCallBack ( ReadyToSlide, this ) );
  3990         }
  3991     }
  3993 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3994 // CAknToolbar::ReadyToSlide. This is called by CIdle when it returns. 
  3995 // Toolbar is drawn again with different coordinates.  
  3996 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3997 //
  3998 TInt CAknToolbar::ReadyToSlide( TAny* aThis )
  3999     {
  4000     CAknToolbar* toolbar = static_cast<CAknToolbar*>(aThis);
  4001     toolbar->SlideWithIdle();
  4002     return KErrNone; 
  4003     }
  4005 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4006 // CAknToolbar::AdjustButton
  4007 // Adjusts button's properties depending on the toolbar's features.  
  4008 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4009 //
  4010 void CAknToolbar::AdjustButton( CAknButton& aButton )
  4011     {
  4012     // tooltip properties
  4013     aButton.SetHelpNoteTimeouts( KToolbarButtonBeforeTimeout, 
  4014         KToolbarButtonInViewTimeout );
  4016     aButton.HideTooltipWhenAppFaded( EFalse ); 
  4018     // toolbar buttons don't have margins
  4019     if ( aButton.UsesDefaultMargins() )
  4020         {
  4021         TMargins8 margins;
  4022         margins.SetAllValuesTo( 0 );
  4023         aButton.SetMargins( margins );
  4024         }
  4026     // remove frame graphics if the current toolbar mode doesn't support them
  4027     if ( ( iFlags & KAknToolbarSmall ) ||
  4028          ( iFlags & KAknToolbarNoBackground ) )
  4029         { 
  4030         aButton.SetButtonFlags( aButton.ButtonFlags() | KAknButtonNoFrame ); 
  4031         }
  4033     // force frame graphics for fixed toolbar button
  4034     if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed )
  4035         {
  4036         aButton.UseMaskedDraw( ETrue );
  4037         aButton.SetFrameAndCenterIds( KAknsIIDQgnFrSctrlButton,
  4038                                       KAknsIIDQgnFrSctrlButtonCenter,
  4039                                       KAknsIIDQgnFrSctrlButtonPressed,
  4040                                       KAknsIIDQgnFrSctrlButtonCenterPressed,
  4041                                       KAknsIIDQgnFrSctrlButton,
  4042                                       KAknsIIDQgnFrSctrlButtonCenter,
  4043                                       KAknsIIDQgnFrSctrlButtonPressed,
  4044                                       KAknsIIDQgnFrSctrlButtonCenterPressed,
  4045                                       KAknsIIDQgnFrSctrlButton,
  4046                                       KAknsIIDQgnFrSctrlButtonCenter );
  4048         // Touch area tuning - in fixed toolbar only such events
  4049         // that hit to touch rect
  4050         aButton.CheckHitArea(); 
  4051         }
  4052     }
  4054 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4055 // CAknToolbar::AdjustAllButtons
  4056 // Adjusts all buttons' properties depending on the toolbar's features.  
  4057 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4058 //
  4059 void CAknToolbar::AdjustAllButtons()
  4060     {
  4061     for ( TInt i = 0; i < iItems.Count(); ++i )
  4062         {
  4063         if ( iItems[i]->ControlType() == EAknCtButton || 
  4064              iItems[i]->ControlType() == EAknCtToolbarExtension  )
  4065             {
  4066             AdjustButton( *static_cast<CAknButton*>(iItems[i]->Control() ) );
  4067             }
  4068         }
  4069     }
  4071 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4072 // CAknToolbar::SetOrdinalPositions
  4073 // Adjusts toolbar's and overlying dialog's window positions so that dialog is
  4074 // displayed on top of the toolbar.  
