* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Roap engine
#include <random.h>
#include <DocumentHandler.h>
#include <pathinfo.h>
#include <driveinfo.h>
#include <pathinfo.h>
#ifndef __WINS__
#include <etelmm.h>
#include <mmtsy_names.h>
#include <sysutil.h>
#include <flogger.h>
#include <x509cert.h>
#include <x509certext.h>
#include <hash.h>
#include <utf.h>
#include <asn1dec.h>
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <e32base.h> // CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL dependencies
#include "cleanupresetanddestroy.h" // CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL
#include "DRMRights.h"
#include "RoapEng.h"
#include "RoapTrigger.h"
#include "wbxmlroaptriggerparser.h"
#include "RoapResponse.h"
#include "RoapMessage.h"
#include "RoapParser.h"
#include "RoapSigner.h"
#include "DeviceHello.h"
#include "RIHello.h"
#include "RegistrationReq.h"
#include "RegistrationResp.h"
#include "RightsReq.h"
#include "RightsResp.h"
#include "JoinDomainReq.h"
#include "JoinDomainResp.h"
#include "LeaveDomainReq.h"
#include "LeaveDomainResp.h"
#include "MeteringReportReq.h"
#include "MeteringReportResp.h"
#include "RoapStorageClient.h"
#include "RoapDef.h"
#include "RoapLog.h"
#include "RoapObserver.h"
#include "CmlaCrypto.h"
#include "DRMRIContext.h"
#include "DRMDomainContext.h"
#include "DRMProtectedRoParser.h"
#include "DRMClockClient.h"
#include "DcfRep.h"
#include "DcfEntry.h"
#include "Base64.h"
#include "drmsettingsplugininternalcrkeys.h"
#define STUB_C_CLASS_IN_NAMESPACE( n, c ) namespace n { class c: public CBase { private: c(); public: virtual ~c(); }; } n::c::c() {} n::c::~c() {}
#define STUB_C_CLASS( c ) class c : public CBase { private: c(); public: virtual ~c(); }; c::c() {} c::~c() {}
// This class does not do anything.
// It is defined here only to keep binary compatibility,
// because of unintentional class name leak in
// armv5 export history.
// Don't ever use this class for anything.
STUB_C_CLASS_IN_NAMESPACE( Roap , CWbxmlRoapTriggerToXmlParser )
// Yet another stub classes because of moved classes
// which have leaked virtual table entries
STUB_C_CLASS( COCSPResponseCertInfo )
using namespace Roap;
// ================= CONSTANTS =======================
// For parsing multipart content
_LIT8(KCmlaIp1, "http://www.cm-la.com/tech/cmlaip/cmlaip#cmlaip-1");
_LIT8(KLeaveDomainElement, "leaveDomain");
_LIT8(KSignedInfoElement, "SignedInfo");
_LIT(KBOM1, "\xFFFE");
_LIT(KBOM2, "\xFEFF");
_LIT8( KRoapVersion11, "1.1" );
static const TInt KDomainGenerationLength( 3 );
static const TInt KMinCertChainLength( 3 );
// ================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS =======================
LOCAL_C TBool SortArrays(
RPointerArray<HBufC8>& aKeys,
RPointerArray<HBufC8>& aMacs,
RPointerArray<HBufC8>& aElements,
RArray<TInt>& aOrder )
TInt i;
TInt j;
TInt index;
HBufC8* temp1 = NULL;
HBufC8* temp2 = NULL;
HBufC8* temp3 = NULL;
TBool isInOrder = ETrue;
if ( aOrder.Count() != aKeys.Count() || aKeys.Count() != aMacs.Count()
|| aMacs.Count() != aElements.Count() )
return EFalse;
for ( i = 0; i < aKeys.Count(); i++ )
index = aOrder[i];
temp1 = aKeys[i];
temp2 = aMacs[i];
temp3 = aElements[i];
j = i;
while ( ( j > 0 ) && ( aOrder[j - 1] > index ) )
isInOrder = EFalse;
aOrder[j] = aOrder[j - 1];
aKeys[j] = aKeys[j - 1];
aMacs[j] = aMacs[j - 1];
aElements[j] = aElements[j - 1];
j = j - 1;
aOrder[j] = index;
aKeys[j] = temp1;
aMacs[j] = temp2;
aElements[j] = temp3;
return isInOrder;
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::NewL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CRoapEng* CRoapEng::NewL()
CRoapEng* engine = new ( ELeave ) CRoapEng();
CleanupStack::PushL( engine );
CleanupStack::Pop( engine );
return engine;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::~CRoapEng()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CRoapEng::~CRoapEng()
if ( iStorageClient )
delete iStorageClient;
if ( iClockClient )
delete iClockClient;
delete iParser;
delete iSigner;
delete iDeviceId;
delete iRoParser;
delete iDcfRep;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::~CRoapEng()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapEng::ConstructL()
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::ConstructL" )
iParser = CRoapParser::NewL();
iStorageClient = new ( ELeave ) RRoapStorageClient;
User::LeaveIfError( iStorageClient->Connect() );
iClockClient = new ( ELeave ) RDRMClockClient;
User::LeaveIfError( iClockClient->Connect() );
TBuf8<SHA1_HASH> deviceId;
iStorageClient->GetDevicePublicKeyHashL( deviceId );
iDeviceId = deviceId.AllocL();
iSigner = CRoapSigner::NewL( *iStorageClient );
iRoParser = CDrmProtectedRoParser::NewL();
iDcfRep = CDcfRep::NewL();
iCertNeeded = ETrue;
iRiSupportsCertCaching = EFalse;
iTransStatus = ENotAsked;
iSelectedAlgorithms = EOma;
iSelectedRoot = KNullDesC8;
iStorageClient->SelectTrustedRootL( KNullDesC8 );
iDeviceTimeError = EFalse;
iDomainId.SetLength( 0 );
iSecureTime = ETrue;
iZone = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::CRoapEng()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CRoapEng::CRoapEng() :
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::ParseTriggerL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CRoapTrigger* CRoapEng::ParseTriggerL( const TDesC8& aTrigger )
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::ParseTriggerL" )
CRoapTrigger* trigger( NULL );
RBuf8 xmlTrigger;
CleanupClosePushL( xmlTrigger );
_LIT8( KRoap, "<roap:roapTrigger" );
if ( aTrigger.FindF( KRoap ) == KErrNotFound )
DRM::CWbxmlRoapTriggerParser* wbParser(
DRM::CWbxmlRoapTriggerParser::NewLC() );
HBufC8* b( NULL );
TRAPD( parseError, b = wbParser->ParseL( aTrigger ) );
if ( parseError == KErrNone )
xmlTrigger.Assign( b );
b = NULL;
LOGLIT( " We have a WBXML trigger" )
{ // OMA BCAST: Check if this is an XML trigger after all..
