changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
child 3 8ca85d2f0db7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2f259fa3e83a
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3  * All rights reserved.
     4  * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5  * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7  * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8  *
     9  * Initial Contributors:
    10  * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11  *
    12  * Contributors:
    13  *
    14  * Description:  EikEdwin physics handler
    15  *
    16  */
    18 #include <aknphysics.h>
    19 #include <aknphysicsobserveriface.h>
    20 #include <babitflags.h>
    22 #include "eikedwin.h"
    23 #include "aknedwinphysicshandler.h"
    26 const TInt KMaxWorldSize( 100000000 );  // Maximum world size
    28 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    30 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    31 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::NewL
    32 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    33 //
    34 CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler* CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::NewL( CEikEdwin& aEdwin )
    35     {
    36     CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler* self = CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::NewLC( aEdwin );
    37     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    38     return self;
    39     }
    41 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    42 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::NewLC
    43 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    44 //
    45 CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler* CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::NewLC( CEikEdwin& aEdwin )
    46     {
    47     CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler* self = new ( ELeave ) CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler(
    48             aEdwin );
    49     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    50     self->ConstructL();
    51     return self;
    52     }
    54 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    55 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::~CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler
    56 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    57 //
    58 CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::~CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler()
    59     {
    60     delete iPhysics;
    61     }
    63 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    64 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::HandlePointerEvent
    65 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    66 //
    67 void CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::HandlePointerEvent(
    68     const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent )
    69     {   
    70     if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down &&
    71         iViewRect.Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ) &&
    72         iEventUnblockingAllowed )
    73         {
    74         BlockEvents( EFalse );
    75         iPreviousYCoordinate = - KMaxWorldSize;
    76         }
    77     if ( iEventsBlocked )
    78         {
    79 	    return;
    80         }
    82     // Dragging/flicking logic    
    84     if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down &&
    85         iViewRect.Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ) )
    86         {
    87         // Pointer down inside view rect, set flag to allow dragging 
    88         // and initialize values
    89         iFlags.Set( EFlagDraggingAllowed );
    90         iPrevPosition = aPointerEvent.iPosition;
    91         iStartPosition = aPointerEvent.iPosition;
    92         StopPhysics();
    94         iStartTime.HomeTime();
    95         iDragThresholdExceeded = EFalse;
    96         iFlags.Clear( EFlagBouncingUp );
    97         iFlags.Clear( EFlagBouncingDown );
    98         return;
    99         }
   100     if ( iFlags.IsClear( EFlagDraggingAllowed ) )
   101         {
   102         return;
   103         }
   105     if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EDrag )
   106         {
   107         if ( !iDragThresholdExceeded )
   108             {
   109             TInt drag( iStartPosition.iY - aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY );
   110             if ( Abs( drag ) > DragThreshold() )
   111                 {
   112                 iDragThresholdExceeded = ETrue;
   113                 }
   114             }
   116         if ( iDragThresholdExceeded )
   117             {
   118             TInt deltaY( iPrevPosition.iY - aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY );
   119             iPrevPosition = aPointerEvent.iPosition;
   121             TPoint deltaPoint( 0, deltaY );
   122             iPhysics->RegisterPanningPosition( deltaPoint );
   123             }
   124         }
   125     else if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Up )
   126         {
   127         iFlags.Clear( EFlagDraggingAllowed );
   128         TPoint drag( 0, iStartPosition.iY - aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY );
   129         iPhysics->StartPhysics( drag, iStartTime );
   130         }
   131     }
   133 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   134 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::SetViewRect
