* Copyright (c) 2002 - 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <eikimage.h>
#include <eikcapc.h>
#include <avkon.rsg>
#include <avkon.hrh>
#include <aknappui.h>
#include <aknextendedinputcapabilities.h>
#include "aknPopupHeadingPane.h"
#include "aknconsts.h"
#include "aknborders.h"
#include "AknUtils.h"
#include "aknmessagequerycontrol.h"
#include "aknmessagequerydialog.h"
#include <applayout.cdl.h>
#include <layoutmetadata.cdl.h>
#include <aknlayoutscalable_avkon.cdl.h>
#include <touchfeedback.h>
#include <AknTasHook.h> // for testability hooks
#include "AknHeadingPaneTouchObserver.h"
#include "akntrace.h"
const TInt KMaxLinks = 64;
const TInt KLinkStartTagLength = 22;
const TInt KLinkEndTagLength = 23;
const TInt KBoldStartTagLength = 22;
const TInt KBoldEndTagLength = 23;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknAsynCallbackRunner) : public CActive
CAknAsynCallbackRunner( CAknMessageQueryDialogExtension* aMsgQueryExtension );
// new functions
void AsyncCallbackRunL( TInt aCurLink );
// from CActive
void DoCancel();
void RunL();
CAknMessageQueryDialogExtension* iMsgQueryExtension;
TInt iCurLink;
class CAknMessageQueryDialogExtension : public CBase, public CAknExtendedInputCapabilities::MAknEventObserver,
public MAknHeadingPaneTouchObserver
CAknMessageQueryDialogExtension( CAknMessageQueryDialog* aParent ) : iParent(aParent),
iControlRegisted( EFalse ) {}
delete iAsyncCallbackRunner;
TInt count = iFormatTextArray.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
delete iFormatTextArray[i];
/** From CAknExtendedInputCapabilities::MAknEventObserver
void HandleInputCapabilitiesEventL( TInt aEvent, TAny* aParams )
if ( aEvent == CAknExtendedInputCapabilities::MAknEventObserver::EPointerEventReceived )
* From MAknHeadingPaneTouchObserver
* Processes heading pane pointer events. On the pen down events, any link is dehighlighted.
void HandleHeadingPanePointerEventL( CAknPopupHeadingPane* /*aHeadingPane*/, const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent )
if( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down && iCtrl )
void ExecuteLinkCallbackL( TInt aCurLink )
if ( !iAsyncCallbackRunner )
iAsyncCallbackRunner = new( ELeave ) CAknAsynCallbackRunner( this );
iAsyncCallbackRunner->AsyncCallbackRunL( aCurLink );
TInt iAnimationId;
RArray<TCallBack> iCallBackArray;
RArray<TInt> iFormatTextLocationArray;
RArray<TDesC*> iFormatTextArray;
RArray<TMsgQueryTag> iFormatTypeArray;
TInt iLinkCount; // values between 0 and KMaxLinks-1
TBool iMarkedLinks;
TInt iButtonGroupPreviouslyChanged;
CAknMessageQueryDialog* iParent;
TBool iControlRegisted;
CAknMessageQueryControl* iCtrl;
TBool iIsInEditor;
CAknAsynCallbackRunner* iAsyncCallbackRunner;
CAknMessageQueryDialogExtension* aMsgQueryExtension ) :
CActive( EPriorityStandard ), iMsgQueryExtension( aMsgQueryExtension )
CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
void CAknAsynCallbackRunner::AsyncCallbackRunL( TInt aCurLink )
iCurLink = aCurLink;
if ( !IsActive() )
iStatus = KRequestPending;
TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
void CAknAsynCallbackRunner::DoCancel()
void CAknAsynCallbackRunner::RunL()
if ( iMsgQueryExtension && iCurLink >= 0 &&
iCurLink < iMsgQueryExtension->iCallBackArray.Count() )
EXPORT_C CAknMessageQueryDialog* CAknMessageQueryDialog::NewL( TDesC& aMessage, const TTone& aTone )
CAknMessageQueryDialog* self = new ( ELeave ) CAknMessageQueryDialog( aTone );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->SetMessageTextL( aMessage );
