--- a/uifw/EikStd/coctlsrc/eikcba.cpp Wed Jun 09 09:58:37 2010 +0300
+++ b/uifw/EikStd/coctlsrc/eikcba.cpp Mon Jun 21 15:57:43 2010 +0300
@@ -1337,9 +1337,6 @@
// Skin background is not drawn by embedded CBA.
if ( !iFlags.IsSet( ECbaEmbedded ) )
- TRect screen;
- AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EScreen, screen );
// Construct background control context, SizeChanged will update
// the layout rectangle.
iBgIID = AknStatuspaneUtils::IdleLayoutActive() ?
@@ -1353,50 +1350,10 @@
2 );
// Other context for staconpane
- // There is a need for two layers in each context: one for wallpaper,
- // the other for skin graphics.
- iStaconBgContextTop = CAknsMaskedLayerBackgroundControlContext::NewL(
- KAknsIIDWallpaper, TRect( 0, 0, 1, 1 ), ETrue, ECbaLayerN );
- iStaconBgContextBottom = CAknsMaskedLayerBackgroundControlContext::NewL(
- KAknsIIDWallpaper, TRect( 0, 0, 1, 1 ), ETrue, ECbaLayerN );
- for ( TInt i = 0; i < ECbaLayerN; i++ )
- {
- iStaconBgContextBottom->SetLayerImage( i, KAknsIIDNone );
- }
- TAknWindowLineLayout layout( AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::area_top_pane(2).LayoutLine() );
- TAknLayoutRect layoutRect;
- layoutRect.LayoutRect( screen, layout );
- TRect staconTop( layoutRect.Rect() );
- layout = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::area_bottom_pane(2).LayoutLine();
- layoutRect.LayoutRect( screen, layout );
- TRect staconBottom( layoutRect.Rect() );
- // Set layers to stacon contexts.
- // Set bottom as parent to top, so that top is re-drawn, if bottom is drawn.
- iStaconBgContextTop->SetLayerImage( ECbaLayerWallpaper, KAknsIIDWallpaper );
- iStaconBgContextTop->SetLayerRect( ECbaLayerWallpaper, screen );
- iStaconBgContextTop->SetLayerImage( ECbaLayerBackground, KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaStaconRt );
- iStaconBgContextTop->SetLayerRect( ECbaLayerBackground, staconTop );
- iStaconBgContextBottom->SetLayerImage( ECbaLayerWallpaper, KAknsIIDWallpaper );
- iStaconBgContextBottom->SetLayerRect( ECbaLayerWallpaper, screen );
- iStaconBgContextBottom->SetLayerImage( ECbaLayerBackground, KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaStaconRb );
- iStaconBgContextBottom->SetLayerRect( ECbaLayerBackground, staconBottom );
- iStaconBgContextBottom->SetParentPos( TPoint( 0, 0 ) );
- iStaconBgContextTop->SetParentContext( iStaconBgContextBottom );
- TBool idle = AknLayoutFlags() & EAknLayoutCbaInStaconPaneIdle;
- if ( idle )
- {
- iStaconBgContextTop->SetLayerMaskAndSizeL( KAknsIIDQgnGrafBgLscTopMaskIcon, staconTop );
- iStaconBgContextBottom->SetLayerMaskAndSizeL( KAknsIIDQgnGrafBgLscBottomMaskIcon, staconBottom );
- }
+ if ( AknStatuspaneUtils::StaconPaneActive() )
+ {
+ CheckAndCreateStaconContextsL();
+ }
iExtension->UpdateSoftkeyFrameL( EFalse );
@@ -4304,6 +4261,11 @@
SetBoundingRect( TRect() );
+ if( iExtension->iIfMskIconSet
+ && ( iCbaFlags & EEikCbaFlagAppMskIcon ) )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateIconL() );
+ }
if ( iFlags.IsSet( ECbaInsideDialog )
|| iFlags.IsSet( ECbaEmbedded ) )
@@ -4534,6 +4496,9 @@
// Always provide top object to mop-chain.
// Bottom is parent of Top, so bottom is re-drawn
// automatically when top is drawn.
+ // Ensure that the context exists.
