changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
child 5 aabf2c525e0f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uifw/AvKon/src/AknIndicatorContainer.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,4109 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Implementation for default status indicator control.
+#include <AknsDrawUtils.h>
+#include <AknPictographInterface.h>
+#include <AknPictographDrawerInterface.h>
+#include <aknlayoutscalable_avkon.cdl.h>
+#include <aknlayoutscalable_apps.cdl.h>
+#include <AknSmallIndicator.h>
+#include <uikon/eikenvinterface.h>
+#include <AknTasHook.h>
+#include <touchfeedback.h>
+#include "AknIndicatorObserver.h"
+#include "aknindicatordataobserver.h"
+#include "AknSgcc.h"
+#include "AknIncallStatusBubble.h"
+#include "AknUtils.h"
+#include "aknconsts.h"
+#include "AknIndicator.h"
+#include "AknIndicatorContainer.h"
+#include "aknenv.h"
+#include "AknStatuspaneUtils.h"
+#include "AknIndicatorFader.h"
+#include "aknappui.h"
+#include "AknDef.h"
+#include "layoutmetadata.cdl.h"
+const TInt KAknIndicatorQueueGranularity       = 4;
+const TInt KAknIndicatorAnimationInterval      = 500000; // micro seconds
+const TInt KAknIndicatorAnimationShortDelay    = 400000; // micro seconds
+// Indicator pane control flags.
+enum TIndicatorPaneControlFlags
+    {
+    EAknIndicatorsButton1DownInIndicatorPaneRect = 0x00000001
+    };
+// ================= PRIVATE CLASS =======================
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CAknIndicatorContainerExtension ) :
+    public CBase,
+    public MAknPictographAnimatorCallBack,
+    public MCoeMessageMonitorObserver
+    {
+    /**
+    * Constructor.
+    */
+    static CAknIndicatorContainerExtension* NewL(
+        CAknIndicatorContainer* aIndicatorContainer );
+    /**
+    * Destructor.
+    */
+    ~CAknIndicatorContainerExtension();
+    TBool SmallStatusPaneLayout();
+    void SetSmallStatusPaneLayout( TBool aIsActive );
+    // From base class @c MCoeMessageMonitorObserver.
+    /**
+    * Used to receive event from window server
+    * when the visibility of the window changes.
+    *
+    * @param  aEvent  The window server event.
+    */
+    void MonitorWsMessage( const TWsEvent &aEvent );
+    CAknIndicatorContainerExtension(
+        CAknIndicatorContainer* aIndicatorContainer );
+    void ConstructL();
+    // From MAknPictographAnimatorCallBack
+    void DrawPictographArea();
+    CAknIndicatorContainer*     iIndicatorContainer;
+    CAknPictographInterface*    iPictoInterface;
+    TBool                       iSmallStatusPaneLayout;
+    TBool                       iSwitchLayoutInProgress;
+    TBool                       iIncallBubbleAllowedInIdle;
+    TBool                       iIncallBubbleAllowedInUsual;
+    TPoint                      iPositionRelativeToScreen;
+    CAknIndicatorDataObserver*  iDataObserver;
+    TInt                        iFlags;
+    TBool                       iIncallBubbleDisabled;
+    TBool                       iIsForeground;
+    TBool                       iIsActiveIdle;
+    };
+CAknIndicatorContainerExtension* CAknIndicatorContainerExtension::NewL(
+    CAknIndicatorContainer* aIndicatorContainer )
+    {
+    CAknIndicatorContainerExtension* self = new( ELeave )
+        CAknIndicatorContainerExtension( aIndicatorContainer );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+void CAknIndicatorContainerExtension::ConstructL()
+    {
+    iPictoInterface = CAknPictographInterface::NewL( *iIndicatorContainer, *this );
+    if ( iIndicatorContainer->IndicatorContext() ==
+            CAknIndicatorContainer::EUniversalIndicators )
+        {
+        iDataObserver =
+            new (ELeave) CAknIndicatorDataObserver( iIndicatorContainer );
+        }
+    TRAP_IGNORE( CCoeEnv::Static()->AddMessageMonitorObserverL( *this ) );
+    }
+    CAknIndicatorContainer* aIndicatorContainer )
+    : iIndicatorContainer( aIndicatorContainer )
+    {
+    iSmallStatusPaneLayout      = AknStatuspaneUtils::SmallLayoutActive();
+    iIncallBubbleAllowedInUsual = ETrue;
+    iIsForeground = static_cast<CAknAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi() )->IsForeground();
+    iIsActiveIdle = AknStatuspaneUtils::IsActiveIdle();
+    }
+    {
+    delete iPictoInterface;
+    delete iDataObserver;
+    CCoeEnv::Static()->RemoveMessageMonitorObserver( *this );
+    }
+void CAknIndicatorContainerExtension::DrawPictographArea()
+    {
+    iIndicatorContainer->DrawPictographArea();
+    }
+TBool CAknIndicatorContainerExtension::SmallStatusPaneLayout()
+    {
+    return iSmallStatusPaneLayout;
+    }
+void CAknIndicatorContainerExtension::SetSmallStatusPaneLayout(
+    TBool aIsActive )
+    {
+    iSmallStatusPaneLayout = aIsActive;
+    }
+void CAknIndicatorContainerExtension::MonitorWsMessage( const TWsEvent& aEvent )
+    {
+    switch ( aEvent.Type() )
+        {
+        case KAknFullOrPartialForegroundGained:
+            iIndicatorContainer->ResetAnimTicker( ETrue );
+            break;
+        case KAknFullOrPartialForegroundLost:
+            iIndicatorContainer->ResetAnimTicker( EFalse );
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::CAknIndicatorContainer
+// Default constructor.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C CAknIndicatorContainer::CAknIndicatorContainer() :
+    iLayoutOrientation( EVertical ),
+    iPreviousLayoutOrientation( EVertical ),
+    iAlignment( ERight ),
+    iIndicatorContext( EUniversalIndicators ),
+    iSynchronizingValue( 0 )
+    {
+    AKNTASHOOK_ADD( this, "CAknIndicatorContainer" );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::CAknIndicatorContainer
+// Constructor with context type parameter.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C CAknIndicatorContainer::CAknIndicatorContainer(
+    TBool aIndicatorContext )
+    : iLayoutOrientation( EVertical ),
+      iPreviousLayoutOrientation( EVertical ),
+      iAlignment( ERight ),
+      iIndicatorContext( aIndicatorContext ),
+      iSynchronizingValue( 0 )
+    {
+    AKNTASHOOK_ADD( this, "CAknIndicatorContainer" );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::~CAknIndicatorContainer
+// Destructor.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C CAknIndicatorContainer::~CAknIndicatorContainer()
+    {
+    AknsUtils::DeregisterControlPosition( this );
+    if ( iIndicators )
+        {
+        TInt count = iIndicators->Count();
+        for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+            {
+            delete iIndicators->At( ii );
+            }
+        delete iIndicators;
+        }
+    if ( iTicker )
+        {
+        iTicker->Cancel();
+        delete iTicker;
+        }
+    delete iIncallBubble;
+    delete iExtension;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::ConstructL
+// Second-phase constructor.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::ConstructL()
+    {
+    iExtension = CAknIndicatorContainerExtension::NewL( this );
+    if ( !iIndicators )
+        {
+        iIndicators =
+            new (ELeave) CAknIndicatorQueue( KAknIndicatorQueueGranularity );
+        }
+    iTicker = CPeriodic::NewL( CActive::EPriorityLow );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::ConstructFromResourceL
+// Resource constructor.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::ConstructFromResourceL(
+    TResourceReader& aReader )
+    {
+    ConstructL();
+    if ( iIndicatorContext != EUniversalIndicators &&
+         iIndicatorContext != ENaviPaneEditorIndicators &&
+         iIndicatorContext != EQueryEditorIndicators )
+        {
+        TInt count = aReader.ReadInt16();
+        for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++ )
+            {
+            CAknIndicator* indicator =
+                new (ELeave) CAknIndicator ( iIndicatorContext );
+            CleanupStack::PushL( indicator );
+            indicator->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
+            indicator->ConstructFromResourceL( aReader, this );
+            iIndicators->AppendL( indicator );
+            CleanupStack::Pop( indicator );
+            indicator = NULL;
+            }
+        PrioritizeIndicatorsL();
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::IndicatorContext
+// Returns the indicator context of this container.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt CAknIndicatorContainer::IndicatorContext() const
+    {
+    return iIndicatorContext;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::SetIndicatorState
+// Sets the state of an indicator in this container.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::SetIndicatorState( TUid aIndicatorId,
+                                                         TInt aState,
+                                                         TBool aDrawNow )
+    {
+    if ( !IndicatorExists( aIndicatorId ) )
+        {
+        if ( iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators )
+            {
+            TRAP_IGNORE( CreateIndicatorFromPaneResourceL(
+                aIndicatorId, R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE_INDICATOR_DEFAULT, 0 ) );
+            }
+        else if ( iIndicatorContext == ENaviPaneEditorIndicators ||
+                  iIndicatorContext == EQueryEditorIndicators )
+            {
+            TRAP_IGNORE( CreateIndicatorFromPaneResourceL(
+                aIndicatorId, R_AVKON_NAVI_PANE_EDITOR_INDICATORS, 0 ) );
+            }
+        }
+    TBool changed = EFalse;
+    TInt  count   = iIndicators->Count();
+    CAknIndicator* indicator = NULL;
+    for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++ )
+        {
+        indicator = iIndicators->At( ii );
+        if ( indicator->Uid() == aIndicatorId )
+            {
+            if ( indicator->IndicatorState() != aState )
+                {
+                changed = ETrue;
+                }
+            indicator->SetIndicatorState( aState );
+            if ( aState == MAknIndicator::EIndicatorAnimate )
+                {
+                // Synchronizes new animated indicator with previous ones
+                indicator->SetAnimateState( iSynchronizingValue );
+                }
+            // In case of GPRS indicator in small status pane it is necessary
+            // to check whether a correct status pane layout is used.
+            if ( aIndicatorId == TUid::Uid( EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorGprs ) )
+                {
+                TBool layoutUpdated( EFalse );
+                TRAPD( err, layoutUpdated = UpdateSmallLayoutL() );
+                if ( layoutUpdated && err == KErrNone )
+                    {
+                    // Needed because this method is not called again.
+                    iExtension->iSwitchLayoutInProgress = EFalse;
+                    }
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    if ( changed )
+        {
+        TRAP_IGNORE( PrioritizeIndicatorsL() );
+        SizeChanged(); // starts/stops also animation timers if needed
+        }
+    // Do not draw in case the indicator state has not changed and
+    // the indicator is not visible, even if aDrawNow is defined,
+    // otherwise flicker will occur.
+    if ( aDrawNow && ( changed || aState ) )
+        {
+        DrawNow();
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::IndicatorState
+// Returns current state of a status indicator in this container.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt CAknIndicatorContainer::IndicatorState( TUid aIndicatorId )
+    {
+    TInt indicatorState( MAknIndicator::EIndicatorOff );
+    TInt count = iIndicators->Count();
+    CAknIndicator* indicator = NULL;
+    for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++ )
+        {
+        indicator = iIndicators->At( ii );
+        if ( indicator->Uid() == aIndicatorId )
+            {
+            indicatorState = indicator->IndicatorState();
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    return indicatorState;
+    }
+EXPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::SetIndicatorValueL( TUid aIndicatorId,
+                                                          const TDesC& aString )
+    {
+    if ( ( iIndicatorContext == ENaviPaneEditorIndicators ||
+           iIndicatorContext == EQueryEditorIndicators )  &&
+         !IndicatorExists( aIndicatorId ) )
+        {
+        CreateIndicatorFromPaneResourceL( aIndicatorId, R_AVKON_NAVI_PANE_EDITOR_INDICATORS, 0);
+        }
+    TInt count = iIndicators->Count();
+    for(TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+        {
+        CAknIndicator* indicator = iIndicators->At(ii);
+        if ( indicator->Uid() == aIndicatorId )
+            {
+            TInt indicatorWidthBefore = indicator->IconSize().iWidth;
+            indicator->SetIndicatorValueL(aString);
+            TInt indicatorWidthAfter = indicator->IconSize().iWidth;
+            // Draw the message length indicator if it is visible.
+            if (  indicator->IndicatorState() != EAknIndicatorStateOff )
+                {
+                if ( indicatorWidthBefore != indicatorWidthAfter )
+                    {
+                    // If indicator width was changed, reposition all indicators.
+                    PrioritizeIndicatorsL();
+                    SizeChanged();
+                    }
+                DrawNow();
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void CAknIndicatorContainer::DrawPictographArea()
+    {
+    TInt count = iIndicators->Count();
+    for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
+        {
+        CAknIndicator* indicator = iIndicators->At( i );
+        // Draw the indicator if it is visible and contains pictographs.
+        if ( indicator->TextIndicator() &&
+             indicator->IndicatorState() != EAknIndicatorStateOff &&
+             indicator->IsVisible() &&
+             iExtension->iPictoInterface->Interface()->ContainsPictographs(
+                *( indicator->iIndicatorText ) ) )
+            {
+            indicator->DrawDeferred();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+CAknPictographInterface* CAknIndicatorContainer::PictographInterface() const
+    {
+    return iExtension->iPictoInterface;
+    }
+EXPORT_C void  CAknIndicatorContainer::SetIncallBubbleFlags( const TInt& aFlags )
+    {
+    if ( aFlags & CIncallStatusBubble::ESBVisible )
+        {
+        if ( !iIncallBubble )
+            {
+            TRAP_IGNORE( CreateIncallBubbleL() );
+            }
+        if ( iIncallBubble )
+            {
+            iIncallBubble->SetFlags( aFlags );
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // RAM optimization, delete if not shown.
+        delete iIncallBubble;
+        iIncallBubble = NULL;
+        }
+    HandleStatusPaneSizeChange();
+    }
+EXPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::HandleStatusPaneSizeChange()
+    {
+    CEikStatusPaneBase* statusPane = CEikStatusPaneBase::Current();
+    if ( statusPane && iIncallBubble )
+        {
+        // In CDMA, the Phone app is on foreground during incall lock state
+        // In GSM/WCDMA the Autolock application is on foreground
+        // Nowdays Autolock itself takes care of the visibility
+        const TBool showIncallIndicatorInLockState = EFalse;
+        TBool showIncallIndicatorInIdle =
+            iExtension->iIncallBubbleAllowedInIdle &&
+            !iExtension->iIncallBubbleDisabled;
+        TBool showIncallIndicatorInUsual =
+            iExtension->iIncallBubbleAllowedInUsual &&
+            !iExtension->iIncallBubbleDisabled;
+        TBool visible = EFalse;
+        TBool usualStatuspane = AknStatuspaneUtils::UsualLayoutActive();
+        TBool idleStatuspane  = AknStatuspaneUtils::IdleLayoutActive();
+        // Call bubble is never displayed if video telephony is
+        // on the foreground.
+        TInt currentLayoutResId = statusPane->CurrentLayoutResId();
+        TBool vtStatuspane =
+            ( currentLayoutResId == R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE_LAYOUT_VT ||
+              currentLayoutResId == R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE_LAYOUT_VT_MIRRORED );
+       if ( statusPane->IsVisible() && iExtension->iIsForeground &&
+            ( ( usualStatuspane && showIncallIndicatorInUsual ) ||
+              ( idleStatuspane && showIncallIndicatorInIdle && !vtStatuspane ) ) )
+            {
+            // Incall bubble window is shown only in the usual layout when status
+            // pane is shown. Exception for this rule: The bubble is shown also
+            // when autolock application is in the front even if the idle
+            // layout is visible.
