--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lafagnosticuifoundation/clockanim/src/CL_STD.H Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,926 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// header for client-side and server-side clock DLL's
+// $Workfile: CL_STD.H $
+// $Revision: 1.7 $
+// $Author: DougF $
+// $Date: 07 Jul 1999 16:16:18 $
+#if !defined(__CL_STD_H__)
+#define __CL_STD_H__
+#if !defined(__E32STD_H__)
+#include <e32std.h>
+#if !defined(__E32BASE_H__)
+#include <e32base.h>
+#if !defined(__W32STD_H__)
+#include <w32std.h>
+#if !defined(__W32ADLL_H__)
+#include <w32adll.h>
+#if !defined(__CLOCK_H__)
+#include <clock.h>
+// build flags
+// miscellaneous constants
+const TInt KCheckValueForEndOfTimeDeviceConstructionBuf=0x3af96b5e; // a random number
+const TInt KPanicClientFromServer=1;
+const TInt KIpcSlot=1; // must not be zero as this is reserved by the window server
+// miscellaneous typedefs
+typedef RRegionBuf<10> RRegionBuf10;
+// miscellaneous enums
+enum TClockClientPanic
+ {
+ EClockClientPanicAlreadyConstructed,
+ EClockClientPanicAlreadyConstructedDigitalClock,
+ EClockClientPanicAlreadyConstructedAnalogClock,
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetConstructedDigitalClock,
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetConstructedAnalogClock,
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetFullyConstructed1,
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetFullyConstructed2,
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetFullyConstructed3,
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetFullyConstructed4,
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetFullyConstructed5,
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetFullyConstructed6,
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetFullyConstructed7,
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetFullyConstructed8,
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetFullyConstructed9,
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetFullyConstructed10,
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetFullyConstructed11,
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetFullyConstructed12,
+ EClockClientPanicIncorrectNumberOfAdditions1,
+ EClockClientPanicIncorrectNumberOfAdditions2,
+ EClockClientPanicNoConstructorBuf,
+ EClockClientPanicBadSetNumAdditionsStillExpectedCall,
+ EClockClientPanicTooFewTextSections,
+ EClockClientPanicTooFewHands,
+ EClockClientPanicTooFewHandFeatures,
+ EClockClientPanicRectIsNotNormalized,
+ EClockClientPanicUnexpectedError1,
+ EClockClientPanicUnexpectedError2,
+ EClockClientPanicUnexpectedError3,
+ EClockClientPanicUnexpectedError4,
+ EClockClientPanicUnexpectedError5,
+ EClockClientPanicUnexpectedError6,
+ EClockClientPanicUnexpectedError7,
+ EClockClientPanicUnexpectedError8,
+ EClockClientPanicUnexpectedError9,
+ EClockClientPanicUnexpectedError10,
+ EClockClientPanicUnexpectedError11,
+ EClockClientPanicUnexpectedError12,
+// Setting the colors
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetFullyConstructedDigitalTextColor, // When setting the text color for digital clock
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetFullyConstructedAnalogPenColor, // When setting the pen color for analog clock
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetFullyConstructedAnalogBrushColor, // When setting the brush color for analog clock