+ TRAP_IGNORE( CheckAndCreateStaconContextsL() );
return MAknsControlContext::SupplyMopObject( aId, iStaconBgContextTop );
@@ -5741,6 +5706,8 @@
TRect screen( iAvkonAppUi->ApplicationRect() );
TBool softKeysUpAndDownMirrored = EFalse;
+ TRAP_IGNORE( CheckAndCreateStaconContextsL() );
TInt variety = 0;
if (AknLayoutFlags() & EAknLayoutCbaInStaconPaneLeft)
@@ -7918,6 +7885,80 @@
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CEikCba::CheckAndCreateStaconContextsL
+// Creates the skin background contexts used in StaCon layout.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CEikCba::CheckAndCreateStaconContextsL()
+ {
+ if ( !iStaconBgContextTop && !iStaconBgContextBottom )
+ {
+ TRect screen;
+ AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EScreen, screen );
+ // There is a need for two layers in each context: one for wallpaper,
+ // the other for skin graphics.
+ if ( !iStaconBgContextTop )
+ {
+ iStaconBgContextTop =
+ CAknsMaskedLayerBackgroundControlContext::NewL(
+ KAknsIIDWallpaper, TRect( 0, 0, 1, 1 ), ETrue, ECbaLayerN );
+ }
+ if ( !iStaconBgContextBottom )
+ {
+ iStaconBgContextBottom =
+ CAknsMaskedLayerBackgroundControlContext::NewL(
+ KAknsIIDWallpaper, TRect( 0, 0, 1, 1 ), ETrue, ECbaLayerN );
+ }
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < ECbaLayerN; i++ )
+ {
+ iStaconBgContextBottom->SetLayerImage( i, KAknsIIDNone );
+ }
+ TAknLayoutRect layoutRect;
+ layoutRect.LayoutRect( screen,
+ AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::area_top_pane( 2 ) );
+ TRect staconTop( layoutRect.Rect() );
+ layoutRect.LayoutRect( screen,
+ AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::area_bottom_pane( 2 ) );
+ TRect staconBottom( layoutRect.Rect() );
+ // Set layers to stacon contexts.
+ // Set bottom as parent to top, so that top is re-drawn, if bottom is drawn.
+ iStaconBgContextTop->SetLayerImage( ECbaLayerWallpaper,
+ KAknsIIDWallpaper );
+ iStaconBgContextTop->SetLayerRect( ECbaLayerWallpaper, screen );
+ iStaconBgContextTop->SetLayerImage( ECbaLayerBackground,
+ KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaStaconRt );
+ iStaconBgContextTop->SetLayerRect( ECbaLayerBackground, staconTop );
+ iStaconBgContextBottom->SetLayerImage( ECbaLayerWallpaper,
+ KAknsIIDWallpaper );
+ iStaconBgContextBottom->SetLayerRect( ECbaLayerWallpaper, screen );
+ iStaconBgContextBottom->SetLayerImage( ECbaLayerBackground,
+ KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaStaconRb );
+ iStaconBgContextBottom->SetLayerRect( ECbaLayerBackground, staconBottom );
+ iStaconBgContextBottom->SetParentPos( TPoint( 0, 0 ) );
+ iStaconBgContextTop->SetParentContext( iStaconBgContextBottom );
+ TBool idle = AknLayoutFlags() & EAknLayoutCbaInStaconPaneIdle;
+ if ( idle )
+ {
+ iStaconBgContextTop->SetLayerMaskAndSizeL(
+ KAknsIIDQgnGrafBgLscTopMaskIcon, staconTop );
+ iStaconBgContextBottom->SetLayerMaskAndSizeL(
+ KAknsIIDQgnGrafBgLscBottomMaskIcon, staconBottom );
+ }
+ }
+ }
// class CEikCbaButton
@@ -8753,12 +8794,14 @@
TInt priorities( reader.ReadInt16() ); // Amount of priorities for current button.
RArray<TInt> arr;
+ CleanupClosePushL( arr );
for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < priorities; ii++ )
TInt8 commandType( reader.ReadInt8() );
- arr.Append( commandType );
- }
- iPriorities.Append( arr );
+ arr.AppendL( commandType );
+ }
+ iPriorities.AppendL( arr );
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); //arr
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader