/** @file
* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Database for MediaServer
#include <platform_paths.hrh>
#include <bldvariant.hrh>
// integers
const TInt KMaxIntegerLen = 10;
const TInt KMaxIDResLength = 18;
const TInt KMaxLongIntegerLen = 20;
const TInt KMaxBoolLen = 1;
const TInt KColNameMaxLenth = 10;
const TInt KDefaultGranularity = 5;
const TInt KRespBufGranularity = 128;
const TInt KMinDiskSpace = 10000;
const TInt KDownloadContId = 1;
const TInt KAvailableNestedLevels = 23;
const TInt KMaxUpnpLongStringLen = 1024;
const TInt KMaxUpnpStringLen = 255;
const TInt KCommitEveryNum = 200;
const TInt KOnlyOnePair = 2;
const TInt KExtensionLength = 10;
const TInt KThumbnailWidth = 40;
const TInt KThumbnailHeight = 30;
const TInt KDefaultThumbnailSize = 5120; // 5 kb
const TInt KHttpGetStarted = 800;
const TInt KHttpPostStarted = 801;
const TInt KThumbnailDirLen = 10;
const TInt KCompactWeight = 10000; // specify how often
const TInt KDeleteWeight = 5; // Compact function is called.
const TInt KExecuteWeight = 1;
const TInt KCharSize = 2;
const TInt KAutoDestroyTimeLimit = 35000000;
const TInt KMapKeyMaxLength = 32;
const TInt KRandomMax = 8999;
const TInt KRandomMin = 1000;
const TInt KRandomRangeLength = 4;
const TInt KMaxSlashAmount = 4;
const TInt KCharLen = 1;
// files
_LIT( KObjectsXmlFileName, "z:objects.xml" );
_LIT( KDefaultMediaDrive, "C:" );
_LIT( KMediaPath, "Media" );
_LIT( KDownloadPath, "Download" );
_LIT8( KMediaPath8, "Media" );
_LIT( KThumbnailPath, "Thumbnail" );
_LIT( KSearchThumbnailPathPattern, "/Thumbnail/" );
_LIT( KMediaThumbnailPath, "Media/Thumbnail" );
_LIT( KMainDir, "\\" );
_LIT( KDiskPathElSep, "\\" );
_LIT( KSlash, "/" );
_LIT( KDefaultThumbExtension, ".jpeg" );
_LIT( KThumbDirectory11, "Thumbnail\\" );
_LIT8( KThumbMimeType, "image/jpeg" );
_LIT( KDefaultUploadDir, "data\\Download\\Media\\" );
_LIT( KThumbnailSubDir, "thumbnail\\" );
// common strings
_LIT( KSemicolon, ";" );
_LIT8( KSemicolon8, ";" );
_LIT( KCol, ":" );
_LIT( KCommaStr, "," );
_LIT8( KCommaStr8, "," );
_LIT( KFalseString, "false" );
_LIT8( KFalseString8, "false" );
_LIT( KFalseValue, "0" );
_LIT8( KFalseValue8, "0" );
_LIT( KAsterisk, "*" );
_LIT8( KAsterisk8, "*" );
_LIT( KAtStr, "@" );
_LIT8( KAtStr8, "@" );
_LIT8( KHash8, "#" );
_LIT8( KHashASCII8, "%23" );
_LIT( KMinusOne, "-1" );
_LIT8( KMinusOne8, "-1" );
_LIT( KDot, "." );
_LIT8( KDot8, "." );
_LIT( KPathSeparator, "." );
_LIT8( KPathSeparator8, "." );
_LIT( KQuot, "'" );
_LIT( KUndersc, "_" );
_LIT( KTrueString, "true" );
_LIT8( KTrueString8, "true" );
_LIT( KTrueValue, "1" );
_LIT8( KTrueValue8, "1" );
_LIT( KNullString, "" );
_LIT( KSpc, " " );
// 8bit strings
_LIT8( KNewLine, "\r\n" );
_LIT8( KLF8, "\n" );
_LIT8( KTwoSpaces, " " );
_LIT8( KNullString8, "" );
// anyContainer support
_LIT8( KAnyContainerIndicator8, "DLNA.ORG_AnyContainer" );
_LIT( KAnyContainerIndicator, "DLNA.ORG_AnyContainer" );
const TInt KAnyContainerId = 1;
// forbidden paths
_LIT8( KForbiddenDrivez, "z" );
_LIT8( KForbiddenDriveZ, "Z" );
_LIT8( KForbiddenPrivatePattern, "/?/private*" );
// Database structures' names