  4075 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4076 //
  4077 void CAknToolbar::SetOrdinalPositions() const
  4078     {
  4079     TBool isDisplayed = CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi()->IsDisplayingMenuOrDialog(); 
  4080     CCoeControl* ctrl = NULL;  
  4081     RDrawableWindow* ctrlWindow = NULL;
  4082     RDrawableWindow* childWindow = NULL;
  4084     if ( !isDisplayed )
  4085         {
  4086         CEikMenuBar* menuBar = NULL; 
  4087         TVwsViewId viewId;
  4088         TInt err = iAvkonViewAppUi->GetActiveViewId( viewId );
  4089         if ( err == KErrNone && viewId.iAppUid != viewId.iViewUid )
  4090             {
  4091             // Application has active view
  4092             CAknView* view = iAvkonViewAppUi->View( viewId.iViewUid );
  4093             if ( view )
  4094                 {
  4095                 ctrl = menuBar = view->CAknView::MenuBar();
  4096                 }
  4097             }
  4098         else
  4099             {
  4100             ctrl = menuBar = iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory()->MenuBar();
  4101             }
  4103         if ( menuBar )
  4104             {
  4105             isDisplayed = menuBar->IsDisplayed();
  4106             }
  4107         if ( isDisplayed )
  4108             {
  4109             // if menuBar returns ETrue from IsDisplayed, it means it has a menu 
  4110             // pane
  4111             ctrlWindow = menuBar->MenuPane()->DrawableWindow();
  4113             if ( menuBar->MenuPane()->CascadeMenuPane() )
  4114                 {
  4115                 // submenu has a submenu
  4116                 if ( menuBar->MenuPane()->CascadeMenuPane()->CascadeMenuPane() )
  4117                     {
  4118                     ctrlWindow = menuBar->MenuPane()->CascadeMenuPane()->DrawableWindow();
  4119                     childWindow =                     
  4120                         menuBar->MenuPane()->CascadeMenuPane()->CascadeMenuPane()->DrawableWindow();
  4121                     }
  4122                 else
  4123                     {
  4124                     childWindow = 
  4125                         menuBar->MenuPane()->CascadeMenuPane()->DrawableWindow();
  4126                     }
  4127                 }
  4128             }
  4129         }
  4130     else
  4131         {
  4132         ctrl = CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi()->TopFocusedControl(); 
  4134         if ( ctrl )
  4135             {
  4136             CEikDialog* dialog = ctrl->MopGetObject( dialog );
  4138             if ( dialog )
  4139                 {
  4140                 if ( dialog->DrawableWindow() )
  4141                     {
  4142                     TInt flag = dialog->DialogFlags();
  4144                     if( !( flag & EEikDialogFlagFillScreen ) && 
  4145                         !( flag & EEikDialogFlagFillAppClientRect ) )
  4146                         {
  4147                         ctrlWindow = dialog->DrawableWindow();
  4148                         }
  4149                     }
  4150                 }
  4151             else
  4152                 {
  4153                 CEikMenuBar* ctrlMenu = ctrl->MopGetObject( ctrlMenu );
  4155                 if ( ctrlMenu && ctrlMenu->IsDisplayed() )
  4156                     {
  4157                     ctrlWindow = ctrlMenu->MenuPane()->DrawableWindow();
  4158                     ctrl = ctrlMenu;
  4159                     if ( ctrlMenu->MenuPane()->CascadeMenuPane() )
  4160                         {
  4161                         childWindow = ctrlMenu->MenuPane()->CascadeMenuPane()->DrawableWindow();
  4162                         }
  4163                     }
  4164                 }
  4165             }
  4166         }
  4167     // Menupane or dialog most probably has softkeys so we need to push
  4168     // the control first and then softkeys so that a possible pointer
  4169     // capture still works.
  4170     if ( ctrlWindow )
  4171         {
  4172         CEikCba* cba = ctrl->MopGetObject( cba );
  4174         TBool ctrlFaded = ctrlWindow->IsFaded();
  4175         TBool childFaded = EFalse;
  4176         TBool cbaFaded = EFalse;
  4178         if ( childWindow ) 
  4179             {
  4180             childFaded = childWindow->IsFaded();
  4181             }
  4182         if ( cba && cba->DrawableWindow() ) 
  4183             {
  4184             cbaFaded = cba->DrawableWindow()->IsFaded();
  4185             }
  4187         if ( !ctrlFaded )
  4188             {
  4189             ctrlWindow->SetOrdinalPosition( 0 );            
  4190             }
  4192         // Set possible child in front of parent
  4193         if ( childWindow && !childFaded )
  4194             {
  4195             childWindow->SetOrdinalPosition( 0 );    
  4196             }
  4198         if ( cba && cba->DrawableWindow()&& !cbaFaded )
  4199             {
  4200             cba->DrawableWindow()->SetOrdinalPosition( 0 );
  4201             }
  4202         }
  4203     }
  4206 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4207 // CAknToolbar::HideItemsAndDrawOnlyBackground
  4208 // Hides/Unhides toolbar items temporarily. When called with ETrue toolbar draws
  4209 // just background in landscape and is hidden in portrait. Calling with EFalse
  4210 // returns the situation to normal. 
