--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commondrm/drmutility/inc/DrmUiHandlingImpl.h Thu Dec 17 08:52:27 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,888 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Implementation class of DRM UI Handling
+//*** system include files go here:
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <aknserverapp.h>
+#include <caf/caftypes.h>
+#include <caf/caferr.h>
+#include <drmagents.h>
+#include <drmrightsclient.h>
+#include <drmutilitytypes.h>
+//*** forward declarations go here:
+class CCoeEnv;
+class CDRMConstraint;
+class CSchemeHandler;
+namespace ContentAccess
+ {
+ class CData;
+ }
+namespace DRM
+ //*** forward declarations go here:
+ class CDrmUtility;
+ class CDrmUiHandlingData;
+ class CDrmUtilityCommon;
+ class CDrmUtilityUI;
+ class MDrmAsyncObserver;
+ class MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver;
+ class MDrmHandleErrorObserver;
+ class MDrmUtilityWMDrmWrapper;
+ class CDrmUtilityWMDrm;
+ * Implementation class for CDrmUiHandling class
+ *
+ * @lib drmuihandlingimpl.lib
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ */
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CDrmUiHandlingImpl ) : public CActive, public MAknServerAppExitObserver
+ {
+ /** Error codes that are handled by HandleError */
+ enum TDrmUiError
+ {
+ ENoPermission = KErrCANoPermission,
+ ENoRights = KErrCANoRights,
+ EPendingRights = KErrCAPendingRights
+ };
+ /**
+ * Two-phased constructor.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static CDrmUiHandlingImpl* NewL( CDrmUtility* aDrmUtility, CCoeEnv* aCoeEnv = NULL );
+ IMPORT_C static CDrmUiHandlingImpl* NewLC( CDrmUtility* aDrmUtility, CCoeEnv* aCoeEnv = NULL );
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ virtual ~CDrmUiHandlingImpl();
+ /**
+ * Check how much rights there are left for the content.
+ * This method also displays appropriate notes, which observer can
+ * override, if rights are invalid. Asynchronous version, all errors
+ * are signalled using request status.
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aFile file of which rights are checked.
+ * @param[in] aIntent the CAF intent to be used for checking
+ * @param[in] aObserver reference to observer
+ *
+ * @return Operation Identifier for the async request
+ * required for cancelling an operation and
+ * identifying which request has been completed
+ *
+ * @leave System wide error code
+ * KErrArgument if file is not DRM protected.
+ *
+ * @see MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt CheckRightsAmountAsyncL(
+ RFile& aFile,
+ ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
+ MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver& aObserver );
+ /**
+ * Check how much rights there are left for the content.
+ * This method also displays appropriate notes, which observer can
+ * override, if rights are invalid. Synchronous version, leaves in case
+ * of error.
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aFile file of which rights are checked.
+ * @param[in] aIntent the CAF intent to be used for checking
+ * @param[in] aObserver pointer to observer, NULL if no observer
+ *
+ * @return none
+ * @leave System wide error code
+ * KErrArgument if file is not DRM protected.
+ *
+ * @see MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void CheckRightsAmountL(
+ RFile& aFile,
+ ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
+ MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver* aObserver );
+ /**
+ * Check how much rights there are left for the content.
+ * This method also displays appropriate notes, which observer can
+ * override, if rights are invalid. Asynchronous version, all errors
+ * are signalled using request status.
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aFile content of which rights are checked.
+ * @param[in] aIntent the CAF intent to be used for checking
+ * @param[in] aObserver reference to observer
+ *
+ * @return Operation Identifier for the async request
+ * required for cancelling an operation and
+ * identifying which request has been completed
+ *
+ * @leave System wide error code
+ * KErrArgument if file is not DRM protected.
+ *
+ * @see MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt CheckRightsAmountAsyncL(
+ ContentAccess::CData& aFile,
+ ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
+ MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver& aObserver );
+ /**
+ * Check how much rights there are left for the content.
+ * This method also displays appropriate notes, which observer can
+ * override, if rights are invalid. Synchronous version, leaves in case
+ * of error.
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aFile content of which rights are checked.
