changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
child 6 9f56a4e1b8ab
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uifw/AvKon/src/aknchoicelist.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1587 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  CAknChoiceList - Choice list for S60 
+#include <AknControl.h>
+#include <aknlists.h>
+#include <aknbutton.h>
+#include <avkon.hrh> // AknButton flags
+#include <barsread.h> // TResourceReader
+#include <AknInfoPopupNoteController.h> // Tooltip
+#include "aknchoicelist.h"
+#include <AknLayout2ScalableDef.h>
+#include <aknlayoutscalable_avkon.cdl.h>
+#include <AknsFrameBackgroundControlContext.h> 
+#include <AknsConstants.h>
+#include <avkon.mbg>
+#include <aknglobalpopupprioritycontroller.h>
+#include <touchfeedback.h>
+#include <AknTasHook.h>
+#include <akntranseffect.h>
+#include <akntransitionutils.h>
+#include "akntrace.h"
+const TInt KTimeoutBeforeTooltipNote = 150; // in milliseconds
+const TInt KTimeoutInViewTooltipNote = 3000; // in milliseconds
+* CAknChoiceListPopupList
+* This is a List to be used in side of CAknChoiceListPopup. 
+* We had to create a own list for this because currently AvKon 
+* lists are not parent relative but main pane relative.
+* @internal This should not be used anywhere else!
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknChoiceListPopupList): public CEikFormattedCellListBox
+    {
+public: // Functions from base classes
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    // CAknChoiceListPopupList::SizeChanged()
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    void SizeChanged()
+        {   
+        CEikFormattedCellListBox::SizeChanged(); 
+        TRAP_IGNORE( SizeChangedL() );
+        TAknLayoutRect cellRect;
+        cellRect.LayoutRect( Rect(), 
+            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_single_choice_list_pane(0) );
+        CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer *itemDrawer( ItemDrawer() );
+        itemDrawer->SetItemCellSize( cellRect.Rect().Size() );
+        }
+    TSize MinimumSize()
+        {    
+        return Size();
+        }
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    // CAknChoiceListPopupList::CreateItemDrawerL
+    // Item drawer construction
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    void CreateItemDrawerL()
+    {
+        CFormattedCellListBoxData* data=CFormattedCellListBoxData::NewL();
+        CleanupStack::PushL( data );   
+        TAknLayoutText itemText;
+        itemText.LayoutText( Rect(), AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_single_choice_list_pane_t1(0) );
+        const CFont* font = itemText.Font();
+        iItemDrawer=new (ELeave) CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer( 
+            Model(), 
+            font, 
+            data
+            ); //takes ownership
+        // Let the choice list background context control the grid skinning
+        ItemDrawer()->FormattedCellData()->SetSkinEnabledL( EFalse );
+        // Marquee can be requested.. ;) 
+        ItemDrawer()->FormattedCellData()->EnableMarqueeL( EFalse );
+        CleanupStack::Pop();
+    }
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    // CAknChoiceListPopupList::UpdateTextColors
+    // Skin items
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    //    
+    void UpdateTextColors()
+    {
+        TRgb color( KRgbBlack );  // sane default for nonskinned case
+        if ( AknsUtils::AvkonSkinEnabled() )
+            {
+            AknsUtils::GetCachedColor( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
+                                   color, KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG8 );
+            }
+        ItemDrawer()->SetTextColor( color );
+        ItemDrawer()->SetBackColor( AKN_LAF_COLOR( 0 ) );
+        if ( AknsUtils::AvkonSkinEnabled() )
+            {
+            AknsUtils::GetCachedColor( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
+                                   color, KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG8 );
+            }
+        ItemDrawer()->SetHighlightedTextColor( color );
+        ItemDrawer()->SetHighlightedBackColor( AKN_LAF_COLOR( 0 ) );    
+    }
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // CAknChoiceListPopupList::SizeChangedL
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    void SizeChangedL()
+        {
+        CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer* itemDrawer = ItemDrawer();
+        CFormattedCellListBoxData* d = itemDrawer->FormattedCellData();        
+        TAknLayoutRect cellRect;
+        cellRect.LayoutRect( Rect(), 
+            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_single_choice_list_pane(0) );
+        TRect cell( cellRect.Rect() );
+        SetItemHeightL( cell.Height() );
+        d->SetTextSubCellL( 0, AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_single_choice_list_pane_t1(0) );    
+        }       
+    };    
+*  Control container for choice list
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CAknChoiceListPopup ) : public CCoeControl,
+                  public MEikListBoxObserver,                  
+                  MEikCommandObserver
+    {
+    CAknChoiceListPopup() : iIndex( -1 ), iCancelled( EFalse )
+        {
+        AKNTASHOOK_ADD( this, "CAknChoiceListPopup" );
+        }
+    // Symbian OS default constructor can leave.
