changeset 0 95b198f216e5
child 12 8a03a285ab14
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:95b198f216e5
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation class of DRM UI Handling
    15 *
    16 */
    22 //*** system include files go here:
    23 #include <e32base.h>
    24 #include <f32file.h>
    25 #include <aknserverapp.h>
    26 #include <caf/caftypes.h>
    27 #include <caf/caferr.h>
    28 #include <drmagents.h>
    29 #include <drmrightsclient.h>
    30 #include <drmutilitytypes.h>
    32 //*** forward declarations go here:
    33 class CCoeEnv;
    34 class CDRMConstraint;
    35 class CSchemeHandler;
    37 namespace ContentAccess
    38     {
    39     class CData;
    40     }
    42 namespace DRM
    43 {
    45     //*** forward declarations go here:
    46     class CDrmUtility;
    47     class CDrmUiHandlingData;
    48     class CDrmUtilityCommon;
    49     class CDrmUtilityUI;
    50     class MDrmAsyncObserver;
    51     class MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver;
    52     class MDrmHandleErrorObserver;
    53     class MDrmUtilityWMDrmWrapper;
    54     class CDrmUtilityWMDrm;
    56 /**
    57  *  Implementation class for CDrmUiHandling class
    58  *
    59  *  @lib drmuihandlingimpl.lib
    60  *  @since S60 v5.0
    61  */
    62 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CDrmUiHandlingImpl ) : public CActive, public MAknServerAppExitObserver
    63     {
    65 public:
    67     /** Error codes that are handled by HandleError */
    68     enum TDrmUiError
    69         {
    70         ENoPermission = KErrCANoPermission,
    71         ENoRights = KErrCANoRights,
    72         EPendingRights = KErrCAPendingRights
    73         };
    75 public:
    77     /**
    78     * Two-phased constructor.
    79     */
    80     IMPORT_C static CDrmUiHandlingImpl* NewL( CDrmUtility* aDrmUtility, CCoeEnv* aCoeEnv = NULL );
    81     IMPORT_C static CDrmUiHandlingImpl* NewLC( CDrmUtility* aDrmUtility, CCoeEnv* aCoeEnv = NULL );
    83     /**
    84      * Destructor.
    85      */
    86     virtual ~CDrmUiHandlingImpl();
    88     /**
    89      * Check how much rights there are left for the content.
    90      * This method also displays appropriate notes, which observer can
    91      * override, if rights are invalid. Asynchronous version, all errors
    92      * are signalled using request status.
    93      *
    94      * @since S60 v5.0
    95      * @param[in]   aFile       file of which rights are checked.
    96      * @param[in]   aIntent     the CAF intent to be used for checking
    97      * @param[in]   aObserver   reference to observer
    98      *
    99      * @return Operation Identifier for the async request
   100      *         required for cancelling an operation and
   101      *         identifying which request has been completed
   102      *
   103      * @leave System wide error code
   104      *        KErrArgument  if file is not DRM protected.
   105      *
   106      * @see MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver
   107      */
   108     IMPORT_C TInt CheckRightsAmountAsyncL(
   109         RFile& aFile,
   110         ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
   111         MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver& aObserver );
   113      /**
   114      * Check how much rights there are left for the content.
   115      * This method also displays appropriate notes, which observer can
   116      * override, if rights are invalid. Synchronous version, leaves in case
   117      * of error.
   118      *
   119      * @since S60 v5.0
   120      * @param[in]   aFile       file of which rights are checked.
   121      * @param[in]   aIntent     the CAF intent to be used for checking
   122      * @param[in]   aObserver   pointer to observer, NULL if no observer
   123      *
   124      * @return none
   125      * @leave System wide error code
   126      *        KErrArgument  if file is not DRM protected.
   127      *
   128      * @see MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver
   129      */
   130     IMPORT_C void CheckRightsAmountL(
   131         RFile& aFile,
   132         ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
   133         MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver* aObserver );
   135     /**
   136      * Check how much rights there are left for the content.
   137      * This method also displays appropriate notes, which observer can
   138      * override, if rights are invalid. Asynchronous version, all errors
   139      * are signalled using request status.
   140      *
   141      * @since S60 v5.0
   142      * @param[in]   aFile       content of which rights are checked.