+            visible = ( iIncallBubble->Flags() & CIncallStatusBubble::ESBVisible );
+            }
+        IncallBubbleSizeChanged( showIncallIndicatorInLockState );
+        iIncallBubble->MakeVisible( visible );
+        }
+    }
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::HandleResourceChange
+EXPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::HandleResourceChange( TInt aType )
+    {
+    CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange( aType );
+    if ( aType == KEikMessageFadeAllWindows && iIncallBubble )
+        {
+        CEikStatusPaneBase* statusPane = CEikStatusPaneBase::Current();
+        iIncallBubble->SetFaded( statusPane->IsFaded() );
+        }
+    if ( aType == KEikColorResourceChange || aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange )
+        {
+        DrawDeferred();
+        }
+    else if ( aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch )
+        {
+        SizeChanged();
+        DrawDeferred();
+        }
+    if ( iIncallBubble )
+        {
+        iIncallBubble->HandleResourceChange( aType );
+        }
+    }
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::SizeChanged
+EXPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::SizeChanged()
+    {
+    // No fading if staconpane is active and in few other cases too...
+    if ( iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators )
+        {
+        SetContainerWindowNonFading(
+            AknStatuspaneUtils::ExtendedStaconPaneActive() ||
+            ( AknStatuspaneUtils::StaconPaneActive() &&
+              !AknStatuspaneUtils::IdleLayoutActive() ) );
+        }
+    AknsUtils::RegisterControlPosition( this );
+    if ( iExtension && DrawableWindow() )
+        {
+        iExtension->iPositionRelativeToScreen = PositionRelativeToScreen();
+        }
+    // Select right layout modes for indicators.
+    // This is now done always to ensure right layout mode.
+    SetupIndicatorLayoutModes();
+    // HandleStatusPaneSizeChange() is called here always to check
+    // incall bubble visibility because status pane size change is
+    // not only case when it changes.
+    HandleStatusPaneSizeChange();
+    // Check if layout is mirrored and the context
+    // of the indicators is mirrorable.
+    if ( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() &&
+         ( iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators ||
+           iIndicatorContext == ENaviPaneEditorIndicators ||
+           iIndicatorContext == EQueryEditorIndicators ) )
+        {
+        iAlignment = TIndicatorAlignment( ELeft );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iAlignment = TIndicatorAlignment( ERight );
+        }
+    TRect containerRect( Rect() );
+    if ( containerRect.IsEmpty() )
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    // Set faders off by default (only used in stacon)
+    if ( iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators )
+        {
+        TInt count = iIndicators->Count();
+        for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++ )
+            {
+            CAknIndicator* indicator = iIndicators->At( ii );
+            if ( indicator )
+                {
+                indicator->SetIndicatorFader( NULL );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    TBool idleLayout           = AknStatuspaneUtils::IdleLayoutActive();
+    TBool smallLayout          = EFalse;
+    TBool flatLayout           = EFalse;
+    TBool extendedFlatLayout   = EFalse;
+    TBool staconLayout         = EFalse;
+    TBool extendedStaconLayout = EFalse;
+    TBool hdLayout             = EFalse;
+    TBool extendedLayout       = EFalse;
+    if ( AknStatuspaneUtils::SmallLayoutActive() )
+        {
+        smallLayout = ETrue;
+        }
+    else if ( AknStatuspaneUtils::FlatLayoutActive() )
+        {
+        flatLayout         = ETrue;
+        extendedFlatLayout = !AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() &&
+                             AknStatuspaneUtils::ExtendedFlatLayoutActive();
+        hdLayout           = AknStatuspaneUtils::HDLayoutActive();
+        }
+    else if ( AknStatuspaneUtils::StaconPaneActive() )
+        {
+        staconLayout         = ETrue;
+        extendedStaconLayout = AknStatuspaneUtils::ExtendedStaconPaneActive();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        hdLayout       = AknStatuspaneUtils::HDLayoutActive();
+        extendedLayout = AknStatuspaneUtils::ExtendedLayoutActive();
+        }
+    switch ( iIndicatorContext )
+        {
+        case ENaviPaneEditorIndicators:
+            {
+            if ( smallLayout )
+                {
+                SizeChangedInSmallStatusPane();
+                }
+            else if ( staconLayout &&
+                      !idleLayout )
+                {
+                SizeChangedInStaconPane();
+                }
+            else if ( hdLayout )
+                {
+                SizeChangedInExtendedStatusPane();
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                SizeChangedInNormalStatusPane();
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        case EUniversalIndicators:
+            {
+            if ( extendedLayout )
+                {
+                if ( idleLayout && !hdLayout )
+                    {
+                    SizeChangedInIdleExtendedStatusPane();
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    SizeChangedInExtendedStatusPane();
+                    }
+                }
+            else if ( flatLayout )
+                {
+                if ( extendedFlatLayout )
+                    {
+                    // Extended flat status pane layout.
+                    SizeChangedInExtendedStatusPane();
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    // Old flat status pane layout.
+                    SizeChangedInFlatStatusPane();
+                    }
+                }
+            else if ( staconLayout )
+                {
+                if ( extendedStaconLayout )
+                    {
+                    // Extended stacon layout.
+                    SizeChangedInExtendedStatusPane();
+                    }
+                else if ( !idleLayout )
+                    {
+                    // Old stacon layout.
+                    SizeChangedInStaconPane();
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    SizeChangedInNormalStatusPane();
+                    }
+                }
+            else if ( idleLayout &&
+                      Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() &&
+                      Size().iWidth < Size().iHeight )
+                {
+                // Universal indicator container in idle landscape
+                // using vertical indicators.
+                SizeChangedInIdleVertical();
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                // Normal status pane by default.
+                SizeChangedInNormalStatusPane();
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            if ( hdLayout )
+                {
+                SizeChangedInExtendedStatusPane();
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                // Normal status pane by default.
+                SizeChangedInNormalStatusPane();
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+EXPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::PositionChanged()
+    {
+    AknsUtils::RegisterControlPosition( this );
+    }
+EXPORT_C TInt CAknIndicatorContainer::CountComponentControls() const
+    {
+    return (iIndicatorsShown);
+    }
+EXPORT_C CCoeControl* CAknIndicatorContainer::ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const
+    {
+    TInt count = iIndicators->Count();
+    TInt ii = 0;
+    for (ii = 0; (ii < count) && (aIndex >= 0); ii++)
+        {
+        if ( iIndicators->At(ii)->IndicatorState() && (iIndicators->At(ii)->Priority() != KIndicatorNotShown))
+            {
+            aIndex--;
+            }
+        }
+    if ( ii > 0 )
+        {
+        return iIndicators->At(--ii);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+EXPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::Draw( const TRect& /*aRect*/ ) const
+    {
+    if ( iExtension->iIsActiveIdle )
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    // Don't allow normal background drawing if
+    // background is already drawn with a background drawer.
+    const MCoeControlBackground* backgroundDrawer = FindBackground();
+    if ( backgroundDrawer )
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
+    MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
+    MAknsControlContext* cc = AknsDrawUtils::ControlContext( this );
+    TRect rect( Rect() );
+    gc.SetPenStyle( CGraphicsContext::ENullPen );
+    gc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
+    //
+    // S60 flat statuspane
+    //
+    if ( AknStatuspaneUtils::FlatLayoutActive() )
+        {
+        if ( iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators )
+            {
+            if( !AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, cc, this, gc, rect ) )
+                {
+                gc.SetPenStyle( CGraphicsContext::ENullPen );
+                gc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
+                gc.SetBrushColor(
+                    AKN_LAF_COLOR( KStatusPaneBackgroundGraphicsColorUsual ) );
+                gc.DrawRect( rect );
+                }
+            if( iIndicatorsShown &&
+                iExtension &&
+                AknStatuspaneUtils::IdleLayoutActive() &&
+                !AknStatuspaneUtils::ExtendedFlatLayoutActive() &&
+                !AknStatuspaneUtils::HDLayoutActive() )
+                {
+                TRect fadeRect( rect );
+                // Draw fade if there are indicators
+                if ( iLayoutOrientation == EVertical &&
+                     Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() )
+                    {
+                    AknsDrawUtils::DrawCachedImage(
+                        skin,
+                        gc,
+                        fadeRect,
+                        KAknsIIDQgnGrafIdleFadeLsc );
+                    }
+                else if ( iLayoutOrientation == EHorizontal )
+                    {
+                    AknsDrawUtils::DrawCachedImage(
+                        skin,
+                        gc,
+                        fadeRect,
+                        KAknsIIDQgnGrafIdleFade );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        else if ( iIndicatorContext == ENaviPaneEditorIndicators )
+            {
+            if( !AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, cc, this, gc, rect ) )
+                {
+                gc.SetPenStyle( CGraphicsContext::ENullPen );
+                gc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
+                gc.SetBrushColor(
+                    AKN_LAF_COLOR( KStatusPaneBackgroundGraphicsColorUsual ) );
+                gc.DrawRect( rect );
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            gc.SetBrushColor( AKN_LAF_COLOR( 0 ) );
+            AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, cc, this, gc, rect );
+            }
+        return;
+        }
+    //
+    // S60 staconpane
+    //
+    if (AknStatuspaneUtils::StaconPaneActive() &&
+       (iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators || iIndicatorContext == ENaviPaneEditorIndicators))
+        {
+        if (iIndicatorContext == ENaviPaneEditorIndicators)
+            {
+            if( !AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, cc, this, gc, rect ) )
+                {
+                gc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+                gc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+                gc.SetBrushColor(AKN_LAF_COLOR(KStatusPaneBackgroundGraphicsColorUsual) );
+                gc.DrawRect(rect);
+                }
+            }
+        else if ( iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators )
+            {
+            if( !AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, cc, this, gc, rect ) )
+                {
+                gc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+                gc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+                gc.SetBrushColor(AKN_LAF_COLOR(KStatusPaneBackgroundGraphicsColorUsual) );
+                gc.DrawRect(rect);
+                }
+            if( iIndicatorsShown &&
+                iExtension &&
+                AknStatuspaneUtils::IdleLayoutActive() &&
+                !AknStatuspaneUtils::ExtendedStaconPaneActive())
+                {
+                TRect fadeRect( rect );
+                if (iLayoutOrientation == EHorizontal)
+                    {
+                    // Always this fade
+                    AknsDrawUtils::DrawCachedImage( skin, gc, fadeRect,
+                        KAknsIIDQgnGrafIdleFade );
+                    }
+               else
+                    {
+                    AknsDrawUtils::DrawCachedImage( skin, gc, fadeRect,
+                        KAknsIIDQgnGrafIdleFadeLsc );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // Draw background for query editor indicators
+            gc.SetBrushColor(AKN_LAF_COLOR(0));
+            AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, cc, this, gc, rect );
+            }
+        return;
+        }
+    //
+    // Extended S60 statuspane
+    //
+    if (AknStatuspaneUtils::ExtendedLayoutActive())
+        {
+        if( CAknEnv::Static()->TransparencyEnabled() )
+            {
+            AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, cc, this, gc, rect, KAknsDrawParamNoClearUnderImage );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, cc, this, gc, rect );
+            }
+        return;
+        }
+    //
+    // Default S60 statuspane
+    //
+    if ( iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators )
+        {
+        // Draw background for universal indicator pane
+        gc.SetBrushColor(AKN_LAF_COLOR(0)); // Universal indicator background color
+        AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, cc, this, gc, rect );
+        if( (iLayoutOrientation == EHorizontal) && iIndicatorsShown && iExtension && !AknStatuspaneUtils::StaconPaneActive())
+            {
+            if (AknStatuspaneUtils::IdleLayoutActive())
+                {
+                TRect fadeRect( rect );
+                // Draw fade if there are indicators
+                AknsDrawUtils::DrawCachedImage( skin, gc, fadeRect,
+                    KAknsIIDQgnGrafIdleFade );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    if ( iIndicatorContext != EUniversalIndicators )
+        {
+        if ( iIndicatorContext == ENaviPaneEditorIndicators )
+            {
+            AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, cc, this, gc, rect );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // Draw background for query editor indicators
+            gc.SetBrushColor(AKN_LAF_COLOR(0));
+            if( CAknEnv::Static()->TransparencyEnabled() )
+                {
+                AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, cc, this, gc, rect, KAknsDrawParamNoClearUnderImage );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, cc, this, gc, rect );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+EXPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::HandlePointerEventL(
+    const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent )
+    {
+    CAknControl::HandlePointerEventL( aPointerEvent );
+    if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() && iExtension )
+        {
+        TRect rect( Rect() );
+        // The indicator popup is launched if both the down and up
+        // pointer events happen in the indicator pane area.
+        switch ( aPointerEvent.iType )
+            {
+            case TPointerEvent::EButton1Down:
+                {
+                // if indicator's rect contains pointer down position
+                if ( rect.Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ) )
+                    {
+                    // set flag that down was inside indicator
+                    iExtension->iFlags |=
+                        EAknIndicatorsButton1DownInIndicatorPaneRect;
+                    if ( iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators &&
+                         iExtension->iFlags & EAknIndicatorsButton1DownInIndicatorPaneRect
+                          )
+                        {
+                        MTouchFeedback* feedback = MTouchFeedback::Instance();
+                        if ( feedback )
+                            {
+                            feedback->InstantFeedback( this, ETouchFeedbackSensitiveButton );
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                break;
+                }
+            case TPointerEvent::EButton1Up:
+                {
+                // Currently the small digital clock pane and universal
+                // indicator pane are regarded as one touch responsive area from
+                // which the universal indicator popup should open on tap,
+                // so upon pointer up event it must be checked here if
+                // the down event happened inside this control, but the up event
+                // inside digital clock pane area.
+                CEikStatusPaneBase* sp = CEikStatusPaneBase::Current();
+                TRect clockRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+                if ( sp )
+                    {
+                    CCoeControl* clockPane = sp->ContainerControlL(
+                        TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidDigitalClock ) );
+                    if ( clockPane )
+                        {
+                        clockRect = TRect( clockPane->PositionRelativeToScreen(),
+                                           clockPane->Size() );
+                        }
+                    }
+                // if indicator's rect contains pointer up position
+                if ( iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators &&
+                     ( ( iExtension->iFlags & EAknIndicatorsButton1DownInIndicatorPaneRect &&
+                         rect.Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ) ) ||
+                       clockRect.Contains( aPointerEvent.iParentPosition ) ) )
+                    {
+                    MTouchFeedback* feedback = MTouchFeedback::Instance();
+                    if ( feedback )
+                        {
+                        feedback->InstantFeedback( this,
+                                                   ETouchFeedbackSensitiveButton,
+                                                   ETouchFeedbackVibra,
+                                                   aPointerEvent );
+                        }
+                    CAknSmallIndicator* indicatorNotifier = CAknSmallIndicator::NewLC( TUid::Uid( 0 ) );
+                    indicatorNotifier->HandleIndicatorTapL();
+                    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( indicatorNotifier );
+                    }
+                // Up happened, reset button down flag
+                iExtension->iFlags &=
+                    ( ~EAknIndicatorsButton1DownInIndicatorPaneRect );
+                break;
+                }
+            default:
+                {
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+EXPORT_C void* CAknIndicatorContainer::ExtensionInterface( TUid /*aInterface*/ )
+    {
+    return NULL;
+    }
+void CAknIndicatorContainer::Reserved_1()
+    {}
+void CAknIndicatorContainer::PrioritizeIndicatorsL()
+    {
+    iPreviousLayoutOrientation = iLayoutOrientation;
+    TInt count = iIndicators->Count();
+    if (count < 2)
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    CAknIndicator* temp;
+    for(TInt ii = 1; ii < count; ii++)
+        {
+        temp = iIndicators->At(ii);
+        TInt tempPriority = temp->Priority();
+        if (tempPriority >= 0)
+            {
+            for(TInt jj = 0; jj <= ii; jj++)
+                {
+                if (tempPriority < iIndicators->At(jj)->Priority())
+                    {
+                    iIndicators->Delete( ii );
+                    CleanupStack::PushL( temp );
+                    iIndicators->InsertL( jj, temp );
+                    CleanupStack::Pop( temp );
+                    break;
+                    }
+                else if ( jj == (ii-1) )
+                    {
+                    break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+TInt CAknIndicatorContainer::TickerCallback(TAny* aThis)
+    {
+    return static_cast<CAknIndicatorContainer*>(aThis)->DoTick();
+    }
+TInt CAknIndicatorContainer::DoTick()
+    {
+    if (iAnimatedIndicatorsShown > 0)
+        {
+        TInt count = iIndicators->Count();
+        TInt ii = 0;
+        for (ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+            {
+            if ( iIndicators->At(ii)->IndicatorState() == MAknIndicator::EIndicatorAnimate && (iIndicators->At(ii)->Priority() != KIndicatorNotShown))
+                {
+                iIndicators->At(ii)->Animate();
+                }
+            }
+        iSynchronizingValue += 1;
+        if (iSynchronizingValue >= 185794560) // This number can be divided with 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 and 18
+            {
+            iSynchronizingValue = 0;
+            }
+        DrawDeferred(); // Must be DrawDeferred (not DrawNow) so that we don't block application thread in high load situations
+        }
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+void CAknIndicatorContainer::IncallBubbleSizeChanged(
+    TBool /*aAllowIdleStateBubble*/ )
+    {
+    if ( iIncallBubble &&
+         iIncallBubble->Flags() & CIncallStatusBubble::ESBVisible )
+        {
+        TAknWindowLineLayout layout;
+        if ( iIndicatorsShown > 0 )
+            {
+            // Position of incall bubble if universal small indicator(s) present.