CleanupStack::Pop(); //self
AKNTASHOOK_ADDL( self, "CAknMessageQueryDialog" );
return self;
EXPORT_C CAknMessageQueryDialog::CAknMessageQueryDialog() : CAknQueryDialog( ENoTone )
iBorder = AknBorderId::EAknBorderNotePopup;
iBorder = TGulBorder::ENone;
EXPORT_C CAknMessageQueryDialog::CAknMessageQueryDialog( const TTone aTone ) : CAknQueryDialog( aTone )
iBorder = AknBorderId::EAknBorderNotePopup;
iBorder = TGulBorder::ENone;
EXPORT_C CAknMessageQueryDialog::CAknMessageQueryDialog( TDesC* aMessage, TDesC* aHeader )
: CAknQueryDialog( ENoTone ), iMessage( aMessage ), iHeader( aHeader )
iBorder = AknBorderId::EAknBorderNotePopup;
iBorder = TGulBorder::ENone;
EXPORT_C CAknMessageQueryDialog::CAknMessageQueryDialog( TDesC* aMessage, TDesC* aHeader, CEikImage *aHeaderImage )
: CAknQueryDialog( ENoTone ), iMessage( aMessage ), iHeader( aHeader ), iHeaderImage( aHeaderImage )
iBorder = AknBorderId::EAknBorderNotePopup;
iBorder = TGulBorder::ENone;
EXPORT_C CAknMessageQueryDialog::CAknMessageQueryDialog( TDesC* aMessage, TDesC* aHeader, const TTone aTone )
: CAknQueryDialog( aTone ), iMessage( aMessage ), iHeader( aHeader )
iBorder = AknBorderId::EAknBorderNotePopup;
iBorder = TGulBorder::ENone;
EXPORT_C CAknMessageQueryDialog::CAknMessageQueryDialog( TDesC* aMessage, TDesC* aHeader, CEikImage *aHeaderImage, const TTone aTone )
: CAknQueryDialog( aTone ), iMessage( aMessage ), iHeader( aHeader ), iHeaderImage( aHeaderImage )
iBorder = AknBorderId::EAknBorderNotePopup;
iBorder = TGulBorder::ENone;
EXPORT_C CAknMessageQueryDialog::~CAknMessageQueryDialog()
_AKNTRACE( "[%s][%s] Enter", "CAknMessageQueryDialog", "~CAknMessageQueryDialog" );
delete iMessage;
delete iHeader;
delete iHeaderImage;
RegisterPointerEventObserver( EFalse );
delete iMsgQueryExtension;
_AKNTRACE( "[%s][%s] Exit", "CAknMessageQueryDialog", "~CAknMessageQueryDialog" );
EXPORT_C void CAknMessageQueryDialog::SetMessageTextL( const TDesC& aMessage )
delete iMessage;
iMessage = NULL;
iMessage = aMessage.AllocL();
EXPORT_C void CAknMessageQueryDialog::SetLinkTextL( const TDesC& aLinkText )
if ( !iMsgQueryExtension )
if ( iMsgQueryExtension->iMarkedLinks )
else if ( iMsgQueryExtension->iLinkCount < KMaxLinks )
if ( LinksInArray() > iMsgQueryExtension->iLinkCount )
// SetLinkText is already set and method resets it
TInt lastIndex = LastLinkInArray();
if (lastIndex == -1)
return; //something went wrong - go away
iMsgQueryExtension->iFormatTextArray[lastIndex] = aLinkText.AllocL();
// SetLinkTextL creates new callback in the callback array for the new link
iMsgQueryExtension->iFormatTextArray.Append( aLinkText.AllocL() );
iMsgQueryExtension->iFormatTypeArray.Append( EMsgQueryLink );
// If the other method SetLink has been already called
// the new link is finished by adding the link count
if ( iMsgQueryExtension->iCallBackArray.Count() > iMsgQueryExtension->iLinkCount )
EXPORT_C void CAknMessageQueryDialog::SetLink( TCallBack& aCallBack )
if ( !iMsgQueryExtension )
TRAPD( Err, CreateExtensionL() );
if ( Err != KErrNone )
if ( !iMsgQueryExtension->iMarkedLinks && iMessage )
TInt index = iMessage->Find( KOpeningLinkTag );
if ( index != KErrNotFound )
iMsgQueryExtension->iMarkedLinks = ETrue;
iMsgQueryExtension->iMarkedLinks = EFalse;
iMsgQueryExtension->iLinkCount = CountLinks();
if ( iMsgQueryExtension->iMarkedLinks )
if ( iMsgQueryExtension->iCallBackArray.Count() < iMsgQueryExtension->iLinkCount )
