--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commonuisupport/uikon/srvsrc/EIKALSUP.CPP Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// MultiAlrm version of supervisor
+ @file
+// System includes
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <eiksrv.h>
+#include <asshdalarm.h>
+// User includes
+#include "EIKSRV.PAN"
+#include "EIKALSUP.H"
+#include <uikon/eiknotifyalert.h>
+// Constants
+const TInt KAlarmMinuteInMicroSeconds = 60000000;
+// See eiksrv.cpp for initialization of
+// EXPORT_C extern const TInt KEikAlarmDefaultSnoozeInMinutes
+CEikAlmControlSupervisor* CEikAlmControlSupervisor::NewLC(MEikServAlarmFactory& aAlarmControl, CEikServAlarmAlertSession* aSession)
+ {
+ CEikAlmControlSupervisor* supervisor = new (ELeave) CEikAlmControlSupervisor();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(supervisor);
+ supervisor->ConstructL(aAlarmControl, aSession);
+ return supervisor;
+ }
+void CEikAlmControlSupervisor::ConstructL(MEikServAlarmFactory& aAlarmControlFactory, CEikServAlarmAlertSession* aSession)
+ {
+ iMinuteCountDown = CPeriodic::NewL(ESnoozeCountDownPriority);
+ iAlarmAlert = aAlarmControlFactory.NewAlarmL(*this);
+ iSession = aSession;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ delete iMinuteCountDown;
+ delete iAlarmData;
+ if (iAlarmAlert)
+ iAlarmAlert->Release();
+ }
+Services requests to the server
+@param aMessage Message from client.
+void CEikAlmControlSupervisor::ServiceL(const RMessage2 &aMessage)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iAlarmAlert, Panic(EEsPanicAlarmAlert));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(!aMessage.IsNull(), Panic(EEsPanicAlarmAlert));
+ switch (aMessage.Function())
+ {
+ case EASAltOpCodeVisible:
+ case EASAltOpCodeVisibleAll:
+ SetVisibility(aMessage.Int0());
+ break;
+ case EASAltOpCodeSetState:
+ case EASAltOpCodeSetStateAll:
+ iAlarmAlert->UpdateForAlarmServerState(aMessage.Int0());
+ break;
+ case EASAltOpCodeSetAlarm:
+ UpdateAlarmInfoL(aMessage);
+ break;
+ case EASAltOpCodeStartPlayingSound:
+ StartPlayAlarmL(aMessage);
+ break;
+ case EASAltOpCodeStopPlayingSound:
+ case EASAltOpCodeStopPlayingSoundAll:
+ StopPlayAlarm();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void CEikAlmControlSupervisor::CancelTimeCountDown()
+ {
+ iMinuteCountDown->Cancel();
+ }
+void CEikAlmControlSupervisor::SetVisibility(TBool aVisible)
+ {
+ iVisible = aVisible;
+ if (aVisible)
+ iAlarmAlert->ShowAlarm();
+ else
+ iAlarmAlert->HideAlarm();
+ }
+Static callback function. Decrements snooze minutes
+@param aAlarmControl Pointer to this. Gets cast to CEikAlarmControlSupervisor*
+TInt CEikAlmControlSupervisor::CallbackSnoozeDecrement(TAny *aAlarmControl)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aAlarmControl, Panic(EEsPanicAlarmAlert));
+ static_cast<CEikAlmControlSupervisor*>(aAlarmControl)->DecrementSnoozeMinutes();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CEikAlmControlSupervisor::DecrementSnoozeMinutes()
+ {
+ iPauseSoundMinutes--;
+ iAlarmAlert->UpdateSoundPauseTimeInterval(iPauseSoundMinutes);
+ if (iPauseSoundMinutes <= 0)
+ CancelTimeCountDown();
+ }
+void CEikAlmControlSupervisor::StartTimeCountDown()
+ {
+ TCallBack callback(&CallbackSnoozeDecrement, this);
+ CancelTimeCountDown();
+ iMinuteCountDown->Start(KAlarmMinuteInMicroSeconds, KAlarmMinuteInMicroSeconds, callback);
+ iAlarmAlert->UpdateSoundPauseTimeInterval(iPauseSoundMinutes);
+ }
+void CEikAlmControlSupervisor::SynchronizeCountDownTimer()
+ {
+ CancelTimeCountDown();
+ TTime now;
+ now.UniversalTime();
+ if (iPauseSoundDueTime > now)
+ {