+    void ConstructL()
+        {
+        CreateWindowL();
+        if( CAknEnv::Static()->TransparencyEnabled() )
+        {
+            Window().SetRequiredDisplayMode( EColor16MA );
+            TInt err = Window().SetTransparencyAlphaChannel();
+            if ( err == KErrNone )
+                {
+                Window().SetBackgroundColor(~0);
+                }
+        }
+        SetComponentsToInheritVisibility();    
+        CreateChoiceListL();
+        Window().SetShadowDisabled( ETrue );
+        Window().SetPointerGrab( ETrue );
+        SetGloballyCapturing( ETrue );
+        MakeVisible( EFalse );
+        TRect nullRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+        iBgContext = CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::NewL(
+                KAknsIIDQsnFrPopupSub, nullRect, nullRect, EFalse );        
+        if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
+            {
+            SetGloballyCapturing( ETrue );
+            SetPointerCapture( ETrue );
+            }
+        iList->UpdateTextColors();
+        }
+    // Destructor
+    ~CAknChoiceListPopup()
+        {  
+        AknGlobalPopupPriorityController::RemovePopupPriority(*this);
+        delete iCba;
+        delete iList;
+        delete iBgContext;
+        }
+// New functions
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    // CAknChoiceListPopup::CloseChoiceList
+    // Dismisses CAknChoiceListPopup
+    // from the screen and removes it from the control stack
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    void CloseChoiceList()
+        {
+        if ( iIsDisplayed )
+            {
+            MakeVisible( EFalse );    
+            if (iCba)
+                AknGlobalPopupPriorityController::RemovePopupPriority(*iCba->ButtonGroup()->AsControl());
+            delete iCba;
+            iCba = NULL;
+            SetFocus( EFalse );            
+            iAvkonAppUi->RemoveFromStack( this );
+            iEikonEnv->BringForwards( EFalse );
+            AknGlobalPopupPriorityController::ShowPopup(*this, EFalse);
+            if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
+                {
+                SetPointerCapture( EFalse );
+                }
+            if( iCancelled )
+                {
+                TRAP_IGNORE( Observer()->HandleControlEventL( this, MCoeControlObserver::EEventRequestCancel ) );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                TRAP_IGNORE( Observer()->HandleControlEventL( this, MCoeControlObserver::EEventStateChanged ) );  
+                }
+            DrawNow();
+            }
+        iIsDisplayed = EFalse;    
+        }
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    // CAknChoiceListPopup::UpdateControlContext
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    void UpdateControlContext()
+        {
+        TRect rectParent( Rect() );
+        TAknLayoutRect layoutRect;
+        TInt variety = 0;
+        // check if scrollbar-layout should be selected
+        if ( iList->Model()->ItemTextArray()->MdcaCount() > 6 )
+            {
+            variety = 1;
+            TRAP_IGNORE( iList->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(
+                CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff, CEikScrollBarFrame::EOn) );            
+            AknLayoutUtils::LayoutVerticalScrollBar( iList->ScrollBarFrame(), 
+                rectParent, 
+                AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::scroll_pane_cp23().LayoutLine()
+            );                    
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            TRAP_IGNORE( iList->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(
+                CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff, CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff) );
+            // Enable scrolling
+            iList->DisableScrolling( EFalse );   
+            }
+        layoutRect.LayoutRect( rectParent, 
+            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_choice_list_pane( variety ).LayoutLine() );        
+        iList->SetRect( layoutRect.Rect() );
+        TAknLayoutRect innerRect;
+        innerRect.LayoutRect( 
+            rectParent, 
+            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_choice_list_pane(0).LayoutLine() 
+            );
+        iBgContext->SetFrameRects(rectParent, innerRect.Rect());        
+        }
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    // CAknChoiceListPopup::SetItemsL
+    // set content array
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    //      
+    void SetItemsL( CDesCArray& aArray )
+        {              
+        // Set list items.