   135 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   136 //
   137 void CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::SetViewRect( const TRect& aRect )
   138     {
   139     iViewRect = aRect;
   140     }
   142 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   143 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::InitPhysicsL
   144 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   145 //   
   146 void CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::InitPhysicsL()
   147     {
   148     TSize totalSize( iViewRect.Width(), iViewRect.Height() + KMaxWorldSize );
   149     TSize viewSize( iViewRect.Width(), iViewRect.Height() );
   151     iPhysics->InitPhysicsL( totalSize, viewSize, EFalse );
   152     }
   154 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   155 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::MoveScrollIndex
   156 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   157 //     
   158 void CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::MoveScrollIndex( TInt aPixelsToMove )
   159     {
   160     // This is called when user moves content using scrollbar
   162     // Do nothing if handler itself is updating the view
   163     if ( iFlags.IsSet( EFlagUpdatingView ) )
   164         {
   165         return;
   166         }
   168     iWorldIndex += aPixelsToMove;
   169     ScrollView( EFalse );
   170     }
   172 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   173 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::EmulationOngoing
   174 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   175 //     
   176 TBool CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::EmulationOngoing()
   177     {
   178     return IsFlicking() || IsBouncing();
   179     }
   181 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   182 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::DragThreshold
   183 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   184 //     
   185 TInt CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::DragThreshold() const
   186     {
   187     return iPhysics->DragThreshold();
   188     }
   190 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   191 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::ViewPositionChanged
   192 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   193 //
   194 void CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::ViewPositionChanged( const TPoint& aNewPosition,
   195         TBool /*aDrawNow*/, TUint /*aFlags*/)
   196     {        
   197     // Skip equal sequential values.
   198     if ( aNewPosition.iY == iPreviousYCoordinate )
   199         {
   200         return;
   201         }
   202     iPreviousYCoordinate = aNewPosition.iY;
   204     TInt y( 0 );
   205     if ( iFlags.IsSet( EFlagBouncingDown ) )
   206         {
   207         // We are at the beginning of world
   208         y = aNewPosition.iY + iBounceDownIndex;
   209         }
   210     else if ( iFlags.IsSet( EFlagBouncingUp ) )
   211         {
   212         // We are at the end of world
   213         y = aNewPosition.iY + iBounceUpIndex - KMaxWorldSize;
   214         }
   215     else
   216         {
   217         // We are at the middle of world
   218         y = aNewPosition.iY - KMaxWorldSize / 2;
   219         }
   221     iWorldIndex = y - iViewRect.Height() / 2;
   223     // If bounce is ongoing, block all pointer events.
   224     if ( IsBouncing() )
   225         {
   226         BlockEvents( ETrue );
   227         }
   228     // Scroll view based on values from aknphysics
   229     ScrollView( ETrue );
   230     }
   232 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   233 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::PhysicEmulationEnded
   234 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   235 //    
   236 void CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::PhysicEmulationEnded()
   237     {
   238     TInt offset = iEdwin.PixelsOutOfBorder();
   239     if ( offset != 0 )
   240         {
   241         // If physics emulation ends and view position is not moved
   242         // back to original position (to position where bounce started)
   243         // we adjust it here. This is because aknphysics won't return
   244         // always to original position.
   246         TPoint newPosition( 0, iPreviousYCoordinate + offset );
   247         ViewPositionChanged( newPosition, ETrue, 0 );
   248         }
   250     // Enable pointer events when next pointer down received
   251     iEventUnblockingAllowed = ETrue;
   253     // Show cursor again if needed   
   254     iEdwin.RestoreCursorState();
   255     }
   257 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   258 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::ViewPosition
   259 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   260 //    
   261 TPoint CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::ViewPosition() const
   262     {
   263     // Aknphysics calls this function to get current view position.
   264     // We adjust the position based on information if we
   265     // are are bouncing up or down (in other words we
   266     // have exceeded end- or beginning of real editor content).
   267     // In these situations we adjust returned value so that
   268     // from aknphysic's point of view we seem to be at the beginning
   269     // or end of almost infinite large world. If we have not exceeded
   270     // borders of editor content, we are at the middle of this world.