+ * @param[in] aIntent the CAF intent to be used for checking
+ * @param[in] aObserver pointer to observer, NULL if no observer
+ * @return none
+ * @leave System wide error code
+ * KErrArgument if file is not DRM protected.
+ *
+ * @see MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void CheckRightsAmountL(
+ ContentAccess::CData& aFile,
+ ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
+ MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver* aObserver );
+ /**
+ * Displays information about rights for given content.
+ * Asynchronous version.
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aFile file for which rights details are
+ * displayed.
+ * @param[in] aObserver reference to observer
+ *
+ * @return Operation Identifier for the async request
+ * required for cancelling an operation and
+ * identifying which request has been completed
+ *
+ * @leave System wide error code
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt ShowDetailsViewAsyncL(
+ RFile& aFile,
+ MDrmAsyncObserver& aObserver );
+ /**
+ * Displays information about rights for given content.
+ * Synchronous version, leaves in case of error.
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aFile file for which rights details are
+ * displayed.
+ *
+ * @leave KErrArgument File is not DRM protected.
+ * @leave KErrCANoRights Rights object does not exist.
+ *
+ * @see caferr.h
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void ShowDetailsViewL(
+ RFile& aFile );
+ /**
+ * Displays information about rights for given content.
+ * Asynchronous version.
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aFile content for which rights details are
+ * displayed.
+ * @param[in] aObserver reference to observer
+ *
+ * @return Operation Identifier for the async request
+ * required for cancelling an operation and
+ * identifying which request has been completed
+ *
+ * @leave System wide error code
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt ShowDetailsViewAsyncL(
+ ContentAccess::CData& aFile,
+ MDrmAsyncObserver& aObserver );
+ /**
+ * Displays information about rights for given content.
+ * Synchronous version, leaves in case of error.
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aFile content for which rights details are displayed.
+ *
+ * @leave KErrArgument Content is not DRM protected.
+ * @leave KErrCANoRights Rights object does not exist.
+ * @leave System wide error code
+ *
+ * @see caferr.h
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void ShowDetailsViewL(
+ ContentAccess::CData& aFile );
+ /**
+ * Handle the specific url defined by the file, such as InfoUrl
+ * Asynchronous method
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aFile file whose url is being handled
+ * @param[in] aType type of the requested url,
+ * only a single url may be requested
+ * at a time
+ * @param[in] aObserver reference to observer
+ *
+ * @return Operation Identifier for the async request
+ * required for cancelling an operation and
+ * identifying which request has been completed
+ *
+ * @leave KErrArgument File is not DRM protected.
+ * @leave KErrNotSupported Url type is not supported for the file
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt HandleUrlAsyncL(
+ RFile& aFile,
+ TDrmUiUrlType aType,
+ MDrmAsyncObserver& aObserver );
+ /**
+ * Handle the specific url defined by the file, such as InfoUrl
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aFile file whose url is being handled
+ * @param[in] aType type of the requested url,
+ * only a single url may be requested
+ * at a time
+ *
+ * @leave KErrArgument File is not DRM protected.
+ * @leave KErrNotSupported Url type is not supported for the file
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void HandleUrlL(
+ RFile& aFile,
+ TDrmUiUrlType aType );
+ /**
+ * Handle the specific url defined by the file, such as InfoUrl
+ * Asynchronous method
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aFile content whose url is being handled
+ * @param[in] aType type of the requested url,
+ * only a single url may be requested
+ * at a time
+ * @param[in] aObserver reference to observer
+ *
+ * @return Operation Identifier for the async request
+ * required for cancelling an operation and
+ * identifying which request has been completed
+ *
+ * @leave KErrArgument File is not DRM protected,
+ * or multiple url:s were requested
+ * @leave KErrNotSupported Url type is not supported for the file
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt HandleUrlAsyncL(
+ ContentAccess::CData& aFile,
+ TDrmUiUrlType aType,
+ MDrmAsyncObserver& aObserver );
+ /**
+ * Handle the specific url defined by the file, such as InfoUrl
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aFile content whose url is being handled
+ * @param[in] aType type of the requested url,
+ * only a single url may be requested
+ * at a time
+ *
+ * @leave KErrArgument File is not DRM protected.
