--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uifw/AvKon/src/AknPhedModel.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "AknPhedModel.h"
+#include "NumberGrouping.h"
+#include <e32svr.h>
+#include <AknUtils.h>
+const TInt KExtraSpaceForGroupedNumber = 6;
+// CAknPhedBuffer
+CAknPhedScratchBuffer::CAknPhedScratchBuffer() :iPtr(0,0)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ delete iBuf;
+ }
+void CAknPhedScratchBuffer::ConstructL(TInt aMaxLen)
+ {
+ iBuf = HBufC::NewL(aMaxLen + KExtraSpaceForGroupedNumber);
+ iPtr.Set(iBuf->Des());
+ }
+// CAknPhedModel
+CAknPhedModel* CAknPhedModel::NewL( TInt aMaxLen )
+ {
+ CAknPhedModel* self = new( ELeave ) CAknPhedModel;
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL( aMaxLen );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ delete iNumberGroupingBuffer;
+ delete iBuf;
+ }
+void CAknPhedModel::SetText( const TDesC& aText )
+ {
+ StartEvent();
+ // delete all existing text
+ TInt len = iRealLength;
+ DeleteLeft( len, len );
+ // insert the new text
+ SetRealCursorPosition( 0 );
+ Insert( aText );
+ ReportEvent(MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent(
+ MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent::EText,
+ 0,
+ iNumberGroupingBuffer->Length() ) );
+ }
+void CAknPhedModel::Insert( TText aChar )
+ {
+ StartEvent();
+ ClearAnySelection();
+ TInt nOldCursorPos = CursorPosition();
+ // buffer full rule: Text overflows off the left hand side of the buffer
+ TInt maxLength = MaxDisplayLength();
+ if ( iRealLength == maxLength )
+ {
+ if (nOldCursorPos == 0)
+ {
+ ReportEvent( MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent() );
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DeleteLeft( 1 );
+ SetRealCursorPosition( iRealCursor - 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ iNumberGroupingBuffer->Insert( iRealCursor, aChar );
+ ++iRealLength;
+ iNumberGroupingBuffer->FormattedNumber();
+ SetRealCursorPosition( iRealCursor + 1 );
+ if ( Length() > maxLength )
+ {
+ DeleteLeft( 1 );
+ SetRealCursorPosition( iRealCursor - 1 );
+ ReportEvent(MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent(
+ MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent::EText,
+ CursorPosition(),
+ CursorPosition() ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ReportEvent( MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent(
+ MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent::EText,
+ nOldCursorPos,
+ CursorPosition() ) );
+ }
+ }
+void CAknPhedModel::DeleteLeft()
+ {
+ if( !ClearAnySelection() && iRealCursor > 0 )
+ {
+ StartEvent();
+ TInt nOldCursorPos = CursorPosition();
+ DeleteLeft(iRealCursor);
+ SetRealCursorPosition( iRealCursor - 1 );
+ ReportEvent( MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent(
+ MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent::EText,
+ CursorPosition(),
+ CursorPosition() ) );
+ }
+ }
+void CAknPhedModel::DeleteLeft( TInt aIndex, TInt aCount )
+ {
+ aIndex--; // delete char to the left
+ for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < aCount; ++ii )
+ {
+ iNumberGroupingBuffer->Delete( aIndex - ii );
+ --iRealLength;
+ }
+ }
+TPtrC CAknPhedModel::Selection() const
+ {
+ TInt nFrom = LeftMark();
+ TInt nTo = nFrom + SelectionWidth();
+ if(!nTo) nTo = iRealLength;
+ return iNumberGroupingBuffer->Selection( nFrom, nTo );
+ }
+void CAknPhedModel::Cut( TDes& aCutText )
+ {
+ aCutText = Selection();
+ ClearAnySelection();
+ }
+void CAknPhedModel::Copy( TDes& aCopiedText ) const
+ {
+ aCopiedText = Selection();
+ }
+void CAknPhedModel::Paste( const TDesC& aText )
+ {
+ ClearAnySelection();
+ Insert( aText );
+ }
+TInt CAknPhedModel::Language() const
+ {
+ TInt language = iNumberGroupingBuffer->Language();
+ language &= KAknLanguageMask;
+ TInt forceLanguage = iNumberGroupingBuffer->iForceLanguage;
+ forceLanguage &= KAknLanguageMask;
+ return ( ELangAmerican == language ||
+ ELangAmerican == forceLanguage)
+ ? ELangAmerican : ELangTest;
+ }
+TInt CAknPhedModel::Compensate( TInt aRealPosition ) const
+ TInt nCompensated = 0;
+ if ( Language() )
+ {
+ if( iCursorDirection == EUp )
+ nCompensated = aRealPosition + Spaces( 0, aRealPosition );
+ else if( iCursorDirection == EDown )
+ nCompensated = aRealPosition + Spaces( 0, aRealPosition + 1 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nCompensated = aRealPosition;
+ }
+ return nCompensated;
+TInt CAknPhedModel::Uncompensate( TInt aCompensatedPosition ) const
+ TInt nUncompensated = 0;
+ if ( Language() )
+ {
+ if( iCursorDirection == EUp )