+        CTextListBoxModel* model = iList->Model();    
+        model->SetItemTextArray( &aArray );        
+        iList->HandleItemAdditionL();
+        // We don't want to transfer ownership
+        model->SetOwnershipType( ELbmDoesNotOwnItemArray );        
+        }
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    // CAknChoiceListPopup::SelectedItem()
+    // Ask selected item from the choice list
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    TInt SelectedItem() const
+        {
+        return iIndex;
+        }
+    void SetSelectedItem( const TInt aIndex )
+        {        
+        if ( aIndex >= 0 )
+            {
+            iIndex = aIndex;                        
+            if ( iIsDisplayed && aIndex < iList->Model()->ItemTextArray()->MdcaCount() )
+                {                
+                iList->SetCurrentItemIndexAndDraw( aIndex );
+                }
+            }       
+        else
+            {
+            iIndex = -1;            
+            }        
+        }
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    // CAknChoiceListPopup::SetPopupSizeAndLocation
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    void SetPopupSizeAndLocation( const TRect& aRect )
+        {        
+        if ( iIsDisplayed ) 
+            {            
+            Window().Invalidate();
+            }
+        SetRect( aRect );        
+        TAknLayoutRect listRect;
+        TInt variety = 0;
+        if ( iList->Model()->ItemTextArray()->MdcaCount() > 6 )
+            {            
+            variety = 1;
+            }
+        listRect.LayoutRect( aRect, AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_choice_list_pane( variety ) );        
+        iList->SetSize( listRect.Rect().Size() );        
+        }
+    void OpenChoiceListL()
+        {    
+        if ( iIsDisplayed || iList->Model()->ItemTextArray()->MdcaCount() == 0 )
+            {            
+            return;
+            }
+        if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
+            {
+            SetPointerCapture( ETrue );
+            }
+        iIsDisplayed = ETrue;
+        AknGlobalPopupPriorityController::AddPopupToControlStackL( *this );
+        iEikonEnv->BringForwards( ETrue );
+        DrawableWindow()->SetOrdinalPosition( 0 );    
+        AknGlobalPopupPriorityController::ShowPopup(*this, ETrue);
+        // this will fix possibly corrupted index        
+        if ( iIndex < iList->Model()->ItemTextArray()->MdcaCount() && iIndex >= 0 )
+            {
+            iList->SetCurrentItemIndex( iIndex );
+            }
+        else if ( iList->Model()->ItemTextArray()->MdcaCount() > 0 )
+            {
+            iList->SetCurrentItemIndex( 0 );
+            }
+        CreateCbaL();
+        ActivateL();
+        MakeVisible( ETrue );
+        SetFocus( ETrue );
+        iList->SetFocus( ETrue );      
+        iCancelled = EFalse;
+        UpdateControlContext(); 
+        DrawNow();  
+        }
+// Functions from base classes
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    // CAknChoiceListPopup::Draw
+    // Symbian OS framework drawing function. Draws the window shadows and
+    // outline frame.
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    void Draw(const TRect& aRect) const
+        {                
+        CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
+        MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
+        if ( !AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, iBgContext, gc, aRect ) )
+            {
+            SystemGc().Clear( aRect );
+            }
+        }
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    // CAknChoiceListPopup::SizeChanged
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    void SizeChanged()
+        {        
+        CCoeControl::SizeChanged();        
+        UpdateControlContext();
+        }
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    // CAknChoiceListPopup::HandleResourceChange
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    void HandleResourceChange(TInt aType)
+        {
+        CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange(aType);
+        if ( iCba )
+            {
+            iCba->HandleResourceChange(aType);
+            }
+        if( aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch )
+            {
+            MakeVisible( ETrue );
+            }
+        if ( aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange )
+            {
+            iList->UpdateTextColors();
+            }
+        }
+    TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType)
+        { 
+        if ( aType == EEventKey )
+            {            
+            if ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyUpArrow || 
+                 aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDownArrow || 
+                 aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyEnter ||
+                 aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDevice3 )
+                {            
+                return iList->OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent, aType);    
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                CloseChoiceList();
+                return EKeyWasConsumed;                
+                }            
+            }
+        return EKeyWasNotConsumed;          
+        }
+     // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    // CAknChoiceListPopup::CountComponentControls
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    TInt CountComponentControls() const
+        {
+        return 1;
+        }
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    // CAknChoiceListPopup::ComponentControl
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    CCoeControl* ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const
+        {
+        if ( aIndex == 0 )
+            {            
+            return iList;
+            }
+        return NULL;    
+        }
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    // CAknChoiceListPopup::HandlePointerEventL
+    // Decides what to do when pen is used and choice list is active
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent &aPointerEvent)
+        {
+        if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
+            {
+            // Make sure that scrolling is enabled for choicelist
+            if ( iList->ScrollingDisabled() )
+                {
+                iList->DisableScrolling( EFalse );
+                }
+            TRect ctrlArea = iList->Rect();
+            if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down )
+                {
+                if ( !ctrlArea.Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ) )
