--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commonuisupport/grid/src/GRDCELLS.CPP Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "GRDCELLS.H"
+#include "GRDPANIC.H"
+EXPORT_C CGridCellRegion* CGridCellRegion::NewL(const TRangeRef& aBounds)
+/** Creates a new selected region.
+@param aBounds The boundary of the region, defined as cell range.
+@return A pointer to the new selected region object. */
+ {
+ CGridCellRegion* self = new(ELeave) CGridCellRegion(aBounds);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+CGridCellRegion::CGridCellRegion(const TRangeRef &aBounds)
+ : iBounds(aBounds)
+ {
+ }
+EXPORT_C CGridCellRegion::~CGridCellRegion()
+/** Destructor.
+Frees all resources owned by the object prior to its destruction. */
+ {
+ delete iRangeList;
+ }
+void CGridCellRegion::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iRangeList = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TRangeRef>(1);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CGridCellRegion::AddColL(TInt aCol)
+/** Defines a new cell range one column in width, and adds it to the region.
+The row number of the start cell of the new range is the row number defining
+the start of the region boundary.
+The row number of the end cell of the new range is the row number defining
+the end of the region boundary.
+@param aCol The new column. This must lie on or within the region boundary,
+otherwise no new range is added to the region. */
+ {
+ if (aCol<iBounds.iFrom.iCol || aCol>iBounds.iTo.iCol)
+ return;
+ TRangeRef cellRange;
+ cellRange.iFrom.iCol = cellRange.iTo.iCol = aCol;
+ cellRange.iFrom.iRow = iBounds.iFrom.iRow;
+ cellRange.iTo.iRow = iBounds.iTo.iRow;
+ iRangeList->AppendL(cellRange);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CGridCellRegion::AddRowL(TInt aRow)
+/** Defines a new cell range one row in height, and adds it to the region.
+The column number of the start cell of the new range is the column number
+defining the start of the region boundary.
+The column number of the end cell of the new range is the column number defining
+the end of the region boundary.
+@param aRow The new row. This must lie on or within the region boundary, otherwise
+no new range is added to the region. */
+ {
+ if (aRow<iBounds.iFrom.iRow || aRow>iBounds.iTo.iRow)
+ return;
+ TRangeRef cellRange;
+ cellRange.iFrom.iRow = cellRange.iTo.iRow = aRow;
+ cellRange.iFrom.iCol = iBounds.iFrom.iCol;
+ cellRange.iTo.iCol = iBounds.iTo.iCol;
+ iRangeList->AppendL(cellRange);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void NormalizeRange(TRangeRef& aRange)
+ {
+ if (aRange.iFrom.iCol>aRange.iTo.iCol)
+ {
+ TInt temp=aRange.iFrom.iCol;
+ aRange.iFrom.iCol=aRange.iTo.iCol;
+ aRange.iTo.iCol=temp;
+ }
+ if (aRange.iFrom.iRow>aRange.iTo.iRow)
+ {
+ TInt temp=aRange.iFrom.iRow;
+ aRange.iFrom.iRow=aRange.iTo.iRow;
+ aRange.iTo.iRow=temp;
+ }
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CGridCellRegion::AddCellRangeL(const TRangeRef& aCellRange)
+/** Adds the specified range to the region.
+@param aCellRange The new range. This must lie on or within the region boundary,
+otherwise it is not added to the region. */
+ {
+ TRangeRef range=aCellRange;
+ NormalizeRange(range);
+ if (range.iTo.iRow<iBounds.iFrom.iRow || range.iFrom.iRow>iBounds.iTo.iRow
+ || range.iTo.iCol<iBounds.iFrom.iCol || range.iFrom.iCol>iBounds.iTo.iCol)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ iRangeList->AppendL(range);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CGridCellRegion::SetLastCellRange(const TRangeRef& aCellRange)
+/** Replaces the last range in the region with the specified range.
+Note that a region is implemented as an array of ranges, and the last range
+is the last one in the array.