LOGLIT( " We have an XML trigger after all" )
xmlTrigger.CreateL( aTrigger );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wbParser );
xmlTrigger.CreateL( aTrigger );
trigger = iParser->ParseRoapTriggerL( xmlTrigger );
CleanupStack::PushL( trigger );
if ( !trigger || !trigger->ValidTrigger() )
User::Leave( KErrRoapGeneral );
// check that SilentRightsUrl is on the white list
// URL is searched from pre-configured white list
TBool fromPreConfiguredWhiteList( ETrue );
if ( iStorageClient->WhiteListURLExistsL( *trigger->iRoapUrl, fromPreConfiguredWhiteList ) )
iAllowedToContactRi = ETrue;
if ( trigger->iTriggerType == ELeaveDomainTrigger && trigger->iSignature )
if ( !VerifyTriggerSignatureL( xmlTrigger, *trigger ) )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
CleanupStack::Pop( trigger );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &xmlTrigger );
return trigger;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::GetRIContextL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapEng::GetRIContextL( TBool& aRegistered, const TDesC8& aRiId )
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::GetRIContextL" )
CDRMRIContext* context = NULL;
aRegistered = EFalse;
// delete old RI context and obtain a new one
delete iStoredRiContext;
iStoredRiContext = NULL;
context = iStorageClient->GetRIContextL( aRiId );
if ( !context )
iStoredRiContext = context;
iRiSupportsCertCaching = iStoredRiContext->DeviceCertCached();
iSelectedRoot = iStoredRiContext->SelectedDeviceRoot();
iStorageClient->SelectTrustedRootL( iSelectedRoot );
if ( context->CertificateChain().Count() && context->ExpiryTime()
> GetDrmTimeL() )
aRegistered = ETrue;
iUseRiContextUrl = EFalse;
// Received Context was invalid or expired
iUseRiContextUrl = EFalse;
delete iStoredRiContext;
iStoredRiContext = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::GetDomainContextL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapEng::GetDomainContextL(
TBool& aIsJoined,
TBool& aIsValidGeneration,
const TDesC8& aDomainId )
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::GetDomainContextL" )
TInt generation = 0;
CDRMDomainContext* context = NULL;
aIsJoined = EFalse;
aIsValidGeneration = EFalse;
// last 3 digits are for Domain generation
context = iStorageClient->GetDomainContextL( aDomainId );
if ( !context )
if ( context->ExpiryTime() > GetDrmTimeL() || context->ExpiryTime()
== Time::NullTTime() )
aIsJoined = ETrue;
TLex8 lex( aDomainId.Right( KDomainGenerationLength ) );
lex.Val( generation );
if ( context->DomainGeneration() >= generation )
aIsValidGeneration = ETrue;
delete context;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::CreateReqMessageL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapEng::CreateReqMessageL()
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::CreateReqMessageL" )
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iTrigger, User::Invariant() );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( !iRequest, User::Invariant() );
switch ( iReqMessage )
case EDeviceHello:
iRequest = CreateDeviceHelloL();
case ERegistration:
iRequest = CreateRegistrationRequestL();
case EROAcquisition:
iRequest = CreateRightsRequestL();
case EJoinDomain:
iRequest = CreateJoinDomainRequestL();
case ELeaveDomain:
iRequest = CreateLeaveDomainRequestL();
case EMeteringRequest:
iRequest = CreateMeteringReportRequestL();
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::CreateDeviceHelloL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CRoapMessage* CRoapEng::CreateDeviceHelloL()
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::CreateDeviceHelloL" )
PERFORMANCE_LOGLIT( "Registration protocol started" )
RPointerArray<TDesC8> idArray;
CDeviceHello* req = CDeviceHello::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( req );
// Multi-PKI addition
CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( idArray );
CreateDeviceIdHashArrayL( idArray );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < idArray.Count(); i++ )
req->iDeviceIdArray.AppendL( *idArray[i] );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &idArray );
// Multi-PKI
req->iVersion.Copy( KRoapVersion ); // Version 1.0
req->iVersion.Copy( KRoapVersion11 );
if ( iTrigger->iNonce )
req->iTriggerNonce = iTrigger->iNonce->AllocL();
CmlaCrypto::SupportedAlgorithmsL( req->iAlgorithms );
iSelectedAlgorithms = EOma;
CleanupStack::Pop( req );
return req;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::CreateRegistrationRequestL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CRoapMessage* CRoapEng::CreateRegistrationRequestL()
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::CreateRegistrationRequestL ->" )
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iResponse, User::Invariant() );
CRegistrationReq* req = NULL;
CRIHello* resp = NULL;
RPointerArray<HBufC8> trustedRootArray;
HBufC8* temp = NULL;
resp = STATIC_CAST( CRIHello*, iResponse );
req = CRegistrationReq::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( req );
if ( resp->iSession )
req->iSession = resp->iSession->AllocL();
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
req->iNonce.SetLength( KDeviceNonceLength );
TRandom::Random( req->iNonce );
req->iTime = GetDrmTimeL();
// store the nonce for DRM Time sync
iRegReqNonce = req->iNonce;
if ( iCertNeeded )
req->iCertificateChain = GetCertificateChainL();
if ( resp->iCertificateCaching )
iCertNeeded = EFalse;
// Send all our trusted roots to the RI
CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( trustedRootArray );
LOGLIT( " Getting trusted roots" )
iStorageClient->GetTrustedRootsL( trustedRootArray );
if ( !trustedRootArray.Count() )
// No trusted roots found!
LOGLIT( " No trusted roots found!" )
User::Leave( KErrRoapDevice );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < trustedRootArray.Count(); i++ )
temp = trustedRootArray[i]->AllocLC();
req->iTrustedAuthorities.AppendL( temp );
CleanupStack::Pop( temp );
LOGLIT( " Setting server info" )
if ( resp->iServerInfo && resp->iServerInfo->Size() )
req->iServerInfo = resp->iServerInfo->AllocL();
if ( iStoredRiContext )
LOGLIT( " RI context available" )
req->iPeerKeyIdentifier = iStoredRiContext->RIID();
if ( iStoredRiContext->OCSPResponse().Count() && !iDeviceTimeError )
req->iOcspInfoStored = ETrue;
req->iOcspResponderKeyId = GetOCSPResponderKeyHashL();
if ( resp->iNeedDeviceDetails )
LOGLIT( " Getting device details" )
GetDeviceDetailsL( req->iDeviceDetailsManufacturer,
req->iDeviceDetailsModel, req->iDeviceDetailsVersion );
if ( iTrigger->iNonce )
req->iTriggerNonce = iTrigger->iNonce->AllocL();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &trustedRootArray );
CleanupStack::Pop( req );
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::CreateRegistrationRequestL <-" )
return req;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::CreateRightsRequestL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CRoapMessage* CRoapEng::CreateRightsRequestL()
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::CreateRightsRequestL" )
PERFORMANCE_LOGLIT( "RO acquisition protocol started" )
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iStoredRiContext, User::Invariant() );
CRightsReq* req = NULL;
RPointerArray<HBufC8> ttIDs;
RPointerArray<HBufC8> cids;
HBufC8* temp = NULL;
TBuf8<SHA1_HASH> deviceId;
req = CRightsReq::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( req );
req->iNonce.SetLength( KDeviceNonceLength );
TRandom::Random( req->iNonce );
req->iTime = GetDrmTimeL();
iStorageClient->GetDevicePublicKeyHashL( deviceId );
delete iDeviceId;
iDeviceId = NULL;
iDeviceId = deviceId.AllocL();
req->iDeviceId = *iDeviceId;
req->iRiId.Copy( iTrigger->iRiId );
if ( !iRiSupportsCertCaching )
req->iCertificateChain = GetCertificateChainL();
if ( iTrigger->iDomainId )
req->iDomainId = iTrigger->iDomainId->AllocL();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iTrigger->iRoIdList.Count(); i++ )
