* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
// Akninfrm.cpp
// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Symbian Ltd. All rights reserved.
#include <akninfrm.h>
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <barsread.h>
#include <eikedwin.h>
#include <AknsDrawUtils.h>
#include <AknsBasicBackgroundControlContext.h>
#include <aknlists.h>
#include <AknsFrameBackgroundControlContext.h>
#include <aknconsts.h>
#include <avkon.mbg>
#include <aknlayout.cdl.h>
#include <aknlayoutscalable_avkon.cdl.h>
#include <aknlayoutscalable_apps.cdl.h>
#include <aknapaclayout.cdl.h>
#include <AknIconUtils.h>
#include "akntrace.h"
EXPORT_C CAknInputFrame::~CAknInputFrame()
AknsUtils::DeregisterControlPosition( iField );
delete iIcon;
delete iPopupFindCC;
delete iPopupListCC;
delete iFileName;
if ( iFlags & EOwnsInputContext )
delete iInputContext;
if ( iFlags & EOwnsField )
delete iField;
* Creates CAknInputFrame.
* Gets six parameters:
* CCoeControl* aField - Control, which will be located inside the input frame.
* TBool aOwner - Defines the ownership of the control.
* const TDesC& aFileName - Bitmap file name and path.
* TInt aBitmapId - Bitmap Id
* TInt aMaskId - Bitmap Mask Id
* TUint32 aFlags - Flags
EXPORT_C CAknInputFrame* CAknInputFrame::NewL(CCoeControl* aField, TBool aOwner, const TDesC& aFileName, TInt aBitmapId,
TInt aMaskId, TUint32 aFlags)
CAknInputFrame* bf = new (ELeave) CAknInputFrame;
bf->ConstructL(aField, aOwner, aFileName, aBitmapId, aMaskId, aFlags);
return bf;
* Creates CAknInputFrame.
* Gets six parameters:
* CCoeControl* aField - Control, which will be located inside the input frame.
* TBool aOwner - Defines the ownership of the control.
* CGulIcon* aIcon - Bitmap file name and path.
* TUint32 aFlags - Flags
EXPORT_C CAknInputFrame* CAknInputFrame::NewL(CCoeControl* aField,TBool aOwner, CGulIcon* aIcon, TUint32 aFlags)
CAknInputFrame* bf = new (ELeave) CAknInputFrame;
bf->ConstructL(aField,aOwner, aIcon, aFlags);
return bf;
void CAknInputFrame::ConstructL( CCoeControl* aField,
TBool aOwner,
CGulIcon* aIcon,
TUint32 aFlags )
BaseConstructL(aField, aOwner, aFlags);
iIcon=aIcon; // May not leave after this
void CAknInputFrame::ConstructL( CCoeControl* aField,
TBool aOwner,
const TDesC& aFileName,
TInt aBitmapId,
TInt aMaskId,
TUint32 aFlags )
BaseConstructL(aField, aOwner, aFlags);
iFileName = aFileName.Alloc();
iBitmapId = aBitmapId;
iMaskId = aMaskId;
if( aFileName.Compare( KAvkonBitmapFile ) == 0 )
// If the icon comes from Avkon MBM, set skin IID if known
switch( aBitmapId )
case EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_find_glass:
iIconSkinID = KAknsIIDQgnIndiFindGlass;
case EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_find_glass_pinb:
iIconSkinID = KAknsIIDQgnIndiFindTitle;
case EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_find_goto:
iIconSkinID = KAknsIIDQgnIndiFindGoto;
iIconSkinID = KAknsIIDNone;
void CAknInputFrame::BaseConstructL( CCoeControl* aField, TBool aOwner, TUint32 aFlags )
iFlags = aFlags;
if ( aField )
static_cast<CEikBorderedControl*>( aField )->SetBorder( TGulBorder::ENone );
// Construct context for popup find background
if( iFlags & EPopupLayout )
iPopupFindCC = CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::NewL( KAknsIIDQsnFrPopup, Rect(), Rect(), EFalse );
// Construct context for popup list background
if ( iFlags & EPopupWindowLayout )
iPopupListCC = CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext::NewL( KAknsIIDQsnFrPopupCenter, Rect(), EFalse );
if ( aOwner )
iField = aField; // May not leave after this
iIconSkinID = KAknsIIDNone;
EXPORT_C void CAknInputFrame::ConstructFromResourceL(TResourceReader& aReader)
TPtrC filename = aReader.ReadTPtrC();
TInt32 pid = aReader.ReadInt16();
TInt32 mid = aReader.ReadInt16();
TInt32 flags = aReader.ReadInt16();
const TInt ctrlType = aReader.ReadInt16();
TPtrC infoText = aReader.ReadTPtrC(); // discarded, since infotext is deprecated
CCoeControl* field = EikControlFactory::CreateByTypeL(ctrlType).iControl;
field -> ConstructFromResourceL(aReader);
CleanupStack::Pop(); // field
if ((ctrlType==EEikCtGlobalTextEditor) || (ctrlType==EEikCtEdwin))
TMargins8 margins;
* Return pointer to field
EXPORT_C CCoeControl* CAknInputFrame::Field() const
return iField;
EXPORT_C void CAknInputFrame::SetInfoTextL(const TDesC& /*aText*/)
RDebug::Printf("%s: Warning: deprecated method CAknInputFrame::SetInfoTextL() called", __FILE__ );
* Sets additional icon to input frame
* Gets one parameter:
* CGulIcon* aIcon - Icon.