   271     // So, when we are at the middle of this almost infinite large world,
   272     // we can in practice add and remove content to editor
   273     // and we must not tell correct position to aknphysics (we also can't because
   274     // it seems to be impossible to calculate excatly correct position and size
   275     // of world if we haven't formatted yet the whole editor content).  
   277     TInt y( 0 );
   279     if ( iFlags.IsClear( EFlagBouncingDown )
   280             && iFlags.IsClear( EFlagBouncingUp ) )
   281         {
   282         // We are at the middle of world
   283         y = iWorldIndex + KMaxWorldSize / 2;
   284         }
   285     else if ( iFlags.IsSet( EFlagBouncingDown ) )
   286         {
   287         // We are at the beginning of world
   288         y = iWorldIndex - iBounceDownIndex;
   289         }
   290     else if ( iFlags.IsSet( EFlagBouncingUp ) )
   291         {
   292         // We are at the end of world
   293         y = iWorldIndex - iBounceUpIndex +  KMaxWorldSize;
   294         }
   296     return TPoint( iViewRect.Width() / 2, y + iViewRect.Height() / 2 );
   297     }
   299 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   300 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler
   301 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   302 //
   303 CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler( CEikEdwin& aEdwin ) :
   304     iWorldIndex( 0 ),
   305     iPreviousWorldIndex( 0 ),
   306     iPhysics( NULL ),
   307     iEdwin( aEdwin )
   308     {
   309     }
   311 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   312 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::ConstructL
   313 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   314 //
   315 void CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::ConstructL()
   316     {
   317     iPhysics = CAknPhysics::NewL( *this, &iEdwin );    
   318     }
   320 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   321 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::ScrollView
   322 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   323 //     
   324 void CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::ScrollView( TBool aAllowBounce )
   325     {
   326     iFlags.Set( EFlagUpdatingView );
   327     if ( iPreviousWorldIndex != iWorldIndex )
   328         {
   329         // Calculate amount of pixels to scroll based on previous position
   330         TInt pixelsToScroll( iPreviousWorldIndex - iWorldIndex );
   331         if ( pixelsToScroll != 0 )
   332             {
   333             if ( iFlags.IsSet( EFlagBouncingDown ) ||
   334                     iFlags.IsSet( EFlagBouncingUp ) )
   335                 {
   336                 // Bounce ongoing, use function that supports scrolling
   337                 // over the content borders (there can be empty space above or
   338                 // below the editor content)
   339                 TInt restOfPixels( 0 );
   340                 ScrollStepWithBounce( pixelsToScroll, restOfPixels );
   342                 // If restOfPixels is not zero, we were bouncing back
   343                 // and exceeded the border again. In this situation
   344                 // we must scroll rest of pixels using function
   345                 // that stops if we again exceed the border. This is needed
   346                 // because we need to know if we exceed the border again
   347                 // (for example if length of content is short) to adjust
   348                 // position on aknphysics world correctly.
   350                 if ( restOfPixels != 0)
   351                     {
   352                     ScrollStep( pixelsToScroll, ETrue );
   353                     }
   354                 }
   355             else
   356                 {
   357                 // Bounce not ongoing, use function that stops if we exceed the border
   358                 ScrollStep( pixelsToScroll, aAllowBounce );
   359                 }
   360             }
   361         }
   362     iFlags.Clear( EFlagUpdatingView );
   363     }
   365 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   366 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::ScrollStep
   367 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   368 //   
   369 void CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::ScrollStep( TInt aPixelsToScroll,
   370     TBool aAllowBounce )
   371     {
   372     TInt restOfPixels( 0 );
   373     TBool borderExceeded( EFalse );
   375     TInt scrolledPixels = iEdwin.ScrollView( aPixelsToScroll, borderExceeded,
   376         restOfPixels );
   378     if ( borderExceeded && aAllowBounce )
   379         {
   380         if ( aPixelsToScroll != 0 )
   381             {
   382             MoveWorldIndex( scrolledPixels );
   384             if ( IsFlicking() )
   385                 {
   386                 // Flicking is ongoing and end of content is arrived.