temp = iTrigger->iRoIdList[i]->AllocLC();
req->iRoIdList.AppendL( temp );
CleanupStack::Pop( temp );
if ( iStoredRiContext )
req->iPeerKeyIdentifier = iStoredRiContext->RIID();
if ( iStoredRiContext->OCSPResponse().Count() )
req->iOcspInfoStored = ETrue;
req->iOcspResponderKeyId = GetOCSPResponderKeyHashL();
CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( cids );
CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( ttIDs );
FetchTransactionIDL( ttIDs, cids );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < ttIDs.Count() && i < cids.Count(); i++ )
temp = ttIDs[i]->AllocLC();
req->iTransTrackIDs.AppendL( temp );
CleanupStack::Pop( temp );
temp = cids[i]->AllocLC();
req->iContentIDs.AppendL( temp );
CleanupStack::Pop( temp );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &ttIDs );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &cids );
if ( iTrigger->iNonce )
req->iTriggerNonce = iTrigger->iNonce->AllocL();
CleanupStack::Pop( req );
return req;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::CreateJoinDomainRequestL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CRoapMessage* CRoapEng::CreateJoinDomainRequestL()
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::CreateJoinDomainRequestL" )
PERFORMANCE_LOGLIT( "Join domain protocol started" )
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iStoredRiContext, User::Invariant() );
CJoinDomainReq* req = NULL;
TBuf8<SHA1_HASH> deviceId;
req = CJoinDomainReq::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( req );
req->iNonce.SetLength( KDeviceNonceLength );
TRandom::Random( req->iNonce );
req->iTime = GetDrmTimeL();
iStorageClient->GetDevicePublicKeyHashL( deviceId );
delete iDeviceId;
iDeviceId = NULL;
iDeviceId = deviceId.AllocL();
req->iDeviceId = *iDeviceId;
req->iRiId.Copy( iTrigger->iRiId );
if ( !iRiSupportsCertCaching )
req->iCertificateChain = GetCertificateChainL();
if ( iTrigger->iDomainId )
req->iDomainId = iTrigger->iDomainId->AllocL();
iDomainId.Copy( *req->iDomainId );
else if ( iDomainId.Length() && iTrigger->iTriggerType
== ERoAcquisitionTrigger )
req->iDomainId = iDomainId.AllocL();
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
if ( iStoredRiContext )
req->iPeerKeyIdentifier = iStoredRiContext->RIID();
if ( iStoredRiContext->OCSPResponse().Count() )
req->iOcspInfoStored = ETrue;
req->iOcspResponderKeyId = GetOCSPResponderKeyHashL();
req->iHashChainSupport = EFalse;
if ( iTrigger->iNonce )
req->iTriggerNonce = iTrigger->iNonce->AllocL();
CleanupStack::Pop( req );
return req;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::CreateLeaveDomainRequestL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CRoapMessage* CRoapEng::CreateLeaveDomainRequestL()
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::CreateLeaveDomainRequestL" )
PERFORMANCE_LOGLIT( "Leave domain protocol started" )
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iStoredRiContext, User::Invariant() );
if ( !iTrigger->iDomainId )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
// delete Domain context before sending LeaveDomain req
TRAPD( ret, iStorageClient->DeleteDomainContextL( *iTrigger->iDomainId ));
CLeaveDomainReq* req = NULL;
TBuf8<SHA1_HASH> deviceId;
req = CLeaveDomainReq::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( req );
if ( ret == KErrNotFound )
req->iNotMember = ETrue;
req->iNotMember = EFalse;
User::LeaveIfError( ret );
req->iNonce.SetLength( KDeviceNonceLength );
TRandom::Random( req->iNonce );
req->iTime = GetDrmTimeL();
iStorageClient->GetDevicePublicKeyHashL( deviceId );
delete iDeviceId;
iDeviceId = NULL;
iDeviceId = deviceId.AllocL();
req->iDeviceId = *iDeviceId;
req->iRiId.Copy( iTrigger->iRiId );
if ( !iRiSupportsCertCaching )
req->iCertificateChain = GetCertificateChainL();
if ( iTrigger->iDomainId )
req->iDomainId = iTrigger->iDomainId->AllocL();
if ( iTrigger->iNonce )
req->iTriggerNonce = iTrigger->iNonce->AllocL();
CleanupStack::Pop( req );
return req;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::CreateMeteringReportRequestL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CRoapMessage* CRoapEng::CreateMeteringReportRequestL()
return NULL;
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::CreateMeteringReportRequestL" )
PERFORMANCE_LOGLIT( "Metering report creation started" )
CMeteringReportReq* req = NULL;
TBuf8<SHA1_HASH> deviceId;
TBuf8<OmaCrypto::KMacSize> macKey;
TBool registered( EFalse );
req = CMeteringReportReq::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( req );
req->iAlgorithmInUse = iSelectedAlgorithms;
// check if we are not using OMA algorithms
// and update selected algorithm accordingly
GetRIContextL( registered, iTrigger->iRiId );
if ( registered && iStoredRiContext )
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iStoredRiContext->Algorithms().Count(); i++ )
if ( iStoredRiContext->Algorithms()[i]->CompareF( KCmlaIp1() )
== KErrNone )
// note currently assumed that only
// 1 of 7 ppossible algorithms used
req->iAlgorithmInUse = ECmlaIp1;
// generate DeviceNonce
req->iNonce.SetLength( KDeviceNonceLength );
TRandom::Random( req->iNonce );
// generate MeteringNonce
req->iReportNonce.SetLength( KDeviceNonceLength );
TRandom::Random( req->iReportNonce );
// fetch secure time for request
req->iTime = GetDrmTimeL();
// insert DeviceId
iStorageClient->GetDevicePublicKeyHashL( deviceId );
delete iDeviceId;
iDeviceId = NULL;
iDeviceId = deviceId.AllocL();
req->iDeviceId = *iDeviceId;
// insert RiId
req->iRiId.Copy( iTrigger->iRiId );
// insert Certificate chain if needed
if ( !iRiSupportsCertCaching )
req->iCertificateChain = GetCertificateChainL();
// add trigger Nonce
if ( iTrigger->iNonce )
req->iTriggerNonce = iTrigger->iNonce->AllocL();
// Get from server encrypted metering report mac key as plain,
// MEK and MAC key as encypted, and hash of
// PKI public key used in encryition
req->iCipherValue = iStorageClient->GetMeteringDataL( req->iRiId, macKey,
req->iEncKeyHash, req->iEncryptedMekAndMak );
// calculate mac over <encryptedMeteringReport>
req->InsertMacL( macKey );
CleanupStack::Pop( req );
return req;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::HandleRoapResponseL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapEng::HandleRoapResponseL( const TDesC8& aXmlResponse )
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::HandleRoapMessageL" )
delete iResponse;
iResponse = NULL;
switch ( iReqMessage )
case EDeviceHello:
HandleRIHelloPduL( aXmlResponse );
case ERegistration:
HandleReqResponsePduL( aXmlResponse );
case EROAcquisition:
HandleRightsResponsePduL( aXmlResponse, EFalse );
case EJoinDomain:
HandleJoinDomainResponsePduL( aXmlResponse );
case ELeaveDomain:
HandleLeaveDomainResponsePduL( aXmlResponse );
case EMeteringRequest:
HandleMeteringReportResponsePduL( aXmlResponse );
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::HandleRIHelloPduL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapEng::HandleRIHelloPduL( const TDesC8& aRiHello )
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::HandleRIHelloPduL" )
CRIHello* resp = NULL;
HBufC8* temp = NULL;
resp = iParser->ParseRIHelloL( aRiHello );
iRoapStatus = resp->iStatus;
iResponse = resp;
if ( iRoapStatus == ESuccess )
iCertNeeded = ETrue;
iRiSupportsCertCaching = EFalse;
if ( resp->iPeerKeyIdentifier )
iRiSupportsCertCaching = ETrue;
if ( resp->iPeerKeyId.Length() )
if ( resp->iPeerKeyId.CompareF( *iDeviceId ) == KErrNone )
iCertNeeded = EFalse;
iCertNeeded = EFalse;
else if ( resp->iCertificateCaching )
iRiSupportsCertCaching = ETrue;
if ( resp->iAlgorithms.Count() )
for ( TInt i = 0; i < resp->iAlgorithms.Count(); i++ )
if ( resp->iAlgorithms[i]->CompareF( KCmlaIp1() ) == KErrNone )
iSelectedAlgorithms = ECmlaIp1;
temp = resp->iAlgorithms[i]->AllocLC();
iRiAlgorithms.AppendL( temp );
CleanupStack::Pop( temp );
iRiId.Copy( resp->iRiId );
iRiVersion.Copy( resp->iSelectedVersion );
This is needed when the multiple PKIs are supported.