+                    {
+                    iCancelled = ETrue;
+                    SetSelectedItem( iIndex );
+                    CloseChoiceList();
+                    return;
+                    }
+                TInt index;
+                if ( iList->View()->XYPosToItemIndex( aPointerEvent.iPosition, index ))
+                    {                         
+                    if ( !iAvkonAppUi->IsSingleClickCompatible() )
+                        {
+                        // Pressed Down Effect
+                        iList->View()->ItemDrawer()->SetFlags( 
+                                CListItemDrawer::EPressedDownState );            
+                        }  
+                    }
+                }
+            CCoeControl::HandlePointerEventL( aPointerEvent );
+            }
+        }
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    // CAknChoiceListPopup::ProcessCommandL
+    // Softkey event handling
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    void ProcessCommandL(TInt aCommandId)
+        {
+        switch (aCommandId)
+            {
+            case EAknSoftkeyCancel:
+                iCancelled = ETrue;
+                CloseChoiceList();
+                break;
+            case EAknSoftkeySelect:
+                iCancelled = EFalse;
+                HandleListBoxEventL( iList, EEventEnterKeyPressed );
+                break;
+            default:
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    // CAknChoiceListPopup::HandleListBoxEventL
+    // Handles item selection in the grid
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    void HandleListBoxEventL(CEikListBox* aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType)
+        {
+        if ( aListBox == iList 
+            && ( aEventType == EEventEnterKeyPressed 
+            || aEventType == EEventItemClicked  
+            || aEventType == EEventItemSingleClicked ) )
+            {        
+            iIndex = iList->CurrentItemIndex();        
+            CloseChoiceList();
+            }                
+        }
+    TTypeUid::Ptr MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid aId)
+        {
+        if ( aId.iUid == MAknsControlContext::ETypeId )
+            {
+            return ( MAknsControlContext::SupplyMopObject( aId, iBgContext ) ) ;
+            }
+        if ( iCba )
+            {            
+            return MAknsControlContext::SupplyMopObject(aId, (MAknsControlContext*)iCba);
+            }
+        return TTypeUid::Null();            
+        }
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    // CAknChoiceListPopup::CreateChoiceListL
+    // Choice list construction (component control of CAknChoiceListPopup)
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    void CreateChoiceListL()
+        {
+        ASSERT(!iList);
+        iList = new ( ELeave ) CAknChoiceListPopupList;    
+        iList->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
+        iList->ConstructL( this, EAknListBoxSelectionList );    
+        iList->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );         
+        iList->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff, CEikScrollBarFrame::EOn);
+        iList->SetListBoxObserver(this);    
+        iList->SetMopParent( this );        
+       }
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    // CAknChoiceListPopup::CreateCbaL
+    // Softkey construction (component control of CAknChoiceListPopup)
+    // ---------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    void CreateCbaL()
+        {
+        ASSERT(!iCba);
+        iCba = CEikButtonGroupContainer::NewL(CEikButtonGroupContainer::ECba,
+                                              CEikButtonGroupContainer::EHorizontal,
+                                              this, R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_SELECT_CANCEL__SELECT);
+        AknGlobalPopupPriorityController::AddSubPopupL(*this, *iCba->ButtonGroup()->AsControl());
+        AknGlobalPopupPriorityController::AddPopupToControlStackL(*iCba->ButtonGroup()->AsControl(),
+            ECoeStackPriorityCba, ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus );
+        iCba->DrawDeferred();
+        }
+// Data
+    CAknChoiceListPopupList* iList;
+    CEikButtonGroupContainer* iCba;
+    TInt iIndex;
+    TBool iIsDisplayed;
+    CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext* iBgContext;
+    TBool iCancelled;
+    };
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C CAknChoiceList* CAknChoiceList::NewL( CCoeControl* aParent, 
+    CDesCArray* aItemArray, TInt aFlags, CAknButton* aButton )
+    {
+    CAknChoiceList* self = NewLC( aParent, aItemArray, aFlags, aButton );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+EXPORT_C CAknChoiceList* CAknChoiceList::NewLC( CCoeControl* aParent, 
+    CDesCArray* aItemArray, TInt aFlags, CAknButton* aButton )
+    {
+    CAknChoiceList* self = new (ELeave) CAknChoiceList;
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL( aParent, aItemArray, aFlags, aButton );
+    AKNTASHOOK_ADDL( self, "CAknChoiceList" );
+    return self;    
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// default constructor.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAknChoiceList::CAknChoiceList() : 
+    iSelectedIndex( 0 ),   
+    iIsClosed( ETrue ),
+    iTooltipWaitInterval( KTimeoutBeforeTooltipNote ),
+    iTooltipInViewInterval( KTimeoutInViewTooltipNote ),
+    iTooltipPosition( EPositionTop )
+    {
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// default destructor.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    if ( !iIsClosed )
+        {
+        HideChoiceList();
+        }
+    delete iButton; 
+    delete iLabel;
+    if( iArray )
+        {
+        iArray->Reset();      
+        }    
+    delete iArray;      
+    delete iPopup;
+    delete iTooltipText;
+    delete iTooltip;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::ConstructL 
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknChoiceList::ConstructL( CCoeControl* aParent, 
+    CDesCArray* aItemArray, TInt aFlags, CAknButton* aButton )
+    {
+    if ( ! iTooltip )
+        {
+        iTooltip = CAknInfoPopupNoteController::NewL();
+        }
+    iTooltip->SetTimeDelayBeforeShow( iTooltipWaitInterval );
+    iTooltip->SetTimePopupInView( iTooltipInViewInterval );
+    iTooltip->SetTooltipModeL( ETrue );
+    iFlags = aFlags;
+    SetContainerWindowL( *aParent );    
+    iPopup = new (ELeave) CAknChoiceListPopup;
+    iPopup->ConstructL();
+    iPopup->SetObserver( this );
+    iArray = aItemArray;
+    // Check here which type of choice list is used and construct them properly   
