changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
child 8 71dd06cfe933
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lafagnosticuifoundation/uigraphicsutils/gulsrc/GULUTIL.CPP	Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1117 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <s32file.h>
+#include <s32std.h>
+#include <badesca.h>
+#include <barsread.h>
+#include <bautils.h>
+#include <gdi.h>
+#include <w32std.h>
+#include <gulutil.h>
+#include <gulcolor.h>
+#include "GULSTD.H"
+#include "GULLU.H"
+#include <gulfont.hrh>
+#include <gulftflg.hrh>
+#include <numberconversion.h>
+// TMargins8
+EXPORT_C TMargins8::TMargins8()
+/** The constructor initialises all four margins to zero. */
+	{
+	iLeft=iRight=iTop=iBottom=(TInt8)0;
+	}
+Constructor setting the left, top, right, and bottom margins.
+@param aLeft Left margin (between -128 and +127)
+@param aTop Top margin (between -128 and +127)
+@param aRight Right margin (between -128 and +127)
+@param aBottom Bottom margin (between -128 and +127)
+EXPORT_C TMargins8::TMargins8(TInt8 aLeft, TInt8 aTop, TInt8 aRight, TInt8 aBottom) 
+ : iLeft(aLeft), iRight(aRight), iTop(aTop), iBottom(aBottom)
+	{
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TMargins8::SetAllValuesTo(TInt aCommonValue)
+/** Sets all four margins to a common value (between -128 and +127).
+@param aCommonValue The new value for all margins. */
+	{
+	iLeft=iRight=iTop=iBottom=(TInt8)aCommonValue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TRect TMargins8::InnerRect(const TRect& aOuterRect) const
+/** Calculates and returns an inner rectangle by applying the margins 
+to the specified outer rectangle.
+@param aOuterRect The coordinates of the outer rectangle from which 
+the inner rectangle is calculated.
+@return Inner rectangle. */
+	{
+    TRect inner=aOuterRect;
+    inner.iTl.iX+=iLeft;
+    inner.iTl.iY+=iTop;
+    inner.iBr.iX-=iRight;
+    inner.iBr.iY-=iBottom;
+    return inner;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TRect TMargins8::OuterRect(const TRect& aInnerRect) const
+/** Calculates and returns an outer rectangle by applying the margins 
+to the specified inner rectangle.
+@param aInnerRect The coordinates of the inner rectangle from which 
+the outer rectangle is calculated.
+@return Outer rectangle. */
+	{
+    TRect outer=aInnerRect;
+    outer.iTl.iX-=iLeft;
+    outer.iTl.iY-=iTop;
+    outer.iBr.iX+=iRight;
+    outer.iBr.iY+=iBottom;
+    return outer;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TSize TMargins8::SizeDelta() const
+/** Calculates and returns the difference in size between the outer 
+and inner rectangles.
+@return Size difference between outer and inner rectangles. */
+	{
+	return TSize(iLeft+iRight,iTop+iBottom);
+	}
+// class DrawUtils
+EXPORT_C void DrawUtils::DrawText(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TDesC& aString,const TRect& aBox,TInt aBaseLineOffset,
+									 CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign aHoriz,TInt aMargin,const CFont* aFont)
+/** Draws text inside a rectangle. 
+@param aGc The graphics context.
+@param aString The text string to draw. 
+@param aBox The rectangle to draw the text in. 
+@param aBaseLineOffset An offset from the top of the box to the text baseline. 
+@param aHoriz The horizontal text alignment.
+@param aMargin The margin around the text.
+@param aFont The font to use. */
+	{ // static
+	if (aHoriz!=CGraphicsContext::ELeft)
+        {
+		const TInt extraWidth=aBox.Width()-aFont->TextWidthInPixels(aString)-aMargin;
+        if (aHoriz==CGraphicsContext::ECenter)
+            aMargin+=extraWidth/2;
+		else
+			aMargin=extraWidth;
+        }
+	aGc.DrawText(aString,aBox,aBaseLineOffset,CGraphicsContext::ELeft,aMargin);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void DrawUtils::ClearBetweenRects(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aOuterRect,const TRect& aInnerRect)
+/** Clears between two rectangles, using a solid brush style and no pen.
+@param aGc The graphics context.
+@param aOuterRect The outer rectangle.
+@param aInnerRect The inner rectangle. */
+    { // static
+    aGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+    aGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+    DrawBetweenRects(aGc,aOuterRect,aInnerRect);
+    aGc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
+    aGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
+    }
+EXPORT_C void DrawUtils::DrawBetweenRects(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aOuterRect,const TRect& aInnerRect)
+/** Draws between two rectangles.
+The pen and brush settings are used as specified in the graphics context.
+@param aGc The graphics context.
+@param aOuterRect The outer rectangle to be drawn.