void CAknInputFrame::SetIcon( CGulIcon* aIcon )
delete iIcon;
iIcon = aIcon;
iIconSkinID = KAknsIIDNone;
TUint CAknInputFrame::Flags() const
return iFlags;
void CAknInputFrame::SetFlags( TUint aNewFlags )
iFlags = aNewFlags;
EXPORT_C void CAknInputFrame::HandleControlEventL(CCoeControl* /*aControl*/,TCoeEvent aEventType)
if (aEventType == EEventRequestFocus)
void CAknInputFrame::PrepareForFocusLossL()
EXPORT_C TKeyResponse CAknInputFrame::OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType )
if ( iField )
return iField->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
void CAknInputFrame::SizeChanged()
// There are 5 different layouts to be handled by this component:
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Standard ( fixed find pane in column lists )
// PopupLayout ( popup find pane in any mainpane list )
// PinbLayout ( used by pinboard app )
// ClockAppLayout ( has been removed from laf - fall back to standard )
// PopupWindowLayout ( used by list query and popuplist )
TRect parent( Rect() ); // parent for components
TRect editorParent( Rect() ); // parent for the editor
TRect rect( Rect() ); // rect of the whole shebang
TAknLayoutRect r; // common temporary layout rect
TBool apac( AknLayoutUtils::Variant() == EApacVariant && ( iFlags & EShowIndicators ) );
TAknWindowComponentLayout outline = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::find_pane();
TAknWindowLineLayout iconPos = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::find_popup_pane_g1().LayoutLine();
TAknTextComponentLayout editor = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::input_popup_find_pane_t1( apac ? 2 : 0 );
if ( iFlags & EPopupLayout ) // popup find box
_AKNTRACE( "[%s][%s] PopupLayout",
"CAknInputFrame", __FUNCTION__ );
r.LayoutRect( parent, AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::find_popup_pane() );
parent = r.Rect();
r.LayoutRect( r.Rect(), AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::input_popup_find_pane_cp() );
editorParent = r.Rect();
outline = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::input_popup_find_pane_cp();
iconPos = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::find_popup_pane_g1().LayoutLine();
editor = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::input_popup_find_pane_t1( apac ? 2 : 0 );
if ( iPopupFindCC )
r.LayoutRect( rect, AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::find_popup_pane() );
iPopupFindCC->SetFrameRects( rect, r.Rect() );
else if ( iFlags & EPinbLayout ) // used by pinboard app
_AKNTRACE( "[%s][%s] PinbLayout",
"CAknInputFrame", __FUNCTION__ );
outline = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::input_focus_pane_cp01(0);
iconPos = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::find_pinb_pane_g1(0);
editor = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::find_pinb_pane_t2( apac ? 1 : 0 );
else if ( iFlags & EPopupWindowLayout ) // list query or popup list
_AKNTRACE( "[%s][%s] PopupWindowLayout",
"CAknInputFrame", __FUNCTION__ );
outline = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::input_popup_find_pane_cp();
iconPos = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::find_popup_pane_g1();
TAknTextComponentLayout textComponentLayout(
TAknWindowComponentLayout::ComposeText( outline,
AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::input_popup_find_pane_t1( apac ? 2 : 0 ) ) );
editor = textComponentLayout;
if ( iPopupListCC )
iPopupListCC->SetRect( rect );
else // standard find pane
_AKNTRACE( "[%s][%s] Standard Layout",
"CAknInputFrame", __FUNCTION__ );
outline = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::find_pane();
iconPos = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::find_pane_g1();
editor = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::input_find_pane_t2( apac ? 1: 0 );
r.LayoutRect( rect, AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::input_find_pane() );
editorParent = r.Rect();
// --- set size and position of the frame around editor ---
r.LayoutRect( parent, outline );
iOutlineRect = r.Rect();
_AKNTRACE( "[%s][%s] iOutlineRect: %s:%d,%d %s:%d,%d",
"CAknInputFrame", __FUNCTION__,
"LT", iOutlineRect.iTl.iX, iOutlineRect.iTl.iY,
"BR", iOutlineRect.iBr.iX, iOutlineRect.iBr.iY );
if ( !iInputContext )
// we need to provide own context if one does not exist
// because old style drawing did kind of work even
// without calling SetInputContext( ... )
iInputContext = CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::NewL(
KAknsIIDQsnFrInput, TRect(0,0,0,0), TRect(0,0,0,0), EFalse );
iFlags = iFlags | EOwnsInputContext;
// also need to provide skin for the editor in this case
static_cast<CEikEdwin*>( iField )->SetSkinBackgroundControlContextL( iInputContext );
if ( iInputContext )
// this layout is actually from form!
