changeset 0 7f85d04be362
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/upnpavcontroller/upnpxmlparser/src/upnpxmleventparser.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:52:00 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:      XML SAX Parser for UPnP.
+#include <xml/parser.h>
+#include <xml/parserfeature.h>
+#include <upnpstring.h>
+#include <xml/matchdata.h>
+#include "upnpxmleventparser.h"
+_LIT( KComponentLogfile, "upnpxmlparser.txt");
+#include "upnplog.h"
+_LIT8( KXmlMimeType,    "text/xml"     );
+_LIT8( KLIB2XML,        "libxml2" );
+_LIT8( KEvent,          "Event"         );
+_LIT8( KInstanceID,     "InstanceID"    );
+_LIT8( KVolume,         "Volume"        );
+_LIT8( KMute,           "Mute"          );
+_LIT8( KDIDL,           "DIDL-Lite"     );
+_LIT8( KDesc,           "desc"          );
+_LIT8( KDlnaDoc,        "X_DLNADOC"     );
+_LIT8( KVal,            "val"           );
+_LIT8( KChannel,        "channel"       );
+_LIT8( KMaster,         "Master"       );
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPXMLEventParser::CUPnPXMLEventParser()
+// See upnpxmlparser.h
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPXMLEventParser::ConstructL
+// See upnpxmlparser.h
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPXMLEventParser::ConstructL()
+    {
+    __LOG( "CUPnPXMLEventParser::CostructL" );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPXMLEventParser::NewL
+// See upnpxmlparser.h
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C CUPnPXMLEventParser* CUPnPXMLEventParser::NewL()
+    {
+    __LOG( "CUPnPXMLEventParser::NewL" );
+    CUPnPXMLEventParser* self = new( ELeave ) CUPnPXMLEventParser();
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);    
+    return self;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPXMLEventParser::~CUPnPXMLEventParser
+// See upnpxmlparser.h
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    __LOG( "CUPnPXMLEventParser::~CUPnPXMLEventParser" );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPXMLEventParser::ParseResultDataL
+// See upnpxmlparser.h
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void CUPnPXMLEventParser::ParseResultDataL( const TDesC8& aData,
+        TInt& aInstanceId, TInt& aVolume, TBool& aMute )
+    {
+    __LOG( "CUPnPXMLEventParser::ParseResultDataL, begin" );
+    if ( !aData.Length() )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+        }
+    Reset();
+    // Create parser 
+    CMatchData* matchData = CMatchData::NewLC();
+    matchData->SetMimeTypeL( KXmlMimeType ); 
+    matchData->SetVariantL( KLIB2XML ); 
+    CParser* parser = CParser::NewLC( *matchData, *this ); 
+    parser->EnableFeature( Xml::EReportNamespaceMapping );
+    Xml::ParseL( *parser, aData );    
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( parser );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( matchData );
+    if( iInstanceID != KErrNotFound )
+        {
+        aInstanceId = iInstanceID;
+        if( iVolume != KErrNotFound )
+            {
+            aVolume = iVolume;    
+            }
+        if( iMute != KErrNotFound )
+            {
+            aMute = iMute;    
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+        }    
+    __LOG( "CUPnPXMLEventParser::ParseResultDataL, end" );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnStartDocumentL
+// See upnpxmlparser.h
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnStartDocumentL( 
+                                const RDocumentParameters& /*aDocParam*/, 
+                                TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
+    {
+    // No implementation needed
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnEndDocumentL
+// See upnpxmlparser.h
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnEndDocumentL( TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
+    {
+    // No implementation needed
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnStartElementL
+// See upnpxmlparser.h
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnStartElementL( const RTagInfo& aElement, 
+                                      const RAttributeArray& aAttributes,
+                                      TInt aErrorCode )
+    {
+    __LOG1( "CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnStartElementL, error: %d", aErrorCode );
+    if ( aErrorCode != KErrNone )
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    const TDesC8& desName = aElement.LocalName().DesC();
+    //const TDesC8& prefix = aElement.Prefix().DesC();
+    if ( !desName.CompareF( KEvent ) )
+        {
+        iParserState = EEvent;
+        }
+    else if ( !desName.CompareF( KInstanceID ) )
+        {
+        iParserState = EInstanceID;
+        SetAttributesL( aAttributes );
+        }
+    else if( !desName.CompareF( KVolume ) )
+        {
+        iParserState = EVolume;
+        SetAttributesL( aAttributes );
+        }
+    else if( !desName.CompareF( KMute ) )
+        {
+        iParserState = EMute;
+        SetAttributesL( aAttributes );
+        }
+    // Ignore DIDL-Lite, desc and X_DLNADOC -elements (DLNA req)
+    else if( desName.Compare( KDIDL ) == KErrNone ||
+             desName.Compare( KDesc ) == KErrNone ||
+             desName.Compare( KDlnaDoc ) == KErrNone    
+           )
+        {
+        // Ignore
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+        __LOG( "OnStartElementL - unknown element!" );
+        __LOG8( desName );
+        }
+    __LOG( "CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnStartElementL, end" );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnEndElementL
+// See upnpxmlparser.h
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnEndElementL( const RTagInfo& /*aElement*/, 
