changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
child 3 8ca85d2f0db7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2f259fa3e83a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef __LAFMENUP_H__
    20 #define __LAFMENUP_H__
    23 #include <e32std.h>
    24 #include <gulbordr.h>
    25 #include <coecntrl.h>
    26 #include <uiklaf/private/lafenv.h>
    27 #include <lafmain.h>
    28 #include <lafpublc.h>
    29 #include "lafsbfrm.h"
    31 class CGulIcon;
    32 class TMargins8;
    34 //
    35 // class LafMenuPane
    36 //
    38 class LafMenuPane
    39 	{
    40 public:
    41 	enum TInternalFlags
    42         {
    43         EMenuHasIcon			= 0x1,
    44         EMenuHasHotkey			= 0x2,
    45         EMenuHasLeftAdornment	= 0x4,
    46         EMenuHasRightAdornment	= 0x8,
    47         EMenuIsLeftAdornment	= 0x10,
    48         EMenuIsRightAdornment	= 0x20
    49         };
    50 public:
    51 	class TItemAttributes
    52 		{
    53 	public:
    54 		IMPORT_C TItemAttributes();
    55 	public:
    56 		TInt iBaseLine;
    57 		TInt iFlags;
    58 		TInt iInternalFlags;
    59 		TInt iHeight;
    60 		SLafMenuPane::THighlightType iHighlightType;
    61 		TInt iHPosition;
    62 		};
    63 public:
    64 	IMPORT_C static TBool FadeBehind();
    65 	IMPORT_C static void GetDefaultBorder(TGulBorder& aBorder);
    66 	IMPORT_C static void GetBorderColors(TGulBorder::TColors& aBorderColors,const MLafEnv& aLafEnv,const CCoeControl& aMatchedControl);
    67 	IMPORT_C static const TMargins8 CascadeMargins();
    68 	IMPORT_C static const TMargins8 Margins();
    69 	IMPORT_C static const TMargins8 ScrollBarMargins();
    70 	IMPORT_C static TBool ShowHotKeys();
    71 	IMPORT_C static void GetDefaultScrollBarAttributes(TInt aOrientation, LafScrollBarFrame::TScrollBarAttributes& aAttributes);
    72 	IMPORT_C static TInt DefaultScrollBarFlags(TInt aOrientation);
    73 	IMPORT_C static TInt AdornmentSpace(const TItemAttributes& aItemAttributes);
    74 	IMPORT_C static TInt InputCapabilities();
    75 	IMPORT_C static TBool SelectFirstItemOnConstruction();
    76 	IMPORT_C static TInt DefaultCbaResId();
    77 	IMPORT_C static void GetColorUseListL(CArrayFix<TCoeColorUse>& aColorUseList);
    78 	IMPORT_C static TUint MapKeyCode(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType);
    79 // Drawing
    80 	IMPORT_C static void DrawVisualFeedback(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv, const CCoeControl& aMenuPane, CWindowGc& aGc, const TRect& aRect);
    81 	IMPORT_C static void DrawHotKeyText(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv, const CCoeControl& aMenuPane, CWindowGc& aGc, const TRect& aRect, const TDesC& aHotKeysText, const TItemAttributes& aItemAttributes);
    82 	IMPORT_C static void DrawLeftAdornment(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv, const CCoeControl& aMenuPane, CWindowGc& aGc, const TRect& aRect, const TItemAttributes& aItemAttributes);
    83 	IMPORT_C static void DrawRightAdornment(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv, const CCoeControl& aMenuPane, CWindowGc& aGc, const TRect& aRect, const TItemAttributes& aItemAttributes);
    84 	IMPORT_C static void DrawSeperator(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv, const CCoeControl& aMenuPane, CWindowGc& aGc, const TRect& aRect, const TItemAttributes& aItemAttributes);
    85 	IMPORT_C static void DrawText(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv, const CCoeControl& aMenuPane, CWindowGc& aGc, const TRect& aRect, const TDesC& aText, const TItemAttributes& aItemAttributes);
    86 	IMPORT_C static void DrawTitlePaneJoint(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv, const CCoeControl& aMenuPane, CWindowGc& aGc, const CCoeControl* aMenuPaneTitle, const TRect& aInnerRect);
    87 	IMPORT_C static void PrepareGcForDrawingItems(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv, const CCoeControl& aMenuPane, CWindowGc& aGc);
    88 	IMPORT_C static void PrepareGcForHighlight(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv, const CCoeControl& aMenuPane, CWindowGc& aGc, const TItemAttributes& aItemAttributes);
    89 public:
    90 // Constants
    91 	inline static TInt ExtraBaselineOffset();
    92 	inline static TInt MenuCascadeOverlap();
    93 	inline static TInt MenuPaneTextTopSpace();
    94 	inline static TInt MenuPaneTextBottomSpace();
    95 	inline static TInt MenuPaneSeparatorAfterSpace();
    96 	inline static TInt MenuPaneSeparatorMargin();
    97 	inline static TInt MenuSeparatorYOffset();
    98 	inline static TInt OffsetBetweenMenuPaneAndMenuPaneTitle();
    99 	inline static TInt PostIconSpace();
   100 	inline static TInt PostRightAdornmentSpace();
   101 	inline static TInt PreIconSpace();
