* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of the Metering database
#include <f32file.h>
#include <S32FILE.H>
#include <BAUTILS.H>
#include "drmlog.h"
#include "drmmeteringdb.h"
#include "drmmeteringdbdata.h"
#include "DRMTypes.h"
_LIT( KCIDColName, "cid" );
_LIT( KRightIssuerColName, "riid" );
_LIT( KCountColName, "count" );
_LIT( KAccumulatedTimeColName, "time" );
_LIT( KMeteringDataTable, "metering" );
_LIT( KParentUIDColName, "parent" );
_LIT( KViewInitQuery, "SELECT * FROM metering ORDER BY riid" );
LOCAL_C const TUint8 KDbViewCIDOrdinal = 1;
LOCAL_C const TUint8 KDbViewRIIDOrdinal = 2;
LOCAL_C const TUint8 KDbViewCountOrdinal = 3;
LOCAL_C const TUint8 KDbViewAccumulatedTimeOrdinal = 4;
LOCAL_C const TUint8 KDbViewParentUIDOrdinal = 5;
RFs* iFs;
const TDesC* iFile;
LOCAL_C void DoRollBack( TAny* aAny );
LOCAL_C void DoDeleteFile( TAny* aAny );
// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DoRollBack
// Do a rollback operation to the RDbDatabase*
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOCAL_C void DoRollBack( TAny* aAny )
reinterpret_cast< RDbDatabase* >( aAny )->Rollback();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DoDeleteFile
// Delete the file presented by TDoDeleteFile*
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOCAL_C void DoDeleteFile( TAny* aAny )
TDoDeleteFile* s = reinterpret_cast< TDoDeleteFile* >( aAny );
s->iFs->Delete( *( s->iFile ) );
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RDrmMeteringDb::RDrmMeteringDb
// Default constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
iFs( NULL ),
// Nothing
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RDrmMeteringDb::~RDrmMeteringDb
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RDRMMeteringDb::Close
// Closes the databases.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RDrmMeteringDb::Close()
// Atomic operations only at the moment, but what about the future.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RDrmMeteringDb::RDrmMeteringDb
// Constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RDrmMeteringDb::RDrmMeteringDb( RFs& aFs ) :
iFs( &aFs ),
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RDrmMeteringDb::Set
// Set iFs to given aFs.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RDrmMeteringDb::Set( RFs& aFs )
iFs = &aFs;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RDrmMeteringDb::InitL
// Initialize the databases.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RDrmMeteringDb::InitL( const TDesC& aFileName )
DRMLOG( _L( "RDrmMeteringDb::InitL" ) );
TInt error = KErrNone;
TBool exists = BaflUtils::FileExists( *iFs, aFileName );
if ( exists )
TRAP( error, OpenDbL( iDb, aFileName ) );
if ( error || !exists )
ReplaceDbL( iDb, aFileName );
DRMLOG( _L( "RDrmMeteringDb::InitL ok" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RDrmMeteringDb::AddL
// Add an entry to the database. The method checks whether an entry matching
// the given Content Id and Rights Issuer Id already exists or not. A new row
// is added to the database if one does not already exist.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RDrmMeteringDb::AddL( const CDrmMeteringDbData* aMeteringData )
DRMLOG( _L( "RDrmMeteringDb::AddL" ) );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aMeteringData, User::Invariant() );
RDbView view;
TBool res = EFalse;
PushL( iDb );
InitViewLC( view );
User::LeaveIfError( iDb.Begin() );
for ( view.FirstL(); view.AtRow() && !res ; view.NextL() )
// Check whether an entry already exists or not.
if ( CompareIDL( view, *( aMeteringData->iContentId ),
aMeteringData->iRiId ) )
view.UpdateL(); // Update count and accumulated time of the rowset
// Get the structure of rowset
CDbColSet* colset = view.ColSetL();
CleanupStack::PushL( colset );
TInt count = 0;
TTimeIntervalSeconds accumulatedTime =
count = aMeteringData->iCount +
view.ColUint32( KDbViewCountOrdinal );
view.SetColL( colset->ColNo( KCountColName ), count );
accumulatedTime = accumulatedTime.Int() +
view.ColInt32( KDbViewAccumulatedTimeOrdinal );
view.SetColL( colset->ColNo( KAccumulatedTimeColName ),
accumulatedTime.Int() );
if ( aMeteringData->iParentUid )
view.SetColL( KDbViewParentUIDOrdinal,
*( aMeteringData->iParentUid ) );
res = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( colset );
// No existing entry was found. Make a new entry to the database.