+@param aInnerRect The inner rectangle to be drawn. */
+    { // static
+    TRect rect=aOuterRect;
+    rect.iBr.iY=aInnerRect.iTl.iY;
+    aGc.DrawRect(rect);
+    rect.iBr.iY=aOuterRect.iBr.iY;
+    rect.iTl.iY=aInnerRect.iBr.iY;
+    aGc.DrawRect(rect);
+    rect=aInnerRect;
+    rect.iTl.iX=aOuterRect.iTl.iX;
+    rect.iBr.iX=aInnerRect.iTl.iX;
+    aGc.DrawRect(rect);
+    rect.iTl.iX=aInnerRect.iBr.iX;
+    rect.iBr.iX=aOuterRect.iBr.iX;
+    aGc.DrawRect(rect);
+    }
+// class TextUtils
+EXPORT_C void TextUtils::ClipToFit(TDes& aBuffer,const CFont& aFont,TInt aMaxWidthInPixels,TChar aAlternativeEnd)
+/** Clips text to fit into a maximum width.
+If the text is too wide to fit in the width when displayed in aFont, 
+it is truncated and the specified character (by default, 
+a horizontal ellipsis) is appended to it.
+@param aBuffer A buffer containing the text to clip.
+@param aFont The font.
+@param aMaxWidthInPixels The maximum width in pixels.
+@param aAlternativeEnd The Unicode character to append to the buffer if truncated. 
+By default, this is the horizontal ellipsis. */
+	{
+	TInt textWidth=aFont.TextWidthInPixels(aBuffer);
+	if (textWidth<=aMaxWidthInPixels)
+		return;
+	TBuf<1> ellipse;
+	ellipse.Append(aAlternativeEnd);
+	TInt extraWidth=aFont.TextWidthInPixels(ellipse);
+	TInt cutOff=aFont.TextCount(aBuffer,aMaxWidthInPixels-extraWidth);
+	aBuffer.SetLength(cutOff);
+	aBuffer.Append(ellipse);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt TextUtils::ColumnText(TPtrC& aColumnText,TInt aColumn,const TDesC* aSourceText,TChar aColumnSeparator)
+/** Gets a portion of text from a descriptor, corresponding to a requested column.
+@param aColumnText On return, set to the portion of aSourceText that corresponds 
+to the column aColumn.
+@param aColumn The column to extract. The first column is numbered zero.
+@param aSourceText The source text string that contains one or more column 
+@param aColumnSeparator The character used in aSourceText to separate the columns. 
+By default, a tab character.
+@return KErrNotFound if the column number is invalid, otherwise KErrNone. */
+	{
+	aColumnText.Set(TPtrC());
+	TInt end=0;
+	TInt column=0;
+	TPtrC text;
+	if (aSourceText)
+		text.Set(*aSourceText);
+	while (text.Length())
+		{
+		end=text.Locate(aColumnSeparator);
+		if (end==KErrNotFound)
+			end=text.Length();
+		if (column==aColumn)
+			{
+			aColumnText.Set(text.Left(end));
+			return(KErrNone);
+			}
+		else if (++column>aColumn)
+			break;
+		if (end<text.Length())
+			++end;
+		text.Set(text.Mid(end));
+		}
+	return(KErrNotFound);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TextUtils::TruncateToNumChars(TDes& aBuffer, TInt numChars)
+/** Truncates text to a number of characters.
+If truncation is required (because aBuffer contains more than numChars 
+characters), an ellipsis is added to the text as the last character.
+@param aBuffer On return, contains the truncated text.
+@param numChars The number of characters. */
+	{
+	if (aBuffer.Length() <= numChars)
+		return;
+	aBuffer.SetLength(numChars-1);
+	aBuffer.Append(KTextUtilClipEndChar);
+	}
+// class FontUtils
+enum { EMinFontHeight=4 };
+EXPORT_C void FontUtils::GetAvailableFontsL(const CGraphicsDevice& aDevice, CDesCArray& aFontNameList,TInt aFonts)
+/** Gets the list of typeface names available for the graphics device.
+@param aDevice The graphics device.
+@param aFontNameList On return, contains the list of typeface names.
+@param aFonts Can be used to specify which sorts of typefaces are required. 
+For possible values, see the flags defined in gulftflg.hrh 
+beginning with EGulAllFonts. */
+	{ // static
+	aFontNameList.Reset();
+	const TInt numTypefaces=aDevice.NumTypefaces();
+	TTypefaceSupport typefaceInfo;
+	for (TInt ii=0;ii<numTypefaces;ii++)
+		{
+		aDevice.TypefaceSupport(typefaceInfo,ii);
+		if (typefaceInfo.iTypeface.IsProportional())
+			{
+			if (aFonts==EGulMonospaceFontsOnly)
+				continue;
+			}
+		else if (aFonts==EGulNoMonospaceFonts || aFonts==EGulNoMonospaceOrSymbolFonts)
+			continue;
+		if (typefaceInfo.iTypeface.IsSymbol())
+			{
+			if (aFonts==EGulNoSymbolFonts || aFonts==EGulNoMonospaceOrSymbolFonts || aFonts==EGulMonospaceFontsOnly)
+				continue;
+			}
+		else if (aFonts==EGulSymbolFontsOnly)
+			continue;
+		aFontNameList.AppendL(typefaceInfo.iTypeface.iName);
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt FontUtils::TypefaceAttributes(const CGraphicsDevice& aDevice, const TDesC& aTypefaceName)
+/** Gets the attributes of a named typeface, if supported by the graphics device.
+@param aDevice The graphics device.
