--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lafagnosticuifoundation/cone/tef/tmultiptrtestcontrol.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <coemain.h>
+#include <coecntrl.h>
+#include <coeaui.h>
+#include "tmultiptrtestcontrol.h"
+#include "tconemultiptrtestappui.h"
+#include "tconemultiptrconst.h"
+#include "tconemultiptrcompoundstep.h"
+ CCoeControl derived class. Acts as both event handler for events comming from wserv and an
+ event buffer for storing of events.
+ @param aWindowOwning defaulted to EFalse
+void CMultiPtrTestControlBase::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iEventBuffer.SetLengthL(EEventBufferSize);
+ }
+ {
+ }
+TInt CMultiPtrTestControlBase::EventsLeft()
+ {
+ return iEventBuffer.Count();
+ }
+void CMultiPtrTestControlBase::AddExpectedEvent( TAdvancedPointerEvent& aEvent)
+ {
+ iEventBuffer.Add( &aEvent );
+ }
+ Handles events from wserv and does the testing by comparing those with the events from
+ event buffer. If any test fails, it calls the Failed function of CConeMultiPtrTestAppUi
+ which stops the activescheduler. Once all the evnts in buffer are tested it calls
+ NextSetOfEvents function to continue with other sub test case.
+ */
+void CMultiPtrTestControlBase::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent)
+ {
+ CCoeControl::HandlePointerEventL( aPointerEvent );
+ if( iPassive )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ const TAdvancedPointerEvent* advancedPointerEvent = aPointerEvent.AdvancedPointerEvent();
+ TAdvancedPointerEvent expectedPtrEvent;
+ if( 0 == iEventBuffer.Remove(&expectedPtrEvent) )
+ {
+ NotifyControlL( EMultiPtrTestFailed );
+ return;
+ }
+ TRAPD( err, CheckEventL(expectedPtrEvent, *advancedPointerEvent) );
+ if( ETestFailed == err )
+ {
+ NotifyControlL( EMultiPtrTestFailed );
+ }
+ else if( iEventBuffer.Count() == 0 )
+ {
+ NotifyControlL( EmultiPtrNext );
+ }
+ }
+ Compare the parameters of the received event with those of the anticipated event.
+void CMultiPtrTestControlBase::CheckEventL(const TAdvancedPointerEvent& aExpectedEvent, const TAdvancedPointerEvent& aActualEvent)
+ {
+ RDebug::Print( _L("ExPtr %d AcPtr %d"), aExpectedEvent.PointerNumber(), aActualEvent.PointerNumber() );
+ RDebug::Print( _L("ExType %d AcType %d"),aExpectedEvent.iType, aActualEvent.iType );
+ RDebug::Print( _L("ExProx %d AcProx %d"), aExpectedEvent.ProximityAndPressure(), aActualEvent.ProximityAndPressure() );
+ RDebug::Print( _L("ExPos X %d Y %d"), aExpectedEvent.iPosition.iX, aExpectedEvent.iPosition.iY );
+ RDebug::Print( _L("AcPos X %d Y %d"), aActualEvent.iPosition.iX, aActualEvent.iPosition.iY );
+ RDebug::Print( _L("ExMod 0x%X AcMod 0x%X"), aExpectedEvent.iModifiers, aActualEvent.iModifiers );
+ TInt err = ETestPassed;
+ if( aExpectedEvent.PointerNumber() != aActualEvent.PointerNumber() )
+ {
+ RDebug::Print( _L("*** Pointer numbers differ") );
+ err = ETestFailed;
+ }
+ if ( aExpectedEvent.iPosition != aActualEvent.iPosition )
+ {
+ RDebug::Print( _L("*** Position data differs") );
+ err = ETestFailed;
+ }
+ if ( aExpectedEvent.iParentPosition == aActualEvent.iParentPosition )
+ {
+ RDebug::Print( _L("*** ParentPosition data differs") );
+ err = ETestFailed;
+ }
+ if( aExpectedEvent.iType != aActualEvent.iType )
+ {
+ RDebug::Print( _L("*** Type data differs") );
+ err = ETestFailed;
+ }
+ // Disregard other modifiers, as build machines often have numlock, scroll-lock etc on.