+            // This position is also used when the bubble is shown with idle layout
+            // when autolock application is activated and it is front application.
+            layout = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::popup_call_status_window( 0 ).LayoutLine();
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // Position of incall bubble if universal small indicator pane is empty.
+            layout = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::popup_call_status_window( 1 ).LayoutLine();
+            }
+        // screen
+        TRect screenRect( iAvkonAppUi->ApplicationRect() );
+        TAknLayoutRect layoutRect;
+        if ( Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() )
+            {
+            TInt topVariety = 8; // default to flat landscape statuspane variety
+            if ( AknStatuspaneUtils::StaconPaneActive() )
+                {
+                topVariety = 2;
+                }
+            TInt skvariety = 6;
+            if ( AknStatuspaneUtils::StaconPaneActive() )
+                {
+                if ( AknStatuspaneUtils::StaconSoftKeysRight() )
+                    {
+                    skvariety = 6;
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    skvariety = 8;
+                    }
+                }
+            else if ( AknStatuspaneUtils::FlatLayoutActive() ||
+                      AknStatuspaneUtils::HDLayoutActive() )
+                {
+                skvariety = 10;
+                }
+            if ( iIndicatorsShown > 0 )
+                {
+                // If indicators are shown we use one bigger variety index. But for "10" there is not such.
+                if ( skvariety != 10 )
+                    {
+                    skvariety++;
+                    }
+                }
+            layout = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::popup_call_status_window( skvariety ).LayoutLine();
+            // To keep the call bubble in indicator pane area,
+            // otherwise it'll get on top of the title pane in A&H layouts.
+            if ( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() )
+                {
+                TInt tmp = layout.il;
+                layout.il = layout.ir;
+                layout.ir = tmp;
+                }
+            TAknWindowComponentLayout topLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::area_top_pane( topVariety );
+            layoutRect.LayoutRect( screenRect, topLayout );
+            TRect topLayoutRect( layoutRect.Rect() );
+            layoutRect.LayoutRect( topLayoutRect, layout );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // Incall bubble
+            layoutRect.LayoutRect( screenRect, layout );
+            }
+        TRect rect( layoutRect.Rect() );
+        // SizeChanged of incall indicator is heavyweight, so set size only if 
+		// necessary.
+        if ( rect != TRect( iIncallBubble->Position(), iIncallBubble->Size() ) )
+            {
+            iIncallBubble->SetRect( rect );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+EXPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::SetIndicatorValue(TUid aIndicatorId, TInt aValue, TInt aMaxValue)
+    {
+    TInt count = iIndicators->Count();
+    for(TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+        {
+        CAknIndicator* indicator = iIndicators->At(ii);
+        if ( indicator->Uid() == aIndicatorId )
+            {
+            indicator->SetIndicatorValue(aValue, aMaxValue);
+            // Draw the indicator if it is visible.
+            if (  indicator->IndicatorState() != EAknIndicatorStateOff )
+                {
+                DrawNow();
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void CAknIndicatorContainer::SizeChangedInSmallStatusPane()
+    {
+    iLayoutOrientation = EHorizontal; // always horizontal
+    // only editor indicators are supported in small statuspane
+    if (iIndicatorContext != ENaviPaneEditorIndicators)
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    // Gprs indicator is a special case. It is drawn
+    // to other spane by the system. Check here that correct
+    // statuspane layout is enabled and switch if needed
+    //
+    CEikStatusPaneBase* statusPane = CEikStatusPaneBase::Current();
+    TInt statusPaneCurrentLayoutResourceId = 0;
+    if ( statusPane )
+        {
+        statusPaneCurrentLayoutResourceId = statusPane->CurrentLayoutResId();
+        }
+    TInt last = iIndicators->Count() - 1;
+    // Update the status pane layout if needed to correspond the
+    // visibility of the GPRS indicator. If status pane layout is changed
+    // this function will be called again.
+    TBool layoutChanged = EFalse;
+    TRAP_IGNORE( layoutChanged = UpdateSmallLayoutL() );
+    if ( layoutChanged )
+        {
+        return; // this method will be called again
+        }
+    TBool layoutMirrored( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() );
+    TRect containerRect( Rect() );
+    // screen
+    TRect screenRect = iAvkonAppUi->ApplicationRect();
+    // small statuspane
+    TRect smallStatusPaneRect;
+    AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect(
+        AknLayoutUtils::EStatusPane, smallStatusPaneRect );
+    // small statuspane, wait pane
+    TAknLayoutRect smallStatusWaitPaneLayoutRect;
+    smallStatusWaitPaneLayoutRect.LayoutRect(
+        smallStatusPaneRect, AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::status_small_wait_pane( 0 ) );
+    TRect smallStatusWaitPaneRect( smallStatusWaitPaneLayoutRect.Rect() );
+    // small statuspane, globe
+    TAknLayoutRect smallStatusWmlGlobeLayoutRect;
+    smallStatusWmlGlobeLayoutRect.LayoutRect(
+        smallStatusPaneRect, AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::status_small_pane_g4( 0 ) );
+    TRect smallStatusWmlGlobeRect( smallStatusWmlGlobeLayoutRect.Rect() );
+    // small statuspane, gprs indicator
+    TAknLayoutRect smallStatusGprsLayoutRect;
+    smallStatusGprsLayoutRect.LayoutRect(
+        smallStatusPaneRect, AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::status_small_pane_g2( 0 ) );
+    TRect smallStatusGprsRect( smallStatusGprsLayoutRect.Rect() );
+    // small statuspane, secure state indicator
+    TAknLayoutRect smallStatusSecureStateLayoutRect;
+    smallStatusSecureStateLayoutRect.LayoutRect(
+        smallStatusPaneRect, AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::status_small_pane_g3( 0 ) );
+    TRect smallStatusSecureStateRect( smallStatusSecureStateLayoutRect.Rect() );
+    // small statuspane, texts
+    TAknTextComponentLayout smallStatusTextLayout;
+    if ( statusPaneCurrentLayoutResourceId ==
+            AVKONENV->StatusPaneResIdForCurrentLayout( R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE_LAYOUT_SMALL ) )
+        {
+        smallStatusTextLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::status_small_pane_t1( 0 );
+        }
+    else // gprs indicator visible
+        {
+        smallStatusTextLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::status_small_pane_t1( 1 );
+        }
+    TAknLayoutText textLayout;
+    textLayout.LayoutText( smallStatusPaneRect, smallStatusTextLayout );
+    TRect smallStatusTextRect( textLayout.TextRect() );
+    TInt textIndicatorLeftOffset = smallStatusTextRect.iTl.iX;
+    // Take possible touch pane into account.
+    TInt textIndicatorVerticalOffset =
+        ( containerRect.Height() - smallStatusTextRect.Height() ) / 2;
+    TInt waitBarIndicatorLeftOffset     = smallStatusWaitPaneRect.iTl.iX;
+    TInt progressBarIndicatorLeftOffset = smallStatusWaitPaneRect.iTl.iX;
+    TInt wmlWaitGlobeLeftOffset         = smallStatusWmlGlobeRect.iTl.iX;
+    if ( layoutMirrored )
+        {
+        waitBarIndicatorLeftOffset =
+            smallStatusPaneRect.iBr.iX - smallStatusWaitPaneRect.iBr.iX;
+        progressBarIndicatorLeftOffset =
+            smallStatusPaneRect.iBr.iX - smallStatusWaitPaneRect.iBr.iX;
+        wmlWaitGlobeLeftOffset =
+            smallStatusPaneRect.iBr.iX - smallStatusWmlGlobeRect.iBr.iX;
+        }
+    if ( statusPaneCurrentLayoutResourceId ==
+            AVKONENV->StatusPaneResIdForCurrentLayout(
+        {
+        // If GPRS indicator is visible then a larger offset is needed
+        // for text indicator because there are no pixels empty in
+        // the right side of the GPRS status icon as the layout spec
+        // requires in this case.
+        if ( textIndicatorLeftOffset < KMinSpaceBetweenIconsInPixels )
+            {
+            textIndicatorLeftOffset = KMinSpaceBetweenIconsInPixels;
+            }
+        // This makes the globe indicator position adjusted to
+        // middle if GPRS indicator is in either side
+        if( !layoutMirrored )
+            {
+            wmlWaitGlobeLeftOffset -= smallStatusGprsRect.Width();
+            }
+        }
+    // Modify containerRect if alignment is Right.
+    // For Left aligned no need to modify containerRect.
+    if ( iAlignment == TIndicatorAlignment( ERight ) )
+        {
+        containerRect.iBr.iX -= 3; // Right margin of editor indicators
+        containerRect.iTl.iX += 0; // Left margin of editor indicators
+        }
+    iIndicatorsShown                = 0;
+    iAnimatedIndicatorsShown        = 0;
+    TBool textIndicatorOffsetNeeded = ETrue;
+    TRect rectForRightSideIndicators( containerRect.iBr.iX,
+                                      containerRect.iTl.iY,
+                                      containerRect.iBr.iX,
+                                      containerRect.iBr.iY );
+    TRect rectForLeftSideIndicators( containerRect.iTl.iX,
+                                     containerRect.iTl.iY,
+                                     containerRect.iTl.iX,
+                                     containerRect.iBr.iY );
+    TRect rectForMiddleIndicators( wmlWaitGlobeLeftOffset,
+                                   containerRect.iTl.iY,
+                                   wmlWaitGlobeLeftOffset,
+                                   containerRect.iBr.iY );
+    for ( TInt ii = 0; ii <= last; ii++ )
+        {
+        CAknIndicator* indicator = iIndicators->At( ii );
+        TInt uid                 = indicator->Uid().iUid;
+        TInt indicatorPosition   = 0;
+        // Decide here how indicators are positioned.
+        // Default is right side.
+        indicatorPosition = indicator->IndicatorPosition();
+        // Check if indicator is not shown on current layout even it is set ON.
+        if ( !indicator->IndicatorState() ||
+             indicator->Priority() == KIndicatorNotShown )
+            {
+            continue;
+            }
+        // Check if this is GPRS indicator, it is never shown here
+        // but is drawn to the signal pane by the system
+        if ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorGprs )
+            {
+            indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+            iIndicatorsShown++;
+            continue;
+            }
+        // Handle offsets.
+        TAknLayoutRect statusPaneIconSmallRect;
+        statusPaneIconSmallRect.LayoutRect(
+            smallStatusPaneRect, AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::status_small_icon_pane() );
+        // Take possible touch pane into account
+        TInt verticalOffset =
+            ( containerRect.Height() - statusPaneIconSmallRect.Rect().Height() ) / 2;
+        TInt leftOffset  = 0;  // default offset
+        TInt rightOffset = 0;  // default offset
+        TInt indicatorWidth  = indicator->IconSize().iWidth;  // default width
+        TInt indicatorHeight = indicator->IconSize().iHeight; // default height
+        if ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorMessageInfo    ||
+             uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWmlWindowsText ||
+             uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorMessageLength )
+            {
+            indicatorHeight = smallStatusTextRect.Height();
+            verticalOffset  = textIndicatorVerticalOffset;
+            // First text indicator needs horizontal offset.
+            if ( textIndicatorOffsetNeeded )
+                {
+                leftOffset += textIndicatorLeftOffset;
+                }
+            textIndicatorOffsetNeeded = EFalse;
+            }
+        else if ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorFileSize )
+            {
+            verticalOffset = textIndicatorVerticalOffset;
+            // Need left offset in western, right offset in A&H layout.
+            if ( layoutMirrored )
+                {
+                rightOffset = textIndicatorLeftOffset;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                leftOffset  = KMinSpaceBetweenIconsInPixels;
+                }
+            }
+        else if ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorSecuredConnection )
+            {
+            verticalOffset =
+                ( containerRect.Height() - smallStatusSecureStateRect.Height() ) / 2;
+            // Because icon bitmap does not contain enough space,
+            // increase offset as the layout spec states.
+            if ( layoutMirrored )
+                {
+                leftOffset = KMinSpaceBetweenIconsInPixels;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                rightOffset = KMinSpaceBetweenIconsInPixels;
+                }
+            textIndicatorOffsetNeeded      = EFalse;
+            waitBarIndicatorLeftOffset     = 0;
+            progressBarIndicatorLeftOffset = 0;
+            }
+        else if ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWmlWaitGlobe )
+            {
+            verticalOffset =
+                ( containerRect.Height() - indicator->IconSize().iHeight ) / 2;
+            indicatorWidth = smallStatusWmlGlobeRect.Width();
+            }
+        else if ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorProgressBar )
+            {
+            indicatorWidth  = smallStatusWaitPaneRect.Width();
+            indicatorHeight = smallStatusWaitPaneRect.Height();
+            verticalOffset  = ( containerRect.Height() - indicatorHeight ) / 2;
+            leftOffset      = progressBarIndicatorLeftOffset;
+            textIndicatorOffsetNeeded = ETrue;
+            }
+        else if ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWaitBar )
+            {
+            indicatorWidth  = smallStatusWaitPaneRect.Width();
+            indicatorHeight = smallStatusWaitPaneRect.Height();
+            verticalOffset  = ( containerRect.Height() - indicatorHeight ) / 2;
+            leftOffset      = waitBarIndicatorLeftOffset;
+            textIndicatorOffsetNeeded = ETrue;
+            }
+        if ( layoutMirrored )
+            {
+            TInt temp   = leftOffset;
+            leftOffset  = rightOffset;
+            rightOffset = temp;
+            }
+        // Place indicators to the left side.
+        if ( ( indicatorPosition == ELeftSide &&
+               iAlignment == TIndicatorAlignment( ERight ) ) ||
+             ( indicatorPosition == ERightSide &&
+               iAlignment == TIndicatorAlignment( ELeft ) ) )
+            {
+            TRect requiredRect(
+                rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iX,
+                rectForLeftSideIndicators.iTl.iY,
+                rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iX + leftOffset + indicatorWidth + rightOffset,
+                rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iY );
+            // check if indicator fits
+            TBool indicatorDoesNotFit =
+                ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForRightSideIndicators ) ||
+                  requiredRect.Intersects( rectForMiddleIndicators )    ||
+                  containerRect.iTl.iX > requiredRect.iTl.iX            ||
+                  containerRect.iBr.iX < requiredRect.iBr.iX );
+            if ( indicatorDoesNotFit &&
+                 !indicator->DynamicTextIndicator() )
+                {
+                indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+                iIndicatorsShown++;
+                continue;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                if ( indicator->DynamicTextIndicator() && indicatorDoesNotFit )
+                    {
+                    // Dynamic text indicators (not normal text indicators)
+                    // can adjust to any size.