+@param aTypefaceName The name of the typeface.
+@return The typeface attributes. Attributes are zero if the typeface is not 
+supported by the graphics device. Attribute values are defined in TTypeface. */
+	{
+	const TInt numTypefaces=aDevice.NumTypefaces();
+	TInt fontIndex;
+	for (fontIndex=0;fontIndex<numTypefaces;fontIndex++)
+		{
+    	TTypefaceSupport typefaceInfo;
+		aDevice.TypefaceSupport(typefaceInfo,fontIndex);
+		if (typefaceInfo.iTypeface.iName==aTypefaceName)
+			return(typefaceInfo.iTypeface.Attributes());
+		}	
+	return(0);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt FontUtils::GetAvailableHeightsInTwipsL(const CGraphicsDevice& aDevice,const TDesC& aTypefaceName,CArrayFix<TInt>& aHeightList)
+/** Gets a list of all heights in twips, available for the named typeface and the 
+graphics device specified.
+@param aDevice The graphics device.
+@param aTypefaceName The name of the typeface.
+@param aHeightList On return, contains all available heights for the typeface, 
+in twips. 
+@return KErrNotSupported if the named typeface is not supported by the graphics 
+device, otherwise KErrNone. */
+	{ // static
+	aHeightList.Reset();
+	const TInt numTypefaces=aDevice.NumTypefaces();
+	TInt fontIndex;
+	for (fontIndex=0;fontIndex<numTypefaces;fontIndex++)
+		{
+    	TTypefaceSupport typefaceInfo;
+		aDevice.TypefaceSupport(typefaceInfo,fontIndex);
+		if (typefaceInfo.iTypeface.iName==aTypefaceName)
+			break;
+		}
+	if (fontIndex>=numTypefaces)
+		return KErrNotSupported;
+	TTypefaceSupport typefaceInfo;
+	aDevice.TypefaceSupport(typefaceInfo,fontIndex);
+	const TInt numHeights=typefaceInfo.iNumHeights;
+	for (TInt ii=0;ii<numHeights;ii++)
+		{
+		const TInt height=aDevice.FontHeightInTwips(fontIndex,ii);
+		if (PointsFromTwips(height)>=EMinFontHeight)
+			aHeightList.AppendL(height);
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt FontUtils::GetAvailableHeightsInTwipsAndPointsL(const CGraphicsDevice& aDevice,const TDesC& aTypefaceName,CArrayFix<TInt>& aTwipsList,CDesCArray& aPointsList)
+/** Gets a list of all heights in twips, available for the named typeface and the 
+graphics device specified.
+Also gets a list of heights in points, represented as character strings.
+@param aDevice The graphics device.
+@param aTypefaceName The name of the typeface.
+@param aTwipsList On return, contains all available heights for the typeface, 
+in twips.
+@param aPointsList On return, the heights in points, represented as character 
+@return KErrNotSupported if the named typeface is not supported by the graphics 
+device, otherwise KErrNone. */
+	{ // static
+	aTwipsList.Reset();
+	aPointsList.Reset();
+	TInt err=GetAvailableHeightsInTwipsL(aDevice,aTypefaceName,aTwipsList);
+	if (err==KErrNotSupported)
+		return err;
+	const TInt count=aTwipsList.Count();
+	for (TInt ii=0;ii<count;ii++)
+		{
+		const TInt points=PointsFromTwips(aTwipsList[ii]);
+		if (points<EMinFontHeight)
+			continue;
+		TBuf<8> num;
+		num.Num(points);
+		aPointsList.AppendL(num);
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt FontUtils::PointsFromTwips(TInt aTwips)
+/** Converts a number of twips to points. 
+@param aTwips A number of twips.
+@return A number of points. */
+	{ // static
+	//one point=20 twips
+	return (aTwips+10)/20;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt FontUtils::TwipsFromPoints(TInt aPoints)
+/** Converts a number of points into twips.
+@param aPoints A number of points.
+@return A number of twips. */
+	{ // static
+	//one point=20 twips
+	return (aPoints*20);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt FontUtils::TwipsFromPoints(const TDesC& aPoints)
+/** Converts a number of points held as text to twips.
+@param aPoints A number of points as text.
+@return A number of twips. */
+	{ // static
+	TInt digits=aPoints.Length();
+	TInt num=aPoints[--digits];
+	TInt count=0;
+	while (digits)
+		num+=aPoints[--digits]*(++count*10);
+	return TwipsFromPoints(num);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt FontUtils::IndexOfNearestHeight(CArrayFix<TInt>& aTwipsList,TInt aHeight)
+/** Gets the index into the supplied list of font heights of the closest  
+match to the font height specified.
+@param aTwipsList The twips list.
+@param aHeight The requested font height. This may be generated by a call to GetAvailableHeightsInTwipsL() 
+or GetAvailableHeightsInTwipsAndPointsL().