if ( resp->iTrustedAuthorities.Count() )
// select the first matching root from the list
LOGLIT( "Choose the first matching trust anchor" )
iStorageClient->SelectTrustedRootL( resp->iTrustedAuthorities,
iSelectedRoot );
LOGLIT( "The trust anchor selected" )
DETAILLOGHEX( iSelectedRoot.Ptr(), iSelectedRoot.Length() )
if ( iStoredRiContext && iStoredRiContext->RIID() == iRiId )
if ( iSelectedRoot != iStoredRiContext->SelectedDeviceRoot() )
DETAILLOGLIT( "Changing trusted root to that of saved RI context" )
DETAILLOGLIT( "old root" )
DETAILLOGHEX( iSelectedRoot.Ptr(), iSelectedRoot.Length() )
iSelectedRoot = iStoredRiContext->SelectedDeviceRoot();
iStorageClient->SelectTrustedRootL( iSelectedRoot );
DETAILLOGLIT( "Using trusted root of saved RI context" )
DETAILLOGHEX( iSelectedRoot.Ptr(), iSelectedRoot.Length() )
DETAILLOGLIT( "Using default trusted root" )
iSelectedRoot = KNullDesC8;
iStorageClient->SelectTrustedRootL( iSelectedRoot );
iSigner->AddRequestL( aRiHello );
else if ( resp->iErrorUrl )
if ( iObserver )
iObserver->ErrorUrlL( *resp->iErrorUrl );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::HandleReqResponsePduL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapEng::HandleReqResponsePduL( const TDesC8& aRegResp )
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::HandleReqResponsePduL" )
CRegistrationResp* resp = NULL;
CDRMRIContext* context = NULL;
CX509Certificate* cert = NULL;
TTime riExpiry;
TBool status = EFalse;
TUint8 riCertCaching = EFalse;
resp = iParser->ParseRegistrationRespL( aRegResp );
iRoapStatus = resp->iStatus;
iResponse = resp;
if ( iRoapStatus == ESuccess )
if ( resp->iOcspResponse.Count() > 0 )
// adjust DRM Time according to OCSP response
// All needed verifications done in server side
TBool deviceTimeUpdated( EFalse );
if ( resp->iCertificateChain.Count() > 0 )
deviceTimeUpdated = iStorageClient->UpdateDrmTimeL(
resp->iCertificateChain, resp->iOcspResponse,
iRegReqNonce );
else if ( iStoredRiContext )
deviceTimeUpdated = iStorageClient->UpdateDrmTimeL(
resp->iOcspResponse, iRegReqNonce );
if ( deviceTimeUpdated )
LOGLIT( "drm time updated" )
iDeviceTimeError = EFalse;
if ( !iStoredRiContext || ( resp->iCertificateChain.Count()
&& resp->iOcspResponse.Count() ) )
status = VerifyCertificateChainL( resp->iCertificateChain,
resp->iOcspResponse );
if ( !status )
LOGLIT( "Certificate chain validation failed" )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
status = ValidateRiIdL( iRiId, *resp->iCertificateChain[0] );
if ( !status )
LOGLIT( "RI ID validation failed" )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
if ( iStoredRiContext )
// if we have already stored certificates -> use those.
status = VerifySignatureL( aRegResp, *resp->iSignature,
iStoredRiContext->CertificateChain() );
// otherwise use the received certificates
status = VerifySignatureL( aRegResp, *resp->iSignature,
resp->iCertificateChain );
if ( !status )
LOGLIT( "Signature verification failed" )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
if ( resp->iCertificateChain.Count() )
// Validate RI certificate
cert = CX509Certificate::NewLC( *resp->iCertificateChain[0] );
status = ValidateRiCertificateL( cert );
if ( !status )
User::LeaveIfError( KErrRoapServerFatal );
riExpiry = cert->ValidityPeriod().Finish();
iRiSupportsCertCaching ? riCertCaching = ETrue : riCertCaching
= EFalse;
context = CDRMRIContext::NewLC( iRiId, *iRiAlias, iRiVersion,
iRiAlgorithms, resp->iWhiteList, *resp->iRiUrl, riExpiry,
resp->iCertificateChain, resp->iOcspResponse, riCertCaching,
iSelectedRoot, ETrue );
iStorageClient->AddRIContextL( *context );
delete iStoredRiContext;
iStoredRiContext = context;
CleanupStack::Pop( context );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cert );
if ( resp->iErrorUrl )
if ( iObserver )
iObserver->ErrorUrlL( *resp->iErrorUrl );
PERFORMANCE_LOGLIT( "Registration protocol completed" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::HandleRightsResponseL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapEng::HandleRightsResponsePduL(
const TDesC8& aRightsResp,
TBool aOnePass )
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::HandleRightsResponsePduL" )
CRightsResp* resp = NULL;
TBool status = EFalse;
resp = iParser->ParseRightsRespL( aRightsResp );
CleanupStack::PushL( resp );
if ( resp->iStatus == ESuccess )
if ( !aOnePass )
// 2-pass protocol
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iStoredRiContext, User::Invariant() );
CRightsReq* request = NULL;
request = STATIC_CAST( CRightsReq*, iRequest );
if ( resp->iDeviceId.CompareF( request->iDeviceId ) != KErrNone
|| resp->iRiId.CompareF( request->iRiId ) != KErrNone
|| resp->iNonce->CompareF( request->iNonce ) != KErrNone )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
LOGLIT( "1-pass ROAP" )
// 1-pass protocol
TBool registered = EFalse;
GetRIContextL( registered, resp->iRiId );
if ( !registered )
// Recoverable error by re-registering the device
// (after receiving user consent or iv device belongs to whiteliust)
LOGLIT( "Device not registered to RI" )
User::Leave( KErrRoapNotRegistered );
if ( resp->iDeviceId.CompareF( *iDeviceId ) != KErrNone )
// Unrecoverable error
LOGLIT( "Device ID mismatch!" )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
if ( !iStoredRiContext || ( resp->iCertificateChain.Count()
&& resp->iOcspResponse.Count() ) )
status = VerifyCertificateChainL( resp->iCertificateChain,
resp->iOcspResponse );
if ( !status )
LOGLIT( "Certificate chain validation failed" )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
status = ValidateRiIdL( resp->iRiId, *resp->iCertificateChain[0] );
if ( !status )
LOGLIT( "RI ID validation failed" )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
status = VerifySignatureL( aRightsResp, *resp->iSignature,
iStoredRiContext->CertificateChain() );
if ( !status )
LOGLIT( "Signature verification failed" )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
TRAPD( r, iRoParser->ParseAndStoreL( aRightsResp, iReturnedROs ));
if ( r == KErrRightsServerDomainNotRegistered )
// perform implicit Join Domain
LOGLIT( "Domain RO received - Not joined" )
LOGLIT( "Perform impicit Join Domain before storing the RO" )
HBufC8* domainID = NULL;
domainID = iRoParser->GetDomainIdL( aRightsResp );
if ( domainID && domainID->Length() <= KDomainIdLength )
iDomainId.Copy( *domainID );
delete domainID;
domainID = NULL;
LOGLIT( "No Domain ID available!" )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
delete iDomainRightsResp;
iDomainRightsResp = NULL;
iDomainRightsResp = aRightsResp.AllocL();
iImplicitJoinDomain = ETrue;
User::LeaveIfError( r );
if ( !aOnePass )
if ( iObserver )
iObserver->RightsObjectDetailsL( iReturnedROs ); // pass RO details to UI
TRAP( r, InsertTransactionIDL( resp->iTransTrackIDs, resp->iContentIDs ) );
TRAP( r, InsertDomainRosL() );
// Device DRM Time is insecure, but server thinks that the time is correct
// -> Set DRM Time as secure
if ( !iSecureTime )
if ( resp->iErrorUrl )
if ( iObserver )
iObserver->ErrorUrlL( *resp->iErrorUrl );
CleanupStack::Pop( resp );
if ( !aOnePass )
iRoapStatus = resp->iStatus;
iResponse = resp;
PERFORMANCE_LOGLIT( "RO acquisition protocol completed" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::HandleJoinDomainResponseL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapEng::HandleJoinDomainResponsePduL( const TDesC8& aJoinResp )
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::HandleJoinDomainResponsePduL" )
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iStoredRiContext, User::Invariant() );
CJoinDomainResp* resp = NULL;
CDRMDomainContext* context = NULL;
RPointerArray<HBufC8> domainKeyElements;
TBool status = EFalse;
CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( domainKeyElements );
resp = iParser->ParseJoinDomainRespL( aJoinResp, domainKeyElements );
iResponse = resp;
iRoapStatus = resp->iStatus;
if ( iRoapStatus == ESuccess )
if ( resp->iDomainKeyRiId != resp->iRiId )
LOGLIT( "resp->iDomainKeyRiId != resp->iRiId" )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
if ( !iStoredRiContext || ( resp->iCertificateChain.Count()
&& resp->iOcspResponse.Count() ) )
status = VerifyCertificateChainL( resp->iCertificateChain,
resp->iOcspResponse );
if ( !status )
LOGLIT( "Certificate chain validation failed" )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
status = ValidateRiIdL( resp->iRiId, *resp->iCertificateChain[0] );
if ( !status )