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetFullyConstructedMsgWindowBackgroundColor, // When setting the background color for window message
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetFullyConstructedMsgWindowTextColor, // When setting the text color for window message
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetFullyConstructedMsgWindowBorderColor, // When setting the border color for window message
+ EClockClientPanicNotYetFullyConstructedMsgWindowPlinthColor, // When setting the plinth color for window message
+ EClockClientPanicUnexpectedErrorDigitalTextColor, // When setting the text color for digital clock
+ EClockClientPanicUnexpectedErrorAnalogPenColor, // When setting the pen color for analog clock
+ EClockClientPanicUnexpectedErrorAnalogBrushColor, // When setting the brush color for analog clock
+ EClockClientPanicUnexpectedErrorMsgWindowBackgroundColor, // When setting the background color for window message
+ EClockClientPanicUnexpectedErrorMsgWindowTextColor, // When setting the text color for window message
+ EClockClientPanicUnexpectedErrorMsgWindowBorderColor, // When setting the border color for window message
+ EClockClientPanicUnexpectedErrorMsgWindowPlinthColor, // When setting the plinth color for window message
+ };
+enum TClockServerPanic
+ {
+ EClockServerPanicNotInitializedToNULL1,
+ EClockServerPanicNotInitializedToNULL2,
+ EClockServerPanicNotInitializedToNULL3,
+ EClockServerPanicNotInitializedToNULL4,
+ EClockServerPanicNotInitializedToNULL5,
+ EClockServerPanicNotInitializedToNULL6,
+ EClockServerPanicNotInitializedToNULL7,
+ EClockServerPanicNotInitializedToNULL8,
+ EClockServerPanicNotInitializedToNULL9,
+ EClockServerPanicNotInitializedToZero1,
+ EClockServerPanicNotInitializedToZero2,
+ EClockServerPanicNotInitializedToZero3,
+ EClockServerPanicNotInitializedToZero4,
+ EClockServerPanicBadSync1,
+ EClockServerPanicBadSync2,
+ EClockServerPanicBadSync3,
+ EClockServerPanicBadPolyLineState,
+ EClockServerPanicInconsistentPointListLengths,
+ EClockServerPanicBadEndOfConstructionBuf,
+ EClockServerPanicUnexpectedError,
+ EClockServerPanicAlreadyVisible,
+ EClockServerPanicTimerIsActive,
+ EClockServerPanicAnimatingNonFlashingMessageWindow,
+ EClockServerPanicBadRect,
+ EClockServerPanicBadMessageWindowTimerAction
+ };
+enum TAnimType
+ {
+ EAnimClock,
+ EAnimMessageWindow
+ };
+// constructor argument structs
+struct SDigitalDisplayConstructorArgs
+ {
+ TPoint iPosition;
+ TSize iSize;
+ TMargins iMargins;
+ STimeDeviceShadow iShadow;
+ TRgb iBackgroundColor;
+ TInt iNumTextSections;
+ };
+struct SDigitalDisplayTextSectionConstructorArgs
+ {
+ TInt iFontHandle;
+ TRgb iTextColor;
+ TDigitalDisplayHorizontalTextAlignment iHorizontalAlignment;
+ TDigitalDisplayVerticalTextAlignment iVerticalAlignment;
+ TInt iHorizontalMargin;
+ TInt iVerticalMargin;
+ TInt iFormatLength;
+ };
+struct SAnalogDisplayConstructorArgs
+ {
+ TPoint iPosition;
+ TSize iSize;
+ TMargins iMargins;
+ STimeDeviceShadow iShadow;
+ TInt iFaceHandle;
+ TInt iFaceMaskHandle;
+ TInt iNumHands;
+ TBool iHasAmPm;
+ };
+struct SAnalogDisplayHandConstructorArgs
+ {
+ TAnalogDisplayHandType iType;
+ TInt iNumFeatures;
+ };
+struct SAnalogDisplayHandLineConstructorArgs
+ {
+ CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle iPenStyle;
+ TRgb iPenColor;
+ TSize iPenSize;