   143      * @param[in]   aIntent     the CAF intent to be used for checking
   144      * @param[in]   aObserver   reference to observer
   145      *
   146      * @return Operation Identifier for the async request
   147      *         required for cancelling an operation and
   148      *         identifying which request has been completed
   149      *
   150      * @leave System wide error code
   151      *        KErrArgument  if file is not DRM protected.
   152      *
   153      * @see MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver
   154      */
   155     IMPORT_C TInt CheckRightsAmountAsyncL(
   156         ContentAccess::CData& aFile,
   157         ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
   158         MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver& aObserver );
   160      /**
   161      * Check how much rights there are left for the content.
   162      * This method also displays appropriate notes, which observer can
   163      * override, if rights are invalid. Synchronous version, leaves in case
   164      * of error.
   165      *
   166      * @since S60 v5.0
   167      * @param[in]   aFile       content of which rights are checked.
   168      * @param[in]   aIntent     the CAF intent to be used for checking
   169      * @param[in]   aObserver   pointer to observer, NULL if no observer
   170      * @return none
   171      * @leave System wide error code
   172      *        KErrArgument  if file is not DRM protected.
   173      *
   174      * @see MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver
   175      */
   176     IMPORT_C void CheckRightsAmountL(
   177         ContentAccess::CData& aFile,
   178         ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
   179         MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver* aObserver );
   181     /**
   182      * Displays information about rights for given content.
   183      * Asynchronous version.
   184      *
   185      * @since S60 v5.0
   186      * @param[in]   aFile           file for which rights details are
   187      *                              displayed.
   188      * @param[in]   aObserver       reference to observer
   189      *
   190      * @return Operation Identifier for the async request
   191      *         required for cancelling an operation and
   192      *         identifying which request has been completed
   193      *
   194      * @leave   System wide error code
   195      */
   196     IMPORT_C TInt ShowDetailsViewAsyncL(
   197         RFile& aFile,
   198         MDrmAsyncObserver& aObserver );
   200     /**
   201      * Displays information about rights for given content.
   202      * Synchronous version, leaves in case of error.
   203      *
   204      * @since S60 v5.0
   205      * @param[in]   aFile       file for which rights details are
   206      *                          displayed.
   207      *
   208      * @leave   KErrArgument    File is not DRM protected.
   209      * @leave   KErrCANoRights  Rights object does not exist.
   210      *
   211      * @see caferr.h
   212      */
   213     IMPORT_C void ShowDetailsViewL(
   214         RFile& aFile );
   216     /**
   217      * Displays information about rights for given content.
   218      * Asynchronous version.
   219      *
   220      * @since S60 v5.0
   221      * @param[in]   aFile       content for which rights details are
   222      *                          displayed.
   223      * @param[in]   aObserver   reference to observer
   224      *
   225      * @return Operation Identifier for the async request
   226      *         required for cancelling an operation and
   227      *         identifying which request has been completed
   228      *
   229      * @leave System wide error code
   230      */
   231     IMPORT_C TInt ShowDetailsViewAsyncL(
   232         ContentAccess::CData& aFile,
   233         MDrmAsyncObserver& aObserver );
   235      /**
   236      * Displays information about rights for given content.
   237      * Synchronous version, leaves in case of error.
   238      *
   239      * @since S60 v5.0
   240      * @param[in]   aFile   content for which rights details are displayed.
   241      *
   242      * @leave   KErrArgument    Content is not DRM protected.
   243      * @leave   KErrCANoRights  Rights object does not exist.
   244      * @leave   System wide error code
   245      *
   246      * @see caferr.h
   247      */
   248     IMPORT_C void ShowDetailsViewL(
   249         ContentAccess::CData& aFile );
   251      /**
   252      * Handle the specific url defined by the file, such as InfoUrl
   253      * Asynchronous method
   254      *
   255      * @since S60 v5.0
   256      * @param[in]   aFile           file whose url is being handled
   257      * @param[in]   aType           type of the requested url,
   258      *                              only a single url may be requested
   259      *                              at a time
   260      * @param[in]   aObserver       reference to observer
   261      *
   262      * @return Operation Identifier for the async request
   263      *         required for cancelling an operation and
   264      *         identifying which request has been completed
   265      *
   266      * @leave   KErrArgument        File is not DRM protected.