+ nUncompensated = aCompensatedPosition - Spaces( aCompensatedPosition - 1 );
+ else if( iCursorDirection == EDown )
+ nUncompensated = aCompensatedPosition - Spaces( aCompensatedPosition );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nUncompensated = aCompensatedPosition;
+ }
+ return nUncompensated;
+TInt CAknPhedModel::SetRealCursorPosition( TInt aCursorPos )
+ {
+ StartEvent();
+ if ( SelectionExists() )
+ {
+ // selection is lost, so report a selection change event
+ StartEvent();
+ ReportEvent( MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent(
+ MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent::ESelection ) );
+ }
+ iRealCursor = iRealAnchor = aCursorPos;
+ ReportEvent( MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent(
+ MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent::ECursor ) );
+ return iRealCursor;
+ }
+TInt CAknPhedModel::SetCompensatedCursorPosition( TInt aCursorPos )
+ {
+ StartEvent();
+ if ( SelectionExists() )
+ {
+ // selection is lost, so report a selection change event
+ StartEvent();
+ ReportEvent( MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent(
+ MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent::ESelection ) );
+ }
+ iRealCursor = iRealAnchor = Uncompensate( aCursorPos );
+ ReportEvent( MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent(
+ MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent::ECursor ) );
+ return iRealCursor;
+ }
+TInt CAknPhedModel::SetAnchorPosition(TInt aAnchorPos)
+ {
+ StartEvent();
+ iRealAnchor = aAnchorPos;
+ ReportEvent( MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent(
+ MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent::ESelection ) );
+ return iRealAnchor;
+ }
+TInt CAknPhedModel::CursorLeft()
+ {
+ // cursor rule: cursor left -> left of selection or left with wrap to RHS
+ if ( SelectionExists() )
+ return SetRealCursorPosition( LeftMark() );
+ else if (iRealCursor > 0)
+ {
+ return SetRealCursorPosition( iRealCursor - 1 );
+ }
+ else
+ return SetRealCursorPosition( iRealLength );
+ }
+TInt CAknPhedModel::CursorRight()
+ {
+ // cursor rule: cursor right -> right of selection or right with wrap to LHS
+ if ( SelectionExists() )
+ return SetRealCursorPosition( RightMark() );
+ else if ( iRealCursor < iRealLength )
+ return SetRealCursorPosition( iRealCursor + 1 );
+ else
+ return SetRealCursorPosition( 0 );
+ }
+void CAknPhedModel::ConstructL( TInt aMaxLen )
+ {
+ iBuf = new(ELeave) CAknPhedScratchBuffer;
+ iBuf->ConstructL(aMaxLen);
+ // Construct the number grouping engine with the reversed buffer support turned on
+ iNumberGroupingBuffer = CPNGNumberGrouping::NewL( aMaxLen, ETrue );
+ iSelection.Set( KNullDesC );
+ iCursorDirection = EUp;
+ iCount = 0;
+ }
+void CAknPhedModel::Insert( const TDesC& aText )
+ {
+ StartEvent();
+ TInt len = aText.Length();
+ for ( TInt ii=0; ii<len; ii++ )
+ {
+ Insert( aText[ii] );
+ }
+ if ( len && iRealCursor > 0 )
+ {
+ // report a text event if anything actually got inserted
+ ReportEvent( MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent(
+ MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent::EText,
+ Max( 0, CursorPosition() - len ),
+ CursorPosition() ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // otherwise report nothing
+ ReportEvent( MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent() );
+ }
+ }
+TBool CAknPhedModel::ClearAnySelection()
+ {
+ if ( SelectionExists() )
+ {
+ StartEvent();
+ TInt left = LeftMark();
+ TInt right = RightMark();
+ DeleteLeft( right, SelectionWidth() );
+ iNumberGroupingBuffer->FormattedNumber();
+ SetRealCursorPosition( left );
+ ReportEvent( MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent(
+ MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent::EText,
+ CursorPosition(),
+ left ) );
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+void CAknPhedModel::StartEvent()
+ {
+ // Events can be nested, so that one combined event is reported for each external operation
+ if (iEventDepth == 0)
+ iEvent.Reset();
+ iEventDepth++;
+ }
+void CAknPhedModel::ReportEvent( const MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent& aEvent )
+ {
+ // Combine this event with any other nested event and report the lot if the
+ // nesting is finished
+ iEvent.Add( aEvent );
+ iEventDepth--;
+ if ( iEventDepth == 0 && iObserver &&
+ ( iEvent.TextChanged() || iEvent.CursorChanged() || iEvent.SelectionChanged() ) )
+ {
+ // safety subtlty: event is reported as the very last thing in case the caller
+ // does something stupid, like leave.