+@return The index into the list of the closest font height to aHeight. */
+	{ // static
+	TInt pos=0;
+	const TInt count=aTwipsList.Count();
+	for (TInt ii=0; ii<count; ii++)
+		{
+		if (aTwipsList[ii]>aHeight)
+			break;
+		pos=ii;
+		}
+	return pos;
+	}
+// class ResourceUtils
+EXPORT_C CFbsFont* ResourceUtils::CreateNamedScreenFontL(TResourceReader& aResourceReader,CWsScreenDevice& aScreenDevice)
+/** Creates and returns a named screen font from a NAMED_FONT resource.
+@param aResourceReader Resource reader to use to read the font information. 
+@param aScreenDevice The screen device for which the font will be created. 
+@return The screen font, whose size is in twips. The caller takes ownership. */
+	{
+	TFontSpec fontSpec;
+	fontSpec.iTypeface.iName=aResourceReader.ReadTPtrC();
+	fontSpec.iHeight=aResourceReader.ReadInt16();
+	TUint flags=aResourceReader.ReadUint16(); // a combination of EGulFontFlagXxxxs
+	fontSpec.iTypeface.SetIsProportional( !(flags&EGulFontFlagMono) );
+	if (flags&EGulFontFlagBold)
+		fontSpec.iFontStyle.SetStrokeWeight(EStrokeWeightBold );
+	if (flags&EGulFontFlagItalic)
+		fontSpec.iFontStyle.SetPosture(EPostureItalic);
+	CFbsFont* font;
+	User::LeaveIfError(aScreenDevice.GetNearestFontInTwips((CFont*&)font,fontSpec));
+	return(font);
+	}
+EXPORT_C CFbsFont* ResourceUtils::CreateNamedScreenFontInPixelsL(TResourceReader& aResourceReader,CWsScreenDevice& aScreenDevice)
+/** Creates a named screen font in pixels from a NAMED_FONT resource.
+@param aResourceReader Resource reader to use to read the font information. 
+@param aScreenDevice The screen device for which the font will be created. 
+@return The screen font, whose size is in pixels. The caller takes ownership. */
+	{
+	TFontSpec fontSpec;
+	fontSpec.iTypeface.iName=aResourceReader.ReadTPtrC();
+	fontSpec.iHeight=aResourceReader.ReadInt16();
+	TUint flags=aResourceReader.ReadUint16(); // a combination of EGulFontFlagXxxxs
+	fontSpec.iTypeface.SetIsProportional( !(flags&EGulFontFlagMono) );
+	if (flags&EGulFontFlagBold)
+		fontSpec.iFontStyle.SetStrokeWeight(EStrokeWeightBold );
+	if (flags&EGulFontFlagItalic)
+		fontSpec.iFontStyle.SetPosture(EPostureItalic);
+	CFbsFont* font;
+	User::LeaveIfError(aScreenDevice.GetNearestFontInPixels((CFont*&)font,fontSpec));
+	return(font);
+	}
+EXPORT_C CFbsFont* ResourceUtils::CreateScreenFontL(TResourceReader& aResourceReader,CWsScreenDevice& aScreenDevice)
+/** Creates a screen font from a FONT resource.
+@param aResourceReader Resource reader to use to read the font UID and flags. 
+@param aScreenDevice The screen device for which the font will be created. 
+@return The screen font. The caller takes ownership. */
+	{
+	TUid fontId;
+	fontId.iUid=aResourceReader.ReadInt32();
+	TUint flags=aResourceReader.ReadUint16(); // a combination of EGulFontFlagXxxxs
+	TAlgStyle algStyle;
+	algStyle.SetIsBold(flags&EGulFontFlagBold);
+	algStyle.SetIsItalic(flags&EGulFontFlagItalic);
+	algStyle.SetIsMono(flags&EGulFontFlagMono);
+	algStyle.SetWidthFactor((flags&EGulFontFlagDoubleWidth)? 2: 1); 
+	algStyle.SetHeightFactor((flags&EGulFontFlagDoubleHeight)? 2: 1);
+	CFbsFont* font;
+	User::LeaveIfError(aScreenDevice.GetFontById((CFont*&)font,fontId,algStyle));
+	return(font);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt32 ResourceUtils::ReadResourceIntL(TResourceReader& aReader,TResourceTypeInt aSize)
+//	Read a resource specifying a number
+	{
+	TInt32 value=0;
+	switch(aSize)
+		{
+	case EResourceInt8:
+		value=aReader.ReadInt8();
+		break;
+	case EResourceInt16:
+		value=aReader.ReadInt16();
+		break;
+	case EResourceInt32:
+		value=aReader.ReadInt32();
+		break;
+	default:
+		Panic(EEgulPanicResourceInvalidNumberType);
+		}
+	return(value);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void ResourceUtils::PopulateColorArrayL(CColorArray& aColors,TResourceReader& aReader)
+/** Populates an array of logical colours using a pre-initialised resource 
+reader from an array of CTRL_COLOR resources.
+@param aColors On return, contains the colour array read from the resource. 
+@param aReader Resource reader to use to read the colour array. */
+	{ // static
+	const TInt count=aReader.ReadInt16();
+	for (TInt ii=0;ii<count;ii++)
+		{
+		TInt logicalColor=aReader.ReadInt16();
+		TInt red=aReader.ReadUint8();
+		TInt green=aReader.ReadUint8();
+		TRgb color(red,green,aReader.ReadUint8());
+		aColors.AddL(logicalColor,color);
+		}
+	}
+// class ColorUtils
+EXPORT_C TRgb ColorUtils::ColorAdjust(TRgb aColor,TInt aPercentage)
+/** Brightens or darkens a 24-bit colour by a percentage. 