   102 	inline static TInt ShadowHeight();
   103 	inline static TInt SpaceBetweenTextAndHotkey();
   104 	inline static TInt NumberOfItemsInView();
   105 // Fonts
   106 	inline static const CFont* AnnotationFont(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv);
   107 	inline static const CFont* NormalFont(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv);
   108 	inline static const CFont* SymbolFont(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv);
   109 private:
   110 	enum TConstantType
   111 		{
   112 		EPostRightAdornmentSpace,
   113 		EMenuPaneTextTopSpace,
   114 		EMenuPaneTextBottomSpace,
   115 		ESpaceBetweenTextAndHotkey,
   116 		EOffsetBetweenMenuPaneAndMenuPaneTitle,
   117 		EMenuPaneSeparatorMargin,
   118 		EShadowHeight,
   119 		EPreIconSpace,
   120 		EPostIconSpace,
   121 		EExtraBaselineOffset,
   122 		EMenuPaneSeparatorAfterSpace,
   123 		EMenuCascadeOverlap,
   124 		EMenuSeparatorYOffset,
   125 		ENumberOfItemsInView
   126 		};
   127 	enum TFontType
   128 		{
   129 		EAnnotation,
   130 		ENormal,
   131 		ESymbol
   132 		};
   133 private:
   134 	IMPORT_C static TInt Constant(TConstantType aConstantType);
   135 	IMPORT_C static const CFont* Font(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv, TFontType aFontType);
   136 	};
   138 //
   139 // class LafMenuPaneItem
   140 //
   142 class LafMenuPaneItem
   143 	{
   144 public:
   145 	IMPORT_C static void DrawIcon(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv, const CCoeControl& aMenuPane, CWindowGc& aGc, const TRect& aRect, const CGulIcon* aIcon, SLafMenuPane::THighlightType aHighlightType);
   146 	};
   149 //
   150 // Inlines
   151 //
   153 /**
   154  * Returns the post right adornment space.
   155  */
   156 inline TInt LafMenuPane::PostRightAdornmentSpace()
   157 	{//static	
   158 	return Constant(EPostRightAdornmentSpace);	
   159 	};
   161 /**
   162  * Returns an extra space which will be added to the height of item font.
   163  */
   164 inline TInt LafMenuPane::MenuPaneTextTopSpace()
   165 	{//static	
   166 	return Constant(EMenuPaneTextTopSpace);	
   167 	}
   169 /**
   170  * Returns an extra space which will be added to the height of item font.
   171  */
   172 inline TInt LafMenuPane::MenuPaneTextBottomSpace()
   173 	{//static	
   174 	return Constant(EMenuPaneTextBottomSpace);	
   175 	}
   177 /**
   178  * Returns the space between the item text and the hotkey.
   179  */
   180 inline TInt LafMenuPane::SpaceBetweenTextAndHotkey()
   181 	{//static	
   182 	return Constant(ESpaceBetweenTextAndHotkey);	
   183 	}
   185 inline TInt LafMenuPane::OffsetBetweenMenuPaneAndMenuPaneTitle()
   186 	{//static	
   187 	return Constant(EOffsetBetweenMenuPaneAndMenuPaneTitle);	
   188 	}
   190 /**
   191  * Returns the shadow height for the menu pane.
   192  */
   193 inline TInt LafMenuPane::ShadowHeight()
   194 	{//static	
   195 	return Constant(EShadowHeight);	
   196 	}
   198 inline TInt LafMenuPane::MenuPaneSeparatorMargin()
   199 	{//static	
   200 	return Constant(EMenuPaneSeparatorMargin);	
   201 	}
   203 inline TInt LafMenuPane::PreIconSpace()
   204 	{//static	
   205 	return Constant(EPreIconSpace);
   206 	}
   208 inline TInt LafMenuPane::PostIconSpace()
   209 	{//static	
   210 	return Constant(EPostIconSpace);	
   211 	}
   213 inline TInt LafMenuPane::ExtraBaselineOffset()
   214 	{//static	
   215 	return Constant(EExtraBaselineOffset);	
   216 	}
   218 inline TInt LafMenuPane::MenuPaneSeparatorAfterSpace()
   219 	{//static	
   220 	return Constant(EMenuPaneSeparatorAfterSpace);	
   221 	}
   223 inline TInt LafMenuPane::MenuCascadeOverlap()
   224 	{//static	
   225 	return Constant(EMenuCascadeOverlap);	
   226 	}
   228 inline TInt LafMenuPane::MenuSeparatorYOffset()
   229 	{//static	
   230 	return Constant(EMenuSeparatorYOffset);	
   231 	}
   233 inline TInt LafMenuPane::NumberOfItemsInView()
   234 	{//static	
   235 	return Constant(ENumberOfItemsInView);	
   236 	}
   238 // Fonts
   239 /**
   240  * Returns the menu pane annotation font.
   241  */
   242 inline const CFont* LafMenuPane::AnnotationFont(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv)
   243 	{//static	
   244 	return Font(aLafEnv, EAnnotation);	
   245 	}
   247 /**
   248  * Returns the menu pane normal font.
   249  */
   250 inline const CFont* LafMenuPane::NormalFont(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv)
   251 	{//static	
   252 	return Font(aLafEnv, ENormal);	
   253 	}
   255 /**
   256  * Returns the menu pane symbol font.
   257  */
   258 inline const CFont* LafMenuPane::SymbolFont(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv)
   259 	{//static	
   260 	return Font(aLafEnv, ESymbol);	
   261 	}
   265 #endif //__LAFMENUP_H__