+ TPoint iStartPoint;
+ TPoint iEndPoint;
+ };
+struct SAnalogDisplayHandPolyLineConstructorArgs
+ {
+ CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle iPenStyle;
+ TRgb iPenColor;
+ TSize iPenSize;
+ CGraphicsContext::TBrushStyle iBrushStyle;
+ TRgb iBrushColor;
+ TBool iClosed;
+ TInt iNumPoints;
+ };
+struct SAnalogDisplayHandCircleConstructorArgs
+ {
+ CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle iPenStyle;
+ TRgb iPenColor;
+ TSize iPenSize;
+ CGraphicsContext::TBrushStyle iBrushStyle;
+ TRgb iBrushColor;
+ TPoint iCircleCenter;
+ TInt iRadius;
+ };
+struct SAnalogDisplayHandFeaturesPenColorArgs
+ {
+ TRgb iPenColor;
+ };
+struct SAnalogDisplayHandFeaturesBrushColorArgs
+ {
+ TRgb iBrushColor;
+ };
+struct SClockConstructorArgs
+ {
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds iUniversalTimeOffset;
+ };
+struct SMessageWindowConstructorArgs
+ {
+ TInt iBaselineOffset;
+ TInt iFontHandle;
+ TRgb iBackgroundColor;
+ TRgb iTextColor;
+ TRgb iBorderColor;
+ };
+struct SMessageWindowBackgroundColorArgs
+ {
+ TRgb iBackgroundColor;
+ };
+struct SMessageWindowTextColorArgs
+ {
+ TRgb iTextColor;
+ };
+struct SMessageWindowBorderColorArgs
+ {
+ TRgb iBorderColor;
+ };
+struct SMessageWindowPlinthColorArgs
+ {
+ TRgb iTlColor;
+ TRgb iBrColor;
+ };
+// command opcodes and their argument structs
+enum TTimeDeviceCommand
+ {
+ EClockCommand =0x1000,
+ EDisplayCommand =0x2000,
+ EDigitalDisplayCommand =0x4000|EDisplayCommand,
+ EAnalogDisplayCommand =0x8000|EDisplayCommand,
+ EClockCommandSetUniversalTimeOffset =EClockCommand|1,
+ EDisplayCommandSetVisible =EDisplayCommand|1,
+ EDisplayCommandSetPositionAndSize =EDisplayCommand|2,
+ EDisplayCommandSetPosition =EDisplayCommand|3,
+ EDisplayCommandSetSize =EDisplayCommand|4,
+ EDisplayCommandUpdateDisplay =EDisplayCommand|5,
+ EDisplayCommandDraw =EDisplayCommand|6,
+ EDigitalDisplayCommandSetBackgroundColor =EDigitalDisplayCommand|1,
+ EDigitalDisplayCommandSetTextColor =EDigitalDisplayCommand|2,
+ EAnalogDisplayCommandSetPenColor =EAnalogDisplayCommand|1,
+ EAnalogDisplayCommandSetBrushColor =EAnalogDisplayCommand|2
+ };
+struct SClockCommandSetUniversalTimeOffsetArgs
+ {
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds iUniversalTimeOffset;
+ };
+struct SDisplayCommandSetVisibleArgs
+ {
+ TBool iVisible;
+ };
+struct SDisplayCommandSetPositionAndSizeArgs
+ {
+ TPoint iPosition;
+ TSize iSize;
+ };
+struct SDisplayCommandSetPositionArgs
+ {
+ TPoint iPosition;
+ };
+struct SDisplayCommandSetSizeArgs
+ {
+ TSize iSize;
+ };
+struct SDigitalDisplayCommandSetBackgroundColorArgs
+ {
+ TRgb iBackgroundColor;
+ TRgb iShadowColor;
+ };
+struct SDigitalDisplayCommandSetTextColorArgs
+ {
+ TRgb iTextColor;
+ };
+enum TMessageWindowCommand
+ {
+ EMessageWindowCommandStartDisplay,
+ EMessageWindowCommandCancelDisplay,
+ EMessageWindowCommandGetBorders,
+ EMessageWindowCommandSetBackgroundColor,
+ EMessageWindowCommandSetTextColor,
+ EMessageWindowCommandSetBorderColor,
+ EMessageWindowCommandSetPlinthColor,
+ };
+struct SMessageWindowCommandStartDisplayArgs
+ {
+ enum
+ {
+ EIndefiniteDuration=-1
+ };
+ TBool iFlash;
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iInitialDelay;
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iDuration;
+ TBuf<RMessageWindow::EMaxTextLength> iText;
+ };
+// utility classes supporting the digital display class
+class DDigitalDisplayTextSection : public CBase