+ * @leave KErrNotSupported Url type is not supported for the file
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void HandleUrlL(
+ ContentAccess::CData& aFile,
+ TDrmUiUrlType aType );
+ /**
+ * Get information of the available urls
+ * Asynchronous method
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aFile file whose url is being handled
+ * @param[out] aType A bitmask of the supported url types
+ * @param[in] aObserver reference to observer
+ *
+ * @return Operation Identifier for the async request
+ * required for cancelling an operation and
+ * identifying which request has been completed
+ *
+ * @leave KErrArgument File is not DRM protected.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt AvailableUrlsAsyncL(
+ RFile& aFile,
+ TDrmUiUrlType& aType,
+ MDrmAsyncObserver& aObserver );
+ /**
+ * Get information of the available urls
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aFile file whose url is being handled
+ * @param[out] aType A bitmask of the supported url types
+ *
+ * @leave KErrArgument File is not DRM protected.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void AvailableUrlsL(
+ RFile& aFile,
+ TDrmUiUrlType& aType );
+ /**
+ * Get information of the available urls
+ * Asynchronous method
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aFile content whose url is being handled
+ * @param[out] aType A bitmask of the supported url types
+ * @param[in] aObserver reference to observer
+ *
+ * @return Operation Identifier for the async request
+ * required for cancelling an operation and
+ * identifying which request has been completed
+ *
+ * @leave KErrArgument File is not DRM protected.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt AvailableUrlsAsyncL(
+ ContentAccess::CData& aFile,
+ TDrmUiUrlType& aType,
+ MDrmAsyncObserver& aObserver );
+ /**
+ * Get information of the available urls
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aFile content whose url is being handled
+ * @param[out] aType A bitmask of the supported url types
+ *
+ * @leave KErrArgument File is not DRM protected.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void AvailableUrlsL(
+ ContentAccess::CData& aFile,
+ TDrmUiUrlType& aType );
+ /**
+ * Handles DRM error situations related to invalid rights.
+ * This method displays appropriate notes, which observer can override,
+ * to the user and acquires new rights if needed. Asynchronous version,
+ * all errors are signalled using request status.
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aFile file for which the error happened
+ * @param[in] aIntent the CAF intent which was used to recieve
+ * the error
+ * @param[in] aError error code
+ * @param[in] aObserver reference to observer
+ *
+ * @return Operation Identifier for the async request
+ * required for cancelling an operation and
+ * identifying which request has been completed
+ *
+ * @see MDrmHandleErrorObserver
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt HandleErrorAsyncL(
+ RFile& aFile,
+ ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
+ TInt aError,
+ MDrmHandleErrorObserver& aObserver );
+ /**
+ * Handles DRM error situations related to invalid rights.
+ * This method displays appropriate notes, which observer can override,
+ * to the user and acquires new rights if needed. Synchronous version,
+ * leaves in case of error.
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aFile file for which the error happened
+ * @param[in] aIntent the CAF intent which was used to recieve
+ * the error
+ * @param[in] aError error code
+ * @param[in] aObserver pointer to observer, NULL if no observer
+ *
+ * @leave KErrArgument File is not DRM protected.
+ *
+ * @see MDrmHandleErrorObserver
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void HandleErrorL(
+ RFile& aFile,
+ ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
+ TInt aError,
+ MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver );
+ /**
+ * Handles DRM error situations related to invalid rights.
+ * This method displays appropriate notes, which observer can override,
+ * to the user and acquires new rights if needed. Asynchronous version,
+ * all errors are signalled using request status.
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aFile content for which the error happened
+ * @param[in] aIntent the CAF intent which was used to recieve
+ * the error
+ * @param[in] aError error code
+ * @param[in] aObserver reference to observer
+ *
+ * @return Operation Identifier for the async request
+ * required for cancelling an operation and
+ * identifying which request has been completed
+ *
+ * @see MDrmHandleErrorObserver
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt HandleErrorAsyncL(
+ ContentAccess::CData& aFile,
+ ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
+ TInt aError,
+ MDrmHandleErrorObserver& aObserver );
+ /**
+ * Handles DRM error situations related to invalid rights.