// SetLink creates new callback in the callback array for the new link
iMsgQueryExtension->iCallBackArray.Append( aCallBack );
else if ( iMsgQueryExtension->iLinkCount < KMaxLinks )
if ( iMsgQueryExtension->iCallBackArray.Count() > iMsgQueryExtension->iLinkCount )
// SetLink is already set and method resets it
iMsgQueryExtension->iCallBackArray[iMsgQueryExtension->iCallBackArray.Count()-1] = aCallBack;
// SetLink creates new callback in the callback array for the new link
iMsgQueryExtension->iCallBackArray.Append( aCallBack );
// If the other method SetLinkText has been already called
// the new link is finished by adding the link count
if ( LinksInArray() > iMsgQueryExtension->iLinkCount )
* @deprecated and will be removed - Use SetMessageTextL instead
EXPORT_C void CAknMessageQueryDialog::SetMessageText( const TDesC& aMessage )
TRAP_IGNORE( SetMessageTextL( aMessage ) );
* @deprecated - use Heading() + CAknPopupHeadingPane API
EXPORT_C void CAknMessageQueryDialog::SetHeaderTextL( const TDesC& aHeader )
delete iHeader;
iHeader = NULL;
iHeader = aHeader.AllocL();
* @deprecated and will be removed - Use SetHeaderTextL instead
EXPORT_C void CAknMessageQueryDialog::SetHeaderText( const TDesC& aHeader )
TRAP_IGNORE( SetHeaderTextL( aHeader ) );
EXPORT_C void CAknMessageQueryDialog::SetMessageText( TDesC* aMessage )
delete iMessage;
iMessage = aMessage;
EXPORT_C void CAknMessageQueryDialog::SetHeaderText( TDesC* aHeader )
delete iHeader;
iHeader = aHeader;
EXPORT_C void CAknMessageQueryDialog::PreLayoutDynInitL()
if ( !iMsgQueryExtension )
//old style with no tags
if ( iMessage && iMsgQueryExtension )
if ( !iMsgQueryExtension->iMarkedLinks && iMsgQueryExtension->iLinkCount >0 )
for ( TInt count = 0; count < iMsgQueryExtension->iLinkCount; count++ )
if ( !SetNextLinkTextLocationL( iMsgQueryExtension->iFormatTextArray[count] ) )
else if ( TaggedMessageL() )
iMsgQueryExtension->iMarkedLinks = ETrue;
SetLineNonFocusing( EAknMessageQueryHeaderId );
CAknMessageQueryControl* msgCtrl = STATIC_CAST( CAknMessageQueryControl*, Control( EAknMessageQueryContentId ) );
if ( iMsgQueryExtension )
iMsgQueryExtension->iCtrl = msgCtrl;
if ( iMessage && iMsgQueryExtension )
msgCtrl->SetMessageTextWithFormattingL( iMessage, &iMsgQueryExtension->iFormatTextArray, &iMsgQueryExtension->iFormatTextLocationArray, &iMsgQueryExtension->iFormatTypeArray );
RegisterPointerEventObserver( ETrue );
else if ( iMessage )
msgCtrl->SetMessageTextL( iMessage );
msgCtrl->SetMopParent( this );
delete iMessage;
iMessage = NULL;
CAknPopupHeadingPane* headingPane = STATIC_CAST( CAknPopupHeadingPane*, Control( EAknMessageQueryHeaderId ) );
if ( iHeader )
headingPane->SetTextL( *iHeader );
delete iHeader;
iHeader = NULL;
if ( iMsgQueryExtension && iMsgQueryExtension->iAnimationId > 0 )
headingPane->SetHeaderAnimationL( iMsgQueryExtension->iAnimationId );
else if ( iHeaderImage )
headingPane->SetHeaderImageL( iHeaderImage );
if (headingPane)
headingPane->SetLayout(CAknPopupHeadingPane::EMessageQueryHeadingPane); // Use message query heading layout.
headingPane->SetTouchObserver( iMsgQueryExtension );
EXPORT_C void CAknMessageQueryDialog::SetSizeAndPosition( const TSize& aSize )
if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
// Ideally line below would be replaced with base class call. However
// CAknQueryDialog's functionality relies on method
// CAknQueryDialog::QueryControl that doesn't return message query
// control -> dialog's size won't be set in the base class.