+If the percentage given is less than 100%, a darker colour will be returned. 
+The algorithm brightens or darkens each of the R, G and B channels equally.
+@param aColor Input colour. 
+@param aPercentage Percentage by which to adjust the input colour. 
+@return The adjusted colour. */
+	{
+	// Poor algorithm for the moment, but it can improve and all apps that
+	// use this will benefit. (I don't think the accuracy for a 16/256 color system
+	// is really relevant anyway)
+	TInt red=aColor.Red();
+	TInt green=aColor.Green();
+	TInt blue=aColor.Blue();
+	TInt alpha=aColor.Alpha();
+	if (aPercentage<=100)
+		{
+		red=(red * aPercentage)/100;
+		green=(green * aPercentage)/100;
+		blue=(blue * aPercentage)/100;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		red = 255 - (((255 - red) * 100) / aPercentage);
+		green = 255 - (((255 - green) * 100) / aPercentage);
+		blue = 255 - (((255 - blue) * 100) / aPercentage);
+		}
+	return TRgb(red,green,blue,alpha);
+	}
+const TInt KDarkRgbSubtractor = 85;
+EXPORT_C TRgb ColorUtils::RgbDarkerColor(TRgb aRgb, TDisplayMode aMode)
+/** Creates a darker color.
+@param aRgb The RGB color.
+@param aMode The display mode, which indicates the screen output of the colour 
+e.g. 256 colour display mode (8 bpp).
+@return The darker colour. */
+	{
+	switch (aMode)
+		{
+	case EColor256:
+		return TRgb::Color256(color256darklutab[aRgb.Color256()]);
+	default:
+		TInt value = aRgb.Internal();
+		TInt b = Max( 0, ((value & 0x000000ff)  ) - KDarkRgbSubtractor );
+		TInt g = Max( 0, ((value & 0x0000ff00)  >> 8) - KDarkRgbSubtractor );
+		TInt r = Max( 0, ((value & 0x00ff0000)  >> 16) - KDarkRgbSubtractor );
+		return TRgb(r,g,b,aRgb.Alpha());
+		}
+	}
+const TInt KLightRgbAdder = 30;
+EXPORT_C TRgb ColorUtils::RgbLighterColor(TRgb aRgb, TDisplayMode aMode)
+/** Creates a lighter colour.
+@param aRgb The Rgb colour.
+@param aMode The display mode, which indicates the screen output of the colour 
+e.g. 256 colour display mode (8 bpp).
+@return The lighter colour. */
+	{
+	switch (aMode)
+		{
+	case EColor256:
+		return TRgb::Color256(color256lightlutab[aRgb.Color256()]);
+	default:
+		TInt value = aRgb.Internal();
+		TInt b = Min( 255, ((value & 0x000000ff)  ) + KLightRgbAdder );
+		TInt g = Min( 255, ((value & 0x0000ff00)  >> 8) + KLightRgbAdder );
+		TInt r = Min( 255, ((value & 0x00ff0000)  >> 16) + KLightRgbAdder );
+		return TRgb(r,g,b,aRgb.Alpha());
+		}
+	}
+const TInt KMidDarkRgbSubtractor = 42;
+EXPORT_C TRgb ColorUtils::RgbMidDarkerColor(TRgb aRgb, TDisplayMode aMode)
+/** Creates a medium dark version of the colour.
+This function darkens the colour 50% less than RgbDarkerColor().
+@param aRgb The Rgb color. 
+@param aMode The display mode, which indicates the screen output of the colour 
+e.g. 256 colour display mode (8 bpp).
+@return The medium dark colour. */
+	{
+	switch (aMode)
+		{
+	case EColor256:
+		return TRgb::Color256(color256middarklutab[aRgb.Color256()]);
+	default:
+		TInt value = aRgb.Internal();
+		TInt b = Max( 0, ((value & 0x000000ff)  ) - KMidDarkRgbSubtractor );
+		TInt g = Max( 0, ((value & 0x0000ff00)  >> 8) - KMidDarkRgbSubtractor );
+		TInt r = Max( 0, ((value & 0x00ff0000)  >> 16) - KMidDarkRgbSubtractor );
+		return TRgb(r,g,b,aRgb.Alpha());
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void ColorUtils::GetRgbDerivedBorderColors(TGulBorder::TColors& aBorderColors,TRgb aBackgroundColor,TDisplayMode aMode)
+/** Gets the colours to use for a control's border.
+Lighter and darker tones in the border are derived from the specified TRgb 
+background colour using an algorithm operating on the RGB value of this color 
+or a lookup table, depending on the display mode aMode. It sets the values 
+of the aBorderColors members iBack, iLight, iMidlight, iMid, and iDark.
+@param aBorderColors On return, the derived border colours.
+@param aBackgroundColor The control's background colour. 