+    if ( iFlags & EAknChoiceListWithoutCurrentSelection )    
+        {        
+        SetButtonL( aButton );                   
+        }
+    else if ( iFlags & EAknChoiceListWithCurrentSelection ) 
+        {           
+        ConstructTypicalChoiceListL();       
+        }
+    SetComponentsToInheritVisibility( ETrue );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::SizeChanged 
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknChoiceList::SizeChanged()
+    {
+    if ( iFlags & EAknChoiceListWithCurrentSelection ) 
+        {
+        TAknWindowLineLayout layout = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::choice_list_pane().LayoutLine();                
+        // width is taken from given rect, height is fixed value from layout data
+        iSize = TSize( Size().iWidth, layout.iH );
+        TRect parent( Rect() );
+        AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel( 
+            iLabel, 
+            parent, 
+            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::choice_list_pane_t1().LayoutLine() 
+            );        
+        // Override font color
+        if ( AknsUtils::AvkonSkinEnabled() )
+            {
+           TRgb textColor;
+            if ( AknsUtils::GetCachedColor( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), textColor, 
+                KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG8) == KErrNone )
+                {
+                TRAP_IGNORE( AknLayoutUtils::OverrideControlColorL( 
+                    *iLabel, EColorLabelText, textColor) );
+                }
+            }
+        TAknLayoutRect buttonLayoutRect;
+        buttonLayoutRect.LayoutRect( parent, AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::choice_list_pane_g1().LayoutLine() );            
+        iButton->SetRect( buttonLayoutRect.Rect() );
+        }
+    else if ( iFlags & EAknChoiceListWithoutCurrentSelection )
+        {
+        iButton->SetRect( Rect() );
+        }
+    // if Choice list is open then update it by opening and closing it.
+        if ( !iIsClosed )
+            {
+            SetPopupRect();
+            }
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::Draw
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CAknChoiceList::Draw( const TRect& /*aRect*/ ) const
+    {
+    }
+EXPORT_C void CAknChoiceList::PositionChanged()
+    {
+    CAknControl::PositionChanged();
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::ComponentControl 
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C CCoeControl* CAknChoiceList::ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const
+    {
+    switch ( aIndex )
+        {
+        case 0: 
+            return (CCoeControl*)iButton;            
+        case 1: 
+            return (CCoeControl*)iLabel;
+        default:
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::CountComponentControls
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt CAknChoiceList::CountComponentControls() const
+    {  
+    TInt count = 1; // always button
+    // If using the default type of choice list then using two controls inside this control
+    if ( iFlags & EAknChoiceListWithCurrentSelection )
+        {
+        count++;
+        }    
+    return count;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::ShowChoiceList 
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt CAknChoiceList::ShowChoiceListL()
+    {
+    if( !iIsClosed || iArray->Count() < 1 )
+        {
+        _AKNTRACE("ShowChoiceListL: !iIsClosed or iArray->Count() < 1, return");
+        return KErrGeneral;
+        }
+    // Set choice list to opened mode 
+    iIsClosed = EFalse;        
+    iPopup->SetItemsL( *iArray );        
+    SetSelectedIndex( iSelectedIndex );
+    SetPopupRect();                
+    iPopup->OpenChoiceListL();
+    return KErrNone;  
+    } 
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::HideChoiceList 
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CAknChoiceList::HideChoiceList() 
+    {
+    iPopup->CloseChoiceList();
+    iIsClosed = ETrue;
+    iSelectedIndex = iPopup->SelectedItem();
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::SetTooltipTextL 
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CAknChoiceList::SetTooltipTextL( const TDesC& aText )
+    {
+    _AKNTRACE("CAknChoiceList::SetTooltipTextL aText=%S", &aText);
+    delete iTooltipText;
+    iTooltipText = NULL;
+    iTooltipText = aText.AllocL();
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::SetTooltipTimeouts 
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CAknChoiceList::SetTooltipTimeouts( const TInt aBeforeTimeout,
+                                                  const TInt aInViewTimeout )
+    {
+    if ( aBeforeTimeout >= 0 )
+        {
+        iTooltipWaitInterval = aBeforeTimeout;
+        }
+    if ( aInViewTimeout >= 0 )
+        {
+        iTooltipInViewInterval = aInViewTimeout;
+        }
+    iTooltip->SetTimeDelayBeforeShow( iTooltipWaitInterval );
+    iTooltip->SetTimePopupInView( iTooltipInViewInterval );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::SetTooltipPosition
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CAknChoiceList::SetTooltipPosition( 
+    TTooltipPosition aPosition )
+    {
+    iTooltipPosition = aPosition;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::SetButtonL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CAknChoiceList::SetButtonL( CAknButton* aButton )
+    {
+    if ( iButton )
+        {
+        delete iButton;
+        iButton = NULL;
+        }
+    iButton = aButton;  
+    iButton->SetObserver( this );
+    iButton->SetContainerWindowL( *this ); 
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::SetSelectedIndex 
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CAknChoiceList::SetSelectedIndex( const TInt aIndex )
+    {
+    _AKNTRACE("SetSelectedIndex: aIndex=%d", aIndex);
+    if ( !iArray )
+        {
+        _AKNTRACE("SetSelectedIndex: no iArray, return");
+        return;
+        }
+    if ( aIndex >= -1 && aIndex < iArray->Count() )
+        {        
+        iSelectedIndex = aIndex;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iSelectedIndex = 0;
+        }
+    if ( !iIsClosed )
+        {        
+        iPopup->SetSelectedItem( iSelectedIndex );
+        }
+    if ( iFlags & EAknChoiceListWithCurrentSelection )
+        {
+        TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateLabelL() );    
+        Window().Invalidate( iLabel->Rect() );
+        }    
+    SizeChanged();
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::MinimumSize
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TSize CAknChoiceList::MinimumSize()
+    {       
+    TSize size;
+    // Although if there's only a button then it's size is used.