SetRect( TRect( AknPopupUtils::Position( aSize, this ), aSize ) );
TAknLayoutRect dialogLayout;
CAknMessageQueryControl* messageQueryControl =
STATIC_CAST( CAknMessageQueryControl*,
Control( EAknMessageQueryContentId ) );
TInt numberOfLines = messageQueryControl->Lines();
// Number of rows that fits to the dialog
const TInt rowsPerPage =
LastRow() + 1;
numberOfLines =
numberOfLines > rowsPerPage ? rowsPerPage : numberOfLines;
if ( numberOfLines < 0 )
numberOfLines = 0;
TRect mainPane;
AknLayoutUtils::EPopupParent, mainPane );
TInt variety = 0;
AknLayoutUtils::TAknCbaLocation cbaLocation =
if (cbaLocation == AknLayoutUtils::EAknCbaLocationRight)
{ // Variety numbers for right CBA are 6-11
variety = numberOfLines + 6;
else if (cbaLocation == AknLayoutUtils::EAknCbaLocationLeft)
{ // Variety numbers for left CBA are 12-17
variety = numberOfLines + 12;
else // bottom
variety = numberOfLines;
AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::popup_query_sat_info_window( variety ) );
TRect dialogRect( dialogLayout.Rect() );
if( QueryHeading()->PromptText() == KNullDesC )
TAknLayoutRect headingPaneLayout;
AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::heading_pane_cp5() );
dialogRect.iTl.iY += headingPaneLayout.Rect().Height();
// No Dialog borders in message queries
SetBorder( TGulBorder::ENone );
SetRect( dialogRect );
EXPORT_C void CAknMessageQueryDialog::PostLayoutDynInitL()
EXPORT_C TKeyResponse CAknMessageQueryDialog::OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aModifiers )
TInt code=aKeyEvent.iCode;
switch ( code )
case EKeyUpArrow:
case EKeyDownArrow:
CAknMessageQueryControl* messageQueryControl = STATIC_CAST( CAknMessageQueryControl*, Control( EAknMessageQueryContentId ) );
if ( messageQueryControl )
TKeyResponse answer = messageQueryControl->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aModifiers );
if ( answer == EKeyWasConsumed && iMsgQueryExtension )
return answer;
case EKeyEnter:
case EKeyOK:
if ( iMsgQueryExtension && iMsgQueryExtension->iLinkCount > 0 )
if( ExecuteLinkL() )
return EKeyWasConsumed;
return EKeyWasConsumed;
return CAknQueryDialog::OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aModifiers );
*From MEikCommandObserver (act on the menu selection if menu is showing - pass on to client if not processed here)
EXPORT_C void CAknMessageQueryDialog::ProcessCommandL(TInt aCommandId)
// Respond to softkey event
switch (aCommandId)
case EAknSoftkeyView:
if ( iMsgQueryExtension && iMsgQueryExtension->iLinkCount > 0 )
if( ExecuteLinkL() )
case EAknSoftkeyEmpty: // SoftkeyEmpty also comes to this observer, but is ingnored
TInt CAknMessageQueryDialog::CountLinks() const
if ( iMsgQueryExtension->iLinkCount > 0 )
return iMsgQueryExtension->iLinkCount;
// TInt previouslySearched = 0;
TInt index = 0;
TInt count = -1;
TPtrC clippedTextOut = iMessage->Mid( 0 );
TPtrC clippedTextIn = clippedTextOut.Mid( 0 );
while ( index != KErrNotFound )
index = clippedTextOut.Find( KOpeningLinkTag );
clippedTextOut.Set( clippedTextIn.Mid( index+1 ) );
clippedTextIn.Set( clippedTextOut.Mid( 0 ) );
return count;
TBool CAknMessageQueryDialog::SetNextLinkTextLocationL( const TDesC* aLinkText )
TInt linkTextLocation = 0;
TInt previouslySearched = 0;
if ( iMessage && iMessage->Length() > 0 && aLinkText->Length() > 0 )
HBufC* messageBuf = iMessage->AllocL();
if ( messageBuf )
TPtrC clippedMessageTextOld = iMessage->Mid( 0 ); // pointer to the descriptor data
TPtrC clippedMessageTextNew = clippedMessageTextOld;
linkTextLocation = clippedMessageTextNew.Find( *aLinkText );
if ( linkTextLocation != KErrNotFound )
while ( iMsgQueryExtension->iFormatTextLocationArray.Find( linkTextLocation ) != KErrNotFound )
previouslySearched += linkTextLocation+1;
clippedMessageTextNew.Set( clippedMessageTextOld.Mid( linkTextLocation+1 ) );
clippedMessageTextOld.Set( clippedMessageTextNew.Mid( 0 ) );
linkTextLocation = clippedMessageTextNew.Find( *aLinkText );
if ( linkTextLocation == KErrNotFound )
return EFalse;
linkTextLocation += previouslySearched;
return EFalse;
delete messageBuf;
iMsgQueryExtension->iFormatTextLocationArray.Append( linkTextLocation );
return ETrue;
void CAknMessageQueryDialog::CreateExtensionL()
if ( !iMsgQueryExtension )
iMsgQueryExtension = new ( ELeave ) CAknMessageQueryDialogExtension(this);
void CAknMessageQueryDialog::ParseMessageTxtL()
if ( iMessage && iMessage->Length() > 0 )
TMsgQueryTag tag;
while (GetNextTagL(tag))
void CAknMessageQueryDialog::SetMsgFormattingL(TMsgQueryTag aTag)
TInt openingTag = KErrNotFound;
TInt closingTag = KErrNotFound;
TInt startLength = 0;
TInt endLength = 0;
if (aTag == EMsgQueryLink)
openingTag = iMessage->Find( KOpeningLinkTag );
closingTag = iMessage->Find( KClosingLinkTag );
startLength = KLinkStartTagLength;
endLength = KLinkEndTagLength;
else if (aTag == EMsgQueryBold)
openingTag = iMessage->Find( KOpeningBoldTag );
closingTag = iMessage->Find( KClosingBoldTag );
startLength = KBoldStartTagLength;
endLength = KBoldEndTagLength;
else User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
HBufC* messageBuf = iMessage->AllocL();
TPtr message = messageBuf->Des();
message.Delete( closingTag, endLength );
message.Delete( openingTag, startLength );
iMsgQueryExtension->iFormatTextArray.Append( message.MidTPtr( openingTag, closingTag - openingTag - startLength ).AllocL() );
iMsgQueryExtension->iFormatTextLocationArray.Append( openingTag );
iMsgQueryExtension->iFormatTypeArray.Append( aTag );
delete iMessage;
iMessage = messageBuf;
TBool CAknMessageQueryDialog::GetNextTagL(TMsgQueryTag& aTag)
TInt indexLinkStart = iMessage->Find( KOpeningLinkTag );
TInt indexLinkEnd = iMessage->Find( KClosingLinkTag );
TInt indexBoldStart = iMessage->Find( KOpeningBoldTag );
TInt indexBoldEnd = iMessage->Find( KClosingBoldTag );
//no tags found
if (indexLinkStart == KErrNotFound && indexLinkEnd == KErrNotFound && indexBoldStart == KErrNotFound && indexBoldEnd == KErrNotFound)
return EFalse;
//start tag found without end tag or vice versa
if ((indexLinkStart != KErrNotFound && indexLinkEnd == KErrNotFound) || (indexLinkStart == KErrNotFound && indexLinkEnd!= KErrNotFound))