   387                 // In this situation we stop physics, adjust the view position in the
   388                 // aknphysics (in function ViewPosition) and restart physics with
   389                 // current force and velocity.
   391                 iPhysics->SuspendPhysics();
   392                 InitBounce( aPixelsToScroll > 0 );
   393                 iPhysics->ResumePhysics();
   394                 }
   395             else
   396                 {
   397                 InitBounce( aPixelsToScroll > 0 );
   398                 ScrollRestOfPixels( restOfPixels );
   399                 }
   400             }
   401         return;
   402         }
   404     MoveWorldIndex( scrolledPixels );
   405     }
   407 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   408 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::ScrollStepWithBounce
   409 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   410 // 
   411 void CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::ScrollStepWithBounce( TInt aPixelsToScroll,
   412     TInt& aRestOfPixels )
   413     {
   414     TBool endOfBounce( EFalse );
   415     TInt scrolledPixels = iEdwin.ScrollViewWithBounce(
   416         aPixelsToScroll, endOfBounce, aRestOfPixels );
   418     MoveWorldIndex( scrolledPixels );
   420     if ( endOfBounce )
   421         {
   422         iFlags.Clear( EFlagBouncingDown );  
   423         iFlags.Clear( EFlagBouncingUp );
   424         }
   425     }
   427 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   428 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::MoveWorldIndex
   429 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   430 //
   431 void CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::MoveWorldIndex( TInt aDelta )
   432     {
   433     iWorldIndex = iPreviousWorldIndex - aDelta;
   434     iPreviousWorldIndex = iWorldIndex;
   435     }
   437 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   438 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::ScrollRestOfPixels
   439 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   440 //
   441 void CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::ScrollRestOfPixels( TInt aRestOfPixels )
   442     {
   443     // Scroll rest of pixels
   444     TBool endOfBounce;
   445     TInt restOfPixels( 0 );
   447     TInt scrolledPixels = iEdwin.ScrollViewWithBounce( aRestOfPixels,
   448             endOfBounce, restOfPixels );
   450     MoveWorldIndex( scrolledPixels );
   451     }
   453 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   454 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::StopPhysics
   455 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   456 //
   457 void CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::StopPhysics()
   458     {
   459     iPhysics->StopPhysics();
   460     iPhysics->ResetFriction();
   461     }
   463 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   464 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::BlockEvents
   465 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   466 //
   467 void CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::BlockEvents( TBool aBlocked )
   468     {
   469     iEventsBlocked = aBlocked;
   470     iEventUnblockingAllowed = EFalse;
   471     }
   473 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   474 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::IsFlicking
   475 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   476 //
   477 TBool CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::IsFlicking() const
   478     {
   479     return iPhysics->OngoingPhysicsAction()
   480             == CAknPhysics::EAknPhysicsActionFlicking;
   481     }
   483 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   484 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::IsBouncing
   485 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   486 //
   487 TBool CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::IsBouncing() const
   488     {
   489     return iPhysics->OngoingPhysicsAction()
   490             == CAknPhysics::EAknPhysicsActionBouncing;
   491     }
   493 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   494 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::InitBounce
   495 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   496 //
   497 void CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::InitBounce( TBool aBouncingDown )
   498     {
   499     if ( aBouncingDown )
   500         {
   501         iFlags.Clear( EFlagBouncingUp );
   502         iFlags.Set( EFlagBouncingDown );
   503         iBounceDownIndex = iWorldIndex;
   504         }
   505     else
   506         {
   507         iFlags.Set( EFlagBouncingUp );
   508         iFlags.Clear( EFlagBouncingDown );
   509         iBounceUpIndex = iWorldIndex;
   510         }   
   511     }
   513 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   514 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::InitKineticScrolling
   515 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   516 //
   517 void CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::InitKineticScrolling(
   518     const TPoint& aStartPosition )
   519     {
   520     iSelectionStarted = EFalse;
   521     iDraggingStarted = EFalse;
   522     iStartPosition = aStartPosition;
   523     }
   525 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   526 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::HandleKineticScrolling
   527 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   528 //
   529 void CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::HandleKineticScrolling(
   530     const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent, TBool& aShouldReturn )
   531     {
   532     aShouldReturn = EFalse;
   534     // If editor content is empty, it is not possible to drag,
   535     // flick or select text and we return here. Other events
   536     // are passed because they are handled later.