+                    TInt maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                        containerRect.iBr.iX - requiredRect.iTl.iX;
+                    if ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForRightSideIndicators ) )
+                        {
+                        maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                            rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iX - requiredRect.iTl.iX;
+                        }
+                    if ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForMiddleIndicators ) )
+                        {
+                        maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                            rectForMiddleIndicators.iTl.iX - requiredRect.iTl.iX;
+                        }
+                    indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( requiredRect.iTl.iX + leftOffset,
+                                                  verticalOffset ),
+                                          TSize( maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator,
+                                                 indicatorHeight ) );
+                    rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iX =
+                        indicator->Position().iX + indicator->Size().iWidth;
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( requiredRect.iTl.iX + leftOffset,
+                                                  verticalOffset ),
+                                          TSize( indicatorWidth, indicatorHeight ) );
+                    rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iX = requiredRect.iBr.iX;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        // Place indicators to the right side.
+        if ( ( indicatorPosition == ERightSide &&
+               iAlignment == TIndicatorAlignment( ERight ) ) ||
+             ( indicatorPosition == ELeftSide &&
+               iAlignment == TIndicatorAlignment( ELeft ) ) )
+            {
+            TRect requiredRect(
+                rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iX - leftOffset - indicatorWidth - rightOffset,
+                rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iY,
+                rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iX,
+                rectForRightSideIndicators.iBr.iY );
+             // Check if indicator fits.
+             TBool indicatorDoesNotFit =
+                 ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForLeftSideIndicators ) ||
+                   requiredRect.Intersects( rectForMiddleIndicators )   ||
+                   containerRect.iTl.iX > requiredRect.iTl.iX           ||
+                   containerRect.iBr.iX < requiredRect.iBr.iX );
+            if ( indicatorDoesNotFit &&
+                 !indicator->DynamicTextIndicator() )
+                {
+                indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+                iIndicatorsShown++;
+                continue;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                if ( indicator->DynamicTextIndicator() && indicatorDoesNotFit )
+                    {
+                    // Dynamic text indicators (not normal text indicators)
+                    // can adjust to any size.
+                    TInt maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                        requiredRect.iBr.iX - containerRect.iTl.iX - leftOffset;
+                    if ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForLeftSideIndicators ) )
+                        {
+                        maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                            requiredRect.iBr.iX - rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iX;
+                        }
+                    if ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForMiddleIndicators ) )
+                        {
+                        maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                            requiredRect.iBr.iX - rectForMiddleIndicators.iBr.iX;
+                        }
+                    indicator->SetExtent(
+                        TPoint( requiredRect.iBr.iX - maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator - leftOffset,
+                                verticalOffset ),
+                        TSize( maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator,
+                               indicatorHeight ) );
+                    rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iX = indicator->Position().iX;
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( requiredRect.iTl.iX + leftOffset,
+                                                  verticalOffset),
+                                          TSize( indicatorWidth, indicatorHeight ) );
+                    rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iX = requiredRect.iTl.iX;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        // Place indicators to the middle, only indicator is wml wait globe.
+        if ( indicatorPosition == EMiddle )
+            {
+            TRect requiredRect(
+                rectForMiddleIndicators.iTl.iX,
+                rectForMiddleIndicators.iTl.iY,
+                rectForMiddleIndicators.iTl.iX + leftOffset + indicatorWidth + rightOffset,
+                rectForMiddleIndicators.iBr.iY);
+            // Check if indicator fits.
+            if ( ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForRightSideIndicators ) ||
+                   requiredRect.Intersects( rectForLeftSideIndicators ) ) ||
+                 ( rectForMiddleIndicators.Width() != 0 ) )
+                {
+                indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+                iIndicatorsShown++;
+                continue;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( rectForMiddleIndicators.iTl.iX + leftOffset,
+                                              verticalOffset),
+                                      TSize( indicatorWidth, indicatorHeight) );
+                rectForMiddleIndicators.iTl.iX += rightOffset;
+                rectForMiddleIndicators.iTl.iX += indicatorWidth;
+                }
+            }
+        iIndicatorsShown++;
+        if ( indicator->IndicatorState() == MAknIndicator::EIndicatorAnimate )
+            {
+            iAnimatedIndicatorsShown++;
+            }
+        } // for
+    ResetAnimTicker( iExtension->iIsForeground );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::SizeChangedInNormalStatusPane
+// Handles size change events in normal status pane layouts.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknIndicatorContainer::SizeChangedInNormalStatusPane()
+    {
+    TRect containerRect( Rect() );
+    TInt height = containerRect.Height();
+    TInt width  = containerRect.Width();
+    // Find out if pane layout is horizontal or vertical
+    // Following pane uses vertical layout:
+    //   - System owned universal small indicator pane
+    //     when status pane is in usual layout
+    // Following panes use horizontal layout:
+    //   - System owned universal small indicator pane
+    //     when status pane is in idle layout
+    //   - Navigation pane editor indicator pane
+    //   - Query editor indicators
+    iLayoutOrientation = ( height > width ) ? EVertical : EHorizontal;
+    TBool isLandscape( Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() );
+    TAknWindowComponentLayout indicatorIconLayout(
+        AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::indicator_pane_g1( isLandscape ) );
+    if ( iIndicatorContext != EUniversalIndicators )
+        {
+        // Editor indicators
+        if ( iAlignment == TIndicatorAlignment( ERight ) )
+            {
+            containerRect.iBr.iX -= 4; // Right margin of editor indicators
+            containerRect.iTl.iX += 6; // Left margin of editor indicators
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            containerRect.iBr.iX -= 6; // Right margin of editor indicators
+            containerRect.iTl.iX += 1; // Left margin of editor indicators
+            }
+        }
+    else if ( iLayoutOrientation == EHorizontal )
+        {
+        TAknWindowLineLayout indicatorLayout = AknLayout::Indicator_pane_elements_Line_1();
+        TAknLayoutRect indicatorLayoutRect;
+        indicatorLayoutRect.LayoutRect(containerRect, indicatorLayout);
+        TRect indicatorRect( indicatorLayoutRect.Rect() );
+        // Layout adaptation layer does not work correctly. Access the layout data directly in
+        // scalable UI...and calculate...
+        TAknWindowLineLayout layout1( AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::indicator_pane_g1(0).LayoutLine() );
+        indicatorLayoutRect.LayoutRect(containerRect, layout1);
+        indicatorRect = indicatorLayoutRect.Rect();
+        // variety 1 is only valid in landscape layouts
+        if(Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation())
+            {
+            TAknWindowLineLayout layout2 = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::indicator_pane_g1(1).LayoutLine();
+            indicatorLayoutRect.LayoutRect(containerRect, layout2);
+            TRect rect2( indicatorLayoutRect.Rect() );
+            indicatorRect.BoundingRect(rect2);
+            }
+        containerRect.iBr.iX = indicatorRect.iBr.iX;
+        containerRect.iTl.iX = indicatorRect.iTl.iX;
+        }
+    // Available space for indicators
+    TRect rect( containerRect );
+    height = rect.Height();
+    width  = rect.Width();
+    TInt verticalIndicatorOffset        = rect.iTl.iY;
+    TInt verticalOffsetForTextIndicator = verticalIndicatorOffset;
+    TAknLayoutText layoutText;
+    layoutText.LayoutText(
+        Rect(),
+        TAknWindowComponentLayout::ComposeText(
+            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::navi_text_pane( 0 ),
+            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::navi_text_pane_t1() ) );
+    TAknLayoutRect editingIconLayoutRect;
+    editingIconLayoutRect.LayoutRect(
+        Rect(),
+        TAknWindowComponentLayout::Compose(
+            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::navi_icon_pane( 0 ),
+            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::navi_icon_pane_g1() ) );
+    if ( iIndicatorContext != EUniversalIndicators )
+        {
+        if ( iIndicatorContext == ENaviPaneEditorIndicators )
+            {
+            verticalIndicatorOffset += editingIconLayoutRect.Rect().iTl.iY;
+            verticalOffsetForTextIndicator = layoutText.TextRect().iTl.iY;
+            }
+        // In query editor indicators have offset 0
+        }
+    else if ( iLayoutOrientation == EHorizontal )
+        {
+        TAknLayoutRect indicatorLayoutRect;
+        indicatorLayoutRect.LayoutRect( containerRect, indicatorIconLayout );
+        TRect indicatorRect( indicatorLayoutRect.Rect() );
+        verticalIndicatorOffset += indicatorRect.iTl.iY;
+        }
+    TInt verticalOffset = verticalIndicatorOffset;
+    // If layout orientation has been changed since last call,
+    // prioritize indicators again.
+    if ( iLayoutOrientation != iPreviousLayoutOrientation )
+        {
+        // Following leave is ignored.
+        // In case of leave indicators are not maybe shown correctly.
+        TRAP_IGNORE ( PrioritizeIndicatorsL() );
+        }
+    iIndicatorsShown         = 0;
+    iAnimatedIndicatorsShown = 0;
+    TInt last                = iIndicators->Count() - 1;
+    TRect rectForRightSideIndicators( containerRect.iBr.iX,
+                                      containerRect.iTl.iY,
+                                      containerRect.iBr.iX,
+                                      containerRect.iBr.iY );
+    TRect rectForLeftSideIndicators( containerRect.iTl.iX,
+                                     containerRect.iTl.iY,
+                                     containerRect.iTl.iX,
+                                     containerRect.iBr.iY );
+    // Not really supported in this layout.
+    TRect rectForMiddleIndicators( TRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
+    for ( TInt ii = 0; ii <= last; ii++ )
+        {
+        CAknIndicator* indicator = iIndicators->At( ii );
+        if ( !indicator->IndicatorState() ||
+             indicator->Priority() == KIndicatorNotShown )
+            {
+            // Indicator is not shown on current layout even it is set ON.
+            continue;
+            }
+        TInt uid = indicator->Uid().iUid;
+        if ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorSecuredConnection ||
+             uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorProgressBar       ||
+             uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWmlWaitGlobe      ||
+             uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorGprs              ||
+             uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorFileSize          ||
+             uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWaitBar           ||
+             uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWlanAvailable     ||
+             uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWlanActive        ||
+             uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWlanActiveSecure )
+            {
+            // These indicators are not shown in this statuspane layout.
+            indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+            iIndicatorsShown++;
+            continue;
+            }
+        if ( iLayoutOrientation == EVertical )
+            {
+            // Highest priority indicator is put topmost.
+            if ( height < indicator->IconSize().iHeight )
+                {
+                // Space for indicators is full.
+                // Rest of low priority indicators are not shown.
+                break;
+                }
+            // Position indicators side by side.
+            if ( iAlignment == TIndicatorAlignment( ERight ) )
+                {
+                indicator->SetExtent( rect.iTl, indicator->IconSize() );
+                }
+            // If layout is left aligned, must leave one pixel to the left empty.
+            else
+                {
+                indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( rect.iTl.iX + 1, rect.iTl.iY ),
+                                      indicator->IconSize() );
+                }
+            rect.iTl.iY += indicator->IconSize().iHeight;
+            height       = rect.Height();
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // Code to set indicator positions starts,
+            // supports dynamic text indicators.
+            verticalOffset = verticalIndicatorOffset;
+            // Decide here how indicators are positioned.
+            // Default is right side.
+            TInt indicatorPosition = indicator->IndicatorPosition();
+            TInt leftOffset  = 0;  // default offset
+            TInt rightOffset = 0;  // default offset
+            TInt indicatorWidth  = indicator->IconSize().iWidth;  // default width
+            TInt indicatorHeight = indicator->IconSize().iHeight; // default height
+            TBool textIndicatorOffsetNeeded = ETrue;
+            TInt textIndicatorLeftOffset = KMinSpaceBetweenIconsInPixels;
+            if ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorMessageInfo    ||
+                 uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWmlWindowsText ||
+                 uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorMessageLength )
+                {
+                verticalOffset = verticalOffsetForTextIndicator;
+                // First text indicator need horizontal offset.
+                if ( textIndicatorOffsetNeeded )
+                    {
+                    leftOffset += textIndicatorLeftOffset;
+                    }
+                textIndicatorOffsetNeeded = EFalse;
+                }
+            if ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorFileSize )
+                {
+                verticalOffset = verticalOffsetForTextIndicator;
+                // Need left offset in western, right offset in A&H layout.
+                if( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() )
+                    {
+                    rightOffset = textIndicatorLeftOffset;
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    leftOffset  = KMinSpaceBetweenIconsInPixels;
+                    }
+                }
+            if( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() )
+                {
+                TInt temp   = leftOffset;
+                leftOffset  = rightOffset;
+                rightOffset = temp;
+                }
+            // Place indicators to the leftside.
+            if ( ( indicatorPosition == ELeftSide &&
+                   iAlignment == TIndicatorAlignment( ERight ) ) ||
+                 ( indicatorPosition == ERightSide &&
+                   iAlignment == TIndicatorAlignment( ELeft ) ) )
+                {
+                TRect requiredRect(
+                    rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iX,
+                    rectForLeftSideIndicators.iTl.iY,
+                    rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iX + leftOffset + indicatorWidth + rightOffset,
+                    rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iY );
+                // Check if indicator fits.
+                TBool indicatorDoesNotFit =
+                    ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForRightSideIndicators ) ||
+                      requiredRect.Intersects( rectForMiddleIndicators )    ||
+                      containerRect.iTl.iX > requiredRect.iTl.iX            ||
+                      containerRect.iBr.iX < requiredRect.iBr.iX );
+                if ( indicatorDoesNotFit &&
+                     !indicator->DynamicTextIndicator() )
+                    {
+                    indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+                    iIndicatorsShown++;
+                    continue;
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    if ( indicator->DynamicTextIndicator() && indicatorDoesNotFit )
+                        {
+                        // Dynamic text indicators (not normal text indicators)
+                        // can adjust to any size.
+                        TInt maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                            containerRect.iBr.iX - requiredRect.iTl.iX;
+                        if ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForRightSideIndicators ) )
+                            {
+                            maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                                rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iX - requiredRect.iTl.iX;
+                            }
+                        if ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForMiddleIndicators ) )
+                            {
+                            maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                                rectForMiddleIndicators.iTl.iX - requiredRect.iTl.iX;
+                            }
+                        indicator->SetExtent(
+                            TPoint( requiredRect.iTl.iX + leftOffset, verticalOffset ),
+                            TSize( maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator, indicatorHeight ) );
+                        rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iX =
+                            indicator->Position().iX + indicator->Size().iWidth;
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        indicator->SetExtent(
+                            TPoint( requiredRect.iTl.iX + leftOffset, verticalOffset ),
+                            TSize( indicatorWidth, indicatorHeight ) );
+                        rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iX = requiredRect.iBr.iX;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            // Place indicators on the right side.
+            if ( ( indicatorPosition == ERightSide &&
+                   iAlignment == TIndicatorAlignment( ERight ) ) ||
+                 ( indicatorPosition == ELeftSide &&
+                   iAlignment == TIndicatorAlignment( ELeft ) ) )
+                {
+                TRect requiredRect(
+                    rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iX - leftOffset - indicatorWidth - rightOffset,
+                    rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iY,
+                    rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iX,
+                    rectForRightSideIndicators.iBr.iY );
+                // Check if indicator fits.