+ * This method displays appropriate notes, which observer can override,
+ * to the user and acquires new rights if needed. Synchronous version,
+ * leaves in case of error.
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aFile content for which the error happened
+ * @param[in] aIntent the CAF intent which was used to recieve
+ * the error
+ * @param[in] aError error code
+ * @param[in] aObserver pointer to observer, NULL if no observer
+ *
+ * @leave KErrArgument File is not DRM protected.
+ *
+ * @see MDrmHandleErrorObserver
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void HandleErrorL(
+ ContentAccess::CData& aFile,
+ ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
+ TInt aError,
+ MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver );
+ /**
+ * Cancel an asyncronous operation
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param[in] aOperationId identifier of the async operation
+ * to be cancelled
+ * @return KErrNotFound if the operation has already been executed
+ * or it does not exist
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt CancelOperation( TInt aOperationId );
+public: //From base classes
+protected: // Functions from base classes
+ /**
+ * From CActive Cancels async request.
+ */
+ void DoCancel();
+ /**
+ * From CActive Called when async request completes.
+ */
+ void RunL();
+ /**
+ * From CActive Called when RunL leaves
+ */
+ TInt RunError( TInt aError );
+ /**
+ * C++ default constructor.
+ */
+ CDrmUiHandlingImpl( CDrmUtility* aDrmUtility, CCoeEnv* aCoeEnv );
+ void ConstructL();
+ void Activate( TRequestStatus*& aStatus );
+ void PerformCheckRightsAmountFileL( CDrmUiHandlingData& aData );
+ void PerformCheckRightsAmountDataL( CDrmUiHandlingData& aData );
+ void PerformShowDetailsViewFileL( CDrmUiHandlingData& aData );
+ void PerformShowDetailsViewDataL( CDrmUiHandlingData& aData );
+ void PerformHandleUrlFileL( CDrmUiHandlingData& aData );
+ void PerformHandleUrlDataL( CDrmUiHandlingData& aData );
+ void PerformAvailableUrlsFileL( CDrmUiHandlingData& aData );
+ void PerformAvailableUrlsDataL( CDrmUiHandlingData& aData );
+ void PerformHandleErrorFileL( CDrmUiHandlingData& aData );
+ void PerformHandleErrorDataL( CDrmUiHandlingData& aData );
+ void IsProtectedL( RFile& aFile, TPtrC& aAgent );
+ void IsProtectedL( ContentAccess::CData* aContent,
+ TDrmAgentUid& aAgentUid );
+ void IsProperErrorL( TInt aError );
+ void CheckOmaRightsAmountL( ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
+ MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver* aObserver,
+ TInt aOperationId );
+ void DoCheckOmaRightsAmountL( ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ HBufC8*& aContentUri,
+ ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
+ const HBufC* aRightsUrl,
+ TDrmUiUrlType aUrlType,
+ const HBufC8* aSilentUrl,
+ MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver* aObserver,
+ TInt aOperationId );
+ void HandleOmaErrorL( ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
+ TInt aError,
+ MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
+ TInt aOperationId );
+ void CheckOmaBasedRightsAmountL( ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
+ MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver* aObserver,
+ TInt aOperationId );
+ void DoCheckOmaBasedRightsAmountL( ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ const HBufC8* aContentUri,
+ ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
+ const HBufC* aRightsUrl,
+ TDrmUiUrlType aUrlType,
+ MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver* aObserver,
+ TInt aOperationId );
+ void GetOmaBasedEndTimeL( ContentAccess::CData& aData, TTime& aEndTime );
+ TInt OmaBasedHeaderParserL( TInt aOffset, TPtr8 aHeaderPtr, TTime& aEndTime );
+ void ShowDetailsViewL( const HBufC8* aContentId,
+ const HBufC* aFullPath );
+ void ShowDetailsViewL( const HBufC* aFullPath );
+ void DoHandleOmaUrlL( ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ TDrmUiUrlType aType );
+ void GetAvailableOmaUrlsL( ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ TDrmUiUrlType& aType );
+ TInt GetContentIdLC( const ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ HBufC8*& aId );
+ TInt GetOmaRightsIssuerLC( const ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ HBufC*& aIssuer );
+ TInt GetOmaDomainRightsIssuerLC( const ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ HBufC*& aIssuer );