+    if ( iFlags & EAknChoiceListWithoutCurrentSelection )
+        {
+        size = iButton->MinimumSize();
+        }  
+    else
+        {
+        size = Size();
+        }
+    return size;    
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::HandleControlEvent
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CAknChoiceList::HandleControlEventL( CCoeControl* aControl,TCoeEvent aEventType )
+    {
+    if ( ( aControl == iButton || aControl == iLabel ) && aEventType == EEventStateChanged )
+        {          
+        if ( iIsClosed )
+            {
+            ShowChoiceListL();
+            }        
+        }
+    // Popup is closed
+    else if ( !iIsClosed && aControl == iPopup && 
+              ( aEventType == EEventStateChanged || aEventType == EEventRequestCancel ) )
+        {
+        if( aEventType == EEventStateChanged )
+            {
+            iSelectedIndex = iPopup->SelectedItem();
+            SetSelectedIndex( iPopup->SelectedItem() );
+            }
+        iIsClosed = ETrue;        
+        if ( Observer() )
+            {
+            Observer()->HandleControlEventL( this, aEventType );    
+            }        
+        }
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::HandleResourceChange
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CAknChoiceList::HandleResourceChange( TInt aType )
+    {
+    CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange( aType );
+    if ( aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange )
+        {
+        if ( !(iFlags & EAknChoiceListWithoutCurrentSelection) )
+            {            
+            // has to be done for button update
+            TRAP_IGNORE( ConstructTypicalChoiceListL() );
+            }
+        // Item colors
+        iPopup->HandleResourceChange( aType );
+        // Label color
+        if ( AknsUtils::AvkonSkinEnabled() && iLabel )
+            {
+           TRgb textColor;
+            if ( AknsUtils::GetCachedColor( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), textColor, 
+                KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG8) == KErrNone )
+                {
+                TRAP_IGNORE( 
+                    AknLayoutUtils::OverrideControlColorL( 
+                        *iLabel, EColorLabelText, textColor) );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    else if ( aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch )
+        {
+        SizeChanged();
+        }    
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::OfferKeyEventL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TKeyResponse CAknChoiceList::OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType )
+    {
+    if ( aType == EEventKey )
+        {        
+        if ( iIsClosed && ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyEnter ||
+             aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDevice3 ) )
+            {            
+            ShowChoiceListL();
+            return EKeyWasConsumed;
+            }    
+        else if ( !iIsClosed )
+            {
+            return iPopup->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );        
+            }
+        return EKeyWasNotConsumed;        
+        }
+    return EKeyWasNotConsumed;        
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::HandlePointerEventL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknChoiceList::HandlePointerEventL( const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent )
+    {
+    CCoeControl::HandlePointerEventL( aPointerEvent );
+    if ( !AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() || !iLabel )
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    MTouchFeedback* feedback = MTouchFeedback::Instance();
+    switch ( aPointerEvent.iType )
+        {
+        case TPointerEvent::EButton1Down:
+            {
+            if ( feedback && iArray->Count() > 0 )
+                {
+                feedback->InstantFeedback(
+                    this,
+                    ETouchFeedbackList,
+                    aPointerEvent );
+                }     
+            if ( Rect().Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ))
+                {
+                ShowTooltipL();               
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case TPointerEvent::EDrag:
+            {
+            if ( !Rect().Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ))   
+                {
+                iTooltip->HideInfoPopupNote();
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case TPointerEvent::EButton1Up:
+            {
+            if ( feedback && iArray->Count() > 0 )
+                {
+                if ( CAknTransitionUtils::TransitionsEnabled( 
+                        AknTransEffect::EComponentTransitionsOff ) )
+                    {
+                    feedback->InstantFeedback(
+                        this,
+                        ETouchFeedbackIncreasingPopUp,
+                    	aPointerEvent );
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    feedback->InstantFeedback(
+                        this,
+                        ETouchFeedbackPopUp,
+                    	aPointerEvent );
+                    }
+                }
+            iTooltip->HideInfoPopupNote();        
+            TRect ctrlArea = iLabel->Rect();
+            if ( ctrlArea.Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ))
+                {
+                HandleControlEventL( iLabel, EEventStateChanged );
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::SelectedIndex
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt CAknChoiceList::SelectedIndex() const
+    {    
+    return iSelectedIndex;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::SetItems 
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CAknChoiceList::SetItems( CDesCArray* aArray )
+    {            
+    if ( iArray && aArray && iArray != aArray )
+        {
+        iArray->Reset();
+        delete iArray;
+        iArray = NULL;
+        }                
+    iArray = aArray;    
+    TRAP_IGNORE( iPopup->SetItemsL( *iArray ) );
+    if ( !iIsClosed )
+        {
+        if ( iArray && iArray->Count() > 0 )
+            {            
+            SetPopupRect();
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            HideChoiceList();
+            }
+        }    