  4211 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4212 //
  4213 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::HideItemsAndDrawOnlyBackground( TBool aHide ) 
  4214     {
  4215     __ASSERT_DEBUG( ( iFlags & KAknToolbarFixed ), User::Invariant() );
  4217     if ( aHide )
  4218         {
  4219         if ( iFlags & KAknToolbarDefault && !( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EItemsHidden ) ) )
  4220             {
  4221             iInternalFlags.Set( EDefaultToolbar );
  4222             }
  4223         iInternalFlags.Set( EItemsHidden ); 
  4224         iFlags |= KAknToolbarDefault; 
  4225         HandleResourceChange( KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch ); 
  4226         UpdateControlVisibility();
  4227         }
  4228     else
  4229         {
  4230         if ( !( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EItemsHidden ) ) && CountComponentControls() > 0  )
  4231     		{
  4232     		return;
  4233     		}        
  4234         TInt messageType( KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch );
  4235         //defualt property should not be given up
  4236         if ( !iInternalFlags.IsSet( EDefaultToolbar ) ) 
  4237             {
  4238             iFlags &= ~KAknToolbarDefault;            
  4239             }  
  4241         if ( !Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() && iInternalFlags.IsSet( EDefaultToolbar ) )
  4242             {
  4243             messageType = KAknToolbarSetHiddenAndDrawBackground; 
  4244             }
  4245         else
  4246             {
  4247             // Clearing this temporarily, it gets setted again from HandleResourceChange
  4248             iInternalFlags.Clear( EShown );            
  4249             }
  4250         iInternalFlags.Set( ESwitchForItemsHidden );
  4251         HandleResourceChange( messageType ); 
  4252         // Clear this after HandleResourceChange so that correct method
  4253         // for toolbar showing is chosen
  4254         if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EItemsHidden ) )
  4255             {
  4256             iInternalFlags.Clear( EItemsHidden );
  4257             }
  4258         iInternalFlags.Clear( EItemsHiddenWithPriority ); 
  4259         UpdateControlVisibility();
  4260         iInternalFlags.Clear( ESwitchForItemsHidden );
  4261         iInternalFlags.Clear( EDefaultToolbar );
  4262         }
  4263     }
  4265 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4266 // CAknToolbar::HideItemsAndDrawOnlyBackground
  4267 // Hides/Unhides toolbar items temporarily. When called with ETrue toolbar draws
  4268 // just background with the window priority defined in aPriority. 
  4269 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4270 //
  4271 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::HideItemsAndDrawOnlyBackground( TBool aHide, TInt aPriority ) 
  4272     {
  4273     if ( aHide )
  4274         {
  4275         if ( iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShown ) )
  4276             {
  4277             iInternalFlags.Set( EItemsHiddenWithPriority ); 
  4278             iDrawingPriority = aPriority;
  4279             }
  4280         else if ( aPriority != DrawableWindow()->OrdinalPriority() )
  4281             {
  4282             DrawableWindow()->SetOrdinalPosition( 0, aPriority );
  4283             }
  4284         }
  4285     HideItemsAndDrawOnlyBackground( aHide );
  4286     }
  4288 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4289 // CAknToolbar::SetSkinBackgroundId
  4290 // Define new fixed toolbar background theme ID.
  4291 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4292 // 
  4293 EXPORT_C void CAknToolbar::SetSkinBackgroundId( const TAknsItemID& aIID )
  4294 	{
  4295 	iBgIID = aIID;	
  4296 	}
  4298 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4299 // CAknToolbar::UpdateControlVisibility
  4300 // Other details are commented in header
  4301 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4302 //
  4303 void CAknToolbar::UpdateControlVisibility()
  4304     {
  4305     for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < iItems.Count(); ii++ )
  4306         {
  4307         CAknToolbarItem* item = iItems[ii];
  4308         TBool makeVisible = iInternalFlags.IsSet( EShown ) 
  4309                          && ( ToolbarVisibleIndexByControl( item->Control() ) >= 0 );
  4310         item->Control()->MakeVisible( makeVisible ); 
  4311         }
  4312     }
  4314 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4315 // CAknToolbar::UpdateItemTooltipPosition()
  4316 // Update items tooltip position
  4317 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4318 //
  4319 void CAknToolbar::UpdateItemTooltipPosition()
  4320     {
  4321     //reset position of button tooltip
  4322     TPoint centerPos = static_cast<CEikAppUiFactory*> 
  4323                             ( iEikonEnv->AppUiFactory() )->ClientRect().Center();
  4324     CAknButton::TTooltipPosition tooltipPosition;
  4325     if ( iOrientation == EAknOrientationHorizontal )
  4326         {
  4327         if ( Position().iY > centerPos.iY )
  4328             {
  4329             tooltipPosition = CAknButton::EPositionTop;
  4330             }
  4331         else
  4332             {
  4333             tooltipPosition = CAknButton::EPositionBottom;
  4334             }
  4335         }
  4336     else
  4337         {        
  4338         if ( Position().iX > centerPos.iX )
  4339             {
  4340             tooltipPosition = CAknButton::EPositionLeft;
  4341             }
  4342         else
  4343             {
  4344             tooltipPosition = CAknButton::EPositionRight;
  4345             }
  4346         } 
  4347     for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < iItems.Count(); ++ii )
  4348         {
  4349         // This assumes that every control in touch pane is button
  4350         CAknToolbarItem* item = iItems[ii];
  4351         if ( item->ControlType() == EAknCtButton || 
  4352                 item->ControlType() == EAknCtToolbarExtension )
  4353             {
  4354             CAknButton* button = static_cast<CAknButton*>( item->Control() ); 
  4355             button->SetTooltipPosition( tooltipPosition );
  4356             }
  4357         }
  4359     }
  4360 // End of file