// object table
_LIT( KObjectTableName, "object" );
_LIT8( KObjectTableName8, "object" );
_LIT( KObjIdColName, "id" );
_LIT( KObjParentIdColName, "parentID" );
_LIT( KObjTiltleColName, "title" );
_LIT8( KObjTiltleColName8, "title" );
_LIT( KObjClassColName, "class" );
_LIT8( KObjClassColName8, "class" );
_LIT( KObjRestrictedColName, "restricted" );
_LIT( KObjSearchableColName, "searchable" );
_LIT( KObjRefIdColName, "refID" );
_LIT( KObjPathColName, "path" );
_LIT( KObjIdIndexName, "obj_id_index" );
_LIT( KRefIdIndexName, "ref_id_index" );
// element table
_LIT( KElementTableName, "element" );
_LIT8( KElementTableName8, "element" );
_LIT( KElmIdColName, "elm_id" );
_LIT( KElmNameColName, "elm_name" );
_LIT( KElmHasAttrColName, "elm_has_attribute" );
_LIT( KElmObjIdColName, "elm_obj_id" );
_LIT( KElmValueColName, "elm_value" );
_LIT( KElmIsRequiredColName, "elm_is_required" );
_LIT( KElmIdIndexName, "elm_id_index" );
_LIT( KElmObjIdIndexName, "elm_obj_id_index" );
// attributes table
_LIT( KAttributeTableName, "attribute" );
_LIT8( KAttributeTableName8, "attribute" );
_LIT( KAtrIdColName, "atr_id" );
_LIT( KAtrNameColName, "atr_name" );
_LIT( KAtrElmIdColName, "atr_elm_id" );
_LIT( KAtrObjIdColName, "atr_elm_id" );
_LIT( KAtrValueColName, "atr_value" );
_LIT( KAtrIsRequiredColName, "atr_is_required" );
_LIT( KAtrIdIndexName, "atr_id_index" );
_LIT( KAtrElmIdIndexName, "atr_elm_id_index" );
_LIT( KAtrIdObjColName, "atr_id_obj" );
// resources table
_LIT( KResourcesTableName, "resources" );
_LIT( KRscIdColName, "rsc_id" );
_LIT( KRscPathColName, "rsc_path" );
_LIT( KRscReadonlyColName, "rsc_readonly" );
_LIT( KRscThumbnailColName, "rsc_thumbnail" );
_LIT( KRscIdObjIndexName, "rsc_id_obj_index" );
_LIT( KRscIdIndexName, "rsc_id_index" );
_LIT( KRscIdObjColName, "rsc_id_obj" );
// sequences table
_LIT( KSequencesTableName, "sequences" );
_LIT( KSeqColNameColName, "seq_col_name" );
_LIT( KSeqNextKeyColName, "seq_next_key" );
_LIT( KSeqColNameIndexName, "seq_col_name_index" );
// importUri sequence
_LIT( KImportUriId, "uriId" );
_LIT8( KImportUriId8, "uriId" );
// database name
_LIT( KDatabaseFileName, "c:AVMediaServerStore" );
// upnp
_LIT8( KContainerClass8, "object.container" );
_LIT( KItemClass, "object.item" );
_LIT8( KClassTagName, "class" );
_LIT8( KTitleTagName, "title" );
_LIT( KClassTagNameWithNs, "upnp:class" );
_LIT8( KClassTagNameWithNs8, "upnp:class" );
_LIT( KTitleTagNameWithNs, "dc:title" );
_LIT8( KTitleTagNameWithNs8, "dc:title" );
_LIT( KResStr, "res" );
_LIT8( KMimeBegin, ""http-get:*:" );
_LIT8( KMimeEnd, ":*"" );
_LIT8( KItemTypeImage, "imageItem" );
_LIT8( KItemTypeAudio, "audioItem" );
_LIT8( KItemTypeVideo, "videoItem" );
_LIT8( KHTTPHeader, "http://" );
_LIT8( KDrmMatchString, "<xmrcc:*/*>*" );
_LIT8( KRequiredAtrName, "el_required" );
_LIT8( KRequiredAtrSuf, "_req" );
_LIT8( KRequiredAtrSufPattern, "*_req" );
_LIT8( KProtInfoReqAtrSufPattern, "protocolInfo_req" );
_LIT8( KIpPortPlaceholder8, "___.___.___.___:_____" );
_LIT( KIpPortPlaceholder, "___.___.___.___:_____" );
_LIT8( KTitle, "title" );
_LIT8( KProInfoBegin, "http-get:*:" );
_LIT8( KProInfoEnd, ":*" );