+ {
+ DDigitalDisplayTextSection(MAnimGeneralFunctions& aFunctions, TRgb aTextColor, TDigitalDisplayHorizontalTextAlignment aHorizontalAlignment,
+ TDigitalDisplayVerticalTextAlignment aVerticalAlignment,
+ TInt aHorizontalMargin, TInt aVerticalMargin);
+ void ConstructL(const TDesC& aFormat, TInt aFontHandle);
+ void SetInitialTimeP(const TTime& aTime, TBool aLimitResolutionToMinutes);
+ virtual ~DDigitalDisplayTextSection();
+ void DrawP(CAnimGc& aGc, const TRect& aRect, TBool aFlashStateOn, const TRgb* aOverridingColor=NULL) const;
+ void UpdateDisplayDataP(const TRect& aRect, const STimeDeviceShadow& aShadow, const TTime& aTime, TBool aFlashStateIsChanging, TRegion* aRegion, TBool aLimitResolutionToMinutes);
+ void SetTextColor(TRgb aTextColor);
+ void FormatTruncatingIfNecessaryP(const TTime& aTime, TDes& aResult, TBool aLimitResolutionToMinutes) const;
+ TRect UpdateRect(const TPoint& aPosition, const SCharWidth& aPixelWidth, TInt aAscentInPixels, TInt aHeightInPixels) const;
+ TRect ExpandToIncludeShadows(const TRect& aRect, const STimeDeviceShadow& aShadow) const;
+ void AddUpdateAreasToRegion(TRegion& aRegion, TInt aYPosition, const STimeDeviceShadow& aShadow, TInt aAscentInPixels, TInt aHeightInPixels,
+ const TDesC& aOldText, TInt aOldXPosition,
+ const TDesC& aNewText, TInt aNewXPosition) const;
+ void InitializeTextBlockIteratorP(const TRect& aRect, const TDesC& aText, TInt& aTextOffset, TInt& aTextLength,
+ TInt& aXPosition, SCharWidth& aPixelWidth, TBool& aInFlashingBlock) const;
+ TBool GetNextTextBlockP(const TDesC& aText, TInt& aTextOffset, TInt& aTextLength,
+ TInt& aXPosition, SCharWidth& aPixelWidth, TBool& aInFlashingBlock) const;
+ TInt XPositionP(const TRect& aRect, const TDesC& aText) const;
+ TInt YPositionP(const TRect& aRect) const;
+ void TextWidthInPixels(const TDesC& aText, SCharWidth& aPixelWidth) const;
+ typedef TBuf<48> TDisplayText;
+ MAnimGeneralFunctions& iFunctions;
+ HBufC* iFormat;
+ TDisplayText iDisplayText;
+ CFbsFont* iFont;
+ TRgb iTextColor;
+ TDigitalDisplayHorizontalTextAlignment iHorizontalAlignment;
+ TDigitalDisplayVerticalTextAlignment iVerticalAlignment;
+ TInt iHorizontalMargin;
+ TInt iVerticalMargin;
+ HBufC* iTruncatedFormat;
+ };
+// utility classes supporting the analog display class
+class TFraction
+ {
+ TFraction();
+ TFraction(TInt aNumber, TInt aRightShift);
+ TInt operator*(TInt aInt) const;
+ TInt iNumber;
+ TInt iRightShift;
+ };
+class TTrig
+ {
+ static TFraction Sin(TInt aDegrees);
+ static TFraction Cos(TInt aDegrees);
+ enum
+ {
+ ERightShift=15,
+ ENumStepsPer90Degrees=15,
+ ENumInterpolations=90/ENumStepsPer90Degrees,
+ ENumStored=ENumStepsPer90Degrees+2
+ };
+ static const TInt iStore[ENumStored];
+ };
+class DAnalogDisplayHandFeature : public CBase
+ {
+ DAnalogDisplayHandFeature();
+ virtual TRect BoundingRectP(const TFraction& aSin, const TFraction& aCos, const TPoint& aHandCenter) const=0;
+ virtual void Draw(CAnimGc& aGc, const TFraction& aSin, const TFraction& aCos, const TPoint& aHandCenter, const TRgb* aOverridingColor) const=0;
+ virtual void SetPenColor(TRgb aPenColor);
+ virtual void SetBrushColor(TRgb aBrushColor);
+ TPoint Rotate(const TPoint& aPoint, const TFraction& aSin, const TFraction& aCos, const TPoint& aOffset) const;
+ TRect AdjustRectForPenSizeP(const TRect& aRect, const TSize& aPenSize) const;
+ };
+class DAnalogDisplayHandLine : public DAnalogDisplayHandFeature
