changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uifw/EikStd/coctlsrc/eiklay.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2001 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include <eiklay.h>
+#include <eikpanic.h>
+#include <eikcoctlpanic.h>
+#include <AknLineBreaker.h>
+const TUint KOpFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::EOpLineBreakClass;
+const TUint KClFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::EClLineBreakClass;
+// const TUint KQuFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::EQuLineBreakClass;
+// const TUint KGlFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::EGlLineBreakClass;
+const TUint KNsFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::ENsLineBreakClass;
+const TUint KExFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::EExLineBreakClass;
+const TUint KSyFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::ESyLineBreakClass;
+const TUint KIsFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::EIsLineBreakClass;
+const TUint KPrFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::EPrLineBreakClass;
+const TUint KPoFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::EPoLineBreakClass;
+const TUint KNuFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::ENuLineBreakClass;
+const TUint KAlFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::EAlLineBreakClass;
+const TUint KIdFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::EIdLineBreakClass;
+const TUint KInFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::EInLineBreakClass;
+// const TUint KHyFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::EHyLineBreakClass;
+const TUint KBaFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::EBaLineBreakClass;
+const TUint KBbFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::EBbLineBreakClass;
+const TUint KB2Flag = 1 << MTmCustom::EB2LineBreakClass;
+const TUint KZwFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::EZwLineBreakClass;
+const TUint KCmFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::ECmLineBreakClass;
+// const TUint KBkFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::EBkLineBreakClass;
+// const TUint KCrFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::ECrLineBreakClass;
+// const TUint KLfFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::ELfLineBreakClass;
+// const TUint KSgFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::ESgLineBreakClass;
+// const TUint KCbFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::ECbLineBreakClass;
+// const TUint KSpFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::ESpLineBreakClass;
+// const TUint KSaFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::ESaLineBreakClass;
+const TUint KAiFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::EAiLineBreakClass;
+// const TUint KXxFlag = 1 << MTmCustom::EXxLineBreakClass;
+const TUint KCalSpaceFlag = 1 << TAvkonEditorCustomWrap::EAvkSpaceLineBreakClass;
+// const TInt KUsualBreaks = KOpFlag | KPrFlag | KPoFlag | KNuFlag | KAlFlag | KIdFlag | KInFlag | KBbFlag | KB2Flag | KAiFlag;
+struct TLineBreakRule
+    {
+    TUint iForbid;  // set bits represent forbidden breaks
+    TUint iAllow;   // set bits represent allowed breaks
+                    // bits not in iForbid or iAllow represent breaks allowed only when spaces are present
+    };
+const TUint KAllBreaks = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+const TUint KUsualForbidden = KClFlag | KExFlag | KSyFlag | KIsFlag | KZwFlag;
+const TUint KUsualAllowed = KOpFlag | KPrFlag | KPoFlag | KNuFlag | KAlFlag | KIdFlag | KInFlag | KBbFlag | KB2Flag | KAiFlag | KBaFlag;
+// A table of break rules, indexed by the class of the character before the possible break.
+static const TLineBreakRule TheLineBreakRuleTable[TAvkonEditorCustomWrap::EAvkLineBreakClasses] =
+    {
+    { KAllBreaks - KCmFlag,0 },                                                     // Op 0
+    { KUsualForbidden | KNsFlag,KUsualAllowed - KPoFlag },                          // Cl 1
+    { KUsualForbidden | KOpFlag,0 },                                                // Qu 2
+    { KUsualForbidden, 0 },                                                         // Gl 3
+    { KUsualForbidden, KUsualAllowed },                                             // Ns 4
+    { KUsualForbidden, KUsualAllowed },                                             // Ex 5
+    { KUsualForbidden, KUsualAllowed - KNuFlag },                                   // Sy 6
+    { KUsualForbidden, KUsualAllowed - KNuFlag },                                   // Is 7
+    { KUsualForbidden, KPrFlag | KPoFlag | KInFlag | KBbFlag | KB2Flag },           // Pr 8
+    { KUsualForbidden, KUsualAllowed },                                             // Po 9
+    { KUsualForbidden, KOpFlag | KPrFlag | KIdFlag | KBbFlag | KB2Flag },           // Nu 10
+    { KUsualForbidden, KOpFlag | KPrFlag | KPoFlag | KIdFlag | KBbFlag | KB2Flag }, // Al 11
+    { KUsualForbidden, KUsualAllowed - KPoFlag - KInFlag },                         // Id 12
+    { KUsualForbidden, KUsualAllowed - KInFlag },                                   // In 13
+    { KUsualForbidden, KUsualAllowed },                                             // Hy 14