if ((indexBoldStart!= KErrNotFound && indexBoldEnd == KErrNotFound) || (indexBoldStart == KErrNotFound && indexBoldEnd!= KErrNotFound))
//tags in incorrect order
if ( indexLinkStart != KErrNotFound && indexLinkStart > indexLinkEnd)
if (indexBoldStart != KErrNotFound && indexBoldStart > indexBoldEnd)
//link tags & no bold tags
if (indexBoldStart == KErrNotFound)
aTag = EMsgQueryLink;
return ETrue;
//bold tags & no link tags
else if (indexLinkStart == KErrNotFound)
aTag = EMsgQueryBold;
return ETrue;
//next tag pair is link start & link end
if (indexLinkStart < indexBoldStart && indexLinkStart < indexBoldEnd
&& indexLinkEnd < indexBoldStart && indexLinkEnd < indexBoldEnd)
aTag = EMsgQueryLink;
return ETrue;
//next tag pair is bold start & bold end
else if (indexBoldStart < indexLinkStart && indexBoldStart < indexLinkEnd
&& indexBoldEnd < indexLinkStart && indexBoldEnd < indexLinkEnd)
aTag = EMsgQueryBold;
return ETrue;
//there are bold & link tags within each other - not permitted
//should never get here
return EFalse;
TBool CAknMessageQueryDialog::TaggedMessageL()
if (iMessage->Find(KOpeningLinkTag) != KErrNotFound) return ETrue;
if (iMessage->Find(KOpeningBoldTag) != KErrNotFound) return ETrue;
if (iMessage->Find(KClosingLinkTag) != KErrNotFound) return ETrue;
if (iMessage->Find(KClosingBoldTag) != KErrNotFound) return ETrue;
return EFalse;
TInt CAknMessageQueryDialog::LinksInArray()
if (!iMsgQueryExtension)
return 0;
TInt linkCount = 0;
for ( TInt count = 0; count < iMsgQueryExtension->iFormatTypeArray.Count(); count++ )
if (iMsgQueryExtension->iFormatTypeArray[count] == EMsgQueryLink)
return linkCount;
TInt CAknMessageQueryDialog::LastLinkInArray()
if (!iMsgQueryExtension)
return -1;
TInt lastLinkIndex = -1;
for ( TInt count = iMsgQueryExtension->iFormatTypeArray.Count(); count >= 0; count-- )
if (iMsgQueryExtension->iFormatTypeArray[count] == EMsgQueryLink)
lastLinkIndex = count;
return lastLinkIndex;
EXPORT_C void CAknMessageQueryDialog::HandlePointerEventL( const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent )
CEikEdwin* edwin = NULL;
CAknMessageQueryControl* msgCtrl = static_cast<CAknMessageQueryControl*>( Control( EAknMessageQueryContentId ) );
if( msgCtrl )
edwin = static_cast<CEikEdwin*>( msgCtrl->ComponentControl( 0 ) );
switch (aPointerEvent.iType)
case TPointerEvent::EButton1Down:
if ( edwin && ( edwin->Rect().Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ) ) )
iMsgQueryExtension->iIsInEditor = ETrue;
case TPointerEvent::EButton1Up:
iMsgQueryExtension->iIsInEditor = EFalse;
if (!Rect().Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition) && msgCtrl)
case TPointerEvent::EDrag:
case TPointerEvent::EButtonRepeat:
if ( !Rect().Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition) && iMsgQueryExtension->iIsInEditor && edwin )
// This is a bit of a hack to support non window owning scroll bar.
// CAknQueryDialog and CEikDialogPage will stop pointer event processing
// if it occurs outside of the dialog area. If scroll bar has received
// pointer down, hand pointer up to it regardless where it occurred.