if ( !res )
view.InsertL(); // Add new row to the database
view.SetColL( KDbViewCIDOrdinal, *( aMeteringData->iContentId ) );
view.SetColL( KDbViewRIIDOrdinal, aMeteringData->iRiId );
view.SetColL( KDbViewCountOrdinal, aMeteringData->iCount );
view.SetColL( KDbViewAccumulatedTimeOrdinal,
aMeteringData->iAccumulatedTime.Int() );
if ( aMeteringData->iParentUid )
view.SetColL( KDbViewParentUIDOrdinal,
*( aMeteringData->iParentUid ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // view
User::LeaveIfError( iDb.Commit() );
Pop(); // iDb
DRMLOG( _L( "RDrmMeteringDb::AddL ok" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RDrmMeteringDb::GetL
// Get the metering data list of a Rights Issuer from the database. Return value
// is ETrue if at least one entry was found. return value is EFalse if no entry
// was found. Function will leave if an error happens when accessing the
// database or if the given Rights Issuer Id is either empty or too long.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool RDrmMeteringDb::GetL( const TDesC8& aRiId,
CDRMPointerArray< CDrmMeteringDbData >&
aMeteringDataList )
DRMLOG( _L( "RDrmMeteringDb::GetL" ) );
// If Rights Issuer Id not available or is too long
if ( ( aRiId.Length() == 0 ) || ( aRiId.Length() > KRiIdSize ) )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
TBool found = EFalse;
RDbView view;
PushL( iDb );
InitViewLC( view );
User::LeaveIfError( iDb.Begin() );
// Examine the whole database for possible entries matching the Rights
// Issuer Id
for ( view.FirstL(); view.AtRow(); view.NextL() )
// Check whether the Rights Issuer Id in the current row matches
// the given Rights Issuer Id or not.
if ( CompareIDL( view, aRiId ) )
found = ETrue;
CDbColSet* colset = view.ColSetL();
CleanupStack::PushL( colset );
// Create a new instance of the Metering information storage
// class to be included in the given Metering data pointer
// array
CDrmMeteringDbData* meteringdata = CDrmMeteringDbData::NewLC();
TPtrC8 cid = view.ColDes8( colset->ColNo( KCIDColName ) );
meteringdata->iContentId = cid.AllocL();
meteringdata->iRiId.Copy( aRiId );
meteringdata->iCount = view.ColUint32( KDbViewCountOrdinal );
meteringdata->iAccumulatedTime =
static_cast< TTimeIntervalSeconds >\
( view.ColInt32( KDbViewAccumulatedTimeOrdinal ) );
TPtrC8 parentuid =
view.ColDes8( colset->ColNo( KParentUIDColName ) );
// Alloc has been used instead of AllocL in order not to leave
// if an error happens in the memory allocation.
meteringdata->iParentUid = parentuid.Alloc();
// Insert the instance to the Metering data pointer array
aMeteringDataList.AppendL( meteringdata );
CleanupStack::Pop( meteringdata );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( colset );
User::LeaveIfError( iDb.Commit() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // view
Pop(); // iDb
DRMLOG( _L( "RDrmMeteringDb::GetL ok" ) );
return found;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RDrmMeteringDb::DeleteL
// Delete all the metering data associated to a Rights Issuer from the database.
// Return value is ETrue if at least one entry was found. Return value is EFalse
// if no entry was found. Function will leave if an error happens when accessing
// the database or if the given Rights Issuer Id is either empty or too long.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool RDrmMeteringDb::DeleteL( const TDesC8& aRiId )
DRMLOG( _L( "RDrmMeteringDb::DeleteL" ) );
// If Rights Issuer Id is empty or is not available
if ( ( aRiId.Length() == 0 ) || ( aRiId.Length() > KRiIdSize ) )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
TBool found = EFalse;
RDbView view;
PushL( iDb );
InitViewLC( view );
User::LeaveIfError( iDb.Begin() );
for ( view.FirstL(); view.AtRow(); view.NextL() )
if ( CompareIDL( view, aRiId ) )
found = ETrue;
if ( found )
User::LeaveIfError( iDb.Commit() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // view
Pop(); // iDb
DRMLOG( _L( "RDrmMeteringDb::DeleteL ok" ) );
return found;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RDrmMeteringDb::OpenDbL
// Open the database.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RDrmMeteringDb::OpenDbL( RDbNamedDatabase& aDb,
const TDesC& aFileName )
DRMLOG( _L( "RDrmMeteringDb::OpenDbL" ) );
CDbTableNames* tables = NULL;
User::LeaveIfError( aDb.Open( *iFs, aFileName ) );
CleanupClosePushL( aDb );
if ( aDb.IsDamaged() )
User::LeaveIfError( aDb.Recover() );
// Sanity check
tables = aDb.TableNamesL();
CleanupStack::PushL( tables );