+    { KUsualForbidden, KUsualAllowed },                                             // Ba 15
+    { KUsualForbidden, 0 },                                                         // Bb 16
+    { KUsualForbidden | KB2Flag, KUsualAllowed },                                   // B2 17
+    { KZwFlag, KAllBreaks },                                                        // Zw 18
+    { KUsualForbidden, KOpFlag | KPrFlag | KPoFlag | KIdFlag | KBbFlag | KB2Flag }, // Cm 19
+    { 0, 0, },                                                                      // Bk 20
+    { 0, 0, },                                                                      // Cr 21
+    { 0, 0, },                                                                      // Lf 22
+    { 0, 0, },                                                                      // Sg 23
+    { 0, 0, },                                                                      // Cb 24
+    { 0, 0, },                                                                      // Sp 25
+    { 0, 0, },                                                                      // Sa 26
+    { KUsualForbidden, KOpFlag | KPrFlag | KPoFlag | KIdFlag | KBbFlag | KB2Flag }, // Ai 27
+    { 0, 0, },                                                                      // Xx 28
+    { KUsualForbidden, KUsualAllowed | KCalSpaceFlag },                             // CalSpace 29
+    };
+const TText KPrivateUseAreaStart = 0xE000;
+const TText KPrivateUseAreaEnd = 0xF900;
+Avkon break rules for editors:
+Break-before only: "+"
+Break-after only:  ". , ? ! ; : - _" 
+Before/After:      "# * @ & / \ ="
+TUint TAvkonEditorCustomWrap::LineBreakClass(TUint aCode,TUint& aRangeStart,TUint& aRangeEnd) const
+    {
+    aRangeStart = aCode;
+    aRangeEnd = aCode + 1;
+    TUint lineclass;
+    if (TAknLineBreaker::IsSpecialVariantChar(aCode, aRangeStart, aRangeEnd, lineclass))
+        {
+        // if special line break classes are defined for each variant
+        return lineclass;
+        }
+    switch (aCode)
+        {
+        case 0x0020: // unicode for space
+            return EAvkSpaceLineBreakClass;
+        case 0x0021: // unicode for exclamation mark    (!)
+        case 0xff01: // unicode for fullwidth exclamation mark
+            return MTmCustom::EBaLineBreakClass;
+        case 0x002c: // unicode for comma               (,) deliberate fall through
+        case 0x002d: // unicode for hyphen              (-) deliberate fall through
+        case 0x002e: // unicode for fullstop            (.)
+        case 0xff0c: // unicode for fullwidth comma
+            aRangeStart=0x002c;
+            aRangeEnd=0x002f;
+            return MTmCustom::EBaLineBreakClass;
+        case 0x3001: // unicode for ideographic comma
+        case 0x3002: // unicode for idegraphic full stop
+        case 0xff1f: // unicode for fullwidth question mark
+            aRangeStart=0x002c;
+            aRangeEnd=0x002f;
+            return MTmCustom::EClLineBreakClass;
+        case 0x003a: // unicode for colon               (:) deliberate fall through
+        case 0x003b: // unicode for semi-colon          (;)
+        case 0xff1a: // unicode for fullwidth colon
+            aRangeStart=0x003a;
+            aRangeEnd=0x003c;
+            return MTmCustom::EBaLineBreakClass;
+        case 0x003f: // unicode for question mark       (?) deliberate fall through
+        case 0x005f: // unicode for underscore          (_)
+            return MTmCustom::EBaLineBreakClass;
+        case 0x002b: // unicode for plus        (+)
+            return MTmCustom::EBbLineBreakClass;
+        case 0x0023: // unicode for hash        (#) deliberate fall through
+        case 0x0026: // unicode for ampersand   (&) deliberate fall through
+        case 0x002a: // unicode for asterisk    (*) deliberate fall through
+        case 0x002f: // unicode for fwd-slash   (/) deliberate fall through
+        case 0x003d: // unicode for equals      (=) deliberate fall through
+        case 0x0040: // unicode for 'at'        (@) deliberate fall through
+        case 0x005c: // unicode for bk-slash    (\)
+            return MTmCustom::EB2LineBreakClass;
+        default:
+            break; // carry on
+        }
+    // Allow break before and after PUA characters (required for pictographs).
+    if ( aCode >= KPrivateUseAreaStart && aCode < KPrivateUseAreaEnd )
+        {
+        aRangeStart = KPrivateUseAreaStart;
+        aRangeEnd = KPrivateUseAreaEnd;
+        // this allows break before and after
+        return MTmCustom::EIdLineBreakClass;
+        }
+    return MFormCustomWrap::LineBreakClass(aCode,aRangeStart,aRangeEnd);
+    }
+TBool TAvkonEditorCustomWrap::LineBreakPossible(TUint aPrevClass,TUint aNextClass,TBool aHaveSpaces) const
+    {
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(!aHaveSpaces,Panic(EEikPanicUnexpectedSpaces)); // should be no codes->ESpLineBreakClass using this source
+    if (aPrevClass >= EAvkLineBreakClasses || aNextClass >= EAvkLineBreakClasses)
+        return FALSE;
+    const TLineBreakRule& rule = TheLineBreakRuleTable[aPrevClass];
+    TUint flag = 1 << aNextClass;
+    if (rule.iForbid & flag)
+        return FALSE;
+    return aHaveSpaces || (rule.iAllow & flag);
+    }