+    SetSelectedIndex( 0 );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::SetItems
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CAknChoiceList::SetItemsL( TInt aResourceId )
+    {        
+    TResourceReader reader;
+    CCoeEnv::Static()->CreateResourceReaderLC( reader, aResourceId );    
+    CDesCArray* array;    
+    array = reader.ReadDesC16ArrayL();   
+    iSelectedIndex = 0;
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader
+    if ( iArray )
+        {
+        iArray->Reset();
+        delete iArray;
+        iArray = NULL;
+        }                  
+    iArray = array;      
+    iPopup->SetItemsL( *iArray );      
+    if ( !iIsClosed )
+        {
+        if ( iArray->Count() > 0 )
+            {            
+            SetPopupRect();
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            HideChoiceList();
+            }
+        }
+    SetSelectedIndex( 0 );                
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::AddItemL 
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt CAknChoiceList::AddItemL( const TDesC* aDesC )
+    {
+    _AKNTRACE("CAknChoiceList::AddItemL: aDesC=%S", aDesC);
+    iArray->AppendL( *aDesC );    
+    iPopup->SetItemsL( *iArray );    
+    if ( !iIsClosed )
+        {        
+        SetPopupRect();                
+        }
+    UpdateLabelL();
+    TInt index = iArray->Count() - 1; // return new items index
+    return index;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::RemoveItem 
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CAknChoiceList::RemoveItem( const TInt aIndex )
+    {
+    _AKNTRACE("CAknChoiceList::RemoveItem: aIndex=%d", aIndex);
+    // if the choice list is open then just return. 
+    if( aIndex < iArray->Count() && aIndex >= 0 )
+        {
+        iArray->Delete( aIndex );    
+        if ( aIndex <= iSelectedIndex && iSelectedIndex > -1 )
+            {
+            iSelectedIndex--;
+            }
+        SetSelectedIndex( iSelectedIndex );
+        }          
+    if ( !iIsClosed )
+        {        
+        if ( iArray->Count() > 0 )
+            {
+            TRAP_IGNORE( iPopup->SetItemsL( *iArray ) );        
+            SetPopupRect();                
+            }
+        else 
+            {
+            HideChoiceList();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::SetFlags
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CAknChoiceList::SetFlags( const TInt aFlags )
+    {
+    // List type must be remained if not inculed in aFlags
+    if ( !( aFlags & EAknChoiceListWithCurrentSelection )&&
+         !( aFlags & EAknChoiceListWithoutCurrentSelection ) )
+        {
+        if ( iFlags & EAknChoiceListWithCurrentSelection )
+            {
+            iFlags = aFlags | EAknChoiceListWithCurrentSelection;
+            }
+        else 
+            {
+            iFlags = aFlags | EAknChoiceListWithoutCurrentSelection;
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iFlags = aFlags;
+        }
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::Flags
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt CAknChoiceList::Flags() const
+    {    
+    return iFlags;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::InsertItemL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt CAknChoiceList::InsertItemL( TInt aIndex, const TDesC& aText )
+    {
+    ASSERT( iArray );
+    if ( aIndex >= 0 && aIndex <= iArray->Count() )
+        {
+        iArray->InsertL( aIndex, aText );
+        if ( aIndex <= iSelectedIndex )
+            {
+            SetSelectedIndex( ++iSelectedIndex );
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        aIndex = iArray->Count();
+        iArray->InsertL( aIndex, aText );
+        }   
+    iPopup->SetItemsL( *iArray );   
+    if ( !iIsClosed )
+        {
+        SetPopupRect();
+        }        
+    return aIndex;    
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::ConstructTypicalChoiceListL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknChoiceList::ConstructTypicalChoiceListL()
+    {
+    CGulIcon* icon = AknsUtils::CreateGulIconL( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
+                                       KAknsIIDQgnPropSetButton,
+                                       AknIconUtils::AvkonIconFileName(),
+                                       EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_set_button,
+                                       EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_set_button_mask  );
+    CAknButton* button = CAknButton::NewL(
+        icon, 
+        NULL, 
+        NULL, 
+        NULL, 
+        KNullDesC, 
+        KNullDesC, 
+        KAknButtonNoFrame, 
+        0 
+        );     
+    SetButtonL( button );    
+    SetSelectedIndex( iSelectedIndex );  
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::SetPopupRect
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknChoiceList::SetPopupRect()
+    {    
+    TInt numItems( iArray->Count() );
+    if ( numItems == 0 )
+        {
+        return;
+        }  
+    // height must be adjusted. Max variety is 5 (6 visible items)    
+    if ( numItems > 6 )
+        {
+        numItems = 6;
+        }
+    TAknWindowComponentLayout window = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::
+        popup_choice_list_window( numItems - 1 );
+    TAknWindowLineLayout layout = window.LayoutLine();
+    TInt height( layout.iH );
+    TInt width;
+        width = Size().iWidth;
+    TPoint position; 
+    // allowed rect
+    TRect clientRect;
+    AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, clientRect );
+    if ( iFlags & EAknChoiceListPositionLeft ) 
+        {
+        position = TPoint( PositionRelativeToScreen() - TPoint( width, 0 ) ); 
+        }
+    else if ( iFlags & EAknChoiceListPositionRight )
+        {
+        position = TPoint( PositionRelativeToScreen() + TPoint( width, 0 ) );         
+        }
+    else if ( iFlags & EAknChoiceListPositionBottom )// bottom
+        {
+        position = TPoint( PositionRelativeToScreen() + TPoint(0, Size().iHeight ) ); 
+        }
+    else // with current selection locate popup on top of the area
+        {        
+        position = TPoint( PositionRelativeToScreen() - TPoint(0, height ) );     
+        }  
+    // Horizontal check, readjusted if needed.