+@param aCellRange The range to replace the last range in the region. Note
+that it is the caller's responsibility to ensure that this region lies within
+the region boundary, as no checks are made by the function.
+@panic GRIDIMG 1 If the region is empty. */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iRangeList->Count()>0,Panic(ECellRegionNothingSelected));
+ TRangeRef range=aCellRange;
+ NormalizeRange(range);
+ (*iRangeList)[iRangeList->Count()-1]=range;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CGridCellRegion::ResizeBounds(const TCellRef& aNewToBounds)
+/** Defines a new region boundary by replacing the end cell with the specified
+Any existing ranges that are now wholly outside the new region boundary are
+Any existing ranges whose boundaries were the same as the old region boundary,
+are stretched or shrunk so that their boundaries are now on the new region
+Any existing ranges that now intersect the new region boundary are truncated
+back to the new region boundary.
+Any existing ranges that remain wholly within the new region boundary remain
+@param aNewToBounds The new end cell for the region boundary. */
+ {
+ TRangeRef newBounds(iBounds.iFrom,aNewToBounds);
+ TInt end=iRangeList->Count();
+ for (TInt ii=0;ii<end;ii++)
+ {
+ TRangeRef& range=(*iRangeList)[ii];
+ if (range.iFrom.iRow>newBounds.iTo.iRow || range.iFrom.iCol>newBounds.iTo.iCol)
+ {
+ iRangeList->Delete(ii--);
+ end--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (IsColSelected(range.iFrom.iCol,ii))
+ range.iTo.iRow=newBounds.iTo.iRow;
+ else
+ range.iTo.iRow = Min(range.iTo.iRow,newBounds.iTo.iRow);
+ if (IsRowSelected(range.iFrom.iRow,ii))
+ range.iTo.iCol=newBounds.iTo.iCol;
+ else
+ range.iTo.iCol = Min(range.iTo.iCol,newBounds.iTo.iCol);
+ }
+ iBounds=newBounds;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CGridCellRegion::Reset()
+/** Deletes all ranges from the region. */
+ {
+ iRangeList->Reset();
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridCellRegion::Count() const
+/** Gets the number of ranges in the region.
+@return The number of ranges in the region. */
+ {
+ return(iRangeList->CArrayFixBase::Count());
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool CGridCellRegion::IsCellSelected(const TCellRef &aCell) const
+/** Tests whether the specified cell is selected.
+A cell is selected if it is in the region.
+@param aCell The cell to be tested.
+@return True, if the cell is selected; false, otherwise. Note that this is
+also false if the region is empty. */
+ {
+ TInt end=iRangeList->Count();
+ for (TInt ii=0;ii<end;ii++)
+ {
+ if (IsCellSelected(aCell,ii))
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool CGridCellRegion::IsCellSelected(const TCellRef &aCell,TInt aIndex) const
+/** Tests whether the specified cell is selected in the range identified by the
+specified index.
+A cell is selected if it lies in the range.
+Note that a region is implemented as an array of ranges, and the index identifies
+a specific range within that array.
+@param aCell The cell to be tested.
+@param aIndex An index value identifying a specific range within the region.
+@return True, if the specified cell is in the range identified by the index;
+false, otherwise.
+@panic GRIDIMG 2 In debug mode only, if the index value is illegal. */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aIndex>=0&&aIndex<iRangeList->Count(),Panic(ECellRegionInvalidIndex));
+ TRangeRef temp=(*iRangeList)[aIndex];
+ return (TBool)(temp.iFrom.iRow<=aCell.iRow && temp.iTo.iRow>=aCell.iRow &&
+ temp.iFrom.iCol<=aCell.iCol && temp.iTo.iCol>=aCell.iCol);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool CGridCellRegion::IsCellSelectedLastIndex(const TCellRef &aCell) const
+/** Tests whether the specified cell is selected in the last range of the region.
+A cell is selected if it lies in the range.
+Note that a region is implemented as an array of ranges, and the last range
+is the last one in the array.
+@param aCell The cell to be tested.