+ {
+ DAnalogDisplayHandLine(CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle aPenStyle, TRgb aPenColor, const TSize& aPenSize, const TPoint& aStartPoint, const TPoint& aEndPoint);
+ virtual TRect BoundingRectP(const TFraction& aSin, const TFraction& aCos, const TPoint& aHandCenter) const;
+ virtual void Draw(CAnimGc& aGc, const TFraction& aSin, const TFraction& aCos, const TPoint& aHandCenter, const TRgb* aOverridingColor) const;
+ void SetPenColor(TRgb aPenColor);
+ CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle iPenStyle;
+ TRgb iPenColor;
+ TSize iPenSize;
+ TPoint iStartPoint;
+ TPoint iEndPoint;
+ };
+class DAnalogDisplayHandPolyLine : public DAnalogDisplayHandFeature
+ {
+ DAnalogDisplayHandPolyLine(CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle aPenStyle, TRgb aPenColor, const TSize& aPenSize,
+ CGraphicsContext::TBrushStyle aBrushStyle, TRgb aBrushColor,
+ TBool aClosed, TInt aNumPoints);
+ void AddPointLP(const TPoint& aPoint);
+ virtual ~DAnalogDisplayHandPolyLine();
+ virtual TRect BoundingRectP(const TFraction& aSin, const TFraction& aCos, const TPoint& aHandCenter) const;
+ virtual void Draw(CAnimGc& aGc, const TFraction& aSin, const TFraction& aCos, const TPoint& aHandCenter, const TRgb* aOverridingColor) const;
+ void SetPenColor(TRgb aPenColor);
+ void SetBrushColor(TRgb aBrushColor);
+ struct SPointList
+ {
+ TInt16 iNumPoints;
+ TInt16 iNumPointsAdded;
+ TPoint* iPoints;
+ };
+ void SetScratchPointList(const TFraction& aSin, const TFraction& aCos, const TPoint& aHandCenter) const;
+ CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle iPenStyle;
+ TRgb iPenColor;
+ TSize iPenSize;
+ CGraphicsContext::TBrushStyle iBrushStyle;
+ TRgb iBrushColor;
+ TBool iClosed;
+ SPointList iPoints;
+ CArrayFix<TPoint>* iScratchPointList;
+ };
+class DAnalogDisplayHandCircle : public DAnalogDisplayHandFeature
+ {
+ DAnalogDisplayHandCircle(CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle aPenStyle, TRgb aPenColor, const TSize& aPenSize,
+ CGraphicsContext::TBrushStyle aBrushStyle, TRgb aBrushColor,
+ const TPoint& aCircleCenter, TInt aRadius);
+ virtual TRect BoundingRectP(const TFraction& aSin, const TFraction& aCos, const TPoint& aHandCenter) const;
+ virtual void Draw(CAnimGc& aGc, const TFraction& aSin, const TFraction& aCos, const TPoint& aHandCenter, const TRgb* aOverridingColor) const;
+ void SetPenColor(TRgb aPenColor);
+ void SetBrushColor(TRgb aBrushColor);
+ TRect Rect(const TFraction& aSin, const TFraction& aCos, const TPoint& aHandCenter) const;
+ CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle iPenStyle;
+ TRgb iPenColor;
+ TSize iPenSize;
+ CGraphicsContext::TBrushStyle iBrushStyle;
+ TRgb iBrushColor;
+ TPoint iCircleCenter;
+ TInt iRadius;
+ };
+class DAnalogDisplayHand : public CBase
+ {
+ DAnalogDisplayHand(TAnalogDisplayHandType aType, TInt aNumFeatures);
+ void AddFeatureLP(DAnalogDisplayHandFeature* aFeature);
+ void SetInitialTimeP(const TTime& aTime);
+ virtual ~DAnalogDisplayHand();
+ void DrawP(CAnimGc& aGc, const TPoint& aHandCenter, const TRgb* aOverridingColor=NULL) const;
+ void UpdateDisplayDataP(const TTime& aTime, const TPoint& aHandCenter, const STimeDeviceShadow& aShadow, TRegion* aRegion);
+ void SetPenColor(const TRgb aPenColor);
+ void SetBrushColor(const TRgb aBrushColor);
+ TAnalogDisplayHandType Type() const {return iType;};