+                 TBool indicatorDoesNotFit =
+                     ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForLeftSideIndicators ) ||
+                       requiredRect.Intersects( rectForMiddleIndicators )   ||
+                       containerRect.iTl.iX > requiredRect.iTl.iX           ||
+                       containerRect.iBr.iX < requiredRect.iBr.iX );
+                if ( indicatorDoesNotFit &&
+                     !indicator->DynamicTextIndicator() )
+                    {
+                    indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+                    iIndicatorsShown++;
+                    continue;
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    if ( indicator->DynamicTextIndicator() && indicatorDoesNotFit )
+                        {
+                        // Dynamic text indicators (not normal text indicators)
+                        // can adjust to any size.
+                        TInt maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                            requiredRect.iBr.iX - containerRect.iTl.iX - leftOffset;
+                        if ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForLeftSideIndicators ) )
+                            {
+                            maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                                requiredRect.iBr.iX - rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iX;
+                            }
+                        if ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForMiddleIndicators ) )
+                            {
+                            maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                                requiredRect.iBr.iX - rectForMiddleIndicators.iBr.iX;
+                            }
+                        indicator->SetExtent(
+                            TPoint( requiredRect.iBr.iX - maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator + leftOffset,
+                                    verticalOffset ),
+                            TSize( maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator, indicatorHeight ) );
+                        rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iX = indicator->Position().iX;
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        indicator->SetExtent(
+                            TPoint( requiredRect.iTl.iX + leftOffset, verticalOffset ),
+                            TSize( indicatorWidth, indicatorHeight ) );
+                        rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iX = requiredRect.iTl.iX;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            // Place indicators to the middle if any.
+            if ( indicatorPosition == EMiddle )
+                {
+                // Not supported for now, always set size to zero.
+                indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+                iIndicatorsShown++;
+                }
+            }
+        iIndicatorsShown++;
+        if ( indicator->IndicatorState() == MAknIndicator::EIndicatorAnimate )
+            {
+            iAnimatedIndicatorsShown++;
+            }
+        }
+    // Code for setting indicator positions ends.
+    ResetAnimTicker( iExtension->iIsForeground );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::SizeChangedInExtendedStatusPane
+// Handles size change events in extended status pane layouts.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknIndicatorContainer::SizeChangedInExtendedStatusPane()
+    {
+    TRect containerRect( Rect() );
+    TBool hdLayout( AknStatuspaneUtils::HDLayoutActive() );
+    // In landscape layoutdata there is not yet data
+    // so we approximate a bit here...
+    if ( AknStatuspaneUtils::ExtendedStaconPaneActive() )
+        {
+        containerRect.iTl.iY += Rect().Size().iHeight / 9;
+        containerRect.iBr.iY -= Rect().Size().iHeight / 9;
+        }
+    if ( iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators )
+        {
+        iLayoutOrientation = EHorizontal;
+        if ( hdLayout )
+            {
+            if ( !AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() )
+                {
+                iAlignment = TIndicatorAlignment( ELeft );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                iAlignment = TIndicatorAlignment( ERight );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    // Available space for indicators
+    TRect rect( containerRect );
+    // If layout orientation has been changed since last call, prioritize indicators again.
+    if ( iLayoutOrientation != iPreviousLayoutOrientation )
+        {
+        TRAP_IGNORE ( PrioritizeIndicatorsL() );
+        }
+    iIndicatorsShown         = 0;
+    iAnimatedIndicatorsShown = 0;
+    TInt last = iIndicators->Count() - 1;
+    if ( iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators )
+        {
+        TRect parent( rect );
+        // Read the maximum amount of indicators in one row
+        // from the layout data.
+        TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits limit(
+            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::cell_indicator_nsta_pane_ParamLimits() );
+        TInt maxIndicatorsShown = limit.LastColumn() + 1;
+        TInt indicatorNumberVariety = 0;
+        if ( maxIndicatorsShown == 4 )
+            {
+            indicatorNumberVariety = 1;
+            }
+        TAknLayoutRect layoutRect;
+        TAknWindowLineLayout cellLayout;
+        TAknWindowComponentLayout indicatorLayout(
+            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::cell_indicator_nsta_pane_g2( hdLayout ) );
+        TInt totalIndicatorsOn( 0 );
+        // Need to go through the indicator array two times
+        // to be able to place the indicators in correct order.
+        for ( TInt i = 0; i <= last; i++ )
+            {
+            CAknIndicator* indicator = iIndicators->At( i );
+            if ( indicator->IndicatorState() &&
+                 indicator->Priority() != KIndicatorNotShown )
+                {
+                totalIndicatorsOn++;
+                }
+            }
+        for ( TInt ii = 0; ii <= last; ii++ )
+            {
+            CAknIndicator* indicator = iIndicators->At( ii );
+            if ( !indicator->IndicatorState() ||
+                 indicator->Priority() == KIndicatorNotShown )
+                {
+                // Indicator is not shown on current layout even it is set ON.
+                continue;
+                }
+            iIndicatorsShown++;
+            if ( iIndicatorsShown > maxIndicatorsShown )
+                {
+                // Maximum number of indicators is already shown.
+                indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+                break;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                TInt columnVariety( iIndicatorsShown - 1 );
+                if ( !hdLayout && totalIndicatorsOn < maxIndicatorsShown )
+                    {
+                    if ( totalIndicatorsOn == 1 )
+                        {
+                        columnVariety = maxIndicatorsShown - 1;
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        columnVariety = iIndicatorsShown;
+                        }
+                    }
+                // set indicator sizes here, leftmost cell first if we are in
+                // HD status pane layout, otherwise rightmost cell first.
+                cellLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::cell_indicator_nsta_pane(
+                    columnVariety,
+                    indicatorNumberVariety ).LayoutLine();
+                layoutRect.LayoutRect( parent, cellLayout );
+                TRect cell( layoutRect.Rect() );
+                layoutRect.LayoutRect( cell, indicatorLayout );
+                TRect indicatorRect( layoutRect.Rect() );
+                // FIXME: Layout is broken, we fix it here.
+                // Remove this when layout is fixed.
+                if ( indicatorRect.iBr.iX > cell.iBr.iX )
+                    {
+                    indicatorRect.iBr.iX = cell.iBr.iX;
+                    }
+                if ( indicatorRect.iTl.iX < cell.iTl.iX )
+                    {
+                    indicatorRect.iTl.iX = cell.iTl.iX;
+                    }
+                // End of FIXME
+                // TBD: When touch is supported, the size may have
+                // to be reconsidered.
+                indicator->SetRect( indicatorRect );
+                }
+            if ( indicator->IndicatorState() == MAknIndicator::EIndicatorAnimate )
+                {
+                iAnimatedIndicatorsShown++;
+                }
+            } // for
+        ResetAnimTicker( iExtension->iIsForeground );
+        } // if universal indicators.
+    else  // Editor indicators.
+        {
+        // Navi and query editor indicators are always horizontally
+        // arranged in extended status pane layouts.
+        iLayoutOrientation = EHorizontal;
+        TInt verticalIndicatorOffset        = rect.iTl.iY;
+        TInt verticalOffsetForTextIndicator = verticalIndicatorOffset;
+        // Text layout.
+        TAknLayoutText layoutText;
+        layoutText.LayoutText(
+            rect, AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::navi_text_pane_t1() );
+        // Offsets calculated from layout data.
+        TAknLayoutRect editingIconLayoutRect;
+        editingIconLayoutRect.LayoutRect(
+            rect, AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::navi_icon_pane_g1( 1 ) );
+        if ( iIndicatorContext == ENaviPaneEditorIndicators )
+            {
+            verticalIndicatorOffset        += editingIconLayoutRect.Rect().iTl.iY;
+            verticalOffsetForTextIndicator = layoutText.TextRect().iTl.iY;
+            }
+        // In query editor indicators have offset 0
+        TInt verticalOffset = verticalIndicatorOffset;
+        // If layout orientation has been changed since last call, prioritize indicators again.
+        if ( iLayoutOrientation != iPreviousLayoutOrientation )
+            {
+            // Following leave is ignored.
+            // In case of leave indicators are not maybe shown correctly.
+            TRAP_IGNORE ( PrioritizeIndicatorsL() );
+            }
+        iIndicatorsShown         = 0;
+        iAnimatedIndicatorsShown = 0;
+        TInt last                = iIndicators->Count() - 1;
+        // Check if the secured connection indicator is on before
+        // reading the layouts because of different positioning
+        // of wait and progress bars with that indicator on.
+        TBool secureConnectionIndicOn( EFalse );
+        for ( TInt i = 0; i <= last; i++ )
+            {
+            CAknIndicator* indicator = iIndicators->At( i );
+            if ( indicator->Uid().iUid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorSecuredConnection &&
+                 indicator->IndicatorState() &&
+                 indicator->Priority() != KIndicatorNotShown )
+                {
+                secureConnectionIndicOn = ETrue;
+                }
+            }
+        // Wait bar layout.
+        TAknWindowComponentLayout smallStatusWaitPaneLayout(
+            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::status_small_wait_pane(
+                secureConnectionIndicOn ? 2 : 1 ) );
+        TAknLayoutRect smallStatusWaitPaneLayoutRect;
+        smallStatusWaitPaneLayoutRect.LayoutRect(
+            rect, smallStatusWaitPaneLayout );
+        TRect smallStatusWaitPaneRect( smallStatusWaitPaneLayoutRect.Rect() );
+        // Globe layout.
+        TAknLayoutRect smallStatusWmlGlobeLayoutRect;
+        smallStatusWmlGlobeLayoutRect.LayoutRect(
+            rect, AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::status_small_pane_g4( 0 ) );
+        TRect smallStatusWmlGlobeRect( smallStatusWmlGlobeLayoutRect.Rect() );
+        TInt wmlWaitGlobeLeftOffset =
+            rect.Width() / 2 - smallStatusWmlGlobeRect.Width() / 2;
+        TRect rectForRightSideIndicators( rect.iBr.iX,
+                                          rect.iTl.iY,
+                                          rect.iBr.iX,
+                                          rect.iBr.iY );
+        TRect rectForLeftSideIndicators( rect.iTl.iX,
+                                         rect.iTl.iY,
+                                         rect.iTl.iX,
+                                         rect.iBr.iY );
+        TRect rectForMiddleIndicators( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); // Not used in portrait.
+        if ( hdLayout )
+            {
+            rectForMiddleIndicators = TRect( wmlWaitGlobeLeftOffset,
+                                             rect.iTl.iY,
+                                             wmlWaitGlobeLeftOffset,
+                                             rect.iBr.iY );
+            }
+        for ( TInt ii = 0; ii <= last; ii++ )
+            {
+            CAknIndicator* indicator = iIndicators->At( ii );
+            // Check if indicator is not shown on current layout even it is set ON.
+            if ( !indicator->IndicatorState() ||
+                 indicator->Priority() == KIndicatorNotShown )
+                {
+                continue;
+                }
+            TInt uid                 = indicator->Uid().iUid;
+            TInt indicatorPosition   = indicator->IndicatorPosition();
+            // Handle indicators that are not shown in this layout here.
+            // Check if this is gprs indicator, it is never shown here but is drawn
+            // to the signal pane by the system
+            if ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorGprs )
+                {
+                indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+                iIndicatorsShown++;
+                continue;
+                }
+            else if ( ( !hdLayout &&
+                        ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorSecuredConnection ||
+                          uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorProgressBar       ||
+                          uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWmlWaitGlobe      ||
+                          uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorGprs              ||
+                          uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorFileSize          ||
+                          uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWaitBar ) ) ||
+                      ( hdLayout &&
+                        ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWlanAvailable     ||
+                          uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWlanActive        ||
+                          uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWlanActiveSecure ) ) )
+                {
+                // These indicators are not shown in this statuspane layout
+                indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+                iIndicatorsShown++;
+                continue;
+                }
+            // End of layout exceptions
+            // Calculate offsets.
+            TInt leftOffset     = 0;  // default offset
+            TInt rightOffset    = 0;  // default offset
+            TSize indicatorSize  = indicator->IconSize();
+            TInt indicatorWidth  = indicatorSize.iWidth;  // default width
+            TInt indicatorHeight = indicatorSize.iHeight; // default height
+            switch ( uid )
+                {
+                case EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorMessageInfo:
+                case EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWmlWindowsText:
+                case EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorMessageLength:
+                    {
+                    verticalOffset = verticalOffsetForTextIndicator;
+                    break;
+                    }
+                case EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorFileSize:
+                    {
+                    verticalOffset = verticalOffsetForTextIndicator;
+                    leftOffset     = KMinSpaceBetweenIconsInPixels;
+                    break;
+                    }
+                case EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorSecuredConnection:
+                case EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWlanAvailable:
+                case EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWlanActive:
+                case EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWlanActiveSecure:
+                    {
+                    // Because icon bitmap does not contain enough space,
+                    // increase offset as the layout spec states.
+                    if ( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() )
+                        {
+                        leftOffset = KMinSpaceBetweenIconsInPixels;
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        rightOffset = KMinSpaceBetweenIconsInPixels;
+                        }
+                    break;
+                    }
+                case EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWmlWaitGlobe:
+                    {
+                    verticalOffset = ( rect.Height() - indicator->IconSize().iHeight ) / 2;
+                    indicatorWidth = smallStatusWmlGlobeRect.Width();
+                    break;
+                    }
+                case EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorProgressBar:
+                    {
+                    indicatorWidth  = smallStatusWaitPaneRect.Width();
+                    indicatorHeight = smallStatusWaitPaneRect.Height();
+                    leftOffset      = KMinSpaceBetweenIconsInPixels;
+                    break;
+                    }
+                case EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWaitBar:
+                    {
+                    indicatorWidth  = smallStatusWaitPaneRect.Width();
+                    indicatorHeight = smallStatusWaitPaneRect.Height();
+                    leftOffset      = KMinSpaceBetweenIconsInPixels;
+                    break;
+                    }
+                default:
+                    {
+                    // Default offsets.
+                    break;
+                    }
+                }
+            // End of offset calculations.
+            // Place indicators to the left side.
+            if ( ( indicatorPosition == ELeftSide  &&
+                   iAlignment == TIndicatorAlignment( ERight ) ) ||
+                 ( indicatorPosition == ERightSide &&
+                   iAlignment == TIndicatorAlignment( ELeft ) ) )
+                {
+                TRect requiredRect(
+                    rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iX,
+                    rectForLeftSideIndicators.iTl.iY,
+                    rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iX + leftOffset + indicatorWidth + rightOffset,
+                    rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iY );
+                // Check if indicator fits
+                TBool indicatorDoesNotFit =
+                    requiredRect.Intersects( rectForRightSideIndicators ) ||
+                    requiredRect.Intersects( rectForMiddleIndicators )    ||
+                    rect.iTl.iX > requiredRect.iTl.iX                     ||
+                    rect.iBr.iX < requiredRect.iBr.iX;
+                if ( indicatorDoesNotFit &&
+                     !indicator->DynamicTextIndicator() )
+                    {
+                    indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+                    iIndicatorsShown++;
+                    continue;
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    if ( indicator->DynamicTextIndicator() && indicatorDoesNotFit )
+                        {
+                        // Dynamic text indicators (not normal text indicators) can adjust to any size.
+                        TInt maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                            rect.iBr.iX - requiredRect.iTl.iX;
+                        if ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForRightSideIndicators ) )
+                            {
+                            maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                                rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iX - requiredRect.iTl.iX;
+                            }
+                        if ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForMiddleIndicators ) )
+                            {
+                            maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                                rectForMiddleIndicators.iTl.iX - requiredRect.iTl.iX;
+                            }
+                        indicator->SetExtent(
+                            TPoint( requiredRect.iTl.iX + leftOffset,
+                                    verticalOffset ),
+                            TSize( maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator,
+                                   indicatorHeight ) );
+                        // Adjust remaining space.