LOGLIT( "RI ID validation failed" )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
status = VerifySignatureL( aJoinResp, *resp->iSignature,
iStoredRiContext->CertificateChain() );
if ( !status )
LOGLIT( "Signature verification failed" )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
if ( resp->iDomainKeys.Count() > 1 && resp->iDomainKeyIDs.Count() > 1
&& resp->iDomainKeys.Count() == resp->iDomainKeyIDs.Count() )
// Sort domain keys by generation (000 generation is first)
TLex8 lex;
TInt generation = 0;
RArray<TInt> generations;
CleanupClosePushL( generations );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < resp->iDomainKeyIDs.Count(); i++ )
lex = resp->iDomainKeyIDs[i]->Right( KDomainGenerationLength );
lex.Val( generation );
generations.AppendL( generation );
SortArrays( resp->iDomainKeys, resp->iMacs, domainKeyElements,
generations );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &generations );
if ( !resp->iDomainKeys.Count() )
LOGLIT( "No valid domain keys present!" )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
resp->iHashChainSupport = EFalse;
if ( resp->iHashChainSupport )
if ( resp->iDomainKeys.Count() > 1 )
LOGLIT( "More than one Domain key present, hash chain key generation is supported!" )
// Might be KErrRoapServerFatal server error
context = CDRMDomainContext::NewLC( iDomainId,
resp->iDomainExpiration, resp->iHashChainSupport,
resp->iDomainKeys, resp->iRiId,
iStoredRiContext->RightsIssuerURL() );
iStorageClient->AddDomainContextL( *context, resp->iMacs,
domainKeyElements, resp->iTransportScheme );
iDomainId.SetLength( 0 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( context );
if ( iDomainRightsResp )
// It's a implicit Join Domain case
// We still need to store the domain RO
// Device DRM Time is insecure, but server thinks that the time is correct
// -> Set DRM Time as secure
if ( !iSecureTime )
if ( resp->iErrorUrl )
if ( iObserver )
iObserver->ErrorUrlL( *resp->iErrorUrl );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &domainKeyElements );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::HandleLeaveDomainResponseL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapEng::HandleLeaveDomainResponsePduL( const TDesC8& aLeaveResp )
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::HandleLeaveDomainResponsePduL" )
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iStoredRiContext, User::Invariant() );
CLeaveDomainResp* resp = NULL;
resp = iParser->ParseLeaveDomainRespL( aLeaveResp );
iRoapStatus = resp->iStatus;
iResponse = resp;
if ( iRoapStatus == ESuccess )
else if ( resp->iErrorUrl )
if ( iObserver )
iObserver->ErrorUrlL( *resp->iErrorUrl );
PERFORMANCE_LOGLIT( "Leave domain protocol completed" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::HandleMeteringReportResponsePduL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapEng::HandleMeteringReportResponsePduL( const TDesC8& /*aMeteringResp*/)
void CRoapEng::HandleMeteringReportResponsePduL( const TDesC8& aMeteringResp )
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::HandleMeteringReportResponsePduL" )
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iStoredRiContext, User::Invariant() );
CMeteringResp* resp = NULL;
CMeteringReportReq* request = NULL;
resp = iParser->ParseMeteringRespL( aMeteringResp );
request = static_cast<CMeteringReportReq*> ( iRequest );
iRoapStatus = resp->iStatus;
iResponse = resp;
if ( iRoapStatus == ESuccess )
if ( resp->iDeviceId.CompareF( *iDeviceId ) != KErrNone
|| resp->iDeviceNonce->CompareF( request->iNonce ) != KErrNone )
LOGLIT( "Mismatch in deviceId or in nonce" )
LOGLIT( "Observed DeviceId" )
LOGHEX( resp->iDeviceId.Ptr(), resp->iDeviceId.Length() )
LOGLIT( "Expected DeviceId" )
LOGHEX( request->iDeviceId.Ptr(), request->iDeviceId.Length() )
LOGLIT( "Observed nonce" )
LOGHEX( resp->iDeviceNonce->Ptr(), resp->iDeviceNonce->Length() )
LOGLIT( "Expected nonce" )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
if ( !iStoredRiContext || ( resp->iCertificateChain.Count()
&& resp->iOcspResponse.Count() ) )
if ( !VerifyCertificateChainL( resp->iCertificateChain,
resp->iOcspResponse ) )
LOGLIT( "Certificate chain validation failed" )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
if ( !ValidateRiIdL( resp->iRiId, *resp->iCertificateChain[0] ) )
LOGLIT( "RI ID validation failed" )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
if ( !VerifySignatureL( aMeteringResp, *resp->iSignature,
iStoredRiContext->CertificateChain() ) )
LOGLIT( "Signature verification failed" )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
// Everything is fine, we can delete metering data
iStorageClient->DeleteMeteringDataL( resp->iRiId );
// notify PostResponseUrl for iObserver
if ( resp->iPrUrl )
HBufC8* prUrl( resp->iPrUrl );
LOGLIT( "PrUrl" )
LOGHEX( prUrl->Ptr(), prUrl->Length() )
if ( iObserver )
iObserver->PostResponseUrlL( *prUrl );
LOGLIT( "Notified observer with PostResponseUrl" )
LOGLIT( "Warning no observer for PostResponseUrl" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::HandleMultipartL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapEng::HandleMultipartL()
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::HandleMultipartL" )
TInt rightsErr( KErrNone );
TInt err( KErrNone );
TInt docErr( KErrNone );
TDataType type = TDataType();
TBool mmcAllowed( EFalse );
HBufC* contentName( NULL );
RBuf newPath;
TUid app_uid;
RBuf rootPath;
TRAP( rightsErr, HandleRoapResponseL( iRoapResp->ProtocolUnit() ) );
newPath.CreateL( KMaxFileName );
CleanupClosePushL( newPath );
CDocumentHandler* docHandler( CDocumentHandler::NewLC() );
if ( iRoapResp->DcfFileName().Left( 1 ).CompareF( _L ("e") ) == 0 )
mmcAllowed = ETrue;
RFs fs;
User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( fs );
rootPath.CreateL( mmcAllowed ?
PathInfo::MemoryCardRootPath() :
PathInfo::PhoneMemoryRootPath() );
_LIT( KSysDriveRoot, "_:\\Data\\");
_LIT( KMassDriveRoot, "_:\\" );
TInt driveNumber( -1 );
TChar driveLetter;
if ( mmcAllowed )
// Set root path to memory card root
rootPath.CreateL( KMassDriveRoot() );
DriveInfo::GetDefaultDrive( DriveInfo::EDefaultMassStorage, driveNumber );
// Set root path to system root
rootPath.CreateL( KSysDriveRoot() );
DriveInfo::GetDefaultDrive( DriveInfo::EDefaultSystem, driveNumber );
fs.DriveToChar( driveNumber, driveLetter );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( rootPath.Length()>0, User::Invariant() );
rootPath[0] = (TUint)driveLetter;
CleanupClosePushL( rootPath );
iRoapResp->GetContentNameLC( contentName );
if ( contentName && contentName->Length()
&& fs.IsValidName( *contentName ) )
if ( !rightsErr )
TRAP( err, docErr = docHandler->SilentMoveL( iRoapResp->DcfFileName(),
*contentName, rootPath, type, KEntryAttNormal ) );
// when an error occured during RO storing -> show "saved to" note
TRAP( err, docErr = docHandler->MoveL( iRoapResp->DcfFileName(),
*contentName, type, KEntryAttNormal ) );
if ( !rightsErr )
// use the default name
User::LeaveIfError( docHandler->SilentMoveL(
iRoapResp->DcfFileName(), KNullDesC(), rootPath, type,
KEntryAttNormal ) );
// when an error occured during RO storing -> show "saved to" note
docHandler->MoveL( iRoapResp->DcfFileName(), KNullDesC(), type,
KEntryAttNormal );
if ( err || docErr )
if ( !rightsErr )
// use the default name
User::LeaveIfError( docHandler->SilentMoveL(
iRoapResp->DcfFileName(), KNullDesC(), rootPath, type,
KEntryAttNormal ) );
// when an error occured during RO storing -> show "saved to" note
docHandler->MoveL( iRoapResp->DcfFileName(), KNullDesC(), type,
KEntryAttNormal );
User::LeaveIfError( rightsErr );
User::LeaveIfError( docHandler->GetPath( newPath ) );
User::LeaveIfError( docHandler->HandlerAppUid( app_uid ) );
if ( iObserver )
iObserver->ContentDetailsL( newPath, type.Des8(), app_uid );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contentName );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &rootPath );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &fs );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( docHandler );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &newPath );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::SignMessageL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
HBufC8* CRoapEng::SignMessageL( const TDesC8& aMessage ) const
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::SignMessageL" )
HBufC8* r = NULL;
if ( iReqMessage == EDeviceHello )
// Device Hello always resets signing chain!!