+ // sychronise timer (needed when machine has been turned off during snooze)
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds seconds;
+ iPauseSoundDueTime.SecondsFrom(now, seconds);
+ iPauseSoundMinutes = (seconds.Int()/60)+1; // +1 because will be called back in less than a minute
+ const TInt delay = ((seconds.Int())%60)*1000000; // pity there's no TTime::MicroSeconds32From :-(
+ const TCallBack callback(&CallbackSnoozeDecrement, this);
+ iMinuteCountDown->Start(delay, KAlarmMinuteInMicroSeconds, callback);
+ }
+ else
+ iPauseSoundMinutes = 0;
+ TASAltClientServerStateFlags alarmState(iAlarmAlert->CurrentServerState());
+ if (!((alarmState[EASAltStateFlagsInQuietPeriod] ||
+ alarmState[EASAltStateFlagsSilentRunning] ||
+ alarmState[EASAltStateFlagsAlarmHasNoSoundFileName]) &&
+ (iPauseSoundMinutes==0)))
+ {
+ iAlarmAlert->UpdateSoundPauseTimeInterval(iPauseSoundMinutes);
+ }
+ }
+Update the alerts information on the current alarm. Extracts owner and establishes whether alarm time is local
+@param aMessage Message from client. EASAltOpCodeSetAlarm
+void CEikAlmControlSupervisor::UpdateAlarmInfoL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ const TInt KDataSlot = 2;
+ iPauseSoundMinutes = 0;
+ iMinuteCountDown->Cancel();
+ iPauseSoundDueTime.UniversalTime();
+ TASShdAlarm alarm;
+ TPckg<TASShdAlarm> pAlarm(alarm);
+ aMessage.ReadL(0, pAlarm);
+ iAlarmId = alarm.Id();
+ TFullName owner;
+ aMessage.ReadL(1, owner);
+ // Create new alarm data (use temporary newAlarmData and reassign iAlarmData on success)
+ HBufC8* newAlarmData = NULL;
+ if(alarm.HasAssociatedData())
+ {
+ const TInt desLength = aMessage.GetDesLengthL(KDataSlot);
+ newAlarmData = HBufC8::NewLC(desLength); // Push in case ReadL() below leaves
+ TPtr8 readPtr(newAlarmData->Des());
+ aMessage.ReadL(KDataSlot, readPtr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newAlarmData = HBufC8::NewLC(0);
+ }
+ delete iAlarmData;
+ iAlarmData = newAlarmData;
+ CleanupStack::Pop(newAlarmData);
+ newAlarmData = NULL;
+ // These lines will make sure the alert server is given the alarm in local time, if the alarm is
+ // set in local time (a floating alarm)
+ //-------------------------------------------
+ if (alarm.IsFloating())
+ {
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds offset = User::UTCOffset();
+ if (alarm.NextDueTime() != Time::NullTTime())
+ alarm.NextDueTime() += offset;
+ if (alarm.OriginalExpiryTime() != Time::NullTTime())
+ alarm.OriginalExpiryTime() += offset;
+ }
+ iAlarmAlert->UpdateAlarmInfo(alarm, owner);
+ iAlarmAlert->UpdateForAlarmServerState(iAlarmAlert->CurrentServerState());
+ }
+This method will trigger a new alarm in aMinutesToSnooze minutes and start the
+alarm timer.
+@internalTechnology */
+TTime CEikAlmControlSupervisor::ReturnTimeToSnooze(TInt aMinutesToSnooze)
+ {
+ if (iPauseSoundMinutes <= 0)
+ iPauseSoundMinutes = aMinutesToSnooze;
+ iPauseSoundDueTime.UniversalTime();
+ iPauseSoundDueTime += TTimeIntervalMinutes(iPauseSoundMinutes);
+ const TTime time = iPauseSoundDueTime;
+ StartTimeCountDown();
+ return time;
+ }
+void CEikAlmControlSupervisor::StartPlayAlarmL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ TBuf<KMaxAlarmSoundNameLength> alarmSoundName;
+ aMessage.ReadL(0, alarmSoundName);
+ iAlarmAlert->StartPlayAlarmL(alarmSoundName);
+ }
+void CEikAlmControlSupervisor::StopPlayAlarm()
+ {
+ iAlarmAlert->StopPlayAlarm();
+ }
+Acknowledges a notifying alarm
+(i.e. an alarm that is going off or has expired).
+When an alarm has expired, the alarm control is notified and can call
+this function to acknowledge the alarm.