+    if ( position.iX < clientRect.iTl.iX )
+        {
+        position.iX = clientRect.iTl.iX;
+        }
+    else if ( ( position.iX + width ) > clientRect.iBr.iX )
+        {
+        position.iX = clientRect.iBr.iX - width;
+        } 
+    // Vertical check, readjusted if needed.
+    if ( position.iY < clientRect.iTl.iY )
+        {
+        position.iY = clientRect.iTl.iY;
+        }
+    else if ( ( position.iY + height ) > clientRect.iBr.iY )
+        {
+        position.iY = clientRect.iBr.iY - height;
+        }
+    TRect old (iPopup->Rect() );
+    iPopup->SetPopupSizeAndLocation( TRect( position, TSize( width, height ) ) );  
+    Window().Invalidate( old );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::UpdateLabelL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknChoiceList::UpdateLabelL()
+    {
+    if ( !iFlags & EAknChoiceListWithCurrentSelection )
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    if ( !iLabel )
+        {
+        iLabel = new (ELeave) CEikLabel;
+        iLabel->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
+        // Set font
+        TAknTextComponentLayout labelLayout = 
+            AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::choice_list_pane_t1();
+        iLabel->SetFont( AknLayoutUtils::FontFromId( labelLayout.Font() ) );
+        // Set font color
+        if ( AknsUtils::AvkonSkinEnabled() )
+            {
+           TRgb textColor;
+            if ( AknsUtils::GetCachedColor( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), textColor, 
+                KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG8) == KErrNone )
+                {
+                TRAP_IGNORE( AknLayoutUtils::OverrideControlColorL( 
+                    *iLabel, EColorLabelText, textColor) );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    if ( iSelectedIndex >= 0 && iArray->Count() > 0 )
+        {        
+        TPtrC text = iArray->MdcaPoint( iSelectedIndex ); 
+        if ( &text )
+            {        
+            iLabel->SetTextL( text );  
+            }
+        }        
+    else if ( iSelectedIndex == -1 || iArray->Count() == 0 )
+        {
+        iLabel->SetTextL( KNullDesC );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iSelectedIndex = 0;
+        UpdateLabelL();
+        }
+    }    
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknChoiceList::ShowTooltipL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknChoiceList::ShowTooltipL()
+    {
+    if ( !iTooltipText || (iTooltipText->Length() <= 0 ))
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    iTooltip->SetTextL( *iTooltipText );
+    // Position the tooltip
+    TPoint position;
+    if ( AknsUtils::GetControlPosition( this, position ) != KErrNone )
+        {
+        position = PositionRelativeToScreen();
+        }
+    TRect rect( position, Size() );
+    TPoint center = rect.Center();
+    switch ( iTooltipPosition )
+        {
+        case EPositionTop:
+            {
+            iTooltip->SetPositionAndAlignment(
+                TPoint( center.iX, rect.iTl.iY ), EHCenterVBottom );
+            break;
+            }
+        case EPositionBottom:
+            {
+            iTooltip->SetPositionAndAlignment(
+                TPoint( center.iX, rect.iBr.iY ), EHCenterVTop );
+            break;
+            }
+        case EPositionLeft:
+            {
+            iTooltip->SetPositionAndAlignment(
+                TPoint( rect.iTl.iX, center.iY ), EHRightVCenter );
+            break;
+            }
+        case EPositionRight:
+            {
+            iTooltip->SetPositionAndAlignment(
+                TPoint( rect.iBr.iX, center.iY ), EHLeftVCenter );
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            return;
+            }
+        }
+    iTooltip->ShowInfoPopupNote();        
+    }
+//  End of File