+ TRect BoundingRectP(const TPoint& aHandCenter, const STimeDeviceShadow& aShadow) const;
+ void SetDegreesOffUpright(TInt aDegreesOffUpright);
+ TInt DegreesOffUprightP(const TTime& aTime) const;
+ struct SFeatureList
+ {
+ TInt16 iNumFeatures;
+ TInt16 iNumFeaturesAdded;
+ DAnalogDisplayHandFeature** iFeatures;
+ };
+ TAnalogDisplayHandType iType;
+ SFeatureList iFeatures;
+ TInt iDegreesOffUpright;
+ TFraction iSin;
+ TFraction iCos;
+ };
+// utility class
+// To give our animation the ability to animate itself independent
+// to WSERV calling Animate() make it a CFreeTimerWindowAnim
+class DAnimWithUtils : public CFreeTimerWindowAnim
+ {
+ struct TFunctions
+ {
+ inline TFunctions(MAnimGeneralFunctions& aFunctions,MAnimWindowFunctions& aWindowFunctions)
+ :iFunctions(aFunctions),iWindowFunctions(aWindowFunctions) {}
+ MAnimGeneralFunctions& iFunctions;
+ MAnimWindowFunctions& iWindowFunctions;
+ };
+ DAnimWithUtils();
+ virtual void ConstructL(TAny* aArgs, TBool aHasFocus);
+ virtual TInt CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny* aArgs);
+ virtual void Command(TInt aOpcode, TAny* aArgs);
+ virtual void Animate(TDateTime* aDateTime);
+ virtual void Redraw();
+ virtual void FocusChanged(TBool aState);
+ virtual void ConstructLP(const TUint8* aBytePtr, TBool aHasFocus)=0;
+ virtual TInt CommandReplyLP(TInt aOpcode, TAny* aArgs);
+ virtual void CommandP(TInt aOpcode, TAny* aArgs);
+ virtual void AnimateP(TDateTime* aDateTime)=0;
+ virtual void RedrawP()=0;
+ virtual void FocusChangedP(TBool aState);
+ static TPtrC ReadText(const TUint8*& aBytePtr, TInt aTextLength);
+ //Pure Virtual function from MEventHandler
+ virtual TBool OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent);
+ void HandleErrorIfErrorL(TInt aError);
+ };
+// CMinuteTick class definition here
+class CMinuteTick : public CTimer
+ {
+ class MObserver
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual void MinuteTickCompleteL(const TTime& aNewUniversalTime)=0;
+ };
+ static CMinuteTick* NewL(MObserver& aObserver);
+ ~CMinuteTick();
+ void Start();
+ void Stop();
+public: // From CActive (via CTimer)
+ virtual void RunL();
+ CMinuteTick(MObserver& aObserver);
+ void CalculateTimeAtNextMinute();
+ void ReQueueTimer();
+ MObserver& iObserver;
+ TTime iHomeTimeAtNextMinute;
+ };
+// time-device abstract class
+class DDisplay;
+class DTimeDevice : public DAnimWithUtils, public CMinuteTick::MObserver
+ {
+ DTimeDevice();
+ virtual ~DTimeDevice();
+public: // Overriding implementations from DAnimWithUtils
+ virtual void FocusChanged(TBool aState);
+ virtual void HandleNotification(const TWsEvent& aEvent);
+public: // from CMinuteTick::MObserver
+ virtual void MinuteTickCompleteL(const TTime& aNewUniversalTime);
+ virtual void ConstructLP(const TUint8* aBytePtr, TBool aHasFocus);
+ virtual TInt CommandReplyLP(TInt aOpcode, TAny* aArgs);
+ virtual void CommandP(TInt aOpcode, TAny* aArgs);
+ virtual void AnimateP(TDateTime* aDateTime);
+ virtual void RedrawP();
+ TTime Time() const;
+ static void StripOutCharacter(TDes& aText, TChar aCharacter);
+ virtual void DoConstructL(const TUint8*& aBytePtr)=0;
+ virtual TTime TimeGivenUniversalTime(const TTime& aUniversalTime) const=0;
+ void DoAnimateP();
+ void CompleteAnimation();
+ void SwitchToMinuteTickIfNecessaryL();
+ static TInt FocusChangeCb(TAny* aThisPtr);
+ DDisplay* iDisplay;
+ TTime iUniversalTime;
