changeset 0 95b198f216e5
child 12 8a03a285ab14
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commondrm/drmutility/src/DrmRightsInfoImpl.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:52:27 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  DRM Rights Information handling implementation class
+#include <caf/caftypes.h>
+#include <oma2agent.h>
+#include <utf.h>
+#include <drmutilitytypes.h>
+#include <drmasyncobserver.h>
+#include "drmrightsinfoimpl.h"
+#include "drmrightsinfodata.h"
+#include "drmutilitycommon.h"
+const TInt KCommandCheckRights( 1 );
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDrmRightsInfoImpl::CDrmRightsInfoImpl
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+DRM::CDrmRightsInfoImpl::CDrmRightsInfoImpl(): CActive( EPriorityStandard )
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDrmRightsInfoImpl::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DRM::CDrmRightsInfoImpl::ConstructL()
+    {
+    iDrmUtilityCommon = DRM::CDrmUtilityCommon::NewL();
+    User::LeaveIfError( iOmaClient.Connect() );
+    User::LeaveIfError( iSemaphore.CreateLocal( 1 ) );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDrmRightsInfoImpl::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C DRM::CDrmRightsInfoImpl* DRM::CDrmRightsInfoImpl::NewL()
+    {
+    DRM::CDrmRightsInfoImpl* self( NewLC() );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDrmRightsInfoImpl::NewLC
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C DRM::CDrmRightsInfoImpl* DRM::CDrmRightsInfoImpl::NewLC()
+    {
+    DRM::CDrmRightsInfoImpl* self( new( ELeave ) CDrmRightsInfoImpl );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    return self;
+    }
+// Destructor
+    {
+    DRM::CDrmRightsInfoData* data( PopFront() );
+    // Empty the queue:
+    while ( data )
+        {
+        // Complete the outstanding requestest with cancel
+        data->iObserver->OperationCompleted( data->iOperationId, KErrCancel );
+        delete data;
+        data = PopFront();
+        }
+    delete iDrmUtilityCommon;
+    iOmaClient.Close();
+    // Close the semaphone
+    iSemaphore.Close();
+    // Remove the object from active scheduler etc.
+    if ( IsAdded() )
+        {
+        Deque();
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDrmRightsInfo::CheckRightsL
+// Syncronous method
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C void DRM::CDrmRightsInfoImpl::CheckRightsL(
+    const TDesC& aUniqueId,
+    ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
+    DRM::TDrmRightsInfo& aDetails )
+    {
+    DRM::CDrmRightsInfoData* data( DRM::CDrmRightsInfoData::NewLC() );
+    data->iUniqueId = aUniqueId.AllocL();
+    TRAPD( err, data->iUniqueId8 =
+                CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L( aUniqueId ) );
+    if ( err )
+        {
+        data->iUniqueId8 = NULL;
+        }
+    data->iIntent = aIntent;
+    data->iDetails = &aDetails;
+    PerformCheckRightsL( *data );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( data );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDrmRightsInfo::CheckRightsAsyncL
+// Asyncronous method
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt DRM::CDrmRightsInfoImpl::CheckRightsAsyncL(
+    const TDesC& aUniqueId,
+    ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent,
+    DRM::TDrmRightsInfo& aDetails,
+    DRM::MDrmAsyncObserver& aObserver )
+    {
+    // Create Queue object:
+    DRM::CDrmRightsInfoData* data( DRM::CDrmRightsInfoData::NewLC() );
+    TRequestStatus* status( &iStatus );
+    data->iObserver = &aObserver;
+    data->iOperationId = reinterpret_cast<TInt>( data );
+    data->iOperation = KCommandCheckRights;
+    data->iUniqueId = aUniqueId.AllocL();
+    TRAPD( err, data->iUniqueId8 =
+                CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L( aUniqueId ) );
+    if ( err )
+        {
+        data->iUniqueId8 = NULL;
+        }
+    data->iIntent = aIntent;
+    data->iDetails = &aDetails;
+    // Add it to the queue:
+    AppendToQueue( data );
+    // Pop it from the cleanup stack
+    CleanupStack::Pop( data );
+    if( !IsAdded() )
+        {
+        CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
+        }
+    if ( !IsActive() )
+        {
+        SetActive();
+        // complete internal request:
+        User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
+        }
+    return data->iOperationId;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDrmRightsInfoImpl::CancelOperation
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt DRM::CDrmRightsInfoImpl::CancelOperation( TInt aOperationId )
+    {
+    // Critical area start:
+    iSemaphore.Wait();
+    TBool found( EFalse );
+    DRM::CDrmRightsInfoData* previousData( NULL );
+    DRM::CDrmRightsInfoData* currentData( iFirst );
+    while ( currentData )
+        {
+        if ( currentData->iOperationId == aOperationId )
+            {
+            found = ETrue;
+            //Update the previous link
+            if ( previousData )
+                {
+                previousData->iNext = currentData->iNext;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                iFirst = currentData->iNext;