+@return True, if the specified cell is in the last range of the region; false,
+otherwise. Note that this is also false if the region is empty. */
+ {
+ TInt index=iRangeList->Count();
+ return (index) ? IsCellSelected(aCell,index-1) : EFalse;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool CGridCellRegion::IsRowSelected(TInt aRow) const
+/** Tests whether the specified row is selected.
+A row is selected if the row lies within one of the region's ranges, and the
+range spans all of the columns defined by the region boundary (i.e. extends
+from one side of the region boundary to the other).
+@param aRow The row to be tested.
+@return True, if the row is selected; false otherwise. */
+ {
+ TInt end=iRangeList->Count();
+ for (TInt ii=0;ii<end;ii++)
+ {
+ if (IsRowSelected(aRow,ii))
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool CGridCellRegion::IsRowSelected(TInt aRow,TInt aIndex) const
+/** Tests whether the specified row is selected in the range identified by the
+specified index.
+A row is selected in a range only if it lies in the range, and the range spans
+all of the columns defined by region boundary (i.e. extends from one side
+of the region boundary to the other).
+Note that a region is implemented as an array of ranges, and the index identifies
+a specific range within that array.
+@param aRow The row to be tested.
+@param aIndex An index value identifying a specific range within the region.
+@return True, if the row is selected; false otherwise.
+@panic GRIDIMG 2 In debug mode only, if the index value is illegal. */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aIndex>=0&&aIndex<iRangeList->Count(),Panic(ECellRegionInvalidIndex));
+ TRangeRef range=(*iRangeList)[aIndex];
+ return (TBool)(range.iFrom.iRow<=aRow && range.iTo.iRow>=aRow
+ && range.iFrom.iCol==iBounds.iFrom.iCol && range.iTo.iCol==iBounds.iTo.iCol);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool CGridCellRegion::IsRowSelectedLastIndex(TInt aRow) const
+/** Tests whether the specified row is selected in the last range in the region.
+A row is selected in a range only if it lies in the range, and the range spans
+all of the columns defined by region boundary (i.e. extends from one side
+of the region boundary to the other).
+Note that a region is implemented as an array of ranges, and the last range
+is the last one in the array.
+@param aRow The row to be tested.
+@return True, if the row is selected; false otherwise. Note that this is also
+false if the region is empty. */
+ {
+ TInt index=iRangeList->Count();
+ return (index) ? IsRowSelected(aRow,index-1) : EFalse;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool CGridCellRegion::IsAnyRowSelected() const
+/** Tests whether any row is selected.
+A row is selected if any range spans all of the columns defined by region
+boundary (i.e. extends from one side of the region boundary to the other).
+@return True, if any row is selected; false, otherwise. */
+ {
+ TInt end=iRangeList->Count();
+ for (TInt ii=0;ii<end;ii++)
+ {
+ TRangeRef range=(*iRangeList)[ii];
+ if (range.iFrom.iCol==iBounds.iFrom.iCol && range.iTo.iCol==iBounds.iTo.iCol)
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool CGridCellRegion::IsColSelected(TInt aCol) const
+/** Tests whether the specified column is selected.
+A column is selected if the column lies within one of the region's ranges,
+and the range spans all of the rows defined by the region boundary (i.e. extends
+from the top of the region boundary to the bottom).
+@param aCol The column to be tested.
+@return True, if the column is selected; false, otherwise. */
+ {
+ TInt end=iRangeList->Count();
+ for (TInt ii=0;ii<end;ii++)
+ {
+ if (IsColSelected(aCol,ii))
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool CGridCellRegion::IsColSelected(TInt aCol,TInt aIndex) const
+/** Tests whether the specified column is selected in the range identified by the
+specified index.
+A column is selected in a range only if it lies in the range, and the range
+spans all of the rows defined by the region boundary (i.e. extends from the
+top of the region boundary to the bottom).
+Note that a region is implemented as an array of ranges, and the index identifies
+a specific range within that array.
+@param aCol The column to be tested.
+@param aIndex An index value identifying a specific range within the region.