if ( tables->Count() != 1 ||
( *tables )[ 0 ].Compare( KMeteringDataTable ) )
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tables );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // aDb
DRMLOG( _L( "RDrmMeteringDb::OpenDbL ok" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RDrmMeteringDb::ReplaceDbL
// Replace the database.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RDrmMeteringDb::ReplaceDbL( RDbNamedDatabase& aDb,
const TDesC& aFileName )
DRMLOG( _L( "RDrmMeteringDb::ReplaceDbL" ) );
CDbColSet* colSet = NULL;
// Define column names and their data types
TDbCol cidCol( KCIDColName, EDbColText8 );
TDbCol riidCol( KRightIssuerColName, EDbColText8 );
TDbCol countCol( KCountColName, EDbColUint32 );
TDbCol accumulatedTimeCol( KAccumulatedTimeColName, EDbColInt32 );
TDbCol parentUIDCol( KParentUIDColName, EDbColText8 );
TDoDeleteFile deletefile = { iFs, &aFileName };
TCleanupItem item( DoDeleteFile, &deletefile );
CleanupStack::PushL( item );
User::LeaveIfError( aDb.Replace( *iFs, aFileName ) );
CleanupClosePushL( aDb );
// Add columns
colSet = CDbColSet::NewLC();
colSet->AddL( cidCol );
colSet->AddL( riidCol );
colSet->AddL( countCol );
colSet->AddL( accumulatedTimeCol );
colSet->AddL( parentUIDCol);
// Create indices
TDbKeyCol cidKeyCol( KCIDColName );
TDbKeyCol riidKeyCol( KRightIssuerColName );
CDbKey* key = CDbKey::NewLC();
key->AddL( cidKeyCol );
key->AddL( riidKeyCol );
User::LeaveIfError( aDb.Begin() );
User::LeaveIfError( aDb.CreateTable( KMeteringDataTable, *colSet ) );
User::LeaveIfError( aDb.CreateIndex( KMeteringDataTable,
*key ) );
User::LeaveIfError( aDb.Commit() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, colSet ); // key, colset
CleanupStack::Pop(); // aDb
CleanupStack::Pop(); // item
DRMLOG( _L( "RDrmMeteringDb::ReplaceDbL ok" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RDrmMeteringDb::InitViewLC
// Initialize the view.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RDrmMeteringDb::InitViewLC( RDbView& aView )
DRMLOG( _L( "RDrmMeteringDb::InitViewLC" ) );
aView.Prepare( iDb,
TDbQuery( KViewInitQuery, EDbCompareCollated ),
RDbRowSet::EUpdatable ) );
CleanupClosePushL( aView );
User::LeaveIfError( aView.EvaluateAll() );
DRMLOG( _L( "RDrmMeteringDb::InitViewLC ok" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RDrmMeteringDb::CompareIDL
// Compare the Rights Issuer Id and Content Id to their counterparts in the current
// row of the view. Return value is ETrue only if both the Content Id and the Rights
// Issuer Id match their counterpart Ids in the view.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool RDrmMeteringDb::CompareIDL( RDbRowSet& aView,
const TDesC8& aCID,
const TDesC8& aRiId )
DRMLOG( _L( "RDrmMeteringDb::CompareIDL" ) );
TBool res = EFalse;
CDbColSet* colset = aView.ColSetL();
CleanupStack::PushL( colset );
TPtrC8 riid = aView.ColDes8( colset->ColNo( KRightIssuerColName ) );
TBuf8< KRiIdSize > buf = riid;
TPtrC8 cid = aView.ColDes8( colset->ColNo( KCIDColName ) );
HBufC8* des = cid.AllocLC();
if ( ( aRiId.CompareC( buf ) == 0 ) && ( aCID.CompareC( *des ) == 0 ) )
res = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( des );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( colset );
DRMLOG( _L( "RDrmMeteringDb::CompareIDL ok" ) );
return res;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RDrmMeteringDb::CompareIDL
// Compare whether the rowset's ID matches the given ID. For comparison of
// Rights Issuer ID. Overloaded.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool RDrmMeteringDb::CompareIDL( RDbRowSet& aView,
const TDesC8& aRiId )
DRMLOG( _L( "RDrmMeteringDb::CompareIDL" ) );
TBool res = EFalse;
CDbColSet* colset = aView.ColSetL();
CleanupStack::PushL( colset );
TPtrC8 riid = aView.ColDes8( colset->ColNo( KRightIssuerColName ) );
TBuf8< KRiIdSize > buf = riid;
if ( aRiId.CompareC( buf ) == 0 )
res = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( colset );
DRMLOG( _L( "RDrmMeteringDb::CompareIDL ok" ) );
return res;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RDrmMeteringDb::PushL
// Push a cleanup item to cleanup stack.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RDrmMeteringDb::PushL( RDbDatabase& aDb )
TCleanupItem item( DoRollBack, &aDb );
CleanupStack::PushL( item );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RDrmMeteringDB::Pop
// Pop a cleanup item pushed in by PushL.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RDrmMeteringDb::Pop()
// End of File