* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: The event handler to handle events of list box in dialog.
#include <cstack.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include "MAknCommonDialogsEventObserver.h"
#include "CAknCommonDialogsBase.h"
#include "MAknCFDFileSystemObserver.h"
class MAknFileSelectionObserver;
class CAknFileSelectionModel;
class CAknCFDFileSystemEvent;
class CAknCommonDialogsPopupList;
* A class that handles events reported from an UI class in file selection.
* @lib CommonDialogs.lib
* @since 1.2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknFileSelectionEventHandler) : public CBase, public MAknCommonDialogsEventObserver,
public MAknCFDFileSystemObserver
public: // Constructors and destructors
* Static constructor.
* @param aCoeEnv A pointer to control environment.
* @param aModel A pointer to file selection model.
* @param aDialogType Type of the dialog.
* @param aObserver A reference to a pointer to an observer which is
* asked if the selected item can be selected.
* @param aLeftSoftkeyFile Left softkey text when a file is focused.
* @param aLeftSoftkeyFolder Left softkey text when a folder is focused.
* @param aRightSoftkeyRootFolder Right softkey text when user browses
* in the root folder.
* @param aRightSoftkeySubfolder Right softkey text when user browses
* in a subdirectory.
* @return Returns a pointer to an instance of itself.
static CAknFileSelectionEventHandler* NewL(
CCoeEnv* aCoeEnv,
CAknFileSelectionModel* aModel,
const TCommonDialogType& aDialogType,
MAknFileSelectionObserver*& aObserver,
const HBufC*& aLeftSoftkeyFile,
const HBufC*& aLeftSoftkeyFolder,
const HBufC*& aRightSoftkeyRootFolder,
const HBufC*& aRightSoftkeySubfolder );
public: // New methods
* Pushes listbox indices to stack.
* @param aTopIndex Index of the topmost item in the listbox window.
* @param aFocus Index of the item focused.
void PushIndicesL( TInt aTopIndex, TInt aFocus );
* Pops listbox indexes from stack. Sets values to 0 if stack is empty.
* @param aTopIndex Index of the topmost item in the listbox window.
* @param aFocus Index of the item focused.
void PopIndices( TInt& aTopIndex, TInt& aFocus );
* Resets current softkeys to EFirstTime.
void ResetSoftkeyStatus();
* Updates softkey texts if they need to be changed.
* @param aCurrentItemIndex Index of the currently selected item.
* @param aContainer A pointer to a button group container to update buttons.
void UpdateSoftkeysL( TInt aCurrentItemIndex, CEikButtonGroupContainer* aContainer );
public: // Functions from base classes
* From MAknCommonDialogsEventObserver
TAction HandleEventL(
TEvent aEvent,
TInt& aFocusedItemIndex,
TInt& aTopItemIndex,
CEikButtonGroupContainer* aContainer );
void StartFileSystemNotifierL(CAknCommonDialogsPopupList* aPopupList);
void StopFileSystemNotifier();
virtual void NotifyFileSystemChangedL();
private: // Enumerations
* Enumerations for softkey statuses.
* If softkey status has changed the text must be redrawn.
enum TSoftkeyStatus
EFirstTime = -1,
* A small container class.
class TFocusItem
inline TFocusItem( TInt aTopIndex, TInt aFocus );
TInt iTopIndex; // Index of the first item in listbox view.
TInt iFocus; // Index of the focused item.
private: // Constructors and destructors
void ConstructL();
* Constructor.
* @param aCoeEnv A pointer to control environment.
* @param aModel A pointer to file selection model.
* @param aDialogType Type of the dialog.
* @param aObserver A reference to a pointer to an observer which is
* asked if the selected item can be selected.
* @param aLeftSoftkeyFile Left softkey text when a file is focused.
* @param aLeftSoftkeyFolder Left softkey text when a folder is focused.
* @param aRightSoftkeyRootFolder Right softkey text when user browses
* in the root folder.
* @param aRightSoftkeySubfolder Right softkey text when user browses
* in a subdirectory.
CCoeEnv* aCoeEnv,
CAknFileSelectionModel* aModel,
const TCommonDialogType& aType,
MAknFileSelectionObserver*& aObserver,
const HBufC*& aLeftSoftkeyFile,
const HBufC*& aLeftSoftkeyFolder,
const HBufC*& aRightSoftkeyRootFolder,
const HBufC*& aRightSoftkeySubfolder );
private: // Data
// Own: Left softkey status
TSoftkeyStatus iCurrentLeftSoftkey;
// Own Right softkey status.
TSoftkeyStatus iCurrentRightSoftkey;
// Own: Stack for listbox focuses.
CStack<TFocusItem, ETrue> iStack;
// Ref: Pointer to control environment
CCoeEnv* iCoeEnv;
// Ref: Pointer to file selection engine
CAknFileSelectionModel* iModel;
TEntry iEntry;
// Ref: Dialog type
const TCommonDialogType& iDialogType;
// Ref: File selection observer
MAknFileSelectionObserver*& iObserver;
// Ref: Softkey text
const HBufC*& iLeftSoftkeyFile;
// Ref: Softkey text
const HBufC*& iLeftSoftkeyFolder;
// Ref: Softkey text
const HBufC*& iRightSoftkeyRootFolder;
// Ref: Softkey text
const HBufC*& iRightSoftkeySubfolder;
CAknCFDFileSystemEvent* iFSObserver;
CAknCommonDialogsPopupList* iPopupList;
// Constructor for TFocusItem object
inline CAknFileSelectionEventHandler::TFocusItem::TFocusItem(
TInt aTopIndex,
TInt aFocus )
: iTopIndex( aTopIndex ),
iFocus( aFocus )