   537     if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EDrag
   538         && iEdwin.TextLength() == 0 )
   539         {
   540         aShouldReturn = ETrue;
   541         return;
   542         }
   544     // If dragging or selection not started,
   545     // check if it should be started
   546     if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EDrag && !iSelectionStarted
   547         && !iDraggingStarted )
   548         {
   549         // Get delta values for pointer movement
   550         TInt deltaX( aPointerEvent.iPosition.iX - iStartPosition.iX );
   551         TInt deltaY( aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY - iStartPosition.iY );
   553         // If drag threshold not exceeded, return.
   554         if ( Abs( deltaX ) < DragThreshold()
   555             && Abs( deltaY ) < DragThreshold() )
   556             {
   557             HandlePointerEvent( aPointerEvent );
   558             aShouldReturn = ETrue;
   559             return;
   560             }
   562         // If dragged horizontally more than vertically,
   563         // text selection started. Otherwise dragging started.
   564         if ( Abs( deltaX ) > Abs( deltaY ) )
   565             {
   566             iSelectionStarted = ETrue;
   567             }
   568         else
   569             {
   570             iDraggingStarted = ETrue;
   572             // If cursor is visible, disable it and store
   573             // cursor visibility info when dragging starts.
   574             iEdwin.StoreCursorState();
   575             }
   576         }
   578     // Forward all events to physics handler, except:
   579     // If text selection started, don't forward drag and up events
   580     // because kinetic scrolling can't be used when selecting text.
   581     // However, fast scrolling can be used when we are selecting text.
   583     if ( !( iSelectionStarted &&
   584             ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EDrag ||
   585                 aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Up ) ) )
   586         {
   587         HandlePointerEvent( aPointerEvent );
   588         }
   590     if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Up )
   591         {
   592         // If flick or bounce effect was started, check if there
   593         // is need to hide cursor.
   594         // If flick or bounce was not started, show cursor again if needed.
   595         if ( EmulationOngoing() )
   596             {
   597             iEdwin.StoreCursorState();
   598             }
   599         else
   600             {
   601             iEdwin.RestoreCursorState();
   602             }
   603         }
   605     // If selection not started, don't handle drag events but return
   606     // All other events must be handled anyway.
   607     if ( !iSelectionStarted && aPointerEvent.iType
   608             == TPointerEvent::EDrag )
   609         {
   610         aShouldReturn = ETrue;                     
   611         return;
   612         }
   613     }
   615 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   616 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::SelectionStarted
   617 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   618 //
   619 TBool CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::SelectionStarted() const
   620     {
   621     return iSelectionStarted;
   622     }
   624 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   625 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::DraggingStarted
   626 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   627 //
   628 TBool CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::DraggingStarted() const
   629     {
   630     return iDraggingStarted;
   631     }
   633 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   634 // CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::DragThresholdExceeded
   635 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   636 //
   637 TBool CAknEdwinPhysicsHandler::DragThresholdExceeded(
   638     const TPoint& aCurrentPosition ) const
   639     {
   640     // Get delta values for pointer movement
   641     TInt deltaX( aCurrentPosition.iX - iStartPosition.iX );
   642     TInt deltaY( aCurrentPosition.iY - iStartPosition.iY );
   644     if ( Abs( deltaX ) >= DragThreshold() || Abs( deltaY ) >= DragThreshold() )
   645         {
   646         return ETrue;
   647         }
   648     return EFalse;
   649     }