   267      * @leave   KErrNotSupported    Url type is not supported for the file
   268      */
   269     IMPORT_C TInt HandleUrlAsyncL(
   270         RFile& aFile,
   271         TDrmUiUrlType aType,
   272         MDrmAsyncObserver& aObserver );
   275      /**
   276      * Handle the specific url defined by the file, such as InfoUrl
   277      *
   278      * @since S60 v5.0
   279      * @param[in]   aFile        file whose url is being handled
   280      * @param[in]   aType        type of the requested url,
   281      *                           only a single url may be requested
   282      *                           at a time
   283      *
   284      * @leave   KErrArgument     File is not DRM protected.
   285      * @leave   KErrNotSupported Url type is not supported for the file
   286      */
   287     IMPORT_C void HandleUrlL(
   288         RFile& aFile,
   289         TDrmUiUrlType aType );
   291      /**
   292      * Handle the specific url defined by the file, such as InfoUrl
   293      * Asynchronous method
   294      *
   295      * @since S60 v5.0
   296      * @param[in]   aFile           content whose url is being handled
   297      * @param[in]   aType           type of the requested url,
   298      *                              only a single url may be requested
   299      *                              at a time
   300      * @param[in]   aObserver       reference to observer
   301      *
   302      * @return Operation Identifier for the async request
   303      *         required for cancelling an operation and
   304      *         identifying which request has been completed
   305      *
   306      * @leave   KErrArgument        File is not DRM protected,
   307      *                              or multiple url:s were requested
   308      * @leave   KErrNotSupported    Url type is not supported for the file
   309      */
   310     IMPORT_C TInt HandleUrlAsyncL(
   311         ContentAccess::CData& aFile,
   312         TDrmUiUrlType aType,
   313         MDrmAsyncObserver& aObserver );
   315      /**
   316      * Handle the specific url defined by the file, such as InfoUrl
   317      *
   318      * @since S60 v5.0
   319      * @param[in]   aFile        content whose url is being handled
   320      * @param[in]   aType        type of the requested url,
   321      *                           only a single url may be requested
   322      *                           at a time
   323      *
   324      * @leave   KErrArgument     File is not DRM protected.
   325      * @leave   KErrNotSupported Url type is not supported for the file
   326      */
   327     IMPORT_C void HandleUrlL(
   328         ContentAccess::CData& aFile,
   329         TDrmUiUrlType aType );
   332      /**
   333      * Get information of the available urls
   334      * Asynchronous method
   335      *
   336      * @since S60 v5.0
   337      * @param[in]   aFile           file whose url is being handled
   338      * @param[out]  aType           A bitmask of the supported url types
   339      * @param[in]   aObserver       reference to observer
   340      *
   341      * @return Operation Identifier for the async request
   342      *         required for cancelling an operation and
   343      *         identifying which request has been completed
   344      *
   345      * @leave   KErrArgument        File is not DRM protected.
   346      */
   347     IMPORT_C TInt AvailableUrlsAsyncL(
   348         RFile& aFile,
   349         TDrmUiUrlType& aType,
   350         MDrmAsyncObserver& aObserver );
   352      /**
   353      * Get information of the available urls
   354      *
   355      * @since S60 v5.0
   356      * @param[in]   aFile           file whose url is being handled
   357      * @param[out]  aType           A bitmask of the supported url types
   358      *
   359      * @leave   KErrArgument        File is not DRM protected.
   360      */
   361     IMPORT_C void AvailableUrlsL(
   362         RFile& aFile,
   363         TDrmUiUrlType& aType );
   366      /**
   367      * Get information of the available urls
   368      * Asynchronous method
   369      *
   370      * @since S60 v5.0
   371      * @param[in]   aFile           content whose url is being handled
   372      * @param[out]  aType           A bitmask of the supported url types
   373      * @param[in]   aObserver       reference to observer
   374      *
   375      * @return Operation Identifier for the async request
   376      *         required for cancelling an operation and
   377      *         identifying which request has been completed
   378      *
   379      * @leave   KErrArgument        File is not DRM protected.