+                                    TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
+    {
+    __LOG( "CUPnPXMLSAXParser::OnEndElementL(), begin" );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnContentL
+// See upnpxmlparser.h
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnContentL( const TDesC8& /*aBytes*/,
+    TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
+    {
+    __LOG( "CUPnPXMLSAXParser::OnContentL(), begin" );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnStartPrefixMappingL
+// See upnpxmlparser.h
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnStartPrefixMappingL( const RString& /*aPrefix*/, 
+                                               const RString& /*aUri*/, 
+                                               TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
+    {
+    // No implementation needed
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnEndPrefixMappingL
+// See upnpxmlparser.h
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnEndPrefixMappingL( const RString& /*aPrefix*/, 
+                                             TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
+    {
+    // No implementation needed
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL
+// See upnpxmlparser.h
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL( const TDesC8& /*aBytes*/, 
+                                                TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
+    {
+    // No implementation needed
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnSkippedEntityL
+// See upnpxmlparser.h
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnSkippedEntityL( const RString& /*aName*/, 
+                                          TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
+    {
+    // No implementation needed
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnProcessingInstructionL
+// See upnpxmlparser.h
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnProcessingInstructionL( const TDesC8& /*aTarget*/, 
+                                                  const TDesC8& /*aData*/, 
+                                                  TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
+    {
+    // No implementation needed
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnError
+// See upnpxmlparser.h
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPXMLEventParser::OnError( TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
+    {
+    // No implementation needed
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPXMLEventParser::GetExtendedInterface
+// See upnpxmlparser.h
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TAny* CUPnPXMLEventParser::GetExtendedInterface( const TInt32 /*aUid*/ )
+    {    
+    // No implementation needed
+    return NULL;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPXMLEventParser::SetAttributesL
+// See upnpxmlparser.h
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPXMLEventParser::SetAttributesL(
+    const RAttributeArray& aAttributes )
+    {
+    __LOG( "CUPnPXMLEventParser::SetAttributesL" );
+    RAttribute attribute;
+    TInt count = aAttributes.Count();
+    TInt volume = KErrNotFound;
+    iMasterVolumeState = EFalse;
+    for ( TInt i = 0; i < count ; i++ )
+        {
+        attribute = aAttributes[i];
+        const TDesC8& name = attribute.Attribute().LocalName().DesC();
+        if ( iParserState == EVolume )
+            {
+            // assign the value of Volume to volume 
+            if ( name.CompareF( KVal ) == KErrNone )
+                {
+                __LOG( "SetAttributesL - \"val\" found!" );
+                TLex8 lexer( attribute.Value().DesC() );
+                User::LeaveIfError( lexer.Val(volume) );
+                __LOG1( "SetAttributesL - volume = %d", volume );
+                }
+            else if ( name.CompareF( KChannel ) == KErrNone )
+                {
+                // channel is found, check if is Master
+                const TDesC8& channelname = attribute.Value().DesC();
+                if ( channelname.CompareF( KMaster ) == KErrNone )
+                    {
+                    __LOG( "SetAttributesL - MasterVolume found!" );
+                    iMasterVolumeState = ETrue;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            if ( name.Compare( KVal ) == KErrNone )
+                {
+                __LOG( "SetAttributesL - \"val\" found!" );
+                TLex8 lexer( attribute.Value().DesC() );
+                if ( iParserState == EInstanceID )
+                    {
+                    User::LeaveIfError( lexer.Val( iInstanceID ) );
+                    }
+                else
+                    if ( iParserState == EMute )
+                        {
+                        User::LeaveIfError( lexer.Val( iMute ) );
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        __LOG( "SetAttributesL - unknown state!" );
+                        }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    // check Mastervolume if was found, and volume if was found
+    if ( iParserState == EVolume && 
+         iMasterVolumeState && 
+         volume != KErrNotFound )
+        {
+        // all is found ,so assign the iVolume
+        __LOG1( "SetAttributesL - set iVolume : %d", volume );
+        iVolume = volume;       
+        }
+    __LOG( "CUPnPXMLEventParser::SetAttributesL - End" );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CUPnPXMLEventParser::Reset
+// See upnpxmlparser.h
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CUPnPXMLEventParser::Reset()
+    {
+    iInstanceID = KErrNotFound;
+    iMute = KErrNotFound;
+    iVolume = KErrNotFound;
+    iParserState = ENotSupported;
+    iMasterVolumeState = EFalse;
+    }
+// end of file