+ if( !(aActualEvent.iModifiers & EModifierAdvancedPointerEvent) )
+ {
+ RDebug::Print( _L("*** Key modifier flags differ") );
+ err = ETestFailed;
+ }
+ if( aExpectedEvent.ProximityAndPressure() != aActualEvent.ProximityAndPressure() )
+ {
+ RDebug::Print( _L("*** Proximity/pressure data differs") );
+ err = ETestFailed;
+ }
+ if( ETestPassed != err )
+ {
+ RDebug::Print( _L("") );
+ User::Leave( err );
+ }
+ RDebug::Print( _L("") );
+ }
+TBool CMultiPtrTestControlBase::Captures()
+ {
+ return CapturesPointer();
+ }
+void CMultiPtrTestControlBase::SetDrags()
+ {
+ Window().PointerFilter( (EPointerFilterMove | EPointerFilterDrag), 0 );
+ }
+void CMultiPtrTestControlBase::SetGrabs()
+ {
+ Window().SetPointerGrab( ETrue );
+ }
+void CMultiPtrTestControlBase::SetPassive( TBool aPassive )
+ {
+ iPassive = aPassive;
+ }
+ A derived simple control
+ for use with CConeMultiPtrTestAppUi
+ PV in CMultiPtrTestControlBase
+void CMultiPtrTestControl::NotifyControlL( TInt aNotify )
+ {
+ switch( aNotify )
+ {
+ case EMultiPtrTestFailed:
+ iAppUi->Failed();
+ break;
+ case EmultiPtrNext:
+ iAppUi->NextSetOfEventsL();
+ break;
+ default:
+ User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void CMultiPtrTestControl::Draw( const TRect& ) const
+ {
+ CWindowGc& gc=SystemGc();
+ gc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+ gc.SetBrushColor(KRgbBlue);
+ gc.DrawRect(Rect());
+ }
+CMultiPtrTestControl* CMultiPtrTestControl::NewL( TPoint aOrigin, TSize aSize )
+ {
+ CMultiPtrTestControl* self = new(ELeave) CMultiPtrTestControl;
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL( aOrigin, aSize );
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+void CMultiPtrTestControl::ConstructL( TPoint aOrigin, TSize aSize )
+ {
+ CMultiPtrTestControlBase::ConstructL();
+ iAppUi = static_cast<CConeMultiPtrTestAppUi*>(ControlEnv()->AppUi());
+ CreateWindowL();
+ Window().EnableAdvancedPointers();
+ SetExtent( aOrigin, aSize );
+ ActivateL();
+ }
+ {
+ }
+ A derived simple control
+ for use with CConeMultiPtrCompoundTestAppUi
+ PV in CMultiPtrTestControlBase
+void CMultiPtrTestCompoundAppUiControl::NotifyControlL( TInt aNotify )
+ {
+ switch( aNotify )
+ {
+ case EMultiPtrTestFailed:
+ iAppUi->Failed();
+ break;
+ case EmultiPtrNext:
+ iAppUi->NextSetOfEventsL();
+ break;
+ default:
+ User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void CMultiPtrTestCompoundAppUiControl::Draw( const TRect& ) const
+ {
+ CWindowGc& gc=SystemGc();
+ gc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+ gc.SetBrushColor(KRgbRed);
+ gc.DrawRect(Rect());
+ }
+CMultiPtrTestCompoundAppUiControl* CMultiPtrTestCompoundAppUiControl::NewL( TPoint aOrigin, TSize aSize )
+ {
+ CMultiPtrTestCompoundAppUiControl* self = new(ELeave) CMultiPtrTestCompoundAppUiControl;
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL( aOrigin, aSize );
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+void CMultiPtrTestCompoundAppUiControl::ConstructL( TPoint aOrigin, TSize aSize )
+ {
+ CMultiPtrTestControlBase::ConstructL();
+ iAppUi = static_cast<CConeMultiPtrCompoundTestAppUi*>(ControlEnv()->AppUi());
+ CreateWindowL();
+ Window().EnableAdvancedPointers();
+ SetExtent( aOrigin, aSize );
+ ActivateL();
+ }
+ {
+ }