// there exists no layout for find box :-/ but this should do
// no help from adaptation layer either
r.LayoutRect( iOutlineRect, AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::input_focus_pane_g1() );
iInputContext->SetFrameRects( iOutlineRect, r.Rect() );
// and chain transparent contexts properly
MAknsControlContext* bg = iPopupFindCC ? iPopupFindCC : iPopupListCC;
if( !bg )
bg = AknsDrawUtils::ControlContext( this );
iInputContext->SetParentContext( bg );
// --- set magnifying glass icon size & position ---
iMagnIconPos.LayoutRect( parent, iconPos);
CFbsBitmap* iconBitmap = iIcon->Bitmap();
if ( iconBitmap )
AknIconUtils::SetSize( iconBitmap, iMagnIconPos.Rect().Size() );
// --- layout the editor ---
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutEdwin( static_cast<CEikEdwin*>( iField ),
ETrue );
AknsUtils::RegisterControlPosition( iField ); // prevent flicker
EXPORT_C TSize CAknInputFrame::MinimumSize()
return TSize(0,0);
void CAknInputFrame::FocusChanged( TDrawNow aDrawNow )
iField->SetFocus( IsFocused(), aDrawNow );
void CAknInputFrame::Draw( const TRect& /*aRect*/ ) const
CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
MAknsControlContext* cc = AknsDrawUtils::ControlContext( this );
TRect rect( Rect() );
if ( iFlags & EPopupLayout ) // popup find box
// draw background behind the frame
AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, cc, this, gc, rect );
// draw background & frames of popup find window
AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, iPopupFindCC, gc, rect );
else if ( iFlags & EPopupWindowLayout ) // popuplist / list query
// If softkeys are embedded to popup, background is drawn in popup
if ( !( iFlags & EPopupWindowEmbeddedSoftkeys ) )
AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, iPopupListCC, gc, rect );
else // standard fixed find pane or pinboard
// 'this' is required for parent absolute layouts
AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, cc, this, gc, rect );
// draw the frame (and bg) around editor. currently same for all layouts
// We have to use BackGround() because
// - frame is transparent
// - frame has parent context if popup layout is used
// - frame also acts as background for the editor
// 'this' is required for parent absolute layouts
AknsDrawUtils::BackgroundBetweenRects( skin, iInputContext, this, gc, iOutlineRect, iField->Rect() );
// draw the icon
CFbsBitmap* iconBitmap = iIcon->Bitmap();
CFbsBitmap* iconMask = iIcon->Mask();
iMagnIconPos.DrawImage( gc, iconBitmap, iconMask );
EXPORT_C void CAknInputFrame::SetLineState(TBool aLineVisible)
if (!aLineVisible)
iFlags |= EFixedFindWithoutLine;
iFlags &= ~EFixedFindWithoutLine;
EXPORT_C void CAknInputFrame::SetInputContext(CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext* aContext)
if ( iInputContext && iFlags & EOwnsInputContext )
delete iInputContext;
iInputContext = NULL;
iFlags = iFlags &~ EOwnsInputContext;
iInputContext = aContext;
void CAknInputFrame::CreateIconL()
CFbsBitmap *icon;
CFbsBitmap *mask;
TSize iconSize( 0, 0 );
if ( iIcon && iIcon->Bitmap() )
iconSize = iIcon->Bitmap()->SizeInPixels();
AknsUtils::CreateIconL( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
icon, mask, *iFileName, iBitmapId, iMaskId );
delete iIcon;
iIcon = NULL;
iIcon = CGulIcon::NewL(icon, mask);
if ( iconSize != TSize( 0, 0 ) )
AknIconUtils::SetSize( iIcon->Bitmap(), iconSize );
void CAknInputFrame::HandleResourceChange( TInt aType )
CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange( aType );
switch ( aType )
case KAknsMessageSkinChange:
case KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch:
// End of File