changeset 18 fcdfafb36fe7
parent 10 3d340a0166ff
child 19 aecbbf00d063
--- a/commonuis/CommonUi/group/CommonUI.mmp	Thu Jul 15 18:56:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commonuis/CommonUi/group/CommonUI.mmp	Thu Aug 19 10:11:06 2010 +0300
@@ -96,31 +96,31 @@
 LIBRARY         eikcoctl.lib
 LIBRARY         avkon.lib
 LIBRARY         eikdlg.lib
-LIBRARY         ServiceHandler.lib
-LIBRARY         cdlengine.lib
+LIBRARY         servicehandler.lib
+LIBRARY         CdlEngine.lib
 LIBRARY         ecom.lib
 LIBRARY         CommonEngine.lib        // For class Stringloader, etc.
 LIBRARY         apgrfx.lib              // For class RApaLsSession, class TApaTask
-LIBRARY         FeatMgr.lib             // For class FeatureManager
+LIBRARY         featmgr.lib             // For class FeatureManager
 #ifdef __SERIES60_MMC
-LIBRARY         CommonDialogs.lib
+LIBRARY         commondialogs.lib
 // FindUI
 LIBRARY         etext.lib               // For class CPlainText, class TCharFormat
 LIBRARY         form.lib                // For class CTextLayout
 LIBRARY         eikctl.lib              // For class CRichText
-LIBRARY         FavouritesEngine.lib    // For class CFavouritesItem, etc.
+LIBRARY         favouritesengine.lib    // For class CFavouritesItem, etc.
 LIBRARY         sendui.lib              // For class CSendUi, class CMessageData
-LIBRARY         PbkView.lib             // For class RPbkViewResourceFile, class CPbkDataSaveAppUi
-LIBRARY         PbkEng.lib              // For class CPbkContactEngine, class CPbkFieldInfo
+LIBRARY         pbkview.lib             // For class RPbkViewResourceFile, class CPbkDataSaveAppUi
+LIBRARY         pbkeng.lib              // For class CPbkContactEngine, class CPbkFieldInfo
-LIBRARY         CentralRepository.lib   // For class CRepository
-LIBRARY         CenRepNotifHandler.lib  // For CRepository things
+LIBRARY         centralrepository.lib   // For class CRepository
+LIBRARY         cenrepnotifhandler.lib  // For CRepository things
 #ifdef __VOIP
 #ifndef RD_VOIP_REL_2_2
-LIBRARY         RCSE.lib
+LIBRARY         rcse.lib
 #else // RD_VOIP_REL_2_2
 LIBRARY         serviceprovidersettings.lib
 #endif // !RD_VOIP_REL_2_2
@@ -131,14 +131,14 @@
 LIBRARY         efsrv.lib               // For file handling operations
 LIBRARY         apparc.lib              // For Application lauching
 LIBRARY         apmime.lib              // For mime type handling (class TDataType)
-LIBRARY         SysUtil.lib             // For checking the filesystem space
+LIBRARY         sysutil.lib             // For checking the filesystem space
 LIBRARY         estor.lib               // For class RDesReadStream in GameHandler
-LIBRARY         PlatformEnv.lib         // For finding correct paths for files (class PathInfo)
+LIBRARY         platformenv.lib         // For finding correct paths for files (class PathInfo)
 LIBRARY         contentnotification.lib // For notifying Media Gallery about new content.
-LIBRARY         SWInstCli.lib           // For Application installer launching
-LIBRARY         CharConv.lib            // For class CCnvCharacterSetConverter
+LIBRARY         swinstcli.lib           // For Application installer launching
+LIBRARY         charconv.lib            // For class CCnvCharacterSetConverter
 #ifdef __DRM
 LIBRARY         DRMCommon.lib
 LIBRARY         DcfRep.lib
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
 LIBRARY         aknnotify.lib           // For Global note (class CAknGlobalNote)
 LIBRARY         aknskins.lib            // Skins support
+LIBRARY         egul.lib
 LIBRARY         distributablechecker.lib    // generic API for determining if content is protected