+@param aMode The display mode. */
+	{
+	aBorderColors.iBack = aBackgroundColor;
+	aBorderColors.iMid = RgbDarkerColor( aBorderColors.iBack, aMode );
+	aBorderColors.iDark = RgbDarkerColor( aBorderColors.iMid, aMode );
+	aBorderColors.iMidlight = RgbLighterColor( aBorderColors.iBack, aMode );
+	aBorderColors.iLight = RgbLighterColor( aBorderColors.iMidlight, aMode );
+	}
+// The TGradientFill class is a private utility class that is used by the ColorUtils::CreateGradientBitmapL method
+	{
+	TGradientFill(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,ColorUtils::TBitmapOrientation aOrientation,TRgb aStartColor,TRgb aEndColor);
+	void DrawBitmap();
+	void Calculate();
+	TRgb ColorAt(TInt aPos) const;
+	TRgb Map(const TRgb aRgb) const;
+	TInt Index(const TRgb aRgb) const;
+	CFbsBitmap& iBitmap;
+	ColorUtils::TBitmapOrientation iOrientation;
+	TRgb iStartColor;
+	TRgb iEndColor;
+	TDisplayMode iMode;
+	TInt iBitmapLength;
+	TUint32 iStartColRed;
+	TInt32 iDiffRed;
+    TInt iRoundingRed;
+	TUint32 iStartColGreen;
+	TInt32 iDiffGreen;
+    TInt iRoundingGreen;
+	TUint32 iStartColBlue;
+	TInt32 iDiffBlue;
+    TInt iRoundingBlue;
+	};
+TGradientFill::TGradientFill(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, ColorUtils::TBitmapOrientation aOrientation,
+							TRgb aStartColor,TRgb aEndColor) 
+: iBitmap(aBitmap), 
+  iOrientation(aOrientation),
+  iStartColor(aStartColor), 
+  iEndColor(aEndColor), 
+  iMode(aBitmap.DisplayMode()) 
+	{
+	}
+void TGradientFill::DrawBitmap()
+	{
+    TBitmapUtil bitmapUtil(&iBitmap);
+    bitmapUtil.Begin(TPoint(0,0)); 
+    bitmapUtil.SetPos(TPoint(0,0));
+	Calculate();
+	TBool toggleDither = ETrue;
+	// Initialise the colors
+	TRgb thisMapped = Map(ColorAt(0));
+	TInt thisIndex = 0;
+	TRgb nextMapped = thisMapped;
+	TInt nextIndex = 0;
+    for (TInt i=0;i<iBitmapLength;i++)
+        {
+		// Update colors if necessary
+		thisMapped = Map(ColorAt(i));
+		TInt lookAhead=i;
+			{
+			if (lookAhead == (iBitmapLength-1))
+				{
+				break; // Reached end of gradient
+				}
+			TRgb testNext = ColorAt(++lookAhead);
+			TRgb testMapped = Map(testNext);
+			if (testMapped != thisMapped)
+				{
+				if (testMapped != nextMapped)
+					{
+					thisIndex = nextIndex;
+					nextMapped = testMapped;
+					nextIndex = lookAhead;
+					}
+				break;
+				}
+			}
+		TRgb pixelOne;
+		TRgb pixelTwo;
+		TInt range = nextIndex - thisIndex;
+		if ( (4*i) < ( (4*thisIndex)+range ) )
+			{
+			pixelOne = pixelTwo = thisMapped;
+			}
+		else if ( (4*i) < ( (4*thisIndex)+(3*range) ) )
+			{
+			pixelOne = thisMapped;
+			pixelTwo = nextMapped;
+			}
+		else 
+			{
+			pixelOne = pixelTwo = nextMapped;
+			}
+		if (toggleDither)
+			{
+			TRgb temp = pixelOne;
+			pixelOne = pixelTwo;
+			pixelTwo = temp;
+			}
+		toggleDither = !toggleDither;
+		// Write out the pixels
+		bitmapUtil.SetPixel(Index(pixelOne));
+        if(iOrientation==ColorUtils::EBitmapOrientationHorizontal)
+            {
+			bitmapUtil.IncYPos();
+			bitmapUtil.SetPixel(Index(pixelTwo));
+			bitmapUtil.DecYPos();			
+			bitmapUtil.IncXPos();
+            }
+        else
+			{
+            bitmapUtil.IncXPos();
+			bitmapUtil.SetPixel(Index(pixelTwo));
+			bitmapUtil.DecXPos();			
+            bitmapUtil.IncYPos();
+			}
+		}
+    bitmapUtil.End();
+    }
+void TGradientFill::Calculate()
+	{
+	if (iOrientation==ColorUtils::EBitmapOrientationVertical)
+		iBitmapLength = iBitmap.SizeInPixels().iHeight; 
+	else
+		iBitmapLength = iBitmap.SizeInPixels().iWidth; 
+	const TUint32 rounding=(iBitmapLength+1)>>1;