   380      */
   381     IMPORT_C TInt AvailableUrlsAsyncL(
   382         ContentAccess::CData& aFile,
   383         TDrmUiUrlType& aType,
   384         MDrmAsyncObserver& aObserver );
   386      /**
   387      * Get information of the available urls
   388      *
   389      * @since S60 v5.0
   390      * @param[in]   aFile           content whose url is being handled
   391      * @param[out]  aType           A bitmask of the supported url types
   392      *
   393      * @leave   KErrArgument        File is not DRM protected.
   394      */
   395     IMPORT_C void AvailableUrlsL(
   396         ContentAccess::CData& aFile,
   397         TDrmUiUrlType& aType );
   400     /**
   401      * Handles DRM error situations related to invalid rights.
   402      * This method displays appropriate notes, which observer can override,
   403      * to the user and acquires new rights if needed. Asynchronous version,
   404      * all errors are signalled using request status.
   405      *
   406      * @since S60 v5.0
   407      * @param[in]   aFile       file for which the error happened
   408      * @param[in]   aIntent     the CAF intent which was used to recieve
   409      *                          the error
   410      * @param[in]   aError      error code
   411      * @param[in]   aObserver   reference to observer
   412      *
   413      * @return Operation Identifier for the async request
   414      *         required for cancelling an operation and
   415      *         identifying which request has been completed
   416      *
   417      * @see MDrmHandleErrorObserver
   418      */
   419     IMPORT_C TInt HandleErrorAsyncL(
   420         RFile& aFile,
   421         ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
   422         TInt aError,
   423         MDrmHandleErrorObserver& aObserver );
   425      /**
   426      * Handles DRM error situations related to invalid rights.
   427      * This method displays appropriate notes, which observer can override,
   428      * to the user and acquires new rights if needed. Synchronous version,
   429      * leaves in case of error.
   430      *
   431      * @since S60 v5.0
   432      * @param[in]   aFile       file for which the error happened
   433      * @param[in]   aIntent     the CAF intent which was used to recieve
   434      *                          the error
   435      * @param[in]   aError      error code
   436      * @param[in]   aObserver   pointer to observer, NULL if no observer
   437      *
   438      * @leave   KErrArgument    File is not DRM protected.
   439      *
   440      * @see MDrmHandleErrorObserver
   441      */
   442     IMPORT_C void HandleErrorL(
   443         RFile& aFile,
   444         ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
   445         TInt aError,
   446         MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver );
   448     /**
   449      * Handles DRM error situations related to invalid rights.
   450      * This method displays appropriate notes, which observer can override,
   451      * to the user and acquires new rights if needed. Asynchronous version,
   452      * all errors are signalled using request status.
   453      *
   454      * @since S60 v5.0
   455      * @param[in]   aFile       content for which the error happened
   456      * @param[in]   aIntent     the CAF intent which was used to recieve
   457      *                          the error
   458      * @param[in]   aError      error code
   459      * @param[in]   aObserver   reference to observer
   460      *
   461      * @return Operation Identifier for the async request
   462      *         required for cancelling an operation and
   463      *         identifying which request has been completed
   464      *
   465      * @see MDrmHandleErrorObserver
   466      */
   467     IMPORT_C TInt HandleErrorAsyncL(
   468         ContentAccess::CData& aFile,
   469         ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
   470         TInt aError,
   471         MDrmHandleErrorObserver& aObserver );
   473     /**
   474      * Handles DRM error situations related to invalid rights.
   475      * This method displays appropriate notes, which observer can override,
   476      * to the user and acquires new rights if needed. Synchronous version,
   477      * leaves in case of error.
   478      *
   479      * @since S60 v5.0
   480      * @param[in]   aFile       content for which the error happened
   481      * @param[in]   aIntent     the CAF intent which was used to recieve
   482      *                          the error
   483      * @param[in]   aError      error code
   484      * @param[in]   aObserver   pointer to observer, NULL if no observer
   485      *
   486      * @leave   KErrArgument    File is not DRM protected.
   487      *
   488      * @see MDrmHandleErrorObserver
   489      */
   490     IMPORT_C void HandleErrorL(
   491         ContentAccess::CData& aFile,
   492         ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
   493         TInt aError,
   494         MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver );
   497     /**
   498      * Cancel an asyncronous operation
   499      *
   500      * @since S60 v5.0
   501      * @param[in]   aOperationId    identifier of the async operation
   502      *                              to be cancelled
   503      * @return KErrNotFound if the operation has already been executed
   504      *         or it does not exist
   505      */
   506     IMPORT_C TInt CancelOperation( TInt aOperationId );
   508 public: //From base classes
   511 protected: // Functions from base classes
   513     /**
   514     * From CActive Cancels async request.