_LIT8( KCompleted, "COMPLETED" );
_LIT8( KError, "ERROR" );
_LIT8( KInProgress, "IN_PROGRESS" );
_LIT8( KStopped, "STOPPED" );
_LIT8( KBrowseChilds, "BrowseDirectChildren" );
_LIT8( KBrowseFlag, "BrowseFlag" );
_LIT8( KBrowseMeta, "BrowseMetadata" );
_LIT8( KContainerID, "ContainerID" );
_LIT8( KChildCount, "childCount" );
_LIT( KChildCount16, "childCount" );
_LIT8( KContainer, "container" );
_LIT8( KContainerUpdateIDs, "ContainerUpdateIDs" );
_LIT8( KCurrentTagValue, "CurrentTagValue" );
_LIT8( KDcNsPrefix, "dc" );
_LIT8( KDestinationURI, "DestinationURI" );
_LIT8( KDidlEnd, "</DIDL-Lite>" );
_LIT8( KXmlnsNsUri, "urn:schemas-upnp-org:"
"metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" );
_LIT8( KCmlnsNsPref, "xmlns" );
_LIT8( KDcNsUri, "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" );
_LIT8( KDcNsPref, "dc" );
_LIT8( KUpnpNsUri, "urn:schemas-upnp-org:"
"metadata-1-0/upnp/" );
_LIT8( KUpnpNsPref, "upnp");
_LIT8( KDidlTag, "<DIDL-Lite xmlns=\"urn:schemas-upnp"
"-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/\" "
"elements/1.1/\" xmlns:upnp=\"urn:"
"/\" xmlns:dlna=\"urn:schemas-dlna-"
_LIT8( KElements, "Elements" );
_LIT8( KFilter, "Filter" );
_LIT8( KId, "Id" );
_LIT8( KIdAttrName, "id" );
_LIT( KimportUri, "importUri" );
_LIT8( KImportUri8, "importUri" );
_LIT8( KItem, "item" );
_LIT8( KNumberReturned, "NumberReturned" );
_LIT8( KNewID, "NewID" );
_LIT8( KNewTagValue, "NewTagValue" );
_LIT8( KParentID, "parentID" );
_LIT8( KRefID, "refID" );
_LIT8( KRequestedCount, "RequestedCount" );
_LIT8( KResourceURI, "ResourceURI" );
_LIT8( KRestricted, "restricted" );
_LIT8( KResult, "Result" );
_LIT8( KCreator8, "dc:creator" );
_LIT8( KDate8, "date" );
_LIT8( KDuration8, "duration" );
_LIT8( KSearchCaps, "SearchCaps" );
_LIT8( KSearchCapabilities, "");
_LIT8( KSearchCapsVariableName, "SearchCapabilities" );
_LIT8( KSearchClassTag, "<upnp:searchClass>" );
_LIT8( KSearchClassTagEnd, "</upnp:searchClass>" );
_LIT8( KSize, "size" );
_LIT8( KStartingIndex, "StartingIndex" );
_LIT8( KSortCaps, "SortCaps" );
_LIT8( KSortCapsVariableName, "SortCapabilities" );
_LIT8( KSortCapabilities, "" );
_LIT8( KSortCriteria, "SortCriteria" );
_LIT8( KSourceURI, "SourceURI" );
_LIT8( KSystemUpdateID, "SystemUpdateID" );
_LIT8( KTransferID, "TransferID" );
_LIT8( KTransferIDs, "TransferIDs" );
_LIT8( KTransferStatus, "TransferStatus" );
_LIT8( KTransferLength, "TransferLength" );
_LIT8( KTransferTotal, "TransferTotal" );
_LIT8( KTotalMatches, "TotalMatches" );
_LIT8( KUpnpNsPrefix, "upnp" );
_LIT8( KUpdateID, "UpdateID" );
_LIT8( KHttpTag, "http://" );
_LIT( KHttpTag16, "http://" );
_LIT8( KprotocolInfo, "protocolInfo" );
_LIT( KProtocolInfo, "protocolInfo" );
_LIT8( KDlnaPrefix, "dlna" );
_LIT8( KDlnaProfileID, "dlna:profileID" );
_LIT8( KProfileID, "profileID" );
_LIT8( KDefaultProfileID, "JPEG_TN" );
_LIT8( KAlbumArtURI, "upnp:albumArtURI" );
_LIT8( KXmlnsDlna, "urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/");
_LIT8( KEmptyProtocolInfoVal8, "http-get:*:*:*" );
_LIT8( KRootNode, "<DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc=\"http://purl."