+ iObserver->HandlePhedDataEvent( iEvent, this );
+ }
+ }
+void CAknPhedModel::SelectMove( TInt aInc )
+ {
+ // selection rule: selection cursor wraps LHS <-> RHS
+ iRealCursor = iRealCursor + aInc;
+ if ( iRealCursor < 0 )
+ iRealCursor = iRealLength;
+ else if ( iRealCursor > iRealLength )
+ iRealCursor = 0;
+ StartEvent();
+ ReportEvent( MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent(
+ MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent::ESelection |
+ MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent::ECursor ) );
+ }
+TBool CAknPhedModel::CursorPositionIsSpace()
+ TInt nCursorPosition = CursorPosition();
+ if( nCursorPosition != Length() )
+ return iNumberGroupingBuffer->IsSpace( nCursorPosition );
+ else
+ return EFalse;
+TInt CAknPhedModel::Spaces( TInt aFromPos, TInt aToPos ) const
+ TInt spacesCount = 0;
+ TInt toPos = aToPos;
+ for( TInt i = aFromPos; i <= toPos; ++i )
+ {
+ if( iNumberGroupingBuffer->IsSpace( i ) )
+ {
+ ++spacesCount;
+ ++toPos;
+ }
+ }
+ return spacesCount;
+TInt CAknPhedModel::Spaces( TInt aToPos ) const
+ TInt spacesCount = 0;
+ TInt toPos = aToPos;
+ for( TInt i = 0; i <= toPos; ++i )
+ {
+ if( iNumberGroupingBuffer->IsSpace( i ) )
+ {
+ ++spacesCount;
+ }
+ }
+ return spacesCount;
+// MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent
+void MPhedDataObserver::TAknPhedDataEvent::Add( const TAknPhedDataEvent& aEvent )
+ {
+ if ( aEvent.TextChanged() )
+ {
+ if ( TextChanged() )
+ {
+ if ( iStart > aEvent.iStart )
+ iStart = aEvent.iStart;
+ if ( iEnd < aEvent.iEnd )
+ iEnd = aEvent.iEnd;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iStart = aEvent.iStart;
+ iEnd = aEvent.iEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ iType |= aEvent.iType;
+ }
+// TAknPhedDataMirror
+void TAknPhedDataMirror::HandlePhedDataEvent( const TAknPhedDataEvent& aEvent,
+ CAknPhedModel* aPhedData )
+ {
+ // The mirror reverses event positioning from the model
+ if ( iObserver )
+ {
+ TInt start;
+ TInt end;
+ aEvent.TextChangeRange( start, end );
+ TAknPhedDataEvent event( aEvent.Type(), Mirror( end ), Mirror( start ) );
+ iObserver->HandlePhedDataEvent( event, aPhedData );
+ }
+ }
+TInt TAknPhedDataMirror::Compensate( TInt aMirrorPosition ) const
+ {
+ TInt Compensated ;
+ if ( iPhed->Language() )
+ {
+ Compensated = aMirrorPosition - iPhed->Spaces( 0, iPhed->iRealCursor );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Compensated = aMirrorPosition;
+ }
+ return Compensated;
+ }
+// End of File