+@return True, if the column is selected; false, otherwise.
+@panic GRIDIMG 2 In debug mode only, if the index value is illegal. */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aIndex>=0&&aIndex<iRangeList->Count(),Panic(ECellRegionInvalidIndex));
+ TRangeRef range=(*iRangeList)[aIndex];
+ return (TBool)(range.iFrom.iCol<=aCol && range.iTo.iCol>=aCol
+ && range.iFrom.iRow==iBounds.iFrom.iRow && range.iTo.iRow==iBounds.iTo.iRow);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool CGridCellRegion::IsColSelectedLastIndex(TInt aCol) const
+/** Tests whether the specified column is selected in the last range in the region.
+A column is selected in a range only if it lies in the range, and the range
+spans all of the rows defined by the region boundary (i.e. extends from the
+top of the region boundary to the bottom).
+Note that a region is implemented as an array of ranges, and the last range
+is the last one in the array.
+@param aCol The column to be tested.
+@return True, if the column is selected; false otherwise. Note that this is
+also false if the region is empty. */
+ {
+ TInt index=iRangeList->Count();
+ return (index) ? IsColSelected(aCol,index-1) : EFalse;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool CGridCellRegion::IsAnyColSelected() const
+/** Tests whether any column is selected.
+A column is selected if any range spans all of the rows defined by region
+boundary (i.e. extends from the top of the region boundary to the bottom).
+@return True, if any column is selected; false, otherwise. */
+ {
+ TInt end=iRangeList->Count();
+ for (TInt ii=0;ii<end;ii++)
+ {
+ TRangeRef range=(*iRangeList)[ii];
+ if (range.iFrom.iRow==iBounds.iFrom.iRow && range.iTo.iRow==iBounds.iTo.iRow)
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool CGridCellRegion::IsRangeSelected(const TRangeRef &aRange) const
+/** Tests whether the specified range is selected.
+A range is selected if it is one of the ranges making up the region.
+@param aRange The range to be tested.
+@return True, if the range is one of the ranges making up the region; false,
+otherwise. */
+ {
+ TInt end=iRangeList->Count();
+ for (TInt ii=0;ii<end;ii++)
+ {
+ if (IsRangeSelected(aRange,ii))
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool CGridCellRegion::IsRangeSelected(const TRangeRef &aRange,TInt aIndex) const
+/** Tests whether the specified range is the same as the range identified by the
+specified index.
+Note that a region is implemented as an array of ranges, and the index identifies
+a specific range within that array.
+@param aRange The range to be tested.
+@param aIndex An index value identifying a specific range within the region.
+@return True, if the specified range is the same as the range identified by
+the index; false, otherwise.
+@panic GRIDIMG 2 In debug mode only, if the index value is illegal. */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aIndex>=0&&aIndex<iRangeList->Count(),Panic(ECellRegionInvalidIndex));
+ return (TBool)((*iRangeList)[aIndex]==aRange);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool CGridCellRegion::IsRangeSelectedLastIndex(const TRangeRef &aRange) const
+/** Tests whether the specified range is the same as the last range in the region.
+Note that a region is implemented as an array of ranges, and the last range
+is the last one in the array.
+@param aRange The range to be tested.
+@return True, if the specified range is the same as the last range in the region;
+false, otherwise. Note that this is also false if the region is empty. */
+ {
+ TInt index=iRangeList->Count();
+ return (index) ? IsRangeSelected(aRange,index-1) : EFalse;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TRangeRef CGridCellRegion::operator[](TInt aIndex) const
+/** Gets the range within the region that is identified by the specified index.
+Note that a region is implemented as an array of ranges.
+@param aIndex The index value.
+@return The cell range. */
+ {
+ return (*iRangeList)[aIndex];
+ }
+EXPORT_C const CArrayFix<TRangeRef>* CGridCellRegion::RangeList() const
+/** Gets a pointer to the internal array of ranges that constitutes the region.
+@return A pointer to the array of ranges that constitutes the region. */
+ {
+ return iRangeList;
+ }