// Device Hello or RI Hello is not signed
iSigner->AddRequestL( aMessage );
r = aMessage.AllocL();
r = iSigner->SignAndAddRequestL( aMessage );
if ( iReqMessage == ERegistration )
// Add signed request to the signer for verifying signature on
// response (for Registration protocol only).
iSigner->AddResponseL( *r );
return r;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::VerifySignatureL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CRoapEng::VerifySignatureL(
const TDesC8& aMessage,
const TDesC8& aSignature,
const RPointerArray<HBufC8>& aCertificateChain ) const
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::VerifySignatureL" )
TBool isValid = ETrue;
if ( iReqMessage != EDeviceHello && iReqMessage != ELeaveDomain )
// RI Hello and Leave Domain resp are not signed
isValid = iSigner->VerifyAndAddResponseL( aMessage, aSignature,
aCertificateChain );
isValid = ETrue;
return isValid;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::VerifyTriggerSignatureL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CRoapEng::VerifyTriggerSignatureL(
const TDesC8& aXmlTrigger,
const CRoapTrigger& aTrigger ) const
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::ValidateTriggerSignatureL" )
TPtrC8 element( KNullDesC8 );
TPtrC8 signedInfo( KNullDesC8 );
CDRMDomainContext* context( NULL );
HBufC8* domainKey( NULL );
HBufC8* unwrappedMacKey( NULL );
CSHA1* digest( NULL );
CMessageDigest* hMac( NULL );
TBool result( ETrue );
TInt pos( 0 );
TInt generation( 0 );
element.Set( iParser->ExtractElement( aXmlTrigger, KLeaveDomainElement(),
pos ) );
pos = 0;
signedInfo.Set( iParser->ExtractElement( aXmlTrigger,
KSignedInfoElement(), pos ) );
if ( !element.Length() || !signedInfo.Length() || !aTrigger.iEncKey
|| !aTrigger.iSignature )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
context = iStorageClient->GetDomainContextL( *aTrigger.iDomainId );
if ( !context )
// we are not member of the domain
LOGLIT( "No DomainContext for the domain -> Cannot verify Trigger signature" )
return ETrue;
CleanupStack::PushL( context );
TLex8 lex( aTrigger.iDomainId->Right( KDomainGenerationLength ) );
lex.Val( generation );
domainKey = context->DomainKeyL( generation );
User::LeaveIfNull( domainKey );
CleanupStack::PushL( domainKey );
unwrappedMacKey = OmaCrypto::AesUnwrapL( *domainKey, *aTrigger.iEncKey );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( domainKey );
CleanupStack::PushL( unwrappedMacKey );
// hash the leaveDomain element
digest = CSHA1::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( digest );
digest->Update( element );
if ( digest->Final().CompareF( *aTrigger.iDigestValue ) )
LOGLIT( "Reference Validation failed!" )
result = EFalse;
if ( result )
// calculate HMAC signature
hMac = CMessageDigestFactory::NewHMACLC( CMessageDigest::ESHA1,
*unwrappedMacKey );
hMac->Update( signedInfo );
if ( hMac->Final().CompareF( *aTrigger.iSignature ) != 0 )
LOGLIT( "Signature Validation failed!" )
result = EFalse;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hMac );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( digest );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( unwrappedMacKey );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( context );
if ( !result )
LOGLIT( "Trigger signature check failed!" )
result = ETrue;
return result;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::VerifyCertificateChainL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CRoapEng::VerifyCertificateChainL(
const RPointerArray<HBufC8>& aCertificateChain,
const RPointerArray<HBufC8>& aOcspResponses ) const
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::VerifyCertificateChainL" )
CX509Certificate* cert = NULL;
CX509Certificate* signingCert = NULL;
CX509Certificate* riCA = NULL;
TBool result = EFalse;
RPointerArray<HBufC8> serialNums;
CX500DistinguishedName* rootDistName = NULL;
HBufC* rootName = NULL;
HBufC8* rootCert = NULL;
HBufC8* temp = NULL;
if ( !aCertificateChain.Count() || !aOcspResponses.Count() )
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
// Get the last cert from the chain. It is signed by some of our trusted anchor
riCA = CX509Certificate::NewLC(
*( aCertificateChain[aCertificateChain.Count() - 1] ) );
rootDistName = CX500DistinguishedName::NewLC( riCA->IssuerName() );
rootName = rootDistName->DisplayNameL();
CleanupStack::PushL( rootName );
// Get the correct root cert for validating the whole chain
rootCert = iStorageClient->GetRootCertificateL( *rootName );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( rootName );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( rootDistName );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( riCA );
if ( !rootCert )
LOGLIT( "No root certificate present!" )
LOGLIT( "Certificate chain verification failed." )
return EFalse;
CleanupStack::PushL( rootCert );
CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( serialNums );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < aCertificateChain.Count(); i++ )
cert = CX509Certificate::NewLC( *aCertificateChain[i] );
temp = cert->SerialNumber().AllocLC();
serialNums.AppendL( temp );
CleanupStack::Pop( temp );
if ( aCertificateChain.Count() - 1 == i )
// signingCert = Trusted root cert
signingCert = CX509Certificate::NewLC( *rootCert );
signingCert = CX509Certificate::NewLC( *aCertificateChain[i + 1] );
result = cert->VerifySignatureL( signingCert->PublicKey().KeyData() );
result = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( signingCert );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cert );
if ( !result )
LOGLIT( "Certificate chain verification failed." )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, rootCert );
return result;
if ( aCertificateChain.Count() >= 2 )
result = VerifyOcspResponsesL( aOcspResponses, *aCertificateChain[1],
serialNums );
if ( !result )
// CoreMedia's OCSP responder cert is signed by the root -> against CMLA spec
LOGLIT( "Try to verify OCSP response cert using root cert" )
result = VerifyOcspResponsesL( aOcspResponses, *rootCert,
serialNums );
else if ( aCertificateChain.Count() == 1 )
// There is only one cert in the cert chain -> the OCSP response cert is verified with root cert
result = VerifyOcspResponsesL( aOcspResponses, *rootCert, serialNums );
result = EFalse;
if ( iStoredRiContext && aCertificateChain.Count() && result )
cert = CX509Certificate::NewLC( *aCertificateChain[0] );
if ( iStoredRiContext->ExpiryTime() < cert->ValidityPeriod().Finish() )
iStoredRiContext->SetCertificateChainL( aCertificateChain );
iStoredRiContext->SetOCSPResponseL( aOcspResponses );
// update RI Context
iStorageClient->AddRIContextL( *iStoredRiContext );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cert );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, rootCert ); // serialNums, rootCert
if ( result )
LOGLIT( "Certificate chain verification ok." )
LOGLIT( "Certificate chain verification failed." )
result = ETrue;
return result;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::VerifyOcspResponsesL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CRoapEng::VerifyOcspResponsesL(
const RPointerArray<HBufC8>& aOcspResponses,
const TDesC8& aRiCaCert,
const RPointerArray<HBufC8>& aCertSerialNums ) const
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::VerifyOcspResponsesL" )
TBool result( ETrue );
// Get verification result from the server
TBool result( iStorageClient->VerifyOcspResponsesL( aOcspResponses,
aRiCaCert, aCertSerialNums ) );
if ( result )
LOGLIT( "OCSP response verification ok." )
LOGLIT( "OCSP response verification failed." )
return result;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::ValidateRiCertificateL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CRoapEng::ValidateRiCertificateL( const CX509Certificate* aCert )
