* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Provides operations for ui usage of DRM Utility API
//*** system include files go here:
#include <e32base.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <AknNotifyStd.h>
#include "DrmUtilityGlobalNoteWrapper.h"
//*** forward declarations go here:
class CDRMConstraint;
class CCoeEnv;
class CStringResourceReader;
class CEikDialog;
class CAknResourceNoteDialog;
class CMediatorEventProvider;
namespace ContentAccess
class CData;
namespace DRM
//*** forward declarations go here:
class CDrmUtilityInfoNoteWrapper;
* Utility class for DRM utility related graphic functions
* @lib drmutilitycommon.lib
* @since S60 v5.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CDrmUtilityUI ) : public CBase
* Creates a new CDrmUtilityUI object and returns a pointer to it
* @return A functional CDrmUtilityUI -object
* @leave System wide error code
IMPORT_C static CDrmUtilityUI* NewL( CCoeEnv* aCoeEnv = NULL );
* Creates a new CDrmUtilityUI object and returns a pointer to it
* leaves the returned object to the cleanup stack
* @return A functional CDrmUtilityUI -object
* @leave System wide error code
IMPORT_C static CDrmUtilityUI* NewLC( CCoeEnv* aCoeEnv = NULL );
* Destructor
virtual ~CDrmUtilityUI();
* Display query dialog
IMPORT_C TInt DisplayQueryWithIdL( TInt aTextResourceId,
TInt aQueryResourceId );
IMPORT_C TInt DisplayQueryWithIdValueL( TInt aTextResourceId,
TInt aQueryResourceId,
const TDesC& aString );
IMPORT_C TInt DisplayQueryL( TInt aTextResourceId, TInt aValue );
IMPORT_C TInt DisplayQueryL( TInt aTextResourceId, const TDesC& aString );
IMPORT_C TInt DisplayQueryL( TInt aTextResourceId,
const TDesC& aString,
TInt aValue,
TInt aStringPos = -1,
TInt aValuePos = -1 );
IMPORT_C TInt DisplayQueryL( TDesC& aPromptText, TInt aQueryResourceId );
IMPORT_C TInt SetAutomatedQueryL( CDRMConstraint* aConstraint );
* Display note
IMPORT_C void ShowFutureRightsNoteL( CDRMConstraint* aConstraint );
IMPORT_C void DisplayNoteL( TInt aTextResourceId );
IMPORT_C void DisplayNoteL( TInt aTextResourceId, const TDesC& aString );
IMPORT_C void DisplayNoteL( TInt aTextResourceId, TInt aValue );
IMPORT_C void DisplayNoteL( TDesC& aPromptText,
TInt aResourceId,
const TDesC& aString = KNullDesC,
TInt aValue = -1 );
* Display list query
IMPORT_C TInt DisplayPopupWindowsForPreviewL(
ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
TInt aPreviewType,
TInt aMediaType );
* Utility method for showing an AVKON Message Query dialog, with buttons R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_EMPTY__OK.
* @param aMessage Resource ID for the dialog message.
* @param aHeader Resource ID for the dialog header.
* @param aString Replacement string for dialog message content. Replaces aMessage resources strings %U mark.
* @return Returns button code TInt from the dialog.
IMPORT_C TInt DisplayMessageQueryL( TInt aMessage, TInt aHeader, const TDesC& aString );
CDrmUtilityUI( CCoeEnv* aCoeEnv );
void ConstructL();
CAknResourceNoteDialog* CreateNoteForResourceL( TInt aResId );
TAknGlobalNoteType GlobalNoteTypeForResource( TInt aResId );
TInt GetOmaStartTime( CDRMConstraint* aConstraint, TTime& aStartTime );
TInt EvaluatePreviewMediaTypeL( ContentAccess::CData& aContent,
TInt aPreviewType );
void PrepareSecondaryDisplayL( CEikDialog& aDialog,
TInt aResourceId,
const TDesC& aString = KNullDesC,
TInt aValue = -1 );
void CancelSecondaryDisplayL( TInt aResourceId );
private: // Data members
// Control environment, not owned
CCoeEnv* iCoeEnv;
// Paths of the resource files
HBufC* iUtilityResourceFile;
HBufC* iAvkonResourceFile;
// Resource offsets in CoeEnv, when it is available
TInt iUtilityResourceFileOffset;
TInt iAvkonResourceFileOffset;
// Used to read resources when CoeEnv is not available
CStringResourceReader* iUtilityStringResourceReader;
CStringResourceReader* iAvkonStringResourceReader;
// File server
RFs iFs;
// Used to queue up global notes
RPointerArray<CDrmUtilityInfoNoteWrapper> iNoteList;
CMediatorEventProvider* iEventProvider;
CDrmUtilityGlobalNoteWrapper* iNoteWrapper;