+ TInt GetOmaPreviewInfoLC( const ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ HBufC*& aPreviewUrl,
+ TInt& aPreviewType );
+ TInt GetOmaSilentRightsUrlLC( const ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ HBufC8*& aSilentUrl );
+ TInt GetOmaInfoUrlLC( const ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ HBufC*& aInfoUrl );
+ TInt GetOmaPendingRightsInfoLC( const ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ HBufC*& aEta );
+ TInt GetContentLocationLC( const ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ HBufC*& aPath );
+ void SelectOmaRightsUrlL( const ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ const HBufC* aDomainRiUrl,
+ TDrmUiUrlType& aUrlType );
+ void CallRightsNotValidL( MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver* aObserver,
+ TInt aOperationId,
+ TCheckRightsStatus aRightsStatus,
+ TUint32 aReason,
+ ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ const HBufC8* aContentUri,
+ CDRMConstraint* aConstraint,
+ const HBufC* aRightsUrl,
+ TDrmUiUrlType aUrlType,
+ const HBufC8* aSilentUrl,
+ ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent );
+ void CallRightsLeftL( MDrmUiCheckRightsObserver* aObserver,
+ TInt aOperationId,
+ TBool aUnconstrained,
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds aTime,
+ TInt aCounts,
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds aAccumulated,
+ const HBufC8* aContentUri,
+ const HBufC* aRightsUrl,
+ const HBufC8* aSilentUrl,
+ CData& aData,
+ ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent );
+ void CallEmbeddedPreviewAvailableL( MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
+ TInt aOperationId,
+ ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ const HBufC* aPreviewUrl,
+ TDrmRightsInfo aRightsStatus,
+ TUint32 aReason,
+ const HBufC* aRightsUrl,
+ const HBufC8* aContentUri,
+ ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent );
+ void CallPreviewRightsUrlAvailableL( MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
+ TInt aOperationId,
+ ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ const HBufC* aPreviewUrl,
+ TDrmRightsInfo aRightsStatus,
+ TUint32 aReason,
+ const HBufC* aRightsUrl,
+ const HBufC8* aContentUri,
+ ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent );
+ void CallSilentRightsUrlAvailableL( MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
+ TInt aOperationId,
+ const HBufC8* aSilentUrl,
+ TDrmRightsInfo aRightsStatus,
+ TUint32 aReason,
+ const HBufC* aRightsUrl,
+ const HBufC8* aContentUri,
+ ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent );
+ void CallRightsUrlAvailableL( MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
+ TInt aOperationId,
+ TDrmRightsInfo aRightsStatus,
+ TUint32 aReason,
+ CDRMConstraint* aConstraint,
+ ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ const HBufC8* aContentUri,
+ const HBufC* aRightsUrl,
+ TDrmUiUrlType aUrlType,
+ ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
+ TInt aError );
+ void CallPreviewRightsAvailable( MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
+ TInt aOperationId,
+ TInt aError );
+ void CallSilentRightsAvailable( MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
+ TInt aOperationId,
+ TInt aError );
+ void CallRightsAvailable( MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
+ TInt aOperationId,
+ TInt aError );
+ void CallPlayEmbeddedPreviewSelected( MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
+ TInt aOperationId,
+ const HBufC* aPreviewUrl );
+ /**
+ * @return ETrue if rights renewal wanted, EFalse otherwise
+ */
+ TBool ShowNoRightsNoteL( ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ TDrmRightsInfo aRightsStatus,
+ TUint32 aReason,
+ CDRMConstraint* aConstraint,
+ const HBufC* aRightsUrl,
+ TDrmUiUrlType aUrlType,
+ TInt aError );
+ TInt GetOmaConstraintInfo( CDRMConstraint* aConstraint,
+ TUint32& aCountsLeft,
+ TTime& aEndTime );
+ TInt RejectReason( TUint32 aReason );
+ TDrmRightsInfo RightsInfoStatus( TCheckRightsStatus aStatus );
+ void CheckOmaDomainStatusL( const ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
+ const HBufC* aDomainRiUrl,
+ TInt& aIsRegistered,
+ TInt& aIsJoined );
+ /**
+ * Launch rights manager UI
+ */
+ void LaunchRightsManagerUiL( const TDesC& aParam16 );
+ /**
+ * Form string needed to launch rights manager UI embedded.