"org/dc/elements/1.1/\" xmlns:upnp="
"0/upnp/\" xmlns=\"urn:schemas-upnp"
"-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/\">" );
_LIT8( KSearchable, "searchable" );
_LIT8( KUpdateIds, "0,0" );
_LIT8( KBrowse, "Browse" );
_LIT8( KCreateReference, "CreateReference" );
_LIT8( KCreateObject, "CreateObject" );
_LIT8( KDeleteResource, "DeleteResource" );
_LIT8( KDestroyObject, "DestroyObject" );
_LIT8( KExportResource, "ExportResource" );
_LIT8( KGetSearchCapabilities, "GetSearchCapabilities" );
_LIT8( KGetSortCapabilities, "GetSortCapabilities" );
_LIT8( KGetSystemUpdateID, "GetSystemUpdateID" );
_LIT8( KGetTransferProgress, "GetTransferProgress" );
_LIT8( KImportResource, "ImportResource" );
_LIT8( KSearch, "Search" );
_LIT8( KStopTransferResource, "StopTransferResource" );
_LIT8( KMetadata, "urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata"
"-1-0/upnp/" );
_LIT8( KXmlNsDc, "xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc"
"/elements/1.1/\"" );
_LIT8( KType, "type" );
_LIT8( KElement, "e" );
_LIT8( KClass, "class" );
_LIT8( KImportUri, "importUri" );
_LIT( KImportUri16, "importUri" );
_LIT8( KCharR, "r" );
_LIT8( KIParent, "i" );
_LIT8( KProperties, "ps" );
_LIT8( KName, "n" );
_LIT8( KAttribute, "Attribute" );
_LIT8( KResAttr, "res" );
_LIT8( KMultiple, "m" );
_LIT8( KRes, "res" );
_LIT( KRes16, "res" );
_LIT8( KNestAttr, "a" );
_LIT8( KObject, "object" );
_LIT8( KDidlLite, "DIDL-Lite" );
_LIT8( KTrue, "true" );
_LIT8( KObjectProperty, "p" );
_LIT8( KObjectName, "n" );
_LIT8( KRequiredObject, "r" );
_LIT8( KMultiValueObject, "m" );
_LIT8( KVendorDescriptor, "desc" );
_LIT8( KColon8, ":" );
_LIT8( KArtist, "artist" );
_LIT8( KAlbum, "album" );
_LIT8( KImageMime, "image" );
_LIT8( KTextMime, "text" );
_LIT8( KVideoMime, "video" );
_LIT8( KAudioMime, "audio" );
_LIT8( KObjectClassAudioItem, "object.item.audioItem" );
_LIT8( KObjectClassVideoItem, "object.item.videoItem" );
_LIT8( KObjectClassTextItem, "object.item.textItem" );
_LIT8( KObjectClassImageItem, "object.item.imageItem" );
_LIT8( KJpegLrg, "JPEG_LRG" );
_LIT8( KJpegMed, "JPEG_MED" );
_LIT8( KJpegSm, "JPEG_SM" );
// SQL Strings
_LIT( KDeleteFromSqlCmd, "DELETE FROM %S WHERE %S=%S" );
_LIT( KOpenParant, "(" );
_LIT( KValuesOpen, " VALUES(" );
_LIT( KCloseParant, ")" );
_LIT( KInsertInto, "INSERT INTO " );
_LIT( KOnlyRequiredFromElement, " AND elm_is_required=1" );
_LIT( KNamedElFromElement, " AND elm_name='%S'" );
_LIT( KSelectFromObjectSqlCmd, "SELECT %S FROM object WHERE id=%d" );
_LIT( KOnlyRequiredFromAtr, " AND atr_is_required=1" );