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::ValidateRiCertificateL" )
TBool ret = ETrue;
const CX509CertExtension* ext = NULL;
CX509KeyUsageExt* keyUsageExt = NULL;
CX509ExtendedKeyUsageExt* extendedKeyUsage = NULL;
TTime riExpiry;
TInt count = 0;
if ( iSelectedAlgorithms == ECmlaIp1 )
// Check RI certificate extensions only in CMLA case
ext = aCert->Extension( KKeyUsage() );
if ( !ext || !( ext->Critical() ) )
LOGLIT( "RI cert KeyUsage extension missing or not critical!" )
ret = EFalse;
if ( ext && ret )
keyUsageExt = CX509KeyUsageExt::NewLC( ext->Data() );
if ( !keyUsageExt->IsSet( EX509DigitalSignature ) )
LOGLIT( "DigitalSignature bit is not set in KeyUsageExt of RI cert!" )
ret = EFalse;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( keyUsageExt );
ext = aCert->Extension( KExtendedKeyUsage() );
if ( !ext || !( ext->Critical() ) )
LOGLIT( "RI cert ExtendedKeyUsage extension missing or not critical!" )
ret = EFalse;
if ( ext && ret )
ret = EFalse;
extendedKeyUsage = CX509ExtendedKeyUsageExt::NewLC( ext->Data() );
count = extendedKeyUsage->KeyUsages().Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count && !ret; i++ )
if ( extendedKeyUsage->KeyUsages().At( i )->CompareF(
KOmaKpRightsIssuerOid() ) == 0 )
ret = ETrue;
if ( !ret )
LOGLIT( "OmaKpRightsIssuer OID is not set in ExtendedKeyUsageExt of RI cert!" )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( extendedKeyUsage );
riExpiry = aCert->ValidityPeriod().Finish();
if ( riExpiry < GetDrmTimeL() )
LOGLIT( "RI Context certificate is expired!" )
ret = EFalse;
ret = ETrue;
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::GetCertificateChainL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
RPointerArray<HBufC8> CRoapEng::GetCertificateChainL() const
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::GetCertificateChainL ->" )
TInt err = KErrNone;
RPointerArray<HBufC8> certificateChain;
HBufC8* root = NULL;
CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( certificateChain );
err = iStorageClient->GetDeviceCertificateChainL( certificateChain );
if ( err )
User::Leave( err );
if ( certificateChain.Count() < KMinCertChainLength )
// the CMLA chain must always contain:
// the device certificate,
// at lest one signing certificate (device CA),
// and the root certificate
DETAILLOGLIT( "Got improper certificate chain!!" )
// Leaving in production devices.
User::Leave( KErrRoapDevice );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( ETrue, User::Invariant() );
// delete and remove the root certificate (it's always the last one in the list)
root = certificateChain[certificateChain.Count() - 1];
delete root;
certificateChain.Remove( certificateChain.Count() - 1 );
CleanupStack::Pop( &certificateChain );
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::GetCertificateChainL <-" )
return certificateChain;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::GetDeviceDetailsL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapEng::GetDeviceDetailsL(
HBufC8*& aManufacturer,
HBufC8*& aModel,
HBufC8*& aVersion )
LOGLIT( "-> CRoapEng::GetDeviceDetailsL" )
#ifndef __WINS__
TInt numPhone = 0;
TUint32 caps = 0;
TName tsyName;
RMobilePhone phone;
RTelServer etelServer;
RTelServer::TPhoneInfo phoneInfo;
HBufC* version = NULL;
User::LeaveIfError( etelServer.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( etelServer );
User::LeaveIfError( etelServer.LoadPhoneModule( KMmTsyModuleName ) );
User::LeaveIfError( etelServer.EnumeratePhones( numPhone) );
for (TInt i(0); i < numPhone; i++)
User::LeaveIfError( etelServer.GetPhoneInfo( i, phoneInfo ) );
User::LeaveIfError( etelServer.GetTsyName( i,tsyName ) );
if ( tsyName.CompareF( KMmTsyModuleName ) == 0)
User::LeaveIfError( phone.Open( etelServer, phoneInfo.iName ) );
CleanupClosePushL( phone );
phone.GetIdentityCaps( caps );
if ( !( caps & RMobilePhone::KCapsGetManufacturer ) &&
!( caps & RMobilePhone::KCapsGetModel ) )
User::Leave( KErrRoapGeneral );
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdentityV1 details;
TRequestStatus status;
phone.GetPhoneId( status, details );
User::WaitForRequest( status );
User::LeaveIfError( status.Int() );
HBufC8* manufacturer( HBufC8::NewLC( details.iManufacturer.Length() ) );
manufacturer->Des().Copy( details.iManufacturer );
HBufC8* model( HBufC8::NewLC( details.iModel.Length() ) );
model->Des().Copy( details.iModel );
version = HBufC::NewLC( KSysUtilVersionTextLength );
TPtr ptr( version->Des() );
User::LeaveIfError( SysUtil::GetSWVersion( ptr ) );
// remove possible BOM from the end
if ( ptr.Right( KBOM1().Length() ).CompareF( KBOM1 ) == KErrNone )
ptr.Delete( ptr.Length() - KBOM1().Length(), KBOM1().Length() );
if ( ptr.Right( KBOM2().Length() ).CompareF( KBOM2 ) == KErrNone )
ptr.Delete( ptr.Length() - KBOM2().Length(), KBOM2().Length() );
aVersion = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L( ptr );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( version );
CleanupStack::Pop( model );
CleanupStack::Pop( manufacturer );
aManufacturer = manufacturer;
aModel = model;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &phone );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &etelServer );
aManufacturer = _L8("Nokia").AllocL();
aModel = _L8("Emulator").AllocL();
aVersion = _L8("9.0").AllocL();
LOGLIT( "Device details:" )
LOGLIT( " Manufacturer: " )
LOG( aManufacturer->Des() )
LOGLIT( " Model: " )
LOG( aModel->Des() )
LOGLIT( " Revision: " )
LOG( aVersion->Des() )
LOGLIT( "<- CRoapEng::GetDeviceDetailsL" )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::FetchTransactionIDL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapEng::FetchTransactionIDL(
RPointerArray<HBufC8>& aTransIDs,
RPointerArray<HBufC8>& aContentIDs )
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::FetchTransactionIDL" )
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iTrigger, User::Invariant() );
RArray<TPair> array;
TInt err = KErrNone;
CleanupClosePushL( array );
if ( !iTrigger->iContentIdList.Count() )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &array );
if ( iTransStatus == ENotAsked && iObserver )
if ( iTransStatus == EAllowed )
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iTrigger->iContentIdList.Count(); i++ )
TPair pair;
pair.iCid = iTrigger->iContentIdList[i]->Alloc(); // duplicate contentID,
pair.iTtid = NULL; // pair.iCid is deleted by iRequest
err = array.Append( pair );
if ( err )
delete pair.iCid;
pair.iCid = NULL;
TRAP_IGNORE(iDcfRep->GetTtidL( array ) );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < array.Count(); i++ )
if ( array[i].iTtid && array[i].iCid && array[i].iTtid->Length()
&& array[i].iCid->Length() )
err = aContentIDs.Append( array[i].iCid );
if ( !err )
aTransIDs.Append( array[i].iTtid );
delete array[i].iCid;
array[i].iCid = NULL;
delete array[i].iTtid;
array[i].iTtid = NULL;
else if ( array[i].iTtid || array[i].iCid )
delete array[i].iTtid;
array[i].iTtid = NULL;
delete array[i].iCid;
array[i].iCid = NULL;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &array );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::InsertTransactionIDL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapEng::InsertTransactionIDL(
RPointerArray<HBufC8>& aTransIDs,
RPointerArray<HBufC8>& aContentIDs )
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::InsertTransactionIDL" )
RArray<TPair> array;
TRequestStatus status;
CleanupClosePushL( array );
if ( !aTransIDs.Count() || !aContentIDs.Count() )
LOGLIT( "Insert ttID: Wrong input data" )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &array );
if ( aTransIDs.Count() != aContentIDs.Count() )
LOGLIT( "Insert ttID: ttID.Count != cid.Count" )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &array );
if ( iTransStatus == ENotAsked && iObserver )
if ( iTransStatus == EAllowed )