   515     */
   516     void DoCancel();
   518     /**
   519     * From CActive Called when async request completes.
   520     */
   521 	void RunL();
   523     /**
   524     * From CActive Called when RunL leaves
   525     */
   526 	TInt RunError( TInt aError );
   528 private:
   530     /**
   531     * C++ default constructor.
   532     */
   533     CDrmUiHandlingImpl( CDrmUtility* aDrmUtility, CCoeEnv* aCoeEnv );
   535     void ConstructL();
   537     void Activate( TRequestStatus*& aStatus );
   539     void PerformCheckRightsAmountFileL( CDrmUiHandlingData& aData );
   541     void PerformCheckRightsAmountDataL( CDrmUiHandlingData& aData );
   543     void PerformShowDetailsViewFileL( CDrmUiHandlingData& aData );
   545     void PerformShowDetailsViewDataL( CDrmUiHandlingData& aData );
   547     void PerformHandleUrlFileL( CDrmUiHandlingData& aData );
   549     void PerformHandleUrlDataL( CDrmUiHandlingData& aData );
   551     void PerformAvailableUrlsFileL( CDrmUiHandlingData& aData );
   553     void PerformAvailableUrlsDataL( CDrmUiHandlingData& aData );
   555     void PerformHandleErrorFileL( CDrmUiHandlingData& aData );
   557     void PerformHandleErrorDataL( CDrmUiHandlingData& aData );
   559     void IsProtectedL( RFile& aFile, TPtrC& aAgent );
   561     void IsProtectedL( ContentAccess::CData* aContent,
   562                        TDrmAgentUid& aAgentUid );
   564     void IsProperErrorL( TInt aError );
   566     void CheckOmaRightsAmountL( ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   567                                 ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
   568                                 MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver* aObserver,
   569                                 TInt aOperationId );
   571     void DoCheckOmaRightsAmountL( ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   572                                   HBufC8*& aContentUri,
   573                                   ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
   574                                   const HBufC* aRightsUrl,
   575                                   TDrmUiUrlType aUrlType,
   576                                   const HBufC8* aSilentUrl,
   577                                   MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver* aObserver,
   578                                   TInt aOperationId );
   580     void HandleOmaErrorL( ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   581                           ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
   582                           TInt aError,
   583                           MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
   584                           TInt aOperationId );
   587     void CheckOmaBasedRightsAmountL( ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   588                                      ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
   589                                      MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver* aObserver,
   590                                      TInt aOperationId );
   592     void DoCheckOmaBasedRightsAmountL( ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   593                                        const HBufC8* aContentUri,
   594                                        ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
   595                                        const HBufC* aRightsUrl,
   596                                        TDrmUiUrlType aUrlType,
   597                                        MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver* aObserver,
   598                                        TInt aOperationId );
   600     void GetOmaBasedEndTimeL( ContentAccess::CData& aData, TTime& aEndTime );
   602     TInt OmaBasedHeaderParserL( TInt aOffset, TPtr8 aHeaderPtr, TTime& aEndTime );
   604     void ShowDetailsViewL( const HBufC8* aContentId,
   605                            const HBufC* aFullPath );
   607     void ShowDetailsViewL( const HBufC* aFullPath );
   609     void DoHandleOmaUrlL( ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   610                           TDrmUiUrlType aType );
   612     void GetAvailableOmaUrlsL( ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   613                                TDrmUiUrlType& aType );
   615     TInt GetContentIdLC( const ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   616                          HBufC8*& aId );
   618     TInt GetOmaRightsIssuerLC( const ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   619                               HBufC*& aIssuer );
   621     TInt GetOmaDomainRightsIssuerLC( const ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   622                                     HBufC*& aIssuer );
   624     TInt GetOmaPreviewInfoLC( const ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   625                              HBufC*& aPreviewUrl,
   626                              TInt& aPreviewType );
   628     TInt GetOmaSilentRightsUrlLC( const ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   629                                   HBufC8*& aSilentUrl );
   631     TInt GetOmaInfoUrlLC( const ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   632                          HBufC*& aInfoUrl );
   634     TInt GetOmaPendingRightsInfoLC( const ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   635                                    HBufC*& aEta );
   637     TInt GetContentLocationLC( const ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   638                                HBufC*& aPath );
   640     void SelectOmaRightsUrlL( const ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   641                               const HBufC* aDomainRiUrl,
   642                               TDrmUiUrlType& aUrlType );
   644     void CallRightsNotValidL( MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver* aObserver,
   645                               TInt aOperationId,
   646                               TCheckRightsStatus aRightsStatus,
   647                               TUint32 aReason,