_LIT( KNamedAtrFromAttribute, " AND atr_name='%S'" );
_LIT( KFullPathFromShareMap, " OR %S='%S'" );
_LIT( KSelectFromSqlCmd, "SELECT %S FROM %S WHERE %S='%S'" );
_LIT( KSelectFromNumSqlCmd, "SELECT %S FROM %S WHERE %S=%d" );
_LIT( KSelectFromNumNotEqSqlCmd, "SELECT %S FROM %S WHERE %S<>%d" );
_LIT( KAndConditionSqlCmd, " AND %S='%S'" );
_LIT( KAndLikeConditionSqlCmd, " AND %S LIKE '*%S'" );
_LIT( KSelectAttributeByValueSqlCmd, "SELECT * FROM attribute WHERE atr_value LIKE '*%S*' AND atr_name = '%S' ");
_LIT( KNewMediaDirSqlCmd, "UPDATE resources SET rsc_readonly=1 WHERE rsc_path LIKE '%S*' AND rsc_readonly=0");
_LIT( KInsertElementSqlCmd, "INSERT INTO element (elm_id,elm_name,elm_value,elm_has_attribute,elm_obj_id,elm_is_required)VALUES(%d,'%S','%S',%d,%d,%d)");
_LIT( KInsertAttributeSqlCmd, "INSERT INTO attribute(atr_id,atr_name,atr_value,atr_elm_id,atr_is_required) VALUES(%d,'%S','%S',%d,%d)");
_LIT( KGetObjectListSqlCmd, "SELECT id FROM object WHERE parentID=%d");
_LIT( KGetItemListSqlCmd, "SELECT id FROM object WHERE parentID=%d AND class LIKE 'object.item*'");
_LIT( KGetContainerListSqlCmd, "SELECT id FROM object WHERE parentID=%d AND class LIKE 'object.container*'");
_LIT( KSelectIdFromElSqlCmd, "SELECT elm_id, elm_name, elm_value FROM element WHERE elm_obj_id=%d" );
_LIT( KDeleteResElSqlCmd, "DELETE FROM element WHERE elm_value='%S' AND elm_obj_id=%d");
_LIT( KSelectObjectFromObjSqlCmd, "SELECT id, parentID, title, class, restricted, searchable, refID FROM object WHERE id = %d");
_LIT( KSelectElmFromElmSqlCmd, "SELECT elm_name, elm_value, elm_has_attribute, elm_id, elm_is_required FROM element WHERE elm_obj_id = %d");
_LIT( KSelectAtrFromAttrSqlCmd, "SELECT atr_name, atr_value FROM attribute WHERE atr_elm_id = %d");
_LIT( KSelectAtrFromAttrByObjSqlCmd, "SELECT atr_name, atr_value, atr_elm_id FROM attribute WHERE atr_id_obj = %d");
// initial data
_LIT( KInit1, "INSERT INTO object (id,parentID,title,class,restricted,searchable,path) VALUES(0,-1,'root','object.container',0,1,'-1')");
_LIT( KInit2, "INSERT INTO object (id,parentID,title,class,restricted,searchable,path) VALUES(1,0,'Uploaded','object.container',0,1,'-1.0')");
_LIT( KInit3, "INSERT INTO sequences(seq_col_name,seq_next_key) VALUES('object',2)" );
_LIT( KInit4, "INSERT INTO sequences(seq_col_name,seq_next_key) VALUES('element',0)");
_LIT( KInit5, "INSERT INTO sequences(seq_col_name,seq_next_key) VALUES('attribute',0)");
_LIT( KInit6, "INSERT INTO sequences(seq_col_name,seq_next_key) VALUES('uriId',1)" );
enum TCurrentAction
EUndefinedAction = 0,
ECreateObjectAction = 1,
// End of File