+EXPORT_C void CEikAlmControlSupervisor::CmdAcknowledgeAlarm()
+ {
+ if (iSession)
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE(iSession->RespondEventL(EASAltAlertServerResponseClear, AlarmId()));
+ }
+ }
+Acknowledges all notifying alarms
+(i.e. all alarms that are going off or have expired).
+When an alarm has expired, the alarm control is notified and can call
+this function to acknowledge all alarms that are currently notifying.
+EXPORT_C void CEikAlmControlSupervisor::CmdAcknowledgeAllAlarms()
+ {
+ if (iSession)
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE(iSession->ClearAllAlarmsL());
+ }
+ }
+Increases the alarm's snooze period by the specified number of minutes.
+If the alarm has expired, it is snoozed by aNumMinutes.
+MEikServAlarm::UpdateSoundPauseTimeInterval() is called, which might, for instance,
+update the view to display the new snooze period.
+@param aNumMinutes The number of minutes to add to the snooze period.
+EXPORT_C void CEikAlmControlSupervisor::CmdPauseAlarmSoundL(TInt aNumMinutes)
+ {
+ // If the argument is KUseDefaultAlarmSnoozeIncrement (minus one) then change it to KAlarmDefaultSnoozeInMinutes.
+ // The use of KUseDefaultAlarmSnoozeIncrement as default argument (rather than KAlarmDefaultSnoozeInMinutes)
+ // is needed to allow KAlarmDefaultSnoozeInMinutes being ROM patchable constant.
+ if(aNumMinutes == KEikUseDefaultAlarmSnoozeIncrement)
+ aNumMinutes = KEikAlarmDefaultSnoozeInMinutes;
+ if(iPauseSoundMinutes + aNumMinutes <= 0)
+ return;
+ iPauseSoundMinutes += aNumMinutes;
+ // Update the client's TTime so that they don't need to
+ // call "ReturnTimeToSnoozeL" (synchronous) in response to
+ // an asynch completion here...
+ const TTime time = ReturnTimeToSnooze(KEikAlarmDefaultSnoozeInMinutes);
+ if (iSession)
+ iSession->RespondEventL(EASAltAlertServerResponsePauseSound, AlarmId(), time);
+ }
+Silences the alarm sound that is playing, without changing the alarm's state.
+EXPORT_C void CEikAlmControlSupervisor::CmdSilenceAlarmSound()
+ {
+ if (iSession)
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE(iSession->RespondEventL(EASAltAlertServerResponseSilence, AlarmId()));
+ }
+ }
+If an alarm has expired, this function snoozes it for the default
+period (e.g. 5 minutes).
+This function shall be called in response to the user switching away from the
+application when an alarm has expired.
+@return Always ETrue.
+EXPORT_C TBool CEikAlmControlSupervisor::CmdTaskAwayFromAlarmL()
+ {
+ return CmdTaskAwayFromAlarmL(KEikAlarmDefaultSnoozeInMinutes);
+ }
+If an alarm has expired, this function snoozes it for specified snooze period.
+This function shall be called in response to the user switching away from the
+application when an alarm has expired.
+@param aMinutesToSnooze Minutes to be added to the snooze period.
+@return Always ETrue.
+EXPORT_C TBool CEikAlmControlSupervisor::CmdTaskAwayFromAlarmL(TInt aMinutesToSnooze)
+ {
+ // Update the client's TTime so that they don't need to
+ // call "ReturnTimeToSnoozeL" (synchronous) in response to
+ // an asynch completion here...
+ aMinutesToSnooze = Max(1, aMinutesToSnooze); //minimum snooze time is one minute, to avoid live lock between alarm server & eik server
+ const TTime time = ReturnTimeToSnooze(aMinutesToSnooze);
+ if (iSession)
+ {
+ iSession->RespondEventL(EASAltAlertServerResponseSnooze, AlarmId(), time);
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+TBool CEikAlmControlSupervisor::IsVisible() const
+ {
+ return iVisible;
+ }
+TAlarmId CEikAlmControlSupervisor::AlarmId() const
+ {
+ return iAlarmId;
+ }
+Gets data associated with alarm.
+@param aData Application specific 8-bit data that was queued with the Alarm.
+@return KErrNotFound if no data is associated with current alarm, KErrNone otherwise.
+EXPORT_C TDesC8& CEikAlmControlSupervisor::AlarmData() const
+ {
+ return *iAlarmData;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CEikAlmControlSupervisor::CEikAlmControlSupervisor_Reserved1()
+ {
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CEikAlmControlSupervisor::CEikAlmControlSupervisor_Reserved2()
+ {
+ }