   648                               ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   649                               const HBufC8* aContentUri,
   650                               CDRMConstraint* aConstraint,
   651                               const HBufC* aRightsUrl,
   652                               TDrmUiUrlType aUrlType,
   653                               const HBufC8* aSilentUrl,
   654                               ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent );
   656     void CallRightsLeftL( MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver* aObserver,
   657                           TInt aOperationId,
   658                           TBool aUnconstrained,
   659                           TTimeIntervalSeconds aTime,
   660                           TInt aCounts,
   661                           TTimeIntervalSeconds aAccumulated,
   662                           const HBufC8* aContentUri,
   663                           const HBufC* aRightsUrl,
   664                           const HBufC8* aSilentUrl,
   665                           CData& aData,
   666                           ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent );
   668     void CallEmbeddedPreviewAvailableL( MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
   669                                         TInt aOperationId,
   670                                         ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   671                                         const HBufC* aPreviewUrl,
   672                                         TDrmRightsInfo aRightsStatus,
   673                                         TUint32 aReason,
   674                                         const HBufC* aRightsUrl,
   675                                         const HBufC8* aContentUri,
   676                                         ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent );
   678     void CallPreviewRightsUrlAvailableL( MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
   679                                          TInt aOperationId,
   680                                          ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   681                                          const HBufC* aPreviewUrl,
   682                                          TDrmRightsInfo aRightsStatus,
   683                                          TUint32 aReason,
   684                                          const HBufC* aRightsUrl,
   685                                          const HBufC8* aContentUri,
   686                                          ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent );
   688     void CallSilentRightsUrlAvailableL( MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
   689                                         TInt aOperationId,
   690                                         const HBufC8* aSilentUrl,
   691                                         TDrmRightsInfo aRightsStatus,
   692                                         TUint32 aReason,
   693                                         const HBufC* aRightsUrl,
   694                                         const HBufC8* aContentUri,
   695                                         ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent );
   697     void CallRightsUrlAvailableL( MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
   698                                   TInt aOperationId,
   699                                   TDrmRightsInfo aRightsStatus,
   700                                   TUint32 aReason,
   701                                   CDRMConstraint* aConstraint,
   702                                   ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   703                                   const HBufC8* aContentUri,
   704                                   const HBufC* aRightsUrl,
   705                                   TDrmUiUrlType aUrlType,
   706                                   ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
   707                                   TInt aError );
   709     void CallPreviewRightsAvailable( MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
   710                                      TInt aOperationId,
   711                                      TInt aError );
   713     void CallSilentRightsAvailable( MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
   714                                     TInt aOperationId,
   715                                     TInt aError );
   717     void CallRightsAvailable( MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
   718                               TInt aOperationId,
   719                               TInt aError );
   721     void CallPlayEmbeddedPreviewSelected( MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
   722                                           TInt aOperationId,
   723                                           const HBufC* aPreviewUrl );
   725     /**
   726     * @return ETrue if rights renewal wanted, EFalse  otherwise
   727     */
   728     TBool ShowNoRightsNoteL( ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   729                              TDrmRightsInfo aRightsStatus,
   730                              TUint32 aReason,
   731                              CDRMConstraint* aConstraint,
   732                              const HBufC* aRightsUrl,
   733                              TDrmUiUrlType aUrlType,
   734                              TInt aError );
   736     TInt GetOmaConstraintInfo( CDRMConstraint* aConstraint,
   737                                TUint32& aCountsLeft,
   738                                TTime& aEndTime );
   740     TInt RejectReason( TUint32 aReason );
   742     TDrmRightsInfo RightsInfoStatus( TCheckRightsStatus aStatus );
   744     void CheckOmaDomainStatusL( const ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
   745                                 const HBufC* aDomainRiUrl,
   746                                 TInt& aIsRegistered,
   747                                 TInt& aIsJoined );
   749     /**
   750     * Launch rights manager UI
   751     */
   752     void LaunchRightsManagerUiL( const TDesC& aParam16 );
   754     /**
   755     * Form string needed to launch rights manager UI embedded.