+ */
+ void CreateLaunchParamL( const HBufC8* aUrl,
+ HBufC*& aLaunchParam,
+ const HBufC* aFullPath );
+ void CreateLaunchParamL( const HBufC* aFullPath,
+ HBufC*& aLaunchParam );
+ /**
+ * Launch browser. Return ETrue if embedded launch
+ */
+ TBool LaunchBrowserL( const HBufC8* aUrl );
+ TBool LaunchBrowserL( const HBufC* aUrl );
+ /**
+ * Get rights silently, if notes are not intended to be shown, put aShowNotes to EFalse
+ */
+ TInt GetSilentRightsL( const TDesC8& aUrl, const TBool aShowNotes );
+ /**
+ * Check if the user has allowed silent rights
+ */
+ TBool SilentRightsAllowedL();
+ /**
+ * Check if browser AP has been defined
+ */
+ TBool BrowserAPDefinedL();
+ /**
+ * Returns the number of access points on phone
+ */
+ TInt APCountL();
+ /**
+ * Handles exit from service
+ * from MAknServerAppExitObserver
+ */
+ void HandleServerAppExit(TInt aReason);
+ /**
+ * Appends new async request data to async operation queue.
+ *
+ * @param[in] aData: The data set in/out.
+ * @return none
+ */
+ void AppendToQueue( CDrmUiHandlingData* aData );
+ /**
+ * Gets the next async request data from async operation queue
+ *
+ * @param[in] none
+ * @return next request data
+ */
+ CDrmUiHandlingData* PopFront();
+ void GetOmaBasedInfoL();
+ /**
+ * Gets SilentRights and
+ * checks status after
+ * CallSilentAvailble after right
+ * @return Etrue, if silent RO rerieval led to usable content
+ */
+ TBool CDrmUiHandlingImpl::GetSilentAndCallL(
+ MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
+ TInt aOperationId,
+ const ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
+ const HBufC8* aContentUri,
+ const HBufC8* aSilentUrl,
+ const TBool aShowNotes );
+ /**
+ * Gets Rights and
+ * checks status if launched embedded.
+ * CallRightsAvailable, if launched embedded or righsUrl not present
+ */
+ void CDrmUiHandlingImpl::GetRightsAndCallL(
+ MDrmHandleErrorObserver* aObserver,
+ TInt aOperationId,
+ const ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
+ const HBufC8* aContentUri,
+ const HBufC* aRightsUrl );
+private: // data
+ // Control environment
+ CCoeEnv* iCoeEnv;
+ // DrmUtility
+ CDrmUtility* iDrmUtility;
+ // DrmUtilityCommon
+ CDrmUtilityCommon* iDrmUtilityCommon;
+ // DrmUtilityUI
+ CDrmUtilityUI* iDrmUtilityUi;
+ // Oma Drm client
+ RDRMRightsClient iOmaClient;
+ // WM Drm Wrapper - Owned
+ CDrmUtilityWMDrm* iWrapperLoader;
+ // WM Drm Client - Not Owned
+ MDrmUtilityWMDrmWrapper* iWmClient;
+ // Async observer and current operation id for async operations
+ MDrmAsyncObserver* iObserver;
+ TInt iOperationId;
+ // Wait for the notes and queries
+ CActiveSchedulerWait iWait;
+ // Schemehandler for url handling
+ CSchemeHandler* iSchemeHandler;
+ // Operation Queue:
+ CDrmUiHandlingData* iFirst;
+ CDrmUiHandlingData* iLast;
+ // To prevent queue handling from being messed up by threads
+ RSemaphore iSemaphore;
+ // Oma based extensions
+ HBufC* iOmaBasedAgentName;
+ TInt iOmaBasedUid;
+ HBufC8* iOmaBasedMimeType;
+ };