for ( TInt i = 0; i < aContentIDs.Count() && i < aTransIDs.Count(); i++ )
TPair pair;
pair.iCid = aContentIDs[i];
pair.iTtid = aTransIDs[i];
array.Append( pair );
iDcfRep->SetTtid( array, status );
User::WaitForRequest( status );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &array );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::GetOCSPResponderKeyHashL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
HBufC8* CRoapEng::GetOCSPResponderKeyHashL() const
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::GetOCSPResponderKeyHashL" )
if ( !iStoredRiContext )
User::Leave( KErrRoapNotRegistered );
return iStorageClient->GetOcspResponderIdL( iStoredRiContext->RIID() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::GetDrmTimeL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TTime CRoapEng::GetDrmTimeL()
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::GetDrmTimeL" )
TTime drmTime;
DRMClock::ESecurityLevel secureTime;
TInt zone( 0 );
User::LeaveIfError( iClockClient->GetSecureTime( drmTime, zone,
secureTime ) );
if ( secureTime == DRMClock::KInsecure )
iSecureTime = EFalse;
iSecureTime = ETrue;
return drmTime;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::SetDrmTimeSecureL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapEng::SetDrmTimeSecureL()
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::SetDrmTimeSecureL" )
TTime drmTime;
DRMClock::ESecurityLevel secureTime;
TInt zone( 0 );
User::LeaveIfError( iClockClient->GetSecureTime( drmTime, zone,
secureTime ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iClockClient->UpdateSecureTime( drmTime, zone ) );
iSecureTime = ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::AdjustDrmTime()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapEng::AdjustDrmTimeL(
const RPointerArray<HBufC8>& aOcspResponses,
TDesC8& aRegReqNonce ) const
// To be removed on next API change.
// Replace calls with direct call to RRoapStorageClient.
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::AdjustDrmTime calling server" )
if ( aOcspResponses.Count() > 0 )
iStorageClient->UpdateDrmTimeL( iStoredRiContext->CertificateChain(),
aOcspResponses, aRegReqNonce );
LOGLIT( "No OCSP responses present." )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::StoreDomainRightsL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapEng::StoreDomainRightsL()
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::StoreDomainRightsL" )
RPointerArray<CDRMRights> returnedROs;
CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( returnedROs );
iRoParser->ParseAndStoreL( *iDomainRightsResp, returnedROs );
if ( iObserver )
iObserver->RightsObjectDetailsL( returnedROs ); // pass RO details to UI
delete iDomainRightsResp;
iDomainRightsResp = NULL;
iImplicitJoinDomain = EFalse;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &returnedROs );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::InsertDomainRosL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapEng::InsertDomainRosL()
CDcfRep* rep = NULL;
CDcfEntry* entry = NULL;
CContent* content = NULL;
TPtr8 ptr( NULL, 0 );
TInt i;
RFile file;
RFs fs;
TInt error( 0 );
User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( fs );
rep = CDcfRep::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( rep );
for ( i = 0; i < iReturnedROs.Count(); i++ )
if ( iReturnedROs[i]->GetPermission().iDomainID )
rep->OrderListL( *iReturnedROs[i]->GetAsset().iUid );
entry = rep->NextL();
while ( entry )
CleanupStack::PushL( entry );
error = file.Open( fs, entry->FileName(), EFileWrite
| EFileShareReadersOrWriters );
if ( !error )
CleanupClosePushL( file );
content = CContent::NewLC( file );
content->AgentSpecificCommand( EEmbedDomainRo,
KNullDesC8, ptr );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, &file ); // content, file
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entry );
entry = rep->NextL();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, &fs ); // rep, fs
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::MapStatusL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CRoapEng::MapStatusL()
LOGLIT( "CRoapEng::MapStatusL" )
if ( iRoapStatus == ESuccess )
LOGLIT( "ROAP Status: success " )
return KErrNone;
if ( iRoapStatus == ENotRegistered || iRoapStatus == EDeviceTimeError )
// Initiate registration protocol
LOG2( _L ( "Not Registered! Status: %d" ), iRoapStatus )
if ( iRoapStatus == EDeviceTimeError )
iDeviceTimeError = ETrue;
return KErrRoapNotRegistered;
LOG2( _L ( "ROAP Error! Status: %d" ), iRoapStatus )
switch ( iRoapStatus )
case EUnknownError:
case EAbort:
User::Leave( KErrRoapServer );
case ENotSupported:
case EAccessDenied:
case ENotFound:
case EMalformedRequest:
case EUnknownRequest:
case EUnknownCriticalExtension:
case EUnsupportedVersion:
case EUnsupportedAlgorithm:
case ESignatureError:
case EInvalidDCFHash:
User::Leave( KErrRoapServerFatal );
case ENoCertificateChain:
case EInvalidCertificateChain:
case ETrustedRootCertificateNotPresent:
User::Leave( KErrRoapDevice );
case EInvalidDomain:
User::Leave( KErrRoapInvalidDomain );
case EDomainFull:
User::Leave( KErrRoapDomainFull );
User::Leave( KErrRoapUnsupported );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::ValidateRiIdL()
// Validates that RI ID equals to public key hash of RI certificate
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CRoapEng::ValidateRiIdL( TDesC8& aRiId, TDesC8& aCertBuf )
TBool valid = EFalse;
CX509Certificate* riCert = NULL;
CSHA1* hash = NULL;
HBufC8* publicKeyHash = NULL;
riCert = CX509Certificate::NewLC( aCertBuf );
// hash the SubjectPublicKeyInfo element
hash = CSHA1::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( hash );
hash->Hash( *riCert->DataElementEncoding(
CX509Certificate::ESubjectPublicKeyInfo ) );
publicKeyHash = hash->Final().AllocLC();
if ( aRiId.Compare( *publicKeyHash ) == KErrNone )
valid = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( publicKeyHash );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hash );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( riCert );
return valid;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::UpdateTransactionTrackingStatusL()
// Update the status of transaction tracking variable
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapEng::UpdateTransactionTrackingStatusL()
TInt value = KErrNone;
CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidDRMSettings );
repository->Get( KDRMSettingsTransactionTracking, value );
delete repository;
iTransStatus = value ? EAllowed : EForbidden;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapEng::CreateDeviceIdHashArrayL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CRoapEng::CreateDeviceIdHashArrayL( RPointerArray<TDesC8>& aIdArray )
TInt err( KErrNone );
RPointerArray<HBufC8> certChain;
CSHA1* hasher = NULL;
HBufC8* publicKey = NULL;
CX509Certificate* cert = NULL;
err = iStorageClient->GetDeviceCertificateChainL( certChain );
CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( certChain );
hasher = CSHA1::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( hasher );
// take the hash of device certificate
if (certChain.Count()<=0)
LOGLIT( "Could get Device id Hash!!!" )
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
cert = CX509Certificate::NewL( *certChain[0] );
CleanupStack::PushL( cert );
publicKey = cert->DataElementEncoding(
CX509Certificate::ESubjectPublicKeyInfo )->AllocLC();
hasher->Hash( *publicKey );
HBufC8 *elem( hasher->Final().AllocLC() );
aIdArray.AppendL( elem );
CleanupStack::Pop( elem );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( publicKey );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cert );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hasher );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &certChain );
return err;
// End of file