+                }
+            //If the current is the only one, set iLast NULL
+            if ( !iFirst )
+                {
+                iLast = NULL;
+                }
+            //If only one left, set it also to be the iLast
+            else if ( iFirst && !currentData->iNext )
+                {
+                iLast = iFirst;
+                }
+            //Delete the cancelled operation
+            currentData->iObserver->OperationCompleted( currentData->iOperationId, KErrCancel );
+            delete currentData;
+            currentData = NULL;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            previousData = currentData;
+            currentData = currentData->iNext;
+            }
+        }
+    if( !found )
+        {
+        // Critical Area End
+        iSemaphore.Signal();
+        return KErrNotFound;
+        }
+    // Critical Area End
+    iSemaphore.Signal();
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDrmRightsInfoImpl::DoCancel
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DRM::CDrmRightsInfoImpl::DoCancel()
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDrmRightsInfoImpl::RunL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DRM::CDrmRightsInfoImpl::RunL()
+    {
+    DRM::CDrmRightsInfoData* data( PopFront() );
+    TRequestStatus* status( &iStatus );
+    if( !data )
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PushL( data );
+    switch ( data->iOperation )
+        {
+        case KCommandCheckRights:
+          // Take this into the "current" variable in case an error occurs
+          iObserver = data->iObserver;
+          iOperationId = data->iOperationId;
+          // Perform the operation
+          PerformCheckRightsL( *data );
+          // Compelete the client request
+          iObserver->OperationCompleted( iOperationId, KErrNone );
+          break;
+        default:
+          // Do nothing
+          break;
+        }
+    // destroy the object:
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( data );
+    // Get ready for another round:
+    SetActive();
+    // complete internal request:
+    User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDrmRightsInfoImpl::RunError
+// If an error occurs complete the async request with it
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt DRM::CDrmRightsInfoImpl::RunError( TInt aError )
+    {
+    iObserver->OperationCompleted( iOperationId, aError );
+    iObserver = NULL;
+    iOperationId = NULL;
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDrmRightsInfoImpl::PerformCheckRightsL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DRM::CDrmRightsInfoImpl::PerformCheckRightsL(
+    DRM::CDrmRightsInfoData& aData )
+    {
+    // Check for Oma Drm Rights, if not found, check for WmDrm Rights
+    TInt omaerror( KErrNone );
+    TInt wmerror( KErrNone );
+    TUint32 reason( 0 );
+    // if the outcome is KErrCANoRights we have the check both:
+    omaerror = iOmaClient.CheckRights( aData.iIntent, *aData.iUniqueId8,  reason );
+    if ( omaerror == KErrCANoRights )
+        {
+        *aData.iDetails = DRM::EURightsInfoMissing;
+        // Check Also WmDrm
+        // wmerror = check rights for WMDRM
+        // Show info for wm drm error
+        if ( !wmerror )
+            {
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        if ( !omaerror )
+            {
+            *aData.iDetails = DRM::EURightsInfoValid;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            *aData.iDetails = iDrmUtilityCommon->GetOmaRightsStatusL(
+                                                        aData.iUniqueId8,
+                                                        aData.iIntent,
+                                                        NULL );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDrmRightsInfoImpl::AppendToQueue
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DRM::CDrmRightsInfoImpl::AppendToQueue( DRM::CDrmRightsInfoData* aData )
+    {
+    // Critical area start:
+    iSemaphore.Wait();
+    if ( !iLast )
+        {
+        iFirst = aData;
+        iLast = iFirst;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iLast->iNext = aData;
+        iLast = aData;
+        }
+    // Critical area end
+    iSemaphore.Signal();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDrmRightsInfoImpl::PopFront
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+DRM::CDrmRightsInfoData* DRM::CDrmRightsInfoImpl::PopFront()
+    {
+    DRM::CDrmRightsInfoData* data = NULL;
+    // If there is nothing in the queue return NULL
+    if ( !iFirst )
+        {
+        return data;
+        }
+    // Critical area start:
+    iSemaphore.Wait();
+    data = iFirst;
+    // Set the first and the next
+    iFirst = iFirst->iNext;
+    // reset the pointer on data
+    data->iNext = NULL;
+    // if there is no next in iFirst, this is the last or if there is no iFirst
+    if ( !iFirst || !iFirst->iNext )
+        {
+        iLast = iFirst;
+        }
+    // Critical Area End
+    iSemaphore.Signal();
+    return data;
+    }
+//  End of File