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds iSecondsPerUpdate;
+ CMinuteTick* iMinuteTick;
+ TBool iDisplayIsAnalogue;
+ TBool iAnimatingOnMinTick;
+ TBool iVisible;
+ CAsyncCallBack iFocusChangeCallback;
+ };
+// time-device concrete classes
+class DClock : public DTimeDevice
+ {
+ DClock();
+ virtual TInt CommandReplyLP(TInt aOpcode, TAny* aArgs);
+ virtual void DoConstructL(const TUint8*& aBytePtr);
+ virtual TTime TimeGivenUniversalTime(const TTime& aUniversalTime) const;
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds iUniversalTimeOffset;
+ };
+// message-window class
+class DMessageWindow : public DAnimWithUtils
+ {
+ DMessageWindow();
+ virtual ~DMessageWindow();
+ void StartDisplay();
+ void CancelDisplay();
+ virtual void ConstructLP(const TUint8* aBytePtr, TBool aHasFocus);
+ virtual TInt CommandReplyLP(TInt aOpcode, TAny* aArgs);
+ virtual void AnimateP(TDateTime* aDateTime);
+ virtual void RedrawP();
+ TRect Rect() const;
+ void DrawTextPortionOfDisplay(const TRect& aRect) const;
+ class DMessageWindowTimer : public CTimer
+ {
+ public:
+ enum TAction
+ {
+ EActionStartDisplay,
+ EActionCancelDisplay
+ };
+ private:
+ DMessageWindowTimer(DMessageWindow& aOwner);
+ public:
+ static DMessageWindowTimer* NewL(DMessageWindow& aOwner);
+ void SetAction(TAction aAction);
+ private:
+ // framework
+ virtual void RunL();
+ private:
+ DMessageWindow& iOwner;
+ TAction iAction;
+ };
+ enum
+ {
+ EFlagVisible =0x01,
+ EFlagFlash =0x02,
+ EFlagFlashStateOn =0x04
+ };
+ enum
+ {
+ EBorderWidthLeft=3,
+ EBorderWidthRight=4,
+ EBorderWidthTop=3,
+ EBorderWidthBottom=4
+ };
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iDuration;
+ TInt iBaselineOffset;
+ CFbsFont* iFont;
+ TRgb iBackgroundColor;
+ TRgb iTextColor;
+ TRgb iBorderColor;
+ TRgb iPlinthTlColor;
+ TRgb iPlinthBrColor;
+ TUint iFlags;
+ TBuf<RMessageWindow::EMaxTextLength> iText;
+ DMessageWindowTimer* iTimer;
+ };
+// display classes
+class DDisplay : public CBase
+ {
+ DDisplay(const TPoint& aPosition, const TSize& aSize, const TMargins& aMargins, const STimeDeviceShadow& aShadow);
+ virtual void SetInitialTimeP(const TTime& aTime)=0;
+ void DrawP(MAnimWindowFunctions& aFunctions, CAnimGc& aGc) const;
+ void UpdateLP(DAnimWithUtils::TFunctions& aFunctions, CAnimGc& aGc, const TTime& aTime);
+ TRect RectDrawnTo() const;
+ TRect RectToInvalidate() const;
+ virtual void HandleCommandLP(DAnimWithUtils::TFunctions& aFunctions, CAnimGc& aGc, const TTime& aTime, TInt aOpcode, TAny* aArgs);
+ virtual void PositionOrSizeHasChanged();
+ void SetPosition(const TPoint& aPosition);
+ void DrawClippedToDisplayRegionP(MAnimWindowFunctions& aFunctions, CAnimGc& aGc, TRegion* aRegion=NULL) const;
+ virtual void DoDrawP(CAnimGc& aGc, TBool aFullDrawRequired, const TRect& aClippingRect) const=0;
+ virtual void UpdateDisplayDataP(MAnimGeneralFunctions& aFunctions, const TTime& aTime, TRegion* aRegion)=0;
+ void UpdateDisplayDataAndDrawClippedToDisplayRegionP(DAnimWithUtils::TFunctions& aFunctions, CAnimGc& aGc, const TTime& aTime, TRegion* aRegion);
+ TBool IsVisibleAndNotHidden(MAnimWindowFunctions& aFunctions) const;
+ STimeDeviceShadow iShadow;
+ TPoint iPosition;
+ TSize iSize;
+ TBool iVisible;
+ TMargins iMargins;
+ };
+class DDigitalDisplay : public DDisplay
+ {
+ DDigitalDisplay(const TPoint& aPosition, const TSize& aSize, const TMargins& aMargins, const STimeDeviceShadow& aShadow, TRgb aBackgroundColor, TInt aNumTextSections);