+                        rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iX =
+                            indicator->Position().iX + indicator->Size().iWidth;
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        indicator->SetExtent(
+                            TPoint( requiredRect.iTl.iX + leftOffset,
+                                    verticalOffset ),
+                            TSize( indicatorWidth,
+                                   indicatorHeight ) );
+                        // Adjust remaining space.
+                        rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iX = requiredRect.iBr.iX;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            // Place indicators on the right side.
+            if ( ( indicatorPosition == ERightSide &&
+                   iAlignment == TIndicatorAlignment( ERight ) ) ||
+                 ( indicatorPosition == ELeftSide  &&
+                   iAlignment == TIndicatorAlignment( ELeft ) ) )
+                {
+                TRect requiredRect(
+                    rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iX - leftOffset - indicatorWidth - rightOffset,
+                    rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iY,
+                    rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iX,
+                    rectForRightSideIndicators.iBr.iY );
+                // Check if indicator fits.
+                 TBool indicatorDoesNotFit =
+                     ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForLeftSideIndicators ) ||
+                       requiredRect.Intersects( rectForMiddleIndicators )   ||
+                       rect.iTl.iX > requiredRect.iTl.iX                    ||
+                       rect.iBr.iX < requiredRect.iBr.iX );
+                if ( indicatorDoesNotFit &&
+                     !indicator->DynamicTextIndicator() )
+                    {
+                    indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+                    iIndicatorsShown++;
+                    continue;
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    if ( indicator->DynamicTextIndicator() && indicatorDoesNotFit )
+                        {
+                        // Dynamic text indicators (not normal text indicators)
+                        // can adjust to any size.
+                        TInt maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                            requiredRect.iBr.iX - rect.iTl.iX  - leftOffset;
+                        if ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForLeftSideIndicators ) )
+                            {
+                            maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                                requiredRect.iBr.iX - rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iX;
+                            }
+                        if ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForMiddleIndicators ) )
+                            {
+                            maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                                requiredRect.iBr.iX - rectForMiddleIndicators.iBr.iX;
+                            }
+                        indicator->SetExtent(
+                            TPoint( requiredRect.iBr.iX - maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator - leftOffset,
+                                    verticalOffset),
+                            TSize( maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator, indicatorHeight ) );
+                        // Adjust remaining space.
+                        rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iX = indicator->Position().iX;
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        indicator->SetExtent(
+                            TPoint( requiredRect.iTl.iX + leftOffset,
+                                    verticalOffset),
+                            indicatorSize );
+                        // Adjust remaining space.
+                        rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iX = requiredRect.iTl.iX;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            // Place indicators to the middle, only indicator
+            // at the moment is the wml wait globe.
+            if ( indicatorPosition == EMiddle )
+                {
+                TRect requiredRect(
+                    rectForMiddleIndicators.iTl.iX,
+                    rectForMiddleIndicators.iTl.iY,
+                    rectForMiddleIndicators.iTl.iX + leftOffset + indicatorWidth + rightOffset,
+                    rectForMiddleIndicators.iBr.iY );
+                // Check if indicator fits.
+                if ( ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForRightSideIndicators ) ||
+                       requiredRect.Intersects( rectForLeftSideIndicators ) )  ||
+                     rectForMiddleIndicators.Width() != 0 )
+                    {
+                    // No space available in the middle.
+                    indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+                    iIndicatorsShown++;
+                    continue;
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    indicator->SetExtent(
+                        TPoint( rectForMiddleIndicators.iTl.iX + leftOffset,
+                                verticalOffset ),
+                        indicatorSize );
+                    // Adjust remaining space.
+                    rectForMiddleIndicators.iTl.iX += rightOffset + indicatorWidth;
+                    }
+                }
+            iIndicatorsShown++;
+            if ( indicator->IndicatorState() == MAknIndicator::EIndicatorAnimate )
+                {
+                iAnimatedIndicatorsShown++;
+                }
+            } // for
+        // Code for setting indicator positions ends.
+        ResetAnimTicker( iExtension->iIsForeground );
+        }
+    }
+void CAknIndicatorContainer::SizeChangedInIdleExtendedStatusPane()
+    {
+    TRect containerRect( Rect() );
+    if (iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators)
+        {
+        iLayoutOrientation = EHorizontal;
+        }
+    // Available space for indicators
+    TRect rect(containerRect);
+    // If layout orientation has been changed since last call, prioritize indicators again.
+    if ( iLayoutOrientation != iPreviousLayoutOrientation )
+        {
+        TRAP_IGNORE ( PrioritizeIndicatorsL() );
+        }
+    iIndicatorsShown = 0;
+    iAnimatedIndicatorsShown = 0;
+    TInt last = iIndicators->Count() - 1;
+    if (iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators)
+        {
+        TRect parent( rect );
+        TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits limit =
+            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::cell_indicator_nsta_pane_ParamLimits();
+        TInt maxIndicatorsShownInOneLine = 3; // magic
+        TAknLayoutRect layoutRect;
+        TAknWindowLineLayout cellLayout;
+        TAknWindowLineLayout indicatorLayout;
+        TInt totalIndicatorsOn = 0;
+        // Need to go through the indicator array two times
+        // to be able to place the indicators in correct order.
+        for ( TInt i = 0; i <= last; i++ )
+            {
+            CAknIndicator* indicator = iIndicators->At( i );
+            if ( indicator->IndicatorState() &&
+                 indicator->Priority() != KIndicatorNotShown )
+                {
+                totalIndicatorsOn++;
+                }
+            }
+        for ( TInt ii = 0; ii <= last; ii++ )
+            {
+            CAknIndicator* indicator = iIndicators->At(ii);
+            if ( !indicator->IndicatorState() || (indicator->Priority() == KIndicatorNotShown))
+                {
+                // Indicator is not shown on current layout even it is set ON.
+                continue;
+                }
+            iIndicatorsShown++;
+            if (iIndicatorsShown > maxIndicatorsShownInOneLine * 2)
+                {
+                indicator->SetExtent(TPoint(0,0), TSize(0,0));
+                break;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                TInt indicatorRow = ( iIndicatorsShown - 1 ) / maxIndicatorsShownInOneLine;
+                TInt columnVariety =
+                    iIndicatorsShown - maxIndicatorsShownInOneLine * indicatorRow - 1;
+                if ( ( totalIndicatorsOn < maxIndicatorsShownInOneLine &&
+                       indicatorRow == 0 ) ||
+                     ( totalIndicatorsOn > maxIndicatorsShownInOneLine &&
+                       totalIndicatorsOn < maxIndicatorsShownInOneLine * 2 &&
+                       indicatorRow == 1 ) )
+                    {
+                    if ( totalIndicatorsOn == 1 ||
+                         totalIndicatorsOn == maxIndicatorsShownInOneLine + 1 )
+                        {
+                        columnVariety = maxIndicatorsShownInOneLine - 1;
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        columnVariety =
+                            iIndicatorsShown - maxIndicatorsShownInOneLine * indicatorRow;
+                        }
+                    }
+                // set indicator sizes here...rightmost cell first
+                cellLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::cell_indicator_nsta_pane(
+                    columnVariety,
+                    2,
+                    indicatorRow ).LayoutLine();
+                layoutRect.LayoutRect( parent, cellLayout );
+                TRect cell( layoutRect.Rect() );
+                indicatorLayout =
+                    AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::cell_indicator_nsta_pane_g2().LayoutLine();
+                layoutRect.LayoutRect(cell,indicatorLayout);
+                TRect indicatorRect( layoutRect.Rect() );
+                // FIXME: Layout is broken, we fix it here. Remove this when layout is fixed.
+                if (indicatorRect.iBr.iX > cell.iBr.iX)
+                    indicatorRect.iBr.iX = cell.iBr.iX;
+                if (indicatorRect.iTl.iX < cell.iTl.iX)
+                    indicatorRect.iTl.iX = cell.iTl.iX;
+                // End of FIXME
+                // TBD: When touch is supported, the size may have to be reconsidered.
+                indicator->SetRect(indicatorRect);
+                }
+            if (indicator->IndicatorState() == MAknIndicator::EIndicatorAnimate)
+                {
+                iAnimatedIndicatorsShown++;
+                }
+            } // for
+        ResetAnimTicker( iExtension->iIsForeground );
+        } // if universal indicators
+    }
+void CAknIndicatorContainer::SizeChangedInFlatStatusPane()
+    {
+    TRect containerRect(Rect());
+    if (iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators)
+        {
+        iLayoutOrientation = EVertical;
+        }
+    // Available space for indicators
+    TRect rect(containerRect);
+    // If layout orientation has been changed since last call, prioritize indicators again.
+    if ( iLayoutOrientation != iPreviousLayoutOrientation )
+        {
+        TRAP_IGNORE ( PrioritizeIndicatorsL() );
+        }
+    iIndicatorsShown = 0;
+    iAnimatedIndicatorsShown = 0;
+    TInt last = iIndicators->Count() - 1;
+    if (iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators)
+        {
+        TAknLayoutRect layoutRect;
+        TAknWindowComponentLayout indicatorLayout;
+        TBool extendedFlatLayout(
+            AknStatuspaneUtils::ExtendedFlatLayoutActive() );
+        for (TInt ii = 0; ii <= last; ii++)
+            {
+            CAknIndicator* indicator = iIndicators->At(ii);
+            if ( !indicator->IndicatorState() || (indicator->Priority() == KIndicatorNotShown))
+                {
+                // Indicator is not shown on current layout even it is set ON.
+                continue;
+                }
+            iIndicatorsShown++;
+            TBool showIndicator( ETrue );
+            switch ( iIndicatorsShown )
+                {
+                case 1:
+                    {
+                    if ( extendedFlatLayout )
+                        {
+                        indicatorLayout =
+                            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::indicator_nsta_pane_cp_g1( 0 );
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        indicatorLayout =
+                            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::uni_indicator_pane_g1( 1 );
+                        }
+                    break;
+                    }
+                case 2:
+                    {
+                    if ( extendedFlatLayout )
+                        {
+                        indicatorLayout =
+                            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::indicator_nsta_pane_cp_g2( 0 );
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        indicatorLayout =
+                            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::uni_indicator_pane_g2( 1 );
+                        }
+                    break;
+                    }
+                case 3:
+                    {
+                    if ( extendedFlatLayout )
+                        {
+                        indicatorLayout =
+                            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::indicator_nsta_pane_cp_g3( 0 );
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        indicatorLayout =
+                            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::uni_indicator_pane_g3( 1 );
+                        }
+                    break;
+                    }
+                case 4:
+                    {
+                    if ( extendedFlatLayout )
+                        {
+                        indicatorLayout =
+                            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::indicator_nsta_pane_cp_g4( 0 );
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        indicatorLayout =
+                            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::uni_indicator_pane_g4( 1 );
+                        }
+                    break;
+                    }
+                case 5:
+                    {
+                    if ( extendedFlatLayout )
+                        {
+                        indicatorLayout =
+                            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::indicator_nsta_pane_cp_g5( 0 );
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        indicatorLayout =
+                            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::uni_indicator_pane_g5( 1 );
+                        }
+                    break;
+                    }
+                case 6:
+                    {
+                    if ( extendedFlatLayout )
+                        {
+                        indicatorLayout =
+                            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::indicator_nsta_pane_cp_g6( 0 );
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        indicatorLayout =
+                            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::uni_indicator_pane_g6( 1 );
+                        }
+                    break;
+                    }
+                default:
+                    {
+                    showIndicator = EFalse;
+                    break;
+                    }
+                }
+            if ( showIndicator )
+                {
+                layoutRect.LayoutRect( containerRect, indicatorLayout );
+                indicator->SetRect( layoutRect.Rect() );
+                }
+            else // Maximum indicator are shown, others are invisible.
+                {
+                indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+                }
+            if (indicator->IndicatorState() == MAknIndicator::EIndicatorAnimate)
+                {
+                iAnimatedIndicatorsShown++;
+                }
+            } // for
+        ResetAnimTicker( iExtension->iIsForeground );
+        } // if universal indicators
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::SizeChangedInStaconPane
+// Handles size change events in stacon pane layouts.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknIndicatorContainer::SizeChangedInStaconPane()
+    {
+    TRect containerRect( Rect() );
+    if ( iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators )
+        {
+        if ( AknStatuspaneUtils::IdleLayoutActive() )
+            {
+            iLayoutOrientation = EHorizontal;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            iLayoutOrientation = EVertical;
+            }
+        }
+    // Available space for indicators.
+    TRect rect( containerRect );
+    // If layout orientation has been changed since last call,
+    // prioritize indicators again.
+    if ( iLayoutOrientation != iPreviousLayoutOrientation )
+        {
+        // Following leave is ignored.
+        // In case of leave indicators are not maybe shown correctly.
+        TRAP_IGNORE ( PrioritizeIndicatorsL() );
+        }
+    iIndicatorsShown         = 0;
+    iAnimatedIndicatorsShown = 0;
+    TInt last                = iIndicators->Count() - 1;
+    if ( iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators )
+        {
+        TRect parent( rect );
+        // Layout data for four indicators in stacon pane layout exists,
+        // but for only two indicators are shown.
+        for ( TInt ii = 0; ii <= last; ii++ )
+            {
+            CAknIndicator* indicator = iIndicators->At( ii );
+            if ( !indicator->IndicatorState() ||
+                 indicator->Priority() == KIndicatorNotShown )
+                {
+                // Indicator is not shown on current layout even it is set ON.
+                continue;
+                }
+            iIndicatorsShown++;
+            // No fading is done to indicators until transparent
+            // windows are available, faders always set to NULL for now.
+            CAknIndicatorFader* topFader    = NULL;
+            CAknIndicatorFader* bottomFader = NULL;
+            if ( AknStatuspaneUtils::StaconSoftKeysRight() )
+                {
+                if ( iIndicatorsShown == 1 )
+                    {
+                    indicator->SetIndicatorFader( topFader );
+                    AknLayoutUtils::LayoutControl(
+                        indicator,
+                        parent,
+                        AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::uni_indicator_pane_stacon_g1() );
+                    }
+                else if ( iIndicatorsShown == 2 )
+                    {
+                    indicator->SetIndicatorFader( bottomFader );
+                    AknLayoutUtils::LayoutControl(
+                        indicator,
+                        parent,
+                        AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::uni_indicator_pane_stacon_g2() );
+                    }
+                }
+            else if ( AknStatuspaneUtils::StaconSoftKeysLeft() )
+                {
+                // LAF does not contain mirrored lines. We mirror positions here.
+                if ( iIndicatorsShown == 1 )
+                    {
+                    indicator->SetIndicatorFader( topFader );
+                    AknLayoutUtils::LayoutControl(
+                        indicator,
+                        parent,
+                        AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::uni_indicator_pane_stacon_g3() );
+                    }
+                else if ( iIndicatorsShown == 2 )
+                    {
+                    indicator->SetIndicatorFader( bottomFader );
+                    AknLayoutUtils::LayoutControl(
+                        indicator,
+                        parent,
+                        AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::uni_indicator_pane_stacon_g4() );
+                    }
+                }
+            if ( iIndicatorsShown > 2 )
+                {
+                indicator->SetIndicatorFader( NULL );
+                indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+                break;
+                }
+            if ( indicator->IndicatorState() == MAknIndicator::EIndicatorAnimate )
+                {
+                iAnimatedIndicatorsShown++;
+                }
+            } // for
+        ResetAnimTicker( iExtension->iIsForeground );
+        } // if universal indicators
+    // Currently uses small statuspane layouts in navipane indicators because not all exist for stacon yet.
+    else if ( iIndicatorContext == ENaviPaneEditorIndicators )
+        {
+        TBool isMirrored( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() );
+        iLayoutOrientation = EHorizontal; // always horizontal
+        TRect containerRect( Rect() );
+        // Check if the secured connection indicator is on before
+        // reading the layouts because of different positioning
+        // of wait and progress bars with that indicator on.