   756     */
   757     void CreateLaunchParamL( const HBufC8* aUrl,
   758                              HBufC*& aLaunchParam,
   759                              const HBufC* aFullPath );
   761     void CreateLaunchParamL( const HBufC* aFullPath,
   762                              HBufC*& aLaunchParam );
   764     /**
   765     * Launch browser. Return ETrue if embedded launch
   766     */
   767     TBool LaunchBrowserL( const HBufC8* aUrl );
   768     TBool LaunchBrowserL( const HBufC* aUrl );
   770     /**
   771     * Get rights silently, if notes are not intended to be shown, put aShowNotes to EFalse 
   772     */
   773     TInt GetSilentRightsL( const TDesC8& aUrl, const TBool aShowNotes );
   775     /**
   776     * Check if the user has allowed silent rights
   777     */
   778     TBool SilentRightsAllowedL();
   780     /**
   781     * Check if browser AP has been defined
   782     */
   783     TBool BrowserAPDefinedL();
   785     /**
   786     * Returns the number of access points on phone
   787     */
   788     TInt APCountL();
   790     /**
   791     * Handles exit from service
   792     * from MAknServerAppExitObserver
   793     */
   794 	void HandleServerAppExit(TInt aReason);
   796     /**
   797      * Appends new async request data to async operation queue.
   798      *
   799      * @param[in]   aData: The data set in/out.
   800      * @return none
   801      */
   802     void AppendToQueue( CDrmUiHandlingData* aData );
   804     /**
   805      * Gets the next async request data from async operation queue
   806      *
   807      * @param[in]   none
   808      * @return next request data
   809      */
   810     CDrmUiHandlingData* PopFront();
   812     void GetOmaBasedInfoL();
   814     /**
   815     * Gets SilentRights and
   816     * checks status after 
   817     * CallSilentAvailble after right
   818     * @return Etrue, if silent RO rerieval led to usable content
   819     */
   820     TBool CDrmUiHandlingImpl::GetSilentAndCallL(
   821         MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
   822         TInt aOperationId,
   823         const ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
   824         const HBufC8* aContentUri,
   825         const HBufC8* aSilentUrl,
   826         const TBool aShowNotes );
   828     /**
   829     * Gets Rights and
   830     * checks status if launched embedded.
   831     * CallRightsAvailable, if launched embedded or righsUrl not present
   832     */
   833     void CDrmUiHandlingImpl::GetRightsAndCallL(
   834         MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
   835         TInt aOperationId,
   836         const ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
   837         const HBufC8* aContentUri,
   838         const HBufC* aRightsUrl );
   839 private: // data
   841     // Control environment
   842     CCoeEnv* iCoeEnv;
   844     // DrmUtility
   845     CDrmUtility* iDrmUtility;
   847     // DrmUtilityCommon
   848     CDrmUtilityCommon* iDrmUtilityCommon;
   850     // DrmUtilityUI
   851     CDrmUtilityUI* iDrmUtilityUi;
   853     // Oma Drm client
   854     RDRMRightsClient iOmaClient;
   856     // WM Drm Wrapper - Owned
   857     CDrmUtilityWMDrm* iWrapperLoader;
   859     // WM Drm Client - Not Owned
   860     MDrmUtilityWMDrmWrapper* iWmClient;
   862     // Async observer and current operation id for async operations
   863     MDrmAsyncObserver* iObserver;
   864     TInt iOperationId;
   866     // Wait for the notes and queries
   867     CActiveSchedulerWait iWait;
   869     // Schemehandler for url handling
   870     CSchemeHandler* iSchemeHandler;
   872     // Operation Queue:
   873     CDrmUiHandlingData* iFirst;
   874     CDrmUiHandlingData* iLast;
   876     // To prevent queue handling from being messed up by threads
   877     RSemaphore iSemaphore;
   879     // Oma based extensions
   880     HBufC* iOmaBasedAgentName;
   881     TInt iOmaBasedUid;
   882     HBufC8* iOmaBasedMimeType;
   884     };
   886 }