if (AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() &&
aPointerEvent.iType != TPointerEvent::EButton1Down &&
msgCtrl && msgCtrl->ScrollBarGrabbing())
CAknQueryDialog::HandlePointerEventL( aPointerEvent );
EXPORT_C void* CAknMessageQueryDialog::ExtensionInterface( TUid /*aInterface*/ )
return NULL;
EXPORT_C void CAknMessageQueryDialog::CEikDialog_Reserved_1()
EXPORT_C void CAknMessageQueryDialog::CEikDialog_Reserved_2()
EXPORT_C void CAknMessageQueryDialog::CAknDialog_Reserved()
EXPORT_C void CAknMessageQueryDialog::CAknQueryDialog_Reserved()
void CAknMessageQueryDialog::CheckLinkTappedL( TAny* aParams )
if ( iMsgQueryExtension->iLinkCount <= 0 )
CAknExtendedInputCapabilities::MAknEventObserver::TPointerEventReceivedParams aInfo =
CAknMessageQueryControl* messageQueryControl = STATIC_CAST( CAknMessageQueryControl*, Control( EAknMessageQueryContentId ) );
if ( messageQueryControl )
TBool linkTapped = messageQueryControl->LinkTappedL( aInfo.iDocPos );
if ( linkTapped &&
aInfo.iPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down )
MTouchFeedback* feedback = MTouchFeedback::Instance();
if ( feedback )
feedback->InstantFeedback( this, ETouchFeedbackSensitive );
if( linkTapped && aInfo.iPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Up )
void CAknMessageQueryDialog::RegisterPointerEventObserver( TBool aRegister )
if( !iMsgQueryExtension || ( !aRegister && !iMsgQueryExtension->iControlRegisted ) )
CAknMessageQueryControl* msgCtrl = STATIC_CAST( CAknMessageQueryControl*, Control( EAknMessageQueryContentId ) );
CEikEdwin* edwin = (CEikEdwin*)msgCtrl->ComponentControl( 0 );
MObjectProvider* mop = edwin->InputCapabilities().ObjectProvider();
if ( mop )
CAknExtendedInputCapabilities* extendedInputCapabilities =
mop->MopGetObject( extendedInputCapabilities );
if ( extendedInputCapabilities )
if ( aRegister )
iMsgQueryExtension->iControlRegisted = ETrue;
extendedInputCapabilities->RegisterObserver( iMsgQueryExtension );
extendedInputCapabilities->UnregisterObserver( iMsgQueryExtension );
void CAknMessageQueryDialog::UpdateSoftkeyLabels()
CAknMessageQueryControl* control = STATIC_CAST( CAknMessageQueryControl*, Control( EAknMessageQueryContentId ) );
if ( control && control->LinkHighLighted() )
if ( !iMsgQueryExtension->iButtonGroupPreviouslyChanged )
TRAP_IGNORE( ButtonGroupContainer().AddCommandSetToStackL( R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_VIEW_EMPTY ) );
TRAP_IGNORE( ButtonGroupContainer().UpdateCommandObserverL( CEikButtonGroupContainer::ELeftSoftkeyPosition, *this ) );
TRAP_IGNORE( ButtonGroupContainer().UpdateCommandObserverL( CEikButtonGroupContainer::ERightSoftkeyPosition, *this ) );
TRAP_IGNORE( ButtonGroupContainer().UpdateCommandObserverL( CEikButtonGroupContainer::EMiddleSoftkeyPosition, *this ) );
iMsgQueryExtension->iButtonGroupPreviouslyChanged = ETrue;
if ( iMsgQueryExtension->iButtonGroupPreviouslyChanged )
ButtonGroupContainer().RemoveCommandObserver( CEikButtonGroupContainer::ELeftSoftkeyPosition );
ButtonGroupContainer().RemoveCommandObserver( CEikButtonGroupContainer::ERightSoftkeyPosition );
ButtonGroupContainer().RemoveCommandObserver( CEikButtonGroupContainer::EMiddleSoftkeyPosition );
ButtonGroupContainer().RemoveCommandFromStack( CEikButtonGroupContainer::ELeftSoftkeyPosition, EAknSoftkeyView );
ButtonGroupContainer().RemoveCommandFromStack( CEikButtonGroupContainer::ERightSoftkeyPosition, EAknSoftkeyEmpty );
ButtonGroupContainer().RemoveCommandFromStack( CEikButtonGroupContainer::EMiddleSoftkeyPosition, EAknSoftkeyView );
iMsgQueryExtension->iButtonGroupPreviouslyChanged = EFalse;
* CAknMessageQueryDialog::ExecuteLinkL() checks for the object destruction after
* the link execution.
TBool CAknMessageQueryDialog::ExecuteLinkL()
CAknMessageQueryControl* control = STATIC_CAST( CAknMessageQueryControl*, Control( EAknMessageQueryContentId ) );
if( !control )
return EFalse;
if( !control->LinkHighLighted() )
return EFalse;
TInt curLink = control->CurrentLink();
TRAPD( err, iMsgQueryExtension->ExecuteLinkCallbackL( curLink ) );
return ETrue;
// End of File