+        TBool secureConnectionIndicOn( EFalse );
+        for ( TInt i = 0; i <= last; i++ )
+            {
+            CAknIndicator* indicator = iIndicators->At( i );
+            if ( indicator->Uid().iUid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorSecuredConnection &&
+                 indicator->IndicatorState() &&
+                 indicator->Priority() != KIndicatorNotShown )
+                {
+                secureConnectionIndicOn = ETrue;
+                }
+            }
+        // screen
+        TRect screenRect;
+        AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EScreen, screenRect );
+        // app window
+        TRect applicationWindowRect;
+        AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EApplicationWindow,
+                                           applicationWindowRect );
+        // small statuspane
+        TAknLayoutRect smallStatusPaneLayoutRect;
+        smallStatusPaneLayoutRect.LayoutRect(
+            applicationWindowRect,
+            TAknWindowComponentLayout::Compose(
+                AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::area_top_pane( 1 ),
+                AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::status_small_pane() ) );
+        TRect smallStatusPaneRect( smallStatusPaneLayoutRect.Rect() );
+        // small statuspane, wait pane
+        TAknLayoutRect smallStatusWaitPaneLayoutRect;
+        smallStatusWaitPaneLayoutRect.LayoutRect(
+            smallStatusPaneRect,
+            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::status_small_wait_pane(
+                secureConnectionIndicOn ? 2 : 1 ) );
+        TRect smallStatusWaitPaneRect( smallStatusWaitPaneLayoutRect.Rect() );
+        // small statuspane, globe
+        TAknLayoutRect smallStatusWmlGlobeLayoutRect;
+        smallStatusWmlGlobeLayoutRect.LayoutRect(
+            smallStatusPaneRect,
+            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::status_small_pane_g4( 0 ) );
+        TRect smallStatusWmlGlobeRect( smallStatusWmlGlobeLayoutRect.Rect() );
+        // small statuspane, GPRS indicator
+        TAknLayoutRect smallStatusGprsLayoutRect;
+        smallStatusGprsLayoutRect.LayoutRect(
+            smallStatusPaneRect,
+            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::status_small_pane_g2( 0 ) );
+        TRect smallStatusGprsRect( smallStatusGprsLayoutRect.Rect() );
+        // small statuspane, secure state indicator
+        TAknLayoutRect smallStatusSecureStateLayoutRect;
+        smallStatusSecureStateLayoutRect.LayoutRect(
+            smallStatusPaneRect,
+            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::status_small_pane_g3( 0 ) );
+        TRect smallStatusSecureStateRect( smallStatusSecureStateLayoutRect.Rect() );
+        // small statuspane, texts
+        TAknLayoutText textLayout;
+        textLayout.LayoutText(
+            containerRect,
+            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::status_small_pane_t1( 0 ) );
+        TRect smallStatusTextRect( textLayout.TextRect() );
+        TInt textIndicatorLeftOffset     = smallStatusTextRect.iTl.iX;
+        TInt textIndicatorVerticalOffset = smallStatusTextRect.iTl.iY;
+        TInt wmlWaitGlobeLeftOffset =
+            containerRect.Width() / 2 - smallStatusWmlGlobeRect.Width() / 2;
+        // Modify containerRect if alignment is Right.
+        // For Left aligned no need to modify containerRect.
+        if ( iAlignment == TIndicatorAlignment( ERight ) )
+            {
+            containerRect.iBr.iX -= 3; // Right margin of editor indicators
+            containerRect.iTl.iX += 0; // Left margin of editor indicators
+            }
+        iIndicatorsShown                = 0;
+        iAnimatedIndicatorsShown        = 0;
+        TBool textIndicatorOffsetNeeded = ETrue;
+        TRect rectForRightSideIndicators( containerRect.iBr.iX,
+                                          containerRect.iTl.iY,
+                                          containerRect.iBr.iX,
+                                          containerRect.iBr.iY );
+        TRect rectForLeftSideIndicators( containerRect.iTl.iX,
+                                         containerRect.iTl.iY,
+                                         containerRect.iTl.iX,
+                                         containerRect.iBr.iY );
+        TRect rectForMiddleIndicators( wmlWaitGlobeLeftOffset,
+                                       containerRect.iTl.iY,
+                                       wmlWaitGlobeLeftOffset,
+                                       containerRect.iBr.iY );
+        for ( TInt ii = 0; ii <= last; ii++ )
+            {
+            CAknIndicator* indicator = iIndicators->At( ii );
+            TInt uid = indicator->Uid().iUid;
+            TInt indicatorPosition = 0;
+            // decide here how indicators are positioned. Default is rigth side.
+            indicatorPosition = indicator->IndicatorPosition();
+            // Check if indicator is not shown on current layout even it is set ON.
+            if ( !indicator->IndicatorState() ||
+                 indicator->Priority() == KIndicatorNotShown )
+                {
+                continue;
+                }
+            // Check if this is gprs indicator, it is never shown here but is drawn
+            // to the signal pane by the system
+            if ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorGprs )
+                {
+                indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+                iIndicatorsShown++;
+                continue;
+                }
+            else if ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWlanAvailable ||
+                      uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWlanActive ||
+                      uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWlanActiveSecure )
+                {
+                // These are not shown in stacon layout navi pane, as
+                // the same indicators are shown on the universal
+                // indicator pane.
+                indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+                iIndicatorsShown++;
+                continue;
+                }
+            // handle offsets
+            TAknWindowLineLayout areaTopPaneLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::area_top_pane( 0 );
+            TAknLayoutRect areaTopPaneLayoutRect;
+            areaTopPaneLayoutRect.LayoutRect( screenRect, areaTopPaneLayout );
+            TAknWindowLineLayout statusPaneIconSmallLayout(
+                TAknWindowComponentLayout::Compose(
+                    AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::area_top_pane( 1 ),
+                    TAknWindowComponentLayout::Compose(
+                        AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::status_small_pane(),
+                        AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::status_small_icon_pane() ) ).LayoutLine() );
+            // If top pane area's vertical position doesn't start at 0,
+            // the statusPaneIconSmallRect's values will be incorrect and
+            // must be adjusted.
+            TInt offsetFromTop = areaTopPaneLayoutRect.Rect().iTl.iY;
+            TRect normSmallStatusPaneRect( smallStatusPaneRect );
+            normSmallStatusPaneRect.iTl.iY -= offsetFromTop;
+            statusPaneIconSmallLayout.it -= offsetFromTop;
+            TAknLayoutRect statusPaneIconSmallLayoutRect;
+            statusPaneIconSmallLayoutRect.LayoutRect(
+                normSmallStatusPaneRect, statusPaneIconSmallLayout );
+            TInt verticalOffset = statusPaneIconSmallLayoutRect.Rect().iTl.iY;
+            TInt leftOffset  = 0;  // default offset
+            TInt rightOffset = 0;  // default offset
+            TInt indicatorWidth = indicator->IconSize().iWidth;   // default width
+            TInt indicatorHeight = indicator->IconSize().iHeight; // default height
+            if ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorMessageInfo    ||
+                 uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWmlWindowsText ||
+                 uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorMessageLength )
+                {
+                verticalOffset = textIndicatorVerticalOffset;
+                // first text idicator need horizontal offset
+                if ( textIndicatorOffsetNeeded )
+                    {
+                    leftOffset += textIndicatorLeftOffset;
+                    }
+                textIndicatorOffsetNeeded = EFalse;
+                }
+            else if ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorFileSize )
+                {
+                verticalOffset = textIndicatorVerticalOffset;
+                // Need left offset in western, right offset in A&H layout.
+                if ( isMirrored )
+                    {
+                    rightOffset = textIndicatorLeftOffset;
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    leftOffset  = KMinSpaceBetweenIconsInPixels;
+                    }
+                }
+            else if ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorSecuredConnection )
+                {
+                verticalOffset = smallStatusSecureStateRect.iTl.iY;
+                // Because icon bitmap does not contain enough space,
+                // increase offset as the layout spec states.
+                if ( isMirrored )
+                    {
+                    leftOffset = KMinSpaceBetweenIconsInPixels;
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    rightOffset = KMinSpaceBetweenIconsInPixels;
+                    }
+                textIndicatorOffsetNeeded = EFalse;
+                }
+            else if ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWmlWaitGlobe )
+                {
+                verticalOffset = (containerRect.Height() - indicator->IconSize().iHeight)/2;
+                indicatorWidth = smallStatusWmlGlobeRect.Width();
+                }
+            else if ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorProgressBar )
+                {
+                verticalOffset  = smallStatusWaitPaneRect.iTl.iY;
+                indicatorWidth  = smallStatusWaitPaneRect.Width();
+                indicatorHeight = smallStatusWaitPaneRect.Height();
+                leftOffset      = 0;
+                textIndicatorOffsetNeeded = ETrue;
+                }
+            else if ( uid == EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorWaitBar )
+                {
+                verticalOffset  = smallStatusWaitPaneRect.iTl.iY;
+                indicatorWidth  = smallStatusWaitPaneRect.Width();
+                indicatorHeight = smallStatusWaitPaneRect.Height();
+                leftOffset      = 0;
+                textIndicatorOffsetNeeded = ETrue;
+                }
+            if ( isMirrored )
+                {
+                TInt temp   = leftOffset;
+                leftOffset  = rightOffset;
+                rightOffset = temp;
+                }
+            // Place indicators to the left side.
+            if ( ( indicatorPosition == ELeftSide &&
+                   iAlignment == TIndicatorAlignment( ERight ) ) ||
+                 ( indicatorPosition == ERightSide &&
+                   iAlignment == TIndicatorAlignment( ELeft ) ) )
+                {
+                TRect requiredRect(
+                    rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iX,
+                    rectForLeftSideIndicators.iTl.iY,
+                    rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iX + leftOffset + indicatorWidth + rightOffset,
+                    rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iY );
+                // Check if indicator fits.
+                TBool indicatorDoesNotFit =
+                    ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForRightSideIndicators ) ||
+                      requiredRect.Intersects( rectForMiddleIndicators )    ||
+                      containerRect.iTl.iX > requiredRect.iTl.iX            ||
+                      containerRect.iBr.iX < requiredRect.iBr.iX );
+                    if ( indicatorDoesNotFit &&
+                         !indicator->DynamicTextIndicator() )
+                        {
+                        indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+                        iIndicatorsShown++;
+                        continue;
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        if ( indicator->DynamicTextIndicator() && indicatorDoesNotFit )
+                            {
+                            // Dynamic text indicators (not normal text indicators)
+                            // can adjust to any size.
+                            TInt maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                                containerRect.iBr.iX - requiredRect.iTl.iX;
+                            if ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForRightSideIndicators ) )
+                                {
+                                maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                                    rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iX - requiredRect.iTl.iX;
+                                }
+                            if ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForMiddleIndicators ) )
+                                {
+                                maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                                    rectForMiddleIndicators.iTl.iX - requiredRect.iTl.iX;
+                                }
+                            indicator->SetExtent(
+                                TPoint( requiredRect.iTl.iX + leftOffset, verticalOffset ),
+                                TSize( maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator, indicatorHeight ) );
+                            rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iX =
+                                indicator->Position().iX + indicator->Size().iWidth;
+                            }
+                        else
+                            {
+                            indicator->SetExtent(
+                                TPoint( requiredRect.iTl.iX + leftOffset, verticalOffset ),
+                                TSize( indicatorWidth, indicatorHeight ) );
+                            rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iX = requiredRect.iBr.iX;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                // Place indicators to the right side.
+                if ( ( indicatorPosition == ERightSide &&
+                       iAlignment == TIndicatorAlignment( ERight ) ) ||
+                     ( indicatorPosition == ELeftSide &&
+                       iAlignment == TIndicatorAlignment( ELeft ) ) )
+                    {
+                    TRect requiredRect(
+                        rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iX - leftOffset - indicatorWidth - rightOffset,
+                        rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iY,
+                        rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iX,
+                        rectForRightSideIndicators.iBr.iY );
+                    // Check if indicator fits.
+                    TBool indicatorDoesNotFit =
+                         ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForLeftSideIndicators ) ||
+                           requiredRect.Intersects( rectForMiddleIndicators )   ||
+                           containerRect.iTl.iX > requiredRect.iTl.iX           ||
+                           containerRect.iBr.iX < requiredRect.iBr.iX );
+                    if ( indicatorDoesNotFit &&
+                         !indicator->DynamicTextIndicator() )
+                        {
+                        indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+                        iIndicatorsShown++;
+                        continue;
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        if ( indicator->DynamicTextIndicator() &&
+                             indicatorDoesNotFit )
+                            {
+                            // Dynamic text indicators (not normal text indicators)
+                            // can adjust to any size.
+                            TInt maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                                requiredRect.iBr.iX - containerRect.iTl.iX  - leftOffset;
+                            if ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForLeftSideIndicators ) )
+                                {
+                                maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                                    requiredRect.iBr.iX - rectForLeftSideIndicators.iBr.iX;
+                                }
+                            if ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForMiddleIndicators ) )
+                                {
+                                maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator =
+                                    requiredRect.iBr.iX - rectForMiddleIndicators.iBr.iX;
+                                }
+                            indicator->SetExtent(
+                                TPoint( requiredRect.iBr.iX - maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator + leftOffset,
+                                        verticalOffset),
+                                TSize( maxWidthForDynamicTextIndicator, indicatorHeight ) );
+                            rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iX = indicator->Position().iX;
+                            }
+                        else
+                            {
+                            indicator->SetExtent(
+                                TPoint( requiredRect.iTl.iX + leftOffset, verticalOffset ),
+                                TSize( indicatorWidth, indicatorHeight ) );
+                            rectForRightSideIndicators.iTl.iX = requiredRect.iTl.iX;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+            // place indicators to the middle, only indicator is wml wait globe
+            if ( indicatorPosition == EMiddle )
+                {
+                TRect requiredRect(
+                    rectForMiddleIndicators.iTl.iX,
+                    rectForMiddleIndicators.iTl.iY,
+                    rectForMiddleIndicators.iTl.iX + leftOffset + indicatorWidth + rightOffset,
+                    rectForMiddleIndicators.iBr.iY );
+                // check if indicator fits
+                if ( requiredRect.Intersects( rectForRightSideIndicators ) ||
+                     requiredRect.Intersects( rectForLeftSideIndicators )  ||
+                     rectForMiddleIndicators.Width() != 0 )
+                    {
+                    indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+                    iIndicatorsShown++;
+                    continue;
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( rectForMiddleIndicators.iTl.iX + leftOffset,
+                                                  verticalOffset ),
+                                          TSize( indicatorWidth, indicatorHeight ) );
+                    rectForMiddleIndicators.iTl.iX += ( rightOffset + indicatorWidth );
+                    }
+                }
+            iIndicatorsShown++;
+            if ( indicator->IndicatorState() == MAknIndicator::EIndicatorAnimate )
+                {
+                iAnimatedIndicatorsShown++;
+                }
+            } // for
+        }
+    ResetAnimTicker( iExtension->iIsForeground );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::SetIncallBubbleAllowedInIdle
+// Allows/disallows showing the small incall status bubble of this container
+// in idle status pane layouts.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::SetIncallBubbleAllowedInIdle(
+    TBool aAllowed )
+    {
+    if ( iExtension )
+        {
+        iExtension->iIncallBubbleAllowedInIdle = aAllowed;
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::SetIncallBubbleAllowedInUsual
+// Allows/disallows showing the small incall status bubble of this container
+// in usual status pane layouts.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::SetIncallBubbleAllowedInUsual(
+    TBool aAllowed )
+    {
+    if ( iExtension )
+        {
+        iExtension->iIncallBubbleAllowedInUsual = aAllowed;
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::SetIndicatorObserver
+// Sets aIndicatorObserver to observe indicator with aIndicatorUid
+// by looping through indicators to find indicator with aIndicaotrUid
+// and calling SetIndicatorObserver to it with given pointer to observer
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::SetIndicatorObserver(
+    MAknIndicatorObserver* aIndicatorObserver,
+    TUid aIndicatorUid )
+    {
+    if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
+        {
+        TInt count = iIndicators->Count();
+        // Loop through indicators and find indicator with given UID.