+	iStartColRed=iStartColor.Red();
+	iDiffRed=iEndColor.Red()-iStartColRed;
+    iRoundingRed=0;
+    if (iDiffRed>0)
+		iRoundingRed+=rounding;
+	else
+		iRoundingRed-=rounding;
+	iStartColGreen=iStartColor.Green();
+	iDiffGreen=iEndColor.Green()-iStartColGreen;
+    iRoundingGreen=0;
+	if (iDiffGreen>0)
+		iRoundingGreen+=rounding;
+	else
+		iRoundingGreen-=rounding;
+	iStartColBlue=iStartColor.Blue();
+	iDiffBlue=iEndColor.Blue()-iStartColBlue;
+    iRoundingBlue=0;
+	if (iDiffBlue>0)
+		iRoundingBlue+=rounding;
+	else
+		iRoundingBlue-=rounding;
+	}
+TRgb TGradientFill::ColorAt(TInt aPos) const
+	{
+	TUint32 redCurrentVal = iStartColRed+((aPos*iDiffRed+iRoundingRed)/(iBitmapLength-1));
+	TUint32 greenCurrentVal = iStartColGreen+((aPos*iDiffGreen+iRoundingGreen)/(iBitmapLength-1));
+	TUint32 blueCurrentVal = iStartColBlue+((aPos*iDiffBlue+iRoundingBlue)/(iBitmapLength-1));
+	return TRgb(redCurrentVal,greenCurrentVal,blueCurrentVal);
+	}
+TRgb TGradientFill::Map(const TRgb aRgb) const
+	{
+	switch (iMode)
+		{
+	case EGray2:
+		return TRgb::Gray2(aRgb.Gray2());
+	case EGray4:
+		return TRgb::Gray4(aRgb.Gray4());
+	case EGray16:
+		return TRgb::Gray16(aRgb.Gray16());
+	case EGray256:
+		return TRgb::Gray256(aRgb.Gray256());
+	case EColor16:
+		return TRgb::Color16(aRgb.Color16());
+	case EColor256:
+		return TRgb::Color256(aRgb.Color256());
+	case EColor64K:
+		return TRgb::Color64K(aRgb.Color64K());
+	case EColor16M:
+		return TRgb::Color16M(aRgb.Color16M());
+	case EColor4K:
+		return TRgb::Color4K(aRgb.Color4K());
+	default:
+		return aRgb;
+		}
+	}
+TInt TGradientFill::Index(const TRgb aRgb) const
+	{
+	switch (iMode)
+		{
+	case EGray2:
+		return aRgb.Gray2();
+	case EGray4:
+		return aRgb.Gray4();
+	case EGray16:
+		return aRgb.Gray16();
+	case EGray256:
+		return aRgb.Gray256();
+	case EColor16:
+		return aRgb.Color16();
+	case EColor256:
+		return aRgb.Color256();
+	case EColor64K:
+		return aRgb.Color64K();
+	case EColor16M:
+		return aRgb.Color16M();
+	case EColor4K:
+		return aRgb.Color4K();
+	default:
+		return aRgb.Color16M();
+		}
+	}
+const TInt KBitmapBreadthPixels=2;
+EXPORT_C void ColorUtils::CreateGradientBitmapL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,  const RWsSession& aWs, TInt aBreadth,
+											   TBitmapOrientation aOrientation,TRgb aStartColor,TRgb aEndColor)
+/** Creates a CFbsBitmap containing a colour gradient.
+To create a gradient, the end colour aEndColor must be different to the 
+start colour aStartingColor.
+@param aBitmap Bitmap which on return contains the colour gradient.
+@param aWs Handle to a window server session. 
+@param aBreadth The width or the height of the bitmap, depending on the orientation.
+@param aOrientation The bitmap's orientation (vertical or horizontal).
+@param aStartColor The start color.
+@param aEndColor The end color. */
+    { // static
+    TInt grayscaleCapabilities;
+	TInt colorCapabilities;
+    TDisplayMode displayMode=aWs.GetDefModeMaxNumColors(colorCapabilities,grayscaleCapabilities);
+	const TSize bmpSize=(aOrientation==EBitmapOrientationVertical?
+		TSize(KBitmapBreadthPixels,aBreadth) : TSize(aBreadth,KBitmapBreadthPixels));
+	User::LeaveIfError(aBitmap.Create(bmpSize,displayMode));
+	TGradientFill filler(aBitmap,aOrientation,aStartColor,aEndColor);
+	filler.DrawBitmap();
+    }
+// TFindWidthOfWidestTextItem
+EXPORT_C TInt TFindWidthOfWidestTextItem::MaximumWidthInPixels(const CFont& aFont) const
+/** Gets the width in pixels of the widest item in the range, using the specified 
+@param aFont The font.