+ void AddTextSectionLP(DDigitalDisplayTextSection* aTextSection);
+ virtual void SetInitialTimeP(const TTime& aTime);
+ virtual ~DDigitalDisplay();
+ virtual void HandleCommandLP(DAnimWithUtils::TFunctions& aFunctions, CAnimGc& aGc, const TTime& aTime, TInt aOpcode, TAny* aArgs);
+ inline void LimitTimeResolutionToMinutes(TBool aLimitToMinutes);
+ virtual void DoDrawP(CAnimGc& aGc, TBool aFullDrawRequired, const TRect& aClippingRect) const;
+ virtual void UpdateDisplayDataP(MAnimGeneralFunctions& aFunctions, const TTime& aTime, TRegion* aRegion);
+ struct STextSectionList
+ {
+ TInt16 iNumTextSections;
+ TInt16 iNumTextSectionsAdded;
+ DDigitalDisplayTextSection** iTextSections;
+ };
+ TRgb iBackgroundColor;
+ STextSectionList iTextSections;
+ TBool iFlashStateOn;
+ TBool iTimeResolutionLimitedToMinutes;
+ };
+inline void DDigitalDisplay::LimitTimeResolutionToMinutes(TBool aLimitToMinutes)
+ {
+ iTimeResolutionLimitedToMinutes=aLimitToMinutes;
+ }
+class DAnalogDisplay : public DDisplay
+ {
+ enum THandsFlag
+ {
+ ESecondHand = 0x0001,
+ EMinuteHand = 0x0002,
+ EHourHand = 0x0004
+ };
+ DAnalogDisplay(const TPoint& aPosition, const TSize& aSize, const TMargins& aMargins, const STimeDeviceShadow& aShadow, TInt aNumHands);
+ void ConstructL(MAnimGeneralFunctions& iFunctions, TInt aFaceHandle, TInt aFaceMaskHandle);
+ void AddHandLP(DAnalogDisplayHand* aHand);
+ void AddAmPmLP(MAnimGeneralFunctions& aFunctions, const TPoint& aPositionRelativeToFace, const TSize& aSize, const STimeDeviceShadow& aShadow, TRgb aBackgroundColor, TInt aFontHandle, TRgb aTextColor);
+ virtual void SetInitialTimeP(const TTime& aTime);
+ virtual ~DAnalogDisplay();
+ virtual void PositionOrSizeHasChanged();
+ TRect FaceRect() const;
+ void DisableHands(TBool aHourHand, TBool aMinuteHand, TBool aSecondHand);
+ void EnableHands(TBool aHourHand, TBool aMinuteHand, TBool aSecondHand);
+ virtual void DoDrawP(CAnimGc& aGc, TBool aFullDrawRequired, const TRect& aClippingRect) const;
+ virtual void UpdateDisplayDataP(MAnimGeneralFunctions& aFunctions, const TTime& aTime, TRegion* aRegion);
+ TPoint HandCenter() const;
+ TPoint AmPmPosition() const;
+ virtual void HandleCommandLP(DAnimWithUtils::TFunctions& aFunctions, CAnimGc& aGc, const TTime& aTime, TInt aOpcode, TAny* aArgs);
+ void DrawHands(CAnimGc& aGc, const TPoint& aCenter, const TRgb* aShadowColour=NULL) const;
+ class DAmPmDisplay : public DDigitalDisplay
+ {
+ public:
+ DAmPmDisplay(const TPoint& aPosition, const TSize& aSize, const TMargins& aMargins, const STimeDeviceShadow& aShadow, TRgb aBackgroundColor);
+ void ConstructLP(MAnimGeneralFunctions& aFunctions, TRgb aTextColor, TInt aFontHandle);
+ virtual void DoDrawP(CAnimGc& aGc, TBool aFullDrawRequired, const TRect& aClippingRect) const;
+ virtual void UpdateDisplayDataP(MAnimGeneralFunctions& aFunctions, const TTime& aTime, TRegion* aRegion);
+ };
+ struct SHandList
+ {
+ TInt16 iNumHands;
+ TInt16 iNumHandsAdded;
+ DAnalogDisplayHand** iHands;
+ TInt iHandsDisabled;
+ };
+ CFbsBitmap* iFace;
+ CFbsBitmap* iFaceMask;
+ SHandList iHands;
+ DAmPmDisplay* iAmPm;
+ TPoint iAmPmPositionRelativeToFace;
+ };
+// clock DLL class
+class DClockDll : public CAnimDll
+ {
+ DClockDll();
+ virtual CAnim* CreateInstanceL(TInt aType);
+ };
+// global functions
+GLREF_C void Panic(TClockServerPanic aReason);
+GLREF_C void PanicClientFromServer();