--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commonuisupport/grid/tef/TGlayStep.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Tests the grid layout functionalities that controls appearance of columns, rows and their selections.\n
+// One of the test case tests the functionalitie for Setting , Inserting , Deleting rows and coloums and \n
+// the other tests whether the grid labels/lines are to be printed/Drawn.
+ @file
+ @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
+#include <s32mem.h>
+#include "grdstd.h"
+#include "TGlayStep.h"
+ Auxiliary Function for Test Case ID TGlayStep-Test1L & TGlayStep-Test2L.\n
+ Call the ConstructL function of CGridLay.\n
+ ConstructL is the second-phase constructor for constructing the object with definite row boundaries.\n
+ */
+void CTGlayStep::ConstructGridLayLC(CGridLay*& aGridLay)
+ {
+ aGridLay = new(ELeave) CGridLay(NULL);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(aGridLay);
+ aGridLay->ConstructL(NULL,NULL,100,100);
+ }
+ @SYMTestCaseID UIF-TGlayStep-Test1L
+ @SYMTestCaseDesc Tests the functionalitie for Setting , Inserting , Deleting rows and coloums and \n.
+ The CGridLay APIs are being tested.\n
+ @SYMTestPriority High
+ @SYMTestStatus Implemented
+ @SYMTestActions Using the CGridLay APIs,
+ 1)Construct the Grid layout.\n
+ 2)Set the Coloum width.\n
+ 3)Insert a coloum.\n
+ 4)Set row height.\n
+ 5)Delete the coloum.\n
+ 6)Retrieve the parameter set.\n
+ 7)Compare the retrieved value with the orginal parameters.\n
+ @SYMTestExpectedResults The test passes when the set parameter values match with the retrieved parameter values.\n
+ */
+void CTGlayStep::Test1L()
+ {
+ CGridLay* gridLay;
+ ConstructGridLayLC(gridLay);
+ gridLay->SetDefaultColumnWidthInTwips(123);
+ gridLay->SetColumnWidthInTwipsL(5,55);
+ gridLay->SetColumnWidthInTwipsL(12,18,77);
+ gridLay->InsertDeleteColumns(12,2);
+ gridLay->SetRowHeightInTwipsL(6,7,99);
+ gridLay->InsertDeleteRows(2,-2);
+ TEST(gridLay->ColumnWidthInTwips(5)==55);
+ TEST(gridLay->ColumnWidthInTwips(12)==123); // default
+ TEST(gridLay->ColumnWidthInTwips(20)==77);
+ TEST(gridLay->RowHeightInTwips(4)==99);
+ gridLay->SetRowHeightsToDefault();
+ TEST(gridLay->RowHeightInTwips(4)==gridLay->DefaultRowHeightInTwips());
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ }
+ @SYMTestCaseID UIF-TGlayStep-Test2L
+ @SYMTestCaseDesc Tests whether the grid labels are to be printed/Drawn.\n
+ The CGridLay APIs are being tested.\n
+ @SYMTestPriority High
+ @SYMTestStatus Implemented
+ @SYMTestActions Using the CGridLay APIs,
+ 1)Construct the Grid layout.\n
+ 2)Set that side labels are not to be printed.\n
+ 3)Set that side vertical grid lines are not to be drawn.\n
+ 4)Sets the default height of rows.\n
+ Create a write stream interface and externalize the CGridLay object.\n
+ Close the stream.\n
+ Re-Initialize the CGridLay object.\n
+ Tests whether side grid labels are printed (returning default settings).\n
+ Tests whether vertical grid lines are to be drawn (returning default settings).\n
+ Create a read stream interface and Internalize CGridLay object
+ Test whether side grid labels are not to be printed (Setting matches with the externalised CGridLay object).\n
+ Tests whether vertical grid lines are not to be drawn(Setting matches with the externalised CGridLay object).\n
+ Test that the default height of rows being set matches with the settings of externalised CGridLay object.\n
+ @SYMTestExpectedResults Test passes if there is no difference in the CGridLay object settings due to externalising and internalising.\n
+ */
+void CTGlayStep::Test2L()
+ {
+ CBufFlat* bufFlat = CBufFlat::NewL(100);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(bufFlat);
+ CGridLay* gridLay;
+ ConstructGridLayLC(gridLay);
+ gridLay->SetSideLabels(EFalse);
+ gridLay->SetVerticalGridLines(EFalse);
+ gridLay->SetDefaultRowHeightInTwips(333);
+ RBufWriteStream writeStream;
+ writeStream.Open(*bufFlat,0);
+ writeStream << *gridLay;
+ writeStream.Close();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // gridLay
+ ConstructGridLayLC(gridLay);
+// 2 and 8 are the default settings for SideLabels and VerticalGridlInes
+ TEST(gridLay->IsSideLabels()==2);
+ TEST(gridLay->IsVerticalGridLines()==8);
+ RBufReadStream readStream;
+ readStream.Open(*bufFlat,0);
+ readStream >> *gridLay;
+ readStream.Close();
+ TEST(!gridLay->IsSideLabels());
+ TEST(!gridLay->IsVerticalGridLines());
+ TEST(gridLay->DefaultRowHeightInTwips()==333);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);// gridLay + bufFlat
+ }
+ Destructor
+ */
+ {
+ }
+ Constructor
+ */
+ {
+ // Call base class method to set up the human readable name for logging
+ SetTestStepName(KTGlayStep);
+ }
+ Entry function for the test steps.\n
+ Call the test steps.\n
+ @return TVerdict indicating whether the test step has executed without error.\n
+ */
+TVerdict CTGlayStep::doTestStepL()
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Started"));
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Setting/Inserting/Deleting Rows and Columns"));
+ SetTestStepID(_L("UIF-TGlayStep-Test1L"));
+ TRAPD(err,CTGlayStep::Test1L());
+ TEST(err==KErrNone);
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Externalizing/Internalizing"));
+ SetTestStepID(_L("UIF-TGlayStep-Test2L"));
+ TRAP(err,CTGlayStep::Test2L());
+ TEST(err==KErrNone);
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("test finished"));
+ return TestStepResult();
+ }