+        for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++ )
+            {
+            CAknIndicator* indicator = iIndicators->At( ii );
+            // If indicator found, set aIndicatorObserver to observe it.
+            if ( indicator->Uid() == aIndicatorUid )
+                {
+                indicator->SetIndicatorObserver( aIndicatorObserver );
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::SetContainerWindowNonFading
+// Allows/disallows fading of this pane.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknIndicatorContainer::SetContainerWindowNonFading( TBool aNonFading )
+    {
+    CEikStatusPaneBase* statusPane = CEikStatusPaneBase::Current();
+    if ( statusPane )
+        {
+        CCoeControl* control = NULL;
+        TRAP_IGNORE(
+            control = statusPane->ContainerControlL(
+                TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidIndic ) ) );
+        if ( control )
+            {
+            control->DrawableWindow()->SetNonFading( aNonFading );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::SetupIndicatorLayoutModes
+// Sets the appropriate layout mode to all the indicators inside
+// this container.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknIndicatorContainer::SetupIndicatorLayoutModes()
+    {
+    TInt mode  = SelectIndicatorLayoutMode();
+    TInt count = iIndicators->Count();
+    for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++ )
+        {
+        iIndicators->At( ii )->SetLayoutMode(
+            (CAknIndicator::TLayoutMode) mode );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::SelectIndicatorLayoutMode
+// Decides the layout mode to be used for indicators inside this container.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAknIndicatorContainer::SelectIndicatorLayoutMode()
+    {
+    // Usually this can be used to decide mode...
+    TInt mode = ( Rect().Height() > Rect().Width() ) ?
+        CAknIndicator::ELayoutModeUsual :
+        CAknIndicator::ELayoutModeWide;
+    // But one exception is idle where we can have vertical indicators using "wide" mode.
+    if ( iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators &&
+         AknStatuspaneUtils::IdleLayoutActive() )
+        {
+        mode = CAknIndicator::ELayoutModeWide;
+        // But exception to exception is portraitmode video telephony layout
+        CEikStatusPaneBase* statusPane = CEikStatusPaneBase::Current();
+        if ( statusPane )
+            {
+            TInt currentStatusPaneLayoutResId = statusPane->CurrentLayoutResId();
+            if ( currentStatusPaneLayoutResId == R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE_LAYOUT_VT ||
+                 currentStatusPaneLayoutResId == R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE_LAYOUT_VT_MIRRORED )
+                {
+                mode = CAknIndicator::ELayoutModeUsual;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    // Another thing is if universal indicators but not idle
+    else if ( iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators &&
+              !AknStatuspaneUtils::IdleLayoutActive() )
+        {
+        mode = CAknIndicator::ELayoutModeUsual;
+        }
+    else if ( iIndicatorContext == EQueryEditorIndicators )
+        {
+        mode = CAknIndicator::ELayoutModeUsual;
+        }
+    return mode;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::SizeChangedInIdleVertical
+// Handles size change events of vertically arranged universal indicator
+// pane in idle status pane layout.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknIndicatorContainer::SizeChangedInIdleVertical()
+    {
+    TRect containerRect( Rect() );
+    if ( iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators )
+        {
+        iLayoutOrientation = EVertical;
+        }
+    // Available space for indicators
+    TRect rect( containerRect );
+    // If layout orientation has been changed since last call,
+    // prioritize indicators again.
+    if ( iLayoutOrientation != iPreviousLayoutOrientation )
+        {
+        TRAP_IGNORE ( PrioritizeIndicatorsL() );
+        }
+    iIndicatorsShown         = 0;
+    iAnimatedIndicatorsShown = 0;
+    TInt last                = iIndicators->Count() - 1;
+    if ( iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators )
+        {
+        TRect parent( rect );
+        TAknLayoutRect layoutRect;
+        layoutRect.LayoutRect(
+            parent, AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::grid_indicator_pane() );
+        parent = layoutRect.Rect();
+        TRect indicatorRect( 0,0,0,0 );
+        TInt maxNumberOfIndicatorsShown =
+            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::cell_indicator_pane_ParamLimits().LastRow();
+        for ( TInt ii = 0; ii <= last; ii++ )
+            {
+            CAknIndicator* indicator = iIndicators->At( ii );
+            if ( !indicator->IndicatorState() ||
+                 indicator->Priority() == KIndicatorNotShown )
+                {
+                // Indicator is not shown on current layout even it is set ON.
+                continue;
+                }
+            layoutRect.LayoutRect(
+                parent,
+                AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::cell_indicator_pane( iIndicatorsShown ) );
+            indicatorRect = layoutRect.Rect();
+            indicator->SetRect( indicatorRect );
+            iIndicatorsShown++;
+            if ( iIndicatorsShown > maxNumberOfIndicatorsShown )
+                {
+                indicator->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize( 0, 0 ) );
+                break;
+                }
+            if ( indicator->IndicatorState() == MAknIndicator::EIndicatorAnimate )
+                {
+                iAnimatedIndicatorsShown++;
+                }
+            } // for
+        ResetAnimTicker( iExtension->iIsForeground );
+        } // if universal indicators
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::CreateIndicatorFromResourceL
+// Constructs a status indicator from an indicator resource.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TUid CAknIndicatorContainer::CreateIndicatorFromResourceL(
+    TInt aIndicatorResourceId,
+    TInt aCustomIndicatorFlags )
+    {
+    CAknIndicator* newIndicator =
+        new (ELeave) CAknIndicator ( iIndicatorContext );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( newIndicator );
+    newIndicator->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
+    TResourceReader reader;
+    iCoeEnv->CreateResourceReaderLC( reader, aIndicatorResourceId );
+    newIndicator->ConstructFromResourceL( reader, this );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // resource reader
+    // Always assign a dynamic UID to avoid clash with pre-defined indicators
+    TInt dynamicUid = EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorDynamicUidRangeFirst;
+    TInt count      = iIndicators->Count();
+    // Loop through indicators and try to find a free dynamic UID.
+    while ( dynamicUid <= EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorDynamicUidRangeLast )
+        {
+        for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++ )
+            {
+            CAknIndicator* indicator = iIndicators->At( ii );
+            if ( indicator->iUid == dynamicUid )
+                {
+                dynamicUid++;
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        break;
+        }
+    if ( dynamicUid <= EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorDynamicUidRangeLast )
+        {
+        newIndicator->iUid = dynamicUid;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrGeneral ); // All dynamic UIDs already in use.
+        }
+    // Handle flags here
+    if ( aCustomIndicatorFlags & EMultiColorIndicator )
+        {
+        newIndicator->SetMultiColorMode( ETrue );
+        }
+    if ( aCustomIndicatorFlags & EIndicatorPositionInverted )
+        {
+        newIndicator->SetIndicatorPosition( ELeftSide );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        newIndicator->SetIndicatorPosition( ERightSide );
+        }
+    // Finally add the new indicator and prioritize all.
+    TUid uid = TUid::Uid( newIndicator->iUid );
+    iIndicators->AppendL( newIndicator );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( newIndicator );
+    newIndicator = NULL;
+    PrioritizeIndicatorsL();
+    return uid;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::ReplaceIndicatorIconL
+// Replaces the icon of an existing indicator.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CAknIndicatorContainer::ReplaceIndicatorIconL(
+    TUid aIndicator,
+    TInt /*aState*/,
+    TInt aLayoutMode,
+    CFbsBitmap* aIconBitmap,
+    CFbsBitmap* aIconMask,
+    TInt aIconIndex )
+    {
+    TInt count = iIndicators->Count();
+    CAknIndicator* indicator = NULL;
+    for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++ )
+        {
+        indicator = iIndicators->At( ii );
+        if ( indicator && indicator->iUid == aIndicator.iUid )
+            {
+            // This ensures all default bitmaps are created.
+            indicator->CreateLoadedIndicatorBitmapsL();
+            if ( aIconBitmap &&
+                 indicator->iIndicatorBitmaps[aLayoutMode]->At( aIconIndex ) )
+                {
+                delete indicator->iIndicatorBitmaps[aLayoutMode]->At( aIconIndex );
+                indicator->iIndicatorBitmaps[aLayoutMode]->At( aIconIndex ) = aIconBitmap;
+                }
+            if ( aIconMask &&
+                 indicator->iIndicatorBitmaps[aLayoutMode]->At( aIconIndex + 1 ) )
+                {
+                delete indicator->iIndicatorBitmaps[aLayoutMode]->At( aIconIndex + 1 );
+                indicator->iIndicatorBitmaps[aLayoutMode]->At( aIconIndex + 1 ) = aIconMask;
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    if ( indicator &&
+         indicator->IndicatorState() ||
+         indicator->Priority() != KIndicatorNotShown )
+        {
+        SizeChanged();
+        DrawDeferred();
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::CreateIndicatorFromPaneResourceL
+// Creates a status indicator from an indicator pane resource.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknIndicatorContainer::CreateIndicatorFromPaneResourceL(
+    TUid aUid,
+    TInt aIndicatorPaneResourceId,
+    TInt aCustomIndicatorFlags )
+    {
+    TResourceReader res;
+    iEikonEnv->CreateResourceReaderLC( res, aIndicatorPaneResourceId );
+    TInt indicatorCount = res.ReadInt16();
+    for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < indicatorCount; ii++ )
+        {
+        TInt foundUid = res.ReadInt16();
+        if ( foundUid == aUid.iUid )
+            {
+            res.Rewind( sizeof( TInt16 ) );
+            CAknIndicator* indicator =
+                new (ELeave) CAknIndicator ( iIndicatorContext );
+            CleanupStack::PushL( indicator );
+            indicator->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
+            indicator->ConstructFromResourceL( res, this );
+            iIndicators->AppendL( indicator );
+            if ( aCustomIndicatorFlags & EMultiColorIndicator )
+                {
+                indicator->SetMultiColorMode( ETrue );
+                }
+            // Editor indicator positions are set separately.
+            if ( iIndicatorContext == EUniversalIndicators )
+                {
+                if ( aCustomIndicatorFlags & EIndicatorPositionInverted )
+                    {
+                    indicator->SetIndicatorPosition( ELeftSide );
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    indicator->SetIndicatorPosition( ERightSide );
+                    }
+                }
+            indicator->SetLayoutMode(
+                (CAknIndicator::TLayoutMode) SelectIndicatorLayoutMode() );
+            CleanupStack::Pop( indicator );
+            indicator = NULL;
+            break;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            res.ReadInt16();
+            res.ReadInt16();
+            HBufC* bitmapFile = res.ReadHBufCL(); // bmp filename
+            delete bitmapFile;
+            bitmapFile = NULL;
+            TInt numberOfStates = res.ReadInt16();  // Number of states
+            for ( TInt i = 0; i < numberOfStates; i++ )
+                {
+                res.ReadInt16(); // State id
+                TInt numberOfIcons = res.ReadInt16();
+                for ( TInt j = 0; j < numberOfIcons; j++ )
+                    {
+                    for ( TInt jj = ELayoutModeUsual; jj <= ELayoutModeWide; jj++ )
+                        {
+                        res.ReadInt16(); // bitmaps
+                        res.ReadInt16(); // mask
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // res
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::IndicatorExists
+// Checks if an indicator already exists in the indicator array.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CAknIndicatorContainer::IndicatorExists( TUid aUid ) const
+    {
+    TBool exists( EFalse );
+    TInt count = iIndicators->Count();
+    for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++ )
+        {
+        if ( iIndicators->At( ii )->Uid() == aUid )
+            {
+            exists = ETrue;
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    return exists;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknIndicatorContainer::CreateIncallBubbleL
+// Creates the small incall status bubble.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknIndicatorContainer::CreateIncallBubbleL()
+    {
+	// Create incall indicator, use empty rect.
+	// Correct size is set in IncallBubbleSizeChanged.
+    iIncallBubble = CIncallStatusBubble::NewL( TRect() );
+    iIncallBubble->SetFlags( 0 );
+    iIncallBubble->MakeVisible( EFalse );
+    iIncallBubble->SetFaded( CAknSgcClient::IsSystemFaded() );
+    }
+TBool CAknIndicatorContainer::UpdateSmallLayoutL()
+    {
+    // Needed only if small status pane is in use.
+    if ( AknStatuspaneUtils::SmallLayoutActive() )
+        {
+        CEikStatusPaneBase* statusPane = CEikStatusPaneBase::Current();
+        if ( statusPane )
+            {
+            TInt statusPaneCurrentLayoutResourceId = statusPane->CurrentLayoutResId();
+            TInt statusPaneRequiredLayoutResourceId =
+                AVKONENV->StatusPaneResIdForCurrentLayout(R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE_LAYOUT_SMALL);
+            TInt last = iIndicators->Count() - 1;
+            for (TInt j = 0; j <= last; j++)
+                {
+                CAknIndicator* indicator = iIndicators->At(j);
+                TUid uid = indicator->Uid();
+                if ( uid == TUid::Uid(EAknNaviPaneEditorIndicatorGprs) )
+                    {
+                    if ( indicator->IndicatorState() )
+                        {
+                        if ( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() )
+                            {
+                            statusPaneRequiredLayoutResourceId =
+                            AVKONENV->StatusPaneResIdForCurrentLayout(
+                            }
+                        else
+                            {
+                            statusPaneRequiredLayoutResourceId =
+                                AVKONENV->StatusPaneResIdForCurrentLayout(
+                                    R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE_LAYOUT_SMALL_WITH_SIGNAL_PANE);
+                            }
+                        break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            // switch layout if needed
+            if ( statusPaneCurrentLayoutResourceId != statusPaneRequiredLayoutResourceId )
+                {
+                if (iExtension && !iExtension->iSwitchLayoutInProgress)
+                    {
+                    iExtension->iSwitchLayoutInProgress = ETrue;
+                    statusPane->SwitchLayoutL( statusPaneRequiredLayoutResourceId );
+                    return ETrue;
+                    }
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                if (iExtension)
+                    {
+                    iExtension->iSwitchLayoutInProgress = EFalse;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    // layout not changed
+    return EFalse;
+    }
+void CAknIndicatorContainer::SetIncallBubbleDisabled( TBool aDisabled )
+    {
+    if ( iExtension )
+        {
+        iExtension->iIncallBubbleDisabled = aDisabled;
+        }
+    }
+void CAknIndicatorContainer::ResetAnimTicker( TBool bForeground )
+    {
+    iExtension->iIsForeground = bForeground;
+    CEikStatusPaneBase* statusPane = CEikStatusPaneBase::Current();
+    if ( statusPane )
+        {
+        curId = statusPane->CurrentLayoutResId();
+        }
+    // if not foreground, cancel the timer
+    if ( !iExtension->iIsForeground ||
+            R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE_LAYOUT_EMPTY == curId )
+        {
+        if ( iTicker->IsActive() )
+            {
+            iTicker->Cancel();
+            }
+        return;
+        }
+    if ( !iTicker->IsActive() && iAnimatedIndicatorsShown > 0 )
+        {
+        iTicker->Start( KAknIndicatorAnimationShortDelay,
+                        KAknIndicatorAnimationInterval,
+                        TCallBack( TickerCallback, this ) );
+        }
+    else if ( iTicker->IsActive() && iAnimatedIndicatorsShown == 0 )
+        {
+        // Cancel animation timer if animated indicators
+        // are not visible anymore.
+        iTicker->Cancel();
+        iSynchronizingValue = 0;
+        }
+    }
+//  End of File