+@return The maximum width. */
+	{
+	TInt widthOfWidestTextItem=0;
+	TBuf<256> textItem;
+	TInt firstIndex;
+	TInt lastIndex;
+	GetFirstAndLastIndex(firstIndex, lastIndex);
+	for (TInt i=firstIndex; i<=lastIndex; ++i)
+		{
+		GetTextItem(textItem, i);
+		TInt widthOfTextItem=aFont.TextWidthInPixels(textItem);
+		if (widthOfWidestTextItem<widthOfTextItem)
+			widthOfWidestTextItem=widthOfTextItem;
+		}
+	return widthOfWidestTextItem;
+	}
+// class TFindWidthOfWidestDigit
+EXPORT_C TFindWidthOfWidestDigit::TFindWidthOfWidestDigit()
+/** Default constructor. */
+	{
+	}
+void TFindWidthOfWidestDigit::GetFirstAndLastIndex(TInt& aFirstIndex, TInt& aLastIndex) const
+	{
+	aFirstIndex='0';
+	aLastIndex='9';
+	}
+void TFindWidthOfWidestDigit::GetTextItem(TDes& aText, TInt aIndex) const
+	{
+	aText.SetLength(0);
+	aText.Append(aIndex);
+	}
+// class TFindWidthOfWidestDigitType
+EXPORT_C TFindWidthOfWidestDigitType::TFindWidthOfWidestDigitType(TDigitType aDigitType):
+	iDigitType(aDigitType)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aDigitType != EDigitTypeUnknown, Panic(EEgulPanicInvalidDigitType));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aDigitType != EDigitTypeAllTypes, Panic(EEgulPanicInvalidDigitType));
+	}
+void TFindWidthOfWidestDigitType::GetFirstAndLastIndex(TInt& aFirstIndex, TInt& aLastIndex) const
+	{
+	aFirstIndex='0';
+	aLastIndex='9';
+	}
+void TFindWidthOfWidestDigitType::GetTextItem(TDes& aText, TInt aIndex) const
+	{
+	aText.SetLength(0);
+	aText.Append(aIndex);
+	NumberConversion::ConvertDigits(aText, iDigitType);
+	}
+// class TFindWidthOfWidestAmPmName
+EXPORT_C TFindWidthOfWidestAmPmName::TFindWidthOfWidestAmPmName()
+/** Default constructor. */
+	{
+	}
+void TFindWidthOfWidestAmPmName::GetFirstAndLastIndex(TInt& aFirstIndex, TInt& aLastIndex) const
+	{
+	aFirstIndex=EAm;
+	aLastIndex=EPm;
+	}
+void TFindWidthOfWidestAmPmName::GetTextItem(TDes& aText, TInt aIndex) const
+	{
+	aText=TAmPmName((TAmPm)aIndex);
+	}
+// TFindWidthOfWidestAbbreviatedDayName
+EXPORT_C TFindWidthOfWidestAbbreviatedDayName::TFindWidthOfWidestAbbreviatedDayName()
+/** Default constructor. */
+	{
+	}
+void TFindWidthOfWidestAbbreviatedDayName::GetFirstAndLastIndex(TInt& aFirstIndex, TInt& aLastIndex) const
+	{
+	aFirstIndex=0;
+	aLastIndex=6;
+	}
+void TFindWidthOfWidestAbbreviatedDayName::GetTextItem(TDes& aText, TInt aIndex) const
+	{
+	aText=TDayNameAbb((TDay)aIndex);
+	}
+// TFindWidthOfWidestDayName
+EXPORT_C TFindWidthOfWidestDayName::TFindWidthOfWidestDayName()
+/** Default constructor. */
+	{
+	}
+void TFindWidthOfWidestDayName::GetFirstAndLastIndex(TInt& aFirstIndex, TInt& aLastIndex) const
+	{
+	aFirstIndex=0;
+	aLastIndex=6;
+	}
+void TFindWidthOfWidestDayName::GetTextItem(TDes& aText, TInt aIndex) const
+	{
+	aText=TDayName((TDay)aIndex);
+	}
+// TFindWidthOfWidestAbbreviatedMonthName
+EXPORT_C TFindWidthOfWidestAbbreviatedMonthName::TFindWidthOfWidestAbbreviatedMonthName()
+/** Default constructor. */
+	{
+	}
+void TFindWidthOfWidestAbbreviatedMonthName::GetFirstAndLastIndex(TInt& aFirstIndex, TInt& aLastIndex) const
+	{
+	aFirstIndex=0;
+	aLastIndex=11;
+	}
+void TFindWidthOfWidestAbbreviatedMonthName::GetTextItem(TDes& aText, TInt aIndex) const
+	{
+	aText=TMonthNameAbb((TMonth)aIndex);
+	}
+// TFindWidthOfWidestMonthName
+EXPORT_C TFindWidthOfWidestMonthName::TFindWidthOfWidestMonthName()
+/** Default constructor. */
+	{
+	}
+void TFindWidthOfWidestMonthName::GetFirstAndLastIndex(TInt& aFirstIndex, TInt& aLastIndex) const
+	{
+	aFirstIndex=0;
+	aLastIndex=11;
+	}
+void TFindWidthOfWidestMonthName::GetTextItem(TDes& aText, TInt aIndex) const
+	{
+	aText=TMonthName((TMonth)aIndex);
+	}
+// TFindWidthOfWidestDateSuffix
+EXPORT_C TFindWidthOfWidestDateSuffix::TFindWidthOfWidestDateSuffix()
+/** Default constructor. */
+	{
+	}
+void TFindWidthOfWidestDateSuffix::GetFirstAndLastIndex(TInt& aFirstIndex, TInt& aLastIndex) const
+	{
+	aFirstIndex=0;
+	aLastIndex=30;
+	}
+void TFindWidthOfWidestDateSuffix::GetTextItem(TDes& aText, TInt aIndex) const
+	{
+	aText=TDateSuffix(aIndex);
+	}